
Characters Creations (personalities) that come from your head.

Climax The moment of highest tension in your story when the conflict
comes to a head.

Close up When writing a script, the direction used to describe a full
face of your character. Close ups help you design an exciting page.
Often they are pop images such as a close up of an eye, mouth, object,

Collaborate To work with another person. If you are the artist, you
collaborate with a writer. If you are the writer you collaborate with an

Color coding When plotting, assigning each character a color.

Color palette The range of colors. Your palette can be from a box of
crayons or your computer.

Comic book convention An inspirational place to go to meet creators
and get your work looked at by professionals. A place where graphic
novelists and comic books professionals meet and greet.

Communicate Talk. Speaking the same language. To exchange
information. 1. Your characters communicate through dialogue to each
other. 2. You communicate your story to your reader.

Conflict The struggle between the Protagonist and the Antagonist.