Select a dark green (not black) avocado. Do not try to squeeze it to see how ripe it is, as this bruises the soft flesh underneath and leads to those ugly brown spots in the flesh. Instead, pick up a dark green specimen and gently push the stem to the side. Below the stem should be a vibrant green color. If it is brown or pale, it is either overripe or underripe. If you are buying many avocados at once, choose a bag of bright green avocados and allow them to ripen at room temperature until the above is true.
Pitting an avocado is quite easy if you know what to do. Done with care and safety, removing the pit is a walk in the park. Follow my step-by-step photos opposite to pit like a pro!
1. Slide your knife into the flesh and cut all the way around (lengthwise is the best option), trying to finish at the place where you began. Make sure the knife reaches all the way to the pit. Then twist the halves apart, exposing the pit.
2. Whack the pit with the sharp edge of the knife blade, embedding the blade in the pit. Then turn the knife 90 degrees, freeing the pit from the flesh.
3. Depending on the recipe, you can cut the avocado into cubes with the point of a knife while it is still in the skin and then scoop out the flesh with a spoon or, for perfect slices, peel the skin off the whole half and slice the avocado on a cutting board.
Keeping avocados from browning may be one of those mysteries of the universe people are always trying to solve. Do you leave the pit in? Cover it in plastic, tinfoil or wax paper? Do you salt it or not? Squeeze citrus juice all over it?
I’ve tried all of these methods and none of them works. But I have stumbled upon a method that works 100 percent of the time and will keep your avocado from browning for up to 24 hours. This method works best with larger sections of avocado that still have the skin on them. Small pieces of avocado will absorb more water and should not be left in the soak for more than a few hours.
Here are the three easy steps:
1. Fill a small bowl with room-temperature water.
2. Stir in 1 teaspoon of sea salt until dissolved.
3. Place the cut avocado in the bowl, keeping the flesh side down (skin side up), cover, and refrigerate until needed (up to 24 hours).