abolitionism 4, 7, 23, 32, 33, 194, 196, 220, 221, 236, 237, 246, 249, 251

Abyssinia (historic name for present-day Eritrea) 37, 227

Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807 6, 184

Aden 44, 52, 83, 85, 86, 105, 119, 143, 144, 145, 151, 153, 164, 188, 198, 237, 252

Admiralty 27, 29, 37, 39, 54, 71, 153, 184, 185, 186, 188, 208, 217, 219, 220, 230

Afghanistan 85, 149

Aitchison, Charles 85

Alabama, CSS 39, 249

alcoholism 1001, 118

Ali (see “interpreters”)

Amazon class 39, 82

Aminha 1, 4, 131

Angoche 25, 124, 159

Annesley Bay 34, 37, 43, 44

Anstie Grange 247

Antananarivo 97

Anti-Slavery Reporter 235

Anti-Slavery Society 5, 230

apprenticeship 1967

Arabian Peninsula 44, 46, 52, 111, 117, 125, 143

Arabian Sea 5, 31, 47, 54, 72, 219, 225

Arabic 49, 115, 124, 168, 226

Arabs 46, 64, 158, 194, 201, 233

Arctic 278

Articles of War 41, 60, 102

Ascension Island 42

baghlah 69

Bahrain 228

Bakaat 2, 131

Baltic Sea 219

Baluchis 50

Barghash (see “Said, Sultan Barghash bin”)

Basra 162

Beecroft, Consul John 1920, 23

Belcher, Admiral Sir Edward 278

Black Sea 34, 203

blockade 7, 23, 36, 72, 236, 252

Bloodhound, HMS 1921

Bombay (historic name of present-day Mumbai) 5, 8, 24, 35, 36, 38, 43, 46, 47, 55, 72, 83, 845, 878, 90, 144, 149, 151, 152, 153, 161, 162, 165, 193, 202, 2157, 225, 251, 252

bounties 105, 110, 185, 201

Brazil 14, 19, 25, 26, 32, 54, 55, 155

Breen, William 74, 76, 160

British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society 5

Briton, HMS 256

Brooke, Gerard 180

Bruce, Admiral Sir Henry 23

Bull, John 42, 45

Burma 149

Bushire, Persia 161

Calcutta (historic name for present-day Kolkata) 36, 85, 149, 150, 161

Cambridge, HMS 40

Cape of Good Hope 191

Cape St. Andrew 169, 170

Cape Town 42, 105, 153

capitalism 3, 185, 262

Caribbean 33, 155, 196

Castor, HMS 155, 168, 217, 2556

Cavendish, Lord George Henry 237, 238

Ceylon (historic name for present-day Sri Lanka) 115, 1623, 164, 226

Cheltenham, England 2434

China 32, 40, 88, 115, 149, 224, 225

cholera 224

Christianity 32, 33, 61, 62, 66, 107, 123, 129, 182, 206, 236, 244

Christian Observer 233

Churchill, Consul Henry 512, 8890, 145, 153, 164, 193, 249, 252

Church Missionary Society 257

Civil War, U.S. 4, 5, 33, 40, 249

Clarendon, George Villiers, Earl of 21720, 221

Clarke, Norman 92, 1078, 1268, 144, 2001, 207

cloves 23, 46, 47, 48, 87, 205, 225

coal 85, 106, 143, 172, 187, 202

Cockburn, 8th Baronet, Admiral Sir George 245

coconut 5

Coffee, Ben 141

Colomb, Cdr Philip.

career background 28, 525; family 27; promotion 30; signals research 2830; views on race 6, 33, 124, 1778, 212

Columbine, HMS 256

Comoro Islands 634, 115

Pakenham, Conolly 613, 164, 165, 2089

copal 46, 87, 150, 193, 205c

Cornwall, U.K. 24, 37, 244, 245, 253

Costa Leal, Fernando da 192

cotton 47, 67, 84, 87, 88, 150, 165, 168, 198, 216, 225

Crimean War (see “Russian War”)

Cruz, Antonio (“Bonga”) José da 157, 159, 169, 170

Cuba 14, 32, 185

Daphne, HMS 3841, 252, 255, 257

Darwin, Charles 24, 244

dates 87, 149, 151, 162

Defence, HMS 28

dhow 48, 55, 69, 70, 73, 79

Dickens, Charles 33, 218

Dillon, Dr. William 158, 171, 172

domestic slavery 150, 222, 235

Dryad, HMS 52, 55, 69

East India Company 31, 161, 237, 251

East Indies Station 37, 43, 47, 216

Emancipation Act of 1833 31, 184, 196

engagés 63, 157, 1678, 173, 189, 1912, 196, 198, 242, 257

engineers 57, 58, 122, 134

Fairfax, Admiral Sir Henry 218

Feighly, Henry 60

Ferejd 96, 174

Fitzgerald, Sir William Robert Seymour Vesey 845

Flushing 244, 245

Foreign Office 149, 153, 184, 185, 186, 201, 217, 218, 221, 222, 226, 230, 241, 250

former slaves 11920, 142, 1968, 206

Forte, HMS 130, 225

France 1612, 172, 2189

and engagé labour (see “engagé”); and Madagascar 165, 242; relationship with Britain 219; slavery 63, 79, 93, 167, 168

Franklin, Sir John 27

free trade 4, 323, 66, 86, 1645, 185, 219, 236, 250, 255

Frere, Sir Henry Bartle 251, 2523

Fretter, Ed 207

Gallinas River 15, 16

Gilpin, Charles 237

Gladstone, William 184, 230, 236, 2501, 252

Gurney, Russell 237

Hay, Sir John 237, 241, 242

head money (see “bounties”)

Heath, Arthur 2478

Heath, Vice Admiral Sir Leopold 6, 31

career background 1823, 30, 347; family 18; promotion 247; retirement 248; views on race 36, 246

Heroine, HMS 147

Hill, George 60, 207

Hodgson, Sub-Lieutenant Tom 128, 143, 144, 200

Hurrex, Tom 158, 171

Hutchinson, James 60

Illustrated London News 232

indentured servitude 63, 156, 167, 196, 1978

India 55, 71, 197, 225, 251

as eastern capital of the British Empire 149, 150; and ivory trade 879, 161, 205, 2167, 228; and slavery 49, 8990, 179, 192, 217, 237; Viceroy of (see “Mayo, Viceroy of India, Richard Bourke, Earl of ”)

Indian Ocean 54, 84

currents 131; slave trade 50, 52, 216, 251; commerce 47, 69, 85, 88, 117, 150

Indus, HMS 40

interpreters 165, 168, 201, 215

Ireland 134, 55, 94

Islam 116, 123, 172

Ismailia, Egypt 225

ivory 24, 467, 48, 66, 68, 87, 88, 150, 155, 156, 165, 193, 205, 217, 225

Johanna Island 63, 64, 115

Johnson, Ben 57

Jumah, interpreter on HMS Pantaloon and Daphne 489, 769, 103, 118, 15960, 170, 1712

Kenya 23, 69

Keonga 107, 165, 187, 200

Kiada 1, 131

kidnapping 49, 67, 103, 118, 132, 191

Kilwa 2, 70, 77, 132

King, Tom 57

Kinnaird, 10th Lord Kinnaird, Arthur 237, 241, 250

Kipling, Rudyard 149

Kirk, Dr. John 193, 205

and David Livingstone 164; relationship with Heath’s squadron 165, 186, 206; as Vice Admiralty Court judge 187, 193, 202, 228; views on race 203

Kosoko, Oba of Lagos 18, 23

Kroomen 79, 20, 42, 44, 45, 57, 76, 137, 1401, 180, 195, 224, 228, 238, 255

Kroo-Town 8, 42

Kutch (former Princely State in India) 89, 193

Lagos 1923, 36, 238, 248

Lamu Island 72, 206

Letten, Tom 160

Livingstone, David 5, 323, 54, 669, 157, 164, 167, 186, 188, 231, 233, 235, 236, 249

Loch, George 118

London 34, 57, 67, 88, 105, 120, 149, 151, 217, 219, 234, 236, 245, 247

London, HMS 2535, 256, 257

London Missionary Society 32

Lyra, HMS 37, 169

Mabluk 2, 132

Madagascar 5, 24, 32, 36, 79, 96, 120, 175, 179

and imperial France 242; and Christianity (see “Christianity”); political history 612

Magnet, HMS 59

Mahé Island 44, 11920, 1423

Majan 208

Majunga 92, 96, 173, 1769, 20912.

Malagasy 623, 79, 924, 98, 115, 165, 177, 182, 20812, 242

Malawi 23

Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of 221

Maria Theresa Dollars 125, 202

Marlborough 79, 83, 120

Marsh, John 147

Masumamhe 2, 132

Masuk 2, 132

Mauritius 31, 143, 144, 192, 194, 1969, 208, 209

Mayotta Island 167, 1712, 196

Mayo, Viceroy of India, Richard Bourke, Earl of 150

Meara, Cdr Edward Spencer 6

career background 147, 28, 55; family 134; views on race 244

Meara, George 14

Mecca 203

Mediterranean 27, 53, 225

millet 5

Milne, Sir Alexander 225

Mission Life 234

Mitchell, William 57, 1289, 243

Mohammed, Sultan Hamoud bin 258

Monitor, USS 3940

monsoon 36, 6970, 72, 73, 84, 91, 102, 111, 117, 122, 135, 143

Moosa, Saleh bin 1137, 1235, 137, 195, 20912

Moresby Treaty 47

Morjakibo 208

Morning Post 233

mortgages 87, 179

Mortimer, Dr. Edward 64, 66, 81, 101

Mozambique 23, 92, 98, 1556, 168

Channel 24, 91, 167, 16973, 191, 210, 242, 255; Island 155, 1589, 168, 1902

Mukalla, town in present-day Yemen 117, 124

Muscat; see “Oman, Sultanate of Muscat”

Napier, Sir Robert 345

Napoleon III, Emperor 93

Nassau, HMS 255, 257

newspapers 32, 22930, 249, 251, 252

Niger, HMS 1723

Nyasa, Lake 1, 2, 132

Nymphe, HMS 13, 42, 5560

O’Connor, Dr. Daniel 2234

Octavia, HMS 34, 37, 71, 260

Oman, Sultanate of Muscat and 24, 46, 79, 111, 1501, 161, 216, 252

Orton, Richard 423, 74

Ottoman Empire 203

Otway, Arthur 218

Overland Route 242, 257

Pacific and Orient Lines 524, 163, 183

Pall Mall 245

Pall Mall Gazette 231, 235, 251

Palmerston, Henry John Temple Viscount 184

Pantaloon, HMS 4850, 76, 172

Paulo Marianno 156

Paulo Marianno II (Matekenya) 157, 159, 168

Parliament, U.K. 4, 31, 33, 184, 23642, 249, 250

pay (of Royal Navy officers and seamen) 81, 1046, 110, 145, 204

pearls 149, 161

Pemba Island 467, 72, 87, 146, 205

Penny Illustrated Paper 231, 234

Perseverance (merchant barque) 209

Persia (historic name for present-day Iran) 32, 1613

Persian Gulf 5, 24, 37, 54, 67, 71, 72, 84, 90, 117, 149, 151, 1612, 228, 241

Peters, Charles 132, 248

Phoenix, HMS 278, 55

piracy 25, 31, 49, 103, 149, 155, 159, 161, 194, 225

Pitcher, John 113, 1167

plantation 5, 23, 24, 46, 48, 50, 51, 64, 72, 79, 87, 1567, 1967, 199, 221

prices (of the enslaved) 7, 67, 79, 103, 151, 168

Plymouth 3740

Portsmouth 19, 523, 2534

Port Louis (see “Mauritius”) Portugal 170, 197, 221

colonialism 1556, 1589, 161; Portuguese in Mozambique 1567, 169; and slavery 160, 168, 18992, 242

Port Victoria, Seychelles 119, 142, 174

prize money 100, 145, 204, 240, 243, 245

Quelimane 159, 190, 192

quinine 25, 109, 209

Rakotovao 177, 180

ram bow 3940

Ramasy 97, 173, 20910

Ranavalona II, Queen 62, 92, 177

Ras Madraka 111, 121

Reading Mercury 233

Red Sea 345, 36, 37, 44, 52, 84, 117, 131, 225, 226

renagadism 6, 186, 201, 226

Réunion Island 167, 196

rice 1, 47, 79, 80, 98, 179, 180, 195

rigging 41, 192, 200

Rifleman, HMS 254, 257

Rigby, Christopher Palmer 237

Rosekie, Nobie 57

Rothery, Henry 218, 226, 23940, 260

Rovuma River 1067

Russell, Sir Edward 856, 151, 198

Russian War (Crimean War) 6, 30, 346, 59, 219, 237, 244, 253

Said, Sultan Barghash bin 249, 2512, 255, 257

Said, Sultan Majid bin 45, 48, 502, 878, 89, 150, 153, 203, 219

Saleh (see “Moosa, Saleh bin”)

San Antonio River 1689, 170

Sewji, Jairam 878, 179

Sabouri (of Mozambique) 208

Sabourri (of Zanzibar) 2225

Select Committee on the Slave Trade, 1871 23642, 248, 249

Semaquail 208

Seychelles Islands 44, 11920, 1423, 174, 1978, 2067

Shaw-Lefevre, George 237

Shearwater, HMS 257

Shilston, John 2234

ship’s agent 105

Sierra Leone 8, 41, 55

signals and signaling apparatus 2830, 1123, 122, 133, 135, 246

Siman 16

Singapore 149

slave market (for Zanzibar’s slave market, see “Zanzibar; slave market”) 3, 70, 77, 117, 191

Slave Trade Department 1845

smallpox 81, 120

Socotra Island 57

Solyman River 156

Somerset Case 221

Spain 7, 25, 218

steam propulsion 39, 49, 59, 246, 253

Suez Canal 44, 188, 225

sugar 5, 23, 36, 64, 83, 93, 155, 167, 172, 196, 199, 242

Sulivan, Captain George.

career background 257, 489, 64; family 24, 244; promotion 2034; religion 6, 206; views on race 33, 120

Sulivan, Henrietta 27, 244, 254

Sur, Oman 1245

Swahili 64, 68, 115, 124, 192, 242

Tamatave 61, 164, 178, 208, 210

Tanzania 23, 69

Thetis, HMS 257

Tippu Tip 689, 87, 156

Tozer, William 157, 192

transatlantic slave trade 4, 5, 7, 14, 156, 233

Treasury 34, 105, 106, 184, 185, 186, 217, 218, 226, 236, 239, 243

Trebizond, Ottoman province 203

Trincomalee, Ceylon 1624

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 251

United Kingdom 7, 23, 61, 165, 186, 249

free trade and the (see “free trade”); government (see “Parliament, U.K.”); opinions about slavery 4, 323, 184, 221; relationship with Zanzibar 149, 206, 220, 230, 248, 258

United States 39, 62, 88, 249

Civil War (see “Civil War, U.S.”); slavery 7, 14, 26, 155, 236; Zanzibar and 48, 51, 252

Vice Admiralty Court 1056, 119, 145, 153, 164, 172, 187, 191, 193, 202, 209, 216, 218, 220, 226

Victoria, Queen 7, 92, 1778, 248

Vivian, Hussey 2189

Wales 250

Walker, Henry 113, 210

Waterford, Ireland 134

West Africa 7, 17, 19, 41, 243

Preventative Squadron 4, 6, 14, 152, 184; slave trade 184

Westminster 85, 184, 237, 245, 249, 250

Westminster Review 251

Whitehead, William 57 “white slavery” 203

Wilberforce, William 6, 33, 133

Wylde, William 1856, 218

Zambesi River 190

Zangora 76, 83

Zanzibar 12, 24, 50, 69, 70, 82, 8490, 103, 10811, 1245, 145, 153, 194, 201, 220, 230, 2378, 241, 248, 251, 255, 258

colonial capital 32, 167, 206; entrepôt 46, 151; harbour 48, 723, 90, 1259, 186, 200, 204, 2534; slave market 23, 36, 45, 49, 67, 93, 188, 203, 205, 252, 256; Sultanate 36, 47, 68, 14950

Zaro 1517