Adiantum species, 70–71, 80–83
Aeonium canariense, 96–99
‘Afterglow’ echeveria, 108–111
agate, 32, 102–103. See also carnelian agate
Aiello, Amy Bryant, 11
air circulation/humidity, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
airplants, 40–42, 100–101, 102–103, 176–177
aloes, 120–121, 132–133, 172–175
ammonite, 34–35, 92–95, 180–183
Anacampseros telephiastrum ‘Variegata’, 138–139
angel wing begonia, 62–63
angry bunny plant (Utricularia sandersonii), 43, 104–105, 106–107, 180–183
aragonite, 30, 31, 32, 102–103
Arc of Darkness terrarium, 134–135
Barbed Beauty terrarium, 78–79
baseball plant (Euphorbia obesa), 140–141
Basking in the Afterglow terrarium, 108–111
beach terrariums
Basking in the Afterglow, 108–111
Celestial Bodies, 90–91
Drifting Reef, 86–87
Essence of Ocean, 88–89
Flowers for Medusa, 104–105
A Girl’s Best Friend, 92–95
The Golden Spiral, 100–101
The Lost Beach, 96–99
Rocks in a Ring, 106–107
Seaside Cornucopia, 102–103
beard lichens (Usnea species), 45, 46, 47, 100–101
begonias, 19, 45, 62–63, 68–69
Bird by Bird terrarium, 160–161
‘Black Fancy’ begonia, 68–69
‘Bloody Mary’ peperomia, 58–61
blushing bride (Tillandsia ionantha), 102–103, 104–105, 176–177, 184–185
bones, 34–35, 81, 96–99, 164–165, 178–179, 186–187
Bowie’s aloe (Aloe bowiea), 132–133
bulbous airplant (Tillandsia bulbosa), 40–41, 102–103, 170–171
cacti. See succulents and cacti
Canary Island aeonium (Aeonium canariense), 96–99
‘Cape Blanco’ stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’), 90–91
carnelian agate, 32, 102–103, 128–131, 164–165, 170–171
carnivorous plants, 19, 42–43, 48, 64–65, 66–67, 106–107, 180–183
Caudex Vortex terrarium, 118–119
Celestial Bodies terrarium, 90–91
celestine (or celestite), 30, 31, 32
citrine points, 30, 31, 32, 146–149, 176–177
Cladonia rangiferina, 45, 46, 47
clear calcite crystals, 32, 170–171
Cooper’s haworthia (Haworthia cooperi var. pilifera), 150–153
Costa Rican peperomia (Peperomia costaricensis), 134–135
Cotyledon undulata, 146–149
crassulas, 86–87, 88–89, 136–137, 138–139, 144–145, 162–163
Crescent Moon terrarium, 154–155
crushed lava rock, 22, 23, 138–139, 180–183
crystals, 30, 31, 32. See also specific terrariums
Dangling Participles terrarium, 186–187
decorative materials, 25, 26–33, 34–35
delta-shaped aloe (Aloe deltoideodonta var. candicans), 172–175
Desert Solitude terrarium, 128–131
desert surprise plants (Kalanchoe humilis), 172–175
desert terrariums
Arc of Darkness, 134–135
Caudex Vortex, 118–119
Clair de Lune, 146–149
Crescent Moon, 154–155
Desert Solitude, 128–131
Dos Pueblos, 156–157
Eternal Flame, 132–133
Green Silkworms, 144–145
Hello, Aloe, 120–121
Lavender and Lace, 122–125
Ménage à Trois, 136–137
Rock and Rose, 114–117
The Shape of Time, 126–127
Suspended Hearts, 142–143
Terrestrial Orb, 140–141
Test Tube Babies, 138–139
Under African Skies, 150–153
Dionaea muscipula, 42–43, 76–77
Dolichousnea longissima, 46, 47, 72–73, 96–99, 160–161, 186–187
Dos Pueblos terrarium, 156–157
double cube pyrite in matrix, 32, 68–69
Drifting Reef terrarium, 86–87
dry planting mix, 19
Dusky Angel terrarium, 62–63
dwarf echeverias (Echeveria bella f. bella), 156–157
echeverias, 108–111, 122–125, 154–155, 156–157
Essence of Ocean terrarium, 88–89
Eternal Flame terrarium, 132–133
Euphorbia obesa, 140–141
Exotic Landscape terrarium, 58–61
fairy washboard plant (Haworthia limifolia), 38–39, 128–131
fantasy terrariums
Bird by Bird, 160–161
Dangling Participles, 186–187
Feather Fantasy, 176–177
From Grandma’s Jewel Box, 162–163
Ice Queen, 172–175
Mr. Carlyle and the Grumpy Bunny, 180–183
The Old Victrola, 168–169
Omnium Gatherum, 166–167
Remains of the Day, 178–179
Suspended in a Sunbeam, 184–185
Tiny Bubbles, 164–165
Trilogy, 170–171
Feather Fantasy terrarium, 176–177
feather moss (Ptilium species), 46, 47, 72–73, 74–75, 78–79, 108–111, 162–163, 166–167, 172–175
feathers, 34–35, 162–163, 170–171, 176–177, 184–185, 186–187
fertilization, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45
Flowers for Medusa terrarium, 104–105
fluorspar, 32
forest terrariums
Barbed Beauty, 78–79
Dusky Angel, 62–64
Exotic Landscape, 58–61
King of the Forest, 80–83
Love Letters From Venus, 76–77
Maidens Unfrocked, 70–71
Midnight Tropicale, 68–69
Nobody Holds a Candle to You, Dear!, 64–65
Pitchers at an Exhibition, 66–67
Rainforest Raindrop, 72–73
The Tor, 74–75
fossilized nautilus shell, 34–35, 92–95, 180–183
foundation (or substrate), 19, 20–21, 22–23
‘Fred Ives’ graptoverias (Graptoveria ‘Fred Ives’), 172–175
From Grandma’s Jewel Box terrarium, 162–163
garnet sand, 20, 21. See also specific terrariums
geodes (or Mexican geodes), 30, 31, 32, 162–163
A Girl’s Best Friend terrarium, 92–95
glass bubbles, 34–35, 58–61, 88–89, 166–167
glass containers, 14–15
The Golden Spiral terrarium, 100–101
Graptoveria ‘Fred Ives’, 172–175
Green Silkworms terrarium, 144–145
haworthia-leaved aloe (Aloe haworthioides), 120–121, 128–131
haworthias, 38–39, 92–95, 100–101, 120–121, 128–131, 150–153
See also specific terrariums
Herkimer diamonds, 32, 100–101
humidity. See air circulation/humidity
Ice Queen terrarium, 172–175
iron pyrite, 32
jade necklace plants, 86–87, 138–139
Japanese maple samaras, 34–35, 178–179, 184–185
Kalanchoe humilis, 172–175
King of the Forest terrarium, 80–83
Lavender and Lace terrarium, 122–125
lichen, 45–47. See also specific terrariums lids, 16
light, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46.
Lithops species, 126–127, 150–153
living stone plant (Lithops species), 126–127, 150–153
‘Lola’ echeveria, 154–155
The Lost Beach terrarium, 96–99
Love Letters From Venus terrarium, 76–77
magnolia seedpods, 186–187
maidenhair fern (Adiantum species), 70–71, 80–83
Medusa’s heads (Tillandsia caput-medusae), 104–105
Ménage à Trois terrarium, 136–137
Mexican geodes, 30, 31, 32, 162–163
Midnight Tropicale terrarium, 68–69
mix-it-up terrariums, 48, 50–51
moisture, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Monterey beach pebbles, 22, 23. See also specific terrariums
Monterey beach sand, 20, 21. See also specific terrariums
mood moss (Dicranum species), 46, 47, 58–61, 106–107, 160–161, 168–169, 186–187
mossballs, 44–45, 58–60, 62–63
mosses, 45–47. See also specific terrariums
Mr. Carlyle and the Grumpy Bunny terrarium, 180–183
Muhlenbeckia complexa, 70–71
natural lichen, 108–111, 146–149, 160–161
natural material ideas, 34–35
nautilus shells, 26, 27, 28, 88–89, 100–101, 108–111. See also shells; ammonite
Nobody Holds a Candle to You, Dear! terrarium, 64–65
non-living terrariums, 48
non-natural material ideas, 34–35
old man’s beard lichen (Dolichousnea longissima), 46, 47, 72–73, 96–99, 160–161, 186–187
The Old Victrola terrarium, 168–169
Omnium Gatherum terrarium, 166–167
ornamental grass flower stalks, 35, 150–153
pebbles, 22–23
peperomias, 19, 45, 58–61, 134–135
Petopentia natalensis, 118–119
petrified wood and agate shards, 22, 23
pitcher plants, 43, 64–65, 66–67
planting mixes, 19
plants. See also lichen; mosses
succulents and cacti
specific terrariums
carnivorous, 19, 42–43, 48, 64–65, 66–67, 106–107, 180–183
four variables involved in care of, 37
in mossballs, 44–45, 58–60, 62–63
Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’, 114–117
Portulacaria afra ‘Variegta’, 136–137
propeller vine (Petopentia natalensis), 118–119
Ptilium species, 46, 47, 72–73, 74–75, 78–79, 108–111, 162–163, 166–167, 172–175
Pulido’s echeveria (Echeveria pulidonis), 122–125
pure quartz sand, 20, 21. See also specific terrariums
pyrite stones. See raw pyrite stones
quartz cluster, 78–79, 80–83, 102–103
quartz crystal points, 30, 31, 32, 90–91, 96–99, 146–149, 162–163, 172–175, 186–187
rainbow bush (Portulacaria afra ‘Variegta’), 136–137
Rainforest Raindrop terrarium, 72–73
raw fluorite rocks (or fluorspar), 32, 92–95, 106–107
raw pyrite stones (or iron pyrite), 30, 31, 32, 58–61, 68–69, 114–117, 132–133
reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina), 45, 46, 47. See also specific terrariums
Remains of the Day terrarium, 178–179
river rocks, 22, 23. See also specific terrariums
Rock and Rose terrarium, 114–117
rocks, 22–23. See also specific terrariums
Rocks in a Ring terrarium, 106–107
rosebush root, 58–61
‘Royal Flush’ split rock plant (Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’), 114–117
sea fans, 26, 27, 28, 86–87, 122–125
Seaside Cornucopia terrarium, 102–103
sea urchins, 26, 27, 28, 80–83, 92–95
Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’, 90–91
selenite pieces or shards, 30, 31, 32, 74–75
selenite rose, 30, 31, 32, 114–117
Senecio haworthii, 88–89
The Shape of Time terrarium, 126–127
shells, 26, 27–29, 96–99, 104–105, 166–167, 168–169. See also nautilus shells; ammonite
silver crown plant (Cotyledon undulata), 146–149
silver squill (Ledebouria socialis), 68–69, 136–137
size of containers, 16
speckled rocks, 22, 23, 70–71, 185
spirit quartz, 30, 31, 32, 86–87
split rock plant (Pleiospilos nelii), 114–117
stones, 22–23, 68–69. See also specific terrariums
string of buttons plant (Crassula perforata), 162–163
string of hearts vine (Ceropegia woodii), 142–143
striped fox shells, 26, 27, 28
substrate. See foundation (or substrate)
succulents and cacti, 19, 38–39
Basking in the Afterglow terrarium, 108–111
Clair de Lune terrarium, 146–149
Desert Solitude terrarium, 128–131
Drifting Reef terrarium, 86–87
Essence of Ocean terrarium, 88–89
Eternal Flame terrarium, 132–133
From Grandma’s Jewel Box terrarium, 162–163
Green Silkworms terrarium, 144–145
Hello, Aloe terrarium, 120–121
Ice Queen terrarium, 172–175
Ménage à Trois terrarium, 136–137
Midnight Tropicale terrarium, 68–69
sunrise plant (Anacampseros telephiastrum ‘Variegata’), 138–139
Suspended Hearts terrarium, 142–143
Suspended in a Sunbeam terrarium, 184–185
all about the, 11
appreciating life and death of, 54
assembling your, 49–55
beach, 84–111
desert, 113–157
fantasy, 159–187
forest, 56–83
foundation (or substrate) of, 18–23
non-living, 48
selecting decorative materials for, 25–35
suspended, 49, 72–73, 78–79, 122–125, 142–143, 164–165, 170–171, 178–179, 184–185, 186–187
wet, 48
Terrestrial Orb terrarium, 140–141
Test Tube Babies terrarium, 138–139
tiger shells, 104–105
tillandsias, 40–41, 102–103, 104–105, 170–171, 176–177, 184–185
Tiny Bubbles terrarium, 164–165
tiny mixed polished stones, 22, 23
‘Tom Thumb’ crassula, 136–137
The Tor terrarium, 74–75
Trilogy terrarium, 170–171
Under African Skies terrarium, 150–153
Usnea species, 45, 46, 47, 100–101
Utricularia sandersonii, 43, 104–105, 106–107, 180–183
vanadinite, 30, 31, 32, 128–131
‘Variegata’ peperomia, 58–61
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), 42–43, 76–77
‘Victoriana’ airplant (Tillandsia ‘Victoriana’), 100–101, 102–103
vines, 70–71, 118–119, 142–143
wet terrariums, 48
whiskbroom airplant (Tillandsia juncea), 176–177
white pebbles, 22, 23. See also specific terrariums
wire vine (Muhlenbeckia complexa), 70–71
woolly senecio (Senecio haworthii), 88–89