Academy Awards: Rosemary's Baby 151
Alien 161 –8 ; “Abortion Parable”, as 162 ; dangers of visual contact 161 ; everyday reality, distance from 67 ; fetuses 163 –168 see also fetuses ; Freud , and 162 ; hostile-fetus 165 ; human interiors 150 ; male vulnerability 164 –6 ; Mother 164 ; psychoanalytic approach 162 ; sex and gender, disagreement over 162 ; test-tube baby, and 166 ; undefined borders, anxiety of 166
Bad Seed, The 2 , 5 , 69 , 151 , 173
Becker, Ernest 49
Bixby, Jerome 2
Blatty, William Peter 129 –30 , 144
Brat Camp 174
Baudrillard, Jean 68
Berenstein, Rhona 166
Bollywood 108 –125 ; barometer for India's economy 109 –10 ; Gauri 121 –5 see also Gauri ; Hindi cinema , 109 –11 see also Hindi cinema ; horror, and 108 –125 ; liberalization of India's economy, and 108 ; Phoonk 117 –21 see also Phoonk ; Ringu , and 110 ; textual hybridity, and 112
Bozzuto, James C. 143
Büssing, Sabine 154
Buttenwieser, Sarah Werthan 174
CGI (computer-generated imagery); infants 39 –43 ; metaphor, and 42 ; new and improved technology 42 ; Splice , and 41 –2
Charcot, Jean-Martin 131 , 135 –7
Children of the Corn ; feral children 13
Cloud, John 100
Cobbs, John 161
Constable, Catherine 162
Creed, Barbara 131 , 138 –9 , 154 –5
Dionysus; Supernanny , and 178 , 185
Douglas, Ann 130
Duden, Barbara 155
Dumbledore; avoidance of sole culpability 87 –8 ; blind spots of 95 ; cave, and 101 ; closeting of 99 ; Death Eaters, and 92 ; educator, as 94 –5 ; evil, views on 95 –6 ; Freud, and 104 ; homosexual, as 99 ; intelligence of 101 ; Katz, lesson of 89 ; manipulation, and 92 –3 ; Merope, and 94 ; methods and motives of 67 ; murder of 96 ; pederast, as 100 ; poison, and 89 –90 ; regret of 102 ; Riddle, Tom see Tom Riddle ; theory of evil, and 96 ; wizard culture 90
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 11
ethics 66 –84 ; Exorcist, The 66 ; Halloween 69 –72 see also Halloween ; Home Movie and 77 –82 see also Home Movie ; interpretation of 69 ; Joshua 72 –7 see also Joshua ; Orphan 82 –4 see also Orphan ; reassurance, and 68 –9
Exorcist, The 129 –45 ; arc , and 136 ; Augustine 134 –5 , 141 ; Bollywood, and 110 ; Cold War, and 144 ; demonological and medical discourses, tensions between 134 ; dissociation, and 131 –2 ; ethics 66 ; female orgasms, and 136 ; film vs book, comparison of 138 ; Folie à Deux 141 –3 see also Folie à Deux ; Freud 130 –1 see also Freud, Sigmund ; good vs evil, as 141 ; history, and 3 ; infants, and 28 ; Oedipal conflict 130 , 132 , 145 ; omissions of film 137 ; Ouija board, and 140 ; political interest, and 134 ; possession 9 ; reaction of 3 ; rebellion, and 143 –4 ; rejection of male scrutiny 139 ; shock value of 129 ; textbook hysteria 135
female audiences; Alien , and 166
female vulnerability; Alien , and 153
feral children 11 –15 ; animalistic nature of 14 –15 ; Beware! Children at Play 13 ; disease or mysterious event 12 –13 ; A High Wind in Jamaica 11 –12 ; Lord of the Flies , and 12 , 14 ; Offspring , and 13 –14 ; redneck or hillbilly societies 14 ; terminology, 6 –7 ; zombie and vampire children 12
fetuses; Alien , and 154 –5 , 163 , 165 –6 see also Alien ; California Penal Code, and 152 ; hostile nature of 167 ; individual and social consciousness 153 ; invasion of 168 ; photos of 151 ; Rosemary's Baby 155 –61 see also Rosemary's Baby ; test-tube baby, and 165 ; vulnerability of 167 –8
The Fifth Child 45 , 47 , 49 , 50 –52 ; animalistic nature, and 53 ; cultural tensions 57 –8 ; Freud, and 48 ; history of 62 ; immortality striving 55 –61 ; Kristeva, Julia 47 –9 see also Kristeva, Julia ; Lessing, Doris, and 37 , 46 –7 , 51 –5 , 62 see also Lessing, Doris ; Lovatts, and 56 –7 ; mortality, and 49 ; The “Other” 60 –1 ; sex, and 55 ; Terror Management Theory (TMT) 46 –7 , 49 –51 , 53 –6 , 61 see also TMT
Firestone, Shulamith 168
Fischer, Lucy 157
Folie à Deux 141 –3 ; The Exorcist, and 141 –3 ; Folie à Plusieurs 143 ; Oedipus, and 142 –3 ; Shared Psychotic Disorder 141
Freud, Sigmund; “A Seventeenth-Century Demonological Neurosis” 133 ; Alien, and 162 ; Dumbledore, and 101 –2 , 104 ; The Exorcist , and 129 –31 , 137 , 144 –5 see also Exorcist, The ; female hysteria, and 131 ; Halloween , and 70 –1 ; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 87 ; hysteria, and 132 ; monstrous children, and; Oedipus conflict 129 –30 ; Orphan, The 83 ; phallocentric model, and 141 ; Riddle, Tom and 95 –6 ; sexual trauma or desire 136 ; Splice 41 –2 ; Terror Management Theory 51
Friedkin, William; Exorcist, The see Exorcist, The ; conservative, as 129 ; reaction of 3
Gauri 121 –5 ; abortion, and 122 –5 ; CGI, and 124 ; derangement, and 69 ; domestic dysfunction, and 70 ; ethics, and 69 –72 see also ethics ; India, and 122 , 125 ; meaning of name 123 ; modernity, and 124 ; neotraditionalist, as 123 –4 ; nuclear family, and 122 ; patriarchy, and 124
Halloween ; evil, and 71 –2 ; Freud, and 70 –71 ; implication of the audience 69 ; Joshua , and 72 , 77 ; Orphan, The 82 –4 ; origin story, as 71 ; update of original, as 70
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 87 –104 ; book of potions 91 –2 , 98 ; capitalism, and 104 ; cave, and 101 ; Chambers of Secrets, and 88 –9 ; coming out story, as 102 ; Freud, and 87 ; Hogwarts, and 89 –91 , 104 see also Hogwarts ; memory, and 88 ; nurturing, and 89 ; “queer child” experience, as 89 –90 ; Riddle, Tom and 87 –8 see also Riddle, Tom ; Room of Requirement 90 –1 ; Slughorn, and 92 , 96 –7 , 102 ; shame, and 103 ; unacknowledged child, and 88 –9
Hindi cinema; commercial success of 110 ; indifference to social issues 111 ; melodrama, and 112 ; song and dance, and 112 ; Vaastu Shastra , and 113 –17 see also Vaastu Shastra
History of evil children in film and literature 1 –4 ; Bad Seed, the 2 ; Exorcist, the 3 ; The Internet Movie Database 4 ; Omen, The 3 ; Rosemary's Baby 3 ; Small, Assassin The 1 ; television; Too Much Horror Fiction 4 ; Velvet, The 1 –2 ; Turn of the Screw 3
Hogwarts; Horcruxes, and 104 ; invasion of 91 ; pseudo-family, and 93 –4 ; Riddle, Tom and 93 –4 , 103 –4 see also Riddle, Tom ; school officials, and 89 –90
Home Movie 77 –82 ; blame 81 ; cannibalism, in 80 –1 ; catalyst, in 79 ; child-as-monster 82 ; crucifixion in 79 ; failure to connect 78 –9 ; Joshua , and 82 ; The “Other”, and 81 ; parental dynamic, resistance of 78 ; style of 77 –8 ; transformation of viewing experience 80 –1
India; abortion, and 122 ; child labor laws, and 111 ; Civil War 14 , 20 ; filmic output of 108 , 112 ; Gauri , and 122 –125 ; growth rates of 109 –10 ; liberalization of economy 108 –9 , 112 ; Phoonk , 117 –121 ; political boundaries of 110 ; Vaastu Shastra , and 113
infants 28 –43 ; CGI, and 39 –43 see also CGI ; credulity of 38 ; enraged by birth 1 ; Exorcist, The 28 ; innocence, and 52 ; It's Alive 34 –39 see also It's Alive ; monstrous, as 16 ; new and improved technologies 42 ; parodies of 29 ; procreation, and 54 ; prosthetics, and 34 –9 ; Rosemary's Baby 30 –8 see also Rosemary's Baby ; sentimentality, and 29 ; Simpsons, The 29 ; Splice 41 –2
It's Alive ; camp status of 40 ; films, and 151 ; incredulity of 38 –9 ; metaphor, movement of inanimate objects 35 ; prosthetics, and 34 –39 ; remake of 39 –41 ; Rosemary's Baby , and 35 –8 ; social consequences of 37 –8 ; special effects of 36 –7 ; thematic interests 35 –6 ; visibility of 36 –7 , 39
Jenks, Chris 173 , 180 , 184 –5
Joshua 72 –7 ; dynamic of 72 –3 ; ethical maturity of 76 ; Halloween , and 72 , 77 ; Home Movie , and 82 ; infantile implacability 73 –4 ; interpretation of 73 –4 ; look of emotion 74 ; motive, and 75 ; Orphan, The 84 ; representational strategy 77 ; strangeness of 73 ; subversive children, and 77 ; unmasking of 76
Katz, Claire Elise 68
killing; Who Can Kill a Child? 20 ; contemporary films, and 20 –1 ; feral children, and 13 –14 ; The New Daughter 21 ; Supreme Court decision 21
King, Stephen 4
Kiraly, S.J. 142
Koontz, Dean 4
Kristeva, Julia 47 –9 ; Freud, and 48 Last Exorcism, The 9 –10 ; Robbins, Ruth 49 ; theory of objection, and 48 ; The Trauma of Birth 47 –8
Larsen, Ernest 151
Lessing, Doris; mortality, and 60 ; Terror Management Theory, and 56 see also Terror Management Theory
Lifton, Robert Jay 46 , 49 –50
makeover TV 175 –178 ; capitulation to the expert 84 ; Extreme-Make Over: Home Edition 175 ; quick fix 178 ; Supernanny , and 175 –8 ; third wave of 176 –7 ; tri-part formula of 176
Manheim, Robbie 130
Marcus, Sharon 157
Matherson, Richard 2
monstrous children; Fifth Child , and 45 –6 see also The Fifth Child ; Freud 46 ; Terror Management Theory, and 46 –7 ; unique power of 46
Nair, Kartik 109
National Right to Life Committee 152
Nickel, Phillip J. 77
Norden Martin F. 81
Oedipus 132 ; Catholic Father, and 145 ; Exorcist, The 130 –45 see also Exorcist, The ; origins of 131 ; paternal intervention, and 139 ; phallocentric model 132 ; severing of the bond 140 ; sexual trauma or desire 136
Orphan, The 82 –84 ; accountability 83 ; analytical insufficiency 83 ; Baudrillard, and 84 ; deceptions of 84 ; “discourse of difference” 82 ; Esther, and 82 –4 ; Freud, and 83 ; Halloween , and 82 –4 ; interpretation of 84 ; Joshua , and 84
Phoonk 117 –21 ; box office success of 117 ; crows, and 119 –20 ; gender, and 118 ; India, and 121 ; re-inscription of the magical 125 ; reversal of roles, in 121 ; rudeness, and 118 –19 ; science vs faith 120 ; transformation of scepticism in 119
Plato; The Exorcist , and 135
Polanski, Roman; auteur, as 33 ; direction of 30 –4 , 37 , 156 ; feminist agenda of 35 . 40 –1 ; metaphors 38 ; reproductive technology, and 42 ; Rosemary's Baby 3 , 15 , 28 , 30 –8 , 40 ; special effects, and 36 , 38
possession 7 –10 ; Child's Play 7 ; Exorcist, The 9 ; Hide and Seek 10 ; lack of supervisions, and 10 ; Last Exorcism, The 9 , 10 ; outside sources, and 10 ; terminology, and 6 ; Turn of the Screw , and 8 –9
Potter, Harry; book of potions 88 –92 , 98 ; Dumbledore, and see Dumbledore ; Horcrux 95 ; influence of parents 93 –4 ; money 90 ; privileged male character, as 98 ; queer theory, and 99 –101 ; Riddle, Tom see Riddle, Tom ; sexual awakening of 103 ; Slughorn, and 92 –3 , 96 –7 , 104 ; Snape, and 96
pregnancy; Aliens , and 162 ; hostile nature of 168
Rabuzzi, Kathryn Allen 153
reproductive technology; Rosemary's Baby 42
Rice, Anne 4
Riddle, Tom 87 –104 see also Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ; attachment to material possessions 90 ; complexity of culture, and 103 ; deprivation of 91 ; Dumbledore, and 97 –96 see also Dumbledore ; Freud, and 95 –6 ; group of peers 92 ; Horcruxes 93 –4 , 102 ; lack of support 103 ; Merope, and 94 ; Potter, Harry and 94 –5 , 100 –101 ; queer structure, and 98 –99 ; soul of 101
Robbins, Ruth 54
Roper, Lyndal 134
Rosemary's Baby 3 ; aesthetic, and 34 ; Bollywood, and 110 ; CGI, and 40 ; choice, and 161 ; conventions of horror films, and 33 ; credulity of 32 , 38 –9 ; cultural backdrop of 159 ; cultural reference of 136 ; everyday reality, distance from 167 ; fetuses 167 –8 ; female audience 166 ; human vision, and 130 ; hysteria, and 32 –3 ; imagination, and 34 ; infants, and 28 , 30 –4 ; manipulation of pregnant women 158 –159 ; misleading of 156 ; monster, fetishizing of 33 ; perspectives of 158 ; Polanski, Roman and see Polanski, Roman ; Pope, and 160 ; rape 156 –7 ; Roe vs. Wade , and 42 ; threat, and 167 ; visual gap, and 30 –1 ; visual restraint 31 ; vulnerability of pregnant women 159 –60
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 180
Rowland, Robyn 154
Shankland, Tom 15
Splice ; feminist discourse, and 42 –3 ; CGI 40 –1 ; Freudian family romance, and 41 –2
Sun, The 176
Supernanny 173 –85 ; authority, and 182 ; changes, summation of 183 ; child-raising books 184 ; children in society 184 ; conversion process 173 –174 ; DVD footage, and 183 ; exploitation of minors, and 174 ; invasion of private lives 177 ; lack of qualification 183 –4 ; makeover TV, and 175 –8 see also makeover TV ; observation period 180 –1 ; original sin 178 –9 ; psychological explanation of 177 ; “quick fix” 177 ; redemption of evil, and 173 , 185 ; relinquishment of power 182 –3 ; structure of 176 ; Swan, The 177 –8 ; sympathy of 182 ; unruly adult 184 visual image of children 178
terminology 5 –7 ; Bad Seed, The 5 ; feral children 6 –7 ; Midwich Cuckoos, The 5 ; nature of humankind 5 –6 ; Pet Sematary 5 ; possessed 6
Terror Management Theory (TMT) 49 –51 ; animalistic nature of 53 ; Christianity, and 58 –9 ; fertility, darker side of 54 ; Fifth Child , and 53 –6 , 61 –2 see also The Fifth Child ; Freud, and 51 ; Lessing, Doris 56 ; monstrous children, and 46 –7 , 62 ; mortal creatures 61 ; reflection on death, experiments on 50 ; symbolic defences against death 50
Turn of the Screw, The ; history, and 3 ; possession, and 8 –9
Vaastu Shastra 113 –17 ; cinematography, and 115 ; commercial success, lack of 113 ; critique of neo-liberal modernity, as 114 ; incoherence of 116 ; mise-en scene 114 ; modern views of 114 ; modernity, and 117 ; non-traditional family unit, and 117 ; Rohan, and 114 –15 ; Rukma, and 115 –16 ; spaces, and 115 , 116
Weasley, Ron 88
Whale, James 41
Who Can Kill a Child? ; feral children, and 14 ; killing 20 ; possession, and 12
Wyndham, John 5
Ziolkowski, Eric 46
Zombie, Rob; Devil's Rejects, The 14 ; Halloween , and 16 –17 ; 70 –2 see also Halloween ; House of 1, 000 Corpses 14 ;