
My thanks to

Ed Fitch, for his cheiromantic assistance,
“Mike” F. Shoemaker, for material on “Dreams” and the “Intuitive Process,”
Carl L. Weschcke, for his continued encouragement, and
Aidan Breac, for all PectiWita* details.

*Aidan Breac was a Scottish Highlander who was born and raised in a hereditary Craft family on Priest Island, off the west coast of Scotland. He is descended from the Carnonacae tribe of Picts who lived in the northwest of what is now Ross and Cromarty County. Aidan Breac lived into his nineties, and for the last thiry years of his life devoted his time to teaching the Picta-Wita Tradition (a Solitary one) to students hardy enough to make the journey to the rugged northwest of Scotland and share the rigors of his retreat at Castle Carnonacae.