Abercorn bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Abercorn bomb abstentionism
ending of, 151–52, 287–98, 328, 342, 390
A Coy (Provisional IRA), 105
active-service units (ASUs), see Provisional IRA: Cage 11 reorganization, active-service units
Adair, Johnny, 414–15
Adams, Colette, 108–9, 128–29, 161, 163, 169, 174, 384
see also McArdle, Colette
Adams, Davy, 512
Adams, Dominic, 38
Adams, Gerry, xiii, xv, xvi, xx, xxi, 238–39, 407, 438, 470, 502, 516–17, 541, 553, 563, 566, 576, 580, 585–7, 590–92
and “active abstentionism,” 151–52
Adams/Major negotiations, 455–56
as adjutant-general, 169, 173, 215
and Army Council, 247, 346, 380–83, 389, 526, 583
1972, 108–9
1973, 133
1978, 172–73
assassination attempts, 578–79
and August 1969, 70–71
and Ballymurphy IRA, 80, 84, 87–88
Ballymurphy riots, 86–88, 99, 104, 210
and Begley funeral, 415
as Belfast Brigade commander, 118, 164
and Bloody Friday, 117–18
and British withdrawal, 183–84, 400–401
broad-front politics, 205
Brownie articles, 151, 153, 169–70, 569–70
and Bryson, Jim, 105
Cage 11 reorganization proposals, 150–61, 163, 185, 317, 375
and Canary Wharf bomb, 441–42
and cease-fires:
1994–96, 396–99, 422, 426, 428–33, 436–37
as chief of staff, 172, 164, 613
and Cochrane abduction, 222–23
as commander of Second Battalion, 99, 100, 103, 106
contacts with John Hume, 279–81, 285, 409
and army conventions:
1996, 444–55
1997, 476–79
1999, 520
critique of IRA, 336–37, 342–43, 347–49, 384
and Daly, Cahal, 235–36
and decommissioning, 450, 464–65, 469–70, 488–89, 491–93, 495–500, 503, 519, 531–32, 543, 558
dialogue with Charles Haughey, 268, 271, 274–75, 289, 324, 336, 422
and “disappeared,” 121–22, 124–25
dissembling tactic, 389–91
and Downing Street Declaration, 413, 417
elected to British parliament (1983), 240
elected to Northern Assembly (1982), 190, 219
electoral politics, 196–97, 200–203, 210, 212, 215–16
ending abstentionism, 288–98
and Four Square Laundry, 119–21
and Good Friday Agreement, 482–85
and hunger strikes, 207, 213–14, 540, 567–72
and internment, 100–1, 103–9, 128–29
and interparty talks, 462, 472
and IRA split (1969), 60, 69–70, 72–73, 80
joins Army Council, 164
joins IRA, 46
joins Provisionals, 73
letter to Tom King (1987), 250–51, 258
in Long Kesh, 133, 148–61, 163, 290, 343, 575
loss of West Belfast seat (1992), 340
Lynagh oration, 325
marriage, 107–8
and McConville, Jean, 122, 124–25, 547
and McCartney, Robert, 551, 554–57
and McKee, Billy, 99, 147–48, 164, 166–68
as a military strategist, 118–19
on Mitchell principles, 473–74, 484, 505
move against O Conaill and O Bradaigh, 178–92, 196–97, 204
and national self-determination, 411
and ni Elias, Christin, 191–92
and 1960s turn to left, 68–70, 72
and 1972 truce, 14, 113–15, 246
and 1973 London bombs, 126
and 1978–79 IRA revival, 171, 176–78
and 1987 cease-fire offer, 262, 269, 272, 283, 325
and Northern Bank robbery, 546–48, 556–57
as Northern commander, 173
and pan-nationalism, 238, 300, 324, 336–37, 435
popularity In South, 529–30, 565
reactivation of Revolutionary Council, 343–45
and Redemptorist confraternities, 229–30
regains West Belfast seat (1997), 458
and Reid initiative, 228, 231, 238–41, 245, 247–60
rejects Marxism, 187–88
release from Long Kesh (1977), 149, 161–63
and reprisal killings, 321–22
and rivals in IRA, 241–45
secret talks with British, 246–60
shift to the left (1970s), 184–89, 270–71
and Sinn Fein leadership, 184–90, 203
and Sinn Fein/SDLP talks, 278–79, 300
takeover of IRA leadership, 164–72, 176–82
and “Tet offensive,” 32
and think tank, 401–5, 409, 416, 418, 422–23
and unionist consent, 267, 272
U.S. visits:
1995, 437
2005, 555
and women’s issues, 204
Adams, Gerry (grandfather), 38
Adams, Gerry, Sr. (father), 38, 40–41, 44, 99, 197
Adams, Margaret, 87
Adams, Patrick, 38
Aga Khan, 242
Agate, Jeffrey, 185
Agnew, Kevin, 195
Agnew, Paddy, 212
Ahern, Bertie, 278, 472, 482, 553, 564, 586, 592
and decommissioning, xiv, 461, 464, 491, 494, 496, 502–5, 509, 518, 522, 528, 532, 539, 541, 543, 554–55, 585
cease-fire proposal to IRA, 463–65, 485
and Northern Bank robbery, 544–47
Ahern, Dermot, 279
Ahtisaari, Martti, 503
Aiken, Frank, 498
Aldershot, 111
Allen, Jack, 281
Allibrandi, Archbishop Gaetano, 236–37
Allister, Jim, 541
Al Qaeda, 347, 491, 497, 504, 521
American Ireland Fund, 554
ANC (African National Congress), 487, 572
Anderson, Martina, 483
Andersonstown, see Belfast: Andersonstown
Andersonstown News, 584
Andersonstown News Group, 584
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) (Hillsborough pact), 241, 249, 257, 267–68, 273
Anglo-Irish war (1919–21), 37, 43, 105
An Phoblacht, 178–80, 187, 335
An Phoblacht–Republican News (AP-RN), 183, 188, 292, 311, 370
and armed struggle, 177, 216, 223, 297, 319, 429
launch, 180
Apprentice Boys of Derry, 65, 355
Ara Coeli (House of Heaven), 233
Arafat, Yasser, 554
Ardoyne, see Belfast: Ardoyne
“Armalite and ballot box” strategy, 152, 203, 216, 340, 567
Armstrong, Thomas, 324
Army Conventions (Provisional IRA), 378–89, 418, 559
1969, 71
1986, 288, 292–93, 312, 328, 376, 390, 397–98, 447
1996, 440–42, 444–56, 464–65, 468, 471, 476–78, 488, 518, 573
1997, 475–79, 483, 517, 609–11
Army Council (Provisional IRA), 16, 149, 155, 172, 182, 204, 213, 292, 313, 321, 335, 348, 441, 485, 499, 517, 520, 540–41
and Adams think tank, 401–5
and British contacts (1990–93), 405–10
and British withdrawal, 392–94, 407–10
and cease-fires:
1994–96, 396–97, 427, 429–33, 438–42
and army conventions:
1997, 477–79
and Downing Street Declaration, 417–19, 422
and Eksund betrayal, 32–33, 326
and elections, 215, 293, 327–28
demilitarization of funerals, 302–3
divisions in, 386–87
first Army Council, 74–79
and fourteen-point proposal, 424–54
functions, 378
and Hume-Adams document, 409–12
and IRA operations, 331–32, 336–39, 348, 414–15, 433–4, 459, 511, 527
membership, 380–86
merger of AP-RN, 179–80
and “Nine Pointer” document, 406–8
and 1974–75 cease-fire, 143–44, 171, 246
in 1977, 164–66
and peace process, 297–98, 336, 389–90, 395, 408, 470
and Reid-Adams initiative, 239, 250, 256–60, 269, 274, 280, 394–95, 398, 400, 406–7
source of authority, 375–76, 379
and “Tet offensive,” 326–27, 336
Arnheim, Battle of, 176
Arthurs, Declan, 307
Ashour, Nasser, 15, 17, 19, 328
Assets Recovery Agency (ARA), 565
Atkins, Humphrey, 171, 173, 228
August 1969, 6–7, 65–66, 68, 229
Balcombe Street unit (Provisional IRA), 291, 381, 480, 482
Ballygawley bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Ballygawley
Ballymurphy, see Belfast: Ballymurphy
Barry, Tom, 176
Battle of the Bogside, see Derry: Battle of the Bogside
BBC TV Panorama, 173
Beattie, Desmond, 360–61
Begley, Thomas, 415
Behan, Brendan, 51
Ballymurphy, 84, 86–89, 91–93, 99, 104–5, 121, 210
Bombay Street, 7, 71, 81, 85, 95, 229
Divis Flats, 123
Lenadoon, 113
Poleglass, 537
Shankill Road, 65, 71, 85, 221–22, 229, 414, 577
Short Strand, 89–90, 549, 551, 558, 580
Belfast Brigade (Provisional IRA), 121, 126–128, 141, 160, 164, 333, 339, 449, 575
and Sinn Fein, 243–44
Belgrano, SS, 268
Bell, Ivor, 121, 173, 194, 214, 332, 388
and Adams, Gerry, 106, 117–18, 152–55, 158, 166, 244–45, 317
as chief of staff, 160, 215, 242, 613
court martial, 244, 302, 381–82, 384
electoral politics, 242–43
Libya links, 14–15, 57, 166, 243
in Long Kesh, 149–50, 163, 575
Benson, Michael, 516
Beresford, David, 570
Berry, Sir Anthony, 247
Berry, Peter, 265
Best, Ranger William, 111
Binead, Niall, 564
Birches, the, see Provisional IRA: operations, Birches, the black taxis, 222
Blair, Lieutenant Colonel David, 176
Blair, Tony, 457–58, 461, 482–83, 491, 496, 548, 553, 585–86, 591
and decommissioning, xiv, 494, 497, 501–5, 509–11, 522–23, 528, 539, 541–43 ‘naive idiot,’ 511
Stormont spy ring, 524
2003 Assembly election, 530–31
Blanket, The, 512
blanket protest, 189–90, 201, 205–6
Bloody Friday (Belfast), 116–18, 133, 172
Bloody Sunday (Derry), 110, 112, 118, 362, 548–49
Bloomfield, Ken, 256
Bodenstown, 83, 151, 185, 302, 549
Bogside (Derry), 65–66, 280, 355–62, 365–66
Boland, Kevin, 265
Bombay Street, see Belfast: Bombay Street
Bonner, Pat, 583
Border Campaign, 311, 321, 492
Boundary Commission, 47
Boyle, Anne, 243–45
Bradley, Denis, 405–6
Bradwell, Warrant Officer James, 444
Breathnach, Deasun, 179–80
Breen, Dan, 105
Breen, Suzanne, 419
Breton nationalist movement, 8
Brighton bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Brighton bomb
British army, 81, 100, 102–3, 164, 176, 302
in Ballymurphy, 89, 91, 93, 95–96, 102, 105
deployed on the streets, 66, 107, 356
in Derry, 350, 352, 356, 358–59, 360, 362–63, 548
operations, 90–91, 117, 119–21, 133, 255, 304–5
see also individual regiments
British government, 215, 286, 437, 461, 484–85
broadcasting ban, 256, 396, 433
interest in Northern Ireland, 252–55, 282, 284
interparty talks, 458, 461, 473
IRA contacts, 113–14, 143–44, 165–66, 207, 213, 246, 405–8
power-sharing Assembly, 128–29
Reid-Adams contacts, 247–60, 267
see also Blair, Tony; Brooke, Peter; Heath, Edward; King, Tom; Major, John; Mason, Roy; Mayhew, Patrick; Mowlam, Mo; Prior, James; Rees, Merlyn; Thatcher, Margaret; Wilson, Harold; Whitelaw, William
British intelligence, 104, 126, 140, 247, 249, 459
Force Research Unit, 388, 576–79
and McConville, Jean, 123–24
penetration of IRA, 134, 136, 140, 319, 442–43
and Reid-Adams contacts, 248, 260
see also MI5; MI6; Oatley, Michael; Oldfield; Sir Maurice
British Irish Rights Watch, 582
British withdrawal (republican policy on), 183–84
Army Council and, 392–94, 407–10
in Hume-Adams document, 410–11
redefinition of, 251–55, 298, 394–95, 400–1, 484
in Reid-Adams initiative, 271, 275
Broadcasting Act, 290
Brooke, Peter, 248–50, 258–60, 394–96
neutrality speech, 255, 282–83, 398
Brookeborough, Lord Basil, 53, 498
Browne, Vincent, 170
Brownie articles, see Adams, Gerry: Brownie articles
B Specials, 39, 43, 219, 355–56
Burns, Harry, 28–31
Burns, Ian, 257–58
Burntollet march, 64–65, 354–55
Bush, George W., 487, 490–91, 534, 531, 553–54, 565, 591
Butler, Eddie, 480
Byrne, Sir James, 287
Butler, Sir Robin, 283–85
Caffrey, Grainne, 179
Cage 6, Long Kesh, 148
Cage 9, Long Kesh, 149
Cage 11, Long Kesh, 177, 200, 208, 270
reorganization plan, 148–65, 167, 185, 196, 203, 334, 401
Cahill, Joe, 16, 101, 103, 106–7, 159, 201, 207, 215, 295, 476
Army Council, 79, 143, 381–82, 427, 517
and the Claudia, 10–12
and 1994–96 cease-fire, 397, 426–27
and 1997 convention, 452–53
and Tom Williams, 382
Cahill, Tom, 133
Campaign for Social Justice, 62
Camp Le Jeune, 16
Canary Wharf, see Provisional IRA: operations, Canary Wharf
Canning, Manus, 51
Cappagh dead, the, 324
Captive Voice, 298
Carlin, Thomas, 360
Carlingford Lough, 22, 176, 326
Carmichael, Eddie, 243–44
Carron, Owen, 211, 213–14, 529, 567, 569–70
Carson, Edward, 61
Casamara, 19
Casement, Roger, 309
Cassey, William, 13
Castlereagh raid, see Provisional IRA: operations, Castlereagh raid
Castlereagh RUC station, see Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC): interrogation centers
Castro, Fidel, 511
Catholic Church, 40, 44, 190, 211, 227, 354
and IRA funerals, 301–2
and hunger strikes, 206, 209, 231–32
and peace process, 231–39, 269
cease-fires (Provisional IRA), 72–73, 112–16, 484–85
1974–75, 140–47, 162, 169, 397
1990, 397–98
1994–96, 350, 395–401, 411, 418–19, 422–442, 455, 472
1997, 262, 455–58, 461–63, 465, 467–72, 477–79, 609–11
cell structure, see Provisional IRA: Cage 11
reorganization, active-service units (ASUs)/cell structure
Channel Four Television, 396
Charles, Prince of Wales, 175
Chavez, Hugo, 511
Chesterton Finance, 545
Chichester-Clark, Major James, 65–66, 85–86, 89, 95–97
Churchill, Winston, 44
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, U.S.), 3, 13, 436
civil rights campaign (Northern Ireland), 7
see also Campaign for Social Justice;
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association; People’s Democracy (PD)
Clancy, Peter, 319
Clann na Gael, 138, 309–10, 402
Clarke, Tom, 309
Cleary, Gabriel, 3–6, 26, 32, 34
Clinton, Bill, 237, 427, 469, 491
and Adams, Gerry, 420, 437, 441–42, 459, 490
and McConville, Jean, 124
and peace process, 423–25, 483
Clinton, Senator Hillary, 553
Clonard Monastery, 6, 174, 220, 226, 230, 235, 249, 278
see also Belfast: Clonard; Redemptorist Congregation
Cochrane, Glen, 220
Cochrane, Lilly, 220
Cochrane, Sergeant Thomas, 219–25, 245, 428
Coll, James, 5
Colley, George, 266
Collins, Michael, xxi, 38, 150, 289–90, 420
and British intelligence, 120, 122
and 1921 Treaty, 113, 264, 287, 375, 400
Colombia arrests see Provisional IRA: operations, Colombia
Communist Party of Great Britain, 57, 75, 136
Communist Party of Northern Ireland, 59
Community Restorative Justice schemes, 588
“Concrete Proposal for a Political Strategy for Justice and Peace” (“Concrete Proposal”), 275, 280, 631–40
Connolly, Frank, 511
Connolly Association, 57, 59, 75
Connolly Youth Movement, 59
Conrad na Gaelige, 74
Conservative Party (British), 44, 247, 457, 461
see also Heath, Edward; Major, John; Thatcher, Margaret
Continuity IRA, 289, 505, 507–9, 514
Conway Mill, 558
Conway, William (cardinal of Ireland), 233
Coogan, Owen, 133
Coogan, Tim Pat, 269, 298, 325, 396
Cornwallis, Lord, 83
Corrigan, Mairead, 363
Corsicans, 9
see also Provisional IRA: operations, human bombs (Coshquin)
Costello, Seamus, 59
Coughlin, Anthony, 57
Council of Ireland, 10, 128, 138
Council on Foreign Relations, 554, 556–58
Coward, Noel, 175
Coyle, Joe, 360
Craig, James, 42
Craig, Jim, 223
Creemley, Kevin Noel, 512
Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB), 565
Crumlin Road prison, 52, 291, 333
and MRF operations, 140
Cumann na mBan, 38, 55, 59, 108
Curragh internment camp, 52, 78
Curtis, Gunner Robert, 95–96
Cusack, Seamus, 360–61
DAAD (Direct Action Against Drugs), 437, 440
Dail Eireann (Irish parliament), 154, 212, 288, 328
Dail Uladh, 181
Daily Ireland, 584
Daily Mirror, see Provisional IRA: operations, Daily Mirror
Dallas, Leslie, 321
Daly, Cahal (bishop of Down and Connor), 234–36
Daly, Edward (bishop of Derry), 227, 234, 350
Davey, John Joe, 321–22
Davies, Colonel Paul, 365
Davison, Brendan “Ruby,” see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Davison, Brendan ‘Ruby’
Davison, Gerard “Jock”, 549–52, 556, 575
Dawson, Joshua, 287
D Coy (Provisional IRA), 46, 60, 88, 103, 122
Death on the Rock, 330
de Baroid, Ciaran, 93
de Chastelain, General John, 461, 488, 516, 522–23, 533–34, 542
final decommissioning, 559–63
decommissioning, xiv, 440, 442, 450–51, 456, 461, 463–64, 470, 474–75, 490–91, 463–535, 540–43, 545, 555, 564, 566. 572–74, 587
and Good Friday Agreement, 483, 487–92, 494–97, 500–05, 520
and Mitchell Report, 448, 469, 473
first decommissioning act, October 2001, 521–22
second decommissioning act, April 2002, 522, 529–30
final decommissioning act, September 2005, xiii, 559–563
Deery, John, 460
defender tradition, 80–84, 86–87, 229, 308, 320
defense committees, 67, 86, 265
see also defender tradition
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 281, 321, 489, 523, 528
and deal with Sinn Fein, 540–42, 587–91
see also Paisley, Ian
Battle of the Bogside, 355–56
de-escalation measures, 350, 352, 363, 365–71
history of, 352–54
Provisional IRA in, 360–63; see also Derry Brigade (Provisional IRA)
Derry Brigade (Provisional IRA), 350, 361, 363, 370–71, 449
Derry Citizens Defence Association, 358
de Valera, Eamonn, xxi, 38, 53, 261, 289–90, 420
ends armed struggle, 40, 47, 375, 462, 492, 498
and 1937 constitution, 48, 276, 310
Deverill, John, 260
Devine, Brendan, 549–50
Devlin, Bernadette (Devlin-McAliskey), 110, 291, 359–60
see also McAliskey, Bernadette
Devlin, Michael, 323
Devlin, Paddy, 405
dirty protest, 190, 201, 205–6
“disappeared” (secret burials), 121–25, 134
“double-disappeared,” 134
discrimination against Catholics in Northern Ireland, xix, 37, 42–45, 62–63, 353
Divis Flats, see Belfast: Divis Flats
Divis Street, see Belfast: Divis Street
Dodd, Senator Christopher, 553
Dodds, Nigel, 541
Doherty, Eamon, 613
Doherty, James, 5
Doherty, Kieran, 212
Doherty, Pat, 295, 417, 426, 473, 573
and Army Council, 380–81, 389, 517, 529
and army conventions:
1986, 397–98
Doherty, Tony, 300
Donaghmore, Earl and Countess, 405
Donaldson, Denis, 580–82
See also informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Donaldson, Denis
Donaldson, Jeffrey, 501
Donegan, Joe, 221–23
Donlon, Sean, 435
Donnelly, Seamus, 307
Doris, Tony, 318
Dorr, Noel, 284
Downing Street Declaration, 284–86, 412–19, 422, 425, 430, 438, 464 “Draft 2,” 284–85
Droppin’ Well bomb, 224
Drumcree protests, 466–68
see also Orange Order: parades
Drumm, Jimmy, 60, 70, 140, 202, 204
Bodenstown address (1977), 151, 186, 290
Drumm, Maire, 204
Duggan, Harry, 480
Duignan, Sean, 419
Duisburg, 280–81
Dunne, Ben, 262–63
Durkan, Mark, 563–64
Easter Rising, xvi, 309–10, 567
East Tyrone Brigade (Provisional IRA), 304–8, 314–19, 324, 332–33, 447
Eire Nua (New Ireland), 181–83, 185–86, 189–91, 196
Eksund, xv, 18–23, 388, 406, 438, 487
betrayal of, 3–6, 24–34, 250, 326, 332, 340, 489, 556
cancelled 1987 trip, 31
impact of loss, 326–29, 333–34, 460
and “Tet offensive,” 274, 281, 306, 434
1918 Irish general election, 198
1955 British general election, 50, 198
1957 Irish general election, 198
1969 British by-election, 65
1969 Northern Ireland Assembly, 65
1970 British general election, 89
1973 Northern Ireland Sunningdale Assembly, 128, 199
1973 Northern Ireland local council, 128
1975 Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention, 200
1979 European parliament, 200
1981 Fermanagh-South Tyrone by-election, 210–14
1981 Irish general election, 202, 212, 290–91
1982 Irish general election, 291
1982 Northern Ireland Assembly, 219
1983 British general election, 240
1984 European parliament, 240
1985 Northern Ireland local council, 241
1986 British by-election, 241
1987 British general election, 241
1987 Irish general election, 340
1989 Irish general election, 340
1991 Irish local council, 340
1992 British general election, 340
1993 Northern Ireland local council, 417
1993 Northern Ireland local council by-election, 417
1996 Northern Ireland Forum, 442, 457
1997 British general election, 457–58, 495–96, 528
1997 Irish general election, 458
1997 Northern Ireland local council, 458
2002 Irish general election, 529–30
2003 Northern Ireland Assembly, 530, 532, 534–35, 540–41
2004 European parliament, 541
2005 British general election, 558, 563–64
2007 Northern Ireland Assembly, 591
2007 Irish general election, 564
Eleven Plus test, 45–46
Elizabeth I, 39
engineering department (Provisional IRA), 329, 377–78
England department (Provisional IRA), 31, 336–37, 346, 442–43
Enniskillen bomb (1987), see Provisional
IRA: operations, Enniskillen
European Commission on Human Rights, 206
European Court of Human Rights, 102
European department (Provisional IRA), 336–37, 346
Falls Road, see Belfast: Falls Road
Falls Road curfew, 90–92
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 486–87, 490, 511–12
Farren, Neil (bishop of Derry), 354
Farren, Sean, 278
Faul, Father Denis, 213–14, 227
Faulkner, Brian, 98–100, 110, 139
Fay, Michael, 224
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 509, 581
Feakle meeting, 143, 165–66, 177
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 16, 32
federalism vs. unitary state debate, see Eire Nua
Feeney, Charles “Chuck,” 421, 460
Felons Club, 197
Fenian Brotherhood, 309
Fenian movement, 38
Fenton, Joe, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Fenton, Joe
Ferris, Martin, 453, 479, 517, 529, 544, 583
Fianna Fail, 40, 47, 239, 261, 324, 462, 496, 498, 519
elections, 212, 226, 458, 495, 529
and Irish reunification, 263–64
and pan-nationalism, 270, 273, 435
and unionist consent, 408–9
see also Ahern, Bertie; de Valera, Eamonn; Haughey, Charles; Lynch, Jack; Mansergh, Martin; Reynolds, Albert
Financial Times, 487
see also Bruton, John; FitzGerald, Garret
Finucane, Dermot, 577
Finucane, John, 577
Finucane, Pat, 577–78
Finucane, Seamus, 577
First Battalion (Provisional IRA), 87
Fitt, Gerry, 64, 211, 354, 361
FitzGerald, Garret, 242, 249, 268, 291, 325, 435
and Anglo-Irish Agreement, 241, 273
isolating Provisionals, 233–34
5 October 1968 march (Derry), 63–64, 352, 354
Flanagan, Ronnie Sir, 510, 523, 572–73
Fleming, Kieran, 313–14
Fletcher, WPC Yvonne, 13, 15, 24
Flynn, Phil, 545
Force Research Unit, see British intelligence: Force Research Unit
Foreign Office, the (British), 256–57
Foreign Policy Studies, 491
Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, 277, 425, 433
Four Square Laundry, see Provisional IRA:
operations, Four Square Laundry
Fox, Charlie, 307
Fox, J. Edward, 24
Fox, Tess, 307
Freeland, Lieutenant General Sir Ian, 89
Free Presbyterian Church, xiii, 590
Friends of Ireland, 554
Friends of Sinn Fein (FoSF), 460, 582
Garda Siochana (Irish police), 16, 50, 101, 159, 172, 242, 262, 325
arms seizures, 24, 32, 171, 387, 389
Northern Bank robbery, 544–45
Special Branch, 5, 161, 330, 388, 462, 515, 520
Garvaghy Road, see Drumcree protests
George IV, 287
gerrymandering, 353
GHQ (Provisional IRA), 297, 338, 343, 431, 438, 445, 449, 462, 468, 486
and operations, 305, 331, 333, 346, 443
structure, 376–77
Gibney, Jim, 300, 324, 399–402, 404, 418
Gibraltar, see Provisional IRA: operations, Gibraltar
Gibson, Ned, 319
as Belfast commander, 439–40, 449, 459
and 1997 convention, 477–79, 517
Gillespie, Neil, 357
Gillespie, Patsy, 347
Gilmore, George, 57
Glover, Brigadier James, 173–74
Good Friday Agreement (1998), 251, 259, 272, 296, 402, 481–89
and decommissioning, 494–97, 500–1, 503–50, 520
power-sharing Executive, 587–91
Gormley, Tony, 307
Gough barracks, see Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC): interrogation centers
Goulding, Cahal, 96, 136–37, 184, 189, 203, 266, 291, 295, 301–3
and abstentionism, 71–72, 288–89
as chief of staff (1962), 51
and IRA split (1969), 198, 293, 505–506
and MacStiofain opposition, 74–77, 79–80
and move to the left, 54, 56–60
Government of Ireland Act (1920), 254, 271, 273, 276, 470, 484
Gow, Ian, 336
Grand Hotel, 247
“gray document,” the, 186–89 “Green Book,” the, 154–57
Green Party, 588
Greysteel, 415
GRIT (Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction), 352, 367, 371
Guardian, 570
Gulf of Sirte, 14
Hanna, David, 341–42
Hanna, Maureen, 341–42
Hanna, Robert, 341–42
Hannaway, Alfie, 38, 109, 230–31
Hannaway, Billy, 38
Hannaway, Kevin, 17, 71, 109, 157, 384
Hannaway, Liam, 38, 60, 68, 109
Hannaway, Michael, 38
Hannaway, Tommy, 38
Harland and Wolff, 44
Harney, Mary, 558
Harrison, George, 16–17
Hartley, Tom, 278, 299–300, 402, 437
Haughey, Charles, 274, 285, 300, 303, 399, 463
background, 264–66
and peace process, xv, 261, 263, 267–69, 286
Reid-Adams contacts, 262–63, 269–78, 280–84, 289, 297, 395
Haughey, Sean, 264
Hayes, Stephen, 159
H Blocks (Long Kesh prison), 145, 201, 205
see also Cage 11, Long Kesh; hunger strikes; prison protests
Heatherington, Vincent, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Heatherington, Vincent
Heathrow Airport mortars, see Provisional IRA: operations, Heathrow Airport mortars
Heffernan, Margaret, 263
Hegarty, Frank, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Hegarty, Frank
Hendron, Joe, 339
Henry, Henry (bishop of Down and Connor), 229
Heron, Hugh, 311
Heseltine, Michael, 249
Hezbollah, 580
Hibernia (Dublin), 187–88
Hibernian tendency, 308
Hickey, Eileen, 121
Hillery, Patrick, 110
Hillsborough agreement, see Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985)
Holland, Jack, 333
Home Rule, 42
Hope Against History, 333
Hopkins, Adrian, 5, 18–19, 23, 25–27, 32–33
House of Commons, 171, 211, 288
Howe, Sir Geoffrey, 331–32
Howell, Ted, 401–2, 404, 420–21, 460, 581
Hoyt, William, 548
Hughes, Brendan, 81, 106–7, 121, 139–41, 227
arms smuggling, 114–15
hunger strike, 206–8, 228, 260
Hughes, Brendan (Tyrone), 385
Hughes, Francis (Frank), 383, 568
Hume, John, xiii, xxi, 110, 128, 211, 232, 238, 241, 248, 255, 264, 300, 357, 361–62, 389, 405, 415, 417
and Adams visa, 420
European elections, 202, 240, 563
and Good Friday Agreement, 483
Hume-Adams process, 277–83, 285, 408
and Major-Adams negotiations, 455
and October 1968 march, 354
and pan-nationalist alliance, 393, 435
quits politics, 541
see also Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)
Hume-Adams document, 409–11, 416
Hume-Adams process, 277–83, 285, 408–9, 413–14, 441
hunger strikes:
1981, 12, 190, 208–10, 213–16, 290, 540, 558, 566–72
Hyde, Representative Henry, 511
IICD (Independent International Commission on Decommissioning), 500–501, 503–4, 516, 560–62
Independent (London), 371
Independent Monitoring Commision, 546
Independent Orange Order, 590
informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA), 156
and Belfast Brigade, 336
Crumlin prison escape, 333
Davison, Brendan “Ruby,” 335, 575
Donaldson, Denis, 524, 579–80, 582–84
and the Eksund, 3–6, 24–34, 250, 326, 332, 340, 489
and European department, 336
and Gibraltar, 332
Heatherington, Vincent, 141, 146
and internal security department, 156, 574–76
and IRA structures, 317–18, 332–34
and London bomb, 128
Magee, John Joe, 575–76
Mahon, Catherine and Gerald, 29
McKee, Kevin, 119–22
MI5 agent in IRA Executive/Southern Command/Sinn Fein, 28
Molloy, Eamonn, 133–36, 138–41, 146, 162
Morgan, Seamus, 582
and Northern Command, 336
O’Callaghan, Sean, 16, 381, 517
Roslea attack, 334
Scappaticcl, Freddie, 574–78, 582
and Tyrone Brigade, 336
Wright, Seamus, 119–22
internal security department, see Provisional IRA: security unit (internal security unit)
International Marxist Group, 186
internment (1971), 98, 100–101, 103, 176–77, 361
Interpol, 330
In Which We Serve, 175
IRA (pre-1969 split):
and abstentionism, 58–60
Border Campaign (1956–62), 50–52, 56, 60, 498
and Irish civil war, 50
Forties Campaign, 48–52
and the Irish state, 48–49
and military defeats, 46–47
1969 split, 71–72, 76–77, 495, 505
see also Goulding, Cahal
Iraq war, 531
Irish civil war, 40, 47, 50, 287, 498
Irish Examiner, 565
Irish government, 233–34, 265, 423–25, 436–37, 473, 484–85
Department of Foreign Affairs, 520
Department of Justice, 544
see also Ahem, Bertie; de Valera, Eamonn; FitzGerald, Garret; Haughey, Charles; Lynch, Jack; Reynolds, Albert
Irish Independence Party, 202
Irish Independent, 584
Irish National Caucus, 300
Irish National Liberation Army (INLA), 12, 176, 205–6, 223–25, 314–15, 323, 505, 507–8
Irish News (Belfast), 222–23, 398, 457, 584
Irish Northern Aid (Noraid), 16, 188, 209, 309, 402, 421–22, 460–61, 581–82
Irish People, 581
Irish Press (Dublin), 233, 268–69, 396, 584
Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 149, 198, 309–10
Irish Republican Socialist Party, 202
Irish Times (Dublin), 195, 209, 279, 341, 419, 421, 491, 560, 564, 584
Adams interviews and articles, 257, 396, 400, 456
Irish Volunteers, 309
Irish Workers Party, 59
Jalloud, Major Ahmed, 24
John XXIII, 52
John Paul II, 237
Johnson, John Francis, 512
Johnson, Richard, 33
Johnston, Gillian, 341
Johnston, Roy, 56–57, 68, 75, 77, 185
political program, 57–59
Johnston, Colonel Wedgeworth, 287
Jones, Daffyd, 213
Kearney, Declan, 579
Kearney, Michael, 155–56
Keenan, Brian, 136–38, 162, 488
on Army Council, 164–65, 479, 517, 583–84 and Colombia, 511–13
and electoral strategy, 215–16, 292
and IICD, 503–4, 522, 533, 559
and 1997 cease-fire, 470–71
and reorganization plans, 158–59
Keenan, Brian (hostage), 580
Kelley, Kevin, 170
Kelly, Eugene, 307
Kelly, Gerry, 126, 381, 458, 470, 475, 547, 588
and Adams think tank, 403, 405, 418
and 1994–96 cease-fire, 422, 424, 426, 439
and 1996 convention, 448, 452–53
and 1999 convention, 520
Kelly, HMS, 74
Kelly, Captain James, 265–66
Kelly, John, 60, 70, 265–66, 510
Kelly, Liam, 310
Kelly, Patrick (Paddy), 307, 312, 315
Kennedy, Senator Ted, 553
Kennedy-Smith, Jean, 427
Kevin Street, 199
Khrushchev, Nikita, 350
Kilmichael, 176
King, Congressman Peter, 554
King, Tom, 246, 248–52, 255–60, 277, 394, 579
King, William, 358–59
Kingsmills massacre, see Provisional IRA: operations, Kingsmills massacre
King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 333–34
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 420
Labour Party (British), 44, 57, 457, 461, 496
Labour Party (Irish), 212, 266, 412, 435
Labour Party (Northern Ireland), 54
Lafferty, Eamonn, 361
Lake, Anthony, 490
La Mon Hotel, see Provisional IRA: operations, La Mon
Larry King Live show, 420
Law, Bernard (cardinal of Boston), 237
Lean, Robert “Beano,” 243
Leinster House (the Dail), 58, 201, 288, 295
Lemass, Sean, 54, 58, 62, 261, 265
Lenadoon, see Belfast: Lenadoon
Leng, Brigadier Peter, 358
Libya, 152–53
arms shipments to IRA, 3–4, 9–10, 15, 17, 19–20, 23–24, 138, 326, 536, 561
cash to IRA, 9–10, 13, 15, 23, 460
history, 6–8
Libyan Intelligence Service, 9, 14, 17, 23, 328
and the West, 13–14
see also Qaddafi, Colonel Muammar
Light Infantry, 67
Liguori, Alphonsus, 228
Lisnaskea, see Provisional IRA: operations, Lisnaskea school bus bomb
Logue, Gerard, 301
London bombs, see Provisional IRA:
operations, London bombs
Long, Des, 294
“long war” doctrine, see Provisional IRA: Cage 11 reorganization, “long war” doctrine
Long Kesh prison, 109, 133–34, 140, 203, 306, 313
renamed Maze prison, 145, 189, 568
see also Cage 11, Long Kesh; H Blocks (Long Kesh prison); hunger strikes
Loughgall ambush, see Tyrone: Loughgall ambush
Loughran, Seamus, 143
Lowry, Chief Superintendent Bill, 525, 527, 573
Lowry, Sir Robert, 173
Loyalist Volunteer Force, 561
flying column proposal, 312–14
funeral, 324–25
and August 1969, 66, 265–66, 356
Irish reunification policy, 263–64
Lynch, Martin “Duckser,” 453, 583
Lynch, Sandy, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Lynch, Sandy
MacAirt, Proinsias, 98, 144, 159
MacBride, Maude Gonne, 48
MacCionnaith, Breandan, 468
MacGiolla, Tomas, 60
MacGiolla Bhride, Antoin, 313–14
MacNeill, Eoin, 310
MacStiofain, Sean, 71, 80, 82, 96–97, 106, 126–27, 392, 394, 613
Goulding opposition, 60, 75, 77
1972 British talks, 113–14
Magan, Tony, 49
Magee, John Joe, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Magee: John Joe
Maghaberry jail, 483
Magill (Dublin), 170
Maguire, Frank, 211
Maguire, Noel, 211–12
Maguire children, 363
Mahon, Catherine and Gerald, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Mahon, Catherine and Gerald
Major, John, 283–85, 411–12, 433–34, 436, 444, 455–57, 496, 499
Mallie, Eamonn, 410–11
Mallon, Kevin, 143, 241–42, 245, 322
Mallon, Roseanne, 322
Malta, 19
Manchester bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Manchester bomb
Mandelson, Peter, 503
Mansergh, Martin, 274, 278–79, 284–85, 422, 435, 458, 520, 525
Mansion House, 287, 289, 294–95, 345
Markethill, Co. Armagh, 507
Markets, see Belfast: Markets
Martin, Eugene, 307
Martin, Leo, 78
Maskey, Alex, 564
Maudling, Reginald, 95, 101, 110
Mawhinney, Gordon, 281
Mayhew, Sir Patrick, 406, 430, 434, 499–500, 572
Maze prison, 145, 299, 323, 364, 444, 487
see also Long Kesh prison
McAliskey, Bernadette, 207, 320
see also Devlin, Bernadette
McAliskey, Michael, 320
McAnespie, Aidan, 303
McArdle, Colette, 107
see also Adams, Colette
McArdle, Maggie, 107
McAteer, Aidan, 402
McAuley, Gerald, 67
McCabe, Jack, 115
McCabe, Garda Jerry, 547
McCain, Senator John, 553–54
McCann, Danny, 243–44, 330, 332
McCartney, Catherine, 550, 552, 555
McCartney, Claire, 550
McCartney, Gemma, 550
McCartney, family, 551–53, 555
McCartney, Paula, 550
McCartney, Robert, killing and cover-up, 549–58, 563, 565, 575, 582
American reaction, 553–55, 557
and decommissioning, 555–56
McCaughey, Martin, 318
McCaughey, Sean, 159
McCluskey, Con and Patricia, 62
McCollum, Seamus, 171
McCool, Tommy, 360–61
McCrea, Willie, 240, 321–22, 458, 523
McCreesh, Raymond, 568
McCrory, Eamon ‘Ted,’ see Howell, Ted
McCrory, Patrick, 559
McDermott, Eamonn, 84
McDonnell, Alastair, 564
McDonnell, Joe, 568–69
McElwaine, Seamus, 291, 307, 313–15, 317, 325
McFarlane, Brendan ‘Bik,’ 568, 570–72
McGarritty, J. J., 309
McGaughey, David, 542
McGimpsie, Ross, 354
McGirl, John Joe, 71, 189, 198, 295
McGlinchey, Dominic, 314–15, 383
McGlinchey, Mary, 315
McGrady, 564
McGrane, Seamus, 472, 476–79, 609–11
McGuigan, Mary, 73
McGuinness, Frank, 439, 446, 453–54, 472, 479, 507
McGuinness, Martin, xxii, 194, 201, 247, 260, 300–302, 317, 344, 367, 381, 384, 393, 406, 458, 470, 478, 542, 553, 559, 566, 585, 587
abstention debate, 293, 295–97, 342
and Adams think tank, 403, 405
on Army Council, 164, 166, 378, 382, 526, 583–84
and cease-fires:
1994–96, 397–98, 418, 422, 424, 426–29, 439, 452, 519
cease-fire talks (1972), 14, 113–14, 246
as chief of staff, 173, 215, 613
and decommissioning, 440, 450, 456, 487–88
and de-escalation measures, 369–71
as education minister, 486
elected to Northern Ireland Assembly (1982), 190, 219, 242
and Good Friday Agreement, 483, 485, 535
and IRA Executive dispute, 473–74
and Hegarty, Frank, 24–25, 388–89
and Libyan weaponry, 383, 386–88
and Mitchell principles, 484
and 1996 convention, 448, 452–53
and Northern Bank, 546–48, 573
as Northern commander, 21, 160, 165, 301, 382–83
and restructuring plans, 157, 159
Mcllvenna, Sean, 243–44
McKearney, Kevin, 307
McKearney, Margaret, 306–7
McKearney, Padraig, 306–7, 311–15, 325
McKearney, Sean, 307
McKearney, Tommy, 307
McKee, Billy, 79, 88, 98–99, 121, 143–44, 177, 179, 225, 340
Belfast commander, 141, 146–47, 162, 164
as first Northern commander, 159–61
and IRA split (1969), 60, 70, 73
and St. Matthews, 89–90, 99, 167, 551
McKee, Kevin, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): McKee, Kevin
McKendry, Helen, 124–25
McKendry, Seamus, 124–25
McKenna, Kevin, 329, 384, 401, 403, 414, 417
and cease-fires:
1994–96, 396–97, 400, 426, 439
1997, 469–70
as chief of staff, 18, 243, 384–86, 517, 613
and army conventions:
1997, 478–79
and East Tyrone ASU, 307, 312–14, 318
and McGuinness, Martin, 386–87, 389
McKenna, Sean, 206–7
McKevitt, Michael “Micky,” 294, 417, 507–8, 517–18, 573
and cease-fires:
and army conventions:
and Eksund operation, 17–18, 27, 384
and Mitchell principles, 468–69, 474, 506
McKittrick, David, 410–11
McLaughlin, Father, 230
McLaughlin, Mitchel, 80, 278, 299–300, 403, 436, 547, 563–64
and de-escalation measures, 367, 369–71
McMullan, Karen, 538
McMullan, Micky, 81
McNally, Francie, 320–21
McNally, Lawrence, 318
McNally, Phelim, 320–21
McParland, Liam, 84
Meagher, Father Brendan, 207, 260
Mellows, Liam, 310
MI5, 134, 193, 248, 258–59, 330, 336, 338, 430, 509, 525, 527, 572–74, 577
and IRA informers, 157, 387, 442
see also British intelligence
MI6, 141, 176, 207, 227, 247, 260, 401, 406, 572–74
see also British intelligence
Military Reconnaissance/Reaction Force (MRF), see British intelligence: MRF
Mister Eddie, see Provisional IRA: in Libya, and Mister Eddie
Mitchell, David, 233
Mitchell, George, 440, 456, 483, 487, 502–3, 521–22
Mitchell principles, 461, 464, 473–75, 609–11, 614
Mitchell report, 448, 469, 473, 500
Molloy, Eamonn, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Molloy, Eamonn
Molloy, Francie, 323
Molloy, Tommy, 323
Mooney, Mickey, 437
Morgan, Seamus see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Morgan, Seamus
Morrison, Bruce, 421
Morrison, Danny, 150–51, 166, 180, 202–3, 240, 278, 299, 474
and Adams think tank, 402–3
as director of publicity, 150, 166, 189
and hunger strikes, 190, 207–8, 226, 260, 568, 571
Mountbattan, Lord Louis, 175–77
Mountain Climber, 260, 568, 571–72
see also Oatley, Michael
Mowlam, Mo, 457–58, 467, 503, 513
Mugabe, Robert, 525
Mulcahy, Patrick, 78
Mullen, John Paddy, 311
Mullin, Brian, 318
Mulvenna, Paddy, 105–6
Murphy, Francis, 565
Murphy, Lennie, 221–24
see also Shankill Butchers
Murphy, Patrick, 224
Murphy, Paul, 503
Murphy, Tom “Slab,” 161, 381, 385, 417, 441, 459
and Army Council, 382, 386, 389, 453
and cease-fires:
1997, 470
as chief of staff, 478–79, 517, 583–84, 613
and Libyan weaponry, 21, 27, 384
Murray, Anto, 243–44
Murray, Sean ‘Spike,’ 583
Murray, Tom, 306
Myrtlefield Park, 138–39
na Fianna Eireann, 38, 75, 230
Nally, Dermot, 283
Narrow Water, see Provisional IRA: operations, Narrow Water
National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 420–21, 489
National Democratic Institute, 436
National H Blocks Committee, 207–8, 212–15
Nationalist Party, 37, 50, 62, 278–79, 402
National Liberation Front (NLF), 58–59
National Security Council (U.S.), 427, 441, 490
national self-determination:
British response to Adams letter, 252–54
in Downing Street Declaration, 412–13
in Reid-Adams initiative, 270, 272, 275, 282, 284, 298, 411
Neave, Airey, 176
Nelson, Austin, 321
Nelson, Brian, 577–79
New Barnsley, see Belfast: New Barnsley
‘new departure,’ 57–58
Newell, Reverend Kenneth, 224
New Ireland Forum, 267
Nicholson, James, 185
ni Elias, Christin, 191–95, 207
Nieminen, Brigadier Tauno, 560
“Nine Pointer,” 406–8
Nixon, Richard, 261
no-jury courts, 144–45
Noraid, see Irish Northern Aid
normalization, 145
Northern Bank robbery, see Provisional IRA: operations, Northern Bank robbery
Northern Command (Provisional IRA), 158–61, 207, 244, 324, 336, 376–77, 431, 438
and IRA operations, 307, 314, 317, 319, 321, 333, 346–49, 444, 458
and McGuinness, Martin, 21, 165, 382–83
and new structures, 159–61
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA), 62–64, 69, 110, 353–54, 362
Northern Ireland Constitution Bill, 129, 133
Northern Ireland Forum, 442, 457
Northern Ireland Office (NIO), 258–59, 366–67, 371, 433
Northern Ireland state, xix, 37–44, 62–63, 85, 308
see also O’Neill, Terence; Stormont
Notarantonio, Francisco, 578
Nugent, Malcolm, 324
Oatley, Michael, 207, 213, 258, 260, 406, 573
see also British intelligence, “Mountain Climber”
O Bradaigh, Ruairi, 8, 59, 112, 114, 168, 179, 190, 207, 242, 280, 289, 492, 505
Adams move against, 178–91, 196–97, 204
and Ard Fheis (1986), 289, 291, 295, 507–8
background, 77–78
Eire Nua debate, 181–83, 189–91
and elections, 78, 198–200, 202, 211, 291
and IRA split (1969), 71, 73, 79
and negotiations with British, 144, 165–66, 405
and ni Elias, Christin, 192, 194
and 1974 cease-fire, 143–44, 165–66, 397
and shift to the left, 184–86
as Sinn Fein president, 72, 78
O Bradaigh, Sean, 189
O’Brien, Ed, 443
O’Brien, Edna, 420
O’Callaghan, Gerard, 307
O’Callaghan, Sean, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): O’Callaghan, Sean
O’Caolain, Caoimhghin, 291, 529
O Conaill, Daithi, 12, 60, 70, 113–14, 139, 150, 164, 179, 207, 242, 280, 289, 392
Adams move against, 178–92, 196–97, 204
and Ard Fheis (1986), 294–95
and Eire Nua, 181–85
and elections, 198–200, 202, 211
and 1974 cease-fire, 143, 165–66, 397
and shift to the left, 184–86
O’Connor, Joe, 508
O’Connor, John (cardinal of New York), 237
O’Connor, Laurence, 84
October 5, 1968, march (Derry), 63–64, 352, 354
O’Donnell, Dwayne, 324
O’Donnell, Kevin Barry, 318
O’Dowd, Niall, 421
O Duill, Piaras, 207
O’Dwyer, Paul, 421
O’Farrell, Sean, 319
O Fiaich, Tomas (cardinal of Ireland), 227–28, 232–38, 269, 275
Official IRA, 72, 77, 80, 111, 136, 265, 311, 495
in Derry, 359–61
feuds with Provisionals, 97, 106, 134, 147, 167–69
Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH), 49, 342, 376, 398, 450–51, 479
Ogra Sinn Fein, 590
O’Hagan, Joe (J. B.), 143, 295, 312, 476
O’Hagan, Kathleen, 322
O’Hanlon, Fergal, 198
O hAnnrachain, Padraig, 261
O’Hara, Patsy, 568
O’Hare, Rita, 179
O hUiginn, Padraig, 463
Oldfield, Sir Maurice, 177, 227, 406
see also British intelligence
O’Leary, Olivia, xv
O’Loan, Nuala, 125
Omagh bombing, 508
O’Malley, Des, 274
O Muilleoir, Mairtin, 299, 584
O’Neill, Colette, 316
O’Neill, Diarmuid, 443
O’Neill, Owen Roe, 308
O’Neill, Captain Terence, 53–54, 61–62, 64–65, 86, 589
see also IRA (pre-1969): Border Campaign
Operation Mallard, 33
Operation Ramparts, 144
operations department (Provisional IRA), 377
Opsahl report, 369–71
Orange Order, 43–44, 65, 83, 590
parades, 44, 86, 89, 465–68, 527–28, 589
O’Rawe, Richard, 568–72
Orde, Chief Constable Hugh, 539, 543
O’Riordan, Father Sean, 235–36
O Snodaigh, Aengus, 564
Paisley, Reverend lan, xiii, 95, 233, 280, 355, 489, 523, 527–28, 542, 585
and elections, 86, 89, 535, 541
and power-sharing Executive, 587–91
Palace Barracks, Hollywood, 109, 119
pan-nationalist unity, 399, 416, 487
and Army Council (Provisional IRA), 389–90, 423
and IRA military strategy, 336, 339, 389
in Reid-Adams initiative, 238, 270, 273, 298, 422
Papal Nuncio, 236
and Bloody Sunday, 110, 350, 362, 548
Parnell, Charles Stuart, 309
Parnell Square, 207
Pathway to Peace, 401
Paul VI, 237
Peace and Reconciliation Group (PRG), 364–71
see also Derry: de-escalation measures
peace commission, 417
Peace People, 363–64
peace process, xx–xxi, 34, 150, 224, 236, 245, 254, 496
British aide-memoire, 461–62
and Catholic church, 231–38
“Concrete Proposal, A” 275, 280, 631–40
Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, 277
framework documents, 437
“Heads of Agreement,” 484–85 and Labour government, 457–58
“stepping stones,” 275–76, 631–40
and Thatcher resignation, 283
see also Downing Street Declaration; Good Friday Agreement; Hume-Adams process; Reid-Adams initiative
Pearse, Patrick, 52, 54, 188, 309
Peep O’Day Boys, 82–83
penal laws, 82
Penn, Sean, 581
People’s Democracy (PD), 64–65, 202, 354–55
Pilling, Joe, 573–74
Pius XII, 41
plantation of Ulster, 39, 308, 353
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), 486, 523–24, 527, 537, 539, 550, 552, 580
see also RUC
Political Affairs Bureau, see Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
see also special-category status
population movement, 68
Portlaoise jail, 158, 164, 179, 482
power-sharing Assembly (1974) 10, 128–29, 199
see also Sunningdale agreement
Prince of Wales Own Regiment, 356, 358
Prior, James, 210, 215, 219, 234, 291
Prisoners Dependants Fund, 311
prison protests, 189–90, 201, 205–6
see also hunger strikes
Progressive Democrats, 274, 462, 495, 544
Provisional IRA:
arms smuggling, 3–6, 15–20, 107, 114–15, 141, 162, 171, 265
Cage 11 reorganization, 148–65, 167, 185, 196, 203, 334, 401
active-service units (ASUs)/cell structure, 157, 171–72, 177, 317–18, 332, 377
Civil Administration (Administrative IRA), 152–53
“Green Book,” 154–55
“long war” doctrine, 150–51, 185, 290
Northern and Southern Commands, 159–61
“permanent leadership,” 157–58, 375
Revolutionary Council, 154, 160, 169, 171
and civilian casualties, 341–43, 389
Constitution 1986/1996, 602–608
Eire Nua debate, 181–83
electoral politics, 199–203
end of war statement July 2005, xiii, 558, 641–42
Executive, 165, 293, 378–79, 445
and cease-fires:
and Mitchell principles, 473–77, 609–11
finance, 433–34, 459–61, 515, 545
and internment, 100–103
and interparty talks, 467, 470
in Libya, 6–15
and Mister Eddie, 9–12
Libyan weaponry, 17–20, 250, 288, 294, 326–27, 333, 383–84, 386–88, 406, 432
and McCartney killing, 550–55
Abercorn bomb, 111
Andersonstown RUC station, 243, 317
Australian tourists, 344
Ballygawley, 314
Birches, the, 314
Bloody Friday, 116–18
building contractors, 314
businessmen, 185
Brighton bomb, 247
Castlereagh raid, 523, 526, 544–46, 563, 572
cigarettes, 543
City of London, 411
Cochrane, Thomas, abduction, 219–24
Colombia, xiii, 489, 493, 496, 504–5, 510–13, 526, 530, 544, 556
commercial bombing campaign, 100, 103, 459
Daily Mirror, 100
Dalkey robbery, 513–15
Dunmurry robbery, 543
Falls Road swimming baths, 341–42, 347
flying columns, 312–14, 333–34
Four Square Laundry, 119–21
Gibraltar, 256, 329–32, 337, 526
Gow, Ian, 336
Hammersmith bridge, 443
Heathrow Airport mortars, 424
Howe, Geoffrey, 331–32
human bombs (Coshquin), 347–50, 350, 556
Iceland (supermarket chain), 543
Johnston, Gillian, 341
Kingsmills massacre, 320–21
Limerick, 515
Lisnaskea school bus bomb, 341–42, 347
Little Donegall Street, 116
London bus bomb, 443
Manchester bomb, 443
McCabe, Garda, 547
McConville, Jean, 122–25
Mountbattan, Lord Louis, 175–77
Narrow Water ambush, 176–77
Newry post office robbery, 433–34, 499
Northern Bank robbery, 536–39, 543–48, 553, 555–57, 560, 563, 565, 568, 573, 582
prison guard killings, 206
punishment shootings, 513
reprisal killings, 319–24
Restorick, Stephen, 456–57
Rheindahlen bomb, 329
Roslea attack, 333–34
Royal School of Music bomb, 336
Shankill Road bomb, 414–15
Shergar kidnapping, 242
Stormont spy ring, 524–25, 544–46, 563, 572–73, 580
Teebane bomb, 345–46
“Tet offensive,” see “Tet offensive” (Provisional IRA)
Thiepval barracks bomb, 444–45, 458
Tidey, Don, kidnapping, 242, 385
Tohill, Bobby, 541
policing, 153
politics vs. armed struggle, 79–80, 151–52, 240–45, 290, 299, 339–40, 342–44, 349, 389–90, 457, 472
see also “Armalite and ballot box” strategy
PSNI, attitude to, 585, 587–90
security unit (internal security department), 29–31, 156, 334–36, 574–76
shift to the left, 184–89, 197
start of Provisionals, 71–72
structures, 376–80
AK47 rifles, 3, 19–20, 24, 160, 328, 387–88, 514
Barrett Light 50, 339, 456, 459
car bombs, 115–16
coffee jar bombs, 366–67
culvert bombs, 339
DHSK machine guns (“Dushkies”), 3, 20, 23, 328
incendiary bombs, 173
Kalashnlkov, 562
land mines, 116
Lewis gun, 113
106 millimeter cannons, 22
radio-controlled bombs, 160, 177, 339
RPG-7 rocket launchers, 20, 138, 199
SAM-7 missiles, 3, 19, 21–23, 25, 328
Semtex, 4–6, 20, 22–23, 329–30, 333, 367, 443, 489
Taurus automatic pistols, 19
women in republican movement, 204, 376
Qaddafi, Hana, 14
Qaddafi, Colonel Muammar, 353–64
and Cage 11 proposals, 153–54
IRA liaison, 3–4, 6–14, 24, 138, 288, 292, 328–29, 487, 561
Qaddafi, Sadi, 24
Quakers, 364
quartermaster’s (QM) department (Provisional IRA), 377–78, 447, 450
Queen’s Own Highlanders, 176
Quinn, John, 324
Ramaphosa, Cyril, 503
Rankin, Ernest, 321
Real IRA, 479, 505, 507–9, 514–15, 573
Redemptorist Congregation, 71, 228–31, 235, 260
and Reid initiative, 234–35, 269, 274, 283, 297
see also Clonard Monastery; Reid, Father Alec
Red Mole, 186
Rees, Merlyn, 200
Reid, Father Alec, 256, 281, 283, 364, 411, 428, 433, 458, 484, 560, 562, 631–40
and British dialogue, 246, 247–50, 255–60
and Cochrane abduction, 220–21, 224–25, 486
and Haughey contact, xv, 262, 268–77, 280, 289, 293–94, 297, 395, 422, 520, 615–28
Irish government contacts, 278, 285, 422, 435
King/Brooke mediation, 394, 396, 406
peace initiative, xv, 224–25, 231–41, 245, 255, 505
and republican prisoners, 226–28
Reid, Billy, 95
Reid-Adams initiative, 369, 394, 406, 412–13, 484, 560, 568, 579
Catholic Church contacts, 231–38
dialogue with British, 247–60
Haughey contact, 263, 269–78, 280–84, 297
national self-determination in, 270, 272, 275, 282, 284, 298
“stepping stones,” 275–76, 281–82, 284, 297, 336, 400, 629–38
Reiss, Mitchell, 542, 553, 555
Relatives Action Committees, 201
Republican Clubs, 167, 311, 358
“Republican family, the,” 42
republican feuds, 96–97, 106, 147, 167–68
Republican Labour party, 354
Republican News (RN), 75, 151, 170, 186, 335, 570
see also An Phoblacht-Republican News
Republican Sinn Fein (RSF), 289, 507
Restorick, Stephen, 456–57
Revolutionary Council (Provisional IRA), 160, 167–69, 171, 178–79, 182, 200, 403
curbing IRA, 343–45
set up, 153–54
as taoiseach, 278, 285, 399, 404, 408, 427
and Downing Street Declaration, 412–13, 416–17, 419
and Hume-Adams document, 409, 411–12
and 1994–96 cease-fire, 422, 424–25, 428–29
Reynolds, Father Gerry, 422
Rheindahlen bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Rheindahlen bomb
Rice, Condoleeza, 531
Rice, J. J., 198
Rigali, Justin (archbishop of St. Louis), 237
Rockefeller, David, 420
Roslea attack, see Provisional IRA: operations, Roslea attack
Rourke, Mickey, 581
Royal Hampshire Regiment, 365
Royal Highland Fusiliers, 97
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 78, 287
Royal Marines, 96
Royal Scots Regiment, 86
Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), 153, 172, 184, 310, 316, 340, 436, 512
in August 1969, 66–67, 81, 355–56
and civil rights marches, 63, 352–54
conflict with Catholics, 43, 46
in Derry, 350, 352, 355, 358–60
Headquarters Mobile Support Unit, 305
interrogation centers, 109, 133–34, 138, 145, 149, 154–55, 523
IRA attacks on, 38, 41, 223, 304, 336, 338, 444
Special Branch, 15, 29–30, 39, 100, 109, 164, 334–35, 430, 442, 577, 579
see also Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI)
RTE (Radio Telefis Eireann), 354, 579
Russell, Sean, 48–49
Ryan, Michael “Pete,” 313–14, 318
Ryan, Father Patrick, 137
Sands, Bernadette, 439
Sands, Bobby, 226, 293, 439, 577, 580
Fermanagh-South Tyrone by-election (1981), 202, 210–14, 529, 567
hunger strike, 12, 202, 208–9, 213, 228, 558, 566
Saor Uladh (Free Ulster), 310
SAS (Special Air Services), 255, 317, 330
in Tyrone, 304–5, 316, 318–19, 322, 526
Savage, Sean, 330
Saville, Lord, 548–49
Scappaticci, Freddie, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Scappaticci, Freddie
Scarman, Lord, 68
Schultz, George, 420
Schwab, George, 421
Scotland Yard, 127
Second Battalion (Provisional IRA), 87, 96, 99–101, 113, 119, 141, 199
and Ballymurphy, 91–92, 95, 105
Second Dail, 55, 287, 376, 379
secret burials, see “disappeared”
“securocrats,” 525, 544–45, 572–82
self-determination, see national self-determination
Sens, Andrew, 560
September 11, 2001, xiii, xxi, 490, 493, 497, 556
Shankill Butchers, 146, 168, 221, 224
see also Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)
Shankill Defence Association, 65
Shankill Road, see Belfast: Shankill Road
Shankill Road bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Shankill Road bomb
Shergar kidnapping, see Provisional IRA: operations, Shergar kidnapping
Shields, Diarmuid, 322
Shields, Patrick, 322
Shimeld, Phil, 186
Shropshire conference, 504, 510
Short Strand, see Belfast: Short Strand
Sinn Fein (pre-1970), 50, 59, 72, 198, 287
Sinn Fein (Provisional), xiii, xiv, 11, 79, 254, 259, 275, 277, 306, 310, 323, 325, 368, 379, 494, 496, 504, 511, 528, 544–46, 553, 564–65, 590
abstentionism (ending of), 287–98, 328
and anti-imperialist front, 300–301
Ard Comhairle (1980), 593–97
Ard Fheis, 549, (1986), 287–89, 292, 294–97, 519, (1998), 480–83, (2007) 590
and arms decommissioning, 434, 436, 440, 499–500, 502–3
British withdrawal policy, 271–72
and cease-fires
1974, 143–44
councillors killed, 320–22
and Downing Street Declaration, 417, 419
Eire Nua debate, 181–83, 185–91
and electoral politics, 128, 151, 197–98, 200–203, 210–15, 219, 223, 240–41, 245, 290–91, 297, 339–40, 343, 382, 390, 417, 442, 457–58
formation, 72
fund-raising in United States, 437, 460
and Good Friday Agreement, 481–82, 484–86, 488
and hunger strikes, 207, 209, 567
and interparty talks, 455–58, 461–62, 465, 469, 474, 478
and IRA armed struggle, 151–52, 216, 240–41, 245, 290, 297, 340, 342–46, 448, 459
isolation of, 233–34
and McCartney, Robert, 551–52, 555
and McConville, Jean, 124–25
meetings with SDLP, 278–80
and National H Blocks Committee, 214–15
and ni Elias, Christin, 191–95
and pan-nationalist unity, 273, 298–99, 300, 435
and peace process, 255, 268, 298, 390–91
“Scenario for Peace, A” 298
“Towards a Broader Base,” 299
“Towards a Lasting Peace in Ireland,” 399–400
and policing, xiv, 585, 587–90
and women’s issues, 204–5
Sinn Fein – The Workers Party, 291
“Sixty-niners,” 80
see also defender tradition
Sjarmar, 19
Slevin, Liam, 73
Smyth, Reverend Martin, 532
social and political change in 1960s, 52–54, 60–62, 64–65
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), xiii, xiv, xxi, 102, 112, 129, 215, 239, 264, 299, 436, 440, 458, 483, 495, 518, 529–30, 558, 569–70
and Anglo-Irish Agreement, 241, 339
elections, 202, 212, 214, 340, 535, 540–41, 563–64, 590
and Hume-Adams process, 277–80, 297, 395
and pan-nationalist unity, 273, 423
and power-sharing Assembly, 128–29, 138, 199
and unionist consent, 408–10
sos, the, 429, 438, 445, 448–49, 469–72, 477
South Armagh Brigade (Provisional IRA), 161, 210
operations, 177, 220, 262, 411, 433, 441–43, 456, 459, 499
South Armagh Republican Action Force, 146
South Armagh Republican Reaction Force, 320
Southern Command (Provisional IRA), 157–58, 377, 438–39, 449
special-category status, 144, 189, 434
Special Powers Act (SPA), 39, 62
see also Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)
“stages theory,” 57–58
Stalker, John, 512
Starry Plough, 298
State Department (U.S.), 24, 490–91
Statham, Julie, 322
statistics of violence:
1971, 102–3
1974, 141
1976, 146
1980s, 196
1982, 223
1986–92, 319
1988–90, 338
St. Andrew’s Agreement, 587–89
“Steaknife,” 576
Steele, Jimmy, 60, 70, 75, 104
Steindoughtery, Margaret, 512
“stepping stones,” 275–76, 281–82, 284, 297, 336, 400
see also Reid-Adams initiative
“Stickies” (“Sticks”), 99, 141, 294
St. Matthews, 89–90, 92, 99, 147, 167
Stobie, William, 577
Storey, Bobby, 526, 546, 551, 580
and Jean McConville, 125
Stormont, 85, 139, 201, 215, 288, 295, 310
IRA view of, 154
suspension of, 111–12
Stormont spy-ring, see Provisional IRA: operations, Stormont spy-ring
Stronge, James, 320–21
Stronge, Sir Norman, 320–21
Sullivan, Jim, 72–73
Sunday Business Post (Dublin), 418, 565
Sunday Times (London), 381, 517–18
Sunday Tribune (Dublin), 279, 413, 482–83
Sunday World (Dublin), 187, 583
Sunningdale agreement, 138–39, 142, 273, 465, 528
supergrasses, 243
Tamil Tigers, 585
Taplas, General Fernando, 511–12
Tartan Gangs, 97
Taylor, Harry, 109
Taylor, Peter, 349
Teahon, Paddy, 463
Tebbit, Norman, 247
Teebane bomb, see Provisional IRA: operations, Teebane bomb
Ten Men Dead, 570
‘Tet offensive’ (Provisional IRA), 20–24, 26, 28, 32–33, 249–50, 281, 303, 305, 386, 403, 406, 489
political agenda, 327–28
Vietcong and, 20
Thames Television, 330
Thatcher, Margaret, 16, 171, 176–77, 206, 215, 267, 274, 325, 336–37, 420
and Adams contact, 247–49, 256
and Anglo-Irish Agreement, 241, 273
and Gibraltar, 330–31
and hunger strikes, 209, 213–14, 228, 232, 239, 261, 568–69
and Libya, 13–14
resignation, 283
security measures (1988), 338, 434
Thiepval barracks, 576, see also Provisional IRA: operations, Thiepval barracks bomb
think tank, see Adams, Gerry: and think tank
Third Battalion (Provisional IRA), 87, 89, 97, 122, 133
thirty-two-county democratic socialist republic, 183, 270
Thomas, Quentin, 283, 285, 458
Tidey, Don, kidnapping of, 242, 385
Times (London), 491
timing power unit (TPU), 5–6
Timothy, Mick, 179
Tohill, Bobby, 541
Tolan, Tommy ‘Toddler,’ 105–6, 113, 168
Tone, Theobold Wolfe, 57, 82–83, 146, 231, 308
Toner, Father Tom, 226–27
Toohey, John L., 548
Towerstream, MV, 171
Tracy, Sean, 78
Treacy, Sean, 105
Treanor, Pat, 446
Treaty of 1921 (the Treaty), xviii–xix, 37, 40, 47, 113, 288, 394
Trimble, David, xiii, xiv, xxi, 483, 486, 489, 497, 501–4 510, 518, 521, 523, 525, 527–30, 532, 534–35, 540–41
Tripoli, 3–4, 6–7, 9, 11, 14, 19
Troubles, the, xiii, xvii–xix, 6, 16, 152
TUAS strategy, 435, 446, 452, 596–99
and 1994–96 cease-fire, 423, 429, 432, 438, 441, 472
Twomey, Seamus, 64, 98–99, 103, 106, 113, 122, 143, 157, 168–69, 172–73, 179, 185, 199, 386
and abstention debate, 293, 295
and Bloody Friday, 117–18
and formation of Provisionals, 60, 70
Tynan Abbey, 320
Tyrie, Andy, 11
history of resistance, 308–12
Loughgall ambush, 304–8, 313–19, 324
see also East Tyrone Brigade (Provisional IRA)
Ulster Custom, 82
Ulster Defence Association (UDA), xviii, 10–11, 223, 290, 320, 414–15, 559, 577–78
Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR), 85, 184, 387
IRA attacks on, 219, 312, 314, 318–19, 336, 338, 340–41, 344
Ulster Unionist Council, 523
Ulster Unionist Party, 61, 98, 281, 500, 528, 541, 590
see also Chichester-Clark, Major James; Craig, James; Craig, William; Faulkner, Brian; O’Neill, Terence; Trimble, David
Ulster Volunteer Force (1912), 42
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), xviii, 61, 146, 323, 335
Tyrone killings (1988–91), 307, 314, 319–24
see also Shankill Butchers
Ulster Workers’ Councill, 528
Ulsterization, 145
unionism, see Northern Ireland state
unionist consent (attitudes to), 267, 272–73, 275, 285–86, 395, 399, 410, 465, 484
in Downing Street Declaration, 412–13
United Irishman, 77
United Irishmen, 81–83
United Nations, 531
Vanguard Party, 528
Vietnam, 586
Vincent, Daniel, 319
Volklscher Beobachter, 584
Walker, James Edward, 512
Walsh, Representative Jim, 554–55
Walsh, Seanna, 558
Ward, Peter, 62
Warren, Will, 364
Washington Post, 491
weaponry, see Provisional IRA: weaponry
West Belfast Festival, 549
West, Harry, 212
Whitaker, T. K., 264
Whitehall, 258
White House, the, 402, 491, 553
Whitelaw, William, 112–13, 116, 128–29
Widgery, Lord, 548
Williams, Betty, 363
Wilsey, Lieutenant General Sir John, 366
Wilson, Gordon, 341
Wilson, Harold, 54, 64, 85, 89
Wilson, Marie, 341
Wilson, Padraig, 483, 487, 512–13
Women’s Coalition, 521
Workers Party, 436
World Trade Center, 347, 490–91
Wright, Billy, 323
Wright, Seamus, see informers/security breaches (Provisional IRA): Wright, Seamus
“Young Hooligans,” 356
Young Turks, 139–41