Why not?


No. Thank you. I’m done.

Come on. It’s a celebration. I want to celebrate. Let me celebrate with you.

Why me?

You’re the only person here.

You could celebrate alone.

I could celebrate with you.

What you celebrating?


Your life?

Your life, my life, all these lives with nowhere to go.

That’s what you’re celebrating? Dead-end lives?

All lives reach a dead end.

It depends upon what you believe.

I believe that all lives reach a dead end.

And you want to drink to that?

No. I want to drink to life.

With a dead end.

Then we’ll drink to something without end if you’d prefer. We’ll drink to love.

No. I’m too drunk to drink to love.

Why would you not want to drink to love?

Because I’m drinking alone.

You’re drinking with me.

I’m drinking at this bar. You’re stood behind it.

Then I’ll come the other side and sit with you. Then you’re not drinking alone.

But who will serve me?

I’ll bring the bottle with me.

You’re allowed to do that?

It’s my bar.

Your bar?

You don’t believe me?

How old are you?

How old are you?

It’s just that, I don’t know, at your age, I wasn’t this, well, sorted in life.

You think because I own a bar I have a sorted life?

You’re a lot more together than I was.

You only think that because you’re drunk.

I think it because I’m old. Because my past’s happened all too quickly. Because I’d like some parts of it back.

And what parts would you like?

I don’t know. The good parts.

Like what?

That’s none of your business.

Then they can’t be that good.

That’s not true.

Then tell me.





Because they’re my good parts. They belong to me.

But you only wish for those good parts, right?

I wish for my naivety. My strength. For all those lies I used to believe in.

And all those lies are what you want back? They’re the good parts?

What is this?

I just wanted someone to have a drink with me.

Because you’re celebrating your dead-end life?

No. Because this is what life’s about.


Not drinking alone is a start.

There is more to life than drinking.

And yet we’re drinking away our lives.

OK. I’ll drink to something else with you but not for love. I never drink to love.

Because love’s let you down.

Because love drives you mad.

Then let’s drink to madness.


Yes, madness. Madness that you should be drinking alone. Madness that you won’t drink to love.

Madness is love.

Life is madness.

I’ll drink to that.

And now we’ll drink to love.

No. I will not drink to love.

Come on. Life is mad and short and filled with love. Drink to that.

No. You’ll have to drink this one alone. I should go home.

Now you’re making me drink alone.

No one is drinking alone because you will close this bar and I am going home.

Then drink this one with me to tomorrow.

What about tomorrow?

We’re already in it.

No. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Now is today.

And you’re certain about that?

I’m certain that you’re mad.

One more won’t hurt. We can drink to whatever you’d like to drink to. What about the good parts?

I don’t want another.

I thought you wanted your good parts back?

But not in another drink.

You haven’t moved an inch though.

I’m about to. I’m just finding my legs.

Legs that’ll carry you home to who?

Me. I carry myself home to me.

And that’s why you won’t drink to love?

It’s why I won’t drink until tomorrow.

Then drink this one to hope.

We’re drinking to hope now?

Yes, hope.

Hope for what?

Hope that there’ll be somebody else to worry about you tomorrow.

There you go again. Making me drink to love.

I didn’t even say the word.

You suggested it.

I don’t think so.

You said that you hoped to be worrying about me tomorrow.


Yes, me. No, you.

You are drunk.

And that’s why I won’t drink to love.

Because there is no love?


And no hope of love?


And no tomorrow?

Well that depends.

Upon what?

Whether I can see it, whether it comes.

Doesn’t it always?

Not always. Sometimes it passes you by and makes you wish you’d done it today.

Done what today?

Lived. Loved. Drunk.

Not hoped?

I hope every day.

You hope every day?

Don’t we all?

What do you hope for?

I don’t know. The stuff we all hope for. Love, life, tomorrow to be better than yesterday.

So you’ll drink to hope but not for love and yet you’re drunk because of all the hopes love never brought you?

That’s not what I said.

But it’s true.

I thought we were celebrating.

We are.

You’ve still not told me what we’re celebrating.

I’ve told you. Life.

But what about life?

You won’t drink to that.

So you are celebrating love?

I’m celebrating the hope of meeting the love of my life again tomorrow.

The love of your life again?


And who is that?




What are you on about? You don’t even know me.

Yes I do.

No you don’t. We’ve only just met.

And you don’t want another drink to celebrate that?


But what are the chances of us meeting like this?

We could’ve met at the bus stop.

But we didn’t. We met here. And we both hoped for it.

I didn’t. I just wanted a drink.

But ask yourself why you wanted a drink.

I just wanted a drink.

And yet now you don’t.

Don’t what?

Want a drink.

I don’t want another drink.

Because you’re drunk or because you don’t want another drink with me?



Yes, both.

So we’ll have one for the road then and just say goodbye.

No. Really.

Come on. One for the road.

And where does the road go?

Nowhere. It’s a dead end.

And that’s the road you want me to take with you?

It’s one road we can take. Or we can take another. That’s up to you.

Why is everything up to me?

Because you want to drink alone.

That doesn’t mean I want to go down the road on my own.

So it is about love.

No. It’s about one for the right road.

One for the right road then. And then I’ll go.

You’ll go?


But you own this bar.

I know.

So you can’t go.

I can. I can leave you the bar.

But I need to go home.

You don’t want the bar?

You want me to have the bar?

Yes. If you want it. It’s all yours.

You’re giving me the bar?

I need someone to have it. Why not you?

You’re giving me the bar?

Yes. If you’d like it. You can have it.

I think I will have another drink.

Because now you’re celebrating, right?

No. Because I need a drink.

Because what you hoped for you got?

I didn’t hope for a bar.

You hoped for love though.

I never said that.

You hoped something would happen to change your dead-end life.

I never said that either.

So take the bar.

I don’t want the bar.

It’s yours. It’s free. Take it.

I don’t want the bar. I don’t know how to run a bar.

It’s easy. That’s the good part.

But your bar is empty.

My bar is empty because there are other bars to choose from.

So you’re giving me an empty bar?


And you think that’s a good thing to give the love of your life?

I think an empty bar is better than a full bar.

You sure about that?

Well you get to start from scratch. Fill the bar with what you want.

You’re giving me this bar.


Just like that? You’re giving me the bar.

You don’t believe me?

No. Not really.

Is that why you wouldn’t drink to love?


Love. You wouldn’t drink to it because you don’t believe in it.

That’s not true.

So drink with me now to love.

We’re going round in circles here.

And yet you thought you had a dead-end life.

No. That’s not true.

Then drink with me to love. Or you can go home to me.

What about the bar?

You want the bar now?

You said you were giving me the bar.

Only if you needed it.

Needed it?

Yes. If you need it, if it will give you hope, you can have it.

You think I need your bar?

I can’t answer that.

Why not?

Because I don’t know you.

A moment ago you said I was the love of your life.

I said I hoped you were.

You hope I am?


You’re sure about that?

Yes. Aren’t you?

No. No. I don’t know you.

And yet a moment ago you’d have taken my bar.

You offered it to me.

And I’m still offering it now.

But you come with the bar, right?

I could.

I knew it.

Or you could just have the bar. That’s up to you. You need to make up your mind.

Can I think about it?

Only until tomorrow.

I might need more time than that.

Do you wear a watch?


Then how much time will you know has passed by thinking about it?

I need to think about it.

What’s the problem?

What’s the problem? You’re offering me a bar!

I’m offering you hope. A life. Another good part.

Oh, we’re back here again, are we? Next you’ll be asking me to drink to love.

No. I think I’m done.

You’re done?


But this is my bar.


I’d like you to stay and have a drink with me.

I see. What will we drink to?

That’s up to you. Tequila?

Why not?


No. Thank you.

Come on. It’s a celebration. I want to celebrate. Let me celebrate with you.