‘Barmouth’ was shortlisted for the BBC Short Story Award 2013, broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 2013, and published by Comma Press, 2013.

‘Dirty Laundry’ was first published on www.shortstorysunday.co.uk, on January 4th 2015.

‘Broken Crockery’ won The Guardian’s National Short Story Competition, August 2009.

‘The Cherry Tree’ first appeared as part of the online anthology The Casual Electrocution of Strangers, a project by Literary Salmon, October 2015.

‘Johnny Dangerously’ first appeared in The New Welsh Review, March issue, 2014.

‘The Land of Make Believe’ was Highly Commended in the Bridport Prize 2015, and published in the Bridport Prize anthology, Redcliffe Press. ‘Hoops’ made the longlist in 2016.

‘Chuck and Di’ first appeared in Hidden Voices anthology for The Luminary, September 2014.

‘The Trees in the Wood’ was commissioned by Comma Press for their Spindles: The Science of Sleep collection undertaken with the Wellcome Trust in 2015.

‘Fron’ was longlisted for the BBC Short Story Award 2018.

‘Abdul’ was longlisted for the Sunday Times Short Story Award, 2018.