ABC News, vii

Abercrombie, Nicholas, 10

Accardi, Maria T., 18

affective dimensions

of information behavior, 7–9

of learning, 5–6

alternative facts

“deep grammar” and, 3–4

dissemination of, 2

Kellyanne Conway and, viii

metaliterate learners and, 19

in presidential election of 2016, vii

spin/counter knowledge as precursors to, 16

American Library Association (ALA)

Annual Conference, Hillary Clinton at, vii

Fact or Fiction, 38

fake news webinar presented to, 29

angle, 25

Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, 33

Area, Manuel, 17

“Ariana Grande Emerges with Cut and Bloodied Face Following Scream Queens Filming” (, 20

assumptions, 5, 23

Attkisson, Sharyl, 17


Bawden, David, 2, 17, 26


See information behavior

bias, 24


illusion of choice, 11–12

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

books, on fake news, 29

Booth, Char, 5–6, 18

“brain hacking,” 11

Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Fake News Edition (, 36

Buckingham, David, 2


Calamur, Krishnadev, 16

Case, Donald, 8

Centers for Disease Control, 16

checkology® Virtual Classroom, 32

choice, illusion of, 11–12

citizen journalists, 13–14

Clinton, Hillary, vii

cognitive dimensions

of learning, 5–6

misinformation/disinformation, 6–7

Cohen, Daniel, 4, 20

Colbert, Stephen, 2

The Colbert Report (television show), 2

collaboration, 19

Columbia Journalism Review, 11

confirmation bias

awareness of, 7

in social media filter bubbles, 8

confusion, production of, 2, 3


blog traffic and, 11–12

in fake news lesson plan, 26


comments taken out of, 21

in fake news lesson plan, 26

of information, 5

Conway, Kellyanne, viii, 3

Cooke, N. A., 29

Cooper, Anderson, 11

Cope, Bill, 17

counter knowledge, 16

Craft, Stephanie, 11

critical information literacy, 17–18

critical thinking

critical media consumption through multiple literacy instruction, 16–18

definition of, 15

metaliteracy, 18–19

questioning of information, 15–16


date, 25

Davis, Charles N., 11

De Abreu, B., 2

De Saulles, Martin, 13, 14

“deep grammar,” 3

“Did Maxine Waters Blame the London Attack on Climate and Health Care ‘Inaction’?” (, 22

digital literacy, 18


evaluation of, 17

fake news, widespread nature of, 15

overview of, 6–7

sources to authenticate/repudiate information, 16

disintermediation, 13–14

“Do the Fish Swim in the Streets of Miami at High Tide, as Barack Obama Said in Paris?” (, 23

Don’t Get Fooled: 7 Simple Steps (News Literacy Project), 37

Drabinski, Emily E., 18

“During Autumn King Tides, Nuisance Flooding Becomes Chronic Flooding in Miami Area” (, 23


echo chambers

See filter bubbles

Eisenberg, Michael B., 2, 17

Elmborg, James, 2, 17, 18


emotional dimension of information behavior, 7–9

fake news appeals to, 2

environment, 5, 6

external process, of learning, 5



Native American names on, 21

propaganda, dissemination of, 4

status generators, 22

“Facebook Still Suspending Native Americans Over ‘Real Name’ Policy” (, 21

The Fact Checker (Washington Post), 32–33

Fact or Fiction (ALA), 38

fact-checking sources

checking, 24

list of, 32–33

checking information on, 24

description of, 33

How to Spot Fake News graphics, 34–35

facts, 7

fake news

books on, 29

emotional dimension of information behavior, 7–9

headlines, revisiting, 20–23

information consumption, 5

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

lesson plan, 25–26

lesson plan, Illinois workshop examples, 26–27

misinformation/disinformation, 6–7

moving past, 23–25

as old news, 1–2, 20

political economy, 10–11

purpose of/damage from, vii

role of journalism in, 3–4

widespread, reasons for, 15

fake news, resources on

books on fake news, 29

Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Fake News Edition, 36

Don’t Get Fooled: 7 Simple Steps, 37

Fact or Fiction (ALA), 38

fact-checking sources, 32–33

How to Spot Fake News graphics, 34–35

multiple forms of literacy, articles/websites on, 30–31, 22, 25, 27

Fallis, Don, 6

filter bubbles

awareness of, 7

reading outside, 24

Russian vending machine for “likes,” 11

social media’s role in, 8

Fox, Christopher J., 6

fragmented news, 13


gatekeeping, 13–14

Gilster, Paul, 18

Given, Lisa, 8

Goel, V., 4

Grande, Ariana, 20

graphics, 34–35

Grettano, Teresa, 2, 21


Harris, Tristan, 11

Head, Alison, 14


checking on, 24

revisiting, 20–23

true or false statements, 1

Hernon, Peter, 6

heterogeneity, 13

Hobbs, R., 2

Holiday, Ryan

on blogs, 11, 12

on fragmentation in news, 13

on illusion of choice, 11

on iterative journalism, 12

Hollenhorst, Maria, 11

hooks, bell, 15, 19

How to Spot Fake News (, 34–35

Huffington Post, 12


Illeris, Knud, 5, 6

illusion of choice, 11–12


citizen-produced content, 13–14

consumption of, 5

evaluation of, tips/tricks for, 23–25

fact-checking sources, 32–33

multi-literacy, need for, 2–3

in post-truth era, 2

questioning of, 15–16

sources, tools to authenticate/repudiate information, 16–17

Information 2.0 (De Saulles), 13

information avoidance, 7, 8

information behavior

emotional dimension of, 7–9

information consumption, 5

learning theory, 5–6

misinformation/disinformation, 6–7

information literacy

critical media consumption through multiple literacy instruction, 16–18

fake news and, vii

iterative journalism and, 14

need to be multi-literate, 2–3

information overload

awareness of, 7

social media’s role in, 8

information professionals, 19

Instagram, 11

internal process, of learning, 5


emotional dimension of information behavior, 7–9

evaluation of information, tips/tricks for, 23–25

fake news on, 1–2

illusion of choice, 11–12

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

misinformation/disinformation on, 6–7

multi-literacy, need for, 2–3

political economy and, 10–11

sources to authenticate/repudiate information, 16–17

Internet savvy users, illusion of

illusion of choice, 11–12

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

mediascapes, participation in, 10

political economy, 10–11

“Is Miami Beach Doomed?” (, 23

iterative journalism, 12–14


“J. K. Rowling Mocks President Trump for Tweeting in the Third Person” (, 21

Jackson, Brooks, 16

Jacobson, Trudi E., 2, 18, 19

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 16

Jerz, Dennis G., 17


current state of media, 3–4

iterative, rise of, 12–14

political economy, participation in, 10–11


Kalantzis, Mary, 17

Karlova, Natascha, 6

Khan, Sadiq, 21

Know Your Meme, 16, 24

Kovach, Bill, 15–16

Kuhlthau, Carol C., 17

Kumbier, Alana A., 18


Lanham, Richard A., 18

Le, Vanna, 11


critical thinking and, 15

fake news lesson plan, 25–27

learning theory, 5–6

metaliterate learner, 19

Lee, Jin Ha, 6

legacy media, 12

“Leo Varadkar Was Just Voted to Become Prime Minister of Ireland” (, 21–22

lesson plan

Illinois workshop examples, 26–27

recipe for, 25–26

Levitin, Daniel J., 16


Hillary Clinton on, vii

information literacy skills of, vii

as “truth workers,” 14

“likes,” 11, 15


critical media consumption through multiple literacy instruction, 16–18

for evaluation of online information, 25

multiple forms of literacy, articles/websites on, 30–31

See also information literacy; metaliteracy

“London’s Mayor Said There’s ‘No Reason to Be Alarmed’ by a Terrorist Attack?” (, 21

Longhurst, Brian J., 10

Losee, Robert M., 6

Lowe, Carrie A., 17


Mackey, Thomas P., 2, 18, 19

“Man Mowed Lawn during Tornado?” (, 22, 27

mashups, 10


critical media consumption through multiple literacy instruction, 16–18

current state of, 3–4

headlines, revisiting, 20–23

illusion of choice, 11–12

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

multi-literacy, need for, 2–3

political economy, participation in, 10–11

media literacy, 18

mediascapes, 10

Meet the Press (television show), viii

memes, 10

memory, 5–6


critical media consumption through multiple literacy instruction, 16–18

description of, 18–19

for evaluation of online information, 25

metaliterate learner, 19

multiple forms of literacy, articles/websites on, 30–31

need to be multi-literate, 2–3

skills, acquisition of, 20

Mikkelson, David, 32

Miller, Willie, 11, 14


fake news, widespread, 15

on Internet, 1–2

overview of, 6–7

sources to authenticate/repudiate information, 16

spin as equivalent to, 16

money, 10–11

motivation, 5, 6


NBC News, vii

New London Group, 17

New York Times, 3


current state of media, 3–4

headlines, revisiting, 20–23

illusion of choice, 11–12

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

multi-literacy, need for, 2–3

See also fake news

News Literacy Project

checkology® Virtual Classroom, 32

Don’t Get Fooled: 7 Simple Steps, 37

Nightly News (television show), 16


Obama, Barack, 23

The Onion, 17, 36

Oxford English Dictionary, 6


Park, Katie, 11

personalization, of news, 13

Pessoa, Teresa, 17

Pew Research, 11

photoshopped images

creation of, 10

in fake news lesson plan, 27

spotting, 25


for fake news lesson plan, 27

site for “Post-Truth: Fake News and a New Era of Information Literacy” webinar, 29

political ads, 4

political economy

overview of, 10–11

understanding of, 4

political information, 16–17

to authenticate/repudiate information, 16–17

checking information on, 24

description of, 32

“Do the Fish Swim in the Streets of Miami at High Tide, as Barack Obama Said in Paris?,” 23

post-truth era

description of, 2

emotional dimension of information behavior, 7–9

information consumption motivations and, 5

information in, 20

“Post-Truth: Fake News and a New Era of Information Literacy” webinar (Cooke), 29

presidential election of 2016, US

emotional dimension of information behavior and, 7–8

Facebook dissemination of propaganda in, 4

fake news during, vii

press, 3–4

See also journalism; media

prior knowledge, 5, 6

propaganda, 4


reflective teaching/learning, 5–6


Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook: Fake News Edition, 36

Don’t Get Fooled: 7 Simple Steps, 37

Fact or Fiction (ALA), 38

fact-checking sources, 32–33

How to Spot Fake News graphics, 34–35

multiple forms of literacy, articles/websites on, 30–31

suggested books on fake news, 29

Robinson, Lyn, 2, 17

Rosen, Jay, 3

Rosenstiel, Tom, 15–16

Rowling, J. K., 21

Rubin, Victoria L., 7


satisficing, 7, 8–9

School of Information Sciences, at the University of Illinois, 25–27

Selyukh, Alina, 11

Shane, S., 4

sister sites, 12

to authenticate/repudiate information, 16

checking information on, 24

description of, 32

headlines of, 21, 22

social media

emotional dimension of information behavior and, 8–9

iterative journalism, rise of, 12–14

metaliteracy and, 19

political economy and, 11

yellow journalism on, 4


evaluation of, tips/tricks for, 23–25

fact-checking sources, 24, 32–33

questioning of information, 16

“South Florida’s Rising Seas—Sea Level Rise Documentary” (, 23

spin, 16

Spitzer, Kathleen L., 17

Stanley, Jason, 4

T, 21–22


See critical thinking

The Three Dimensions of Learning (Illeris), 5, 21

Tisdell, Elizabeth J., 18

Todd, Chuck, viii


on blogs, content and, 11–12

political economy and, 10–11

triangulate, 24

true or false statements, 1, 20–23

Trump, Donald

alternative facts phrase and, viii, 22, 25, 27

J. K. Rowling on, 1, 21

production of confusion, 3

trust, 7, 16

See also post-truth era


counter knowledge and, 16

critical media consumption for, 15

iterative journalism and, 12–14

librarians in post-truth age, vii

quote about, 1

truth workers, 14, 23

“truthiness” concept, 2, 5

tweet generators, 22


J. K. Rowling on Donald Trump’s tweets, 21

parody account of Maxine Waters on, 22


University of Illinois, School of Information Sciences, 25–27


Varadkar, Leo, 21–22

vetting, 13–14

Vinton, Kate, 11

visual literacy, 18


Walczyk, Jeffrey J., 7

Walsh, John, 17, 23, 32–33

Waters, Maxine, 22


evaluation of, tips/tricks for, 23–25

multiple forms of literacy, articles/websites on, 30–31

Wihbey, John, 14

Williams, Brian, 16

Witek, Donna, 2


yellow journalism, 4, 20, 21, 23


Zhang, Dongsong, 6, 7

Zhou, Lina, 6, 7