Adams, Edward, 128
Albertus Magnus, 199
Alexander of Hales, 199
Alexander, T. Desmond, 84
Anderson, Francis I., 53
Aquinas, Thomas, 199
Arnold, Dwayne W. H., 237
Augustine of Hippo, 58, 159, 197–98, 212, 226, 260, 261
Baker, David W., 142
Baldwin, Joyce C., 57
Barber, Dan. C., 29, 41, 88, 160
Barclay, William, 228
Barker, William S., 261
Barnes, Albert, 246
Barr, Allan, 247
Barth, Karl, 133, 206, 208–9, 212
Bauckham, Richard, 69, 82, 114, 116, 121, 127, 128, 132, 134, 153
Beale, G. K., 58, 84, 88, 90, 146, 147, 150, 152, 153, 156, 170, 173, 175, 177
Beasley-Murray, George R., 141, 142
Beckstrom, Kersten, 233
Beker, J. Christiaan, 254, 260
Bercot, D. W., 197
Bernanos, Georges, 244
Betteson, Henry, 261
Black, James, 247
Blaikie, William, 233
Blake, William, 203
Blocher, Henri, 87
Bock, Darrell L., 83, 142, 174
Bockmuehl, Markus, 194
Boswell, James, 259
Bromiley, Geoffrey, 206
Brueggemann, Walter, 47
Buechner, Frederick, 254
Bultmann, Rudolf, 78, 141, 142
Bunyan, John, 256
Burns, Lanier, 174
Calhoun, David B., 248
Calvin, John, 50, 186, 253, 254–55, 257
Ciampa, Roy E., 19
Clements, John R., 247
Cochran, Gregory Charles, 224, 226
Collins, Adela Yarbro, 154
Collins, C. John, 175
Cook, David, 236
Cooper, John W., 96
Cowles, C. S., 167
Dativus, 240
Delitzsch, Franz, 53
Delumeau, Jean, 193
Dennis, John, 128
DeSilva, David A., 154
DeStefano, Anthony, 204
Dickinson, Emily, 245
Driver, Daniel, 116
Du Rand, Jan A., 154
Durham, James, 61
Durham, Margaret, 61
Eadie, Betty J., 23
Eichrodt, Walther, 54
Ellingworth, Paul, 115
Ellul, Jacques, 59
Elwell, Walter, 22
Farley, Benjamin Wirt, 257
Fee, Gordon D., 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 150, 155
Ferguson, Sinclair B., 34, 226
Fernando, Ajith, 232
Fernando, Benjamin E., 235
Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler, 154
Flannery, Austin P., 32
Foh, Susan T., 161
Fokkelmann, Jan, 45
Fortunatus, Venantius H. C., 246
Fuhrmann, Paul T., 255
Gaffin, Richard B., Jr., 103
Garrett, Susan R., 203
Gentry, Peter J., 86
Giblin, Charles H., 156
Gibson, J. C. L., 54
Gieschen, Charles, 210
Gleiser, Marcelo, 128
Goldsworthy, Graeme, 85, 86, 89
Goodman, Martin, 194
Goulding, Thomas, 262
Green, Joel B., 96
Grobel, Kendrick, 141
Groopman, Jerome, 243
Grudem, Wayne, 75
Gundry, Stanley N., 167
Hart, Trevor, 82, 114, 116, 121
Hartley, John E., 53
Hawthorne, G. F., 84
Hemer, C. J., 154
Henry, Matthew, 262
Herbert, George, 250
Hoekema, Anthony, 84, 91, 93, 96, 106, 107
Horton, Michael, 84–85, 96, 100
Hoskins, Paul M., 144
Houtman, Cornelis, 70
Howell, Richard, 227
Hultberg, Alan, 83
Hurtado, Larry W., 210
Hutchinson, F. E., 251
Ignatius of Antioch, 227
Irenaeus of Lyon, 196
Jobes, Karen H., 124
Johnson, Samuel, 259
Johnson, Thomas H., 245
Johnston, P. S., 84
Jones, E. Stanley, 234
Joüon, Paul, 59
Josephus, 194
Justin Martyr, 237
Keener, Craig S., 142
Keil, C. F., 53
Kellum, L. Scott, 139, 152, 154
Koester, Craig R., 151
Köstenberger, Andreas J., 129, 139, 140, 141, 144, 152, 154
Kraybill, J. Nelson, 148
Kroeze, J. H., 45
Kulikovsky, Anthony, 85
Kuyper, Abraham, 254
Kyle, Richard, 22
Laansma, John C., 116
Labuschagne, C. J., 205
Ladd, George E., 150
Lane, Edward William, 43
Lane, William L., 116
Lang, Bernhard, 135, 197, 198, 199
Larue, Gerald A., 47
Latimer, Hugh, 226
Lee, A. H. E., 203
Le Goff, Jacques, 186
Lewis, C. S., 49, 212, 256, 260–61
Lierman, John, 144
Livingston, David, 233
Logan, Samuel T., Jr., 261
Luther, Martin, 50
MacArthur, John, 203
MacDonald, Nathan, 116
Maclaren, Ian, 258
Maimonides, 48
Malina, Bruce J., 146
Mangina, Joseph L., 148
Marshall, I. Howard, 130, 131, 194
Marx, Karl, 201
Mathewson, David, 146
Mauck, John W., 238
McDannell, Colleen, 135, 197, 198, 199
Moo, Douglas J., 87
Morgan, Christopher W., 57, 170, 179
Moule, C. F. D., 249, 251, 254
Mulholland, M. R., 148
Murphy, Nancey, 96
Musa, Mark, 246
Naudé, J. A., 45
Nevius, Helen S. Coan, 253
Nevius, John, 253
Newsom, Carol, 66
Neyrey, Jerome H., 128
Nicholson, D. H. S., 203
Noll, Stephen F., 41, 205, 207, 221
O’Brien, Peter T., 93–94, 95, 98
Oliphint, K. Scott, 34
Ortlund, Raymond C., Jr., 57, 88, 193
Osborne, Grant, 147, 153, 155, 225
Packer, J. I., 226
Pelikin, Jaroslav, 249
Pennington, Jonathan T., 63, 82, 91, 128
Peterson, Robert A., 29, 33, 41, 57, 88, 160, 170, 179
Piper, John, 231
Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr., 112
Plato, 191
Poythress, Vern S., 150
Price, Hope, 217
Quarles, Charles L., 139, 152, 154
Ramsey, William. M., 154
Räpple, Eva Maria, 146
Reichenbach, Bruce R., 170
Reid, J. K. S., 50
Resseguie, James L., 157
Ridderbos, Herman, 83, 87, 91, 95, 97, 98, 103
Rissi, Mathias, 150
Ritzema, Elliot, 227
Robinson, William Childs, 262
Rosner, Brian S., 19
Ross, Allen P., 45
Ruskin, John, 244
Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 20, 198, 210
Sauer, Christof, 227
Schiffman, Lawrence, 66
Schirrmacher, Thomas, 227, 237
Schreiner, Thomas, 83, 87, 91, 95, 97, 98, 99, 103
Schrenck, Gottlob, 144
Simeon bar Sabbae, 239
Smith, Gary Scott, 125
Spurgeon, Charles, 227
Stam, John, 233
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 245
Stroumsa, Guy, 194
Sweet, J. P. M., 154
Tersteegen, Gerhard, 254
Thiselton, Anthony, 101, 105, 106, 107
Thomas, Derek W. H., 262
Thompson, Francis, 203
Thompson, Leonard, 154
Thompson, Marianne Meye, 68
Thompson, Mary, 257
Tombing, Sinkhokam, 256
Toon, Peter, 140
Torrance, T. F., 130
Tozer, A. W., 225
Twelftree, Graham H., 211
Tyndale, William, 143
VanderKam, James, 66
Van der Merwe, C. H. J., 45
Vince, Elizabeth, 227
Waddell, Helen, 259
Wagner, Peter, 215
Walls, Jerry L., 125
Wangerin, Walter, Jr., 249
Watts, Isaac, 151
Wells, David F., 93
Wellum, Stephen J., 86
Wenham, Gordon J., 166
Willis, E. David, 186
Winter, Bruce, 125
Wirt, Sherwood Elliot, 233
Witherington, Ben, 141
Wright, David F., 226
Wright, N. T., 75, 144, 145, 182, 204
Yarbrough, Robert, 69