
The Empire’s Timeline

Introduction: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Part IThemes and Topics

1Could the Romans Do Strategy?

2How Dangerous Were the Barbarians?

3Paying for a Strategy: Funding the Republic

4The Core of Roman Strategy

5The Infrastructure of Empire

6An Army for Empire

7Roman Naval Power

Part IIRome’s Strategic History: From the Principate to the Crisis of the Third Century

8The Julio-Claudian Empire

9The Year of the Four Emperors and the Flavians

10The Empire at High Tide

11The Severan Interlude

12New Threats

13The Crisis of the Third Century

Part IIIThe Late Empire: New Beginnings and an End

14Diocletian, Constantine, and a New Empire

15The Late Imperial Army and Strategy

16Four Battles and a Divorce

17The Gothic Challenge

18Adrianople’s Aftermath




For Further Reading

