307       [from Phyllyp Sparowe]

         Pla ce bo

         Who is there who

         Di le xi.

         Dame Margery.

5                  Fa re my my

         Wherfore and why why

         For the sowle of Philip sparowe

         That was late slayn at carowe

         Among the Nones blake

10           For that swete soules sake

         And for all sparowes soules

         Set in our bede rolles

         Pater noster qui

         With an Ave mari

15           And with the corner of a Crede

         The more shalbe your mede.

         Whan I remembre agayn

         How mi philyp was slayn

         Never halfe the payne

20          Was betwene you twayne

         Pyramus and Thesbe

         As than befell to me

         I wept and I wayled

         The tearys downe hayled

25           But nothynge it avayled

         To call Phylyp agayne

         Whom Gyb our cat hath slayne

         Gyb I saye our cat

         Worrowyd her on that

30          Which I loved best

         It can not be exprest

         My sorowfull hevynesse

         But all without redresse

         For within that stounde

35           Halfe slumbrynge in a sounde

         I fell downe to the grounde

         Unneth I kest myne eyes

         Towarde the cloudy skyes

         But whan I dyd beholde

40          My sparow dead and colde

         No creatuer but that wolde

         Have rewed upon me

         To behold and se

         What hevynesse dyd me pange

45           Where with my handes I wrange

         That my senaws cracked

         As though I had ben racked

         So payned and so strayned

         That no lyfe well nye remayned

50              I syghed and I sobbed

         For that I was robbed

         Of my sparowes lyfe

         O mayden, wydow, and wyfe

         Of what estate ye be

55           Of hye or lowe degre

         Great sorowe than ye myght se

         And lerne to wepe at me

         Such paynes dyd me frete

         That myne hert dyd bete

60          My vysage pale and dead

         Wanne, and blewe as lead

         The panges of hatefull death

         Well nye had stopped my breath

         Heu heu me

65                     That I am wo for the

         Ad dominum cum tribularer clamavi

         Of God nothynge els crave I

         But phyllypes soule to kepe

         From the marees depe

70          Of Acherontes well

         That is a flode of hell

         And from the great Pluto

         The prynce of endles wo

         And from foule Alecto

75          With vysage blacke and blo

         And from Medusa that mare

         That lyke a fende doth stare

         And from Megeras edders

         For rufflynge of phillips fethers

80          And from her fyry sparklynges

         For burnynge of his wynges

         And from the smokes sowre

         Of Proserpinas bowre

         And from the dennes darke

85          Wher Cerberus doth barke

         Whom Theseus dyd afraye

         Whom Hercules dyd outraye

         As famous poetes say

         From that hell hounde

90          That lyeth in cheynes bounde

         With gastly hedes thre

         To Jupyter pray we

         That Phyllyp preserved may be

         Amen say ye with me

95               Do me nus.

         Helpe nowe swete Jesus

         Levavi oculos meos in montes

         Wolde god I had zenophontes,

         Or Socrates the wyse

100         To shew me their devyse

         Moderatly to take

         This sorow that I make

         For Phyllip sparowes sake

         So fervently I shake

105         I fele my body quake

         So urgently I am brought

         Into carefull thought

         Like Andromach Hectors wyfe

         Was wery of her lyfe

110         Whan she had lost her joye

         Noble Hector of Troye

         In lyke maner also

         Encreaseth my dedly wo

         For my sparowe is go

115         It was so prety a fole

         It wold set on a stole

         And lerned after my scole

         For to kepe his cut

         With Phyllyp kepe your cut

120            It had a velvet cap

         And wold syt upon my lap

         And seke after small wormes

         And somtyme white bred crommes

         And many tymes and ofte

125         Betwene my brestes softe

         It wolde lye and rest

         It was propre and prest

              Somtyme he wolde gaspe

         Whan he sawe a waspe

130         A fly, or a gnat

         He wolde flye at that

         And prytely he wold pant

         Whan he saw an ant

         Lord how he wolde pry

135         After the butterfly

         Lorde how he wolde hop

         After the gressop

         And whan I sayd, phyp, phyp

         Than he wold lepe and skyp

140        And take me by the lyp

         Alas it wyll me slo

         That Phillyp is gone me fro

         Si in i qui ta tes

         Alas I was evyll at ease

145            De pro fun dis cla ma vi

         Whan I sawe my sparowe dye

         Nowe after my dome

         Dame Sulpicia at Rome

         Whose name regystred was

150         For ever in tables of bras

         Because that she dyd pas

         In poesy to endyte

         And eloquently to wryte

         Though she wolde pretende

155         My sparowe to commende

         I trowe she coude not amende

         Reportynge the vertues all

         Of my sparowe royall

         For it wold come and go

160         And fly so to and fro

         And on me it wolde lepe

         Whan I was aslepe

         And his fethers shake

         Where with he wolde make

165         Me often for to wake

         And for to take him in

         Upon my naked skyn

         God wot we thought no syn

         What though he crept so lowe

170        It was no hurt I trowe

         He dyd nothynge perde

         But syt upon my kne

         Phyllyp though he were nyse

         In him it was no vyse

175        Phyllyp had leve to go

         To pyke my lytell too

         Phillip myght be bolde

         And do what he wolde

         Phillip wolde seke and take

180        All the flees blake

         That he coulde there espye

         With his wanton eye.