1MGMT. design
2MGMT. design
3MGMT. design
4© Ryan Hagerty, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
5MGMT. design
6© Drew Angerer/Getty Images
7The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1974.25.11.2
8© Danita Delimont/Alamy Stock Photo
9National Park Service Photo by Brett Seymour/Submerged Resources Center
10MGMT. design, adapted from Alan C. Riggs and James E. Deacon, “Connectivity in Desert Aquatic Ecosystems: The Devils Hole Story.”
11, 12Photos by Phil Pister, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Desert Fishes Council, Bishop, CA.
13Originally published in Charles Darwin, Animals and Plants Under Domestication, vol. 1.
14MGMT. design
15Photo: © Wilfredo Licuanan, courtesy of Corals of the World, coralsoftheworld.org.
16© James Craggs, Horniman Museum and Gardens
17MGMT. design
18Photo: Arthur Mostead Photography, AMPhotography.com.au
19MGMT. design
20MGMT. design
21Courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
22MGMT. design, adapted from Zeke Hausfather, based on data from Global Warming of 1.5°C: An IPCC Special Report.
23MGMT. design, adapted from Global Warming of 1.5°C: An IPCC Special Report, figure 2.5.
24MGMT. design
25© Iwan Setiyawan/AP Photo/KOMPAS Images
26MGMT. design
27Courtesy of soviet-art.ru.
28MGMT. design, adapted from David Keith
29Photo by Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images
30Photo by US Army/Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images
31MGMT. design
32MGMT. design, adapted from Kurt M. Cuffey and Gary D. Clow, “Temperature, Accumulation, and Ice Sheet Elevation in Central Greenland Through the Last Deglacial Transition,” Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (1997).