The charts provided in this lesson become applicable when 70-100% of your food intake consists of raw food. By balancing the three food classes: green-leafy vegetables, sweet fruits and fatty foods against each other in different ratios, we can feel different effects. If we eat more greens, and less sweet fruits and fats, we will be calmed and mellowed out. If we eat more sweet fruits, and fewer greens and fats, we will achieve more instantaneous energy. Basically, we can move the center of The Sunfood Triangle around to experience different results.
Many of the suggestions provided in this lesson are temporary measures. We do need a good, healthy amount of all three food classes in our diet. In some sections below, I recommend a certain food class may be limited, or totally eliminated, from the diet. This is a temporary measure only! For example, if we are “Eating For Spirituality” we would remove fat from the diet. We will eventually need fat in the diet; however, this is a temporary suggestion to achieve a specific result.
The diagrams in this lesson are keyed to following dry weight ratio of the three food classes — chlorophyll:sugar:fat.
A diet of raw plant food easily takes off those unwanted pounds. Any cooked foods eaten should be properly combined. This means that cooked starch (complex carbohydrates) should not be combined with cooked protein (fish, meat), and any cooked foods should be eaten with a large green-leafy salad.
Specifically target and minimize cooked fats (heated oils, pasteurized milk and cheese, cooked eggs, as well as fat-dominant meats, such as bacon) and cooked starch (bread, pasta, cakes, cookies) in the diet as they both put on the extra pounds. Pizza and cooked ice cream both contain a high dosage of cooked starch and cooked fat, and are both particularly fattening. Cooked fats, devoid of lipase (the fat-splitting enzyme), accumulate in the body as they are difficult to metabolize and this results in weight gain (raw fats, such as avocados, can actually help one lose weight as they contain lipase — which the body can use to help metabolize stores of cooked fats). Cooked starch is essentially sugar, and if this sugar is not used as fuel, or urinated away by the body, it is converted to fat. This is also true of all processed sugars including barley malt, corn syrup, rice syrup and brown or white sugar which should also be avoided.
To Lose Weight center at 50:50:0
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
The best strategy is to eat the raw fruits and vegetables that you like the best. As you progress, you will gradually decrease the amount of cooked food that you are eating, and you will develop a taste for different raw, healthy fruits and vegetables. I know at least a dozen individuals whom I have met over the years who have lost 150 pounds (67 kg) eating raw plant foods. I have seen individuals over 3 years drop from 300 lbs. to 150 lbs. (135 kg to 67 kg). This kind of weight loss dramatically effects a life transformation. Weight loss is easy when it is done intelligently and naturally with raw, organic plant foods.
If one simply remains within The Sunfood Triangle regime at a high-raw level, the body will take off the necessary weight over time. However, if one is looking to accelerate weight loss, then one should cut fats out of the diet (or at least minimize them) until you have reached your desired weight. Nuts, in particular, should be eliminated from the diet for weight loss.
The best snack foods for those in search of weight loss are cacao beans (raw chocolate), cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, raw okra, bok choy and celery because they contain very few (if any) calories and are satisfying. Cacao beans make a fantastic addition to smoothies and raw desserts because they are a natural appetite suppressant.
Eating For Weight Gain
How many obese animals do we see in Nature? Animals carry exactly the weight they need and no more. Every animal in Nature is at a perfect weight without exception. What is considered a normal weight by civilization’s standards is actually an artificial weight created by a demineralized cooked-food diet. Your natural weight might be five to ten pounds (2.3 to 4.5 kg) lighter than what is recommended in the common body weight charts. However, these charts are not always accurate as people differ in bone size, bone and tissue density, musculature, etc.
Initially, when you adopt The Sunfood Diet, you will most likely lose weight as your body detoxifies wastes it has accumulated over a lifetime. This is a necessary process. Don’t worry about it, embrace it. First and foremost, allow your body to detoxify.
To Gain Weight center at 42:16:42
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
The inability to gain weight when eating raw plant foods may in some cases actually be caused by eating cooked-food. Eating cooked starch (bread, cookies, pasta, rice, etc.) with certain metabolisms actually promotes weight loss when one is significantly purified and has been eating 95%+ raw food for more than 6 months. In some cases, when the body is at that level of purification, digesting cooked starch drains living water and vital energy, leaving one sallow.
The inability to gain weight when eating raw plant foods may also be due to an encrusted intestinal tract, which hinders food absorption and causes emaciation. Encrusted mucus on the intestinal wall may eventually be dislodged over time if one eats raw foods, small green salads, juices, blended soups, as well as supplemental enzymes and incorporates yoga exercises to condition and strengthen the abdominal area. And, the process may be accelerated by a series of 6-10 colon irrigations (colonics), incorporating probiotics (friendly intestinal bacteria) into the diet (acidophilus, bifidus, L. salivarius, etc.) and an herbal cleanse program.
The inability to gain weight when eating raw plant foods may also be due to parasitic infections which may cause emaciation. If you suspect that you have a parasitic infection, I recommend that you “burn” them out with daily meals containing one or more of the following: garlic, onions, hot peppers, ginger, papaya seeds and spicy wild greens (wild mustard is excellent). High-quality herbal remedies can be effective against parasites. Oxygen therapies are also effective (read Ed McCabe’s book Flood Your Body With Oxygen)
Once the body is significantly detoxified, which may take anywhere from four months to two years, depending on the toxicity of the body beforehand, then you can gain all the healthy weight you desire. I recommend you do so in the method shown in the previous diagram.
The secret to gaining strength and weight by eating a raw plant-food diet is to eat green-leafed vegetables and plant fats together — and fewer sweet fruits — as well as by adding superfoods (spirulina, raw hemp protein, maca, etc.) into one’s diet. More non-sweet fruits may be included as well. Consuming these foods in a blended state is recommended. My own experience proved this true. I found it worked for thousands of others. Test for yourself and see.
Think of the gorilla: pound per pound the strongest land mammal. The gorilla possesses a fantastic musculature and is capable of bench pressing 4,000 pounds (more than 1800 kg). In his wonderful book, L’Homme, Le Singe, Et Le Paradis (Humans, Primates, and Paradise), Albert Mosseri describes:
(Translation) “The gorilla is not interested in eating so-called protein foods. How can they develop all that muscle mass, weighing many hundreds of pounds, eating only green vegetables and fruits? This fact is of great importance.”
Since gorillas eat nearly 80% green-leafed vegetation and have a similar digestive physiology to the human body, the lesson here is that eating plenty of green-leafed vegetation increases strength and muscle mass.
All the building blocks necessary to construct and energize your body are present in plants. Out of the 22 amino acids found in the body, 8 must be derived from food. The body is capable of recycling and manufacturing the other 14 amino acids. All 8 essential amino acids are packaged in abundance in raw plant foods, especially in green leaves and superfoods (spirulina, blue-green algae, bee pollen, maca, goji berries, wolfberries and hempseeds).
Raw plant fats are “fatty.” They are heavy and of course help with weight gain. They will put just the right amount of fat on your body to give you excellent proportions and a good shape. They also add weight indirectly by providing fuel for working the muscles to build muscle mass. However, eating more fats alone will not cause weight gain, greens must be added. Fats help the body assimilate the amino acids and minerals from greens.
My personal salad formula for gaining weight consists of the following 3 foods:
a) Tomatoes (Non-sweet fruits with a high water-content)
b) Macadamia nuts (High-fat nuts)
c) Kale leaves (Dense in minerals, amino acids, and protein)
I have eaten this mixture for lunch and dinner on many occasions. After several years of following a raw-food diet, my weight stabilized at 150 pounds (68 kg). This type of salad combination and eating style, in conjunction with vigorous exercise, helped me gain 18 pounds (8.2 kg) and reach 168 pounds (76 kg) in a span of two years while maintaining my all-raw diet and a body-fat level of 9.4%. I am 6 feet tall (190 cm).
Another good weight gain combination I have enjoyed is eating avocados with olives and chasing them with green juice.
The heaviest tissues in your body are muscle, fat and bone in that order. It has been estimated that 40% to 50% of our body weight is muscle! Muscle is best constructed out of green vegetables and superfoods.
Consistent exercise is also important for gaining weight. Engage in rigorous exercise; work and enlarge your muscles; increase your muscle mass by doing more resistant, anaerobic exercise.
Also, consider the wise words of the Greek historian Herodotus: “Exposure to the Sun is highly necessary in persons whose health needs restoring and who have need of putting on weight.” The ancient Greeks and Romans knew the Sun feeds the muscles. For males, the Sun’s rays on the skin and the genital organs stimulate the production of testosterone which increases muscle size and sexual potency. The muscles receive an increased amount of blood flow when they are exposed to Sunlight. This helps to provide nutrients to build strength. Vitamin D (which is actually a hormone not a vitamin) strengthens bones and helps to increase bone mass and mineralization. Vitamin D is formed internally by exposure of the skin to the Sun.
Slowing the metabolism will allow one to increase their weight. There is great value in avoiding frequent snacks. The way to gain weight on The Sunfood Diet is to eat more food, less often. The more often you eat, the quicker your metabolism runs, and the more weight you will lose. The less often you eat, the slower will be your metabolism, and the more weight you will gain or retain. Also and again, to gain weight one must eat more green-leafy foods, fats and superfoods and eat less sweet fruits, as described above.
People who are of an ayurvedic vata constitution (typically a person who tends to be thin already) will find great weight gain value in blending smoothies and salads to create soups (see Sequoia’s Calcium Soup in Appendix C: Sunfood Recipes of this book for more information on blended raw soups). Blending food adds more caloric value and increases the mineral density of foods, both of which have a balancing effect for a vata constitution.
The most beautiful children I have met or seen have been children raised on raw plant foods. They are alert, content, happy and eager to explore life. In the final (seventh) edition of his famous book, Baby And Child Care, the world’s most famous childcare specialist, Dr. Benjamin Spock, recommends breastfeeding until solid foods are introduced. He specifically recommends a vegetarian diet at that point and, beyond age two, a vegan diet with an emphasis on raw plant foods. Dr. Spock’s own vegetarian diet had given him “a new lease on life.” He wanted the seventh edition of his book to be in the forefront of linking the consumption of meat and dairy with disease.
To Feed Children center at 40:20:40
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Children naturally gravitate towards sweet, bright-colored fruits. Parents must keep in mind that children also need fat, chlorophyll-rich foods and superfoods. Calcium and magnesium are extremely important for growing children, and if not coming from the mother’s breast milk, it must be in the diet in the form of green-leaves and/or green juices in sufficient quantities.
If your children have trouble eating green-leafed vegetables, try mixing apples or pears with green-vegetable juice — all freshly made. Try feeding your children Sequoia’s Calcium Soup found in Appendix C: Sunfood Recipes at the back of this book. Because some children resist bitter compounds in vegetables, you may also use dried, powdered grasses (mixtures of powdered barleygrass, wheatgrass, etc.) in fruit or coconut water smoothies. These powders will allow you to get the minerals in without the child resisting based on taste. Very young children sometime prefer the taste of grass to typical green vegetables. Also, lead by example. Children do what you do, not what you say (as I am sure you have already discovered!).
Pregnant mothers should also balance their Sunfood Diet with more greens and fats with lots of variety to feed the growing baby. Foods with plenty of trace minerals (edible wild plants, organic seaweeds, wild bee pollens, seeds, superfoods, etc.) should be included in the diet of children and pregnant mothers. A very important addition for mothers and young children is the raw, vegetarian form of “fish oil” that is actually algae oil or DHA. This oil helps to promote: proper brain formation, increased intelligence, excellent eyesight, strong nerves and the alleviation of depression. An ample supply of vitamin B12 is also vital for the nerve health of breastfeeding mothers and growing children.
For more information on breastfeeding, natural childbirth, mother-child bonding and raw-food parenting, please read Conscious Eating and Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Dr. Gabriel Cousens. Also, The Continuum Concept is a classic book on natural childcare.
Eating For The Elderly
Imagine that the entire digestive tract from the mouth all the way through the body is one big muscle. Over a lifetime of eating processed, microwaved, pasteurized and/or cooked foods lacking in fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, various nutrients and enzymes, the digestive “muscle” becomes weakened. A weak “muscle” may not be able to handle a large quantity of nutrient-rich, fiber-rich fresh fruits and green leaves immediately. Therefore, it is best to ease a more mature digestive system on to raw plant foods in a manner which allows strengthening and progress without shocking the system. I have found this principle of comfortable transition particular applicable to those over the age of 40 on macrobiotic diets who are switching over to raw foods.
By consistently drinking fresh vegetable juices, eating a small, though increasing, amounts of fiber-rich foods (such as non-sweet fruits and green-leafed vegetables) and chewing them very well before swallowing, the digestive “muscle” will be strengthened and cleaned over time.
Elderly people are typically not as active as the younger generation; therefore I recommend less sweet fruit in their diet. The soft, comforting fruit fats (especially avocado) help soothe the more mature digestive system and are an appropriate balancing food for menopause.
The Elderly can center at 40:20:40
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Additionally, elderly people require more amino acids in their diet as the liver’s amino acid pool (amino acid reserves) decreases with age. Therefore amino acid rich seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin) and superfoods (spirulina, bee pollen, propolis) become more important in the diet with age.
Of special note, the two raw foods known to have superior longevity properties are royal jelly and wolfberries or goji berries. These should be eaten daily as part of a youthening program.
Eating For Detoxification
By eating a diet of 100% raw plant foods, you will automatically begin to detoxify and heal poor health and disease conditions.
To accelerate detoxification and healing, we remove fat from the diet. Juicing and blending foods saves the body digestive energy channeling more energy for healing and detoxification. Dr. Norman Walker recommended a sugar-rich food (carrot, beet, apples) and green-leafed vegetables in nearly all his curative juice recipes. He did not quite understand the problems with hybrid, over-sugary, foods (foods were not as hybridized in his day as they are now), but he did understand the power of juice fasting. He understood the detoxification power of chlorophyll foods and natural sugar foods with no fatty foods included.
If you are doing an extended juice fast (15 days +), you may want to include small portions of cold-pressed olive, hemp or flax oil in with your drinks to provide the body with necessary fat to maintain some equilibrium.
In reality, eating for detoxification is more about not eating for detoxification. Generally, the less you eat, the longer you live (so the more you get to eat!). Eating less has thus far been the only scientifically proven method to extend the lifespan of humans, animals, birds and worms. Simple reasoning would suggest that eating less exposes the organism to less foreign materials, less toxins and less energy-draining foods.
It seems that as soon as one stops eating, all the toxins forced in through mucus pressure due to eating, especially toxic food, begin to flow out. A coating on the tongue will form, one may feel unwell, weakness can set in, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) will make its appearance and other symptoms will arise.
The power of fasting in healing is formidable. Generally, however, the average individual living on chemicalized, antibioticized, pesticide-sprayed, genetically-modified, sugarized, microwaved, processed, pasteurized and/or cooked food is too toxic to fast. Fasting can draw out too many toxins at once and drain vital mineral reserves.
A better, safer idea would be to fast short periods on fresh vegetable juice (containing lemon), plenty of high-quality water and superfoods (spirulina, bee pollen, powdered grasses, blue-green algae, etc.) so that enough minerals are present to help escort toxins out of the body.
One interesting working theory that I agree with is that (when an individual is ready) one should continue on a juice fast cleansing program until all excessive body fat is eliminated. Body fat is where most of the body’s poisons are stored.
For Detoxification center at 50:50:0 to 45:45:10
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Eating To Overcome Hypoglycemia And Diabetes
Eating animal foods typically aggravate the system to the point where hypoglycemia (moodiness) and diabetes manifest, but (aside from the obviously dangerous white sugar and high fructose corn syrup) cooked hybridized plant starch is the real culprit. Hypoglycemia and diabetes are caused by eating cooked hybrid starchy foods — the worst of which includes white or wheat breads, beer, cooked corn of all types, stewed carrots, refined (beet) sugar, baked potatoes, white rice, french fries, cookies, potato chips, seedless fruit, etc. All these food types contain hybrid sugars the liver does not fully recognize and cannot regulate. These sugars send the glycemic index of the blood shooting sky-high causing either too much or too little insulin to be secreted by the pancreas (reference the Glycemic Index Chart in Lesson 11: The Secret Revealed).
Hypoglycemia is a condition where too much insulin is secreted into the blood by the pancreas to control blood sugar. Too much insulin in the blood causes blood sugar to drop too rapidly causing mood swings and erratic behavior. Avocados contain a seven-carbon sugar that depresses insulin production, which make them an excellent choice for people with hypoglycemia. Prickly pear cactus fruit juice (panini juice), mesquite beans (mesquite powder), and many seaweeds are raw food choices with some satisfying sweetness that also help control hypoglycemia.
Diabetes (type II) is one-step beyond hypoglycemia, when too little insulin is secreted into the blood. This is an eliminatory process of unused and/or unassimilable sugars, with the pancreas for a time stopping its secretions of insulin so the cells can unload their stocks of undesirable sugars into the bloodstream, and from there send the sugars into the urine to be eliminated. By stepping in at the critical moment and blocking this purge, injected chemical insulin forces the body to live with unacceptable sugars it can hardly tolerate, without being able to dismiss them.
To restore a healthy pancreatic condition, find the center in The Sunfood Triangle. Use good sweet fruits (with seeds) to boost the blood sugar when you feel it is dropping. Fats or protein (green vegetables, spirulina, hemp protein) can be used to thicken the blood if blood sugars rise too quickly. Green leaves (especially fresh green vegetable juice) and superfoods eventually provide the body with the alkaline protein and minerals it needs to restore itself to a healthy metabolism.
Beneficial supplements that I have noted over years to be helpful with pancreatic conditions include: supplemental enzymes and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) powder.
The Sunfood Triangle: The Center Point
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
If you are on insulin injections, please contact a naturopathic doctor to devise a plan to wean yourself down or completely off from insulin.
It takes years to heal a diabetic condition, but it can be healed by staying the path. Many years ago, through a series of synchronous events, I ended up on The Dating Game. I met one of the show producers backstage. We started talking about raw foods. She told me her roommate had diabetes and was just beginning to get interested in raw-food nutrition. I called her roommate and we became fast friends. After about eight months of detoxification and natural foods, she was able to stop taking insulin for the first time in eight years.
My friend Sergei Boutenko was diagnosed with juvenile onset diabetes at age nine. This was after he collapsed into a near coma from bingeing on Halloween candy. The doctors said he would have to go on insulin for the rest of his life. His mother, Victoria, became determined and set out to find a better way. She asked everybody. Finally, in line one day (two weeks after Sergei’s collapse) at the local natural food store, she randomly asked the woman in front of her if she knew anything about helping a child with juvenile onset diabetes. The woman told Victoria she had to get the child on the raw-food diet immediately, and recommended some books by Dr. Ann Wigmore. Sergei went raw immediately, his whole family (all of whom were suffering from a variety of illnesses) soon followed suit. Within two months he was completely back to normal. The entire family was also healed of their various conditions.
Sergei first visited me in January 1998. He spent a week at my house helping me with business and just having fun. Sergei, his sister, and parents travel around the United States and Canada catering raw-foods events and teaching people the incredible benefits of raw-food nutrition. Sergei has his own book out now called Eating Without Heating.
Candida is a type of fungi that excretes toxic waste that can get into the bloodstream and cause symptoms of bloating, clouded thinking, depression, diarrhea, exhaustion, halitosis (bad breath), menstrual pains, thrush (pasty saliva), unclear memory recall, yeast vaginitis and fungal nail conditions.
Conventional diets high in cooked-starches (bread, baked potato, cakes, cookies, pasta) and diets loaded with refined or hybridized (seedless) fruit sugars both feed candida. When all this sugar is added into a body whose levels of good intestinal bacteria (probiotics) are low and whose tissues have become acidic due to a prolonged lack of alkaline mineral salts (which come from vegetables and superfoods) in the diet, then candida proliferates.
Those suffering from candida typically have had a history of antibiotic use. This eliminates much of the good intestinal bacteria and also allows candida to spread.
Systemic yeast infections (candidiasis) find growth potential in a damp, musty condition in the body. Candida is a yeast and then a fungus when its rhizoids (long roots) penetrate the tissue mucosa and bridge the boundary between the internal body and digestive tract.
Candida can thrive only in a dark, moldy, oxygen-deprived environment. The very first recommendation I give to those with candida is to get more direct Sunlight on the skin. Yeasts and fungi are destroyed by direct Sunlight. Those with candida must get their naked body into the Sun as much as they can. Oxygen is another key factor. Increasing oxygenation through oxygen therapies is a valuable aid in healing candida (please read Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe for more information on oxygen healing).
To Overcome Candida center at 50:0:50
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Excellent Low–Sugar Fruits include:
Avocado (fatty fruit, excellent)
Bell Pepper (not green; green peppers are harsh and unripe)
Bitter Melon
Breadfruit (raw)
Cucumber (very healing)
Lemon (may irritate the candida sufferer)
Lime (may irritate the candida sufferer)
Okra (very healing)
Olives (not from a can)
Sour apples
An anti-candida diet can include raw vegetables (mostly greens or non-sweet vegetables such as nopales or jicama … no potatoes or beet/carrot juices), green juices, occasional soaked nuts and seeds, seaweeds, superfoods (powdered grasses, chlorella, and green formulas), superherbs (reishi, horsetail, pau d’arco), young wild coconuts (not sugary Thai coconuts), raw coconut oil butter, raw cacao butter, a wide variety of low-sugar fruits and (only if necessary, but not recommended) one mildly medium-sized sweet fruit or small fruit serving per day (berries are best).
A food that provides particularly excellent benefits is raw coconut oil butter. Coconut oil butter is easily digested and is excellent for people who have trouble digesting fats. It consists of 48% lauric acid, a substance that exhibits anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. All of these characteristics help to combat a candida overgrowth.
High doses of healthy intestinal probiotics (acidophilus, bifidus infantis, L. salivarius, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricus, etc.) that will colonize in the intestines are required to overcome candida.
Prebiotics are also valuable. These are foods that nourish probiotics (healthy bacterial flora). Prebiotics include foods such as chicory root, dandelion root, and yacon root.
One can find great benefit sugar fasting (eating no sweet fruit for several weeks or months and simultaneously dosing up on probiotics). For more detailed information on low-sugar, raw, anti-candida diets please read Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ book Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine.
Sprouted grain can yield a slight quantity of usable sugar. When fasting from sugar for long periods, the little bit of sugar from sprouted grain can be beneficial and will not foster candida growth. Sprouted grains must be clean of fungus and of a high-quality or heirloom seed stock.
In the long term, when the desire for real sugar appears it must be addressed with high-quality, seeded sweet fruit, and not with cooked starch. Some sweet food must be eaten or the body will eventually go off balance. One to two pieces of non-hybridized fruit (0.4 pound or 0.2 kg) each day should be fine. Fermentation of the fruit from too many combinations must be avoided. If cooked foods are eaten, they should be non-starchy vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, artichoke, etc.).
Supplements that can be helpful with candida include: olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, supplemental enzymes, MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) powder, small amounts of fully-mineralized sea salt or rock salt, edible clays and powdered vitamin C-rich berries such as camu camu berry powder. MSM detoxifies mercury. Mercury poisoning seems to be a common underlying factor in candida.
Herbs that are great allies against candida include: oregano, garlic, pau d’arco tea, and cat’s claw tea.
One may cautiously return to eating more sugary fruits in the diet once the body is cleansed and the candida symptoms have disappeared.
Anti–Candida Salad
Cilantro | Avocado |
Lettuce | Flax Oil |
Parsley | Sprouted Wild Rice or Barley or Sprouted Rye |
I recommend following a cleansing and intestinal rebuilding program either before or after a sugar fast. Important guidelines for herbal cleansing while overcoming candida:
1. Do not have fruit juice if you have candida, especially while on an herbal cleanse. Use only vegetable juice or water for the psyllium shakes.
2. Take a high-quality probiotic formula containing at least acidophilus, bifidus and L. bulgaricus, at least 1 hour before bedtime throughout all the cleansing steps, ½ hour after each set of herbs, and ½ hour after each meal.
3. Take ample amounts of the probiotic bifidobacterium infantis through rectal implants (either through enemas or have your colon hydrotherapist do the implant). Bifidobacterium infantis is found in breast-fed infants, and is probably the most basic of all intestinal bacteria in the human species. Be sure to have your colon hydrotherapist provide you with an implant of bifidus bacteria following each session.
There is a psychology necessary to heal chronic candida. Candida is associated with subconscious self-destructive feelings of rejection and a lack of self-worth. Negative, self-destructive thoughts destroy good bacteria in the intestinal tract and allow candida to proliferate. Positive, self-confident thoughts help good bacteria proliferate in the intestines.
An emotional cleansing is required to overcome chronic candida. Be aware that unresolved issues usually involve parents or past lovers. While healing candida (and while moving into raw foods in general) one should seek out counselors, friends, books, DVD’s and/or audiotapes that can assist with emotional releases.
In review, a candida condition can be remedied by the elimination of cooked starch and antibiotics, lots of Sunshine on the skin, an increase of oxygen, wholesome raw nutrition, fasting from sugar, adequate dosages of coconut oil, superfoods, probiotics, prebiotics, specific supplements, superherbs and a rebuilding program with colon cleansing as well as emotional cleansing.
Some additional recommendations: Those with candida should keep a clean house; musty, moldy homes are bad for the candida sufferer. Panty hose should not be worn; they trap moisture and lead to yeast vaginitis. All body orifices should be allowed to breathe oxygen.
Eating For Mental Clarity
To achieve the maximum clarity of mind, fast or eat only one type of juicy, sweet fruit for several days.
Two or three days of only sweet fruit (not overdone) will heighten your mental clarity. Your brain runs primarily on glucose, which is best derived from sweet fruit. In fact, several parts of this book were written while I was on a six-day watermelon fast.
Once one is cleansed and remineralized, fasting on water places one right at the center of The Sunfood Triangle — perfect balance. After your body is purified and you fast on water for several days, your mind will become so clear it will astonish you. Fasting intensifies thoughts and wishes. Fasting and prayer are mentioned 66 times together in the Bible. Remember, one should only undertake a water fast when the body is in balance and the blood is clean.
While fasting, stored glycogen (super-densified glucose) is released from the liver and from within the cells to fuel the body. As one purifies their diet over a long period of time, the cells and liver will accumulate stores of glycogen, allowing one to fast longer and longer without a major blood sugar drop. In his book The Golden Seven Plus One, Dr. C. Samuel West reports that each unit of glycogen contains 27,000 units of glucose — all of which can be released at once.
For Mental Clarity center at 33:33:33
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
For Mental Clarity center at 0:100:0
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Eating For Athletics And Endurance
I advise athletes to stay right in the center of the triangle by increasing all three food classes equally. This provides more calories to burn for endurance. More sweet fruit, more fat, more green-leafed vegetables. Instead of “carbo-loading” (loading up on cooked starch, such as pasta, bread, and baked potatoes), the athlete should be loading up on a wide variety of agreeable, nutrient-rich raw foods and superfoods for several days leading up to the event. From my experience with surfing, I have noted that pumpkin seeds, in particular, provide excellent endurance fuel for me. Sweet fruits should be eaten regularly throughout competition to keep the blood sugar up. If the blood sugar bottoms out, the athlete can lose mental poise and quickly experience fatigue. Chewing green-leafed vegetables can be time consuming for an athlete; so green juices may be substituted for salad for athletes during peak training periods. Superfoods (spirulina, hemp protein, blue-green algae, maca, bee pollen, wolfberries and goji berries) are also valuable for their extraordinary protein and nutrient content.
I have worked with several world-class athletes and they have found great benefit from my green drink formulation. It consists of: kale, celery and cucumber put through a juicer. The kale provides the heavy minerals necessary to nourish the muscles (its alkaline elements neutralize lactic acid build-up); celery replaces the sodium lost through perspiration; and cucumber provides excellent fluids and soluble fiber.
Another excellent drink for athletes is coconut water, which is the highest source of electrolytes found in Nature. Electrolytes are electrically-conductive, charged minerals in solution that, once in the digestive system, directly nourish the tissues. Adding powdered superfoods to coconut water is a great idea.
Eating To Warm The Body
For Athletics and Endurance center at 33:33:33
(ChlorophyII : Sugars : Fat)
The feeling of coldness when one begins a Sunfood Diet is typically caused by a thickening of the blood during detoxification episodes; this decreases circulation. It is also caused by an increased blood flow to the internal organs — which are finally given a chance to heal — and a corresponding decreased blood flow to the extremities.
As was demonstrated earlier in Lesson 1: The Principle Of Life Transformation, life change comes from the inside out. This is also true with the internal structure of the body. The most vital, central organs heal and transform first (the blood focuses there first). The musculature and the outer perimeter of the body are the last to heal.
After you persist through the transition and detoxification — through the feeling of coldness — you will discover that your resistance to both cold and hot weather will increase by eating raw foods.
A doe in the forest survives the harshest winters on a diet of simple grass. She has no cooking pot or stove.
Eating hot food can actually decrease your resistance to cold weather in the same way that a hot shower decreases your resistance to the cold. Just as a cold shower increases your resistance to cold weather, “cold” raw food also increases your resistance to cold weather.
To keep the body warm, consider eating food that is at room temperature. Cold refrigerated food will cool the body. Perhaps you can adjust your refrigerator to the warmest temperature it will allow.
Serving raw soups in warmed ceramic bowls may be helpful in cold winters. Warm water with a twist of lemon juice or herbal and medicinal teas are also wonderful. Paul Kouchakoff, the Swiss scientist who discovered that eating cooked food causes a white blood cell immune system reaction in the blood also discovered that water “corrupts” due to heat somewhere around 159° Fahrenheit (61° Celsius). This is valuable information for tea makers!
We can eat certain types of food to warm the system.
Fats warm the system. Fats contain the same elements as the carbohydrates, but the hydrogen is present in a much larger quantity, and this results in more heat being produced by its breakdown and digestion. Maca is a “fatty” vegetable superfood (usually powdered) that has incredible warming properties.
Potassium-rich foods are warming foods. Some nuts, such as macadamias, have a high level of potassium, as do seeds, such as sunflower seeds. Most fruits are rich in potassium. Some of the most warming, highest-potassium fruits are: avocados, dates, durians, persimmons (with seeds), prunes, pumpkin, raisins (with seeds), and sun-dried apricots. You will also notice that these fruits correspond to what is available in the fall and winter.
Sulfur-residue foods warm the body. Sulfur-residue foods include: cruciferous vegetables, garlic, and onions. Durian has a high sulfur and potassium-yield. In Asia, one who overeats durian is often said to have “hot eyes.”
To Warm the Body center at 20:40:40
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Eat a meal that is high in fats, potassium, and/or sulfur and you will notice a heating reaction within 45 minutes as the food begins to digest. This reaction will become more pronounced over time as one becomes more purified by eating a raw-food diet.
Eating To Cool The Body
We can do five things to cool the body nutritionally:
1. Fast. When you fast, your body temperature lowers.
2. Eat cold, refrigerated, frozen food or ice.
3. Eat only green-leafy vegetables. Green-leafy vegetables do not produce much heat as they pass through the human digestive system. They lack calories.
To Cool the Body center at 60:20:20
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
4. Eat sea or rock salt or high-sodium foods. Sodium-rich foods are cooling foods. Dark green-leafy vegetables, such as kale, dandelion, and spinach, are cooling. Celery is an excellent summer-time cooling food. Seaweeds are also cooling, unless the salt is washed off. Wild coconut water has a sodium yield and is a great cooling cocktail on hot, humid days.
5. Eat special cooling foods such as cucumbers, melons and cacao fruits.
Eating To Ground The Body
When one becomes ungrounded, a mineral deficiency is the primary cause. Vegetarians, vegans and raw-foodists who become ungrounded typically are eating weak, mineral deficient food. Animal foods — especially fish — due to its concentration of minerals, tends to bring people back to earth who have become ungrounded. There are other ways to ground oneself with plant foods.
Grounding occurs due to increasing the mineral-content of foods in one’s diet. The more minerals in the food, the more grounded you feel … the more minerals, the more “ground” — literally. Generally, organically-grown, fatty foods (especially nuts and seeds) and green leaves are good sources of minerals. So, to ground the body, one would balance there and avoid commonly-found, mineral-deficient fruit.
Superfoods and seaweeds play an important role with keeping individuals grounded as well. Superfoods and seaweeds are generally dramatically more mineral- and protein-rich than everyday organic produce.
Edible clays and sea or rock salts, because they are earth, are also grounding.
Eating For Spirituality
To Ground The Body center at 50:0:50
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)
Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom taught me the spiritual value of avoiding fats for a selected period of time with his Vitarian Diet. Lovewisdom himself attempted to completely eliminate fats from his diet by swearing off all avocados, nuts and seeds (see his book Spiritualizing Dietetics: Vitarianism). He eventually introduced goat’s milk (pure fat) into his diet (see Viktoras Kulvinskas’ book Life In The 21st Century) — which justifies the conclusion that fats are essential.
We have already seen the value of a momentary period of a fatless diet for detoxification. When you strip away all the internal insulation created by fats, after all improper foods have been removed, then you tune directly into the cosmic spiritual energy that pervades all things. This is the Vitarian Diet, which contains few fats, and only fruits and vegetables of a high-water content.
This kind of fat-free diet can allow one to reach a tremendous, though passing, high. Years ago, my friend Joshua Rainbow told me that he became so sensitive on the Vitarian Diet that simply turning into the wind became an ecstatic experience. One must be careful with such lean diets in the long term as pollution in food, air and water makes the nerves more susceptible to damage when fat is absent in the diet. Also, mineral deficiencies, omega 3 fatty acid problems, and vitamin B12 issues may, over time, make their appearance with such nutritional approaches.
Because the desire for fat (and its insulation) increases the closer one is to civilization (pollution), this type of spiritual diet is heightened when one is living in Nature — far away from toxicity.
For Spiritual Clarity center at 50:0:50
(Chlorophyll : Sugars : Fat)