The Law of Attraction is:

1. Universal — it operates everywhere.

2. Eternal — it is ongoing.

3. Absolute — it operates whether you know it or not.

Your mind is a living magnet. You automatically draw people, things and circumstances into your life in harmony with your dominant thoughts and desires. Every person, all the animals in your life and every object you have are here because you have chosen to draw them here.

The Law of Attraction demonstrates that you will experience whatever you hold in your conscious mind long enough and deeply enough. Whatever your goals, whomever you want to meet, the law will magnetize them into your life. The more emotional and spiritual intensity you attach to your thoughts, the quicker that desire becomes reality.

Recall the following words from Lesson 1: The Principle Of Life Transformation: “Health is not something we can get; rather, it is something we attract, by the person we become. If we chase after health, it will elude us like a butterfly. However, if we calmly attract health by becoming the type of person who can be radiantly healthy, it will land upon us with a most radiant flutter.”

Health attracts health. Happiness attracts happiness. Prosperity attracts prosperity. This is in absolute harmony with the foundational law that things produce more of their own kind. The happier you are, the happier are the people around you.

Things do not balance out. Success breeds more success. Failure breeds more failure. Like attracts like, it is the cosmic law again. Each produces more of its own kind.

We can only attract to ourselves a vibration that mirrors our present consciousness. Your present environment is a mirror reflection of yourself at this time. Your surrounding environment is constantly being recreated as your life progresses. Everything you have in your life right now is only a duplication of what you subconsciously believe you deserve.

You were created in the divine image and you possess within you the spark of that creative power with which, consciously or unconsciously, you create the conditions around you. You are always a creator of circumstance and never a creature of circumstance. You are at the cause, not at the effect.

Those people who feel they will be alone eating raw foods, might want to think things differently. Most people think at the “effect” side of things. They believe there are no other raw-foodists out there, so they can excuse themselves from going all the way. Or they excuse themselves by claiming high-quality organic fruits and vegetables are not available. The truth is, they are always on the “cause” side of things, and by the Law of Attraction they are in every moment attracting to them the reality they expect. If you eat raw, then you would attract other raw-foodists, and not before. If they committed to finding the highest quality organic food, they would attract it, and not before.

The change must first come within you and then you will attract what you need.

Highly advanced beings in all fields walk the planet Earth. How do you meet them? How do you learn from them? You must learn to match their frequency and attract them into your life.

I have heard the stories of many people all over the world who persisted forward. They felt lonely, isolated by their diet and thus created that reality. However, as they persisted, and the Sunfood delivered its effect, their vibration changed, as did their consciousness. Even in the most remote locations other raw-foodists would show up in their lives. You will be absolutely astonished by how many people are into raw-foods, or are willing to go raw with you when you reach the right frame of mind!

You attract into your life those with a message for you. The message that “when one is ready for a thing, it presents itself” is proved by the indisputable fact that you have picked up this book and that you have found me at precisely the right time for you.

Embrace the Law Of Attraction. Accelerate your transition. Become more social, meet new dynamic people. Attract into your life beautiful people and relationships by becoming beautiful inside. Pair up with those (especially a lover) who are headed in the same direction as yourself. Employ The Mastermind Principle as discussed in Lesson 27.

The most attractive thing you can do is smile. Everyone knows that a beautifully happy being is a sight to behold. A smile profoundly affects all who see and feel it. Like the Sun, a smile brightens the entire day.

The most powerful vibration you can send out is love. Love is the very essence of the Law of Attraction. The most blessed, beautiful people are those who continually send out love vibrations towards all the living plants and creatures around them. By sending out love you always make the world a better place to live for all of the Earth’s precious creatures.

Learn to love. Love helps heal every injury, every illness. Let love emanate from your being. Let your spirit sing with a new-found love for Life. Love is magical. It is the greatest gift and the most powerful force in the universe.

Love withheld, in the past or present, lies somewhere at the root of all psychosomatic illness. Attempting to compensate for the lack of love causes erratic, neurotic behavior. Love withheld cascades down from the emotional body into the mental body, causing neuroses and from there it slides into the physical body in the form of illness. In simple terms, love deprivation causes sickness.

Love is necessary to our being. It is our most vital Sunfood. It supports us, sustains us, gives us the power to overcome. You never can tell what a loving word can mean to someone. Speak loving, caring words to friends and family members, especially when they are ill, and they will become healthier. They will be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually uplifted!

Send out waves of loving energy. We know by the Laws of Karma that what we put out comes back to us — multiplied. As much love as you put into your interactions, that is how much love comes directly back to you.

To be loved, we have to love ourselves. Loving yourself is very healthy. Only when we love ourselves do we have enough love to give away. By giving love we then receive love.




1 Two key points to live by daily:

Stop chasing, start attracting.

Stop striving, start arriving.

2 Ask yourself: “What will it take for me to love myself completely in every facet of my being?” Record the answer in your journal. When you love yourself, your journey through life will be so much more enjoyable and you can start to love others as well.

3 Stop taking everything so seriously. A “seriousness addiction” plunders the joy of life.


It is operating always
In greater or lesser forms.
It directs the roaring majesty
Of deep-blue tropical storms.

It masters mighty mountains
And rolls each grain of sand.
It alters the course of rivers
And pulls the tide to land.

It summons bee to flower
And drone to honey queen.
It is felt by primal wisdom
But rarely is ever seen.

It may shift its shape
And shape its shift
To bring two, eye to eye.
Try to grasp its power:
It eludes,
Like a butterfly.

It calls the bird to the tree;
It lays the eggs in the nest.
It turns the tides of fortune
And never does it rest.

It lingers in the mortal world
And filters through the dust.
To bond a fated pair
It takes the form of lust.

The Law is organic power
Captured by clean living;
Drawing forth Nature’s favor,
When love is what you’re giving.

Like and like beget,
‘Birds of a feather’ attract.
That purer bodies captivate
Is the ever-certain fact.

Success attracts success
Fortunes rising higher.
People, places, things
In harmony with your desire.

When you are ready,
For what you want.
When you truly believe
You deserve it.
All the resources will show up
With the people to support it.

Help is ever on the way,
Drawn by your conviction.
When you are absolutely certain,
You call the cosmic law to action.

The Law is eternal —
A mysterious, magical charm.
Multiplying Life:
It creates a jungle from a farm.

Nothing circumvents its pull.
Not one escapes its force.
Nothing is by chance.
It is part of every source.

It brings a hand to hand;
It touches a paw to paw.
Primal love vibrations —
The Mistress of Cosmic Law.

It magnetizes masterminds
And shapes the destiny of worlds.
It spins the cosmic froth about,
And giggles in little girls.

It is Nature’s gravitation,
Method of motivation,
Modus of procreation,
Concept of creation.

The Law of Attraction —
The Logic of the Spheres.
Desire a thing deep enough,
And it suddenly appears.