Summary. The law of large numbers and the central limit theorem are two of the principal results of probability theory. The weak law of large numbers is derived from the mean-square law via Chebyshev’s inequality. The central limit theorem is proved using the continuity theorem for moment generating functions. A short account is presented of Cramér’s large deviation theorem for sums of random variables. Convergence in distribution (or ‘weak convergence’) is introduced, and the continuity theorem for characteristic functions stated.
We aim in this chapter to describe the two main limit theorems of probability theory, namely the ‘law of large numbers’ and the ‘central limit theorem’. We begin with the law of large numbers.
Here is an example of the type of phenomenon which we are thinking about. Before writing this sentence, we threw a fair die one million times (with the aid of a computer, actually) and kept a record of the results. The average of the numbers which we threw was 3.500867. Since the mean outcome of each throw is , this number is not too surprising. If xi is the result of the ith throw, most people would accept that the running average
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(8.1) |
approaches the mean value as n gets larger and larger. Indeed, the foundations of probability theory are based upon our belief that sums of the form (8.1) converge to some limit as
. It is upon the ideas of ‘repeated experimentation’ and ‘the law of averages’ that many of our notions of chance are founded. Accordingly, we should like to find a theorem of probability theory which says something like ‘if we repeat an experiment many times, then the average of the results approaches the underlying mean value’.
With the above example about throwing a die in the backs of our minds, we suppose that we have a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables, each having mean value μ. We should like to prove that the average
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(8.2) |
converges as to the underlying mean value μ. There are various ways in which random variables can be said to converge (advanced textbooks generally list four to six such ways). One simple way is as follows.
Definition 8.3
We say that the sequence of random variables converges in mean square to the (limit) random variable Z if
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(8.4) |
If this holds, we write ‘ in mean square as
Here is a word of motivation for this definition. Remember that if Y is a random variable and , then Y equals 0 with probability 1. If
, then it follows that
tends to 0 (in some sense) as
Example 8.5
Let Zn be a discrete random variable with mass function
Then Zn converges to the constant random variable 2 in mean square as , since
It is often quite simple to show convergence in mean square: just calculate a certain expectation and take the limit as . It is this type of convergence which appears in our first law of large numbers.
Theorem 8.6 (Mean-square law of large numbers)
Let be a sequence of independent random variables, each with mean μ and variance
. The average of the first n of the Xi satisfies, as
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(8.7) |
This is a straightforward calculation. We write
for the nth partial sum of the Xi. Then
and so
Hence, in mean square as
It is customary to assume that the random variables in the law of large numbers are identically distributed as well as independent. We demand here only that the Xi have the same mean and variance.
Exercise 8.8
Let Zn be a discrete random variable with mass function
Show that Zn converges to 0 in mean square if and only if .
Exercise 8.9
Let be a sequence of random variables which converges to the random variable Z in mean square. Show that
in mean square as
, for any real numbers a and b.
Exercise 8.10
Let Nn be the number of occurrences of 5 or 6 in n throws of a fair die. Use Theorem 8.6 to show that, as ,
Exercise 8.11
Show that the conclusion of the mean-square law of large numbers, Theorem 8.6, remains valid if the assumption that the Xi are independent is replaced by the weaker assumption that they are uncorrelated.
The earliest versions of the law of large numbers were found in the eighteenth century and dealt with a form of convergence different from convergence in mean square. This other mode of convergence also has intuitive appeal and is defined in the following way.
Definition 8.12
We say that the sequence of random variables converges in probability to Z as
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(8.13) |
If this holds, we write ‘ in probability as
Condition (8.13) requires that for all small positive δ and ε and all sufficiently large n, it is the case that with probability at least
It is not clear at first sight how the two types of convergence (in mean square and in probability) are related to one another. It turns out that convergence in mean square is a more powerful property than convergence in probability, and we make this more precise in the next theorem.
Theorem 8.14
If is a sequence of random variables and
in mean square as
, then
in probability also.
The proof of this follows immediately from a famous inequality which is usually ascribed to Chebyshev but which was discovered independently by Bienaymé and others, and is closely related to Markov’s inequality, Theorem 7.63. There are many forms of this inequality in the probability literature, and we feel that the following is the simplest.
Theorem 8.15 (Chebyshev’s inequality)
If Y is a random variable and , then
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(8.16) |
Proof of Theorem 8.14
We apply Chebyshev’s inequality to the random variable to find that
If in mean square as
, the right-hand side tends to 0 as
, and so the left-hand side tends to 0 for all
as required.
The converse of Theorem 8.14 is false: there exist sequences of random variables which converge in probability but not in mean square (see Example 8.19).
The mean-square law of large numbers, Theorem 8.6, combines with Theorem 8.14 to produce what is commonly called the ‘weak law of large numbers’.
Theorem 8.17 (Weak law of large numbers)
Let be a sequence of independent random variables, each with mean μ and variance
. The average of the first n of the Xi satisfies, as
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(8.18) |
The principal reason for stating both the mean-square law and the weak law are historical and traditional—the first laws of large numbers to be proved were in terms of convergence in probability. There is also a good mathematical reason for stating the weak law separately—unlike the mean-square law, the conclusion of the weak law is valid without the assumption that the Xi have finite variance so long as they all have the same distribution. This is harder to prove than the form of the weak law presented above, and we defer its proof until Section 8.5 and the treatment of characteristic functions therein.
There are many forms of the laws of large numbers in the literature, and each has a set of assumptions and a set of conclusions. Some are difficult to prove (with weak assumptions and strong conclusions) and others can be quite easy to prove (such as those above). Our selection is simple but contains a number of the vital ideas. Incidentally, the weak law is called ‘weak’ because it may be formulated in terms of distributions alone. There is a more powerful ‘strong law’ which concerns intrinsically the convergence of random variables themselves.
Example 8.19
Here is an example of a sequence of random variables which converges in probability but not in mean square. Suppose that Zn is a random variable with mass function
Then, for and all large n,
giving that in probability. On the other hand
so Zn does not converge to 0 in mean square.
Exercise 8.20
Prove the following alternative form of Chebyshev’s inequality: if X is a random variable with finite variance and , then
Exercise 8.21
Use Chebyshev’s inequality to show that the probability that in n throws of a fair die the number of sixes lies between and
is at least
Exercise 8.22
Show that if in probability then, as
for any real numbers a and b.
Our second main result is the central limit theorem. This also concerns sums of independent random variables. Let be independent and identically distributed random variables, each with mean μ and non-zero variance
. We know from the law of large numbers that the sum
is about as large as
for large n, and the next natural problem is to determine the order of the difference
. It turns out that this difference has order
Rather than work with the sum Sn directly, we work with the so-called standardized version of Sn,
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(8.23) |
This is a linear function of Sn, where an and bn have been chosen in such a way that
. Note that
and so
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(8.24) |
It is a remarkable fact that the distribution of Zn settles down to a limit as . Even more remarkable is the fact that the limiting distribution of Zn is the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, irrespective of the original distribution of the Xi. This theorem is one of the most beautiful in mathematics and is known as the ‘central limit theorem’.
Theorem 8.25 (Central limit theorem)
Let be independent and identically distributed random variables, each with mean μ and non-zero variance
. The standardized version
of the sum satisfies, as
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(8.26) |
The right-hand side of (8.26) is just the distribution function of the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, and thus (8.26) may be written as
where Y is a random variable with this standard normal distribution.
Special cases of the central limit theorem were proved by de Moivre (in about 1733) and Laplace, who considered the case when the Xi have the Bernoulli distribution. Lyapunov proved the first general version in about 1901, but the details of his proof were very complicated. Here we shall give an elegant and short proof based on the method of moment generating functions. As one of our tools, we shall use a special case of a fundamental theorem of analysis, and we present this next without proof. There is therefore a sense in which our ‘short and elegant’ proof does not live up to that description: it is only a partial proof, since some of the analytical details are packaged elsewhere.
Theorem 8.27 (Continuity theorem)
Let be a sequence of random variables with moment generating functions
and suppose that, as
In other words, the distribution function of Zn converges to the distribution function of the normal distribution if the moment generating function of Zn converges to the moment generating function of the normal distribution. We shall use this to prove the central limit theorem in the case when the Xi have a common moment generating function
although we stress that the central limit theorem is valid even when this expectation does not exist so long as both the mean and the variance of the Xi are finite.
Proof of Theorem 8.25
Let . Then
are independent and identically distributed random variables with mean and variance given by
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(8.28) |
and moment generating function
giving that Zn has moment generating function
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(8.29) |
We need to know the behaviour of for large n, and to this end we use Theorem 7.55 to expand
as a power series about
Substitute this into (8.29) with and t fixed to obtain
and the result follows from Theorem 8.27. This proof requires the existence of for values of t near 0 only, and this is consistent with the discussion before Theorem 7.49. We shall see in Example 8.54 how to adapt the proof without this assumption.
Example 8.30 (Statistical sampling)
The central limit theorem has many applications in statistics, and here is one such. An unknown fraction p of the population are jedi knights. It is desired to estimate p with error not exceeding by asking a sample of individuals (it is assumed they answer truthfully). How large a sample is needed?
Suppose a sample of n individuals is chosen. Let Xi be the indicator function of the event that the ith such person admits to being a jedi knight, and assume the Xi are independent, Bernoulli random variables with parameter p. Write
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(8.31) |
We choose to estimate p with the ‘sample mean’ , which, following statistical notation, we denote as
We wish to choose n sufficiently large that . This cannot be done, since
is a random variable which may (albeit with only small probability) take a value larger than
for any given n. The accepted approach is to set a maximal level of probability at which an error is permitted to occur. By convention, we take this to be
, and we are thus led to the following problem: find n such that
By (8.31), Sn is the sum of independent, identically distributed random variables with mean p and variance . The above probability may be written as
By the central limit theorem, converges in distribution to the normal distribution, and hence the final probability may be approximated by an integral of the normal density function. Unfortunately, the range of this integral depends on p, which is unknown.
Since for
and the right-hand side is approximately , where N is normal with mean 0 and variance 1. Therefore,
where Φ is the distribution function of N. On consulting statistical tables, we find this to be greater than if
, which is to say that
Exercise 8.32
A fair die is thrown 12,000 times. Use the central limit theorem to find values of a and b such that
where S is the total number of sixes thrown.
Exercise 8.33
For , let Xn be a random variable having the gamma distribution with parameters n and 1. Show that the moment generating function of
and deduce that, as ,
Let Sn be the sum of n independent, identically distributed random variables with mean μ and variance . The weak law of large numbers asserts that Sn has approximate order
. By the central limit theorem, the deviations of Sn are typically of the order
. It is unlikely that Sn will deviate from its mean
by more than order
. The study of such unlikely events has proved extremely fruitful in recent decades. The following theorem, proved in its original form by Cramér in 1938, is of enormous practical use within the modern theory of ‘large deviations’, despite the low probability of the events under study.
Let be independent, identically distributed random variables, and
. For simplicity, we assume that the Xi have common mean 0; if this does not hold, we replace Xi by
. We shall assume quite a lot of regularity on the distribution of the Xi, namely that the common moment generating function
for values of t in some neighbourhood
of the origin. Let
. The function
is strictly increasing on
, so that
if and only if
. By Markov’s inequality, Theorem 7.63,
By Theorem 7.52, , and so
This provides an upper bound for the chance of a ‘large deviation’ of Sn from its mean 0, in terms of the arbitrary constant . We minimize the right-hand side over t to obtain
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(8.34) |
This is an exponentially decaying bound for the probability of a large deviation.
It turns out that, neglecting sub-exponential corrections, the bound (8.34) is an equality, and this is the content of Cramér’s theorem, Theorem 8.36. The precise result is usually stated in logarithmic form. Let , and define the so-called Fenchel–Legendre transform of Λ by
![]() |
(8.35) |
The function is illustrated in Figure 8.1.
Fig. 8.1 The function plotted against the line
, in the case when
. The point
marks the value of t at which
is a maximum, and this maximum is denoted
Theorem 8.36 (Large deviation theorem)
Let be independent, identically distributed random variables with mean 0, whose common moment generating function
is finite in some neighbourhood of the origin. Let
be such that
. Then
![]() |
(8.37) |
That is to say, decays to 0 in the manner of
. If
, then
for all n. Theorem 8.36 accounts for deviations above the mean. For deviations below the mean, the theorem may be applied to the sequence
Partial Proof
We begin with some properties of the function . First,
By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, Theorem 7.30, applied to the random variables and
, the numerator is positive. Therefore, Λ is a convex function wherever it is finite (see Exercise 7.73).
We turn now to Figure 8.1. Since Λ is convex with , and since
, the supremum of
is unchanged by the restriction
. That is,
![]() |
(8.38) |
Next, we show that under the conditions of the theorem. By Theorem 7.55,
for small positive t, where . This is where we have used the assumption that
on a neighbourhood of the origin. For sufficiently small positive t,
whence by (8.38).
It is immediate from (8.34) and (8.38) that
![]() |
(8.39) |
The proof of the sharpness of the limit in (8.37) is more complicated, and is omitted. A full proof may be found in Grimmett and Stirzaker (2001, Sect. 5.11).
Example 8.40
Let X be a random variable with distribution
and moment generating function
Let . By (8.35), the Fenchel–Legendre transformation of
is obtained by maximizing
over the variable t. The function Λ is differentiable, and therefore the maximum may be found by calculus. We have that
Setting this equal to 0, we find that
and hence
Let be the sum of n independent copies of X. By the large deviation theorem, Theorem 8.36,
![]() |
(8.41) |
for .
Exercise 8.42
Find the Fenchel–Legendre transform in the case of the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.
Exercise 8.43
Show that the moment generating function of a random variable X is finite on a neighbourhood of the origin if and only if there exist such that
Exercise 8.44
Let be independent random variables with the Cauchy distribution, and let
. Find
We have now encountered the ideas of convergence in mean square and convergence in probability, and we have seen that the former implies the latter. To these two types of convergence we are about to add a third. We motivate this by recalling the conclusion of the central limit theorem, Theorem 8.25: the distribution function of the standardized sum Zn converges as to the distribution function of the normal distribution. This notion of the convergence of distribution functions may be set in a more general context as follows.
Definition 8.45
The sequence is said to converge in distribution, or to converge weakly, to Z as
where C is the set of reals at which the distribution function is continuous. If this holds, we write
The condition involving points of continuity is an unfortunate complication of the definition, but turns out to be desirable (see Exercise 8.56).
Convergence in distribution is a property of the distributions of random variables rather than a property of the random variables themselves, and for this reason, explicit reference to the limit random variable Z is often omitted. For example, the conclusion of the central limit theorem may be expressed as ‘Zn converges in distribution to the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1’.
Theorem 8.14 asserts that convergence in mean square implies convergence in probability. It turns out that convergence in distribution is weaker than both of these.
Theorem 8.46
If is a sequence of random variables and
in probability as
, then
The converse assertion is generally false; see the forthcoming Example 8.49 for a sequence of random variables which converges in distribution but not in probability. The next theorem describes a partial converse.
Theorem 8.47
Let be a sequence of random variables which converges in distribution to the constant c. Then Zn converges to c in probability also.
Proof of Theorem 8.46
Suppose in probability, and write
for the distribution functions of Zn and Z. Let , and suppose that F is continuous at the point z. Then
![]() |
(8.48) |
We let and
throughout these inequalities. The left-hand side of (8.48) behaves as follows:
where we have used the facts that in probability and that F is continuous at z, respectively. Similarly, the right-hand side of (8.48) satisfies
Thus, the left- and right-hand sides of (8.48) have the same limit , implying that the central term
. Hence
Proof of Theorem 8.47
Suppose that . It follows that the distribution function Fn of Zn satisfies
Thus, for ,
The following is an example of a sequence of random variables which converges in distribution but not in probability.
Example 8.49
Let U be a random variable which takes the values and 1, each with probability
. We define the sequence
It is clear that , since each Zn has the same distribution. On the other hand
so that for all m. Hence, Zn does not converge to U in probability.
Finally, we return to characteristic functions. In proving the central limit theorem we employed a result (Theorem 8.27) linking the convergence of moment generating functions to convergence in distribution. This result is a weak form of the so-called continuity theorem, a more powerful version of which we present next (the proof is omitted).
Theorem 8.50 (Continuity theorem)
Let be random variables with characteristic functions
. Then
if and only if
This is a difficult theorem to prove—see Feller (1971, p. 481). We close the section with several examples of this theorem in action.
Example 8.51
Suppose that and
. Prove that
Let be the characteristic function of Zn and
the characteristic function of Z. By the continuity theorem, Theorem 8.50,
. The characteristic function of
and the result follows by another appeal to Theorem 8.50. A direct proof of this fact using distribution functions is messy when a is negative.
Example 8.52 (The weak law)
Here is another proof of the weak law of large numbers, Theorem 8.17, for the case of identically distributed random variables. Let be independent and identically distributed random variables with mean μ, and let
By Theorem 7.87, the characteristic function of Un is given by
![]() |
(8.53) |
where is the common characteristic function of the Xi. By Theorem 7.85,
Substitute this into (8.53) to obtain
The limit here is the characteristic function of the constant μ, and thus the continuity theorem, Theorem 8.50, implies that . A glance at Theorem 8.47 confirms that the convergence takes place in probability also, and we have proved a version of the weak law of large numbers. This version differs from the earlier one in two regards—we have assumed that the Xi are identically distributed, but we have made no assumption that they have finite variance.
Example 8.54
Central limit theorem. Our proof of the central limit theorem in Section 8.3 was valid only for random variables which possess finite moment generating functions. Very much the same arguments go through using characteristic functions, and thus Theorem 8.25 is true as it is stated.
Exercise 8.55
Let be independent random variables, each having the Cauchy distribution. Show that
converges in distribution to the Cauchy distribution as
. Compare this with the conclusion of the weak law of large numbers.
Exercise 8.56
Let Xn, Yn, Z be ‘constant’ random variables with distributions
Show that
but .
This motivates the condition of continuity in Definition 8.45. Without this condition, it would be the case that but
1. Let be independent random variables, each having the uniform distribution on the interval
, and let
. Show that
(a) in probability as
(b) in probability as
(c) if and
, then
so that Un converges in distribution to the exponential distribution as .
2. By applying the central limit theorem to a sequence of random variables with the Bernoulli distribution, or otherwise, prove the following result in analysis. If and
, then
where the summation is over all values of k satisfying .
3. Let Xn be a discrete random variable with the binomial distribution, parameters n and p. Show that converges to p in probability as
4. Binomial–Poisson limit. Let Zn have the binomial distribution with parameters n and , where λ is fixed. Use characteristic functions to show that Zn converges in distribution to the Poisson distribution, parameter λ, as
5. By applying the central limit theorem to a sequence of random variables with the Poisson distribution, or otherwise, prove that
6. (a) Let and
By considering the binomial distribution or otherwise, show that
(b) Find the asymptotic behaviour of , where
7. Use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to prove that if in mean square and
in mean square, then
in mean square.
8. Use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to prove that if in mean square, then
. Give an example of a sequence
such that
in probability but
does not converge to
9. 8.6.9 If in probability and
in probability, show that
in probability.
10. Let and
be independent random variables each having mean μ and non-zero variance
. Show that
satisfies, as ,
11. Adapt the proof of Chebyshev’s inequality to show that, if X is a random variable and , then
for any function which satisfies
(a) for
(b) for
(c) g is increasing on .
12. Let X be a random variable which takes values in the interval only. Show that
if .
13. Show that in probability if and only if
14. Let be a sequence of random variables which converges in mean square. Show that
If and
for all n, show that the correlation between Xn and Xm converges to 1 as
15. Let Z have the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. Find and
, and find the probability density function of
*16. Let be independent random variables each having distribution function F and density function f. The order statistics
of the subsequence
are obtained by rearranging the values of the Xi in non-decreasing order. That is to say,
is set to the smallest observed value of the Xi,
is set to the second smallest value, and so on, so that
. The sample median Yn of the sequence
is the ‘middle value’, so that Yn is defined to be
Assume that is odd, and show that Yn has density function
Deduce that, if F has a unique median m, then
where .
17. The sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables is such that
If f is a continuous function on , prove that
is a polynomial in p of degree at most n. Use Chebyshev’s inequality to prove that for all p with , and any
where . Using this and the fact that f is bounded and uniformly continuous in
, prove the following version of the Weierstrass approximation theorem:
(Oxford 1976F)
18. Let Zn have the geometric distribution with parameter , where λ is fixed. Show that
converges in distribution as
, and find the limiting distribution.
*19. Let and
be two sequences of independent random variables with
for . Let
and let Z denote a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and variance 1. Prove or disprove the following:
State carefully any theorems which you use. (Oxford 1980F)
(a) Sn converges in distribution to Z,
(b) the mean and variance of Tn converge to the mean and variance of Z,
(c) Tn converges in distribution to Z.
*20. Let Xj, , be independent identically distributed random variables with probability density function
. Show that the characteristic function of
. Consider a sequence of independent trials where the probability of success is p for each trial. Let N be the number of trials required to obtain a fixed number of k successes. Show that, as p tends to zero, the distribution of
tends to the distribution of Y with
. (Oxford 1979F)
21. Let be independent and identically distributed random variables such that
Derive the moment generating function of the random variable , where
are constants. In the special case
, show that Yn converges in distribution as
to the uniform distribution on the interval
22. X and Y are independent, identically distributed random variables with mean 0, variance 1, and characteristic function . If
are independent, prove that
By making the substitution or otherwise, show that, for any positive integer n,
Hence, find the common distribution of X and Y. (Oxford 1976F)
23. Let and
be the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the characteristic function of the random variable X. Prove that
Hence, find the variance of and the covariance of
in terms of u and v.
Consider the special case when X is uniformly distributed on . Are the random variables
(i) uncorrelated, (ii) independent? Justify your answers. (Oxford 1975F)
(a) ,
(b) .
24. State the central limit theorem.
The cumulative distribution function F of the random variable X is continuous and strictly increasing. Show that is uniformly distributed. Find the probability density function of the random variable
, and calculate its mean and variance. Let
be a sequence of independent random variables whose corresponding cumulative distribution functions
are continuous and strictly increasing. Let
Show that, as ,
converges in distribution to a normal distribution with mean zero and variance one. (Oxford 2007)