Appendix A

Elements of combinatorics

The number of permutations of n distinct objects is


and is pronounced ‘n factorial’. The number of ordered subsequences of length r from these n objects is image, which may be written as


If the ordering of these r objects is not important, then any of the image possible orderings gives rise to the same subset, and the number of such combinations is then


This is usually called the binomial coefficient, written as


and pronounced ‘n choose r’. It is useful to note that



since this formal definition makes sense even when n is a general real number.

There are entire volumes devoted to combinatorial identities. Of the many such identities we highlight one, namely the following:



the proof of which is left as a small exercise.

The binomial theorem states that


valid for image and image. There is a more general version that holds even when n is fractional, or even negative.

Theorem A.3 (Extended binomial theorem)

Let image. We have that


where the binomial coefficients are given by (A.1).

It is often necessary to compare the rate of growth of image with polynomial and exponential functions of n. The requisite formula is called Stirling’s formula.

Theorem A.4 (Stirling’s formula)

We have that


where image means image.

A ‘short’ proof of Stirling’s formula has been given by Romik (2000), and a proof of a slightly weaker result without the identification of the constant image is provided in Norris (1997, Sect. 1.12).

Partial proof

We prove only the weaker ‘logarithmic asymptotic’



Since image is increasing on the interval image, we have that


which is to say that


Equation (A.5) follows by dividing by image and letting image.

Readers are referred to Graham et al. (1994) for further information about these and related topics.