Appendix B

Difference equations

We say that the sequence image satisfies a difference equation if



where image is a given sequence of real numbers and image. We generally suppose that image, and in this case we call (B.1) a difference equation of order k. Difference equations occur quite often in the study of random processes, particularly random walks, and it is useful to be able to solve them. We describe here how to do this.

Just as in solving differential equations, we require boundary conditions in order to solve difference equations. To see this, note that (B.1) may be rewritten as



since image. Thus, if we know the values of image, equation (B.2) with image provides the value of xk. Next, equation (B.2) with image tells us the value of image, and so on. That is to say, there is a unique solution of (B.1) with specified values for image. It follows that, if image, the general solution of (B.1) contains exactly k independent arbitrary constants, and so exactly k independent boundary conditions are required in order to solve (B.1) explicitly.

The principal step involved in solving (B.1) is to find the roots of the auxiliary equation



a polynomial in θ of degree k. We denote the (possibly complex) roots of this polynomial by image. The general solution of (B.1) is given in the next theorem.

Theorem B.4

Let image be a sequence of real numbers with image.

(a)  If the roots image of the auxiliary equation are distinct, the general solution of (B.1) is



where image are arbitrary constants.

(b)  More generally, if image are the distinct roots of the auxiliary equation and mi is the multiplicity of image for image, the general solution of (B.1) is



where the k numbers image are arbitrary constants.

The auxiliary equation may not possess k real roots, and thus some or all of image may have non-zero imaginary parts. Similarly, the arbitrary constants in Theorem B.4 need not necessarily be real, and the general solution (B.6) is actually the general solution for complex solutions of the difference equation (B.1). If we seek real solutions only of (B.1), then this fact should be taken into account when finding the values of the constants.

We do not prove this theorem, but here are two ways of going about proving it, should one wish to do so. The first way is constructive, and uses the generating functions of the sequences of ai and xi (see Hall (1967, p. 20)). The second way is to check that (B.5) and (B.6) are indeed solutions of (B.1) and then to note that they contain the correct number of arbitrary constants.

Here is an example of the theorem in action.

Example B.7

Find the solution of the difference equation


subject to the boundary conditions image, image, image.


The auxiliary equation is


with roots image. The general solution is therefore


where the constants a, b, c are found from the boundary conditions to be given by image, image, image.

An important generalization of Theorem B.4 deals with difference equations of the form



where g is a given function of n, not always equal to 0. There are two principal steps in solving (B.8). First, we find a solution of (B.8) by any means available, and we call this a particular solution. Secondly, we find the general solution to the difference equation obtained by setting image for all n:


this solution is called the complementary solution.

Theorem B.9

Suppose that image is a given sequence of real numbers and that image. The general solution of (B.8) is



where image is the complementary solution and image is a particular solution.

This may be proved in the same general way as Theorem B.4. We finish with an example.

Example B.11

Find the solution of the difference equation



subject to the boundary conditions image, image.


The right-hand side of (B.12) is a polynomial function of n, and this suggests that there may be a particular solution which is a polynomial. Trial and error shows that


is a particular solution. The general solution of the difference equation




where a and b are arbitrary constants. It follows that the general solution of (B.12) is


The constants a and b are found from the boundary conditions to be given by image, image.