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Abitibi-Consolidated 248
Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens 172
Afghanistan 309-10
African International Airways 97
Afrimex 96
Ahmadinejad, President 306
Alaska Brokerage International Limited 70-1
Alfa Group Consortium 178, 180
algae 140-5
aluminium cans 189-90
Amaggi Group 134
Amazon rain forest 133-9
American Association for the Advancement of Science 279
Angel, Roger 276
Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 22-4
Animal Rights Militia (ARM) 23
Arctic seed bank 51-6
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) 246-7
Associated British Food and
Beverages 236 Attenborough, David 93
aviation 215-20
BAE Systems 197-8
Ball, Dr Brenda 17-18
Balls, Ed 225
Baluyevsky, General Yuri 159-60
Bartfield, Peter 71, 72
Bate, Roger 260
Bellamy, David 262
Benedict XVI, Pope 242, 272
Benn, Hilary 168
Best, Dr Steven 301
biofuel 121-6
birth rate 239-44
Biwater 166-7
book publishing 245-50
bottled water 127-32
Bottled Water Information Office (BWIO) 129-30
bottom trawling 115-20
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) 138
BP 179,199
Brazil 133-9
BRIT School 312
Britain 109-14
British Airports Authority (BAA) 217-18
British American Tobacco (BAT) 253, 255
Dermatologists 154
British Beekeepers’ Association 17, 18, 323
British Council 107
British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) 111
British Soft Drinks Association 128
Brown, Gordon 161, 218, 225, 231
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda) 95
Caldeira, Ken 278-9
Canadian Fisheries Department 72
carbon offsetting 263-8
Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (Colindale) 173
Centre for Infections (Colindale) 173
Centre for the Study of Carbon Dioxide 261
Cernan, Eugene 204
Cheney, Dick 180
China 233-8
China National Petroleum Corporation 42
cigarettes 251-6
CJD 138
clams 37-8
climate-change deniers 257-62
coal 233-4, 235
Coca Cola 128, 131
Colony Collapse Disorder (bees) 16,19
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) 260
Congolese Democracy-Goma (RCD-Goma) 95, 96
Conservation of Seals Act (1970) 73
contraceptive pill 33-8
Convention of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 49
Coronado, Rod 301 cotton 294-5
Coulouthros family 178
Country Guardian group 111
cows 57-62
cremation 317-21
Crown Resources 178,180
Crutzen, Paul 124, 278, 279
Danone 128
Das Air 97
Dashwood, Sir Edward 41 deforestation 245-50
Democratic Republic of Congo 94-8
drug-trafficking 190-1
Earth Liberation Front (ELF) 299-304
eco-bulbs 152-6
eco-towns and homes 146-51
Edmonds, Noel 111
E.J. Churchill 41
Electricité de France (EDF) 224, 226
elephants 39-44
end of the world party 186-91
endocrine disruptors 36-7
Environ Energy Global 199
Environment Agency 28, 34, 130, 155, 323
environmental movement 287-92
Environmental Research, Abersytwyth 60
etinyloestradiol 35-6
EU Biofuel Directive 122-3
European Bank of
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) 179
European Commission 117,119, 194
Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) (Britain) 85
ExxonMobil 261
Family, The 301-2, 303
FARC group 190-1
fashion 293-8
FBI 299-303
feminisation of wildlife 33-8
fertilizers 19
fishing fleets 115-20
FlyingMatters 217
Food Standards Agency 284, 285
Forest Stewardship Council 249, 324
forests see Siberian forests formaldehyde 318-19
Friedman, Mikhail 178-9 fungi 107
see also mycorrhizal fungus FutureHeathrow 217
gaz-guzzlers 192-6 GC Rieber Skinn 71
George C. Marshall Institute 260-1
George F. Trumper Ltd. 43 ghost netting 117
Giesen, Stefan 178
Global Diversity Crop Trust 53
gorillas 93-9
Great Apes Survival Project Partnership (Grasp) 97
Green, Sir Philip 294
greenhouse-gas emissions 58-62
greenwash 197-202
Grey, Aubrey de 320
Griffin, George 172
Hachette USA 247-8
Halliburton 180
Hamlyn 248
Hawking, Stephen 207
Health Protection Agency 173
Health and Safety Executive 223
Henman, Tim 148
Henman, Tony and Janet 148-9
High-frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) 307-8
Hiroshima 157-8
honeybees 15-20
hormones 33-8
House of Commons International Development committee 97
Huhne, Chris 60
Hutton, John 224
Indonesia 122-6
Ingham, Sir Bernard 111
Institute for Animal Health laboratories (Pirbright) 171-2
International Bee Research Unit, Cardiff 20
International Finance Corporation 137-8
International Institute for Strategic Studies 162
International Oil Spill Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund 180-1
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 141, 277
International Policy Network (IPN) 258-9
International Whaling Commission (IWC) 82
Iraq 306-9
ivory trade 39-40, 42-3
Japan 82-5
Japanese Knotweed 27-31
Jones, Ian 143
Karema (gorilla) 94,95,96
Karmes Marine Fish Farm,
Oban 22
Kelly, Ruth 217
Khan, Abdul Qadeer 161-2
King, Sir David 259, 287
KitKats 125
krill 45-50
Kyoto protocol 104, 258
Lackner, Klaus 279
Latham, John 277
Life on Earth TV series 93
Litvinenko, Alexander 159
‘Livestock’s Long Shadow’ (UN report) 59
Livingstone, Ken 155
Lovelock, James 288
Luers, Jeff 301
Maggi, Blairo 134-9
Mare International 178
Marine Bill (UK) 118
Markov, Georgi 160
Mato Grosso 134-9
Merkel, Angela 124
Meteorological Office 207
Migraine Action Association 154
mineral wealth conflicts 66-8
Ministry of Defence (MoD) 76-9, 173
Mitchell Beazley 248
Mollanod, Noel 301
Morris, Julian 258-9, 260
Moss, Kate 294, 297
motor cars 192-6
Museveni, Yoweri 168-9
Mutsambiwa, Maurice 42
mycorrhizal fungus 87-92
NASA 104, 131, 205, 206, 208
National Centre for
Atmospheric Research
(Colorado) 277
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) 173
National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimbabwe) 41-2
National Radiological Board 223
Nestlé 125
Nkunda, Laurent 95-8
nuclear attack 221-6
Nuclear Decommission Authority 225
Nuclear Industry Association 225
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 158-9
nuclear plants 224-6
nuclear war 157-63
Nuclear Waste Trains Investigative Committee 223
Nyakasanga Hunting Safaris 41
obesity 209-14
Ocean Nourishment Corporation (ONC) (Sydney) 142 oestrogen 34-5
oil 176-81
O’Leary, Michael 58
‘Operation Backfire’ 301
organic produce 281-6
Orion 248
palm-oil 122-6
Panasonic 236
paper 245-50
Para 135-8, 139
peat swamps 122-3, 124, 125
Philip Morris company 189, 253, 255
Pires, Moacir 137
Planktos 142-3
plastic bags 227-32
polar bears 63-8
population growth 239-44
Porritt, Sir Jonathon 288
Portch, Andrew 283
Prestige (ship) 177-81
Primark 297
Proctor & Gamble (P&G) 201
Purves, Sir William 179
rainforests 122-6
religious teaching 269-74
renewable energy 109-14
Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) 111
resources 323
Rhrabacher, Dana 60
Rio Tinto 189
rock stars 311-16
Rokke, Kjell Inge 47-50
Rooker, Lord 18
Roosmalen, Marc van 136
Round Table on Sustainable
Palm Oil 125
Royal Astronomical Society 206
Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 48, 324
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) 53
Royal Navy 79
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 112
Sadat, Anwar 166
safaris 40-1
Sakhalin Energy 85
salmon 21-6
Salter, Stephen 277
Schellnhuber, Sir John 207
Science and Technology Laboratory (Porton Down) 173
seals 69-74
seed bank see Arctic seed bank Sena, Edilberto 136
SFK Pulp 248
Shell 68, 85, 199
Shell Transport and Trading Company 179
Shenzhen Delux Arts Plastic 230
Siberian forests 103-9
Silverbacks see gorillas Simon, Mary 65
smoking 251-6
Soil Association 283, 285, 324
solar power 111
Somerset Organics 283
Sonar 2087 77-9
Southern Ocean 46-50
soya 133-9
space travel 203-8
Stang, Dorothy 136
Stern, Sir Nicholas 257
Stevenson, William 117 Suiping, Huaqiang Plastic 230
supertankers 176-81
Sustainable Development Commission 288, 324
Svalbard Global Seed Vault 51-6
Tesco 202, 231
Thales Underwater Systems 79
Toepfer, Dr Klaus 97
transport industry 122-6, 192-6, 219-20
trawling see beam trawling Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (East Anglia) 207, 324
Tyumen Oil (TNK) 179-80
UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation 173-4
Unilever 125
United Nations (UN) 96-7,142, 168, 180, 199, 228, 277, 308, 309
Universe Maritime 178 University of California 107 urea 140-5
US Marine Mammal Protection Act 66
varroa mite 16-20
viruses 170-5
Walters, Sir Peter 179
war 305-10
water 164-9
Watercourses Convention (1997) 168 Werle, Hugo Jose Scheuer 137
whales 75-80, 81-6
Wicks, Malcolm 205
Wiedeking, Wendelin 194, 195, 196
wind and wave 109-14
windmills 112-13
World Bank 137-8, 235
World Health Organization (WHO) 318,325
Zoological Society of London 77, 325