
Mark: Thank you Morwenna for your love and patience and, of course, my wonderful family and friends.

David : I am grateful to my my lovely wife Katie, my best friend and my inspiration, and my gorgeous children Joe and Georgia who I hope will inhabit a better world. I remain forever indebted to my mother, Anita, now in her 81st year, who never stops believing in me and always reinforces that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I would also like to thank my sisters Norma and Helen for always reminding me ‘…it ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it…’

…and of course two people without whom this book would have remained just another idea – David Dorrell for joining the dots and Mark Townsend for all his energy and painstaking research.

The authors would also like to thank:

Ivan Mulcahy – literary agent extraordinaire – for his good counsel, good humour and good company and publishers Jenny Heller and lone Walder for believing in a new idea by two new authors.

The publishers would like to thank:

Sarah Day, Jeremy Tilston, Jody Barton, Richard Marston, Richard Mundon, Anne Rieley, Geraldine Beare and Trevor Kite.