
Only authors named in the text are listed in the index. Those merely cited are included in the bibliography.

Abortion, 119-121, 124-125

Alba, Richard, 51

Alexandria, 77, 85, 97, 131-142, 183, 199

Antioch, 21, 131-142, 147-162

Antony, 183

Apamea, 131-142

Aristotle, 121, 200

Athanasius, 183

Athens, 84-85, 102-103, 131-142, 219

Attachments, 16-18, 20, 91-93, 138. See also Networks, social

Augustodunum (Autun), 131-142

Augustus, 104, 115, 117

Aurelius, Marcus, 73, 76, 113-114, 116

Bagnall, Roger S., xiii, 12-13, 68-69, 155-156, 198

Bainbridge, William Sims, 100, 201, 205

Balch, David L., xiii

Barker, Eileen, 40

Bar-Kokhba revolt, 49, 64, 65

Birth control, 121-122, 125-126

Boak, Arthur E. R., 116

Bromley, David, xiii

Brown, Peter, 93, 99, 109, 182

Burn, A. R., 189

Caesar, Julius, 115

Caesarea Maritima, 131-142

Callistus, 99, 111-112

Carcopino, Jerome, 148-149, 151, 153-154, 157

Carthage, 77, 87, 131-142, 199

Case, Shirley Jackson, 10-11, 165

Celsus, Aulas Cornelius, 119-120

Chadwick, Henry, 99, 192, 196

Chandler, Tertius, 131

Charisma, 24

Christian Science, 40, 100

Chrysostom, John, 66-67

Chuvin, Pierre, 4

Cirta, 98

Cities: cooking and heating in, 151; crime in, 157-158; density of population in, 149-151; earthquakes in, 158-160; epidemics and health in, 155-156, 158-159; ethnic areas and conflicts in, 157-158, 213; fires in, 151; housing in, 151-152; insects and parasites in, 154-155; newcomers to, 156-157; riots in, 159; sanitation and sewers in, 152-153; streets in, 151, 153-154; water in, 152-154

Clement of Alexandria, xiv, 108

Client cults, 205-206

Compensators, religious, 36, 39, 168-169, 171-174

Concepts, scientific, 22-26

Constantine, 10-11, 196, 208

Conversion, 13-21, 55-56, 99-100

Conzelmann, Hans, 5

Cordova, 131-142

Corinth, 31, 108, 131-142

Coulanges, Numa Denis Fustel de, 147

Cults, 33, 44, 46

Cultural continuity, 55, 59, 137

Cumont, Franz, 195

Currie, Raymond F., 5

Cyprian, 74, 77, 81, 87, 212

Damascus, 131-142

Danielou, Jean, 31

Deacon, deaconess, 108-109

Delphi, 97

Diaspora, 49, 57-68, 70, 138, 214

Dio Cassius, 97, 105

Diocletian, 10

Dionysius of Alexandria, 74, 77, 81-83, 85

Dionysius of Corinth, 9

Dodds, E. R., 196-197, 200, 207

Domitian, 121

Durkheim, Emile, 205

Edessa, 131-142

Elliot, John, xii

Ephesus, 131-142

Epidemics, 73-82, 114, 116

Eusebius, xiii, 3, 13, 74, 163, 165, 179

Fertility: Christian, 122-128; Pagan, 115-122

Fischer, Claude S., 134, 141

Fox, Robin Lane, 8, 20, 31, 98, 104, 111

Frend, W.H.C., 63, 179

Gadir (Cadiz), 131-142

Galen, 76, 85-86, 88, 104, 113, 165

Galerius, 10

Garrett, William R., xiii

Gibbon, Edward, xiv, 6, 31-32

Glazer, Nathan, 51

Gnostics, 140-143

God-Fearers, 58, 67-68, 137, 202, 213-214

Goodenough, Erwin R., 29-30

Graecina, Pomponia, 31, 112

Grant, Robert M., 6, 9, 31, 181

Growth and growth rates (Christian), 4-13, 56-57, 89-90

Guttentag, Marcia 101-103, 110

Hammond, Mason, 148

Hare Krishna, 5, 54

Harnack, Adolf, 14, 32, 87, 98-99, 111-112, 132, 134, 141, 193, 209

Hechter, Michael, 174-175

Hegedus, Tim, 199

Hexham, Irving, 5

Hock, Ronald, xii, 21, 135

Holdheim, Samuel, 53, 59

Hopkins, Keith, 105-107

Iannaccone, Laurence R., xii, 108, 163, 204-206, 219

Ignatius of Antioch, 32, 113, 180-181, 189

Infanticide, 97, 118, 124-125

Isaac, Ephraim, 70

Isis, 196, 199, 205, 207, 220

Jesus, 18, 44, 55, 86, 184-188

Jews, xi, 43, 49-71. See also Diaspora

Johnson, Paul, 64, 217

Judaism, 44, 49-71, 118

Judge, E. A., 30-31, 212

Julian, 83-84, 88, 189

Kautsky, Karl, 29

Kee, Howard Clark, xi, 90

Kim, Young Oon, 15-16

Kosmin, Barry A., 43

Kreissig, Heinz, 31

Lindsay, Jack, 122

Livy, 205

Lofland, John, 15-19

London, 131-142

Macedonicus, Quintus, 117

MacMullen, Ramsay, xi, 3, 6, 14, 86, 90, 93-94, 144, 193, 195-197, 199-200, 202, 205, 208, 213

Malherbe, Abraham J., 31

Marcion, Marcion movement, 64-66

Marginality, 52-53

Marriage: age at, 105-106; exogamous, 111-115

Marrou, Henri, 31

Martin, David, 100

Martyrs, 46, 110, 113-114, 163-189, 192, 208

Masochism, 165-166

May, Gerhard, 64

McNeal, William H., 75-76, 80-81, 88

Measles, 73

Mediolanum (Milan), 131-142

Meeks, Wayne, xi, 39, 109-111, 129, 135, 213

Memphis, 131-142

Mercy, 212-213

Meyers, Eric, 63, 68

Minucius Felix, 122-123, 125

Mithraism, 110, 205, 207

Monotheism, 201-202

Moonies (Unification Church), 15-17, 19, 175, 217-218

Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), 7, 14, 18, 19, 21, 34, 39-40, 43-44, 45, 55, 56, 178, 185, 221

Mortality rates, 76-77, 88-93

Moynihan, Daniel P., 51

Muhammad, 18, 45, 55, 185

Mumford, Lewis, 131

Nero, 179, 186

Networks, social, 20-22, 55-57, 61, 115, 193

Niebuhr, H. Richard, 33

Nock, Arthur Darby, 55, 196, 201

Origen, 5, 70-71, 109

Osiek, Caroline, xii

Pagans, 10, 79-80, 83-94, 195-203, 205-208, 211-215

Paul, 30, 31, 38, 98, 108-109, 111, 113, 135-136, 185-186, 217

Pearson, Birger, 141

Pelikan, Jaroslav, xiv, 161, 209

Pergamum, 131-142

Perpetua, 214

Persecution. See Martyrs

Peter, 111, 113, 185-187

Philo, 60-61

Pittsburgh Platform, 53-54

Plato, 118, 121, 212

Pliny the Younger, 108, 113, 208

Pluralism, 193-196, 197-199, 203

Plutarch, 105

Polycarp, 182

Pompeii, 200-201, 206

Puberty and marriage, 105-107

Ramsay, W. M., 32

Rational choice theory, 167, 169-184

Rawson, Beryl, 117

Reform Judaism, 53-54, 69

Religious economy, 193-195

Religious portfolios, 203-206

Revitalization movements, 78-79, 211-215

Rewards, direct, 35-36, 188-189

Riddle, Donald W., 165-166

Rives, J. B., 199

Robbins, Thomas, 205

Robinson, John A. T., 184

Romanus, 163

Rome: Christian community in, 31, 32, 98; city of, 31, 97, 131-142

Russell, J. C., 5

Salamis, 131-142, 219

Sardis, 131-142

Schoedel, William, 181, 189

Scroggs, Robin, 23, 47

Secord, Paul, 101-103, 110

Sect(s), 25, 33, 34

Segal, Alan, 213

Seneca, 118

Septuagint, 57, 63

Sex (gender): and conversion, 99-101; ratios, 97-99, 101

Sexual behavior, 106-107, 117, 121-123

Sherkat, Darren, xiii

Smallpox, 73, 76-77

Smith, Joseph, 18, 55

Smyrna, 131-142

Snyder, Graydon F., 8

Sordi, Marta, 31, 46, 112, 180

Sparta, 102-103

Stager, Lawrence E., 118

Stowers, Stanley K., xiii

Strecker, Georg, 64

Syracuse, 131-142

Tacitus, Cornelius, 12, 31, 118, 179-180

Tcherikover, Victor, 58

Teresa, Mother, 171

Tertullian, 87, 112-113, 119, 189, 198, 207, 215

Theissen, Gerd, 31,

Theories, scientific, 25-26

Thucydides, 84-85

Thurston, Bonnie Bowman, 110

Townsend, Joan B., 5

Trajan, 108, 116

Valentina, 165

von Herding, L., 6

Wallace, Anthony F. C., 78

Wallis, Roy, 24

Walsh, Michael, 113

Weber, Max, 24, 219

Weiner, Eugene and Anita, 183-184

Weiss, Johannes, 70

White, L. Michael, xii, 8, 151, 192, 209

Widows, 104-105

Wilken, Robert L., xi, 8

Williams, Michael A., xii, 12, 217

Wilson, Bryan, 25, 78,

Women, status of, 101-111

Zinsser, Hans, 74, 76