
Abdul Hamid II, 208

Abdullah ibn al-Hussein, 723

Abolitionism, 402

Abrams, Jacob, 762

Abrams v. United States, 762–67

Adair, Henry Rodney, 269

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 271

Adams, Henry: The Education of Henry Adams, 575

Adams, John, 238

Adams, John Quincy, 730

Adams v. New York, 642–43

Adana massacre, 119

Addams, Jane, 187–88, 226, 410, 430; “The Revolt Against War,” 170–86

Adil Bey, Hadji, 208, 210

Adriatic Sea, 652

Africa, 12, 23, 46–48, 122, 670, 686, 738, 790

African Americans, xxix–xxx, 433, 790; East St. Louis race riot, 385–93, 407–8, 412, 421, 432, 496; Houston soldiers’ mutiny, 412–22, 496; and Jim Crow laws, 419, 427, 496–503, 507; labor issues affecting, 385, 407, 502; lynching of, 122–23, 386, 390–92, 424, 496–97, 503, 507–9, 670–71, 743–44, 794; New Negro movement, 502, 743–45; as nurses, 502–3; suffrage of, 431, 497, 670–71; support of war by, 46–49, 496–501; in U.S. Army, 412–22, 427–29, 460, 510–11, 670–77

Aguilar, Cándido, 303

Aikens v. Wisconsin, 644

Airplanes, 113, 125, 141, 143–44, 193, 195, 200, 248–50, 254–60, 271, 306–12, 357–65, 438–43, 487, 526, 550, 612, 622, 625, 693

Aisne River, 67, 188, 190, 194, 470, 512, 558

Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Germany, 716

Aked, Charles P., 228

Albania, 14

Albatros aircraft, 254, 438

Albert I, 37, 150, 652

Aleppo, Syria, 158

Alexander I, 714–16

Alexandretta, Turkey, 119

Algerians, 198

Allen, Hervey: Toward the Flame, 514–53

Allied Supreme War Council, 618–20

Alsace, xxv, 20, 33, 275, 452, 625

Ambrières-les-Vallées, France, 674

Ambulances, xxvii, 63, 65, 74, 76, 80, 137, 139, 151–52, 205, 244–47, 252, 310, 409–11, 423, 456, 494, 504, 524, 542, 556, 560, 589, 591–92, 627, 821, 823

American Academy of Political and Social Science, 341

American Ambulance Field Service, 244–47

American Citizens’ Relief Committee, 24–25

American Civil Liberties Union, 394

American Commission for Relief in Belgium, 352–56

American Expeditionary Forces. See Army, U.S.

American Hostels for Refugees, 63

American Indians, 122, 431, 460, 828

Americanism, xxvii, 218–22, 375–76, 687, 738

American-Mexican Joint Commission, 302, 304

American Red Cross, 55, 119, 399, 409, 455, 485–86, 502–6, 554, 568, 571, 575–76

American Relief Administration, 352

American Union Against Militarism, 394

Amiens, France, 310, 470, 558

Amritsar, India, 790

Anarchists, xxx, 396, 768–76

Anatolia, 154–69

Ancona, sinking of, 216

Anderson, Chandler, 26

Anderson, James Clarke, 92

Anesthesia, 490–92, 512

Annam, 486

Anthrax, 366

Anti-aircraft guns, 260, 306, 359

Antwerp, Belgium, 37

Aouni, Abdul Havi, 723

Aquitania, RMS, 663

Arabia, xxiv, 723, 727

Arabic, sinking of, 124, 238, 241, 268

Arabs, 198, 457–58, 723

Argentina, 728

Argonne Forest, 63, 68–73, 249, 558, 577–79, 603–12, 621, 625, 660, 673, 759, 813

Arizona, 298–99

Arlington National Cemetery, xxxii, 805–9, 827

Armaments, xxviii, 113, 126, 220, 222–24, 280–81, 330, 337, 349, 384, 397, 451, 556, 618–19, 625, 704, 728

Armed neutrality, 313, 315–16

Armenians, 369; massacres of, 118–21, 154–69, 207–9, 211–12, 268, 385, 408

Armistice, xxviii, 613–23, 625–26, 699, 756, 783

Armistice Day, 805, 809

Army, Austro-Hungarian, 3–4, 504–5, 554, 556; battle of Gučevo Mountain, 81–89; battle of Przemyśl, 50–54; battle of Zalezchik, 130–34; military hospitals in Budapest, 50, 54–57; use of aircraft, 357

Army, Belgian, 33, 37, 618; in Flanders, 145–48

Army, British, 25, 39, 66, 152, 199, 274, 309, 460, 558, 618, 682, 790; battle of Loos, 200–206; conscription, 184, 401; in Flanders, 135–51; at Gallipoli, 118, 188, 211; and German offensive of spring 1918, 455, 470; as prisoners of war, 255–57, 259–60; Somme campaign, 282, 307–9; use of aircraft, 255–60, 357, 442

Army, Continental, 266–67

Army, French, 15, 17, 33, 35, 231, 425, 434, 460, 472, 485, 549, 558, 618, 674, 791; in Argonne, 63–80; battle of Champagne, 189–200, 244–47, 306; battle of Verdun, 248–50, 282, 409–11; colonial troops in, 192, 194, 198, 457–58, 503; doctors in, 464–69; in Flanders, 148, 150–51, 233–37; at Gallipoli, 118, 211; and German offensive of spring 1918, 455–59, 470; Meuse-Argonne offensive, 577, 587–89, 611; offensive of summer 1918, 512; and signing of Armistice, 621, 623; Somme campaign, 251–56, 282, 307–11; use of aircraft, 200, 248–50, 255–56, 258, 271, 306–12, 357, 438–43, 487

Army, German, xxiv, 47, 81, 211, 254, 258, 284, 507, 574, 614, 616, 700, 758, 790; in Argonne, 64, 67, 70–71, 74, 77–78; battle of Belleau Wood, 470–83; battle of Champagne, 189–200, 244–47; battle of Fismette, 514–53; battle of Loos, 200–206; battle of Verdun, 248–50, 282, 409–11; destruction of Louvain, 33, 36–41, 111; entering Brussels, 33–36; in Flanders, 135, 139–44, 146, 149, 233–37; and French and American offensive of summer 1918, 512; and Meuse-Argonne offensive, 577–89, 603–12; occupation of Belgium, 352, 354, 370, 385, 425; offensive of spring 1918, 455–59, 470; retreat from Belgium and France, 618; and St. Mihiel offensive, 558–61; and signing of Armistice, 621–23, 625–26; Somme campaign, 254–56, 282, 307–12; training of Ottoman army, 368–70; troops shifted to Western Front, 455; use of aircraft, 248–50, 254–60, 306–12, 357–65, 410, 438–43, 502, 526, 550

Army, Italian, 504–5, 554–57, 618–19; use of aircraft, 357

Army, Mexican, 298, 304

Army, Ottoman, 210–11; at Gallipoli, 118; massacres of Armenians by, 120; trained by German army, 368–70

Army, Russian, 15; anti-Semitism of, 130, 133, 118; battle of Przemyśl, 50–54; battle of Zalezchik, 130–34

Army, Serbian: battle of Gučevo Mountain, 81–89

Army, U.S., xxvii–xxviii, 35, 301, 311, 364, 366–67, 468, 501, 508, 562, 566, 618, 631, 637, 679, 699, 701, 724, 735, 737, 739, 758, 773, 775–76; arrival in France, 447, 460–63, 635, 700, 758–60; battle of Belleau Wood, 470–83; battle of Fismette, 514–53; and black nurses, 502–3; black soldiers in, xxix–xxx, 412–22, 427–29, 460, 510–11, 670–77; and censorship, 622–23, 784–88; departure from France, 661–65; hospital units, 484–95, 673–77, 779–83; incursions in Mexico, 30, 38, 269, 298, 460, 470, 784; and influenza epidemic, 590–97; Meuse-Argonne offensive, 558, 577–89, 603–12, 759; mobilization of, 317, 427; occupation of Rhineland, 660–61, 666–68; offensive of summer 1918, 512–13; officers, 427–29, 460–63; preparedness, 217–18, 374–75, 394; St. Mihiel offensive, 558–61, 577; shell shock in, 779–83; and signing of Armistice, 621–23, 625–28; trucks in, 666–68; use of aircrafts, 438, 612

Arnold, Matthew, 795

Arras, France, 274, 777

Artois, 136, 200–206, 577

Asia, xxiv, 726, 738, 741, 748

Asquith, Herbert Henry, 152–53

Assembly of the League of Nations, 751–52

Associated Press, 299

Assyrian Christians, 155, 268

Atlanta, Ga., 562

Atlantic Ocean, 29, 330, 364

Attila the Hun, 268

Australia, 23, 376, 648; in League of Nations, 727, 751–52; troops from, 118, 188, 260

Austria, 702–3; peace treaty with, 748–49

Austria-Hungary, xxiv–xxv, xxviii, 23, 25–26, 28, 44, 118, 170, 321, 343, 349, 572, 615; assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 1–9; battle of Gučevo Mountain, 81–89; battle of Przemyśl, 50–54; battle of Zalezchik, 130–34; defense of actions of, 17–21; dissolution of, 702–3; food shortages in, 282; imperialism of, 46; invasion of Serbia, 50, 344–45, 369; military hospitals in Budapest, 50, 54–57; possible German plan to absorb, 369; and Russian withdrawal from war, 447–49, 455; self-determination in, 275, 279, 452; United States declares war against, 447

Austro-Hungarian embassy, London, 25

Austro-Hungarian embassy, Mexico City, 304

Austro-Hungarian embassy, Washington, 321

Auve, France, 67–68

Azerbaijanis, xxiv

Bad Ischl, Austria, 3, 5

Bad Neuenahr, Germany, 660

Badonviller, France, 140

Baer, Elizabeth, 642

Baghdad, Ottoman Empire (now Iraq), 369

Baghdad corridor, 349

Baker, Newton D., 266–67, 687, 711–12

Baker, Ray Stannard, 646–59

Balbriggan, Ireland, 790

Baldwin, Roger, 394, 405

Balkan Wars, 1, 784

Baltic Sea, 324–25

Baltimore, Charles, 413–14, 416–18, 420–21

Baltimore Sun, 282–88

Bankers Trust Company, 24, 26

Bapaume, France, 254

Barbary pirates, 110

Barbe, Maurice and Marie, 674, 676

Bar-le-Duc, France, 76–77, 250

Barrytown, N.Y., 273

Base Hospital No. 117, 779–83

Bates, Robert W., 504

Battleships, 625, 663

Bavaria, 655, 794

Bayes, Nora, 333

Beauséjour, France, 80

Bedouins, 723

Belarusians, xxiv

Belgium, xxvi, 15, 18, 43, 58, 136, 152, 187–88, 311, 314, 350, 357, 380, 434, 455, 470, 575–76, 623, 652, 683, 690, 737, 789, 793; atrocities in Congo, 47–48, 122, 408; evacuation of territory of, 451–52, 613–14, 618; fighting in Flanders, 135, 140–47, 149–50, 233–37; food relief in, 352–56; German destruction of Louvain, 33, 36–41, 111; German invasion of, 13, 23, 44, 63, 109, 213, 216, 268, 337, 344–46, 352, 370, 385, 425; German troops enter Brussels, 33–36; government-in-exile, 172; imperialism of, 46–48; neutrality of, 10, 17, 23, 344, 346

Belgrade, Serbia, 3, 8–10, 88

Belleau Wood, 470–84, 486, 488, 569, 813

Belloy-en-Santerre, France, 231

Below, Karl-Konrad von, 14

Bergues, France, 142, 438

Berkman, Alexander, 768–69, 772

Berlin, Germany, 18, 82, 111, 122, 172, 298–99, 363, 367, 369–70, 573; American embassy in, 113, 124, 259, 288, 296; food shortages in, 309; H. L. Mencken’s reports from, 282–88; postwar, 794

Berliner Tageblatt, 49, 282

Bernays, Edward, 687

Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 221, 374

Bernhardt, Sarah, 631

Bernstein, Ethel, 774

Bernstorff, Johann von, 282, 289–91, 293–94, 296–97, 299, 301, 303

Berry, John, 474–78

Bethea, Andrew, 229

Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, 23, 282, 300, 342, 344

Bianki, Peter, 769, 772–73

Biddle, Charles J.: The Way of the Eagle, 438–43

Bigelow, Stephen, 310–11

Bismarck, Otto von, 45

Bitburg, Germany, 666, 668

Black Sea, 118

“Black Tom” munitions depot explosion, 366

Blercourt, France, 71–72, 76

Blockades, xxvii, 90, 110, 114, 124, 226, 291, 324–27, 345–46, 352, 625, 734, 788, 790–91

Blücher, Evelyn, 791

Bly, Nellie (Elizabeth Jane Cochran), 50–57

Bode, Wilhelm von, 49

Boelcke, Oswald, 254–60

Boer War, 33, 752, 784

Bohemia, 369, 702

Bois l’Abbé, France, 311–12

Bolsheviks, 447, 455, 629, 654–55, 659, 740, 762–63, 765–66, 768

Bonar Law, Andrew, 360

Boos-Waldeck, Alexander von, 2, 4, 7–8

Borden, Mary, 233, 251–53; The Forbidden Zone, 251, 434; “Unidentified,” 434–37

Bosanko Grahovo, Bosnia, 5

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1–9, 82, 84

Bosnians, xxv

Bosphorus, 121

Boston, Mass., 179

Boston Herald, 17–22

Boston Post, 122

Botha, Louis, 752

Bourbon dynasty, 717

Bourne, Randolph: “The War and the Intellectuals,” 373–84

Boxer Rebellion, 784

Boycotts, 734

Boyd, Charles T., 269

Boyd, Montague L., 364

Boy-Ed, Karl, 303

Brandeis, Louis, 762, 767

Bray-sur-Somme, France, 251–53, 434

Brazil, 47, 122, 728

Brest, France, 592, 656, 663–64

Britain, xxiv–xxviii, 10, 18, 58, 128, 132, 170, 172, 177–79, 215–16, 226, 230, 238–40, 254, 259, 282, 284–85, 287, 300, 303–4, 314, 331, 348, 371, 375, 377–78, 381, 385, 449, 613, 683, 695, 711, 723, 737, 790; American commerce with, 108–10, 113, 115–16; conscientious objectors in, 401, 405; conscription in, 184, 401; declares war on Germany, 23, 25; German aerial bombing of, 357–65; imperialism of, 20, 46–49, 122, 376; in League of Nations, 751–52; peace proposals, 275, 278, 286, 342–43; peace treaty terms, 629, 638, 647–48, 653–56, 658, 679, 720, 727–29; rivalry with Germany, 20–22; and sinking of Lusitania, 90; treaty obligation with Belgium, 23, 44, 152, 344–46; violations of American neutrality by, 293, 323–27

British Red Cross, 137, 139

Brittany, 459

Brock, Clarence, 413, 418

Brooke, Rupert, 231

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 226–30

Brooks, Dan, 545

Brown, William Slater, 821

Bruges, Belgium, 38

Brussels, Belgium, 38, 356; American embassy in, 10–14; German troops enter, 33–36

Bryan, Alfred: “I Didn’t Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier,” 61–62, 215–16, 226

Bryan, William Jennings, xxvii, 45, 124, 226, 396, 400, 799; letter from Henry Morgenthau, 118–21; letter to Gottlieb von Jagow, 113–17

Buchanan, James, 261–62, 265

Budapest, Hungary, xxv, 172; military hospitals in, 50, 54–57

Buffalo Soldiers, 460

Buford, U.S.A.T., 768–76

Buhkanov, Thomas, 771–72

Bukovina, 130, 134

Bulgaria, xxv, 89, 369–70, 447–48, 452, 613, 748–49

Bullard, Robert L., 460, 549

Bundy, Omar, 471

Burleson, Albert S., 295, 444, 670

Bustani, Suleiman al-, 209

Cabrera, Luis, 301–4

Čabrinović, Nedeljko, 2–3, 5, 7–8

Calais, France, 135

California, 20, 725

Cambon, Jules, 291, 300

Cambrai, France, 255, 259–60

Cambridge University, 177–78

Camp Funston, 590

Camp Logan, 412

Camp Merritt, 590–91

Camp Upton, 608

Canada, 23, 200, 328–29; in League of Nations, 727–28, 752; troops from, 126, 135, 188, 467

Canning, George, 716–18, 720

Cantigny, France, 460, 568–69

Canton, Ohio, 562

Cantor, Eddie, 639

Capitalism, 335–40, 377, 380, 398, 402, 407, 444, 563–66, 635, 643, 740, 762–63, 770, 772, 790, 800

Carranza, Venustiano, 298–304

Caruso, Enrico, 333

Casey, Robert J.: The Cannoneers Have Hairy Ears, 625–28

Cassel, France, 137–39, 143–44

Castle, William R., Jr., 213–16

Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart), 716

Cather, G. P., 568

Cather, Willa: “Roll Call on the Prairies,” 568–76

Catholics, 54, 495, 521, 551, 571

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 170, 430–33, 598

Caucasus Mountains, 118, 455

Caudron aircraft, 249

Caulkins, Willis N., 603

Cavit Bey, Mehmet, 208

Cecil, Howard L., 364

Cemal (Djemal) Pasha, Ahmed, 208–10

Cemeteries, xxxii, 494–95, 592, 681–85, 759–60, 805–9, 827–28

Censorship, 29, 175–76, 339, 424, 622–23, 687, 689, 693, 784–88

Central America, 43, 47, 277, 302–3, 720–21, 723, 728

Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., 762

Châlons-sur-Marne, France, 64–67, 73, 76, 78–80, 190, 827

Champagne, 189–200, 244–47, 306, 510, 587, 660, 813

Champagney, France, 189

Chapman, John Jay, 248, 271–73

Chapman, Victor, 248–50, 271

Château-Thierry, France, 470–71, 484, 494, 512, 573, 700

Chaumont, France, 190

Chaumont-en-Vexin, France, 460

Chester, Pa., 408

Chicago, Ill., 170, 690; race riot in, 743–44

Chicago Daily News, 283

Chicago Tribune, 470

China, 45, 47, 107–8, 347, 460; emigrants from, 770; foreign concessions in, 43, 722, 754–55; in League of Nations, 727

Christianity, 57, 118–22, 161, 170, 217, 268, 394, 396–98, 400, 404, 502, 714, 716, 790, 794

Civilians, treatment of, 37, 39–41, 44, 102, 108, 110–11, 113, 115, 125, 128–29, 136–37, 222, 238–39, 242, 250

Civil Liberties Bureau, 394, 405

Civil War, U.S., xxv–xxvi, 43, 108, 124, 197, 262–65, 271, 332, 431, 484, 554, 641, 719, 731

Cleghorn, Sarah, 423

Clemenceau, Georges, 447, 630, 637–38, 653–55, 657, 679, 682, 719–20, 728

Clermont-en-Argonne, France, 69–71

Cleveland, Grover, 731–32

Cohalan, Daniel, 647

Cohan, George M.: “Over There,” 333–34

Collinsville, Ill., 507

Colombia, 721

Colonialism, 46–49, 336, 376–77, 380–81, 451, 670, 686, 703–4, 717–18, 730, 754

Colorado, 222, 351

Columbia University, 373, 423

Columbus, N.M., 298

Committee of Union and Progress, 118, 121, 207–10

Committee on Public Information, 687–97

Compiègne, France, 194

Compiègne Forest, 621

Conference for Continuous Mediation, 226–28

Conference of Charities and Correction, 396

Congo, 12, 47–48, 122, 408

Congress, U.S., xxviii–xxix, 16, 27–28, 107, 124, 266, 338, 404, 563, 566, 613, 615, 646, 664, 685, 693, 755, 759, 768, 773, 775; and conscription, 404, 643; declaration of war against Germany, xxvii, 323; and events leading to war, 296–97, 300–301, 305, 311; opposition to League of Nations in, xxxi, 649, 680, 698, 713–42, 746, 757; opposition to war in, 323–32; President Wilson’s addresses to, 238–43, 275–81, 313–22, 447–54, 598–602, 698–710; and woman suffrage, xxx, 598–602. See also individual acts

Congressional Research Service, xxxii

Congress of Laibach (Ljubljana), 716–17

Congress of Troppau (Opava), 716

Congress of Verona, 716–17

Conscientious objectors, 394–406

Conscription, xxix, 184–85, 339, 374, 394–95, 399, 401–5, 412, 568, 573–74, 643–45

Conscription (Selective Service) Act, 643–45

Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey, xxiv, 163, 370; American embassy in, 118, 154, 161–62, 167–69; Ottoman leadership in, 207–10

Constitution, U.S., xxiii, xxxi, 497, 724, 766; First Amendment, 641–42, 644, 762, 764, 767; proposed woman suffrage amendment, xxx, 598–602; treaty-making provision, 713; war-making provision, 685, 735

Continent, 122

Contraband of war, 113, 115, 128, 288

Cooper Union, 261

Copenhagen, Denmark, 227, 284

Cornell University, 407

Cosenvoye, France, 74

Cossacks, 20–22, 130–34

Council of the League of Nations, 750–51, 755

Courts-martial, 675–76

Covenant of the League of Nations, 646–49, 683, 698, 706, 720, 722–28, 732–34, 741, 747, 749–51, 753, 755–57

Creel, George: How We Advertised America, 687–97

Crisis, 46–49, 122–23, 407, 412–22, 430–33, 501, 670, 673

Croats, xxiv–xxv, 131, 369

Croly, Herbert, 341

Crosby, Oscar T., 664

Crouy-sur-Ourcq, France, 423, 425

Crusades, 89, 681

Cuba, 301, 460, 709, 732

Cumberland, Duke of (Ernest Augustus), 5

Cummings, E. E.: The Enormous Room, 821; “my sweet old etcetera,” 821–22

Cunningham, Lieutenant, 773

Čurčić, Fehim, 2, 8–9

Curie, Marie, 235

Cushing, bombing of, 113, 125

Czechoslovakia, xxxi, 653, 702

Czechs, xxiv, 131, 369, 763

Damien, Father, 38

Daniels, Josephus, 218, 266–67

Daniels, Rufus, 414–15, 417, 420

Dante Alighieri, 457, 795

Danzig, Germany (now Gdansk, Poland), 17, 705

Dardanelles, 118, 188, 211, 452

Daughters of the American Revolution, 220

Davidson, Clarence, 528

Davis, Leslie, 154–68

Davis, Richard Harding, 33–41, 187–88; With the Allies, 187; With the French in France and Salonika, 187

Davison, Alden, 244

Dawn, 412

Day, William R., 291

Daylight Saving Time, xxix

Debs, Eugene V., 30, 335, 641; speech to the court, 562–67

Debs v. United States, 765

Decker, Charles W., 594

Decoration Day, 681–85, 759–60

Dehmel, Richard, 799

Democracy, xxvi–xxvii, xxix, 295, 313, 319–20, 335, 337–38, 340, 346–51, 373–77, 379–81, 384, 394–95, 397–98, 402–6, 408, 430–33, 448, 499, 501, 503, 508, 565, 599–600, 650, 654, 671–72, 689, 691, 693, 743, 753, 794

Democratic Party, 30, 113, 118, 293, 323, 598–99, 613, 696, 731

Denmark, xxv, 172, 226–27, 283–84, 324, 326, 693–94

Denton, Frances, 653

Deportation of radicals, xxx, 768–69

De Saza, Nick, 551

Dessau, Germany, 257

Devine, Edward T., 396

Dewey, John, 373, 376, 396

Diederichs, Otto von, 43

Dinant, Belgium, 33, 111

Dixmude, Belgium, 138, 144–46, 149

Diyarbakir, Turkey, 161

Dmowski, Roman, 647

Dniester River, 130, 132

Dodd, William S., 119

Dodge, Arthur G., 244–45

Domingo, W. A., 743–44

Donnelly, Alan G., 541, 549–50

Dos Passos, John, 409–11; 1919, 823–28; One Man’s Initiation, 823; Three Soldiers, 823

Draft. See Conscription

Dresdner Bank, 287

Du Bois, W.E.B., 46–49, 122–23, 412, 501, 670–73

Dugan, William, 309

Dulles, John Foster, xxxi

Dunkerque, France, 135, 138, 143–44, 148–49, 438

Dutch Reformed Church, 652

Eastburn, Hugh, 309

Eastman, Max, 686

East St. Louis, Ill., race riot in, 385–93, 407–8, 412, 421, 432, 496

Ebert, Friedrich, 638

Eckhardt, Heinrich von, 298–99, 320

Edison, Thomas, 226

Edwards, Alonzo, 414–17, 420–21

Edwards, Frederick, 558

Edwards, Frederick Trevenen, 558–61

Egypt, 211, 369, 503

Eiffel Tower, 626, 692

18th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 775

80th Division, U.S., 577, 580, 603, 664

89th Division, U.S., 666

Einstein, Albert, 799

Election of 1912, xxvi, 30, 42, 113, 264–65, 335

Election of 1916, xxvii, 207, 261–70, 341–42, 375, 598–99, 687

Election of 1920, 562, 805

11th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 626

Ellis Island, 769, 773

El Paso, Texas, 421

Emden (German light cruiser), 254

Emory, German Horton Hunt, 604–5

England. See Britain

English Channel, 63 135, 137, 172, 238, 241, 324–25, 650

English Review, 434

Enver Pasha, Ismail, 208–10

Eoff, Clyde D., 666–69

Eoff, Josephine, 666

Épernay, France, 79

Erzincan, Turkey, 157, 162, 168

Erzurum, Turkey, 157, 162–64, 168

Escadrille No. 73, 438

Espionage, 366–67

Espionage Act, xxx, 366, 444, 562, 641–42

Estonia, 455

Estonians, xxiv

Eucken, Rudolf, 793

Europe, James Reese, 639; “On Patrol in No Man’s Land,” 510–11

Evans, Bernice: “The Sayings of Patsy,” 444–46

Exax, Alexander, 50

Fahlbusch, Wilhelm, 258–59

Falaba, sinking of, 113, 125

Falkenhayn, Erich von, 284

Falls, Dewitt Clinton, 12

Farman airplane, 249

Faulkner, William, xxxii

Fauset, Jessie, 407–8

Federal Board for Vocational Education, 780

Fellowship of Reconciliation, 394, 402

Fenton, Norman: Shell Shock and Its Aftermath, 779–83

Ferguson, James E., 421

Fifth Amendment, 643

5th Army Division, U.S., 604–5

5th Marine Regiment, U.S., 471–83

57th Pioneer Infantry Regiment, U.S., 590–92

Finland, 455

Finns, xxiv, 45, 134

First Amendment, 641–42, 644, 762, 764, 767

1st Division, U.S., 460–63, 568

Fish, Hamilton, Jr., 828

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 423–26

Fisher, John, 423

Fismes, France, 514–53

Fismette, France, 514–53

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, xxxii

Fiume, Italy (now Rijeka, Croatia), 653, 657, 659

Flag Day, xxvii, 366

Flak, 260

Flame-throwers, 553

Flanders, 135–51, 199, 233–37, 438, 470, 614

Fleming, Lee, 667–68

Fletcher, Lee, 549

Foch, Ferdinand, 558, 577, 621, 623, 805

Fokker airplane, 249, 257

Food production and distribution, 352–56

Food shortages, 282, 290, 309, 340, 444

Ford, Henry, 226–30

42nd Division, U.S., 660, 663

Four Minute Men, 687, 690, 696

Fourteen Points, xxviii, 477, 451–53, 613, 638, 659, 679, 756

France, xxvi–xxviii, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 42–44, 58, 81, 111, 132, 170, 172, 177, 223, 231, 271–72, 303–4, 307, 350, 354–55, 362, 370–71, 374–75, 378, 385, 399, 423, 430, 498, 575, 613, 670, 672, 695, 731, 737, 739, 792–93; aerial combat over, 254–60, 306–12; alliance with Russia, 15; American commerce with, 108–10, 115–16; Armistice, 621–28; arrival of American troops, 447, 460–63, 635, 700, 758–60; battle of Belleau Wood, 470–83; battle of Champagne, 189–200, 244–47, 306–12; battle of Fismette, 514–53; battle of Loos, 200–206; battle of Verdun, 248–50, 282, 409–11; departure of American troops, 661, 663; fighting in Argonne Forest, 63–80; fighting in Flanders, 135–39, 147–51; German army retreats from, 618; German declaration of war against, 17; German invasion of, 33; German offensive of spring 1918, 455–59; imperialism of, 46–49, 122; in League of Nations, 751; Meuse-Argonne offensive, 558, 577–89, 603–12; mobilization in, 15; peace conference in Paris, 629–38, 646–59, 698, 708, 710, 747–48, 752, 756–57; peace proposals, 275, 278, 286, 342–43; peace treaty terms, 629, 637–38, 652–55, 657, 679, 720, 728–29; restoration of Alsace and Lorraine, 19–20, 275, 452, 625; St. Mihiel offensive, 558–61; security treaty with United States, 708; Somme campaign, 251–56, 307–12; Suresnes cemetery, 681–85, 759–60; treaty obligation with Belgium, 23, 344–46; U.S. Army hospital units in, 673–77, 779–83

France, James W., 604–5

Franco-Prussian War, xxv, 452, 487

Franz Ferdinand, xxv, 1–9, 19

Franz Joseph, xxiv, 3–5, 9, 18–19

Frederick the Great (Friedrich II of Prussia), 45, 300

Freedom of assembly, 339

Freedom of conscience, 398, 404–5, 720

Freedom of speech, xxx, 339, 383, 423–25, 562, 641–42, 644, 688, 762–67, 770

Freedom of the press, 339, 688, 770

Freedom of the seas, 109–11, 114–15, 279–81, 314, 451, 638

French Foreign Legion, xxvi–xxvii, 189, 194, 196, 198, 231, 248, 306

French Revolution, 714, 719

Frohwerk v. United States, 765

Frost, Robert: “Not to Keep,” 274

Fryatt, Charles, 259

Furnes, Belgium, 138, 142

Gale, Zona, 801

Galicia, 50–54, 130–34

Gallipoli, Turkey, 118, 188, 211

Gangrene, 88, 233–37, 459, 480, 486, 513

Gardiner, A. G., 650

Garrison, Lindley M., 218, 711

Garvey, Marcus, 743

Gas masks, 481, 510–11, 515, 539–41, 826

Gas warfare, xxviii, 135, 233–37, 409–10, 458, 480, 486, 510–11, 515, 529, 539–40, 542, 551–52, 555, 673, 780

Gatley, George G., 660

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 777

Gauvain, Auguste, 636

Genet, Edmond C. C., 306–12

Geneva, Switzerland, 502

Geneva Conventions, 214

Genocide. See Racial extermination

George III, 272, 791

George V, 27–28

George Washington, USS, 630, 656–58

Georgia (state), 790

Georgians, xxiv

Gerald, Lieutenant, 551–53

Gerard, James Watson, 113, 124, 259, 288, 296

Gerhardt, Charles H., 676

German agents, 366–67, 371

German Americans, 17, 282, 321–22, 366, 399, 425, 433, 507, 573–75, 789

German embassy, London, 25–28

German embassy, Mexico City, 298–99, 302–3, 305, 320

German embassy, Tokyo, 302

German embassy, Washington, 116, 282, 289–91, 293–94, 296–97, 299, 301, 303, 367

German people, 318, 320–21, 331, 338, 350, 368, 370–72, 405, 453, 615–17, 660, 693, 790, 792, 794, 798

Germany, xxiv–xxviii, 10, 14, 16, 26–29, 118, 170, 172, 176–77, 182, 210–11, 254, 259, 263, 271–72, 374–77, 380, 384, 394, 403, 425, 432, 497–98, 507–8, 575, 638, 641, 670, 682, 684, 687, 692, 695, 702, 736–37, 741, 759, 792–93, 795, 797–800; aerial bombing of London, 357–65; Armistice, 621–28; Britain declares war on, 23, 25; condemnation of actions of, 42–45; culture of, 58–60; declares war on France, 17; declares war on Russia, 15; defense of actions of, 17–22, 42; destruction of Louvain, 33, 36–41, 111; food shortages in, 282, 290, 309; foreign concessions of, 43, 754; imperialism of, 46–49, 122, 686, 703, 754; invasion of Belgium, 13, 23, 33–36, 44, 63, 109, 213, 216, 268, 337, 344–46, 352; invasion of France, 33; militarism of, 48, 174, 184, 215, 218–19, 221, 223–24, 294, 331, 338, 349, 399, 501, 762–63, 766, 790–91, 796; occupied by American troops, 660–61, 666–68; at peace conference, 629, 657–58, 680; peace proposals, 275, 278, 286, 289, 342–43, 370; peace treaty with, xxxi, 698, 708, 747–49, 794, 805; possible plan to absorb Austria, 368–69; postwar treatment of, 453; President Wilson’s address on war with, 313–22; President Wilson’s peace notes to, 613–17; President Wilson’s warning to, 238–43; reparations from, xxxi, 705, 707, 794; rivalry with Britain, 20–22; and Russian withdrawal from war, 447–50, 455; sinking of Lusitania, 90–91, 107–8, 110–11, 113–14, 122, 125–28, 213, 216, 222, 241, 269; Sussex pledge, 238, 290–91, 294, 314, 341; threat of Bolshevism in, 654–55; treaties with United States, 111, 117, 300; ultimatum to France, 15; ultimatum to Russia, 15; United States declares war against, 323; United States severs diplomatic relations with, 289–97, 300; unrestricted U-boat warfare, 282–90, 292, 294, 299–300, 313–17, 321, 324–26, 331, 338, 342–43, 345–47; violations of American neutrality, 323–27; Zimmermann telegram, 298–305, 320, 367

Gettysburg Address, 264

Gibbons, Floyd: And They Thought We Wouldn’t Fight, 470–83

Gibson, Ernest W., 590–93

Gibson, Hugh S., 10–14

Gillett, Frederick H., 696

Girard, Dr., 464–65

Giromagny, France, 189

Glendenning, Frank M., 536–37, 547–48

Godoy, Manuel, 45

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 799–800, 804

Goldman, Emma, 217–25, 768, 773–75

Goldman v. United States, 644

Gompers, Samuel, 221–22, 407

Gompers v. Bucks Stove & Range Co., 644

Goodrich, David, 215

Goschen, Edward, 23

Gosse, Edmund, 153

Gotha airplane, 357

Graham, Stephen, 790

Grant, Ulysses S., 108, 634

Grayson, Cary T., 646, 649–53, 655–56, 746

Grayson, David, 650

Greco-Turkish War, 33, 784

Greece, 89, 187; ancient, 272

Greeks, 121

Greene, Elbridge Gerry, 15

Gregory, Thomas W., 646, 768

Grenades, 196, 531–32, 555, 629

Grey, Edward, 23, 25, 28, 344

Griffin, Sergeant, 515–16, 527–28

Gruening, Martha, 412–22

Gučevo Mountain, battle of, 81–89

Gulflight, torpedoing of, 90, 107–9, 114, 125, 268

Gutmann, Friedrich, 287

Haboosi, Turkey, 165

Habsburg dynasty, xxiv, 7, 10, 447, 703

Hague, Netherlands, 170–72, 185, 226–27, 757

Hague Conventions, 110, 213–16

Haidar, Rustem, 723

Haiti, 789–90

Halil Bey, 207–10

Halim Pasha, Said, 207, 209–10

Hall, Charles P., 627

Hall, James Norman: Kitchener’s Mob, 200–206

Haller, Lelan, 546–48

Ham, France, 306–7, 309, 311

Hamburg, Germany, 370

Hamid, Abdul, 208–9

Hamilton, Alexander, 736

Hanna, Louis B., 229

Harbord, James, 471

Harding, Warren G., 444, 562, 827; Address at Burial of Unknown American Soldier, 805–9

Harmon, Émile, 676

Harnack, Adolf von, 49

Harput, Turkey, 154–56, 161–62, 164–65

Harrison, Charlie, 203

Harrison, Hubert H., 502–3, 686

Harte, Bret, 503

Hartzell, Oscar, 472–75, 479–80, 482–83

Harvard University, 17, 46, 58, 81, 152, 189, 199, 213, 248, 271–72, 341, 409, 438, 762

Hasenclever, Walter, 798

Hauptmann, Gerhart, 49, 799

Haviland, Willis, 309–10

Hay, John, 754

Hayes, Ralph, 631

Hays, Will, 444

Hazebrouck, France, 470

Heiltz-le-Maurupt, France, 77

Hejaz, 723, 727

Hemingway, Ernest, xxxii, 504–6, 554–57; A Farewell to Arms, 813; In Our Time, 813, 820; “Soldier’s Home,” 813–20

Hemingway, Marcelline, 504

Herrick, Myron, 15, 27

Herter, Christian, xxxi

Hillquit, Morris, 335

Hindenburg, Paul von, 254, 283–84

Hindenburg Line, 307

Hinkle, Edward, 309–11

Hitchcock, Gilbert, 293, 664

Hoboken, N.J., 226, 284, 591, 593, 661

Hohenzollern dynasty, xxiv, 703

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 562; opinion in Abrams v. United States, 762–67; opinion in Schenck v. United States, 641–45

Holt v. United States, 643

Holy Alliance, 715–19, 730

Hoover, Herbert, xxxi, 569–70; Women of Belgium, 352–56

Hoover, J. Edgar, 768, 775

Horner, Frank, 515–16, 518–22, 537–38, 548

Hoskier, Ronald, 309–11

Hospitals, 54–57, 63, 65, 69, 71–76, 80, 87–88, 136–37, 152, 167, 169, 177, 180, 204–5, 233–37, 245, 251–53, 310, 410, 434, 455–59, 464–69, 473, 478, 484–95, 502, 504–6, 512–13, 554–57, 589, 591–92, 595–97, 629–31, 636, 673–77, 779–83

Hospital ships, 314, 788

House, Edward M., 102, 293, 646, 653–58, 678

House of Representatives, U.S., 297, 313, 323, 598, 696, 757, 768, 771, 773, 775. See also Congress, U.S.

Houston, David F., 295

Houston, Texas, race riot in, 412–22, 496

Houston Post, 422

Hrbková, Šárka, 572

Hubbard, Alice Moore, 90–92

Hubbard, Elbert, 90–92

Huerta, Victoriano, 298

Hughes, Charles Evans, 261–62, 270

Hulluch, France, 204

Humperdinck, Engelbert, 49

Hungarians, xxiv, 131, 226, 369

Hungary, 172, 369, 376, 702–3, 718; peace treaty with, 748–49

Huns, 111

Hurd, Carlos F., 385–93

Hussein ibn Ali (king of Hejaz), 723

Iasigi, Oscar A., 244

Ibn Saud, 723

Iceland, 324

Illinois, 385–93

Immelmann, Max, 258

Immigration, xxvi, 17, 366, 433, 724–27, 738, 770, 774. See also individual ethnic groups

Imperialism, xxiii, 20, 46–49, 122, 336–38, 341, 376–78, 380–81, 451, 453, 653, 670, 686, 703–4, 717–18, 730, 736, 754, 756, 794

India, 23, 47–48, 211, 347, 369, 752, 790; troops from, 135, 150–51, 503

Industrial Workers of the World, 769

Influenza, xxviii, xxxii, 590–97

Inquisition, 59

Intellectuals, 373–84

International Congress of Women, 170–72, 185, 226

Internationalism, 335–36, 340, 347–50, 374, 378–79, 740

Ireland, 99, 110, 124, 238–39, 269, 314, 470, 646–47, 679, 790

Irish Americans, 433, 646, 665

Isolationism, xxvii, 729, 736–38

Istanbul. See Constantinople

Isum, Charles R., 673–77

Italy, xxv, 21, 46, 82, 132, 137, 170, 172, 343, 357, 447, 452, 618, 683, 694, 717, 737, 792, 813; in League of Nations, 751; military hospitals in, 504–6, 554–57; peace treaty terms, 629, 652–55, 657–59, 680, 720

Itchme, Turkey, 165

Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV), 44–45

Jackson, Jesse B., 119

Jacksonville, Fla., 427

Jagow, Gottlieb von, 113–17, 124–29

Jamaica, 686, 743–44

James, Henry, 152–53

James, William, 17, 341

Japan, xxv, 20–21, 33, 43, 48, 328–29, 367, 648, 679–80, 720, 724–26; concessions in China, 722, 754–55; in League of Nations, 727, 751; Russo-Japanese War, 19, 33, 43, 460, 754, 784; and Zimmermann telegram, 298–302

Japanese embassy, Mexico City, 302

Jarotzky, Thaddeus von, 35

Jasta 2 (German fighter squadron), 254

Jaurès, Jean, 10, 630

Jazz, 510, 639–40

Jefferson, Thomas, 220, 730, 736

Jersey City, N.J., 366

Jesus, 122, 398, 630, 659

Jews, 45, 54, 118, 130, 132–33, 226, 378, 396–97, 408, 495, 648, 719, 770, 790

Jim Crow laws, xxix–xxxi, 419, 427, 496–503, 507

Joffre, Joseph, 188, 192, 197, 634–35

John, Colonel, 50, 54

Johnson, Albert, 773

Johnson, Charles Chouteau, 310

Johnson, James Weldon, 507, 743; “Experienced Men Wanted,” 427–29; “Why Should a Negro Fight?” 496–500

Johnson v. United States, 643

Jones, Jenkin Lloyd, 228

Journal du Peuple, 630

Juilly, France, 484–95

Justice Department, U.S., 304–5, 768–69

Kaiser, Fred, 304

Kalush, Galicia, 134

Kâmil Pasha, Mehmed, 208

Kant, Immanuel, 21, 793, 804

Karl Franz Joseph, 5–6

Kaunitz, Wenzel von, 714

Kazakhs, xxiv

Keel, Captain, 544–45

Kellogg, Charlotte Hoffman, 356

Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, 356

Kennan, George F., xxiii

Kent, Fred I., 24, 26

Kiaochow (Jiaozhou), China, 43

Kirghizes, xxiv

Kirkwall, Scotland, 226

Kling, Dr., 52

Klotz, Louis-Lucien, 657

Kniptash, Vernon E., 660–62

Koblenz, Germany, 661

Königsberg, Germany (now Kaliningrad, Russia), 21

Konya, Turkey, 119

Kossuth, Lajos, 718

Kropotkin, Pyotr, 772

Krüdener, Barbara von, 715

Krupaign, Serbia, 82, 85–86

Krupp armaments, 223–24

Kurds, 157–58, 163–65, 167, 207

Laage de Meux, Alfred de, 307–9

Labor issues, xxx, 396, 563–65, 665, 763; and African Americans, 385, 407, 502; wartime work for women, 444–46, 691

Laconia, sinking of, 470

Lafayette Escadrille, xxvii, 200, 248–50, 306–12, 438–43

La Follette, Robert, 313, 323, 680

Laimont, France, 77

Lamb, Charles, 713

La Motte, Ellen N., 233–37, 251; The Backwash of War, 233

Langres, France, 190

Lansing, Robert, 113, 169, 207, 238, 342, 654, 656; letter to Gottlieb von Jagow, 124–29; letters to Frederick Oederlin, 613–17; memorandum on severing diplomatic relations with Germany, 289–97

La Panne, Belgium, 147–48, 150

Larned, Lieutenant, 536

Latvia, 455

Latvians, xxiv

Laughlin, Irwin, 26

Lauriat, Charles E., Jr., 90–101

Lausanne, Stephen, 728–29

Law, Captain (Edmund W. Lynch), 518, 541

League for Peace, 276, 341–43, 378–79, 381–82, 741

League of Nations, xxviii, xxxi, 350, 452–53, 655, 657, 679, 684, 686, 805; Covenant of, 646–49, 683, 698, 706, 720, 722–28, 732–34, 741, 747, 749–51, 753, 755–57; President Wilson’s address to Senate on, 698–710; President Wilson’s speech in Pueblo, Colo., on, 746–61; Senator Lodge’s speech on, 713–42

Leavenworth military prison, 675

Le Brun, Dr., 465, 467–69

Lee, Algernon, 335

Lee, Clarence, 677

Lee, Robert E., 108, 271

Le Havre, France, 172

Lehr, Louis C., 364

Leidenfrost, Adolf von, 56

Leinster, sinking of, 613

Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov), 654

Leopold II, 714

Les Éparges, France, 75

Le Soir (Brussels), 14

Leviathan, USS, 590–97, 661–65

Lewis, Sam M.: “How ’Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?” 639–40

Lewisohn, Ludwig: Up Stream, 789–804

Liberalism, 375–76, 383–84, 400

Liberator, 686

Liberty bonds. See War bonds

Liberty League, 502, 686

Libya, 357

Lichnowsky, Karl von, 25–26, 28

Lichnowsky, Mechtilde von, 26

Liebknecht, Karl, 223

Life, 665

Li Hung-chang, 134

Lille, France, 193, 202

Lincoln, Abraham, 108, 261–65, 269, 385, 641, 807

Lindsey, Ben B., 229

Lipkin, Dora, 774

Lippmann, Walter, 447, 631; “The World Conflict in Its Relation to American Democracy,” 341–51

Lissauer, Ernst, 791

Lithuania, 283, 288, 455

Lithuanians, xxiv

Little, George C., 603

Little, Frank, 424

Liverpool, England, 90

Lloyd George, David, 449, 638, 653–56, 658, 679, 798

Lochner, Louis P., 228–29

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 107, 698, 746; speech on League of Nations, 713–42

Lokal-Anzeiger (Berlin), 283, 288

London, England, 18, 36, 122, 152, 172, 257, 303, 352, 376, 573, 637, 788; American embassy in, 15–16, 23–29, 298; Austro-Hungarian embassy in, 25; German aerial bombing of, 357–65; German embassy in, 25–28

Long Branch, N.J., 265

Loos, France, 200–206

Lorraine, xxv, 33, 63, 140, 275, 452, 460, 625

Los Angeles, Calif., 673

Louvain, Belgium, 33, 36–41, 111

Lovell, Walter, 308–10

Lovemann, John, 573–74

Lowell, Amy, 636

Lowell, James Russell, 567

Loznica, Serbia, 81

Lucy-le-Bocage, France, 471–72

Ludendorff, Erich, 470, 613, 618

Ludlow massacre, 222

Lufberry, Gervais Raoul, 307

Lukens, Edward C.: A Blue Ridge Memoir, 580–86

Lusitania, RMS, sinking of, xxvii, 90–102, 107–8, 110–11, 113–14, 122, 125–28, 134, 213, 216, 222, 241, 269, 584, 663

Lüttwitz, Arthur von, 37

Luxembourg, 15, 18

LVG airplane, 249

Lynching, xxx, 122–23, 386, 390–92, 424, 496–97, 503, 507–9, 670–71, 743–44, 793–94

MacArthur, Douglas, 664

MacConnell, James, 306–12

MacDonald, Charles B., 55

Macedonia, 82

Machine guns, xxviii, 258–59, 304, 440–43, 473–74, 478–82, 485, 510, 515–17, 526–28, 532–33, 536–37, 539–41, 544–46, 550–51, 553, 555, 560, 583, 585, 587, 603–5, 610, 622, 625, 826

Mackensen, August von, 254

Mahmud, Çürüksulu, 209

Mamuret-ul-Aziz (Elâziğ), Turkey, 154–56, 162, 168

Manchuria, 460

Mandates, League of Nations, 686, 703–4

Marines, U.S., 470–83, 486, 813

Marne River, 67, 470–71, 512, 514, 558, 826–27

Marquis, Samuel, 229

Marsh (artilleryman), 663

Marvin, Rumsey, 409

Mason, Austin B., 244

Masses, 81, 444

Matin, 728

Mattes, Joseph W., 421

Max of Baden, Prince, 613, 618

May, Henry A., 593–97

McAdoo, William Gibbs, 295

McCrary, Frank R., 26

McKay, Claude, 743; “If We Must Die,” 744–45; “The Little Peoples,” 686

McKinley, William, 754

McMaster, George, 674, 676

McMurtry, George G., 609–10

Meaux, France, 471

Medal of Honor, 805, 827

Medical Officers’ Reserve Corps, 363–65

Mediterranean Sea, 314, 369

Mednyánszky, László, 50–51

Mehmed V, 207

Mencken, H. L.: “The Diary of a Retreat,” 282–88

Mensdorff, Albert von, 25, 28

Merchant ships, arming of, 293, 313, 315

Merizzi, Eric von, 2–4, 7–8

Merz, Charles, 631

Mesopotamia, xxiv, 156, 158

Messenger, 743–45

Methodists, 570

Metropolitan Magazine, 81, 110, 213

Metternich, Klemens von, 716–18

Metz, France, 577

Meuse River, 67, 76, 249, 558, 577–89, 603–12, 621, 625, 660, 673

Mexican embassy, Berlin, 301–2

Mexico, 13, 20, 29, 47, 81, 111–12, 266–68, 344, 694, 731; American incursions in, 30, 38, 269, 298, 460, 470, 784; Zimmermann telegram, xxvii, 298–305, 320, 367

Mexico City, Mexico, 301; Austro-Hungarian embassy in, 304; German embassy in, 298–99, 302–3, 305, 320; Japanese embassy in, 302

Mezière, Charles, 674, 676

Mezreh, Turkey, 165

Michigan, 813

Middle Ages, 404

Milan, Italy, 504–6, 554

Militarism, xxiii, 48, 174, 184, 215, 218–24, 294, 331, 337–38, 349, 374, 394, 398–99, 501, 762–63, 766, 790–91, 796

Military preparedness, xxvii, 217–24, 280, 374–75, 394

Mill, John Stuart, 799

Millard, Shirley: I Saw Them Die, 455–59, 464–69, 512–13

Missionaries, 120, 158–61, 166–67, 169

Mithat Şükrü, 208, 210

Mitchell, Silas Weir, 649

Mobilization, xxix, 15, 20, 316–17, 427

Moldavians, xxiv

Mondell, Frank W., 696–97

Monroe, James, 281, 718, 730, 736

Monroe Doctrine, 46, 281, 718, 727–31, 757

Montaigne, Michel de, 804

Montana, 424

Montenegro, 452

Montfaucon, France, 558

Montmirail, France, 63–64

Montpelier, Vt., 590

Montreuil-aux-Lions, France, 471–72

Montreuil-sur-Mer, France, 135–36

Moreau, Dr., 467

Morgan, J. P., 798

Morgenthau, Henry, 118–21, 154, 162, 169, 207–12

Moroccans, 198

Morphine, 488–89, 513, 556

Mother Earth, 217

Motion pictures, xxix, 649, 691–92, 695, 791, 793

Moton, Robert R., 507

Mount Kisco, N.Y., 187

Mourmelon, France, 244–47

Müller, Georg von, 254

Münsterberg, Hugo, 17–22, 42–45; The War and America, 17, 42

Murry, Paul, 675–76

Muslims, 4, 59, 118–21, 166, 168, 211, 385

Nansen, Fridjof, 655

Naples, Italy, 717

Napoléon I (Napoléon Bonaparte), xxvi, 21, 42, 216, 230, 246, 714, 791

Napoléon III (Louis Napoléon), 731

Nation, 122

National American Woman Suffrage Association, 430

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 46, 412, 427, 496, 501, 503, 507, 670

National Board of Historical Service, 690

National Civil Liberties Bureau, 394

National Defense Council, 305

National Guard, 510, 621

Nationalism, xxiii, xxv, 1, 4, 8, 185, 218, 262, 347–50, 376, 654

National Woman’s Party, 430

Naval armaments, 280–81

Navy, British, 25, 43, 126, 210, 231, 286, 298, 381; blockade by, xxvii, 90, 114, 124, 226, 324–27, 345–46, 352, 625, 788, 790–91; war zones declared by, 324–27

Navy, French, 663

Navy, German, xxiv, 23, 43, 47, 254, 364; at Constantinople, 370; sinking of Lusitania, 90–91, 107–8, 110–11, 113–14, 122, 125–28, 213, 216, 222, 241, 269; and terms of Armistice, 625; U-boat warfare, xxvii, 115–16, 238–42, 268–69, 282–90, 292, 294, 299–300, 303, 307, 311, 313–17, 321, 324–26, 331, 338, 342–43, 345–47, 447, 470, 591, 613–14; war zones declared by, 324–27

Navy, Ottoman, 118, 210

Navy, Russian, 118, 210

Navy, U.S., xxix, 26–27, 38, 306, 311, 316–17, 366, 724, 735, 739, 758; preparedness, 217–18; troopships heading to France, 590–97; troopships returning to America, 661–65

Navy Leagues, 219, 221

Nâzım, Mehmed, 208

Nebraska, 568–76

Nesle, France, 307

Netherlands, xxv, 15, 18, 23, 170–72, 226–27, 283, 324, 326, 693–94

Neuilly, France, 310

Neurosis, war, 779–83

Neutrality, xxv–xxvii, 15, 90, 199, 224, 226, 261, 288, 301, 377–78, 382, 688; American, 30–32, 293–94, 299, 304, 337, 341, 367, 374–75, 689, 729; armed, 313, 315–16; Belgian, 10, 17, 23, 344, 346; and civilians of neutral nations, 102, 113, 115, 128–29, 242; George Norris on, 323–27, 332; Jane Addams on, 170–73; Theodore Roosevelt on, 107–11, 214, 268; Walter Lippmann on, 341, 343–46; William Jennings Bryan on, 113–17; Woodrow Wilson on, 30–32, 238–39, 243, 275, 279, 313–16, 318

Neville, Wendell C., 472

Newburn, Art, 556–57

New Freedom, 30

New Mexico, 298–99

New Negro movement, 502, 743–45

New Republic, 58, 60, 401, 629, 633

New York, 261, 270, 430, 676, 783

New York Age, 427–29

New York American, 607–12

New York Call, 444–46

New York City, 18, 61, 63, 81, 90, 118, 135, 150, 152, 179, 189, 217, 261, 310, 312, 364, 444, 502, 558–59, 568–69, 635, 639–40, 661, 664, 686; African-American protest march in, 407, 496; deportation of radicals from, 768–71; soldiers from, 510, 607–12

New York Evening Journal, 50–57

New York Evening Telegram, 799

New York Herald, 122

New York Stock Exchange, 328–30

New York Sun, 189, 400

New York Times, 1–9, 107–12, 187–88, 357–65, 472, 768–76, 791

New York Tribune, 33–41, 298–305

New York University, 412

New York World, 50, 254

New Zealand, 23; in League of Nations, 727, 751; troops from, 118, 260

Nicholas I, 718

Nicholas II, 15, 331, 447

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 793, 800

Nieuport, Belgium, 138, 146–47, 149

Nieuport airplane, 248–50, 306, 309, 311

Nineteenth Amendment, xxx, 598–602

9th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 471

92nd Army Division, U.S., 673–74

Niš, Serbia, 89

Nogales, Ariz., 304–5

No Man’s Land, 510–11, 560, 581, 634

Non-combatant service, 394, 399–401, 405

Normandy, 821

Norris, George, 323–32

North Sea, 63, 90, 148, 151, 226, 324–25, 327

Norton-Harjes Ambulance Corps, 409–11, 423, 821

Norway, xxv, 172, 226–28, 283, 324, 326, 694

Novoaleksandrovsk, Russia (Zarasai, Lithuania), 283

Noyon, France, 307

Nurses, 233–37, 251–53, 434, 455–59, 464–69, 486–94, 502–4, 512–13, 591, 595–97, 636

Observation balloons, 260, 622

Oederlin, Frederick, 613, 615

Ohio, 769, 789

Ohio State University, 789–804

Oil supply, xxiv, 301–3, 613

Olney, Richard, 731

Omaha, Neb., 667–68

103rd Aero Squadron, U.S., 438

109th Machine Gun Battalion, U.S., 517, 541

110th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 526

111th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 514–53

112th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 515–17, 525, 530, 534–36

118th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 558–61

124th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 625

129th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 621

149th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 664

150th Field Artillery Regiment, U.S., 660, 663–64

166th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 664

168th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 664

Oradowsky, Marcus, 769

Orlando, Vittorio, 652–54, 658

O’Ryan, John F., 221

Osman, Nizami, 209–10

Ottoman Empire, xxiv–xxv, 19, 33, 89, 344, 357; alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, 118; breaks relations with United States, 207; dissolution of, 702–3; leadership of, 207–10; massacres of Armenians, 118–21, 154–69, 207–9, 211–12, 268, 385, 408; peace treaty with Turkey (1920), 748–49; revolution in (1908), 118–19 and Russian withdrawal from war, 447–49, 455; self-determination for peoples in, 452

Oxford University, 177, 377

Oyster Bay, N.Y., 42, 213, 445

Pacific Ocean, 122, 738

Pacifism, xxvii, 45, 113, 170–188, 224, 226–30, 373, 377–78, 382, 384, 396–406, 412, 430, 562

Paderewski, Ignacy Jan, 719

Page, Walter Hines, 15–16, 23–29, 298

Palestine, xxiv, 118, 210

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 768

Palmer, Frederick: The Folly of Nations, 784–88

Pan-African Congress, 670

Pan-Africanism, 46

Panama, 721, 732

Panama Canal, 29

Pan-Slavism, xxv, 1

Papen, Franz von, 303

Paris, France, 10, 12–13, 80, 122, 152, 172, 189, 233, 237, 248, 310, 363, 464–67, 471–72, 484, 493–94, 573, 618, 670, 693, 759, 788, 794, 813; American embassy in, 15, 26–27; fighting near, 63, 78–79, 700; peace conference in, xxviii, xxx–xxxi, 629–38, 646–59, 698, 708, 710, 747–48, 752, 756–57

Parker, Frank, 308, 310

Parsons, Edwin, 306, 311

Pastermadjian, Garegin (Armen Garo), 120

Paterson, N.J., 81

Paton, Stewart, 394, 401

Patriotism, xxvii, 265–67, 327, 329, 335–36, 351, 354, 394, 402, 445–46, 638, 690, 695–96, 741, 764, 793

Patten, Simon, 376

Patterson v. Colorado, 644

Paul, Alice, 430

Peace conference, xxviii, xxx–xxxi, 629, 633, 635, 637–38, 646–60, 670, 678–81, 701–10, 747–48, 752, 756–57

Peace proposals, 275–81, 286, 289, 295, 329, 342–43, 370, 613–20

Peace Ship, 226–30

Peace treaty (Treaty of Versailles), xxviii, xxxi, 625, 629, 637–38, 646–60, 679, 698–99, 705–6, 708–9, 713–42, 746–61, 794, 805

Peet, William W., 158, 167

Peronne, France, 307

Pershing, John J., 298, 363, 470, 478, 549, 558, 577, 626, 675–76, 690–91, 784; memorandum to Supreme War Council, 618–20; remarks to officers of 1st Division, 460–63

Persia (Iran), xxiv, 211, 369

Persian Gulf, 370

Perthes-les-Hurlus, France, 80, 191

Peru, 728

Petrograd. See St. Petersburg, Russia

Philadelphia, Pa., 102, 105, 304, 341, 408

Philippines, 43, 460, 709, 736

Phillips, Walter Alison, 718

Phillips, William, 297

Piave River, 504–5

Picardy, 460

Pierce, Franklin, 265

Pilate, Pontius, 111, 268

Pinchot, Amos, 402

Pippin, Horace, 587–89

Piracy, 110, 315

Plainfield Courier-News, 496–500

Plancher-Bas, France, 189

Plato, 804

Plebiscites, 704–5

Plettenberg, von (cavalry captain), 284–85

Pneumonia, 593, 595–96

Poincaré, Raymond, 250, 630

Pola, Croatia, 131

Poland, 50, 75, 279, 370, 452, 455, 647–48, 653, 655, 657, 659, 702, 719–20, 790, 794

Poles, xxiv–xxv, 45, 131

Polk, Frank Lyon, 291, 294, 296–97

Poperinghe, Belgium, 138–42

Port Arthur (Lüshun), China, 754

Portugal, 47

Post Office, censorship by, 444, 670

Potoriek, Oskar, 9

Pottle, Frederick A.: Stretchers, 484–95

Pouilly, France, 626–27

Pound, Ezra: “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,” 777–78

Pourtalès, Friedrich von, 15

Powel, Bert, 203

Pozières, France, 255

Prager, Robert, 507

Presbyterians, 394, 652, 799

President Lincoln, USS, 661–62, 664

Press Bureau, U.S., in Paris, 472

Preston, Charles R., 604–5

Princeton University, 30, 394, 438

Princip, Gavrilo, xxv, 1–3, 5–8

Prisoners of war, 255–57, 259–60, 410, 425, 505, 540, 598, 561, 585–87, 589, 630, 788

Progressive Party, 30, 261

Progressivism, 81, 113, 313

Propaganda, 328, 339–40, 381, 565, 660, 687–97, 747, 763, 791, 793–95

Protestants, 54, 113, 122, 164, 170, 495, 794. See also individual sects

Prussia, xxiv–xxv, 17, 23, 257, 287, 319, 351, 385, 403–4, 452, 534, 617, 689, 794; militarism of, 48, 218–19, 221, 294, 349, 399, 796; treaties with United States, 111, 117, 300; war with France, 452, 487

Prut River, 130, 134

Przemyśl, Galicia, 50–54

Public opinion, 376, 405, 424, 687–88, 747

Pueblo, Colo., 746

Pulitzer, Joseph, 50

Quakers, 179, 402

Queenstown (Cobh), Ireland, 99, 110, 269

Race riots, xxx, 385–93, 407–8, 412–22, 432, 496, 743–44

Racial equality, xxx

Racial extermination, 118–21, 154–69, 207–9, 211–12, 268, 385, 408

Racism, 46–49, 412, 648, 673–77, 686

Radio broadcasts, 626, 692–93

Randolph, A. Philip, 743

Raon-l’Étape, France, 140

Rations, 531

Read, George W., 664

Red Cloud, Neb., 568, 573

Red Cross, 55, 64–65, 71, 80, 119, 131, 137, 139, 205, 399, 409, 455, 485–86, 502–6, 554, 568, 571, 575–76

Red Cross Magazine, 568–76

Reed, James A., 330–31

Reed, John, 189; The War in Eastern Europe, 81–89, 130–34

Refugees, 63, 119, 142, 147, 152, 168

Régnier, Henri de, 791

Reims, France, 192, 629

Reparations, xxxi, 44, 117, 275, 320, 350, 705, 707, 794

Republican Party, xxxi, 30, 107, 261, 264, 313, 323, 599, 613, 680, 696, 698, 713, 731, 768

Revigny, France, 77

Revolutionary War, 108, 262–64, 266–67, 272, 332, 367, 739

Rhineland, 447, 625, 660–61

Rhine River, 625, 813

Richtofen, Manfred von, 254

Riggs, Henry H., 158

Riis, George E., 226–30

Riza Bey, Ahmed, 208–9

Robinson, Boardman, 87, 130

Robinson, Helen Ring, 228

Rockefeller, John D., 565

Rockwell, Paul, 308–9, 311

Rocle, Marius, 308

Roediger, Conrad, 285–86

Roentgen, Wilhelm, 49

Rogers, Will, 678–80

Rohrbach, Paul, 344

Roland, 150

Rolland, Romain, 403

Romagne, France, 627, 667

Romania, xxv, 21, 89, 130–31, 284, 370, 452, 613, 703

Romanians, 369

Romanov dynasty, xxiv

Rome, ancient, 89, 262, 387, 404

Rome, Italy, 172

Ro’narch, Pierre, 145

Roosevelt, Archibald, 107

Roosevelt, Franklin D., xxxi

Roosevelt, Kermit, 213

Roosevelt, Theodore, xxvi, 30, 81, 311–12, 374, 394, 400, 407, 445, 641, 650–52, 713, 731–32, 756–57; condemnation of Germany by, 42–45; Emma Goldman’s criticism of, 218–20, 224; enmity toward President Wilson, 42, 107, 213–16; response to sinking of the Lusitania, 107–12; speech at Cooper Union, 261–70

Rosebery, Earl of (Archibald Primrose), 230

Rosencrantz, Hans, 258–59

Rosnet, Gabrielle, 69–71

Rousbrugge, Belgium, 233, 251, 434

Runyon, Damon, 607–12

Russia, xxiv–xxv, xxvii, 10, 16, 23, 29, 42–45, 89, 119–20, 132, 172, 181, 226, 342, 370, 378, 381, 655, 702; alliance with France, 15; Allied intervention in, 654; battle of Przemyśl, 50–54; battle of Zalezchik, 130–34; Bolshevik revolution, 447, 455, 762–63, 765–66; concessions in China of, 754–55; condemnation of actions of, 18–22; evacuation of territory of, 451; German declaration of war against, 15; German ultimatum to, 15; imperialism of, 6, 48; mobilization in, 15, 20; not at peace conference, 629; pogroms against Jews, 130, 408; provisional government formed in, 307, 319, 331, 343, 348–49, 371, 399, 447; radicals deported to, 768–76; support for Serbia, 19, 21, 343–45; withdrawal from war, 447–50, 455

Russo-Japanese War, 19, 33, 43, 460, 754, 784

Ruthenberg, Charles Emil, 335

Saar, 657, 704

Sabotage, 366

Sabri, Ayoub, 208

St. Hilaire, France, 190, 244–47

St. Just, France, 307–8, 311

St. Louis, Mo., 335, 562

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 385–93

St. Mihiel, France, 77, 558–61, 577, 621, 625, 813

St. Nazaire, France, 660

St. Omer, France, 137, 150

St. Petersburg (Petrograd), Russia, 15, 447, 717

Saint-Pierre, abbé de (Charles-Irénée Castel), 714

St. Quentin, France, 306–7, 309–11, 455

St. Simon, France, 309, 311

Ste. Menehould, France, 67–69, 73 76

Şakir, Bahaeddin, 208

Salmon, Thomas W., 783

Salmond, Hubert George, 260

Santayana, George, 58–60, 341

Santoro, Cesare, 50

Sarajevo, Bosnia, 1–10

Saturday Evening Post, 799

Schenck, Charles T., 642

Schenck v. United States, 641–45, 762, 765

Schnabel, Adolph, 769

Schnitzler, Arthur, 789

Schoen, Wilhelm von, 302

Schreiner, George A., 55

Schütte, Oswald, 283

Schweibz, W. H., 304–5

Schwimmer, Rosika, 226–29

Scotland. See Britain

Scott, James Brown, 213

Scribner’s Magazine, 63, 80, 135

Seabrook, William B., 244–47

Seattle, Wash., 769

Séchault, France, 587–89

2nd Division, U.S., 471–72

Secret Service, U.S., 305

Sedan, France, 577

Sedition, 367, 403, 767, 821

Sedition Act (1798), 641, 767

Sedition Act (1918), xxx, 762, 764

Seeger, Alan, 189–99, 524; “I Have a Rendezvous with Death,” 231–32

Seeger, Charles, 231

Seeger, Elsie Simmons, 194

Segregation, xxix–xxx, 419, 427, 496–503, 507, 671

Self-determination, xxviii, xxx–xxxi, xxxiii, 275, 279, 281, 371, 451–52, 652–53, 670, 686, 702–4, 748

Senate, U.S., 16, 28, 107, 293, 313, 343, 566, 649, 680, 757; George Norris’s speech in, 323–32; Henry Cabot Lodge’s speech in, 713–42; President Wilson’s addresses to, 275–81, 598–602, 698–710; vote against peace treaty, xxxi, 746. See also Congress, U.S.

Senegal, 503

Serbia, 130, 181, 187, 452, 703, 789; and assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 1, 4–8, 10, 13, 19–20; Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against, 18–20; Austro-Hungarian invasion of, 50, 344–45, 369; battle of Gučevo Mountain, 80–89; Russian support for, 19, 21, 343–45

Serbs, xxiv–xxv, 369

Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley: Shadow-Shapes, 629–38

Seven Arts, 373–84

77th Division, U.S., 535–36, 607–12

Shaler, Millard, 12

Shantung province, 722, 754

Sharp, William G., 664

Shattuck, Maxwell Carleton, 244

Shaw, Anna Howard, 430

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 799, 804

Shell shock, 661–62, 664, 779–83

Sherman, William T., 554

Sherwood, Elmer W., 663–65

Shrapnel, 490–92, 504, 529, 554–55, 825

Siam (Thailand), 727

Simmons, E. B., 676

Simons, Walter, 798

6th Marine Regiment, U.S., 471

Skinner, Lloyd, 660

Skinner, Robert, 26

Slavery, 47–48, 122, 157, 332, 498

Slavic Americans, 45, 433

Slavs, 1, 4, 17, 19–21, 44–46, 84, 702–3

Slovaks, xxiv

Slovenes, xxiv

Smith, Lieutenant C. (British air observer), 259

Smuts, Jan, 752

Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey, 209

Snow, Kneeland S., 418, 420

Social equality, xxix, 498–99, 665

Social Gospel, 170, 394

Socialists, 10, 30, 217, 227, 229, 323, 335–40, 371, 373, 377, 381, 396, 444, 502, 562, 565–66, 630, 642–43, 743, 771, 796

Soissons, France, 307, 455, 813

Solf, Wilhelm, 616

Somme campaign, 254–56, 282, 307–12

Somme River, 231, 251

Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, xxv, 1–9

Souain, France, 194, 196, 198

Soubiran, Robert, 310

South Africa, 23, 47, 752

South America, 43, 46–47, 122, 277, 302–3, 717–18, 720–21, 728, 730

Southard, Elmer Ernest, 782–83

Soviet Russia. See Russia

SPAD airplane, 307, 309, 438

Spain, 45, 291; German propaganda in, 694–95; revolutions by South American colonies, 717–18

Spanish-American War, 33, 43, 291, 460, 709, 736, 775

Sparks, Lee, 413–19

Spingarn, Joel, 501

Squier, George, 15

Stars and Stripes, 624

“Star-Spangled Banner,” 571, 774

State Department, U.S., 113, 124, 154, 296, 303

Statue of Liberty, 150, 774

Steffens, Lincoln, 81

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 38

Stinnes, Hugo, 798

Stoermer, Ed, 417

Stone, William J., 293, 296

Strauss, Richard, 799

Sturgis, S. D., 664

Submarines. See U-boats

Sudermann, Hermann, 49

Suffrage: African-American, xxix, 431, 497, 670–71; woman, xxx, 412, 430–33, 598–602

Suippes, France, 80, 191–93

Sumner, Captain (U.S. officer), 604–5

Sunday, Billy, 351, 679

Supreme Court, U.S., 261, 270, 562, 641–45. See also individual cases

Suresnes, France, 681–85, 759–60

Survey, 170–86, 394–408

Sussex, torpedoing of, 238, 241

Sussex pledge, 238, 290–91, 294, 314, 341

Sweden, xxv, 172, 226–27, 324, 326, 694

Sweet, Richard, 291, 297

Swift & Co. v. United States, 765

Swing, Raymond, 283

Switzerland, 10, 63, 172, 176–77, 283, 502, 613, 615, 693–94

Swope, Herbert Bayard, 254–60; Inside the German Empire, 254

Syracuse, N.Y., 107

Syria, xxiv, 158, 210

Taft, William Howard, 30, 298, 651–52

Talaat Pasha, Mehmed, 208–10

Tampico, Mexico, 301

Tariffs, 724–25

Tarnopol, Galicia, 134

Tarnowski, Adam, 321

Tartars, 44, 89

Taube airplane, 141, 143–44, 358

Temple, Ben, 604

Tennessee, USS, 27

Texas, 298–99, 412–22

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 791

Thaw, William, 310

Thenault, Georges, 248, 309

Thiel, Fritz, 286–87

Thirteenth Amendment, 643

13th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 773

33rd Division, U.S., 625

35th Division, U.S., 621

Thomas, Benjamin, 676

Thomas, Edward, 274

Thomas, Norman, 373; “War Heretics: A Plea for the Conscientious Objector,” 394–406

Thompson, Orville R., 544–45, 548–50

Thoreau, Henry David, 220

Thrasher, Leon C., 113

308th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 607–12

314th Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop, 666

319th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 604

320th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 577–86

365th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 673–77

369th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 510, 587–89, 639

Thwing, Francis Wendell Butler, 199

Titus, Lieutenant, 580

Tokyo, Japan, 298, 300; German embassy in, 302

Tolstoy, Leo, 397

Toronto Star, 813

Travers, Sara, 414, 416, 420

Treasury Department, U.S., xxxi

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 447–49, 455

Treaty of Chaumont, 715

Treaty of London (1839), 23

Treaty of London (1915), 653

Treaty of Paris (1815), 715–19

Treaty of Portsmouth, 754

Treaty of Tilsit, 714

Treaty of Utrecht, 713–14

Treaty of Versailles. See Peace treaty

Treaty of Vienna, 715

Trebinje, Bosnia, 2, 5, 7

Treitschke, Heinrich von, 221

Trenches, xxvii–xxx, 191–98, 200–206, 233, 244, 248, 284, 330, 404, 456, 460, 508, 554, 559, 582–83

Tripp, Stephen O., 391–92

Truman, Harry, 621–24

Trumbić, Ante, 652

Tucker, Sophie, 639

Tuckerton, N.J., 692–93

Tumulty, Joseph, 296

Turkey, peace treaty with, 748–49. See also Ottoman Empire

Turkish Revolution (1908), 118–19

Turkmen, xxiv

Turner, George Douglas, 251

Turner, William Thomas, 92, 95

Tuskegee Institute, 507

23rd Infantry Regiment, U.S., 471

24th Infantry Regiment, U.S., 412–22

Tyrol, 131

U-boats, xxvii, 90–91, 110–11, 113–16, 124–28, 213, 216, 238–42, 254, 268–69, 282–90, 292, 294, 299–300, 303, 307, 311, 313–17, 321, 324–26, 331, 338, 342–43, 345–47, 447, 470, 591, 613–14, 625, 788

U-9, 254

U-20, 90

U-30, 90

Uhlans, 34

Ukraine, 130, 455

Ukrainians, xxiv

Unconditional surrender, 613, 616, 618, 620

Union of Russian Workers, 769

Unitarians, 652

University of Nebraska, 572

Unknown Soldier, burial of, xxxii–xxxiii, 805–9, 827–28

Urfa, Turkey, 156, 158

U.S. Embassy, Berlin, 113, 124, 259, 288, 296

U.S. Embassy, Brussels, 10–14

U.S. Embassy, Constantinople, 118, 154, 161–62, 167–69

U.S. Embassy, London, 15–16, 23–29, 298

U.S. Embassy, Paris, 15, 26–27

U.S. Military Academy (West Point), 428

Uzbeks, xxiv

Vaile, William N., 768–69

Valjevo, Serbia, 82, 85–88

Valley Forge, 266–67, 272

Van, Turkey, 120

Varennes, France, 71, 73

Vatican, 172

Vauquois, France, 70–71

Veblen, Thorstein, 376

Veracruz, Mexico, 38, 298, 784

Verdun, France, 63, 69, 73–76, 80, 140, 248–50, 271, 282, 409–11, 577

Vermeule, Cornelius Clarkson, Jr., 604

Vermont, 590–92

Versailles, France, 698

Vesle River, 514–18, 523–30, 538–43, 546, 549, 551

Vesoul, France, 190

Veterans Bureau, U.S., 782

Victor Emmanuel III, 634

Vienna, Austria, xxv, 3–6, 18, 82, 131, 321, 573

Vignau, Captain, 284–85

Villa, Francisco (Pancho), 81, 298, 470

Vilna, Russia (Vilnius, Lithuania), 283

Vitry-le-François, France, 77, 190

Voice, 502–3, 686

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 804

Vosges Mountains, 63, 151, 621, 779

Vouziers, France, 190–91, 197

Wagner, Richard, 793

Wahabis, 723

Walker, Ronald, 259

Wallace, Bess, 621, 623

Walling, William English, 400

War bonds, xxix, 219, 224, 317, 624, 773

War Department, U.S., 427–28

War neurosis, 779–83

War of 1812, 43

War zones, 324–27

Washington, Booker T., 507

Washington, D.C., xxxi, 24, 30, 105–6, 109, 113, 118, 124, 207, 222, 275, 366, 591, 613, 615, 646, 649–50, 670, 679, 711, 762, 805, 827–28; Austro-Hungarian embassy in, 321; German embassy in, 116, 282, 289–91, 293–94, 296–97, 299, 301, 303, 367; race riot in, 743–44; Woman’s Peace Party formed in, 170

Washington, George, 108, 261–64, 266–67, 269, 272, 729–30, 736, 807

Washington Post, 827

Weddigen, Otto, 254

Weeks, John W., 805

Weeks v. United States, 643

Wells, H. G., 397

Welton, Francis, 551

Werfel, Franz, 798

West Indies, 47, 503, 709

Weyl, Walter, 376–77

Wharton, Edith, 63–80, 135–51

White, Henry, 654, 664, 681

Whitlock, Brand, 12

Whitman, Walt, 799, 804

Whittlesey, Charles, 609–12

Wilhelm II, 19–20, 26, 33, 38, 41, 43, 215, 224, 230, 282, 331, 403, 617–18, 661, 793

Williams, Ashby: Experiences of the Great War, 577–79, 603–6

Williams, James A, 546–48

Williams, Wallace, 418–19

Willis, Captain, 674–76

Willis, Harold, 309

Wilson, Captain, 605

Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt, 102, 631, 646, 649–50, 698, 805

Wilson, Ellen Axson, 30

Wilson, Robert, 255–56

Wilson, William Bauchop, 295

Wilson, Woodrow, xxv–xxxi, 15, 23, 29, 45, 108, 113, 124, 172, 180, 217, 311, 324, 327–28, 333, 342–44, 352, 374–75, 397, 431, 460, 462, 562, 618, 678–81, 693, 711–12, 727, 736, 762, 828; Address on League of Nations, 698–710; Address on Neutrality, 30–32; Address on “Peace without victory,” 275–81; Address on the Sussex incident, 238–43; Address on War Aims (the Fourteen Points), 447–54; Address on War with Germany, 313–22; Address on Woman Suffrage, 598–602; Address to Naturalized Citizens, 102–6; election of 1916, 207, 261, 264–70; Emma Goldman’s criticism of, 218–21, 224; Flag Day Address, 366–72; health of, 746, 805; Henry Cabot Lodge’s enmity toward, 713; Memorial Day Address at Suresnes, 681–85; at peace conference in Paris, 629–38, 646–60, 708; peace notes to Germany, 613–17; policy toward Mexico, 298; and race relations, 496, 503, 507–9, 743; severing diplomatic relations with Germany, 289, 291–97, 300; speech at Pueblo, Colo., 746–61; Statement on Lynching, 507–9; Theodore Roosevelt’s enmity toward, 42, 107, 213–16

Woman’s Peace Party, 170, 226, 430

Women, xxx; in labor force, 444–46, 691; suffrage for, 412, 430–33, 598–602

Women’s Council for National Defense, 572

Woolsey, Lester Hood, 291, 297

Wright, Charley, 515, 533

Wundt, Wilhelm, 49

Wyke, Godfrey, 541

Xenophobia, xxx

X-rays, 488, 492–93, 504

Yale Review, 274

Yaphank, N.Y., 608

Yeats, William Butler, 434

Y.M.C.A. chaplains, 495

Young, Hugh H., 363–65

Young, Joe: “How ’Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?” 639–40

Young Bosnia, 1

Youngstown, Ohio, 408

Young Turks, 118, 121

Ypres, Belgium, 135, 138, 140–41, 146, 149, 188, 470

Yugoslavia, xxxi, 652–53, 703, 725–26

Zadagora, Galicia, 134

Zalezchik, Galicia, 130

Zastevna, Galicia, 130

Zavlaka, Serbia, 87

Zeitoun, Turkey, 119

Zeppelins, 255, 357–58, 573

Zimmermann, Arthur, xxvii, 298–99

Zimmermann telegram, xxvii, 298–305, 320

Zita of Bourbon-Parma, 6

Zouaves, 189, 198

Zubarán, Rafael, 301–2