The New York Times, June 29, 1914: Heir to Austria’s Throne Is Slain
Death of an Archduke: Sarajevo, June 1914
Hugh Gibson: from A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium
The War Begins: Belgium, July–August 1914
Walter Hines Page: Memorandum, August 2, 1914
“The Grand Smash Is Come”: London, August 1914
Hugo Münsterberg to the Boston Herald, August 5, 1914
Defending Germany: Massachusetts, August 1914
Walter Hines Page to Woodrow Wilson, August 9, 1914
Britain Goes to War: London, August 1914
Woodrow Wilson: Statement on Neutrality, August 18, 1914
Richard Harding Davis to the New York Tribune, August 21 and 30, 1914
The Fall of Brussels and Burning of Louvain: Belgium, August 1914
Theodore Roosevelt to Hugo Münsterberg, October 3, 1914
“Justice and Fair Play”: Long Island, October 1914
W.E.B. Du Bois: World War and the Color Line
“White Imperialism”: New York, November 1914
Nellie Bly to the New York Evening Journal, October 30 and November 10, 1914
“Hungry, Wet, Weary”: Przemyśl and Budapest, October–November 1914
George Santayana: The Logic of Fanaticism, November 28, 1914
“A Vain Hatred”: England, November 1914
Alfred Bryan: I Didn’t Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier
“My Boy Belongs to Me”: New York, January 1915
Edith Wharton: In Argonne
“The War-Vision”: France, February–March 1915
John Reed: Goutchevo and the Valley of Corpses
“A Fifty-Mile Grave”: Serbia, April 1915
Charles E. Lauriat, Jr.: from The Lusitania’s Last Voyage
“The Final Plunge”: Off the Irish Coast, May 1915
Woodrow Wilson: Address to Naturalized Citizens at Convention Hall, Philadelphia, May 10, 1915
The New York Times: Roosevelt for Prompt Action, May 12, 1915
“There Are Things Worse Than War”: New York, May 1915
William Jennings Bryan to Gottlieb von Jagow, May 13, 1915
“The Sacred Freedom of the Seas”: Washington, D.C., May 1915
Henry Morgenthau to William Jennings Bryan, May 25, 1915
Reports of Armenian Massacres: Istanbul, May 1915
W.E.B. Du Bois: Lusitania
“The Lie Unveiled”: New York, June 1915
Robert Lansing to Gottlieb von Jagow, June 9, 1915
“The Rights of Humanity”: Washington, D.C., June 1915
John Reed: Zalezchik the Terrible
With the Russian Army: Galicia, June 1915
Edith Wharton: In the North
Ypres and Dunkirk: Flanders, June 1915
Henry James to Herbert Henry Asquith, June 28, 1915
Changing Nationality: London, June 1915
Leslie Davis to Henry Morgenthau, June 30 and July 11, 1915
“To Destroy the Armenian Race”: Eastern Anatolia, June–July 1915
Henry Morgenthau to Robert Lansing, July 16, 1915
“A Campaign of Race Extermination”: Istanbul, July 1915
Jane Addams: The Revolt Against War
An Appeal for Peace: New York, July 1915
Richard Harding Davis to The New York Times, July 13, 1915
A Response to Jane Addams: New York, July 1915
Alan Seeger: Diary, September 16–September 24, 1915, and to Elsie Simmons Seeger, October 25, 1915
Second Battle of Champagne: France, September–October 1915
James Norman Hall: Damaged Trenches
Battle of Loos: France, October 1915
Henry Morgenthau to Robert Lansing, November 4, 1915
Assessing the Ottoman Leadership: Istanbul, November 1915
Theodore Roosevelt to William Castle, Jr., November 13, 1915
“A More Ignoble Sentiment”: Long Island, November 1915
Emma Goldman: Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter
“The War Anesthesis”: New York, December 1915
George E. Riis to The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 6, 1916
The Ford Peace Ship: Scotland, December 1915
Alan Seeger: I Have a Rendezvous with Death
“Some Scarred Slope”: France, Winter 1916
Ellen N. La Motte: Alone
Gas Gangrene: Flanders, Spring 1916
Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress, April 19, 1916
William B. Seabrook: from Diary of Section VIII
“Baptism of Fire”: France, May 1916
Victor Chapman to John Jay Chapman, June 1, 1916
Flying over Verdun: France, June 1916
Mary Borden: Conspiracy
Broken and Mended: France, Summer 1916
Herbert Bayard Swope: Boelcke, Knight of the Air
A German Ace: France, October 1916
Theodore Roosevelt: Speech at Cooper Union, November 3, 1916
Wilson’s Failures: New York, November 1916
John Jay Chapman to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, January 4, 1917
A “Monument to Zero”: Massachusetts, January 1917
Robert Frost: Not to Keep
Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate, January 22, 1917
Washington, D.C., January 1917
H. L. Mencken: “The Diary of a Retreat,” March 10, 1917
U-Boat Warfare: Germany, February 1917
Robert Lansing: Memorandum on the Severance of Diplomatic Relations with Germany, February 4, 1917
Washington, D.C., January–February 1917
New York Tribune: Germany Asks Mexico to Seek Alliance with Japan for War on U.S., March 1, 1917
The Zimmermann Telegram: Washington, D.C., February 1917
Edmond C. C. Genet: Diary, March 19–24, 1917
The Lafayette Escadrille: France, March 1917
Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress on War with Germany, April 2, 1917
George Norris: Speech in the U.S. Senate, April 4, 1917
“Let Europe Solve Her Problems”: Washington, D.C., April 1917
George M. Cohan: Over There
“The Yanks Are Coming”: New York, April 1917
Majority Report of the St. Louis Socialist Convention, April 11, 1917
Opposing Capitalist War: Missouri, April 1917
Walter Lippmann: The World Conflict in Its Relation to American Democracy
“A Union of Liberal Peoples”: Philadelphia, April 1917
Herbert Hoover: Introduction to Women of Belgium
The New York Times: German Airmen Kill 97, Hurt 437 in London Raid, June 14, 1917
Bombers Over London: England, June 1917
Woodrow Wilson: Flag Day Address in Washington, D.C., June 14, 1917
Randolph Bourne: The War and the Intellectuals
“The Riveting of the War-Mind”: New York, June 1917
Carlos F. Hurd to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 3, 1917
The East St. Louis Race Riot: Illinois, July 1917
Norman Thomas: War’s Heretics, a Plea for the Conscientious Objector
“The Social Value of Heresy”: New York, August 1917
Jessie Fauset to The Survey, August 18, 1917
“Moral Disintegration”: New York, August 1917
John Dos Passos to Rumsey Marvin, August 23, 1917
“The War Is Utter Damn Nonsense”: France, August 1917
Martha Gruening: Houston, an N.A.A.C.P. Investigation
Black Soldiers Rebel: Texas, August 1917
Dorothy Canfield Fisher to Sarah Cleghorn, September 5, 1917
Defending Free Speech in America: France, September 1917
James Weldon Johnson: Experienced Men Wanted, November 8, 1917
Black Leaders for Black Troops: New York, November 1917
Carrie Chapman Catt: Votes for All
Every Woman’s Struggle: New York, November 1917
Mary Borden: Unidentified
“This Nameless Man”: France, Autumn 1917
Charles J. Biddle: from The Way of the Eagle
Shooting Down a “Hun”: France, December 1917
Bernice Evans: The Sayings of Patsy, December 30, 1917
Wartime Work for Women: New York, December 1917
Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress on War Aims, January 8, 1918
Washington, D.C., January 1918
Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die
“Stabbing Cries of Pain”: France, March 1918
John J. Pershing: Remarks to the Officers of the 1st Division, April 16, 1918
The “Will to Win”: France, April 1918
Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die
“How Can I Be Glad?”: France, May 1918
Floyd Gibbons: Wounded—How It Feels to Be Shot
Battle of Belleau Wood: France, June 1918
Frederick A. Pottle: from Stretchers
Treating American Wounded: France, June 1918
James Weldon Johnson: “Why Should a Negro Fight?,” June 29, 1918
Rights and Duties: New York, June 1918
W.E.B. Du Bois: Close Ranks
“The Crisis of the World”: New York, July 1918
Hubert H. Harrison: Why Is the Red Cross?
Refusing Black Nurses: New York, July 1918
Ernest Hemingway to His Family, July 21, 1918
Wounded at the Front: Italy, July 1918
Woodrow Wilson: Statement on Lynching, July 26, 1918
James Reese Europe: On Patrol in No Man’s Land.
“Ain’t It Grand?”: France, July 1918
Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die
“Real Nobility”: France, July 1918
Hervey Allen: from Toward the Flame
Battle of Fismette: France, August 1918
Ernest Hemingway to His Family, August 18, 1918
“Hurting Like 227 Little Devils”: Italy, August 1918
Frederick Trevenen Edwards to Frederick Edwards, September 12, 1918
The St. Mihiel Offensive: France, September 1918
Eugene V. Debs: Speech to the Court, September 14, 1918
“Gold Is God”: Ohio, September 1918
Willa Sibert Cather: Roll Call on the Prairies
“Living in the War”: Nebraska, Summer 1918
Ashby Williams: from Experiences of the Great War
“The Hellish Thing”: France, September 1918
Edward C. Lukens: from A Blue Ridge Memoir
Battle of the Meuse-Argonne: France, September 1918
Horace Pippin: from “Autobiography, First World War”
The “Harlem Hellfighters” Attack: France, September 1918
Ernest W. Gibson: from “History of First Vermont and 57th Pioneer Infantry”
“The Dreaded Influenza”: Crossing the Atlantic, September–October 1918
Henry A. May: from History of the U.S.S. Leviathan
Influenza on a Troopship: The Atlantic, September–October 1918
Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate on Woman Suffrage, September 30, 1918
Washington, D.C., September 1918
Ashby Williams: from Experiences of the Great War
“I Am Not Dead”: France, October 1918
Damon Runyon: Runyon Sees Return of Lost New York Battalion, October 13, 1918
Surrounded in the Argonne: France, October 1918
Woodrow Wilson: Second and Third Peace Notes to Germany, October 14 and 23, 1918
Washington, D.C., October 1918
John J. Pershing to the Supreme War Council, October 30, 1918
Setting Armistice Terms: France, October 1918
Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace, November 10 and 11, 1918
Waiting for the Armistice: France, November 1918
Robert J. Casey: from The Cannoneers Have Hairy Ears
“The Silence Is Oppressive”: France, November 1918
Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant: from Shadow-Shapes
Wilson Arrives in Paris: France, December 1918
Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young: How ’Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?
“After They’ve Seen Paree”: New York, Winter 1919
Oliver Wendell Holmes: Opinion in Schenck v. United States, March 3, 1919
“A Clear and Present Danger”: Washington, D.C., March 1919
Ray Stannard Baker: Diary, March 8, April 3–5, and April 7, 1919
Wilson at the Peace Conference: France, March–April 1919
Vernon E. Kniptash: Diary, March 30–April 1, and April 18–19, 1919
Returning Home: Germany and the Atlantic, March–April 1919
Elmer W. Sherwood: Diary, April 18–21, 1919
“Snobbishness and Caste”: The Atlantic, April 1919
Clyde D. Eoff to Josephine Eoff, April 28, 1919
Old Trucks and New Cars: Germany, April 1919
W.E.B. Du Bois: Returning Soldiers
Returning to “A Shameful Land”: New York, May 1919
Charles R. Isum to W.E.B. Du Bois, May 17, 1919
Confronting Injustice: Los Angeles, Winter 1919
Will Rogers: from Rogers-isms: The Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference
Woodrow Wilson: Memorial Day Address at Suresnes, May 30, 1919
Claude McKay: The Little Peoples
“The Big Men of the World”: New York, July 1919
George Creel: The “Second Lines”
American Propaganda: 1917–1919
Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate on the League of Nations, July 10, 1919
Newton D. Baker and Woodrow Wilson: An Exchange, July 23 and 31, 1919
Naming the War: Washington, D.C., July 1919
Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech in the U.S. Senate on the League of Nations, August 12, 1919
“This Murky Covenant”: Washington, D.C., August 1919
W. A. Domingo and Claude McKay: “If We Must Die”
“The New Negro Has Arrived”: New York, September 1919
Woodrow Wilson: Speech at Pueblo, Colorado, September 25, 1919
Oliver Wendell Holmes: Dissenting Opinion in Abrams v. United States, November 10, 1919
“Free Trade in Ideas”: Washington, D.C., November 1919
William N. Vaile: Before the Buford Sailed
Deporting Radicals: New York, December 1919
Ezra Pound: from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
“Walked Eye-Deep in Hell”: England, Spring 1920
Norman Fenton: from Shell Shock and Its Aftermath
Measuring Psychic Wounds: 1919–1920
Frederick Palmer: from The Folly of Nations
Recalling Wartime Deception: 1917–1920
Ludwig Lewisohn: Myth and Blood
A Dissenting Professor: Ohio and New York, 1914–1921
Warren G. Harding: Address at the Burial of an Unknown American Soldier, November 11, 1921
Ernest Hemingway: Soldier’s Home
E. E. Cummings: my sweet old etcetera