
The New York Times, June 29, 1914: Heir to Austria’s Throne Is Slain

Death of an Archduke: Sarajevo, June 1914

Hugh Gibson: from A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium

The War Begins: Belgium, July–August 1914

Walter Hines Page: Memorandum, August 2, 1914

“The Grand Smash Is Come”: London, August 1914

Hugo Münsterberg to the Boston Herald, August 5, 1914

Defending Germany: Massachusetts, August 1914

Walter Hines Page to Woodrow Wilson, August 9, 1914

Britain Goes to War: London, August 1914

Woodrow Wilson: Statement on Neutrality, August 18, 1914

Washington, D.C., August 1914

Richard Harding Davis to the New York Tribune, August 21 and 30, 1914

The Fall of Brussels and Burning of Louvain: Belgium, August 1914

Theodore Roosevelt to Hugo Münsterberg, October 3, 1914

“Justice and Fair Play”: Long Island, October 1914

W.E.B. Du Bois: World War and the Color Line

“White Imperialism”: New York, November 1914

Nellie Bly to the New York Evening Journal, October 30 and November 10, 1914

“Hungry, Wet, Weary”: Przemyśl and Budapest, October–November 1914

George Santayana: The Logic of Fanaticism, November 28, 1914

“A Vain Hatred”: England, November 1914

Alfred Bryan: I Didn’t Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier

“My Boy Belongs to Me”: New York, January 1915

Edith Wharton: In Argonne

“The War-Vision”: France, February–March 1915

John Reed: Goutchevo and the Valley of Corpses

“A Fifty-Mile Grave”: Serbia, April 1915

Charles E. Lauriat, Jr.: from The Lusitania’s Last Voyage

“The Final Plunge”: Off the Irish Coast, May 1915

Woodrow Wilson: Address to Naturalized Citizens at Convention Hall, Philadelphia, May 10, 1915

Philadelphia, May 1915

The New York Times: Roosevelt for Prompt Action, May 12, 1915

“There Are Things Worse Than War”: New York, May 1915

William Jennings Bryan to Gottlieb von Jagow, May 13, 1915

“The Sacred Freedom of the Seas”: Washington, D.C., May 1915

Henry Morgenthau to William Jennings Bryan, May 25, 1915

Reports of Armenian Massacres: Istanbul, May 1915

W.E.B. Du Bois: Lusitania

“The Lie Unveiled”: New York, June 1915

Robert Lansing to Gottlieb von Jagow, June 9, 1915

“The Rights of Humanity”: Washington, D.C., June 1915

John Reed: Zalezchik the Terrible

With the Russian Army: Galicia, June 1915

Edith Wharton: In the North

Ypres and Dunkirk: Flanders, June 1915

Henry James to Herbert Henry Asquith, June 28, 1915

Changing Nationality: London, June 1915

Leslie Davis to Henry Morgenthau, June 30 and July 11, 1915

“To Destroy the Armenian Race”: Eastern Anatolia, June–July 1915

Henry Morgenthau to Robert Lansing, July 16, 1915

“A Campaign of Race Extermination”: Istanbul, July 1915

Jane Addams: The Revolt Against War

An Appeal for Peace: New York, July 1915

Richard Harding Davis to The New York Times, July 13, 1915

A Response to Jane Addams: New York, July 1915

Alan Seeger: Diary, September 16–September 24, 1915, and to Elsie Simmons Seeger, October 25, 1915

Second Battle of Champagne: France, September–October 1915

James Norman Hall: Damaged Trenches

Battle of Loos: France, October 1915

Henry Morgenthau to Robert Lansing, November 4, 1915

Assessing the Ottoman Leadership: Istanbul, November 1915

Theodore Roosevelt to William Castle, Jr., November 13, 1915

“A More Ignoble Sentiment”: Long Island, November 1915

Emma Goldman: Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter

“The War Anesthesis”: New York, December 1915

George E. Riis to The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 6, 1916

The Ford Peace Ship: Scotland, December 1915

Alan Seeger: I Have a Rendezvous with Death

“Some Scarred Slope”: France, Winter 1916

Ellen N. La Motte: Alone

Gas Gangrene: Flanders, Spring 1916

Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress, April 19, 1916

Washington, D.C., April 1916

William B. Seabrook: from Diary of Section VIII

“Baptism of Fire”: France, May 1916

Victor Chapman to John Jay Chapman, June 1, 1916

Flying over Verdun: France, June 1916

Mary Borden: Conspiracy

Broken and Mended: France, Summer 1916

Herbert Bayard Swope: Boelcke, Knight of the Air

A German Ace: France, October 1916

Theodore Roosevelt: Speech at Cooper Union, November 3, 1916

Wilson’s Failures: New York, November 1916

John Jay Chapman to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, January 4, 1917

A “Monument to Zero”: Massachusetts, January 1917

Robert Frost: Not to Keep

“To Go Again”: Winter 1917

Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate, January 22, 1917

Washington, D.C., January 1917

H. L. Mencken: “The Diary of a Retreat,” March 10, 1917

U-Boat Warfare: Germany, February 1917

Robert Lansing: Memorandum on the Severance of Diplomatic Relations with Germany, February 4, 1917

Washington, D.C., January–February 1917

New York Tribune: Germany Asks Mexico to Seek Alliance with Japan for War on U.S., March 1, 1917

The Zimmermann Telegram: Washington, D.C., February 1917

Edmond C. C. Genet: Diary, March 19–24, 1917

The Lafayette Escadrille: France, March 1917

Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress on War with Germany, April 2, 1917

Washington, D.C., April 1917

George Norris: Speech in the U.S. Senate, April 4, 1917

“Let Europe Solve Her Problems”: Washington, D.C., April 1917

George M. Cohan: Over There

“The Yanks Are Coming”: New York, April 1917

Majority Report of the St. Louis Socialist Convention, April 11, 1917

Opposing Capitalist War: Missouri, April 1917

Walter Lippmann: The World Conflict in Its Relation to American Democracy

“A Union of Liberal Peoples”: Philadelphia, April 1917

Herbert Hoover: Introduction to Women of Belgium

Feeding Belgium: April 1917

The New York Times: German Airmen Kill 97, Hurt 437 in London Raid, June 14, 1917

Bombers Over London: England, June 1917

Woodrow Wilson: Flag Day Address in Washington, D.C., June 14, 1917

Washington, D.C., June 1917

Randolph Bourne: The War and the Intellectuals

“The Riveting of the War-Mind”: New York, June 1917

Carlos F. Hurd to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 3, 1917

The East St. Louis Race Riot: Illinois, July 1917

Norman Thomas: War’s Heretics, a Plea for the Conscientious Objector

“The Social Value of Heresy”: New York, August 1917

Jessie Fauset to The Survey, August 18, 1917

“Moral Disintegration”: New York, August 1917

John Dos Passos to Rumsey Marvin, August 23, 1917

“The War Is Utter Damn Nonsense”: France, August 1917

Martha Gruening: Houston, an N.A.A.C.P. Investigation

Black Soldiers Rebel: Texas, August 1917

Dorothy Canfield Fisher to Sarah Cleghorn, September 5, 1917

Defending Free Speech in America: France, September 1917

James Weldon Johnson: Experienced Men Wanted, November 8, 1917

Black Leaders for Black Troops: New York, November 1917

Carrie Chapman Catt: Votes for All

Every Woman’s Struggle: New York, November 1917

Mary Borden: Unidentified

“This Nameless Man”: France, Autumn 1917

Charles J. Biddle: from The Way of the Eagle

Shooting Down a “Hun”: France, December 1917

Bernice Evans: The Sayings of Patsy, December 30, 1917

Wartime Work for Women: New York, December 1917

Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress on War Aims, January 8, 1918

Washington, D.C., January 1918

Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die

“Stabbing Cries of Pain”: France, March 1918

John J. Pershing: Remarks to the Officers of the 1st Division, April 16, 1918

The “Will to Win”: France, April 1918

Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die

“How Can I Be Glad?”: France, May 1918

Floyd Gibbons: Wounded—How It Feels to Be Shot

Battle of Belleau Wood: France, June 1918

Frederick A. Pottle: from Stretchers

Treating American Wounded: France, June 1918

James Weldon Johnson: “Why Should a Negro Fight?,” June 29, 1918

Rights and Duties: New York, June 1918

W.E.B. Du Bois: Close Ranks

“The Crisis of the World”: New York, July 1918

Hubert H. Harrison: Why Is the Red Cross?

Refusing Black Nurses: New York, July 1918

Ernest Hemingway to His Family, July 21, 1918

Wounded at the Front: Italy, July 1918

Woodrow Wilson: Statement on Lynching, July 26, 1918

Washington, D.C., July 1918

James Reese Europe: On Patrol in No Man’s Land.

“Ain’t It Grand?”: France, July 1918

Shirley Millard: from I Saw Them Die

“Real Nobility”: France, July 1918

Hervey Allen: from Toward the Flame

Battle of Fismette: France, August 1918

Ernest Hemingway to His Family, August 18, 1918

“Hurting Like 227 Little Devils”: Italy, August 1918

Frederick Trevenen Edwards to Frederick Edwards, September 12, 1918

The St. Mihiel Offensive: France, September 1918

Eugene V. Debs: Speech to the Court, September 14, 1918

“Gold Is God”: Ohio, September 1918

Willa Sibert Cather: Roll Call on the Prairies

“Living in the War”: Nebraska, Summer 1918

Ashby Williams: from Experiences of the Great War

“The Hellish Thing”: France, September 1918

Edward C. Lukens: from A Blue Ridge Memoir

Battle of the Meuse-Argonne: France, September 1918

Horace Pippin: from “Autobiography, First World War”

The “Harlem Hellfighters” Attack: France, September 1918

Ernest W. Gibson: from “History of First Vermont and 57th Pioneer Infantry”

“The Dreaded Influenza”: Crossing the Atlantic, September–October 1918

Henry A. May: from History of the U.S.S. Leviathan

Influenza on a Troopship: The Atlantic, September–October 1918

Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate on Woman Suffrage, September 30, 1918

Washington, D.C., September 1918

Ashby Williams: from Experiences of the Great War

“I Am Not Dead”: France, October 1918

Damon Runyon: Runyon Sees Return of Lost New York Battalion, October 13, 1918

Surrounded in the Argonne: France, October 1918

Woodrow Wilson: Second and Third Peace Notes to Germany, October 14 and 23, 1918

Washington, D.C., October 1918

John J. Pershing to the Supreme War Council, October 30, 1918

Setting Armistice Terms: France, October 1918

Harry S. Truman to Bess Wallace, November 10 and 11, 1918

Waiting for the Armistice: France, November 1918

Robert J. Casey: from The Cannoneers Have Hairy Ears

“The Silence Is Oppressive”: France, November 1918

Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant: from Shadow-Shapes

Wilson Arrives in Paris: France, December 1918

Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young: How ’Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?

“After They’ve Seen Paree”: New York, Winter 1919

Oliver Wendell Holmes: Opinion in Schenck v. United States, March 3, 1919

“A Clear and Present Danger”: Washington, D.C., March 1919

Ray Stannard Baker: Diary, March 8, April 3–5, and April 7, 1919

Wilson at the Peace Conference: France, March–April 1919

Vernon E. Kniptash: Diary, March 30–April 1, and April 18–19, 1919

Returning Home: Germany and the Atlantic, March–April 1919

Elmer W. Sherwood: Diary, April 18–21, 1919

“Snobbishness and Caste”: The Atlantic, April 1919

Clyde D. Eoff to Josephine Eoff, April 28, 1919

Old Trucks and New Cars: Germany, April 1919

W.E.B. Du Bois: Returning Soldiers

Returning to “A Shameful Land”: New York, May 1919

Charles R. Isum to W.E.B. Du Bois, May 17, 1919

Confronting Injustice: Los Angeles, Winter 1919

Will Rogers: from Rogers-isms: The Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference

“The Peace Feast”: May 1919

Woodrow Wilson: Memorial Day Address at Suresnes, May 30, 1919

France, May 1919

Claude McKay: The Little Peoples

“The Big Men of the World”: New York, July 1919

George Creel: The “Second Lines”

American Propaganda: 1917–1919

Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate on the League of Nations, July 10, 1919

Washington, D.C., July 1919

Newton D. Baker and Woodrow Wilson: An Exchange, July 23 and 31, 1919

Naming the War: Washington, D.C., July 1919

Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech in the U.S. Senate on the League of Nations, August 12, 1919

“This Murky Covenant”: Washington, D.C., August 1919

W. A. Domingo and Claude McKay: “If We Must Die”

“The New Negro Has Arrived”: New York, September 1919

Woodrow Wilson: Speech at Pueblo, Colorado, September 25, 1919

Colorado, September 1919

Oliver Wendell Holmes: Dissenting Opinion in Abrams v. United States, November 10, 1919

“Free Trade in Ideas”: Washington, D.C., November 1919

William N. Vaile: Before the Buford Sailed

Deporting Radicals: New York, December 1919

Ezra Pound: from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

“Walked Eye-Deep in Hell”: England, Spring 1920

Norman Fenton: from Shell Shock and Its Aftermath

Measuring Psychic Wounds: 1919–1920

Frederick Palmer: from The Folly of Nations

Recalling Wartime Deception: 1917–1920

Ludwig Lewisohn: Myth and Blood

A Dissenting Professor: Ohio and New York, 1914–1921

Warren G. Harding: Address at the Burial of an Unknown American Soldier, November 11, 1921

Arlington, November 1921


Ernest Hemingway: Soldier’s Home

E. E. Cummings: my sweet old etcetera

John Dos Passos: The Body of an American


Biographical Notes

Note on the Texts

