The great-great-grandson of Edmond “Citizen” Genet, the first minister sent by Revolutionary France to the United States, Edmond C. C. Genet had deserted the U.S. Navy in 1915 in order to join the French Foreign Legion. He fought in the Champagne offensive that September. Accepted for flight training by the French aviation service in May 1916, Genet joined the Lafayette Escadrille in January 1917. While flying a Nieuport 17 near St. Quentin, he would be shot down and killed by anti-aircraft fire on April 16, 1917.
Mon. 19 959. Cloudy windy day. Escadrille on duty this A.M. MacConnell, I and Parsons went out for 3rd Patrol at 9 o’clock to protect French reconnaissance machine around Ham. Parsons had to return before we reached the lines on account of motor trouble. “Mac” and I kept on—he leading. We stayed under 2000 metres and patroled around Ham over the French reglage avions until about 10 o’clock. Then “Mac” headed north towards St. Quentin and I followed to the rear and above him. North of Ham I discovered two German machines much higher than we coming towards us to attack. One was much nearer than the other and began to come towards “Mac.” I immediately started up towards it and met it at 2200 metres—leaving Mac to take care of the end. The German Avion was a biplace and his gunner opened fire on me at 200 yds. as the pilot began to circle around me. I opened fire with my incendiary bullets and headed directly for them. The German’s first few shots cut one main wing support in half and an explosive bullet hit the guiding rod of the left aileron and cut open a nice hole in my left cheek. I scarcely noticed it and kept on firing until we were scarcely 25 yds apart. We passed close and I peaked down. The German didn’t follow but an anti-aircraft battery shelled me for quite awhile. At 1000 metres I stopped and circled around for 15 minutes in search of Mac and the second Boche but the clouds were thick and I saw nothing. I was afraid my supports would break entirely and my wound was hurting some so I headed for St. Just at a low altitude reaching there at 10:45 hoping all the way back that Mac had preceeded me but when I arrived I found he had not and tho Lufberry and Lt. de Laage have been out over the region north of Ham with their Spads this afternoon to look for him (de Laage also landed to ask the troops if they saw him brought down) they found nothing and the chances are Mac was either brought down by the German machine or else wounded in combat and forced to land in their territory and so is a prisoner. Its the best we can hope for—that he is at least alive. I feel dreadfully—my wound, tho a bit painful, is nothing compared with my grief for poor “Mac’s” loss. The Commandant told me, when I described the combat to him this morning, that I fought bravely. I wish I had been able to do more for MacConnell. The French and English forces are advancing beyond Nesle, Ham, and Noyon and with few losses. Perhaps to-morrow will bring forth better news of “Mac.” if the advance continues. British troops have taken Peronne and the French have gained the Heights north of Soissons. The enemy are retreating back to St. Quentin and the Hindenburg line. Thaw landed beside Nesle this morning to give information to the British cavalry patrols and had lunch with a French woman and her daughters who have been 31 months behind German lines. The civilians left by the Germans in the recaptured towns are wild with joy and relief at being once again with their own people. The German troops before retiring have torn up all roads, railroads, cut down all trees, flooded a lot of land, fired all important buildings in every town, insulted the women—carrying off many of the younger women and old men with them, and destroying all stores they couldn’t carry with them. They are fiends if ever there were any! All the territory at present in their hands towards St. Quentin is in flames. Its horrible to see. German submarines have torpedoed 3 more vessels carrying the American Flag. Now will any action be taken! The French are trying to form a new cabinet and the revolution in Russia has quieted down with the installation of the new popular government. My machine has been nearly repaired this afternoon, and as my wound is scarcely grave enough to bother over I hope I shall be out on service again either to-morrow afternoon or at least the following day. Thank God I escaped so luckily to-day but I do wish I had brought down that damned Boche machine and that poor MacConnell was back safely with us to-night. If he was killed I know he met his end bravely fighting. God grant he isn’t dead!
Tues. 20 960th day of the war. This is dear old Dad’s birthday. Very high wind all day and plenty of low clouds kept us from going out all today. We’ve been hoping and waiting all day for news of poor MacConnell but not a word has come and it seems certain that he has met his fate at the hands of those damned Huns within their lines. I feel horribly depressed over it. If I had only been able to get to him and save him from his fate! Would that I had a dozen such wounds as I have and he were back here with us all safe and sound. Sent the news to Major Parker to-day and Lovell. Wrote to Paul Rockwell. Poor Paul will feel dreadfully over it. Walked down to St. Just late in P.M. but came back in time for tea. Rocle and another chap were around for dinner. Wrote a long letter to dear little Mother before dinner. She’ll be worried, I’m afraid, when she reads in it of my wound but I think it is best I told her. The doctor redressed it this A.M., and it seems better—only pains rather dully. French and British advance continued today. We may move further east soon as now we are much too far from the new lines. Three American ships sunk the day before yesterday seem to have brought the crisis almost to a climax and war seems surer than ever. Feeling mighty blue and lonely for darling beloved Gertrude tonight. Ever hearing from her again has certainly become to seem utterly hopeless. The old dear letters of love and devotion from her coming at these trying times would mean so much to me. Can she realize that and yet not write? I can’t believe that. Am on first Patrol at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Asked Lieut. de Laage to go out on the first patrol and he put me on it. I’m out after blood now in grim earnest to avenge poor MacConnell.
Wed. 21 961. Too windy and cloudy to permit flying all the day. Was put out about that as I wished very much to go out over the lines this morning. I wish I could do something really worth while for the English and thus get them willing to give me the English Military Cross. Captain Thenault to-day proposed me for a citation a’l’ordre d’armee which will bring me the Croix de Guerre with a palm. Poor MacConnell is proposed for a citation also but I’m afraid he is where he will never know of it or receive his decoration. No news of any sort of him to-day. Wrote a long letter this morning to Paul Rockwell telling him about Mac’s fate as best I could and my fight. Got a letter from Cousin Hugh Eastburn but not as cordial a one as I would like. He expects to get a leave the latter part of April but may go to Rome if possible. Wrote to Mrs. Wheeler late this afternoon. She and Dave will be glad to learn I’ve been cited at last. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskier, Ronald’s parents came out to visit him and the Escadrille to-day. Dugan came out from Plessis Belleville to get a machine from the 67th Escadrille to take back to the G.D.E. and is staying over night with us. We had 17 persons at the table for dinner to-night. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskier and Dugan were the guests. Am on service at 6:45 to-morrow morning and from 5:20 P.M. until dark. From all reports there seem to be big chances of finding Boche machines along the lines now where the present offensive is. Poor MacConnell and I surely had little trouble finding two on Monday. I wish I could find one mighty soon and bring it down within our lines so as to avenge “Mac”. I guess there will be no such luck for me tho.
Thurs. 22 962. Big French success reported to-night towards St. Quentin. Internal riots also reported in Berlin. Fair in morning but clouded up heavily and snow fell quite a number of times during the afternoon. Went out with Lieut de Laage, Lovell, and Willis from 7 to 8:3o for trip along the lines around Ham and St. Simon. Very cold and my machine gun got jammed so I came back. The others followed soon after. Saw no German machines. Willis got his face badly frozen. Volunteered to go out with a patrol at 11:30. Patrol consisted of 2 Spads (the Captain and Hoskier) and 5 of us with Nieuports. On account of the heavy thick clouds we got pretty well separated along the lines. Was with Haviland and Hinkle until my oil clutch began to freeze while we were at 3000 metres where the cold was very severe and then went down over Ham alone, made some observations, and came back thru snow and sleet arriving at 1:05. Haviland and Hinkle forced to land near Compeigne for lack of gasoline. Bigelow back before me. Hoskier landed at Mondider because of motor trouble. Parsons had to land at an English aviation field north of the Somme and got back late in the afternoon, and the Captain had to land east of Amiens on account of motor trouble. We had a patrol to make at 5:15 this afternoon consisting of Thaw, Johnson, Lovell and myself. We got all ready to leave but were ordered back at the last minute on account of a big wind storm approaching. It would have made my third flight to-day—a record for me. Was quite satisfied to remain on the ground tho on account of the bad weather. Wrote to Major Parker this morning about “Mac” not having been heard from up to to-day. Soubiran went to Paris this afternoon so I gave him the letter to mail there. Used an hour or so before dinner to write to Ralph Cooper and Miss Mooney. Miss Mooney, as my motherly marraine will be glad to learn that I’ve won a citation. No more news to-day about MacConnell. Rumor got to Paris yesterday that he was killed and I wounded by a bullet in my shoulder, was lying between life and death in the Amer. Ambulance at Nuilly. Don’t mind that report except that it will probably get to New York papers and cause a lot of anxiety to Mother and Rivers and the rest.
Fri. 23 963. Windy and cloudy. Escadrille on service both A.M. and P.M. but none went out until noon. Had to go then on account of expected German attack towards St. Quentin. Report came in from Regiment of French cavalry that they saw the fight MacConnell and I had on Monday morning and that Mac, instead of being attacked by one Boche machine, was attacked by two and was brought down towards St. Quentin and the chances are 9 to 10 that he is dead and not a prisoner. Had I seen all 3 enemy machines I certainly would have stayed close beside Mac and not gone up to attack the nearest but I only saw two and both were coming down towards Mac. The third must have been further back and hidden in the heavy mist. Wrote to Helen Harper late this morning and to Major Parker about MacConnell. Went out with Hoskier and Hinkle at 5 o’clock this afternoon for a short trip along our lines around Ham and St. Simon, Hinkle turned back soon after we started. Strong northeast wind was blowing a very thick mist and we had to fly very low to find our way at all and I had difficulty in following Hoskier at all. Back at 6 o’clock after being unable to make any adequate observations. Wrote to Paul Rockwell telling him the news about poor Mac. Mrs. Weeks certainly will grieve when she learns of it. Paul will write her about it she is still in the States. All America seems bent on declaring war on Germany very soon. Pres. Wilson has called Congress to session at an early date and will undoubtedly take strong measures. U.S. troops may be sent over to fight on French or Belgian soil and U. S. warships will probably have a naval base in one or more of the Allied Ports over here.
Sat. 24 Dreamed last night that I received a loving letter from beloved Gertrude with her photograph, Oh if that dream will only come true. Cold, windy and misty. News came in this morning that a body of French Cavalry found yesterday at Bois L’Abbe S.E. of Flavy Le Martel a badly smashed Nieuport with the body of MacConnell, dead about 3 days inside with no papers on him and a number of bullet wounds. The Germans evidently only searched his body for papers and then left him unburied. Bois L’Abbe was just back of the German lines up there the 20th. Went out on a reconnaisance patrol with the Captain, Hoskier, Parsons, Hinkle and Bigelow at 10:30. Went along the lines south and southeast of St. Quentin. Saw no Boche machines and little activity on the lines. Very windy and cold in the air. Left patrol when the rest headed back and went over to Bois L’Abbe to find Mac’s machine. Went very low and finally found the machine completely wrecked in a tiny orchard just on the southern edge of a town just west of Bois L’Abbé Detroit-Blue, by name. Circled over it and saw lots of French soldiers gathered around it. Mac certainly must have been killed in the air for he never would have attempted to make a landing in that small field. Walked down to St. Just late in afternoon for some exercise. Another American vessel sunk without warning by a German U-boat and 19 American lives lost. Teddy Roosevelt is trying to raise 100,000 volunteers to fight on European soil in case the States declare war and wants all Americans now serving France to be with him to help train the troops. Wish Teddy would come over here. Letter from Mr. Grundy demanding definite news about Mac so I have written him a full account of the affair. It was reported in N.Y. papers three days ago that Mac had either been killed or was missing after a flight over the lines. Captain went over to see about Mac’s body to-day and found he had been terribly mangled with the wreckage, his papers, boots, cap and flying suit taken by the Boches and his body left unburied beside his machine. He will be buried to-morrow in a coffin and placed in a grave beside the road where he fell. Village there is Petit Detroit instead of Detroit Blue. I made a mistake in the name on the map this morning. All honor to gallant Mac.