Table of Contents
This Means War
Opening in Prayer
Strategy 1: Your Passion: Getting It Back When It’s Gone
Strategy 2: Your Focus: Fighting the Real Enemy
Strategy 3: Your Identity: Remembering Who You Are
Strategy 4: Your Family: Fortifying the Lives of Those You Love
Strategy 5: Your Past: Ending the Reign of Guilt, Shame, and Regret
Strategy 6: Your Fears: Confronting Your Worries, Claiming Your Calling
Strategy 7: Your Purity: Staying Strong in Your Most Susceptible Places
Strategy 8: Your Pressures: Reclaiming Peace, Rest, and Contentment
Strategy 9: Your Hurts: Turning Bitterness to Forgiveness
Strategy 10: Your Relationships: Uniting in a Common Cause
Note Pages
Prayer Strategy Pages
This Means War
Table of Contents