Page numbers refer to the print edition.
Aaron, Hank, 15
Abilene TX, 255
Affirmed, 57, 125–27, 130, 168, 200, 215, 246–51, 262
Alfano, Ronnie, 105
Amberoid, 175
Ambitious Ruler, 205
American Can Company, 8
Anderson, Dale, 77–78
Angelos, Peter, 95
Aqueduct, 117
Arcadia CA, 252
Arcaro, Eddie, 56, 114, 149–51, 174, 181, 264
Archer, Raymond, 22–23, 131, 191, 277
Arizona, 117
Arnaz, Desi, 114
Asmussen, Cash, 180
Aspro, 273–74
Association of State Racing Commissioners, 52
Axthelm, Pete, 174
Ball, Lucille, 114
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, 65
Baltimore Sun, 15, 52, 65, 100, 191, 212
Barber, Red, 97
Barrera, Laz, 247–48, 251, 262
Bartos, Rich, 15
baseball, 13–15, 21, 56, 67, 94–97, 99–100; and American League, 98; and National League, 97, 137; and pennant, 97–98, 137; and World Series, 21, 46, 97–98, 128, 138
Bear Arms, 196
Belmont Park, 121, 208, 210, 222, 227, 231, 240; and Champagne Stakes, 126, 128, 208, 213; and Jockey Gold Cup, 247–48, 251, 265; and Woodward Stakes, 63
Belmont Stakes: and Andrew Beyer, 175; and Angel Cordero Jr., 213, 269, 299; and Buddy Delp, 268, 300; and Harry Meyerhoff, 210, 216, 238, 244–45; and Ronnie Franklin, 1–2, 205, 210, 225–27, 232, 278; and Ruben Hernandez, 296; and Spectacular Bid, 214, 225–27, 233, 265–66; and Willie Shoemaker, 256, 296, 300, 302
Berardi, Wayne, 35
Bethlehem PA, 65–66
Bettis, Charlie, 251
Beyer, Andrew, 175–77, 194–95, 206–7
Big Vision, 204
bloodlines, 63–64, 89, 227, 306
Bluegrass Stakes, 164
Blum, Jerome, 195–96
Blum, Walter, 151
Bold Forbes, 179
Bold Road, 197
Bold Ruckus, 197
Bosley, John, 285–87
Boston Globe, 175
Boston Red Sox, 128
Bowie Race Track, 33–35, 57, 94, 99
Breeders’ Cup Classic, 63
Broad Brush, 63
Brooklyn Dodgers, 97
Brown, John Y., Jr., 178
Brown, Willie, 59
Brummel, 21
Bryant, Bear, 23
Burch, Preston, 82–83
burr bit, 129
California, 100, 139, 255, 288–89
California Breeder Stakes, 167
Calumet Stable, 220
Campbell, Chris, 195, 281, 283
Campbell, Gordon, 167
Campbell, Robert, 195–96
Campbell, Shirley, 110–13, 132–33, 195–96, 282
Canino, Edwin, 109–10, 112–13, 196
Cannonade, 179–80
Cauthen, Stevie, 35; and Champagne Stakes, 126–27; and Harry Meyerhoff, 174; and horse racing, 211, 295–96; and Laurel Futurity, 130; and Ronnie Franklin, 125, 131–32, 136, 184, 211, 246
Center Stage (Baltimore MD), 72
C’est Sufi, 21
Charles H. Strub Stakes, 257–60
Charlestown WV, 110
Christmas, Billy, 219
Cincinnati Reds, 97
City College, 65
civil rights movement, 139
Clever Trick, 131
Coastal, 226–27, 229, 233, 235–36, 238, 247–48, 250
cocaine: and addiction, 246, 270–71, 280, 289; and Buddy Delp, 39, 133, 203, 239, 243; and Gerald Delp, 133, 147–48, 164, 203, 292–93; and the media, 243; and Middleburg, 34–35; and popular culture, 158–61; possession of, 242–44; and Ronnie Franklin, 2, 107, 133, 147–48, 157, 164, 178, 239, 278; and Teresa Meyerhoff, 164, 298
Cohen, Morton, 65
Cohen, Richard, 76
Colwill, Fred, 204–5
Community Research and Development Company, 69
Cooper, Rich, 15
Cordero, Angel, Jr.: and aggressive tactics, 136, 142–43, 150–51, 183, 197, 200, 208–9, 226; and baseball, 137; and Belmont Stakes, 213, 237–38, 244, 268–69; and Buddy Delp, 148, 200, 210–11, 216; and catastrophic injury, 299–300; and Georgie Velasquez, 149, 151–52, 157; and Greg McCarron, 208; humiliation of, 237; and Jacinto Vasquez, 123, 141–42, 151, 295–96; move of, to mainland, 139; and prejudice, 139–40; and reckless behavior, 213, 265; and Ronnie Franklin, 142–43, 150, 179, 183, 197, 199, 201–2, 208, 211, 225–26; and training, 138
Cordero, Mercedes Hernandez, 137–38
corruption: and horse racing industry, 51–54, 276; political, 74
Cosell, Howard. 180, 184, 200–201
Crimson, 175
Croatoan, 205
Cronkite, Walter, 178
Cullum, Walter “Tony,” 8, 12, 89, 277–78, 291–92
Cusimano, George, 30–35, 37, 103
Daily Racing Form, 217
DeBerry’s Ticket, 25
Delaware Park, 17, 30, 32–35, 104–5, 108, 117, 128, 246
Delp, Annette, 276–77
Delp, Gerald: adolescence of, 29–30; and Buddy Delp, 24, 29, 59, 275–77; and Cathy Rosenberger, 59; and drug addiction, 107, 147, 161, 164, 200, 203, 252, 274–75; and drug rehabilitation, 275; felony charges against, 271; and parental physical abuse, 253–54; and Ronnie Franklin, 58, 103, 161, 203, 207, 252
Delp, Grover “Buddy”: and abusive parenting, 253–54; ambition of, 29, 232; and Belmont Stakes, 224–25, 236–38, 268, 300; and deceit, 31, 35, 133, 242–44; and drug use, 39, 105, 107, 164, 178, 191, 271; early career of, 20–25; explosive temper of, 104–6, 145, 148–49, 156–57, 190, 209; and George Cusimano, 30–34; and Gerald Delp, 59, 270, 275–77; and Harry Meyerhoff, 261–63; and illegal practices, 27–28, 216, 222, 225; and Kentucky Derby, 165–66, 184, 186; and overcoming adversity, 20–21; and Preakness Stakes, 200; public persona of, 4, 23, 28–29, 31, 108, 131, 147, 154; and Raymond Archer, 22; and Richard “Dicky” Duncan, 37–41; and Ronnie Franklin, 2–4, 20, 42, 59, 104–5, 209, 239–42, 270, 278; and Spectacular Bid, 129–30, 225; training methods of, 23–28, 30; and Wayne Berardi, 35–36
Delp, Regina, 30
Delp, Richard “Dick,” 21, 25, 44, 273–74
Dinner Party Sweepstakes. See Dixie Handicap
Disneyland (Anaheim CA), 242, 246, 275, 301
Dixie Handicap, 46
Dorsey, Jeanne Blackistone, 75
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 158
Dr. Patches, 263
drug addiction, 33, 59, 95, 158–60, 257, 287–88, 301
drug culture, 32, 35, 58–59, 106, 158, 160, 243
Duncan, Richard “Dicky,” 37–41
Dundalk Eagle, 189
Dundalk MD: and family, 9–10, 28, 44, 92, 103, 281; history of, 7–12; and manufacturing and steel industry, 8–11, 65; reputation of, 12; and Ronnie Franklin, 65, 79–80, 124, 130, 146, 167, 174, 188–91; and working class, 14, 17, 28, 203, 239, 245, 381
Duran, Roberto, 141
Dutrow, Richard, 105
Eastern Shore of Maryland, 13, 49; and Fair Hill Training Center, 287; and Hawksworth, 62, 78, 135, 179, 181, 188–89, 298, 302
Eclipse Award, 132, 167, 206, 248, 257, 261
Edmondson Village Shopping Center, 69
El Comandante Race Track (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 230
Fair Grounds (New Orleans LA), 270
Fair Hill Training Center, 287
Faneuil Hall (Boston MA), 70
Fantasy ’n Reality, 144
Fayette County (KY) House of Detention, 271
Federal Express, 270–71
Feta Cheese, 204
Feustel, Louis, 166
fire: at Barn 21, 19–21; at Old Clubhouse (Pimlico), 57–58
Firestone, Diana, 27
Fitzhugh Farm, 63
Fitzsimmons, Jim “Sunny,” 115
Flannery, Vaughn, 53
Florida Derby, 135–36, 144, 153–55, 167, 180, 199, 225, 268
Flying Paster, 166–67, 178–84, 198–99, 253, 255, 258–60
Forego, 261–62
Franklin, Carolyn, 15–16
Franklin, Marian, 8–9
Franklin, Ronald “Ronnie”: arrest of, 242–43; and Belmont Stakes, 1–2, 205, 210, 225–27, 232, 236–38, 278; and Buddy Delp, 104, 238–42, 253; career of, 86, 93–94, 109, 131–32, 192; childhood of, 12–17; and Chris Campbell, 280–81; and Cia Carter, 284–85, 289; death of, 289; downfall of, 242–43, 246, 272–73, 283; and drug addiction, 107, 87–88, 150, 157, 161–64, 203, 244–46, 252, 279–80; and drug rehabilitation, 280, 288–89; and fatherhood, 281–82; and father’s death, 277–78; felony charges against, 271; and Gerald Delp, 58–59, 103, 203; and Hank Tiburzi, 18, 42–43, 133–34; and Harry Meyerhoff, 244–45; and high school, 15–17; and Jane Rettaliata, 279–81; and Kentucky Derby, 185; as “Outstanding Apprentice Jockey of the Year,” 132; and Pimlico Racetrack, 4, 42–44, 93; and Preakness Stakes, 200; and Shirley Campbell, 112–13, 132, 195–96; and Spectacular Bid, 89, 103, 109, 131–32, 150, 192; and Tyann, 273–74
Franklin, Tony, 8, 12–13, 44, 79–80, 103, 133, 159, 283
Frankoviak, Anthony. See Franklin, Tony
Franks, John, 221
Fuller, Peter, 170–71
Fully Loaded, 205
Gallant Best, 233–34, 245, 248
Gallant Man, 256
gambling, 57, 95, 111, 173, 175–76, 277
General Assembly, 130–31, 180, 182–84, 198–99, 201–2, 233–35
George, Phyllis, 178
George Washington University (Washington DC), 228
Gerry, Martha, 261–62
Glorious Song, 261
Golden Act, 180, 198, 200, 236
Golden Gloves, 255
Goodman, Lenny, 126
Governor’s Gold Cup, 170
Graham, Barbara, 80–84, 86, 100–101, 186, 246, 278, 306
Graham, Donald, 175
Gravesend Course (Coney Island NY), 46
Green Tree Stable, 220
Gummo, 166–67
Gustines, Heliodoro, 116
Hall, Mo, 27, 101, 181, 191, 200, 213–14
Hammond, William R., 46–47
Harborplace (Baltimore MD), 70, 188
Harford County MD, 21, 52, 63, 99
Hartack, Bill, 168
Harthill, Alex: and Alexis Harthill, 220; arrest of, 217; ban of, from Belmont, 222; and Buddy Delp, 216–17, 222, 275; and Dancer’s Image, 169–71; and Gerald Delp, 275; and Jimmy Stewart, 240–41; and Judith Zouck, 219–23; and Mark Reid, 218–19; and Spectacular Bid, 216, 225, 233, 240–41, 267, 275, 278
Harthill, Alexis, 220
Haskell Handicap, 261
Havana, Cuba, 247
Havre de Grace MD, 264
Hawley, Sandy, 180, 198, 200, 236
Heritage Stakes, 132
Hernandez, Ruben, 140–42, 148, 229–33, 237–38, 249, 293, 296
Heyman, Nate, 190
Hill Rise, 167–68
Hippodromo Presidente Remon (Panama), 229–30
Hispanics, 113–15, 149, 185, 293
Hollywood Park, 260
Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character), 158
Horseman’s Benevolent Association, 99
“Horse of the Year,” 27, 132, 247, 251, 260
horse racing: and addictions, 94, 99; business of, 123, 213, 297; and fame, 92, 115, 125, 174, 203, 251; Hall of Fame of, 82, 300; history of, 17, 45, 48; interest in, 63; politics of, 75; regulation of, 47, 51–52; as sport, 88, 114, 211, 213, 279
I Love Lucy, 114
Instant Love, 102
integration, 66
Iron Liege, 256
Jacobs, Joe, 282–83
Janney, Stuart, Jr., 55
Jazz Age, 64
Jewish community (Baltimore MD), 65, 67, 75
Jim Crow era, 85
Jockey Gold Cup, 170, 247–48, 251, 265–67
Jockey’s Hall of Fame, 29, 56, 100, 198, 247, 291
Johnson, Judy, 214
Jolley, LeRoy, 27, 121–23, 180
Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall (Baltimore MD), 72, 188
Keeneland Fall Yearling Sale, 63, 164, 218–19, 221, 273
Kentucky Derby, 1, 46, 123, 126, 135, 137, 165; and racism, 170–72, 192–93
The Kid (Axthelm), 174
King, Coretta Scott, 170
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 70, 170
King Celebrity, 180
Kittiwake, 120
Kovens, Irvin, 74–77
Krone, Julie, 270
Lane, William Preston, 52–53, 57
Lang, Chick, 110
Lapidus, Morton, 65
“Latin Invasion,” 115
Latinos, 109, 113–14, 139, 238
Laurel Race Track, 19–23, 26, 30, 34, 48, 55–57, 103, 131, 293
Leatherbury, King, 190
Lehigh University (Bethlehem PA), 65–66
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 141
Levitt, William, 67
Liberty Bell Park, 176
Lorine, 208
Louisville Courier-Journal, 193
Louisville KY, 166, 170–73, 177–78, 194, 221
MacPhail, Larry, 95–100
Madfis, Theodore, 66
Malibu Stakes, 257
Mandel, Barbra “Bootsie,” 75–76
Mandel, Marvin, 74–77
marijuana, 14, 32, 106, 158, 160, 164, 298
Marlow, Horace “Junie,” 87–88, 91
Martens, George, 210
Martin, Billy, 128
Maryland Jockey Club, 45–48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 64
Maryland Racing Commission, 48, 50–52, 205
McCarron, Chris, 29, 32, 36, 100, 148
McCarron, Greg, 208
McDonough School (Owings Mills MD), 228
McHargue, Darrel, 148
McKay, Jim, 149–51, 184, 200, 301
Meadowlands (East Rutherford NJ), 128, 247
Meyerhoff, Harry: and Belmont Stakes, 210, 216, 238, 244–45; and Buddy Delp, 261–63; business interests of, 77–78, 297; and drug use, 245; and Hawksworth Farm, 62, 78, 135, 179, 181, 189, 298, 302; and Kentucky Derby, 187, 192; and Marilyn Meyerhoff, 60–63; and philanthropy, 72; and Preakness Stakes, 192–93; public persona of, 192; and Spectacular Bid, 64, 192; and Teresa Meyerhoff, 3, 61–63, 78; and thoroughbred ownership, 31, 89, 145
Meyerhoff, Jacob “Jack,” 69–72
Meyerhoff, Joseph, 10, 68, 72–73, 188
Meyerhoff, Marilyn, 60–63
Meyerhoff, Morris, 68
Meyerhoff, Robert, 31, 63, 77–78
Meyerhoff, Teresa: and Antioch College, 61; and drug use, 164, 245; and Harry Meyerhoff, 3, 61–63, 78; and loss, 236, 298; public image of, 174, 184–85, 189, 265
Meyerhoff, Tom, 3, 189, 216, 238, 297–98
Middleburg VA, 79–80, 84, 87–89, 91–92, 102, 155, 186, 238
Monmouth Park (Oceanport NJ), 260–61
Morris Park Racetrack, 46
Mueller, George J., 77–78
Mystic Era, 233
Nebraska, 117
Never Enough (Grisel), 160–61
Newsweek, 174
New York Racing Association, 261, 264–65, 267
New York Times, 176
New York Yankees, 128
Nixon, Richard M., 54
O’Conor, Herbert, 51
O’Henry’s Irish Pub, 60
Old Hilltop. See Pimlico Race Track
Olesker, Michael, 54
one-race contracts, 119
Onion, 225
Oriental Park (Havana, Cuba), 247
Panama City, Panama, 229–30
Panamanian jockeys, 115–17, 121, 127, 141, 224
Parole, 46
Parsons, Paula, 87
Pasadena (CA) Independent-Star News, 166
Passmore, Bill, 29
Penna, Angel, 210
Persian Emperor, 64
Pettibone, John S., 85
Phillips, Mackenzie, 161
Phipps, Dinny, 210
Picking Winners (Beyer), 176
Pierce, Don, 167, 179, 184, 260
Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, 65–66
Pimlico Race Track, 58, 102; and corruption, 54; history of, 44–51, 55, 65; and narcotics raid, 51; and Old Clubhouse, 55–57; and Preakness Stakes, 31, 46, 57, 123, 192–93, 200; and Ronnie Franklin, 4, 42
Pincay, Laffit, 121, 180, 198, 247, 250
Pistorio, Don, 287
Pitts, Clinton, Jr., 205
Playboy, 172
poker, 106, 133, 175, 235, 277
Polinger, Milton, 27
Pope, Edwin, 193
Pope, George, 168
Port Ebony, 128
Povich, Shirley, 175
Preakness Stakes, 31, 46, 57, 123, 192–93, 200, 264
Puerto Ricans, 117–20, 136–37, 139, 185, 201, 209, 225
Puerto Rico, 136, 139, 230, 237
racism, 53–54, 73, 117, 121, 158, 169
Reed, Billy, 193
Regan, Scott, 104–5
Relaunch, 258–60
Rettaliata, Jane, 279
Rettele, Loren, 180
Rickey, Branch, 9
Ridder, Bernard “Ben,” 166
Rodgers, Marian Elizabeth, 67
Rosenberger, Cathy, 24, 34, 42–44, 58–59, 106, 134, 156, 162, 293
Rouse, James W., 69–71
Rudacille, Deborah, 10–11
Ruffian, 120
Salvation Army Rehabilitation Clinic, 288–89
San Felipe Handicap, 167
San Fernando Stakes, 258–59
Santa Anita Derby, 167
Santa Anita Handicap, 253
Saturday Night Fever, 159
Scanlan’s Monthly, 172
Schaefer, William Donald, 75, 189
Schapiro, John D., 20
Screen King, 178, 180, 184, 198–99
Seattle Slew, 57, 128, 169, 180, 262, 264
Secretariat: and Belmont Stakes, 224–25, 234, 300; and Kentucky Derby, 169, 180–81, 183–84; and Laurel Futurity, 130–31, 136; and Lucien Laurin, 180, 232; and Preakness Stakes, 200; retirement of, 108, 302; and Ron Turcotte, 212; and Spectacular Bid, 262, 267–68; and Stevie Cauthen, 130, 136; and Triple Crown, 31, 57
Segal, Henry, 60
Seven No Trump, 64
Shoemaker, Willie, 124–25, 148, 168, 174, 244–49, 254–61, 263, 278, 299–300
Silberman, James, 172
Sir Ivor Again, 143–44
Ski Pants, 208
Small, “Dicky,” 63
Smith, R. A., 251
Spectacular Bid, 2–3, 6, 91; and Belmont Stakes, 214, 225–27, 233, 247, 265–66, 269, 295; and Buddy Delp, 131–32; career of, 258, 260, 268; death of, 302; and Eclipse Award, 132; and Georgie Velasquez, 127–29; and Gerald Delp, 101; and Harry Meyerhoff, 64, 131, 164, 244; injury of, 214–16, 240; and Jockey Gold Cup, 265–67; and Kentucky Derby, 184; and Preakness Stakes, 200; retirement of, 267–68; and Ronnie Franklin, 89, 103, 109, 129–31, 150, 278; talent and speed of, 102–3, 123–24, 165; and Willie Shoemaker, 244
Sports Illustrated, 115
Starr, Blaze, 194
Steadman, Ralph, 172–73
steel mills (Dundalk MD), 8–11, 13
Sterne, Joseph R. L., 65
Stevens, Woody, 120
Studio 54, 159–60
Sun in Action, 175
Taylor, Robert J., 180
Teague, Donald, 112
Temperence Hill, 263
Ten Broeck, 46
Thompson, Hunter S., 170, 173, 175, 177–78
thoroughbreds: and brutal practices, 27–28; handling of, 25, 87, 282; health of, 169, 240; and Keeneland Fall Yearling Sale, 63–64; ownership of, 28, 51, 99, 166, 263; and racing, 46, 51, 116, 130; and training, 82–83, 91; and winning, 216, 261
Tiburzi, Hank, 17–18, 42–43, 133–34
Tiburzi, Lucy, 17
Timbo, 259
Tired Castle, 101
Tom Ochiltree, 46
“Trainer of the Year,” 251
Triple Crown races, 115, 124, 126, 153, 227, 296
Turner, Billy, 180
University of Maryland, 12
Ussery, Bobby, 169
Valdez (horse), 260
Vanderbilt, Alfred G., Sr., 48–49
Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne, Jr., 48–49, 51, 58
Vasquez, Jacinto: and Angel Cordero Jr., 123, 141–42, 151, 295–96; and Buddy Delp, 224–25; childhood of, 115; and drug use, 163; and fillies, 119–22; and Frank Whiteley Jr., 117–19; immigration of, to United States, 117; and LeRoy Jolley, 122–23; and Panama, 115–16; and racism, 117; and Ronnie Franklin, 151–54, 238; and Señora Gustines, 116
Velasquez, Georgie, 31, 125–26; and Angel Cordero Jr., 136, 149, 151–52, 157; and Belmont Stakes, 233; and Buddy Delp, 127–30, 148; and Champagne Stakes, 126–28; and collusion, 149, 151, 226, 299; and Ronnie Franklin, 136, 146, 226; and Spectacular Bid, 155, 257
Velasquez, Jorge. See Velasquez, Georgie
walkover, 263–64
Walsh, Eric, 95
Washington Park Handicap, 260
Washington Post, 33, 75, 175, 177, 206
Waters, Larry, 32
What a Summer, 26–27
White, Alix, 86–88
Whiteley, David, 227–29
Whiteley, Frank, Jr., 117–19, 227–29
Wide World of Sports (ABC), 149
Winter’s Tale, 263
Wolfson, Louis, 248
Woodward Stakes (Belmont Park), 261, 263
World’s Playground Stakes, 127, 226
World War II, 8–9, 20, 50, 66, 69–70, 98, 167, 214
Young, Dick, 202
Young America Stakes, 128
Zouck, Judith, 219–22