Chapter 22. Fast Tests, Slow Tests, and Hot Lava

The database is Hot Lava!

Right up until Chapter 19, almost all of the “unit” tests in the book should perhaps have been called integrated tests, because they either rely on the database, or they use the Django test client, which does too much magic with the middleware layers that sit between requests, responses, and view functions.

There is an argument that a true unit test should always be isolated, because it’s meant to test a single unit of software.

Some TDD veterans say you should strive to write “pure”, isolated unit tests wherever possible, instead of writing integrated tests. It’s one of the ongoing (occasionally heated) debates in the testing community.

Being merely a young whippersnapper myself, I’m only part way towards all the subtleties of the argument. But in this chapter, I’d like to try and talk about why people feel strongly about it, and try and give you some idea of when you can get away with muddling through with integrated tests (which I confess I do a lot of!), and when it’s worth striving for more “pure” unit tests.

If you’ll forgive me the pretentious philosophical terminology, I’m going to follow a Hegelian dialectical structure:

One of the things you often hear about unit tests is that they’re much faster. I don’t think that’s actually the primary benefit of unit tests, but it’s worth exploring the theme of speed.

And Unit Tests Drive Good Design

But perhaps more importantly than any of this, remember the lesson from Chapter 19. Going through the process of writing good, isolated unit tests can help us drive out better designs for our code, by forcing us to identify dependencies, and encouraging us towards a decoupled architecture in a way that integrated tests don’t.

The Problems with “Pure” Unit Tests

All of this comes with a huge “but”. Writing isolated united tests comes with its own hazards, particularly if, like you or I, we are not yet advanced TDD’ers.

Let’s step back and have a think about what benefits we want our tests to deliver. Why are we writing them in the first place?

I don’t think there are any universal rules about how many tests you should write and what the correct balance between functional, integrated, and isolated tests should be. Circumstances vary between projects. But, by thinking about all of your tests and asking whether they are delivering the benefits you want, you can make some decisions.

ObjectiveSome considerations


  • Do I have enough functional tests to reassure myself that my application really works, from the point of view of the user?
  • Am I testing all the edge cases thoroughly? This feels like a job for low-level, isolated tests.
  • Do I have tests that check whether all my components fit together properly? Could some integrated tests do this, or are functional tests enough?

Clean, maintainable code

  • Are my tests giving me the confidence to refactor my code, fearlessly and frequently?
  • Are my tests helping me to drive out a good design? If I have a lot of integrated tests and few isolated tests, are there any parts of my application where putting in the effort to write more isolated tests would give me better feedback about my design?

Productive workflow

  • Are my feedback cycles as fast as I would like them? When do I get warned about bugs, and is there any practical way to make that happen sooner?
  • If I have a lot of high-level, functional tests, that take a long time to run, and I have to wait overnight to get feedback about accidental regressions, is there some way I could write some faster tests, integrated tests perhaps, that would get me feedback quicker?
  • Can I run a subset of the full test suite when I need to?
  • Am I spending too much time waiting for tests to run, and thus less time in a productive flow state?

There are also some architectural solutions that can help to get the most out of your test suite, and particularly that help avoid some of the disadvantages of isolated tests.

Mainly these involve trying to identify the boundaries of your system—the points at which your code interacts with external systems, like the database or the filesystem, or the Internet, or the UI—and trying to keep them separate from the core business logic of your application.

Integrated tests are most useful at the boundaries of a system—at the points where our code integrates with external systems, like a database, filesystem, or UI components.

Similarly, it’s at the boundaries that the downsides of test isolation and mocks are at their worst, because it’s at the boundaries that you’re most likely to be annoyed if your tests are tightly coupled to an implementation, or to need more reassurance that things are integrated properly.

Conversely, code at the core of our application—code that’s purely concerned with our business domain and business rules, code that’s entirely under our control—this code has less need for integrated tests, since we control and understand all of it.

So one way of getting what we want is to try and minimise the amount of our code that has to deal with boundaries. Then we test our core business logic with isolated tests and test our integration points with integrated tests.

Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce, in their book Growing Object-Oriented Software, call this approach “Ports and Adapters” (see Figure 22-1).

We actually started moving towards a ports and adapters architecture in Chapter 19, when we found that writing isolated unit tests was encouraging us to push ORM code out of the main application, and hide it in helper functions from the model layer.

This pattern is also sometimes known as “The Clean architecture” or “Hexagonal Architecture”. See the further reading section at the end for more info.

I’ve tried to give an overview of some of the more advanced considerations that come into the TDD process. Mastery of these topics is something that comes from long years of practice, and therefore I’m grossly underqualified to talk about these things. So I heartily encourage you to take everything I’ve said with a pinch of salt, to go out there and find out what works for you, and most importantly to go and find the opinions of some real experts!

Here are some places to go for further reading.