Mishkin, Leo, 267
Mitchell, Millard, 351
Monash, Paul, 363
Monkey Business (film), 187
Monnot, Marguerite, 259, 263, 267, 360
Monogram studio, 161
Monroe, Marilyn, 240, 251, 331
look-alike in The Apartment, 240, 256
in The Seven Year Itch, 165, 168–71, 172, 174–75, 229, 355
in Some Like It Hot, 213–14, 217, 218–22, 225–27, 229, 299, 358
Monroe, Thomas, 29
Montagu, Ivor, 86
Montgomery, Gen. Bernard, 43, 50
Moore, Archie, 362
Moore, Michael, 353
Moreau, Jeanne, 269
More the Merrier, The (film), 100
Morgenstern, Joseph, 314–15
on Avanti!, 321
on The Front Page, 313
on The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 305
Moscow International Film Festival, 259
Motion Picture Export Association of America, 106
Mottola, Rafaele, 363
Moyer, Ray, 352
Mr. Roberts (film), 177, 213, 263
Mueller, Christine, 365
Muller, Ed, 60
Murphy, William, 352
Murray, Robert, 130
Murrow, Edward R., 174
Muse, Clarence, 350
musical scores
Ace in the Hole, 134, 135, 352
Avanti!, 363
Double Indemnity, 63, 67, 70, 349
The Emperor Waltz, 89, 90, 93, 95, 350–51
A Foreign Affair, 351
The Fortune Cookie, 362
The Front Page, 364
The Lost Weekend, 82, 83, 84, 349
Love in the Afternoon, 190, 191, 193, 195
The Major and the Minor, 38
Mauvaise graine, 11
Mauvaise graine [Bad Seed], 190
Midnight, 24
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 300, 303, 362
Sabrina, 354
The Spirit of St. Louis, 184, 185
Sunset Boulevard, 119–20, 125, 352
Witness for the Prosecution, 200
Music Corporation of America, 324
Music in the Air (musical film), 15, 31, 112, 270
Mussorgsky, Modest, 336
My Fair Lady (film), 299
My Man Godrey (film), 307
Naremore, James, 69
Nash, Jay, 205
National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures (NCOMP), 290–91
National Medal of the Arts, 343
anti-Nazi documentary in occupied Germany, 83, 85–86, 89
Chevalier and, 109
in Five Graves to Cairo, 46, 49
Lindbergh and, 178
in One, Two, Three, 249–50
in Stalag 17, 143–44, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152
Wilder’s hatred of, 102
Neff, William, 352
Negri, Pola, 41
Nesmith, Ottola, 357
Newman, Walter, 130, 131, 141, 353
Ninotchka (film), 22–24, 31, 127, 249
cast, 147
set design, 62
Silk Stockings derived from, 327
Nolan, Tommy, 361
Noran, Gustaf, 205
Norman, Barry, 229
Normand, Mabel, 110
Normann, Alessandro von, 363
Norris, Frank, 141
Norton, Cliff, 361
Nunn, Larry, 348
Nun’s Story, The (film), 325
Nurney, Fred, 348
Oberst, Walter, 351
O’Brien, Pat, 214, 215, 254, 308, 358
O’Connor, Una, 357
Octopus, The (Norris), 141
Odd Couple, The (play and film), 282, 283
Office of War Information (OWI), 83, 86, 97, 249
O’Flynn, Damian, 352
Oklahoma! (musical film), 188, 223
“Old Pornographer, The” (Dunne), 279
Olivier, Laurence, 295
O’Malley, J. Pat, 357
One, Two, Three (Wilder film), 245, 298, 359
Berlin Wall built during shooting of, 252–53, 258
budget, 257
cast, 248–51, 254, 311, 327, 359
characters and plot, 248, 249–50, 255–57, 359
critical reception, 257–58
The Front Page compared with, 312
Molnar play as source, 247–48, 249, 359
revival of, 259
screenplay/shooting script, 248, 249, 250–51, 253–54, 359
O’Neal, Eileen, 361
O’Neill, Dick, 364
Ora della fantasia, L’ [The Dazzling Hour] (Bonacci play), 269, 360
Orteig, Raymond, 178
Orth, Frank, 350
Oscars. See Academy Awards (Oscars)
Osmond, Cliff, 277, 288, 360, 361, 364
Pace, Judy, 362
Pacino, Al, 326
Page, Don, 355
Page, Mario, 199
Pain in the Neck [Ass], A (film), 333
Palmer, Patrick J., 361
“Pam-Pam” (Wilder script), 12
Paramount Pictures, 22, 27, 29, 37, 127, 196, 312
Ace in the Hole and, 130, 134, 139, 352
building dedicated to Wilder, 344
censorship and, 34
Crosby’s status at, 93
Double Indemnity and, 54, 55, 57, 61, 62, 349
The Emperor Waltz and, 91–92, 96, 350
first color films, 91
Five Graves to Cairo and, 44, 47
A Foreign Affair and, 100, 101, 107, 351
The Lost Weekend and, 71, 72, 75, 80, 83–84, 349
The Major and the Minor and, 347
Sabrina and, 153, 155, 164, 354
in silent era, 112
special effects department, 80
Stalag 17 and, 142, 143, 149, 151, 152, 353
Sunset Boulevard and, 111, 124, 352
Wilder’s status at, 42, 70, 85
Parker, Albert, 293
Parnell, Emory, 354
Parsons, Louella, 87, 113, 260
Payne, James W., 364
Pearce, Alice, 361
Pepper, Barbara, 361
Pereira, Hal
Double Indemnity and, 62–63, 349
Sabrina and, 354
Persoff, Nehemiah, 358
Petersen, Verita, 158
Petri, Elio, 318
Phantom of the Opera, The (film; 1925), 310
Philliber, John, 349
Picker, David, 329
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 325
Pierson, William, 354
Pinewood Studios (London), 298
Place in the Sun, A (film), 190
Plemizio, Gianfranco, 363
Pointer, Michael, 304
Poland, 2
Pollack, George, 298
Polo, Eddie, 6
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin), 251
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (film and Cain novel), 62
Powell, Michael, 298
Powell, William, 307
Power, Tyrone, 198–99, 201, 203, 208, 357
Powers, Tom, 349
Pozner, Andre, 234
Prager, Stanley, 351–52
Anatomy of a Murder, 183
in Stalag 17, 143–44, 148, 150, 271, 353
Preston Sturges Award, 343
Previn, André
The Fortune Cookie and, 284, 286–87, 361
Irma la Douce and, 262, 263, 267, 360
Pride of the Yankees (film), 206
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (film), 295
Prival, Bert, 351
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The (Wilder film), 291, 318, 332, 362–63
characters and plot, 294–95, 300–301, 302–4, 362–63
critical reception, 297, 304, 315, 321
as detective film archetype, 304–5
editing of, 300, 301–2, 305, 362
flashback in, 3
homosexuality in, 80, 296–97, 302
male friendship theme, 282, 295, 296–98, 308, 334
PG rating of, 302
screenplay/shooting script, 294, 295, 296–98, 300, 362
sneak previews, 239
Producers Guild of America, 343
Pryor, Arthur, 351
Psychological Warfare Division (PsyWar), U.S. Army, 85, 86, 97, 101
Public Enemy (film), 193, 215, 250
Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television, 140
Queen Kelly (film), 115–16
Querschnitt, Der [The Cross Section] (journal), 44
race and racism, 288–89
Raffetto, Michael, 352
Raft, George, 61, 214–15, 227, 250, 358
Rainer, Luise, 70
Rare Breed, The (film), 317
Raskin, Willie, 364
Rathberg, Bob, 364
Rathbone, Basil, 141, 294, 304
Rattray, Eric, 362
Raw Deal (film), 197
Raya, Bette, 365
rear-screen projection, 183
Reaver, Stan, 183
Redd, Ferol, 348
Reddish, Jack, 361
Redmond, Marge, 362
Red River (film), 201
Reed, Carol, 199
Reed, Don, 362
Regeneration (film), 122
Reid, Wallace, 115
Reis, May, 221
Reiss, Stuart A., 355
Rendine, Aldo, 363
Renoir, Jean, 44
Revill, Clive, 296, 317, 321, 362, 363
Reynolds, Zachary, 114
Riccio, Rinaldo, 363
Richardson, Cliff, 362
Richardson, Tony, 270
Richter, Kurt, 46–47
Rickards, Joseph E., 354
Rigby, Jonathan, 303
Riva, David, 327
Rizzo, Giacomo, 363
RKO Studios, 188
Robbins, Harold, 274
Roberts, Ralph Arthur, 200, 357
Robeson, Paul, 75
Robinson, Bartlett, 356
Robinson, Edward G., 214, 228, 250
in Double Indemnity, 61, 62, 349
Some Like It Hot and, 215
Robinson, Edward G., Jr., 215, 358
Robson, Mark, 133
Roden, Molly, 357
Rodgers, Richard, 153
Rogers, Ginger, 35, 36, 38, 42, 348
Roman Holiday (film), 156, 163, 325
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 42, 43, 44, 46–51, 113, 144
Roquemore, Joseph, 186
Rose Tattoo, The (film), 264
Ross, Frank, 103
Ross, Stanley, 205
Rosten, Norman, 220
Rotter, Fritz, 351
Rowan, Arthur, 181
Roxanne, 355
Double Indemnity and, 51, 63, 70, 349
Five Graves to Cairo and, 47, 63, 348
The Lost Weekend and, 76, 82, 83, 84, 349
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and, 298, 300, 303, 362, 363
Rugolo, Peter, 365
Ruman, Sig
in The Fortune Cookie, 284, 362
One, Two, Three and, 256
Russell, Lewis L., 350
Russell, Rosalind, 308
Rustichelli, Carlo, 318–19, 363
Sabrina (Wilder film), 152, 163–64, 165, 345, 354
Broadway play as basis of, 153–54
budget, 161
cast, 155–57, 189, 316, 332, 354
characters and plot, 162–63
production as ordeal, 158–61
screenplay/shooting script, 153–54, 160, 167, 182, 354
Sabrina Fair: A Woman of the World (Taylor play), 152, 153, 154, 315, 354
Saddest Music in the World, The (film), 138
Salome (R. Strauss opera), 120
Salome (Wilde play), 121
Samson and Delilah (film), 115, 122
Samuel Goldwyn Studios, 196, 201, 211, 220, 224
The Fortune Cookie and, 285
Samuels, Lesser, 130, 141, 353
Sanders, Troy, 350
Sarris, Andrew
on The Apartment, 243–44
on Avanti!, 321
on Fedora, 329
on Five Graves to Cairo, 49
on A Foreign Affair, 104
on The Front Page, 315
on Hawks and Wilder, 30
on One, Two, Three, 258
on The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 321
on Stalag 17, 150
Satana, Tura, 360
Saunders, Jack, 364
Save the Tiger (film), 311
Savoir, Alfred, 20
Scarfiotti, Ferdinando, 318, 363
Schamus, James, 242
Schell, Maximilian, 209
Schickel, Richard
on Double Indemnity, 53, 56, 62, 63, 68
on Fedora, 331
Schlöndorff, Volker, 177, 222, 242, 344
Schlüter, Hennig, 359
Some Like It Hot and, 216, 223, 357
The Spirit of St. Louis and, 183, 355
Schnitzler, Arthur, 4
Schorr, William, 119, 353, 356
Schrader, Paul, 53
Schubeck, John, 365
Schüfftan, Eugene, 7
Schulberg, Stuart, 106
Scott, Walter M., 355
Scott, Wayne, 353
The Apartment, 240, 245, 345, 358, 359
Avanti!, 363
Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife, 17, 19–22, 189, 230
Double Indemnity, 54–58, 68–69, 349, 373n66, 374n69
A Foreign Affair, 351
The Fortune Cookie, 362
Hold Back the Dawn, 56
Irma la Douce, 360
Kiss Me, Stupid, 361
The Lost Weekend, 70, 72, 74–75, 349
Love in the Afternoon, 356
The Major and the Minor, 35
Mauvaise graine [Bad Seed], 347
Music in the Air, 15, 31, 112, 270
One, Two, Three, 249, 250–51, 253–54, 359
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 295, 296–98, 300, 362
The Seven Year Itch, 354
Some Like It Hot, 213, 215–16, 230, 345, 357
Sunset Boulevard, 109–11, 115, 120, 125, 345, 352
Witness for the Prosecution, 357
screenwriters, 55–58, 92, 186–87, 199
cooperative efforts of, 31
transition to writer-directors, 31, 36, 345
Search, The (film), 113
Seaton, George, 77
Sebastian, Ray, 205
Seidman, Steve, 288
Double Indemnity and, 51, 62, 66, 70, 119, 349
Five Graves to Cairo and, 43, 45–46, 66, 119, 348
The Lost Weekend and, 74, 76, 77, 84, 119, 349
Sunset Boulevard and, 113, 116–19, 121, 352
Sellers, Peter, 271, 273, 279, 285, 299, 334
Selznick, David, 211
Sennett, Mack, 37
Sergeant York (film), 76
Seven, Johnny, 358
Seven Year Itch, The (Axelrod play), 164–65, 354
Seven Year Itch, The (Wilder film), 37, 175, 195, 217, 219, 354–55
Broadway play as basis of, 164–66, 354
characters and plot, 166, 172–73, 355
Legion of Decency opposition to, 171
opening credits, 171–72
screenplay/shooting script, 167, 171, 354
skirt-blowing scene, 168–69, 226
in Ace in the Hole, 136
in The Apartment, 231, 233, 243
in Double Indemnity, 54, 59, 64, 65, 70
in Five Graves to Cairo, 48, 49, 50
in A Foreign Affair, 98–99
in Irma la Douce, 266
in Kiss Me, Stupid, 274–75, 278, 279
in The Major and the Minor, 34–35, 39
in One, Two, Three, 256
in The Seven Year Itch, 166, 168–69, 172–73
in Some Like It Hot, 224, 226, 227
Wilder and Hollywood’s treatment of, 342
Shaggy Dog, The (film), 234
Shakespeare, William, 21, 71, 197, 250
Shane, Maxwell, 133
Sharp-Bolster, Anita, 350
Shaw, George Bernard, 342
Shawlee, Joan
in Some Like It Hot, 215, 240, 334, 358
Shawley, Robert, 354
Shayne, Konstantin, 348
Sheinberg, Sidney, 324–25, 326
Shelley, Joshua, 364
Sherlock Holmes (film; 1922), 293–94
Sherlock Holmes (Gillette play), 293–94
Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace (film), 296
Shertzinger, Victor, 38
Shoemaker, Ann, 362
Shores, Byron, 348
Shurlock, Geoffrey, 91, 146, 291, 302, 401n4
The Apartment and, 243
Kiss Me, Stupid and, 273–74, 276
Love in the Afternoon and, 191, 192, 263
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and, 294
The Seven Year Itch and, 166, 167, 169
Some Like It Hot and, 223
Sight and Sound magazine, 8, 125
Sikov, Ed, 77
silent cinema, 2, 26, 41, 79, 251
directors, 113
Normand scandal, 110
sexuality in, 117
Silk Stockings (Broadway play), 327
Sinclair, Upton, 141
Siodmak, Curt, 6–7
Sistrom, Joseph, 33, 53, 54, 55, 57, 349
Skaerved, Malene Sheppard, 106, 209
Skye Movies poll, 230
Smagghe, Andre, 359
Small, Edward, 196, 197–98, 209, 357
Smith, Charles, 348
Smith, Hal, 359
Smith, Patricia, 356
Some Like It Hot (Wilder film), 12, 101, 239–40, 357–58
Academy Awards and, 216
art of female impersonation in, 217–18
budget, 222
censorship code and, 264
characters and plot, 212, 225–29, 358
critical reception, 224, 228–30
Monroe’s difficulties on set of, 218–22, 256, 299
musical score/songs, 223, 312, 358
in National Film Registry, 343
other Wilder films compared with, 243, 245, 250, 309, 311
photography, 216, 218, 220, 222, 357
as remake of German film, 211–12, 357
screenplay/shooting script, 189, 213, 215–16, 230, 345, 357
sneak previews, 224
Somer, Yanti, 363
Sordi, Alberto, 317
sound films, arrival of, 8–9, 112, 113, 115, 178
Sova, Dawn, 263
Soviet Union, satirized in Ninotchka, 22–23
Space, Arthur, 356
Spellbound (film), 82
Sperling, Ronnie, 365
Spirit of St. Louis, The (Wilder film), 29, 37, 175, 177, 187–88, 261
budget, 183
critical reception, 185
The Front Page compared with, 309
screenplay/shooting script, 179–80, 182
wing-walking stunt in, 184
Spritzler, Raymond, 161
on Avanti!, 318
on Irma la Douce, 267
on Witness for the Prosecution, 201
Stalag 17 [Stalag XVII-B] (Bevan-Trzcinski play), 142–45, 154, 353
Stalag 17 (Wilder film), 213, 271, 353–54
Academy Awards and, 163
banned in Germany, 152
Bevan-Trzcinski play as source, 142–45, 353
budget, 147–48
characters and plot, 150–51
male friendship theme, 290
musical score, 149–50, 151, 353
as one of Wilder’s favorites, 152
screenplay/shooting script, 145–46, 149, 353
Stalin, Joseph, 23
in Double Indemnity, 61–62, 70, 349
in Remember the Night, 62
Star, The (film), 109
Star Machine, The (Basinger), 208
Steele, Freddie, 352
Steele, Gile, 351
Steinbrunner, Chris, 296–97, 303
Steinkamp, Fredric, 327, 328, 329, 365
Stephens, Robert, 293–95, 297, 299–300, 303–4, 362
Sternberg, Josef von, 100, 103
Sternhagen, Frances, 365
Stevens, George, 100, 167, 190, 263
Stevens, George, Jr., 141
Stevens, Naomi, 358
Stewart, James, 29, 178–86, 317, 356
Stiller, Mauritz, 41
Sting, The (film), 311
St. James, Helen, 75
Stone, George E., 214, 225, 358
Stone, Robinson, 353–54
Stothart, Herbert, 358
Stradling, Harry, Jr., 335, 365
Strasberg, Paula, 170, 174, 219, 220
Strauss, Robert, 147, 167, 353, 355
Streetcar Named Desire, A (film), 165, 334
Stroheim, Erich von, 12, 99, 115, 161, 225
in Five Graves to Cairo, 43–45, 46, 50, 144, 348
on realism in cinema, 341
in Sunset Boulevard, 51, 113, 117, 125, 126, 214, 352
Stuart, Arlen, 361
Studlar, Gaylyn, 70
Stunde, Die [The Hour] (Viennese tabloid), 3
break with Paramount, 70
career decline of, 97
on cheating, 269
on chivalry, 231
The Lady Eve, 36
Remember the Night and, 62
on screenwriters, 31
Sullivan, Father Patrick, 243, 264, 274, 290
“Sunny Goes Home” (Kilbourne), 33, 347
Sunset Boulevard (Wilder film), 25, 51, 131, 147, 332, 352
Academy Awards and, 119, 125–26
cast, 111–16, 122, 214, 327, 352
characters and plot, 121–24, 233, 352
musical score, 119–20, 121, 352
in National Film Registry, 343
as one of Wilder’s favorites, 152
other Wilder films compared with, 198, 289, 322, 325
rear-screen projection in, 183
screenplay/shooting script, 109–11, 115, 120, 125, 155, 345, 352
sneak previews, 120–21
as producer of Sunset Boulevard, 115
in Sunset Boulevard, 112, 114, 116, 117–18, 124, 352
Swanson, H. N., 54
Tales of Hoffman (film), 298
Talking Pictures (Corliss), 104
Taylor, Elizabeth, 245
Taylor, Samuel, 153–54, 315, 354, 363
Taylor, William Desmond, 110
Teal, Ray, 353
Technicolor, 91, 92, 350, 360, 364, 365
television, 112, 209, 251, 284
Temple, Shirley, 34
Terry, Alice, 118
Teufelsreporter, Der [The Daredevil Reporter] (film), 6
Thatcher, Torin, 357
That Lady in Ermine (film), 96
Thief of Bagdad, The (film), 47
Thomas, Bob, 144
Thomas, Frankie, 348
Thomas, Kevin, 338
Thompson, Thomas, 278
Thornton, Frank, 363
Three Coins in the Fountain (film), 167
Three Comrades (film), 43
Titanic (film; 1953), 127
Todesmühlen, Die [Death Mills] (Wilder/Borger documentary film), 85–86
To Each His Own (film), 100
To Kill a Mockingbird (film), 311
Toland, Gregg, 29
Tom Jones (Fielding novel), 270
Tom Jones (film; 1963), 270
Tonge, Philip, 357
Toones, Fred, 350
Torn Curtain (film), 296
Touch of Evil (film), 205
Tranquillo posto di campagna, Un [A Quiet Place in the Country] (film), 318
Transamerica Corporation, 322
Trapped! The Story of Floyd Collins (Murray and Brucker), 130
Trauner, Alexander
The Apartment and, 234, 237, 242, 244, 358
Love in the Afternoon and, 186, 190, 356
One, Two, Three and, 251–52, 253, 257, 359
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and, 298, 304, 362
Witness for the Prosecution and, 201–2, 357
Tremayne, Les, 362
Trouble in Paradise (film), 19
Truffaut, François, 11, 173, 195
Trzcinski, Edmund, 142, 145, 150, 154, 353, 354
Tucker, Harland, 352
Tufts, Sonny, 355
Turner, Adrian, 185
Turner, Lana, 62
Tuttle, Lurene, 361
Tutweiler, Thomas, 181, 183, 355
Twentieth Century–Fox, 15, 34, 55, 127, 196
Fedora and, 328
The Seven Year Itch and, 165, 168, 169, 171, 174, 354
Two Guys from Milwaukee (film), 187
“Two Views of a Director,” 140
Tyler, Parker, 68
Underwood, Agnes, 353
United Artists (UA), 196, 211, 246
The Apartment and, 232, 239, 243, 245, 358
The Fortune Cookie and, 286, 361
Kiss Me, Stupid and, 276
One, Two, Three and, 359
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and, 295, 301, 302, 362
Some Like It Hot and, 213, 214, 224, 357
Witness for the Prosecution and, 357
See also Mirisch Company
Universal Pictures, 6, 213, 311
Berlin office, 5
The Front Page and, 309, 311, 322, 363
Universum Film-Aktiengesellschaft [Universal Film-Production Company] (Ufa), 1, 8, 15, 22, 41
Dreier at, 62
A Foreign Affair in style of, 101
Jewish employees purged from, 10
Pommer at, 101
scriptwriters, 211
story department, 9
Wilder as screenwriter at, 187, 326, 333, 344
Untouchables, The (TV series), 214
Valentino, Rudolph, 43, 117–18, 119
Valley, Richard, 297
Van Huesen, James, 350
Varney, William, 363
Veevers, Wally, 362
Velsa, Paul, 347
Venice Film Festival, 140
Vermilyea, Harold, 351
Vertigo (film), 154
in The Emperor Waltz, 93
ravaged by World War II, 89
Vohs, Joan, 354
voice-over narration
in Ace in the Hole, 131
in Double Indemnity, 64
in Irma la Douce, 265
in The Lost Weekend, 81
in Love in the Afternoon, 192, 195
in The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 302
in Sabrina, 162
in The Spirit of St. Louis, 180
in Sunset Boulevard, 110, 116, 121
Vranitzky, Franz, 344
“Waiter, Bring Me a Dancer: The Life of a Gigolo” (Wilder article series), 4
Walker, Nella, 354
Wall, Jean, 347
Walsh, Frank, 279
Walsh, Raoul, 122
Walston, Ray, 240, 273, 358, 361
Walter, Ernest, 298, 299, 300, 302, 304
Walterschausen, Wolfgang, 7, 8
Wanger, Walter, 232
Ward, E. Clayton, 355
Ward, James, 361
Warner, Frank, 363
Warner, Jack, 75, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185
Warner Bros., 47, 75, 175, 177, 215
gangster pictures, 250
The Spirit of St. Louis and, 180, 182, 188, 355
Was Frauen träumen [What Women Dream] (film), 10
Waterman, Willard, 359
Watson, Bobby, 352
Watts, Charles, 356
Love in the Afternoon and, 190, 191, 195, 356
The Spirit of St. Louis and, 184, 185, 356
Sunset Boulevard and, 119–20, 121, 125, 352
Way We Were, The (film), 335
W.C. Fields (film), 324
Webb, Jack, 352
Wedding March, The (film), 44
Wedell, Susan, 361
Wee Willie Winkie (film), 34
Welles, Orson, 43, 90, 205, 291
Weltner, George, 152
Western films, 6, 188, 201, 251, 317
West Side Story (musical film), 283
Wheeler, Lyle, 355
Where I Live (film), 239
Where Love Has Gone (film), 274
White, David, 359
Whitney, Grace Lee, 360
Widmark, Richard, 194
Wilder, Audrey Young (second wife), 86–87, 92, 202, 280
in Love in the Afternoon, 356
Monroe and, 222
Wilder, Billy
Academy Awards and, 2, 84, 85, 151, 244–45, 323
affinities with characters in films of, 110, 129–30
American popular culture and, 13, 135, 177
awards received by, 1–2, 343–44, 407n4
in Berlin, 1, 4–10, 25, 27, 53, 74, 307, 334
directorial debut in Hollywood, 31, 34, 36–37
on director’s tasks, 33
disguise as recurring theme, 39, 42
early years, 2–5
English language and, 13–14, 15, 16, 130, 135, 146
on erosion of social values, 59
as film apprentice in Berlin, 5–6
final years, 341–44
on first scenes in pictures, 45
flight from Nazi Germany, 10
Hawks as collaborator, 29–31
on Hollywood as factory, 341
as Hollywood immigrant, 12–17
as jazz enthusiast, 3, 4, 30, 223, 239, 312
Jewish family background, 5, 10, 16
Leisen as collaborator, 24–29
Lubitsch as collaborator, 1, 20–24, 249
male friendship in films of, 68, 282, 290, 296–98, 308, 313, 333, 334
on moral messages in films, 244
on moviegoing audiences, 322, 342
naming of characters, 233
in New York City, 12
opinion of Americans, 193–94
Oscar nominations, 28
in Paris, 10–12
as producer, 216–17
recurring themes in films of, 138
reputation as world-class director, 345
sardonic humor of, 35, 84, 126
screenwriters’ relationships with, 56–57, 199
as scriptwriter, 1, 6–10, 15, 16–17, 19–20, 333
studio executives and, 148
upbeat endings to depressing stories, 81, 242, 289
on voice-over narration, 64
wisecracks and insults from, 155, 165, 188, 199
women, relationships with, 3, 16, 76, 86, 92, 301
Wilder, Eugenia (mother), 2, 21
Wilder, Hubert (half-brother), 3
Wilder, Judith Iribe (first wife), 16, 86
Wilder, Maximilian (father), 2, 5
Wilder, Victoria (daughter), 16, 86
Wilder, Wilhelm [Willie] (brother), 2, 12, 151
“Wilder, W. Lee,” 12
Wilder-Brackett script collaboration, 16–17, 26–27, 216
Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife, 17, 19–22
The Emperor Waltz, 89–91, 95, 96–97, 350
Five Graves to Cairo, 42–51, 348
A Foreign Affair, 98–99, 107, 351
Hold Back the Dawn, 24, 26, 27–29
The Lost Weekend, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74–75, 80, 349
The Major and the Minor, 34–41, 347
Ninotchka, 22–24
Sunset Boulevard, 109–11, 118–19, 120
Wilder-Diamond script collaboration, 187, 342–43
The Apartment, 231–32, 233, 358
The Fortune Cookie, 281–83, 282–83, 361, 362
Love in the Afternoon, 187–89, 356
One, Two, Three, 249, 250–51, 253–54, 359
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 294, 296–98, 362
Some Like It Hot, 189, 211, 212, 215–16, 228–29, 357
Williams, Charles, 239
Wills, Beverly, 358
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (film), 175
Wilson, Harry, 358
Winters, Ralph, 311, 312, 318, 327, 363, 364
Wisdom, Philip, 348
Wise, Robert, 154
Witness for the Prosecution (Christie short story and play), 196, 197–98, 199, 207, 357
Witness for the Prosecution (Wilder film), 196, 216, 236, 357
Academy Awards and, 208–9
characters and plot, 206–8, 357
cost of film rights, 261
film noir tradition and, 208
screenplay/shooting script, 197, 199–201, 357
Wolfe, Ian, 357
Wood, Ean, 103
Wood, Leo, 358
Wood, Sam, 117
Woolfolk, Alan, 59
World of Henry Orient, The (film), 334
Hollywood actors’ service in, 201
Lindbergh and, 178
sexuality and, 98
Stalag 17 set in, 142
Wilder films set in, 42–51
Worth, Lathrop, 350
Wrigley, Dewey, 351
Writers Guild of America, 186, 343, 345
Wuthering Heights (film), 29, 36
Wyler, William, 36, 85, 156, 245, 279
on death of Lubitsch, 96
Friendly Persuasion, 195
Wylie, Philip, 73
Yeck, Joanne, 342
York, Michael, 327, 330, 331, 365
Young, Mary, 350
Zanuck, Darryl, 165, 166, 167, 171, 174
Zerneck, Peter von, 351
Zinnemann, Fred, 7, 13, 245, 324
Academy Awards and, 151
on coming of sound movies, 8–9
From Here to Eternity, 151, 172
The Search, 113