6.4Open SQL Enhancements

In Chapter 5, you were already introduced to Open SQL enhancements that enable you to use ABAP CDS views in Open SQL statements. As of AS ABAP 7.4 SP5, there are many more extensions you can use to query and process your persistent data. With these extensions, Open SQL further approaches the full functional scope of the SQL 92 standard. This section provides a brief overview of the new Open SQL features.

One of the most significant extensions in Open SQL is the support of SQL expressions in the SELECT list and in the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses of SELECT statements. The operands of the expression can generally be fields of the data sources used, ABAP variables (host variables), or literals. In addition, new operators and SQL functions are supported, including the following:

Compared to ABAP CDS, SQL expressions can also be used as operands in the MAX, MIN, SUM, and COUNT( DISTINCT ) aggregation functions.

The definition of joins in SELECT statements also includes numerous extensions, for example:

To facilitate the implementation of queries in SELECT Open SQL statements, you can now also use ABAP inline declarations for the target area of SELECT statements. For this purpose, use a declaration expression with the DATA() declaration operator in the INTO clause of the SELECT statement (see Listing 6.16). The abbreviated <data_source>~* form enables you to add all fields of a data source to the SELECT list.

If you use one of the previously mentioned extensions in Open SQL, the syntax of the Open SQL statement is automatically checked in a strict mode. This includes stricter checks to ensure the accuracy of the statement. In the strict mode, previous syntax warnings are now syntax errors. It also includes new checks; for example, fields that are included in the HAVING clause of a SELECT statement must be listed in the GROUP BY clause. Furthermore, you must adhere to the following rules in the strict mode:

The strict mode is not only available for SELECT statements but also for all Open SQL statements. However, it only applies to the currently used statement and not automatically to all Open SQL statements of the compilation unit. If you want to benefit from the strict checks in your existing Open SQL statements, you can enable the strict mode by implementing minor changes to your statements. To do so, you only have to meet one of the rules just mentioned, for example, by adding the @ escape character in front of the used host variables.

[»]Strict Open SQL Mode

We recommend always activating the strict Open SQL mode. You can use the strict mode in Unicode programs in which the fixed point arithmetic program attribute is activated.

To demonstrate the usage of the new features, we check the total baggage weight of the individual flight classes of a flight through an Open SQL query (see Listing 6.16). The result includes all classes that exceed the maximum baggage weight. The flight that is to be checked and the upper limit for the baggage weight of a passenger of a class are specified in the lv_flight and lv_max_luggweight (economy class), lv_max_luggweight_b (business class), and lv_max_luggweight_f (first class) host variables. To make it easier to read the results, we transform the internal IDs of the flight classes into user-friendly constants using a CASE statement.

CASE booking~class
END AS class,
SUM( booking~luggweight ) AS luggage_weight
FROM sflight AS flight
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sbook AS booking
ON flight~carrid = @lv_flight-carrid
AND flight~connid = @lv_flight-connid
AND flight~fldate = @lv_flight-fldate
AND booking~class IN ( 'C', 'Y', 'F' )
WHERE booking~cancelled <> 'X'
( booking~class = 'Y' AND
SUM( booking~luggweight ) >
MAX( flight~seatsmax * @lv_max_luggweight ) )
OR ( booking~class = 'C' AND
SUM( booking~luggweight ) >
MAX( flight~seatsmax_b * @lv_max_luggweight_b ) )
OR ( booking~class = 'F' AND
SUM( booking~luggweight ) >
MAX( flight~seatsmax_f * @lv_max_luggweight_f ) ).

Listing 6.16New Open SQL Features

These Open SQL extensions provide you with numerous new options for accessing and manipulating your persistent data. In particular, the support of SQL expressions enables you to optimally leverage the strengths of your database for data processing.