Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
PART I The life and times of Mawdudi 7
1 A noble lineage (1903–19) 9
2 A ‘hidden power within me’ (1920–30) 25
3 Crisis of the spirit (1930–9) 42
4 The birth of a new party (1940–7) 57
5 The Pakistan years (1947–79) 70
PART II Mawdudi and political Islam 81
6 The need for ‘intellectual independence’ 83
7 The salafis 95
8 Mawdudi’s paradigms: the four sources of his Islamic constitution 109
9 Theo-democracy (or divine government?) 128
10 Jihad and the permanent revolution 146
11 Mawdudi’s legacy 161
Notes 178
Bibliography 190
Index 197