
Apply Grand Unification for Health

W HY DO PEOPLE get sick? How can they heal? To answer these questions, we must first understand what a human being and all life are made of.

Soul Heart Mind Energy Matter: The Sacred Process and Path

In the Tao teaching in this book, we emphasize a profound ancient sacred wisdom:

Everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen.

We explained in chapter one that a human being has three bodies: Jing Body, Qi Body, and Shen Body. Modern medicine focuses on the Jing Body. Through the study of anatomy in modern medicine, we can see the jing (matter) of the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. We can see the jing of the digestive system, urinary system, and many other systems.

When you are sick, you may see your physician, who may request blood tests to assist in diagnosis. Blood is jing. Blood tests reveal the biochemical changes in the jing within the cells. Your physician may also request an x-ray, ultrasound, or MRI for diagnosis. These tests reveal growths or inflammation in jing. Surgery is to remove growths, including cysts, tumors, cancer, and stones, which are all jing. Administering medication is another major treatment protocol in conventional modern medicine. Medications adjust the biochemical conditions in the cells, organs, and systems, which are jing.

In summary, conventional medicine focuses on the Jing Body, which is the matter body.

Traditional Chinese medicine and thousands of other healing modalities focus on the Qi Body, which is the energy body. You may have seen a traditional Chinese medicine chart of the meridians within a human being. Figure 5 on the following page is an example. Meridians are the pathway of qi or energy. The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic , the authority book of traditional Chinese medicine, states: If qi flows, blood follows. If qi is blocked, blood is stagnant.

In traditional Chinese medicine, pain, inflammation, and all growths, including cysts, tumors, and cancer, are blockages of qi and blood. Qi is energy. Blood is matter. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the Qi Body. It emphasizes that if the Qi Body is adjusted, then the matter body will be adjusted. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine and thousands of other healing modalities focus on the Qi Body, but they also address the Jing Body.

In 2006, I published Soul Mind Body Medicine: A Complete Soul Healing System for Optimum Health and Vitality 14 to create Soul Mind Body Medicine. Now, Dr. Rulin Xiu and I are co-creating Soul Mind Body Science System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality. The Soul Mind Body Science System focuses on the Shen Body. The Shen Body has three parts:

• soul

• heart

• mind


Figure 5. Meridians: pathways of qi

Let me emphasize again the key relationships among soul, heart, mind, and body (energy and matter):

• Soul leads heart.

• Heart leads mind.

• Mind leads energy.

• Energy leads matter.

When you understand this sacred process and path well, you will know how to:

• heal

• prevent sickness

• rejuvenate

• prolong life

• transform relationships

• transform finances

• increase intelligence

• open spiritual channels

• transform all life

• bring success in every aspect of life

• enlighten soul, heart, mind, and body

• move forward on the journey of immortality

I emphasize again some of the key teachings in chapter one.

The first secret and step in the sacred process and path is:

Qi Dao Xue Dao

“Qi dao xue dao” (pronounced chee dow shoo-eh dow ) means when energy arrives, blood arrives. This tells us that qi leads blood, or energy leads matter. Qi is the boss of blood.

The second secret and step in the sacred process and path is:

Yi Dao Qi Dao

Mind is consciousness. For example, when you put your mind on the kundalini, that is yi dao. Energy will then arrive at the kundalini. “Yi dao qi dao” (pronounced yee dow chee dow ) means when consciousness or mind thinking arrives, energy arrives. That is how meditation works. Millions of meditation styles in history can be summarized in this one sacred sentence:

Yi Dao Qi Dao

This tells us that mind leads energy. Mind is the boss of qi or energy.

The third secret and step in the sacred process and path is:

Xin Dao Yi Dao

“Xin” means heart. The heart has its own thinking. When the heart thinks, the message of the heart will be delivered to the mind. Mind is consciousness. The mind will respond to the message of the heart. “Xin dao yi dao” (pronounced sheen dow yee dow ) means when heart thinking arrives, mind, which is consciousness, arrives.

Much of the ancient wisdom and sacred teaching of traditional Chinese medicine came from traditional Tao teaching.

One ancient sacred phrase exactly explains the truth of this third secret and step in the sacred process and path:

Heart houses the mind and soul.

Therefore, when your heart has thinking or desire, your mind or consciousness will follow. Heart thinking leads mind thinking. Heart leads mind. Heart is the boss of mind or consciousness.

The fourth secret and step in the sacred process and path is:

Ling Dao Xin Dao

“Ling” means soul. “Dao” means arrive. “Xin” means heart. “Ling dao xin dao” (pronounced ling dow sheen dow ) means when soul thinking arrives, heart thinking arrives.

Soul is a light being. Soul is the essence of one’s present life. Soul is the essence of all of one’s hundreds and thousands of lifetimes. Here we are speaking about our main soul, which I call the body soul. For example, you are named David, Francisco, or Maya. You have your body soul. When your body soul wants to do something, your heart receives the message. Your heart will think, “I want to do something.” You may not know that your heart wants to do something because your soul has given that message to your heart. Your heart will think, desire, and plan to do that “something.” When your heart desires or wants to do something, your mind—which is your consciousness—will catch up with and align with your heart. Then, energy and matter will follow.

Let me explain the soul further. A human being has many souls in many layers. You have a body soul, souls of your systems, souls of your organs, and souls of your cells. Various cell units have various biochemical functions. Every cell unit within every cell has a soul. Every cell nucleus has a soul. Every molecule of DNA and RNA has a soul. Every smaller and smaller matter, including atoms, neutrons, leptons, and quarks, has a soul. Every space in the body, including the bigger spaces between the organs, the smaller spaces between the cells, and the tiny spaces between the matter in the cells, has a soul.

Millions of people understand the seven energy chakras. We are introducing the Wai Jiao (pronounced wye jee-yow ), the space in front of the spinal column from the top of the chest cavity to the bottom of the abdominal cavity. The Wai Jiao is the biggest space in the body. We are also introducing the Source energy channel and Source matter channel. These are also two of the most important spaces in the body. In this chapter, we will explain them further and teach how to clear soul mind body blockages and restore health in these spaces.

In summary, there is an ancient sacred phrase:

Wan Wu Jie You Ling

“Wan” means ten thousand. “Wu” means things. Wan wu denotes everyone and everything in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. “Jie” means all. “You” means has. “Ling” means soul. This sacred phrase, wan wu jie you ling (pronounced wahn woo jyeh y ling ), teaches humanity that everyone and everything has a soul.

All living things have a soul, including human beings, animals, trees, flowers, and more. Inanimate things also have a soul. Does a mountain have a soul? Yes. Does a pebble have a soul? Yes. Do herbs have a soul? Yes. When you open your advanced Third Eye and you hold herbs, fruit, or plants in your palm, you could be very surprised to see a golden light being above your palm. That golden light being is the soul of whatever you are holding in your palm.

Physical eyes cannot see the soul. I studied conventional modern medicine and received an M.D. in China. Our beloved conventional medicine has not studied the soul and does not recognize the soul. Therefore, it does not teach the soul. Most scientific fields have not recognized the soul. As Dr. Rulin Xiu and I have shown in chapter one, quantum science and quantum physics indicate that the essence of our existence is the soul. Soul is equivalent to information or message in all their applications.

Dr. Xiu explains soul mind body and sacred spiritual wisdom in a scientific way. I explain the Soul Mind Body Science System in a Tao way. This spiritual way and this scientific way are yin and yang. They join together and return to Tao.

Millions of people speak about body, mind, and spirit. Spirit is soul. A human being cannot survive without a soul. A human being cannot exist without a soul. No system, no organ, no cell can survive without a soul. The ancient wisdom is wan wu jie you ling. This is eternal wisdom from the time before time. Everyone and everything has a soul.

Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

There is an extremely important secret that billions of people are not aware of. In chapter two, I explained the Wu World and the You World. Tao Oneness is the Wu World. Heaven, Mother Earth, humanity, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes are the You World.

Tao creates Heaven and Mother Earth. Heaven and Mother Earth interact to create a new soul. Just as a man and a woman can create a physical baby, Heaven and Mother Earth are constantly creating new souls. These new souls cannot become a human being right away. Rather, they could go to a flower, be sent to a tree, go to a sofa, stay in a temple, or run around everywhere. A new soul experiences and learns about life. Without explaining in much detail, I will simply share that a human being’s soul has already had a long, long journey of soul development. In other words, before becoming a human being, a soul has, generally speaking, reincarnated many, many times in other forms.

Our beloved soul has a name:

A human being’s body soul is named Shi Shen.

Shi Shen (pronounced shr shun ) belongs to the You World. Shi Shen is a person’s body soul. Shi Shen is our soul that reincarnates. Sacred wisdom is that there is another soul that a human being carries. At the moment a human being’s father’s sperm and mother’s egg join together to create a zygote, Tao (the Source) creates a soul for this initial embryo. This soul is named Yuan Shen (pronounced ywen shun ). Yuan Shen is Tao. Tao is Yuan Shen.

Every human being has Yuan Shen, but most human beings cannot recognize Yuan Shen. The reason is negative karma, which are soul blockages and mind blockages, including negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, and attachments. Body blockages include energy blockages and matter blockages.

Soul mind body blockages block people from recognizing their Yuan Shen. Consequently, Yuan Shen normally cannot play its proper role in a human being, which is to help one understand one’s life purpose and reach Tao.

A human being reincarnates from one life to another. Who reincarnates? Shi Shen is the soul that reincarnates again and again. Before Shi Shen recognizes Yuan Shen, which is Tao, Shi Shen is in charge. Because Shi Shen itself has so many blockages, Shi Shen cannot recognize Yuan Shen. Shi Shen is in charge of your activities, behaviors, and life. However, Shi Shen is not your true boss. Your true boss is Yuan Shen, which is Tao. Yuan Shen is located in the Ming Men Area. The Ming Men Area is the sacred place between the kidneys.

A devoted spiritual being who does Xiu Lian will purify soul, heart, mind, and body further and further. One day your Shi Shen will have an “aha!” moment: “Wow! Tao is with me in this body. Why haven’t I recognized Yuan Shen before? I should have recognized this before.” The moment your Shi Shen recognizes Yuan Shen, you are enlightened. That enlightenment is named soul enlightenment.

Soul enlightenment means that your soul has been uplifted to at least the fourth, or lowest, saint’s layer in Jiu Tian, the first nine layers of Heaven. “Jiu” (pronounced jeo ) means nine. “Tian” (pronounced tyen ) means Heaven. In fact, there are countless layers of Heaven. There are countless layers of saints. In Jiu Tian, there are four layers of saints. The Divine is in charge of saints.

Shi Shen has done Xiu Lian continuously from lifetime to lifetime. Some people have been a human being for thousands of lifetimes—even millions of lifetimes. Shi Shen, which is one’s body soul, purifies and transforms in every aspect of life.

Shi Shen experiences and learns a lot in each incarnation as a human being. Shi Shen can have great knowledge in many areas of life. Shi Shen can also have negative karma, ego, and many other blockages. Therefore, Shi Shen does not listen to Yuan Shen. The more knowledge your Shi Shen has, the less your Shi Shen may listen to Yuan Shen.

Why do you need to listen to Yuan Shen? You need to listen to Yuan Shen to reach enlightenment and beyond. You may think you know a lot. You may think you are successful. You may think you are powerful. You may think you are in control. Because of these mind-sets, attitudes, ego, and more, the Xiu Lian journey is not easy. The enlightenment journey is not easy. Beyond enlightenment, there is advanced enlightenment. The more you continue to purify your soul, heart, mind, and body after reaching soul enlightenment, the higher the level of enlightenment you can reach, and the higher the level of saint you can become.

Why do you want to become a higher-level saint? The higher the level of saint you become, the higher the abilities you are given to be a better servant. Not every saint is given the healing power of Jesus. Not every saint is given the compassion power of Guan Yin. Not every saint is given the love power of Mother Mary. The saints’ layers are different. The Divine and Tao give saints different powers to serve according to their layers.

What is the ultimate enlightenment of the soul? Ultimate enlightenment of the soul occurs when your Shi Shen is completely aligned with Yuan Shen. Your Shi Shen will tell Yuan Shen, “I deeply apologize for my ego in the past. You are Tao. I am very sorry I could not recognize you earlier. You can guide me very well. You can bring greatest success for me and for my loved ones. My dear Yuan Shen, I want to be your humble servant. I want to be in complete alignment with you.”

Aligning your Shi Shen with Yuan Shen takes time. It could take hundreds of thousands of lifetimes for your Shi Shen to align completely with Yuan Shen. When your Shi Shen and Yuan Shen completely align as one, your Shi Shen and you have reached Tao. When you reach Tao, Heaven will not be able to congratulate you enough. You will be a Tao saint servant to empower others to reach Tao. To reach Tao could take a long, long time. The purification is very intense. Purification is the most sacred wisdom and practice to create soul healing miracles to transform all life.

Purify. Purify. Purify.

Ask for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness.

Chant. Chant. Chant.

Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.

Serve. Serve. Serve.

Reach soul enlightenment. Your Shi Shen realizes Yuan Shen is the true boss.

Be a humble servant to Yuan Shen.

Listen to and meld with Yuan Shen.

Completely meld your Shi Shen with Yuan Shen as fast as you can.

Tao Oneness. Tao Oneness. Tao Oneness.

Why People Get Sick

Now we will explain why people get sick.

The root cause of sickness is blockages in the soul. Soul blockages are negative karma. What is negative karma? One has made mistakes in all of one’s lifetimes. One’s ancestors have also made mistakes in all lifetimes. Mistakes include killing, harming, cheating, stealing, taking advantage of others, and more. Mistakes of all kinds create negative karma. When one and one’s ancestors have made mistakes, the truth of the You World is, “If you have negative karma, you must learn lessons.” I have offered teachings about karma in many of my books, including The Power of Soul: The Way to Heal, Rejuvenate, Transform, and Enlighten All Life.

Karma can be defined in one short sentence:

Karma is the record of services.

Karma can be divided into good karma and negative karma.

Good karma means that one and one’s ancestors have offered good services, with love, care, compassion, generosity, kindness, purity, integrity, grace, sincerity, honesty, and much more. Good service is to make others healthier and happier.

The good karma from this record of good services will bring one rewards in health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of life.

Negative karma means that one and one’s ancestors have offered unpleasant service through killing, abusing, cheating, stealing, taking advantage of others, and much more. Unpleasant service is to hurt or harm others.

The negative karma from this record of unpleasant services will bring one lessons, including sickness, difficult relationships, financial challenges, issues with one’s children, and blockages in every aspect of life.

In July 2003, I (Master Sha) was chosen as a divine servant, vehicle, and channel. I was given the divine honor and authority to offer Divine Karma Cleansing. I have created more than thirty Divine Channels who offer Divine Karma Cleansing services. Together, my Divine Channels and I have created nearly six thousand Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers around the world. Over the last eleven years, about one million soul healing miracles have been created by me, my Divine Channels, Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, and students applying my self-healing teachings and techniques. These soul healing miracles include transformation of many physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual sicknesses, as well as of many relationship and financial challenges.

In 2013, I began to write a new book series, the Soul Healing Miracles Series. The first book in this series, Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies, 15 was published in November 2013. That book and its practices with nine included Source Ling Guang (Soul Light) Calligraphies created thousands of soul healing miracles within the first few months of publication.

Soul blockages, which are negative karma, can explain why people get sick. Soul blockages can explain all kinds of challenges people face in life. An important one-sentence secret is:

What you are suffering in the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies, as well as your challenges in relationships and finances, is what you and your ancestors have caused others to suffer in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime.

All sicknesses and all other challenges are related with soul blockages from past lifetimes and this lifetime. Every body, every system, every organ, and every cell are made of jing qi shen. Jing qi shen is soul, heart, mind, and body.

Soul blockages are negative karma.

Mind blockages are negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, and attachments.

Body blockages are energy and matter blockages.

Soul blockages are the key and root blockages in a person’s life. Soul blockages could affect your health, emotions, relationships, finances, business, and more. In fact, soul blockages are the root cause of major challenges and failure in every aspect of life.

The one-sentence secret of soul healing that I have shared in my previous books is:

Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow.

Before a person becomes sick, the soul became sick first.

Now I am ready to share with every reader how to clear soul blockages (negative karma), mind blockages, and body blockages.

Secrets, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques to Heal the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies

We have just explained why people get sick. People get sick because they have soul mind body blockages. To heal is to remove soul mind body blockages. Our body soul is named Shi Shen. Shi Shen reincarnates lifetime after lifetime. Shi Shen carries negative karma. Every system, every organ, and every cell is made of jing qi shen. The souls of systems, organs, cells, and spaces inside the body could also carry negative karma. Negative karma is soul blockages, which cause sickness.

A human being, a system, an organ, and a cell all have a mind, which is consciousness. These minds could have blockages also. Mind blockages also cause sickness.

A body, a system, an organ, and a cell all have a body. All bodies include energy and matter. The important sacred wisdom to know is that matter blockages occur mainly inside cells, while energy blockages occur mainly in the spaces between cells.

There are two kinds of spaces: bigger spaces and smaller spaces. The bigger spaces are the spaces between the organs. The smaller spaces are the spaces between the cells. Energy blockages in the spaces and matter blockages in the cells and organs also cause sickness.

A human being, a system, an organ, a cell, a molecule of DNA or RNA, bigger spaces, and smaller spaces are all made of jing qi shen. As we have explained, soul, which is part of shen, is the boss. Soul is in the leading position.

Much of humanity understands and believes in the soul, but they only understand Shi Shen (body soul). They do not know of Yuan Shen. Shi Shen carries negative karma from all lifetimes. Yuan Shen is Tao. Yuan Shen does not carry karma. Yuan Shen has power to heal. People do not know that Yuan Shen can heal beyond words, comprehension, and imagination.

In 2007, I wrote the first book in my Soul Power Series. The Soul Power Series now has ten books. In 2013, I wrote the first book in my Soul Healing Miracles Series. All eleven of these books share profound soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform all life. At the end of this book, please read a brief synopsis of each book in my Soul Power Series and Soul Healing Miracles Series. Like this book, which is the second book in my Soul Healing Miracles Series, each of these previous books was directly flowed from Heaven.

At this moment, I am in Ramsau, Austria, where it is 10:40 p.m. on May 12, 2014. I am leading a Tao retreat with more than two hundred beloved students, including advanced students, Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, Divine Channels in Training, and several Divine Channels. I am flowing this book in front of them.

What does it mean to flow a book? For this book, for example, I first received a Soul Download of the book from the Divine and Tao. I received a Jin Dan, a golden light ball from The Source. This golden light ball carries all of the secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques of this book, Soul Mind Body Science System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality. I also downloaded this Jin Dan to my co-author, Dr. Rulin Xiu.

If you want to flow a book from Heaven, you need to receive a Divine or Tao Soul Download and open your spiritual channels. Then you turn on, or activate, your Soul Download. When I flow a book, a Heaven’s Team is also above me to guide and assist me. I am honored to share the names of some who are with me at this moment.

My Heaven’s Team for this book includes:

• Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo (Gautama Buddha)

• A Mi Tuo Fo (an emperor of buddhas)

• Maitreya (the “buddha of the future”)

• Guan Yin (the bodhisattva of compassion)

• Wen Zhu Fo (an incredible writer in the Buddhist realm)

• Peng Zu (the teacher of Lao Zi)

• Lao Zi (author of Dao De Jing )

• Yuan Shi Tian Zun (one of the three top saints in the traditional Taoist pantheon)

• Jesus

• Mother Mary

• St. Germain

• Albert Einstein

• Sir Isaac Newton

Eight other renowned scientists in history are also above my head. Our beloved Tian Wai Tian Divine (the Divine of the Bible), leaders of five higher-layer Divine Committees, the leaders of the first eight Heaven’s Highest Committees, The Source leader, Wu Ji Da Tao Source leader, Ultimate Wu Ji Da Tao Committee leader, and Ultimate Source leader are all above my head.

To flow this book is to turn on the spiritual Jin Dan that was downloaded to us from The Source. Dr. Xiu and I turn on this Jin Dan treasure, listen to the writing team, allow them to “borrow our mouths,” and flow out the contents, the secrets, the wisdom, the knowledge, and the practical techniques for this book.

To flow a book is a unique soul ability. The principle is to borrow the mouth and not use the mind. We can access the secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques for the entire book within the Jin Dan download. We can hear Heaven’s writing team, as well as guidance from the saints, the Divine, and Tao. After flowing one sentence, the next sentence is ready for us. Sentence after sentence flows out. When one paragraph is done, we can then hear the next paragraph clearly. Then, that next paragraph flows out.

I wish many of you will flow books yourselves in the future. The important wisdom to remember is that if you use your mind to think about the organization of the book or the words within the book, that is not a true flow. If you do not align with your Jin Dan and Heaven’s writing team, your body could feel funny. That is a signal from them to tell you that you are not in the flowing condition. In the future, I feel I could offer a retreat on how to flow a book. The teachings in such a retreat would include opening your spiritual channels, receiving and applying a book Jin Dan download, receiving and connecting with a Heaven’s writing team, and more. Then, more saints’ books, divine books, and Tao books will be produced on Mother Earth. This is Divine and Tao creation.


In addition to the ten books of my Soul Power Series and the first book of my Soul Healing Miracles Series (Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies ), I have written several other major books:

Zhi Neng Medicine: Revolutionary Self-Healing Methods from China

Soul Study: A Guide to Accessing Your Highest Powers

Sha’s Golden Healing Ball: The Perfect Gift

Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Soul Mind Body Medicine: A Complete Soul Healing System for Optimum Health and Vitality

Living Divine Relationships

Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light Ball: Transform You, Humanity, Mother Earth, and All Universes

Self Healing with Dr. and Master Sha

After releasing all of these books, which have helped create approximately one million soul healing miracles in the last eleven years, I will continue to share new secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to heal the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies in this and future books. If you have read my previous books, you can see clearly that my books are getting simpler and simpler. At the same time, the secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques are getting deeper and deeper.

Soul healing miracles for all life can be achieved faster and faster. I am delighted to share the vital secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques for healing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies in this book.

Forgiveness Practice

Forgiveness Practice is great wisdom and one of the most powerful practical techniques to self-clear one’s negative karma in all soul levels, including one’s body soul, system souls, organ souls, cell souls, DNA and RNA souls, souls of relationships, souls of finances, souls of businesses, souls of intelligence, souls of energy centers, souls of spiritual channels, souls of success, and more. Because everyone and everything, including every aspect of life, has its own soul, everything and every aspect of life can carry negative karma. Every aspect of life can be affected by negative karma.

To do Forgiveness Practice, apply the Four Power Techniques that I have shared in all of my books. The Four Power Techniques are Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power.

Body Power

Body Power is to use hand and body positions for healing. The one-sentence secret of Body Power is:

Where you put your hands is where you receive benefits for healing and rejuvenation.

For example, if you have knee pain, place a palm on the painful knee. If you have hypertension, put a palm over your heart. If you have anger, put a palm over your liver. Where you need healing is where to put your palm.

Soul Power

Soul Power is to say hello. You can say hello to inner souls that need healing, including the souls of your systems, organs, parts of the body, and cells. You can also say hello to outer souls, including saints, all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers, the Divine, all layers of Heaven, and Tao, as well as Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. They all carry incredible spiritual healing power. Invoke them to heal you.

The one-sentence secret of Soul Power is:

Apply Say Hello Healing and Blessing to invoke the inner souls of your body, systems, organs, cells, DNA, and RNA, and invoke the outer souls of the Divine, Tao, Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers on Mother Earth and in all layers of Heaven, to request their help for your healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of relationships and finances.

Mind Power

Mind Power is to use consciousness for healing. The one-sentence secret of Mind Power is:

Where you put your mind, using creative visualization, is where you receive benefits for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of relationships and finances.

When you do self-healing or offer healing to others, the most important secret of Mind Power is to follow your first thought. The first thought carries the most power. For example, when you offer healing to yourself and others, your first thought may be, “I am going to ask the Divine for healing.” Then, invoke the Divine to heal. If your first thought is, “I want to ask Jesus for healing,” then invoke Jesus for healing. If your first thought is to ask Guan Yin for healing, then invoke Guan Yin for healing. If your first thought is, “golden light,” then invoke golden light for healing.

Remember the wisdom: pay attention to the first thought, because it carries enormous power.

Powerful healing treasures can be found within the I Ching , the Classic of Changes. I Ching is one of the oldest classic Chinese texts. It is still used widely today, as it has for centuries, as a system of divination. In fact, I Ching is a universal system of cosmology and philosophy. It is built from Ba Gua, eight trigrams, that signify Heaven, Mother Earth, fire, water, thunder, wind, mountain, and lake. They are eight natures. In this book, I will release for the first time the profound secrets of applying Ba Gua, which carries the power of nature, to heal specific areas of the body. These secrets could create soul healing miracles very quickly.

Sound Power

Sound Power is to chant healing mantras. Mantras are sacred sounds created by spiritual leaders, the Divine, and Tao. They are chanted repeatedly. There are countless healing mantras. I have shared some of the most powerful mantras in history in my previous books, such as Weng Ar Hong, Weng Ma Ni Ba Ma Hong , and Da Bei Zhou. I have received powerful new mantras for the Soul Light Era and beyond from the Divine and Tao, such as Love, Peace and Harmony, God Gives His Heart to Me , and sacred Tao Song mantras for healing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

The one-sentence secret of Sound Power is:

What you chant is what you become.

I am within the Tao. The Divine, Heaven, and Tao leaders are above my head. They are creators. Because Tao is a Creator, I can simply ask Tao for a new Tao mantra. Tao can create any mantra Tao wishes to create. To flow a book, one must have confidence and totally remove doubt and fear that can lead to questioning: How will I get the content? How will I get the mantras?

The contents, mantras, secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques are all within the Jin Dan. On Mother Earth, we have physical libraries and databases. The largest libraries and databases have many books and huge amounts of information.

Did you know there is a Heaven’s library? There is a Heaven’s database. To read physical books is important. To read Heaven’s books is vital. What we are flowing now is Heaven’s book. We are bringing Heaven’s sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to humanity. This sacred wisdom, knowledge, and these practical techniques will help humanity create soul healing miracles. They will help humanity create a Love Peace Harmony World Family. They will help create love, peace, and harmony for countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

Open your spiritual channels. Purify your soul, heart, mind, and body further. If you have not reached a high level of purity and demonstrate a high level of commitment to serve humanity and all souls, the doors of Heaven’s library will be closed to you. The passcode to Heaven’s database will not be given to you. In our teaching, there are countless secrets. There is endless wisdom. There is unlimited power in all layers of Heaven.

We emphasize again that all the countless layers of Heaven are still only the You World or existence world. This book is to share with readers, scientists, all kinds of professionals, and all humanity that we need to be aware of Wu World secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. In this book, we bring You World and Wu World secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform all life of humanity and of all souls in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. In particular, we will share a powerful new Source Ba Gua mantra in this book.

Throughout history, three major secrets have led healing, spiritual practice, and transformation of all life: Shen Mi, Kou Mi, and Yi Mi.

Shen Mi

“Shen,” in this case, means body. “Mi” means secret. Soul Mind Body Medicine and the Soul Mind Body Science System teach Body Power. Shen Mi (pronounced shun mee ) and Body Power techniques are the same thing.

Kou Mi

“Kou” means mouth. “Mi” means secret. Kou Mi (pronounced k e mee ) is to chant sacred healing mantras that carry jing qi shen of saints, the Divine, Tao, or Heaven. Soul Mind Body Medicine and the Soul Mind Body Science System teach Sound Power. Kou Mi and Sound Power techniques are the same thing.

Yi Mi

“Yi” means thinking. “Mi” means secret. Soul Mind Body Medicine and the Soul Mind Body Science System teach Mind Power. Yi Mi (pronounced yee mee ) and Mind Power techniques are the same thing.

To apply any one of these secrets is powerful, but there is an ancient sacred phrase that guides the highest practice:

San Mi He Yi

“San” means three. “Mi” means secret. “He” means join as. “Yi” means one. “San Mi he yi” (pronounced sahn mee huh yee ) means join Shen Mi, Kou Mi, and Yi Mi as one. This teaches us to use all three sacred techniques (Body Power, Sound Power, Mind Power) together when we do spiritual practices. More than ten years ago, the Divine and Tao guided me to emphasize one more secret sacred technique. This fourth technique, which has not been emphasized enough in history, is Ling Mi.

“Ling” means soul. “Mi” means secret. Soul Mind Body Medicine and the Soul Mind Body Science System teach Soul Power. Ling Mi and Soul Power techniques are the same thing. Soul Power techniques include say hello to inner souls and say hello to outer souls.

Now, I am delighted to lead you to do Forgiveness Practice by applying the Four Power Techniques. Forgiveness Practice could remove soul mind body blockages of all life. Forgiveness Practice could create soul healing miracles beyond comprehension.

A few years ago, I was teaching in Tucson, Arizona. Sande Zeig, Cynthia Deveraux, Shunya Barton, and a few others were with me in my workshop. A reverend, a senior gentleman, was in the audience. He stood up and shared a few words with everyone. Holding up my book The Power of Soul , he said, “I have literally read more than one thousand spiritual books in my life. Master Sha’s book, The Power of Soul , has given me many ‘aha!’ moments, especially with his one-sentence secrets. In studying more than one thousand other spiritual books, I have never figured out a one-sentence secret. Master Sha’s one-sentence secrets in this book are invaluable.” He was deeply appreciative. His speech touched all participants’ hearts.

How do I know one-sentence secrets? Remember, there is a Heaven’s Team above my head. I also have a Jin Dan download. When I flow a book, they tell me, “Share the one-sentence secret.” They then borrow my mouth and flow out a new one-sentence secret. I love to share Heaven’s one-sentence secrets.

The one-sentence secret for Forgiveness Practice is:

Forgiveness Practice is one of the most sacred and most powerful ways to remove soul mind body blockages in order to transform all life.

Knowing this one-sentence secret of Forgiveness Practice, I wish every reader would pay great attention to Forgiveness Practice. Now, let us prepare to practice together.

Practice Is Vital

When you read any of my books, you may see various phrases repeated in practices. Some of you may think, “Oh, I already know this,” and quickly pass it by. You would miss the most important parts of the book. To only read the teachings is not enough. To put the teachings into practice is the key.

Therefore, when I ask you to stop reading and do five minutes of practice, do not skip the practice and rush to read the paragraphs that follow. To practice is to have a personal experience. The experience could give you an “aha!” moment. The experience could give you a “wow!” moment. The practice could give you deep insight. The practice could transform your jing qi shen toward the jing qi shen of Tao. Every aspect of your life could be transformed.

I truly emphasize practice. One of the most powerful teachings from Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo (pronounced shr jyah maw nee faw ), also known as Gautama Buddha or simply the Buddha, is about practice. One day, in stillness, Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo found A Mi Tuo Fo (Amitabha), an ancient buddha from billions of years ago. A Mi Tuo Fo (pronounced ah mee twaw faw ) was an emperor during that time. After he met his spiritual father, he quit his emperor’s position. He made forty-eight big vows. He created a spiritual world in Heaven named the Pure Land. In Chinese, it is named Ji Le Shi Jie (pronounced jee luh shr jyeh ). “Ji” means most. “Le” means happiness. “Shi Jie” means world. In this Pure Land or “world of most happiness,” there is no fighting, no ego, and no attachment. Souls in the Pure Land chant and do Xiu Lian. They chant, meditate, and purify daily. A Mi Tuo Fo has gathered countless buddhas, bodhisattvas, and other souls who believe in his teaching. Millions of people worldwide chant A Mi Tuo Fo. In the eighteenth of his forty-eight vows, A Mi Tuo Fo said, “If any physical being chants my name before transitioning, I will come to bring this one to the Pure Land.” Therefore, he has gathered countless souls in the Pure Land. His land is beyond powerful. Chanting A Mi Tuo Fo has served billions of people in history.

Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo gave one of his most powerful teachings in four words:

Nian Fo Cheng Fo

“Nian” means chant. “Fo” means buddha. “Cheng” means become. “Nian fo cheng fo” (pronounced nyen faw chung faw ) means chant a buddha’s name to become a buddha.

To become a buddha is to reach the highest enlightenment. This is the highest goal in Buddhist teaching. Melding with the Divine is the highest spiritual achievement in Christian teaching. In traditional Tao teaching, reaching Tao is the highest achievement. Other spiritual teachings may have different ways to express the highest achievement in one’s spiritual journey. However, to become a buddha, to meld with the Divine, and to reach Tao are all the same. They are simply different words that express the same achievement.

Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo’s teaching, nian fo cheng fo, chant a buddha’s name to become a buddha, is one of the most powerful teachings and practices in history. Billions of people in history worldwide have received many amazing healing results and life transformation through this practice.

How does nian fo cheng fo work? The Soul Mind Body Science System can explain. Recall the sacred process and path: Soul gives the message first. Then, heart receives the message and delivers it to the mind. Mind receives and leads energy. Energy flows and matter follows. To chant A Mi Tuo Fo is to give the message. When you chant A Mi Tuo Fo, A Mi Tuo Fo instantly appears in front of you to bless you. Unfortunately, most people have not opened their Third Eye or spiritual eye. Therefore, they cannot see these images.

To chant A Mi Tuo Fo is to meld your soul, heart, mind, and body with the soul, heart, mind, and body of A Mi Tuo Fo. A Mi Tuo Fo’s will is your will. A Mi Tuo Fo’s mission is your mission. In the Soul Mind Body Science System, to chant A Mi Tuo Fo is to meld your jing qi shen with the jing qi shen of A Mi Tuo Fo. Chant, chant, chant this sacred mantra. Your jing qi shen, which is your soul, heart, mind, and body, will be transformed further and further. That is the purpose of chanting A Mi Tuo Fo. Finally, after chanting lifetime after lifetime, you may completely transform your jing qi shen to the jing qi shen of A Mi Tuo Fo, and then you become A Mi Tuo Fo. Like A Mi Tuo Fo, you will have reached Tao. You will have aligned completely with the Divine. You will have achieved the highest goal in your spiritual journey.

Why is the Buddha special? Why are major saints special? Why is the Divine special? Because when you or any human being or any soul calls them, they appear to bless your request. What are they doing? They are offering unconditional blessings, which are unconditional service. They are all unconditional universal servants.

A Mi Tuo Fo has reached Tao. A Mi Tuo Fo’s heart and will are one with the holy saints, with great saints in other realms, and with the Divine. When you chant A Mi Tuo Fo , the purity, love, forgiveness, compassion, light, kindness, generosity, humility, sincerity, honesty, grace, and other characteristics of buddhas, saints, the Divine, and Tao will transform your jing qi shen. They could remove all kinds of blockages in your jing qi shen.

The scientific formula S + E + M = 1 has given us deep insight. S + E + M should equal 1, but humanity cannot join S + E + M as one. Beyond humanity, wan wu—all things in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes—also cannot join S + E + M as 1. Therefore, humanity and wan wu are suffering. This sacred formula tells us that if S + E + M become 1, the Tao Field is reached. 1 is the Tao Field. 1 is Tao. Anyone who reaches 1, reaches Tao.

To reach Tao is the long journey of purification. It could take thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of lifetimes of Xiu Lian to reach this condition. The Tao and Source Formula of Grand Unification is the ultimate goal of humanity’s soul journey. It is the ultimate goal of every soul’s journey. Every soul can reach Tao. Every soul carries the nature of Tao. Because of blockages of shen qi jing, souls and human beings cannot reach Tao. When we purify our shen qi jing by removing soul mind body blockages, we will then have the possibility and hope of reaching Tao.

To understand the theory is important. The theory is the wisdom. But to understand the wisdom is not enough. We have to put the wisdom into practice. The practice is also the wisdom.

In Soul Mind Body Science System teaching and in Tao teaching, the most important philosophy and principle in the Wu World and You World is:

Tao creates yin and yang. Yin and yang join together to return to Tao.

I will explain this highest philosophy further and further later in this book and as well in future books. You will understand further and further. Wisdom and practice are yin and yang. See Figure 6 .

To chant A Mi Tuo Fo is to practice. To chant A Mi Tuo Fo is to transform your jing qi shen to A Mi Tuo Fo’s jing qi shen. A Mi Tuo Fo has reached Tao. Beloved Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo taught his students to chant A Mi Tuo Fo. Billions of people have chanted A Mi Tuo Fo.

Since A Mi Tuo Fo created the Pure Land billions of years ago, he has gathered countless souls there. They all chant A Mi Tuo Fo. Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo’s teaching, chant buddha to become buddha , is one of the simplest and most profound practices to lead you to one of the highest achievements.

Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo could not emphasize enough the importance of practice. He taught his followers to chant A Mi Tuo Fo nonstop. He did not teach them to chant for five minutes, ten minutes, thirty minutes, or longer. He taught them to chant nonstop. We have to learn from Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo to chant nonstop.


Figure 6. Tao creates yin and yang; yin and yang return to Tao

I teach to chant for at least five minutes at a time, a few times a day. For chronic or life-threatening conditions, chant for a total of two hours or more a day. We have to learn from Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo’s teaching. We are learning from him at this moment.

In summary, practice, practice, practice. We cannot practice enough. If you want to transform your relationships and finances, if you want to improve your intelligence, if you want to become younger, if you want to prolong your life, and especially if you want to reach immortality, you must have serious commitment and do serious practice. The more you practice, the more benefits you can receive. I emphasize again: practice, practice, practice. We cannot practice enough.

Sacred Formula for Forgiveness Practice

Now I will lead you to do Forgiveness Practice. I will give you the sacred way and formula. Be sure to memorize this formula. You can do this Forgiveness Practice anywhere, anytime for healing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. You can do this Forgiveness Practice to transform your relationships, finances, children, and every aspect of life.

For example, you may be upset with or argue with your life partner, your children, your colleagues, your boss, or your friends. Instantly do Forgiveness Practice. You could receive instant transformation. When you have health challenges or business challenges, instantly do Forgiveness Practice. You could receive instant transformation.

Therefore, the sacred formula for Forgiveness Practice that I am giving to you now is for transforming every aspect of life. This Forgiveness Practice is a daily practice. This practice has no time limit. Do not practice for only three minutes, five minutes, or even a half hour. Practice as much as you can. Spend more time doing Forgiveness Practice. Practice more times per day. You can do Forgiveness Practice anywhere and anytime. In your office, close your eyes and do Forgiveness Practice for one minute. No one will bother you. Do Forgiveness Practice while waiting in an airport. Do Forgiveness Practice during a work or study break. Do Forgiveness Practice just before going to sleep. The moment you wake up, do Forgiveness Practice.

Millions of people are searching for ancient wisdom. In ancient Confucian teaching (from Kong Zi, Meng Zi, and many other saints), Kong Zi taught yi ri san xing (pronounced yee rri sahn shing ). “Yi ri” means one day. “San xing” means check three times if you have done anything wrong, including hurtful actions, improper behavior, improper words, and unpleasant thoughts. “Yi ri san xing” means daily, check three times if you have done anything wrong, including hurtful actions, improper behavior, improper words, and unpleasant thoughts.

What is this yi ri san xing teaching of Kong Zi (Confucius)? He is teaching Forgiveness Practice. Yi ri san xing teaches us to do Forgiveness Practice three times every day. This is great wisdom and practice. I deeply appreciate Kong Zi’s teaching.

I always ask students who read my books and join my workshops or retreats to do Forgiveness Practice. One day, I was with Peter Hudoba, one of my Disciples and Worldwide Representatives. Suddenly, he bowed to Heaven. He did not say anything. I asked him, “What happened?” He said, “Some unpleasant thoughts have come to my head. I bowed to Heaven to ask for forgiveness.” This was a great example of a Divine Channel disciplining himself.

People have wrong thoughts all of the time. If you do not do Forgiveness Practice, these wrong thoughts create negative karma. The more negative thoughts you have, the more blockages there could be in any aspect of your life. Therefore, to do moment by moment Forgiveness Practice like Peter Hudoba is very important. I told Peter at that moment, “That unpleasant thought is not from your mind. It is another soul that affected you.” In my teaching, it does not matter if the wrong thought comes from your head or from another influence; do Forgiveness Practice regardless.

The sacred formula for Forgiveness Practice is as follows. Apply the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power. You can sit, stand, or lie down. Put one palm on your lower abdomen below your navel. Put your other palm over your heart.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of all my systems, organs, cells, DNA, RNA, tiny matter inside my cells, and spaces inside my body,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You have the power to remove soul mind body blockages for __________. (Make a request for any healing that you wish to receive. For example, you can ask for healing of your knees, hypertension, headache, heart, immune system, depression, or anger. You can make any request for healing of your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. You can also request a relationship blessing, mentioning the name[s] of those with whom you wish the blessing. Mention any organization you need support from or any blessing that you wish to request. There is no limitation.)

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Divine and Tao,

Dear Heaven, Mother Earth,

Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

Dear all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers on Mother Earth and in Heaven,

Please forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes we have made in all lifetimes.

In order to be forgiven, we will serve humanity unconditionally.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize golden light shining in the area where you requested healing.

Sound Power. Chant:

Divine and Tao forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes that we have made in all lifetimes, and heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you.

Divine and Tao forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes that we have made in all lifetimes, and heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you.

Divine and Tao forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes that we have made in all lifetimes, and heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you.

Divine and Tao forgive my ancestors and me for the mistakes that we have made in all lifetimes, and heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you ...

I am flowing this book while teaching a Tao retreat in Ramsau, Austria. All of the students joined together to do the Forgiveness Practice for ten minutes. After closing the Forgiveness Practice, I asked if anyone would like to share his or her experience. Following is what several participants shared:

I have been going through purification with my throat and vocal cords since February. It has become more active in the last few days. When I did the Forgiveness Practice, I requested a blessing for my throat, vocal cords, and the root blockages there. Instantly, I felt much better. In my Third Eye, I saw saints walking around the room and removing blockages from everyone. The Divine and Tao temples were blessing us. The Source was blessing us.

Say Hello Healing is an incredible practice. Even though it is a self-healing practice, Master Sha’s soul and all of Heaven support this practice. Because of Master Sha’s high spiritual standing, when he writes any instructions, such as “Heal yourself,” in a book, it is a Soul Order. Heaven, the Divine, Tao, and The Source respond and support that request.

Many blockages were removed. I feel ninety percent better.

—David Lusch

I made a request for healing of the tension in my neck and shoulders. As soon as we started to repeat the Say Hello greeting, I saw waves of light in those areas increasing in brightness.

The tension dissipated considerably during the Forgiveness Practice. The pain is about eighty percent less than it was before the Forgiveness Practice.

Thank you, Master Sha. I am very grateful.

—Maya Mackie

Because I am small, chairs are often too big for me and I can be uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time. I experience pain in the shoulders, and just now had intense pain in the left shoulder, so I focused there during the Forgiveness Practice.

Amazingly, the pain completely left! It is an extremely powerful practice, even though it is so simple. I encourage everyone to do it. It is so easy. And it works!

Thank you, Master Sha.

—Terry, Netherlands

I am rarely angry, but I sometimes awaken with my jaw and fists clenched. I am realizing I have anger at deep layers. My skin is burning as well. If I do become angry, my eyes turn red also. This is a new experience for me. It is actually really beautiful because I am becoming very aware of the anger within me.

My skin was burning when we started the Forgiveness Practice. In a short time, there was a huge cooling effect and I experienced a deep inner calmness. We tend to forget that the simplest practices can be the most powerful.

Thank you, Master Sha.

—H. B. Soest, Netherlands

The Forgiveness Practice was extraordinary.

I have been suffering from neurodermatitis for over twenty years. During the practice, I could feel my love reaching my skin. I immediately saw bright light going into every cell. I had severe itchiness, which was noticeably improved.

Two weeks ago, I read a story about someone who self-healed psoriasis with this practice. I chanted for one whole day and I experienced such relief. I am happy that Heaven reminded me of this. I would like to promise myself to be steadfast in my practice. Thank you.


The above five healing stories happened just now by applying Say Hello Healing to inner souls for about ten minutes. Approximately one million soul healing miracles have been created in the last eleven years by the Say Hello Healing technique.

Da Tao zhi jian. “Da” means big. Tao is The Way. “Zhi” means extremely. “Jian” means simple. “Da Tao zhi jian” (pronounced dah dow jr jyen ) means The Big Way is extremely simple.

Many people look for complicated solutions. They think healing must be complicated. This is a reminder to every reader and to humanity that we have already helped create nearly one million soul healing miracles. Millions and millions of soul healing miracles could happen quickly. It is most important to open your heart and soul. Give it a try. To experience is to believe. I often say: If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it. If you want to know if soul healing works, experience it.

Invoke Yuan Shen for Forgiveness

The Forgiveness Practice Soul Power technique has two parts. We have already used Say Hello Healing with inner souls. Next, we will say hello to outer souls. First, I am honored to release a profound new secret that I have not released before. This secret is:

Use Say Hello Healing to invoke Yuan Shen and you could receive soul healing miracles beyond words.

As taught earlier in this chapter, Yuan Shen is Tao. Yuan Shen is hidden in your Ming Men Area.

Very few human beings on Mother Earth have understood or even realized Yuan Shen. Remember the teaching: at the moment a father’s sperm and mother’s egg join together, Tao gives Yuan Shen to the embryo. Yuan Shen could hide in your body for your whole life. If you are not enlightened, then your body soul (Shi Shen) does not access your Yuan Shen. To reach soul enlightenment, your Shi Shen must recognize your Yuan Shen.

Yuan Shen is Tao. Therefore, Yuan Shen carries Wu World power. Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes carry You World power. Invoke Yuan Shen and you could receive soul healing miracles beyond words.

Apply the Four Power Techniques to do this:

Body Power. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Put your other palm on any area that needs healing. If you have thyroid issues, put a palm over the thyroid. If you have breast issues, put a palm on the breast. If you have ear issues, put a palm on the ear. If you have hip issues, put a palm on the hip. If you have colon issues, put a palm on the lower abdomen.

If you have anger, put a palm over the liver. If you have depression or anxiety, put a palm over the heart. If you have worry, put a palm over the spleen. If you have grief, put a palm over a lung. If you have fear, put a palm over a kidney. If you have a mental disorder, put a palm over the heart.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of __________ (name the area or condition that needs healing),

I love you.

You have the power to heal yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Do not continue to read. Remember the teaching. You must practice to receive the benefits. Practice for five minutes now. Start and close your eyes!

If you have heart challenges, say:

Dear soul mind body of my heart,

I love you.

You have the power to heal yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

If you have knee challenges, say:

Dear soul mind body of my knees,

I love you.

You have the power to heal yourselves.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Repeat these sacred phrases again and again. Sincerely give love to any system, organ, part of the body, or area that needs healing. Close your eyes and do this silently for five more minutes. Start!

Now close. Say:

Hao! Hao! Hao! (Pronounced how , it means get well and perfect. )

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Be sure to close your eyes and do these ten minutes of practice. This is especially important for my advanced students and others who may have a tendency to skip the practices and read more. The ones who do not practice are the ones who most need to practice.

The jing qi shen of the You World and the jing qi shen of the Wu World are stored in this book. If you do not practice, you will not access this jing qi shen. When you relax and do ten minutes of practice, you could receive a soul healing miracle in those ten minutes. You could truly receive an “aha!” moment and a “wow!” moment. If you feel much better, you would definitely have an “aha!” moment or a “wow!” moment. If you feel a little better, you may say, “It works.” If you do not feel any better, do not be disappointed. This was only ten minutes of practice. You could have been suffering for months, years, or decades. At the soul level, I am sure you have received some benefits. You need to have a little patience. Continue to practice.

Now let us say hello to outer souls. A few pages earlier, I released a major secret: invoke Yuan Shen. I remind you that I am flowing this book live. We will spend ten more minutes doing the practice. Afterward, I will ask some students to share their experiences.

Say hello:

Dear my beloved Yuan Shen, Tao soul in my body,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

I am extremely honored that I can invoke you to heal me.

How blessed I am.

I do not need to walk one step to find Tao.

Tao is within me.

I have not known this secret technique before or at least I have not learned this sacred practice before.

Please heal __________ (make your request).

Thank you.

You can request healing for one area or make a few requests together. Chant:

Yuan Shen heals me. Thank you.

Yuan Shen rejuvenates me. Thank you.

Yuan Shen heals me. Thank you.

Yuan Shen rejuvenates me. Thank you.

Yuan Shen heals me. Thank you.

Yuan Shen rejuvenates me. Thank you ...

Now we will add Forgiveness Practice:

Dear Yuan Shen, which is Tao,

Dear Divine,

Please forgive my ancestors and me for all the mistakes we have made in all lifetimes.

In order to be forgiven, we will serve unconditionally.

To serve is to make others happier and healthier.

To chant and to meditate is to serve.

We will serve.

I am very grateful.


Yuan Shen heals me. I am very honored.

Yuan Shen forgives me. I am very grateful.

Yuan Shen removes soul mind body blockages.

I cannot thank you enough.

Yuan Shen heals me.

Yuan Shen rejuvenates me.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

I love my Yuan Shen.

I honor my Yuan Shen.

I align with my Yuan Shen.

I meld with my Yuan Shen.

How blessed I am.

Yuan Shen is within me.

I deeply apologize for all mistakes that my ancestors and I have made in all lifetimes.

I am deeply honored.

I am extremely honored that I can ask for forgiveness from my Yuan Shen.

How blessed I am that my Yuan Shen can forgive me.

I do not need to walk one step to receive forgiveness.

In order to be forgiven, I have to serve unconditionally.

The more I serve, the faster the soul mind body blockages can be removed.

I am so grateful.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am so excited.

I am excited.

I am excited.

I am excited.

I am excited.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Tao’s soul is with me.

I can invoke my Yuan Shen.

How blessed I am.

Yuan Shen is Tao.

Tao is the Creator.

The Creator is within me.

I have not realized this or at least I have not realized this enough.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

I love you.

I cannot love you enough.

I cannot honor you enough.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen

I have received an “aha!” moment.

I have received an “aha!” moment.

I have received an “aha!” moment.

I have received an “aha!” moment.

I feel inner joy and inner peace.

I feel inner joy and inner peace.

I feel inner joy and inner peace.

I feel inner joy and inner peace.

I love my Yuan Shen.

I honor my Yuan Shen.

I am so excited for this sacred wisdom.

I am so honored for this sacred practice.

Everyone has Yuan Shen.

Everyone can practice like this.

Imagine countless benefits.

Imagine invaluable service.

I love you, my Yuan Shen.

I honor you, my Yuan Shen.

I am happy to ask Yuan Shen to heal me.

I am so honored to ask Yuan Shen to bless all of my life.

I want to meld with my Yuan Shen.

I want to meld with my Yuan Shen.

I want to meld with my Yuan Shen.

I want to meld with my Yuan Shen.


I asked over two hundred participants in my Tao IV Retreat to share their insights regarding the twenty-minute practice we just did. Many people raised their hands and were excited to share. Because we have limited time, only four of them will share their experiences.

When you read any of my books and I ask you to stop reading and do the practice, please follow the instructions. This is for your maximum benefit.

We have invoked Yuan Shen for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of all life. Yuan Shen is Tao. Tao is Yuan Shen. Tao is Source. Tao creates Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as human beings.

I repeat that the jing qi shen of Tao is stored within this book. By reading the book, you will receive benefits from the jing qi shen of Tao. By doing the practices, you will receive Tao blessings.

Listen to the stories. Enjoy the insights. They will become insights that millions of people will have. Read this book again in the future and you could realize that.

Hello, I am a Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha serving in Austria.

—Kirsten Ernst

Suddenly, I realized that Cynthia’s typing had stopped. I asked, “Cynthia, what happened?” She said she was knocked out from the energy. Yesterday, during my flowing of the book, Kirsten Ernst was knocked out while doing live, simultaneous translation into German. Kirsten translates while Cynthia types. They both felt that the energy was so strong they were getting knocked out while translating and typing.

When I asked all the participants whether they were knocked out during the flow, about ninety-six percent of them said yes! I had to give Kirsten, Cynthia, and my audiovisual team a Divine Energy, Stamina, Vitality, and Immunity Jin Dan. “Jin” means gold. “Dan” means light ball. This is a permanent divine treasure that can boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity.

We then stood up and tapped each other’s backs for a few minutes. Now, I will continue to flow the book live, and then Kirsten will continue sharing.

I am doing a short flow from The Source:

Dear beloved Zhi Gang Sha,

Dear beloved Divine Channels in this retreat,

Dear all beloved Divine Channels in Training,

Dear Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers and other Soul Healers,

Dear every beloved daughter and son in this retreat,

We love you all.

Master Sha offers the highest teaching because he is an unconditional servant of humanity and wan ling. “Wan ling” means countless souls on Mother Earth, all layers of Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Wan ling is listening. Master Sha is teaching Tao. Tao created Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

Tao created humanity and wan ling. Tao is the ultimate Source and Creator. What is Master Sha teaching? Master Sha is teaching sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to transform Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. All beloved participants, in person and by webcast, you are chosen ones to serve this mission. You may not realize this honor or not realize this honor enough. There are more than seven billion human beings on Mother Earth. Why are there only a few hundred people in this event? Because your soul called your heart and mind to join this retreat. How many people in this group were thinking, “Yes, I will come,” and then “No, I won’t be coming.” Forty-six of you struggled through your blockages, but now you are here at the retreat. Your soul called your heart and mind. This is an important retreat for your life.

The Tao secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques offered in this retreat are historic secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. They will transform humanity and all souls beyond comprehension.

Humanity and wan ling are blessed that Master Sha is releasing sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to create a Love Peace Harmony World Family and the Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.

Grab this sacred Tao wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. Study deeply from your heart and soul.

Practice seriously and diligently. The benefits are unlimited.

Now, Kirsten will continue:

This practice was a unification practice. I saw that Yuan Shen connected deeply with each of us. It is karma-free. I saw so much darkness leave. We are all purifying. The practice clears our soul mind body blockages as appropriate. This practice will join humanity and wan ling in a way that has never happened before in all universes.

Thank you very much, Master Sha.

—Kirsten Ernst


The benefits of self-clearing karma from this Yuan Shen practice are beyond comprehension. This twenty-minute practice cleansed five percent of the karma from the students present in person in Ramsau. That is huge. Five percent of over two hundred participants’ karma is a lot. I wish you will realize the secrets I am releasing to humanity.

What we need to do is practice, practice, practice.

Forgiveness Practice is the most important practice. Forgiveness Practice will bring the Love Peace Harmony World Family together. Forgiveness practice will bring the Love Peace Harmony Universal Family together.

Let us chant a few times:

Love Peace Harmony World Family

Love Peace Harmony World Family

Love Peace Harmony World Family

Love Peace Harmony World Family ...

The Love Peace Harmony World Family is for people and their pets. The Love Peace Harmony Universal Family includes all humanity, Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Let us chant a few more times:

Love Peace Harmony Universal Family

Love Peace Harmony Universal Family

Love Peace Harmony Universal Family

Love Peace Harmony Universal Family ...


Thank you, Master Sha, for the path that you are showing everyone.

As I was calling my Yuan Shen to do this practice, both my Yuan Shen and Shi Shen grew. I received so much light and happiness. I received a message that it would have taken more than one thousand hours of personal effort to receive the kind of blessing I received in this short time. Master Sha, I cannot thank you enough to be able to receive this kind of blessing.

—Petra Herz, B. S., Germany

I asked for the cleansing of my first Soul House because I know this is the most important chakra and Soul House. If this Soul House is not purified, it is hard to purify the other Soul Houses.

I saw my Shi Shen bow to my Yuan Shen. I did not see my Yuan Shen’s face clearly, but she had incredibly strong light. She held a sphere without touching it. It was floating. She removed memories connected to female emotions and past lifetimes. It became stronger with the Forgiveness Practice. She purified my DNA and RNA.

Then, I saw Master Sha and many Taoist saints surrounding this helix. There was an electrical charge going around the sphere. There was a lot leaving the sphere. In the end, Yuan Shen was sitting in the sphere. The sphere became a tornado, which was deeply purifying. Slowly, all of the other chakras were cleansed.

Thank you, Master Sha.

—Amadea S., Graz, Austria

We are very blessed. I want to thank you very much for this incredible practice, Master Sha. I truly experienced a soul healing miracle. I was freezing since this morning. I was so cold, I was really shaking. I could not handle it this afternoon. I had to lie down and cover myself with many blankets to keep warm. My muscles were also very tight and stiff because I was so cold.

During the practice, I immediately felt incredible heat in my body. I also felt very deep relaxation. As we chanted, memories came up from past lifetimes. I saw myself with you in other lifetimes when we were also chanting special sacred mantras. I asked Heaven to give me a teaching why this practice is so special. Heaven gave me messages. Basically it is one of the purest practices.

Whenever you sing to us, you are sending us a Soul Order. We are sending Soul Orders to ourselves because we are repeating. I observed the frequency increasing more and more. We were getting closer to Yuan Shen and Tao.

I felt my heart and the heart of everyone in the room open up to you more as our teacher. Because we opened our hearts, we received more blessings. I am actually sweating now. I am so warm. I am very grateful and this is very special.

—Magdalena Kusch, Hamburg, Germany


Thank you, Divine Channels and students, for sharing your heart-touching experiences and great insights from this Forgiveness Practice. Say Hello Healing with Yuan Shen is one of the most important sacred practices ever released to humanity. You can invoke your Yuan Shen anytime, anywhere.

Because Yuan Shen is Tao, the benefits of invoking Yuan Shen for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation of relationships, finances, intelligence, and every aspect of life are beyond imagination.

When you invoke your Yuan Shen, you absolutely can invoke at the same time the Divine and all layers of saints, including countless healing angels, archangels, ascended masters, gurus, lamas, kahunas, holy saints, Taoist saints, buddhas, bodhisattvas, shamans, and all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers.

In my previous books, I led readers to do many self-healing practices by invoking the Divine, Tao, and all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven. This is the first time that I have released the profound sacred wisdom and sacred practice to invoke Yuan Shen within yourself. I cannot emphasize enough to invoke your own Yuan Shen to heal, rejuvenate, and transform all of your life.

Yuan Shen Practice: Dr. Rulin Xiu’s Personal Experience and Insights

While Master Sha was holding his retreat in Ramsau, Austria, I was at my beautiful home in Hawaii. I joined the retreat by live webcast. I was literally shocked by the Yuan Shen practice Master Sha released. The practice is simplicity to the extreme. For the serious spiritual seeker, it may look too simple to be taken seriously. But I realize this is the most powerful practice I have ever known to have been released in all of history. The impact this practice will have on humanity will be beyond words.

I am so excited to share my insights with you. I am so excited about how this practice is going to change your life, change humanity, and change much more. I am so excited. I am speechless. I had to take a walk on the beach before I could calm down enough to write these words.

First, let me share my experience when I did the practice. I saw my body suddenly light up and radiate the most brilliant and beautiful light I have ever seen inside my body. It expanded to infinity and merged with the whole universe in the most beautiful way. An intense bliss, knowing, wholeness, and sense of deep peace and power took over my being. My whole being expanded and vibrated very strongly. I became so alive. Now, I feel one hundred times, one thousand times, and many more times more alive than before. It feels so amazing to finally arrive home. It feels so good to know that I am more than a superman. During my practice I am aligned with my original soul, my true self, the most beautiful, powerful, blissful, wise, and infinite self—Tao. Words are not enough to express my experience.

I saw the whole universe rejoicing because this great wisdom was being given to the universe. I saw many saints and saints’ animals celebrating with great joy. They are so happy. This wisdom will help all beings on their enlightenment journey and their journey to merge with their true selves—Yuan Shen, the original soul—and Tao in the most simple and magical way. All it takes is to ask and to practice. I cannot thank Master Sha enough for releasing this most profound sacred wisdom and practice.

Apply Ba Gua for Healing, Rejuvenation, and Transformation of All Life

In the last Shang Gu (far ancient ) era, which started about 45,000 years ago and ended about 30,000 years ago, a wise man and a top saint named Fu Xi (pronounced foo shee ) created Ba Gua.

Fu Xi had extraordinary abilities. For example, he could predict weather conditions with uncanny accuracy. Fu Xi lived near the ocean with many fishermen. It was not uncommon for some fishermen to lose their lives due to sudden changes in the weather. Fu Xi would tell the fishermen what the weather would be the next day. Initially, some fishermen did not believe him. They would go out to sea and suddenly a severe storm, even a typhoon, would strike and take some of their lives.

Because of his accurate weather predictions, more and more people started to believe in Fu Xi. The fishermen would actually ask Fu Xi about the weather. When Fu Xi predicted stormy weather, he would put a signal on a tree that meant water: images . Seeing this, the fishermen would be very cautious about going out to sea. This may have been the first weather forecast on Mother Earth.

Later, Fu Xi created a universal system of yin and yang to codify and explain our world. He used a long solid dash to represent yang and a broken dash (two short dashes separated by space) to represent yin.

Fu Xi taught yi hua kai tian. “Yi” means one. “Hua” means line. “Kai” means open. “Tian” means Heaven. “Yi hua kai tian” (pronounced yee hwah kye tyen ) means Oneness opens or creates Heaven. Fu Xi also explained Yi hua is Tai Ji.

Tai Ji Sheng Liang Yi

Liang Yi Sheng Si Xiang

Si Xiang Sheng Ba Gua

Ba Gua Sheng Liu Shi Si Gua

“Tai Ji” means yi hua , which is One. Tai Ji is Tao and Oneness in I Ching teaching. “Sheng” means produce or create. “Liang yi” signifies Two , which includes yin yang. “Tai Ji sheng liang yi” (pronounced tye jee shung lyahng yee ) means Tao or Oneness creates yin yang.

“Si xiang” means four signals, which are:

• Tai Yang (big yang ), images

• Shao Yang (small yang ), images

• Tai Yin (big yin ), images

• Shao Yin (small yin ), images

“Ba Gua” (pronounced bah gwah ) means eight signals (trigrams), which are:

• Dui Gua, images , which represents lake (pronounced dway gwah )

• Qian Gua, images , which represents Heaven (pronounced chyen gwah )

• Zhen Gua, images , which represents thunder (pronounced jun gwah )

• Li Gua, images , which represents fire (pronounced lee gwah )

• Kun Gua, images , which represents Mother Earth (pronounced kwun gwah )

• Gen Gua, images , which represents mountain (pronounced gun gwah )

• Kan Gua, images , which represents water (pronounced kahn gwah )

• Xun Gua, images , which represents wind (pronounced jwin gwah )

See Figure 7 on the following page.

Let me repeat for emphasis and clarity:

“Yi hua kai tian” (pronounced yee hwah kye tyen ) means one line opens or creates Heaven. Yi hua is named Tai Ji. This Tai Ji means Tao or Oneness. This Tai Ji is not yin yang. In the I Ching system, Tai Ji produces yin yang. “Liang yi sheng si xiang” (pronounced lyahng yee shung sz shyahng ) means yin yang creates four signals. “Si xiang sheng Ba Gua” (pronounced sz shyahng shung bah gwah ) means four signals create eight signals (trigrams). “Ba Gua sheng liu shi si gua” (pronounced bah gwah shung leo shr sz gwah ) means eight signals create sixty-four signals (hexagrams). Then, from sixty-four signals, more and more signals are created until wan wu in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes are created. See Figure 8 .


Figure 7. Ba Gua—eight trigrams

Therefore, I Ching is a universal system. Our computer system is based on binary code of binary digits (bits or 0’s and 1’s), which comes from the wisdom of I Chin g. I Ching includes Ba Gua. Ba Gua are the eight most important signals in everyone and everything. I am not teaching I Ching in this book. Here I will only apply Ba Gua wisdom and power for healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and the immortality journey.

In history, I Ching has never been presented or applied in the way I am doing now for you and humanity. Pay attention to this sacred, profound wisdom and practice.

One creates two. Two creates four. Four creates eight. Eight creates sixty-four. This follows the mathematical law of binary fission, which yields powers of two, 2n .

Fu Xi created and introduced this universal system to humanity. For thousands of years of Chinese history, emperors, officials, and millions and billions of people have believed in I Ching and/or Ba Gua. I Ching has been used to guide every aspect of life. Every gua or signal carries a meaning, a philosophy, a story, profound guidance, and deep practice. I Ching has profound wisdom and abilities for prediction. I Ching has guided leaders, officials, and humanity to transform life beyond comprehension.


Figure 8. I Ching system

The Source gave me profound inspiration two to three months ago to create I Ching practices for healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and immortality. This is the first time in history that I Ching power has been brought for these applications. Today, May 13, 2014, I received profound new insights about I Ching Ba Gua for this book.

In my previous books, I introduced and taught how to use Say Hello Healing to invoke all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers and the Divine to bless our healing, rejuvenation, and life transformation. Earlier in this chapter, I introduced and taught you how to invoke Yuan Shen, Tao within you, to bless your healing, rejuvenation, and life transformation. Next in this book, I will teach you and humanity how to bring the power of nature inside the body for healing, rejuvenation, and life transformation. I am very grateful for the guidance The Source gave me a short while ago.

One of the Ba Gua is Qian Gua, which is three yang lines. Qian Gua (pronounced chyen gwah ) carries many meanings. Study I Ching to learn more. I do not intend to teach I Ching in this book. My intention is to bring the power of nature into the body to create soul healing miracles, to rejuvenate the body, to prolong life, to transform relationships, finances, intelligence, and every aspect of life, and to move on the immortality journey. Therefore, I only want and need to use the most important meaning of Qian Gua. The most important meaning of Qian Gua is that this signal represents Heaven.

• Qian Gua, images , represents Heaven from top to bottom (yang yang yang).

• Kun Gua, images , represents Mother Earth from bottom to top (yin yin yin).

• Xun Gua, images , represents wind (yang yang yin).

• Zhen Gua, images , represents thunder (yin yin yang).

• Kan Gua, images , represents water (yin yang yin).

• Li Gua, images , represents fire (yang yin yang).

• Gen Gua, images , represents mountain (yang yin yin).

• Dui Gua, images , represents lake (yin yang yang).

The eight nature systems are:

• Heaven and Mother Earth

• Wind and Thunder

• Water and Fire

• Mountain and Lake

These eight natures have so much power that we cannot express it enough.

We stand on Mother Earth. Heaven is above our heads. Heaven and Mother Earth are our parents. A man and woman interact to create a baby. Heaven and Mother Earth interact to create a soul. Millions of people understand body, mind, and spirit. Soul is spirit. A human being is made of jing qi shen.

A human being cannot exist without Heaven and Mother Earth. A human being cannot survive without water and fire. We drink water every day. We use fire for all kinds of life’s purposes. Thunder and wind are the power of Heaven and Mother Earth. Mountains and lakes are very important for Mother Earth. We know that on Mother Earth there are mountains, lakes, and more. Have we realized that there are mountains, lakes, and more in Heaven, as well as in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes?

Ba Gua nature is a universal law and principle. You may only know and think of each nature on Mother Earth. However, other planets, stars, galaxies, and universes also have thunder, wind, fire, water, mountains, and lakes. Therefore, do not limit your mind and heart. Ba Gua is a universal system.

I am going to show you how to bring the nature and the power of Ba Gua inside the body to create soul healing miracles beyond words, comprehension, and imagination.


Millions of people understand the seven energy chakras. There are all kinds of sacred teachings about the seven energy chakras. In modern times, it is easy to study these teachings. You can go online to find the teachings of the seven energy chakras.

When I was in India in 2011, I met a powerful guru. He shared his sacred chanting to develop the seven energy chakras. He learned these chants from a yogi in the Himalayas. These mantras had never been written in a book. As he chanted for me, I saw bright light shine in his seven energy chakras. I am not sharing his sacred mantras for empowering the seven energy chakras. I just want to say that lamas and gurus have many sacred practices and teachings for the seven energy chakras. The seven energy chakras are sacred places for healing, rejuvenation, and longevity.

The ninth book in my Soul Power Series is Tao Song and Tao Dance: Sacred Sound, Movement, and Power from the Source for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Transformation of All Life. 16 In this book, I share some detailed teachings on the seven energy chakras and introduce sacred Tao mantras and practices to develop these chakras. I will not repeat the teaching in this book. You can access the sacred wisdom, sacred chanting, and sacred practices in that book.

In this book, I will bring new teachings, new secrets, and new practices to develop the seven Soul Houses or energy chakras.

The Divine and Tao guided me in my previous books to emphasize the seven Soul Houses. The seven energy chakras are the seven Soul Houses. Our beloved body soul (Shi Shen) resides in one of these Soul Houses. You may ask me, “Master Sha, which Soul House is best for my soul?” My answer is, “All Soul Houses are good for your soul. Which Soul House your soul resides in represents your soul’s standing in Heaven. If your soul reaches a saint’s standing, your soul will sit in your heart chakra. If your soul sits inside your throat, you have a higher soul standing. If your soul sits in your head, you have an even higher soul standing. If your soul sits above your head, you have the highest soul standing.”

There are more than seven billion human beings on Mother Earth. At this moment, there are only eleven human beings whose soul resides above the head. If your Third Eye is open, you can see whether a human being’s soul sits above the head. If you see this, you do not need to ask or research whether this person is good or bad. If you truly can see this, you need to respect this person as one of the highest saints on Mother Earth.

Therefore, spiritual abilities are very important. A human being’s physical eye can see phenomena on Mother Earth. We see the Internet, television, movies, and everything that is happening in our lives. Our Third Eye can see phenomena in Heaven. The Third Eye can see Heaven’s movies. An advanced Third Eye can see different planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

We have all seen many churches and temples on Mother Earth. If you have an advanced Third Eye, you can see Heaven’s temples. Where does the Divine stay in Heaven? Where does Lao Zi stay in Heaven? Where do Jesus, Mother Mary, Guan Yin, and Gautama Buddha stay in Heaven?

A human being stays in a home. When there is rain or snow, we can stay inside our home to avoid it. Do you think Jesus, Mother Mary, and Buddha stay in the air? No. They have their Heaven’s temple to stay in. A highly developed spiritual eye and abilities enable an advanced spiritual being to see Heaven’s temples and other places and phenomena in Heaven.

There is another important place that is inside the body. It is the space in front of the spinal column. My spiritual father and mentor, Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, completed more than fifty years of clinical research and study. He treated hundreds of thousands of people. His service to humanity enabled him to discover the space in front of the spinal column. It is named Wai Jiao (pronounced wye jee-yow ). It is the biggest space in the body.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are special teachings on San Jiao. San Jiao is an important term and vital concept of traditional Chinese medicine. “San Jiao” (pronounced sahn jee-yow ) means three areas of the body: Upper Jiao, Middle Jiao , and Lower Jiao. San Jiao is also called the Triple Burner or Triple Heater.

The Upper Jiao includes everything located above the diaphragm to the top of the head. The lungs, heart, and brain are in the Upper Jiao.

The Middle Jiao includes everything located below the diaphragm to the level of the navel. The liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, and spleen are in the Middle Jiao. 17

The Lower Jiao includes everything located below the level of the navel to the bottom of the torso. It includes the small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, sexual organs, reproductive organs, urinary system organs, and more.

San Jiao is the pathway of qi and body fluid. Body fluid includes blood. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the relationship of qi and blood. Qi is the function. Qi is yang. Blood is the material structure. Blood is yin. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches, If qi flows, blood follows. If qi is blocked, blood is stagnant. In traditional Chinese medicine, to promote the flow of qi and body fluid is to heal all sickness.

Beloved Dr. and Master Guo discovered the Wai Jiao. The Wai Jiao is not ancient wisdom. Wai Jiao is the biggest space in the body. It includes the back part of the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. It was a key for Master Guo’s diagnosis and healing.

Master Guo explained the relationship between San Jiao and Wai Jiao. Wai Jiao is the biggest space in the body. Wai Jiao is like an ocean. San Jiao is like a river. A river flows to the ocean. Let me explain further. If you have sickness in the Upper Jiao, including the heart, lungs, or brain, blockages in the Upper Jiao will flow to the upper part of the Wai Jiao. If you have sickness in the Middle Jiao, including the liver, spleen, stomach, and pancreas, blockages in the Middle Jiao will flow to the middle part of the Wai Jiao. If you have sickness in the Lower Jiao, including the small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, urinary bladder, and sexual and reproductive organs, blockages in the Lower Jiao will flow to the lower part of the Wai Jiao. Energy flows from the San Jiao to the Wai Jiao. Blockages in the San Jiao will flow horizontally to the Wai Jiao. Therefore, the Wai Jiao could have many blockages. Clearing blockages from the Wai Jiao is the major healing secret that Dr. and Master Guo discovered in his more than fifty years of research and clinical practice with hundreds of thousands of people.

Who taught Master Guo? The Divine taught Master Guo. We give credit to our beloved Divine. When Master Guo was nine years old, the Divine started to visit him. From then, the Divine taught Master Guo every day until his physical life ended. Every night after sleeping for two or three hours, Master Guo would feel someone pulling his leg. When he woke up and opened his eyes, he would realize it was the Divine pulling his leg and telling him to get up to receive some teaching or to work on some task. That is why Master Guo would always work for hours at night. He would rest more in the daytime.

Now, let me share with you where we put the nature of Ba Gua inside the body. See figure 9 .

The crown chakra or seventh Soul House is Qian Tian, which represents Heaven.

The Kun Gong or navel chakra or third Soul House is Kun Di (pronounced kwun dee ), which represents Mother Earth.

The heart chakra or fourth Soul House is Li Huo (pronounced lee hwaw ), which represents fire.

The Hui Yin area or root chakra or first Soul House is Kan Shui (pronounced kahn shway ), which represents water.

The throat chakra or fifth Soul House is Zhen Lei (pronounced jun lay ), which represents thunder.

The second chakra or second Soul House is Xun Feng (pronounced jwin fung ), which represents wind.

The Third Eye chakra or sixth Soul House is Gen Shan (pronounced gun shahn ), which represents mountain.

In the Ming Men area beside the Ming Men acupuncture point is Dui Ze (pronounced dway dzuh ), which represents lake.

For thousands of years, many kinds of spiritual practices have realized the importance of the seven energy chakras for health, rejuvenation, and longevity.

In 2008, the Divine taught me the sacred wisdom and practice of the Divine Sacred Yin Yang Energy Circle and the Divine Sacred Yin Yang Matter Circle. I shared this profound wisdom, teaching, and practice in the fourth book of my Soul Power Series, Divine Soul Songs: Sacred Practical Treasures to Heal, Rejuvenate, and Transform You, Humanity, Mother Earth, and All Universes. 18


Figure 9. Ba Gua nature in the body

The Divine Sacred Yin Yang Energy Circle starts from the Hui Yin acupuncture point 19 and goes up the center of the body through the seven energy chakras or seven Soul Houses to the top of the head. Then, it flows down in front of the spinal column through the Wai Jiao and back to the Hui Yin acupuncture point. This is the most important energy circle in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine has its yin yang energy circle. It starts from the Hui Yin acupuncture point and flows up the front midline to the head. This is the path of the Ren meridian. A meridian is a pathway of energy. The Ren meridian is the most important yin meridian. It gathers six major yin meridians: the liver meridian, heart meridian, spleen meridian, lung meridian, kidney meridian, and pericardium meridian. These six major yin meridians arrive at and gather in the Ren meridian.

The most important yang meridian is the Du meridian. The Du meridian starts from the Hui Yin acupuncture point and flows up inside the spinal cord to the top of the head. The Du meridian gathers six major yang meridians: the gallbladder meridian, small intestine meridian, stomach meridian, large intestine meridian, urinary bladder meridian, and San Jiao meridian. These six major yang meridians arrive at and gather in the Du meridian.

One of the major healing principles in traditional Chinese medicine is to promote energy flow in the Ren meridian and Du meridian. These two major meridians form the Outer Yin Yang Energy Circle. The Hui Yin acu-puncture point in the perineum and the Bai Hui (pronounced bye hway ) acupuncture point at the top of the head are the two most important acupuncture points. The Bai Hui acupuncture point gathers the essence of whole body yang and connects with Heaven. The Hui Yin acupuncture point gathers the essence of whole body yin and connects with Mother Earth. These two acupuncture points are vital points for healing.

To balance yin and yang is the most important principle in traditional Chinese medicine for healing, rejuvenation, and prolonging life. Traditional Chinese medicine uses three major treatment protocols: Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and Chinese massage (tui na). They all intend to balance yin and yang.

Many people understand a crown chakra blessing. A crown chakra blessing is a blessing given through the Bai Hui acupuncture point. The Bai Hui acupuncture point is named Tian Men (pronounced tyen mun ), which means Heaven’s gate . The Hui Yin acupuncture point is named Di Men (pronounced dee mun ), which means Mother Earth’s gate.

I am now going to introduce another major secret in this book. The Ming Men acupuncture point is the Tao Men, which means Tao’s gate , which is the Source gate. These three gates are vital for healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and immortality.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the Ren and Du meridians make a circle. When I wrote the book Divine Soul Songs , I asked the Divine, “You gave me a different circle than traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a yin yang circle, including the Ren meridian and Du meridian. Your circle starts from the Hui Yin acupuncture point and goes up through the seven Soul Houses or seven chakras. It then goes down through the Wai Jiao to the Hui Yin acupuncture point. What is the difference?” The Divine told me that his circle is the Divine Sacred Inner Yin Yang Energy Circle. The Ren-Du meridian circle is the Outer Yin Yang Energy Circle.

I asked the Divine, “What is the relationship between the Inner Yin Yang Circle and the Outer Yin Yang Circle?” The Divine told me immediately, “Inner Yin Yang Circle flows, then Outer Yin Yang Circle follows.” I had an “aha!” moment. I deeply appreciated the Divine’s sacred wisdom and practice released to humanity.

Now, I have introduced where you put the Ba Gua power within the seven energy chakras or Soul Houses, as well as within the Wai Jiao. You can put them together like this: Shui Feng Di Huo Lei Shan Tian Ze.

• “Shui” means water . It is represented by Kan Gua.

• “Feng” means wind . It is represented by Xun Gua.

• “Di” means Mother Earth . It is represented by Kun Gua.

• “Huo” means fire . It is represented by Li Gua.

• “Lei” means thunder . It is represented by Zhen Gua.

• “Shan” means mountain . It is represented by Gen Gua.

• “Tian” means Heaven . It is represented by Qian Gua.

• “Ze” means lake . It is represented by Dui Gua.

Later in this chapter, we will do many practices to put these eight powers of nature inside the body to promote the Divine Sacred Inner Yin Yang Energy Circle, the most important energy circle in the body. These practices will help you heal all sickness, rejuvenate, prolong life, and move in the direction of immortality.

The Path to the Wu World

Reincarnation is a universal law. Since creation, Mother Earth has had billions of incarnations. Tao normal creation and Tao reverse creation take place constantly. In the sixth book of my Soul Power Series, Tao I: The Way of All Life , 20 I shared and taught Tao Jing, a new Tao Classic that I received from the Divine and Source. The first two sacred phrases come from Lao Zi’s Dao De Jing :

Tao Ke Tao
Fei Chang Tao

“Tao ke Tao, fei chang Tao” (pronounced dow kuh dow, fay chahng dow ) means Tao that can be explained in words or comprehended by thoughts is not the true Tao or eternal Tao .

The third sacred phrase of Tao Jing is:

Da Wu Wai

“Da wu wai” (pronounced dah woo wye ) means bigger than biggest . Tao is bigger than biggest. Tao cannot be measured. Tao is without limits. Scientists have found that the most distant known galaxy is approximately 13.3 billion light-years away. In other words, it took 13.3 billion years for light from that galaxy, traveling at the speed of 186,000 miles per second, to reach our eyes. We cannot imagine how big the universe is. According to Tao teaching, Tao is bigger than biggest, and so, Tao is bigger than infinity. Therefore, scientists will not be able to find the farthest star, galaxy, or universe. There will always be later findings of a farther star, galaxy, or universe.

The fourth sacred phrase of Tao Jing is:

Xiao Wu Nei

“Xiao wu nei” (pronounced shee-yow woo nay ) means smaller than smallest . According to modern physics, the smallest things known are quarks and leptons. According to Tao teaching, scientists will never find the smallest thing in the universe. In the future, science will discover even smaller things in the universe.

The universe is infinitely big—bigger than biggest. The universe is infinitely small—smaller than smallest. Remember, though, that this is only at the level of the You World, the existence world . Da wu wai, xiao wu nei tells us that we cannot find out the biggest size or the smallest size of the You World. Even more, we cannot discover—or even explain—the Wu World, the nothingness world .

This book is to share with the scientific community and humanity that science and humanity are researching the You World. There are many secrets that cannot be discovered and many questions that cannot be answered about the You World.

Heaven, Mother Earth, humanity, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes belong to the You World. If there are many questions that cannot be answered about the You World, then how much less do we understand the Wu World? This book shares with the scientific community and humanity that there is a long, long, long way to go to research and understand the You World and the Wu World.

Many sicknesses have no solutions because we do not understand the You World enough, and even less do we understand the Wu World. According to the Soul Mind Body Science System, all sicknesses are due to blockages of jing qi shen (matter, energy, soul-heart-mind). Therefore, removing soul mind body blockages is the key for healing. For challenging cases, such as chronic and life-threatening conditions, blockages of jing qi shen could be very heavy and we may not be able to remove them easily. Removing soul blockages (negative karma) is most important, because soul blockages are the root cause of chronic and life-threatening sicknesses.

Forgiveness Practice is the key for self-clearing soul mind body blockages. The Four Power Techniques that I have shared in all of my books are sacred techniques to heal chronic and life-threatening conditions. Many healthcare professionals and practitioners of many other healing modalities could help you also. We wish that anyone who is suffering from chronic or life-threatening conditions will find the best way to restore health.

We shared earlier that Tao and One belong to the Wu World. In Tao normal creation, Tao creates One. One creates Two. Two creates Three. Three creates wan wu, which means all things , including countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. See figure 4 on page 51 .

Tao and One belong to the Wu World. Tao and One are the Wu World. Two, Three, and wan wu belong to the You World. Human beings belong to wan wu. At this moment, I silently asked the Divine and Tao a question through my soul communication channels. There are so many religions and spiritual groups, with millions and billions of people who have been on the spiritual journey. These millions and billions of serious spiritual seekers have constantly searched for the truth. They truly want to understand how Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes were formed, how they have grown, and how they will end. They truly want to understand why human beings have such a short lifespan. Why do many animals have a shorter lifespan? Why can some tortoises live two hundred fifty years? Why can some trees live more than five thousand years? Why can Mother Earth live billions of years? We have so many questions about healing, rejuvenation, and longevity. Millions and billions of people have been searching for immortality, but extremely rare is the person who has achieved immortality.

I silently asked the Divine and Tao: Why do such a limited number of people reach immortality? I received the answer from the Divine and Tao immediately: Because millions and billions of spiritual seekers have not understood and realized the Wu World . From the earliest creation to now, millions and billions of serious spiritual seekers have been constantly searching for the truth of healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and immortality. Ninety-six percent of the millions and billions of spiritual seekers only understand the You World. They do not understand the Wu World at all. To reach immortality is to meld with the Wu World. If you do not fully understand the You World, how can you meld with the Wu World? Only four percent of spiritual seekers even know about the Wu World. They realize that the Wu World exists. Very few of them know how to reach and meld with the Wu World. Within the four percent of millions and billions of spiritual seekers who know about the Wu World, only four percent in turn understand immortality and the Wu World. Ninety-six percent of those who know about the Wu World have no idea how to reach the Wu World. That is why so few people have reached immortality.

Beloved Lao Zi shared four sacred phrases in Dao De Jing :

Ren Fa Di
Di Fa Tian
Tian Fa Tao
Tao Fa Zi Ran

I explained Tao normal creation and Tao reverse creation in chapter two. See figure 4 on page 51 .

Tao reverse creation is to return from wan wu (all things) to Three, wan wu gui San . From there, Three returns to Two, San gui Er . Two returns to One, Er gui Yi . One returns to Tao, Yi gui Tao . The process and path of Tao reverse creation has given secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to return to Tao.

Lao Zi’s Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, Tian Fa Tao, Tao Fa Zi Ran is the same path. It is to return to Tao. They are the same thing. “Ren” means human being . Ren is in the level of wan wu. “Fa” means follow the principles and laws . “Di” means Mother Earth. “Tian” means Heaven . Mother Earth and Heaven are on the level of Two.

“Ren Fa Di” (pronounced wren fah dee ) means transform a human being’s jing qi shen and meld with Mother Earth’s jing qi shen . A human being’s jing qi shen is far from Mother Earth’s jing qi shen.

“Di Fa Tian” (pronounced dee fah tyen ) is to meld Mother Earth’s jing qi shen with Heaven’s jing qi shen.

“Tian Fa Tao” (pronounced tyen fah dow ) is to meld Heaven’s jing qi shen with Tao’s jing qi shen.

“Tao Fa Zi Ran” (pronounced dow fah dz rahn ) is to reach Tao. To reach Tao is to meld with Tao . To meld with Tao is to reach immortality.

Tao reverse creation, plus Lao Zi’s Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, Tian Fa Tao, Tao Fa Zi Ran, have given millions and billions of serious spiritual seekers a crystal path to reach immortality.

How to do it? At this moment, you could be thinking, “Master Sha, it seems I understand. It seems I don’t understand.”

Now, I am ready to release the sacred practice that moves you in the direction of reverse creation through the four steps of Lao Zi’s teaching: Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, Tian Fa Tao, and Tao Fa Zi Ran together.

Tian Ren He Yi is an ancient sacred phrase. It is one of the highest phi losophies in the spiritual journey and in the universe. “Tian” means Heaven . It represents the bigger universe, including countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. “Ren” means human being . It is the smaller universe. “He” means join as . “Yi” means one . “Tian ren he yi” (pronounced tyen wren huh yee ) means the bigger universe and the smaller universe join as one . Yi is the blurred Hun Dun Oneness condition. Yi is Tao. The bigger universe and the smaller universe join together and return to Tao.

To do Tao reverse creation, we will start with a Ba Gua practice. Ba Gua explains the universal natures and phenomena. Ba Gua includes Heaven, Mother Earth, fire, water, thunder, wind, mountain, and lake.

In order to reach Tao, we must go through Lao Zi’s path: Ren Fa Di, Di Fa Tian, Tian Fa Tao, Tao Fa Zi Ran. No one can reach Tao right away. It normally takes thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lifetimes to reach Tao. Why is it so difficult to reach Tao?

Soul blockages are the number one blockage to reaching Tao.

I cannot emphasize enough that soul blockages are negative karma. Negative karma is created by unpleasant service, when one and one’s ancestors make mistakes to others in previous lifetimes and in this lifetime. These mistakes can include killing, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, and more.

Another major blockage to reaching Tao is mind blockages, which include negative mind-sets, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, attachments, and more.

The next major blockage to reaching Tao is body blockages, which include matter blockages and energy blockages.

To remove soul mind body blockages is to begin to move toward Tao. A human being can have many blockages at all soul mind body levels. Many people carry very heavy soul mind body blockages. Why do human beings reincarnate again and again? Soul mind body blockages cause a human being to reincarnate repeatedly. Even removing soul mind body blockages completely does not mean one has reached Tao.

Removing soul mind body blockages of a human being is still only to transform at the level of a human being. Ren Fa Di is to transform a human being’s jing qi shen to, and meld a human being’s jing qi shen with, Mother Earth’s jing qi shen. This is transformation to the level of Mother Earth, which is beyond the level of a human being.

It is hard for a human being to live for one hundred years. Mother Earth has lived for billions of years. This is a huge difference. There is no comparison between the jing qi shen of a human being and the jing qi shen of Mother Earth.

Furthermore, there is no comparison between Mother Earth’s jing qi shen and Heaven’s jing qi shen. Heaven and Mother Earth are the You World. The You World was created by the Wu World. Even less can we compare You World jing qi shen with Wu World jing qi shen.

Remember that the Source guided me a little earlier that ninety-six percent of millions and billions of spiritual seekers of immortality do not realize the jing qi shen of the Wu World. They only practice to receive the essence of Heaven and Mother Earth, which is You World jing qi shen. It is important to receive the nourishment of You World jing qi shen. Thousands of spiritual practitioners worldwide focus on doing this—receiving nourishment from Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. However, they have not realized how to receive the nourishment of Tao and Source, which is the Wu World.

Only four percent of millions and billions of spiritual seekers understand the Wu World. But, within this four percent, ninety-six percent of them in turn do not know how to meld with the Wu World. To meld with the Wu World is to reach Tao.

I am honored to be a servant of humanity, the Divine, Tao, and all souls. The Divine and Tao inspired me and gave me this sacred wisdom, knowledge, and these practical techniques to share with humanity and all souls. All of the sacred teaching and practice belong to the Divine and Tao. I am honored to be a servant of humanity, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as a servant of Tao.

I am ready to lead you to practice.

Ba Gua Practices for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Moving Toward Immortality

Before we start to practice, I need to prepare every reader with more sacred wisdom. On the Tao path, there are four words that everyone who wants to move on this path must remember:

Ren Di Tian Tao

Ren Di Tian Tao are the four steps on the Tao path and the most important wisdom to know. “Ren Di Tian Tao” means human being, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao . I will use fire as an example. A human being has a fire nature within. On Mother Earth there is fire also. Does Heaven have fire? Of course. Does Tao have fire? Absolutely. Therefore, we need to meld Tao’s fire, Heaven’s fire, Mother Earth’s fire, and human beings’ fire as one. With one practice, we can meld with the fire of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, and Tao as one.

What about water? Human beings also have a water nature. An adult’s body is about seventy percent water. A newborn baby’s body is about ninety percent water. Does Mother Earth have water? Of course. How many oceans and rivers are there? Does Heaven have water? Definitely. Heaven has Heaven’s oceans, rivers, and lakes. Do not think that only Mother Earth has oceans. Does Tao have water? One hundred percent, yes. In one practice, we can join human beings’ water, Mother Earth’s water, Heaven’s water, and Tao’s water as one. I will continue to release more and more of the sacred wisdom and practice.

Ba Gua includes Heaven, Mother Earth, fire, water, thunder, wind, mountain, and lake. These are the eight natures of the You World. The Wu World has these eight natures also.

How, for example, does a human being have Tian or Heaven? Let me explain. Tao and traditional Chinese medicine have taught that the portion of our physical body above the diaphragm belongs to Tian (Heaven). This area is the Upper Jiao in traditional Chinese medicine. It includes the heart, lungs, and brain. How does a human being have Di (Mother Earth)? Tao and traditional Chinese medicine have taught that everything in our body below the level of the navel belongs to Di. This area is the Lower Jiao in traditional Chinese medicine.

Does a human being have Tao? Yes! As I shared in chapter one, every human being has Yuan Shen. Yuan Shen is Tao. Every human being has Tao. Therefore, in Ren Di Tian Tao, the four steps of the Tao path, each step has all the natures of Heaven, Mother Earth, fire, water, thunder, wind, mountain, and lake.

The Ba Gua practice I will share with you is Tian Ren He Yi practice. This Ba Gua practice joins the bigger universe and the smaller universe as one. When the bigger universe and the smaller universe join as one, they will then return to Tao.

I cannot emphasize enough my deepest insight in my spiritual awareness, which is the highest sacred wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, principle, and practice in the Wu World and You World. In one sentence:

One is divided into Two, which is yin yang; join Two together to returns to One.

One is Tao, the Source, which is the Wu World. Two includes yin and yang, which are the You World. Heaven is yang. Mother Earth is yin. Yin yang can be subdivided endlessly.

In Tao reverse creation, wan wu returns to Three. Wan wu includes countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Three is Two plus One. Two represents Heaven and Mother Earth. One represents the blurred Hun Dun Oneness condition. From wan wu to Three, Ba Gua is eight. If Ba Gua can join as one, it returns to Tao. Ba Gua is the You World. If Ba Gua joins as one, it returns to the Wu World. Therefore, this Ba Gua practice is Tao practice, which is Oneness practice.

Now, let us apply the Four Power Techniques to do Ba Gua Practice to Reach Tao by applying Ba Gua nature to purify and develop our seven chakras (Soul Houses) and to transform our jing qi shen to Mother Earth’s, Heaven’s, and Tao’s jing qi shen. See figure 10 below for the relationship between Ba Gua nature and the seven Soul Houses.


Figure 10. Ba Gua nature and Soul Houses in the body

Ba Gua Practice for the Root Chakra or First Soul House: Kan Shui

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, which contains the first Soul House. The first Soul House is also known as the root chakra. It is the key chakra for boosting energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity. Put your other palm on the fourth Soul House, the heart chakra, which is the key for developing intelligence.

In my teaching of the Four Power Techniques for healing, rejuvenation, longevity, and immortality, Body Power can be summarized in one sentence:

Where you put your palms is where you receive the benefits.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls and outer souls.

Let us say hello to inner souls first:

Dear soul mind body of my root chakra or first Soul House ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You are the foundation energy center for all other energy chakras and the whole body.

You have the power to develop yourself.

Please develop yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear my Yuan Shen, who is Tao within me ,

Dear Divine and Tao ,

Dear Kan Shui ( “Kan” means Kan Gua. “Shui” means water . “images ” represents Kan Shui.),

A human being has water. Mother Earth has water. Heaven has water. Tao has water.

Dear Kan Shui of a human being ,

Dear Kan Shui of Mother Earth ,

Dear Kan Shui of Heaven ,

Dear Kan Shui of Tao ,

I love you all, honor you all, and appreciate you all.

Please come to my first Soul House.

Purify my first Soul House.

Remove soul mind body blockages of my first Soul House or root chakra.

Meld the water of Ren Di Tian Tao as one in my first Soul House.

Thank you so much.

Mind Power. Put your mind on the first energy chakra or Soul House. Visualize the water of a human being, Mother Earth, Heaven, and Tao cleansing and removing all soul mind body blockages of your first Soul House. Some people have very heavy blockages and darkness of jing qi shen in their first Soul House. Humanity has huge challenges in that area. Therefore, to purify and remove blockages of jing qi shen in the first energy chakra or Soul House has immeasurable value to serve humanity.

Sound Power. This is the first time this sacred Tao Ba Gua mantra is released to humanity in my books.


Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow kahn shway huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi …

Meld the waters of Ren Di Tian Tao as one.

Meld the waters of Ren Di Tian Tao as one.

Meld the waters of Ren Di Tian Tao as one.

Meld the waters of Ren Di Tian Tao as one …

The waters of Ren Di Tian Tao wash, cleanse, transform, and meld in the first Soul House.

The waters of Ren Di Tian Tao wash, cleanse, transform, and meld in the first Soul House.

The waters of Ren Di Tian Tao wash, cleanse, transform, and meld in the first Soul House.

The waters of Ren Di Tian Tao wash, cleanse, transform, and meld in the first Soul House …

At the end of every healing practice, always remember to show your gratitude:

Hao! Hao! Hao!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Gong Song. Gong Song. Gong Song.

“Hao” (pronounced how ) means get well or perfect .

“Gong Song” (pronounced gōng sōng ) is Chinese for respectfully return . This is to return the countless souls who came for the practice.

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant two or more hours a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total at least two hours every day.

This is the fastest way to transform your jing qi shen to Tao jing qi shen in the first Soul House.


I am still flowing this book in my retreat in Ramsau, Austria. After this practice, I asked participants to share their experiences and insights.

I saw that this mantra is a spiritual gathering tool. I could see that everyone and everything, Mother Earth, Heaven, all of the countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, the saints, buddhas, bodhisattvas, angels, Taoist masters, all divine beings, and Tao all came and were inside the first Soul House. The water was flowing in. The jing qi shen was melding. It was melding outside of us in the big universe. It was melding in the first Soul House. The Tao was sending a blessing with Source water. This is an incredible practice that brings the jing qi shen of Kan Shui from Ren Di Tian Tao to all of us.

—David Lusch

This was a profound experience. As we went through the different layers of Ren, Di, Tian, and Tao, every layer had a different Water element. All of the saints, temples in Heaven, and Heaven’s water from every layer were flowing into the first Soul House.

It first started with Ren. From layer to layer, the water kept expanding and became softer and softer. I saw many beautiful saints connected with the Water element. I usually experience a lot of power in the first Soul House but this was a gentle cleansing.

As we chanted more, the power of the water became stronger, like a flood. It started to rise up the Soul Houses to the Wai Jiao (the space in front of the spinal column) and different energy channels in the body. I had a deeper understanding of how the first Soul House nourishes the whole body. It was a very powerful experience.

—Francisco Quintero

This practice moved me to tears because I felt the power of how much it can harmonize our soul, heart, mind, and body. My soul was so excited to continue to chant the sacred mantra.

I saw myself under a waterfall. First, it looked like a waterfall we would see on Mother Earth, and then like a waterfall in Heaven. For the first time, I had the experience of a waterfall in Tao. It was like seeing a waterfall in a blurred condition. The power was so incredible. I felt a reconnection between my soul and heart, and then between my heart and mind, that I have not felt in this lifetime. It is a profound connection. Chanting the mantra purifies us so deeply. It gives us access to high-level frequencies that we could not access on our own. This is a Source mantra. We are extremely blessed.

—Maya Mackie


The second Ba Gua practice is the Li Huo (pronounced lee hwaw ) practice. “Li” means Li Gua . “Huo” means fire . Li Huo (images ) is located in the Message Center 21 or fourth Soul House. The important wisdom is that Ren Di Tian Tao all have Li Huo.

Fire is the nature of yang. Water is the nature of yin. In traditional Chinese medicine, to balance yin and yang is to heal all sickness. Practicing these two natures together could balance every system, every organ, every cell, and every space of the body.

What are yin and yang? Yin Yang is the universal law that summarizes everyone and everything in Heaven, Mother Earth, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes in the You World. Yang has a fire nature. Fire nature is hot, flows upward, is exciting, active, and more. Yin has a water nature. Water nature is cold, flows downward, is calming, passive, and more.

Now, let us apply the Four Power Techniques to do the Li Huo practice.

Ba Gua Practice for the Heart Chakra or Fourth Soul House (Message Center): Li Huo

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put one palm over the bottom of your lower abdomen, over the root chakra or first Soul House. Place your other palm over the fourth energy chakra or Soul House, the Message Center. The Message Center is near the heart. In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is the authority organ of the Fire element.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls first. Repeat after me:

Dear soul mind body of my heart chakra or fourth Soul House ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You are vital for my heart and Message Center.

You are the key for purity.

You are the key for intelligence.

You are the key to transform the heart and consciousness.

You are the vital chakra and Soul House for love, forgiveness, compassion, light, humility, harmony, and more.

You are the key to heal the emotional body and mental body.

You are the key to enlighten the soul, heart, mind, and body.

You are the key to self-clear soul mind body blockages.

I cannot appreciate you enough for the vital role you play in my life.

Please purify yourself.

Develop yourself.

Transform yourself.

Enlighten yourself.

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear human beings’ fire ,

Dear Mother Earth’s fire ,

Dear Heaven’s fire ,

Dear Tao’s fire ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Please purify, develop, transform, and enlighten my fourth Soul House, heart chakra, Message Center, and heart.

I cannot thank you enough.

Mind Power. Visualize fire in your fourth Soul House.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi .

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow lee hwaw huh yee)

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi …

Please stop reading now. Chant and visualize for at least ten minutes.

Dear beloved readers, when I suggest that you stop reading, please follow the instructions. To understand the secret is not enough. To put it into practice is the key. Let us do it now.

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi …

This is the first time I have released Tao Ba Gua mantras. I would like to emphasize to every reader and humanity that this and every Tao Ba Gua mantra carries Wu World power and You World power together. Human beings’ fire, Mother Earth’s fire, and Heaven’s fire are You World fire. Tao’s fire is Wu World fire. In the You World, there are soul mind body blockages. I have explained this many times in this book and in other books. I repeat it again and again so that this wisdom can be imprinted in your heart, soul, every cell, and every DNA and RNA of your body. Wu World fire can clear soul mind body blockages of You World fire. The power of Wu World fire is beyond imagination.

A human being is made of jing qi shen. An animal is made of jing qi shen. A mountain, a tree, a city, Mother Earth, every planet, star, galaxy, and universe is made of jing qi shen.

Within our body, every system, every organ, every cell, every DNA, every RNA, every tiny matter, every space, including smaller spaces between the cells and bigger spaces between the organs, is made of jing qi shen. Every system, every organ, and every cell can have many sicknesses, which are blockages in their jing qi shen.

I honor modern allopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, all medicines, and all healing modalities. I am honored to share with humanity that in the Soul Mind Body Science System and Soul Mind Body Medicine, we have shared with the scientific community and humanity that all sicknesses are due to blockages of jing qi shen.

Shen blockages are blockages of soul, heart, and mind. Qi blockages are energy blockages. Jing blockages are matter blockages. There are many blockages at the jing qi shen level. There are many causes of sickness in modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, all medicines, and all healing modalities.

Can we find one cause for all sicknesses? Can we offer sacred Wu World and You World healing for all sicknesses? I am honored to share my insight with humanity, the scientific community, all medicine, and all healing modalities:

The one cause of all sicknesses in the physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body is the misalignment of jing qi shen with the You World and the Wu World.

I will use the heart as an example. There are many sicknesses of the heart. There are heart artery blockages. There are heart valve malfunctions. There are palpitations. There are slow or irregular heartbeats. There is atrial fibrillation. There is hypertension. There is hypotension. There are many more unhealthy conditions in the heart.

What do the Soul Mind Body Science System and Soul Mind Body Medicine share with humanity about heart sicknesses? They share that all kinds of heart sicknesses are due to the misalignment of heart jing qi shen, heart cell jing qi shen, and heart DNA and RNA jing qi shen. They are not aligned as one.

What is the sacred healing for the heart from the teaching and practice of the Soul Mind Body Science System and Soul Mind Body Medicine? The teaching and practice are to align the heart’s jing qi shen as one. In fact, to align heart jing qi shen as one is not enough. The sacred healing is to align the jing qi shen of the heart of a human being, the jing qi shen of the heart of Mother Earth, the jing qi shen of the heart of Heaven, and the jing qi shen of the heart of Tao as one.

We know a human being has a heart. Does Mother Earth have a heart? Yes. Does Heaven have a heart? No doubt about it. Does Tao have a heart? Absolutely. Remember that a human being’s heart, Mother Earth’s heart, Heaven’s heart, and Tao’s heart have different frequencies and vibrations.

In the You World, which includes a human being’s heart, Mother Earth’s heart, and Heaven’s heart, there are soul mind body blockages. All of these hearts have misalignments in their jing qi shen.

In the Wu World, which is Tao and Oneness, there is no misalignment. Tao is the Creator. Tao is The Source. Tao creates One. Tao and One are the Wu World. One creates Two. Two creates Three. Three creates wan wu. Wan wu means countless things . Two, Three, wan wu are the You World. The Wu World creates the You World. The Wu World transforms the You World. The Wu World melds with the You World.

The one-sentence secret of the Soul Mind Body Science System for the cause of all sickness and the healing solution for all sickness is:

The cause of all sicknesses in the spiritual body, mental body, emotional body, and physical body is misalignment of jing qi shen at the Ren Di Tian levels, and the solution to heal all sicknesses is to align jing qi shen at the Ren Di Tian levels with the jing qi shen of Tao.

This one-sentence secret for the cause of all sicknesses and the solution for healing all sicknesses could create millions and billions of soul healing miracles for humanity. It could take time for people, especially for scientists and all kinds of medical professionals, to understand what we are offering.

I am now in a retreat with more than two hundred students. I am asking them to stand if they have any kind of physical heart issues or any emotional issues related to the heart, such as depression, anxiety, and guilt.

More than half of the students in my retreat have stood up to say that they have heart and heart-related challenges. We realize that sicknesses of the heart are all too common. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States. In fact, in March 2013, the World Health Organization reported that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally, accounting for about thirty percent of all global deaths.

Even if a person is in a vegetative condition, life continues as long as the heart continues to beat. A doctor will not pronounce this person dead. When a person’s heart stops beating, life ends. That is when death is pronounced. The heart is the core and leader of all other organs in the body. In ancient spiritual teaching, the heart also houses the mind and soul.

The sacred Tao Ba Gua teaching and chanting, Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi , could offer healing for all heart conditions. Depression, anxiety, guilt, unworthiness, lack of self-love, and several other emotional issues are related with the heart. Many mental disorders also connect with the heart because the heart houses the mind and soul. To heal mental disorders, please pay great attention to the heart. This is ancient wisdom.

We will do a live practice together in my retreat by applying the sacred wisdom I am teaching now. Join us to do ten minutes of practice.

Ba Gua Practice for the Heart and Heart-Related Conditions: Li Huo

Body Power. Place your left palm on your lower abdomen below the navel. Put your right palm over the fourth Soul House with the fingers over your heart.

The fourth Soul House (also known as the heart chakra and Message Center) and heart are closely connected. Therefore, this practice will benefit all heart and heart-related conditions.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner and outer souls together:

Dear my beloved heart and Message Center ,

Dear my heart-related spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body conditions ,

Dear human beings’ fire, which is human beings’ Li Huo, Mother Earth’s fire, which is Mother Earth’s Li Huo, Heaven’s fire, which is Heaven’s Li Huo, and Tao’s fire, which is Tao’s Li Huo ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Please all join together to heal all of my heart and heart-related conditions.

Please clear soul mind body blockages, which are jing qi shen blockages, of my heart and heart-related conditions of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

I am extremely honored.

I cannot appreciate you enough.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Put your mind on the heart and the fourth Soul House (heart chakra or Message Center).

Sound Power. Chant with me:

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi
Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi
Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi
Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi …

Hearts of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao, and Source join as One.

Hearts of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao, and Source join as One.

Hearts of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao, and Source join as One.

Hearts of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao, and Source join as One…

Continue to chant for ten minutes.

Now, chant with me again for a minute:

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi …

Now, chant silently for a minute.

When you chant silently, you could feel or see even more light than when you chant aloud. When you chant a sacred Tao Ba Gua mantra, you can chant out loud or chant silently. To chant out loud is to stimulate the bigger cells and spaces in the body. To chant silently is to stimulate the smaller cells and spaces in the body. It is good to chant both ways in any practice.

Continue to chant silently for a few more minutes:

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi …

Hao! We have done about fifteen minutes of practice.

After practicing Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi , the next important secret is to put Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi and Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi together to practice. This is the way to do it:


Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Li Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Kan Shui He Yi …

Participants at my retreat will now share their experiences and insights:

When we started to chant the mantra, I felt fire in my heart. This fire was connecting and melding with the fire of Mother Earth, the fire of Heaven, and the fire of Tao. I saw layers of Tao, and beautiful countryside with mountains and nature. Heaven’s saints and Heaven’s animals appeared. The Water element started to move within me. In a very gentle way, everything became balanced and I had the impression that everything is connected. The longer we chanted, the more I felt everything melded together, including the universe. I feel very well and grounded.

Thank you, Master Sha.

—Sabine P., Schwerin, Germany

Thank you, Master Sha, for the blessing. I experienced a lot of personal healing. When I started chanting the Tao Ba Gua mantra, I was put into different situations connected with my heart where I hurt others through my heart, and where I injured others through my mind and through my soul. I did a Forgiveness Practice. Great peace spread within me.

I also saw situations where I was hurt in this lifetime and in past lifetimes. In this lifetime, I have lost two children. I practiced forgiveness many times. Through the grace of doing forgiveness in the presence of Master Sha, healing occurred not only on the cellular level, but at a deep level of the DNA and RNA. Healing occurred in many different lifetimes where I lost children.

Healing occurred from past lifetimes when I harmed others. A lot of darkness left me. Virtue was given not only to me but also to my children. I cannot express my gratitude enough because I know this mantra will not only create soul healing miracles for me but for so many others. It will remove soul, mind, and body blockages. It is one of the greatest gifts that Master Sha has given humanity.

Thank you so much, Master Sha.

—Petra Herz, B. S., Germany


When you read the insights of Sabine and Petra, you will better understand the depth, wisdom, and power of this Tao Ba Gua mantra. It literally clears soul mind body blockages accumulated in this lifetime and in past lifetimes. You heard just now that a huge amount of darkness left a person. The power is so extraordinary that it cannot be expressed in words.

I want to thank you, Master Sha, for these beautiful teachings and mantras. They are so rich in their meaning and power.

During this retreat, my heart was beating more and more irregularly. I was getting more and more out of breath. I noticed that a lot happened in my body when we were chanting the first mantra for water followed by the fire mantra. Now, there is a lot of space in my lungs and heart. I am very happy and appreciative.

—F. R. Boonstra, The Netherlands


Now, we will continue with Tao Ba Gua study and practice. Within Ba Gua there is Qian Gua (images ). Qian Gua represents Heaven.

“Tian” means Heaven . A universe has Heaven. Mother Earth has Heaven. Heaven has Heaven. Tao has Tao Heaven. There is Heaven within countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. In Tao Ba Gua practice every sacred phrase, mantra, and practice can accelerate every practitioner’s journey to reach Tao.

The next sacred Tao Ba Gua mantra and practice is Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi . It reveals to us Qian Tian, which signifies that Heaven exists in all layers. Human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, and Tao—all have their own Heaven. Traditional Chinese medicine has taught for five thousand years that Heaven within a human being’s body is everything above the diaphragm. All of the organs and systems in this part of the body have Heaven’s nature. Mother Earth within a human being’s body is represented by everything below the navel, down to and including the genitals. All of the organs and systems in this part of the body have Mother Earth’s nature.

The nature of Heaven’s qi is to fall. The nature of Mother Earth’s qi is to rise. The qi in the human body has the same natures. The energy below the navel normally rises in the body. The energy above the diaphragm normally falls.

For example, lungs are above the diaphragm. Lungs belong to Heaven. Lung qi normally should fall. If lung qi rises, a cough or asthma could develop. The heart is also above the diaphragm. Heart qi also normally should fall. If heart qi rises, hypertension and anxiety could develop. The brain is above the diaphragm. Therefore, brain qi should fall. If brain qi rises, headaches and dizziness could occur. The lower abdomen belongs to Mother Earth. Lower abdomen qi should flow up. If this energy cannot follow its nature and flow up, one could have diarrhea or incontinence.

Heaven, human being, the big universe, and the small universe are one. Where is Qian Gua inside the body? Qian Gua is at your crown chakra, just above your head. When you chant Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi , visualize Heaven’s light above your crown. Only visualize light. Do not think about qi or energy.

When a person meditates, one of the most powerful Mind Power techniques is to visualize light. Visualizing light is always safe and beneficial. In many energy practices and spiritual practices, people are guided to visualize qi or energy flowing. Visualizing qi could create side effects. I emphasize again that it does not matter what kind of meditation you are doing or what you are learning from different teachers; my advice is to always visualize light . Light is the essence of qi.

Golden light is one of the most powerful kinds of light. An important phrase of ancient sacred wisdom is:

Jin Guang Zhao Ti, Bai Bing Xiao Chu

“Jin” means gold. “Guang” means light . “Zhao” means shine . “Ti” means body . “Bai” means one hundred. In Chinese, “one hundred” represents all or countless . “Bing” means sickness. “Xiao chu” means remove . “Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu” (pronounced jeen gwahng jow tee, bye bing shee-ow choo ) means golden light shines, all sickness disappears.

Chant with me now:

Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu

Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu
Jin guang zhao ti, bai bing xiao chu …

Let us apply the Four Power Techniques to do Tao Ba Gua practice with Qian Tian.

Ba Gua Practice to Receive Heaven’s Essence: Qian Tian

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Put your other palm gently on your crown, in the crown chakra or seventh Soul House.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my crown chakra ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You are in my Heaven area.

You are my Heaven’s gate to connect with Heaven.

I need Heaven’s blessing.

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Mother Earth’s Heaven ,

Dear Heaven’s Heaven ,

Dear Tao’s Heaven ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Please bless me.

Please give me the essence of all Heavens.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Visualize golden light shining above your head.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi :

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow chyen tyen huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi …

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant for two hours or more a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total two hours or more each day.

With this practice, you could receive the essences of a human being, Mother Earth, Heaven, and Tao. We eat food. We drink fruit and vegetable juices and other beverages. What does the Divine drink? What do the saints, healing angels, archangels, ascended masters, gurus, lamas, kahunas, holy saints, Taoist saints, buddhas, bodhisattvas, and all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers eat? They eat Heaven’s food. They drink Heaven’s beverages.

We want to eat Heaven’s food and drink Heaven’s liquids also. This is the way to do it. This is the sacred way to receive Heaven’s nutrients, including Heaven’s vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, nectars, and other essential nutrients, Heaven’s fruit juice, Heaven’s herbs, and Heaven’s sacred jing qi shen. Therefore, do not think that this is a simple practice. This is a powerful practice. I do not think “powerful” is enough. This is a beyond comprehension practice.

Let us continue to practice. Let us continue to say hello and chant. Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian, which means all layers of Heaven ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

I would like Heaven’s vitamins.

I would like Heaven’s minerals.

I would like to drink Heaven’s apple juice.

I would like to drink Heaven’s orange juice.

I would like Heaven’s nectars.

I would like Heaven’s Tian Yi Zhen Shui , 22 Heaven’s sacred liquid.

Please pour them in through my crown chakra to nourish my whole body, from head to toe, skin to bone, including my spiritual body, mental body, emotional body, and physical body.

I am beyond blessed.

My words are not enough to express my deepest gratitude.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Chant for as long as you can:

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Qian Tian He Yi …


Let us now practice the next Tao Ba Gua, which is Zhen Lei (images ). “Zhen” means Zhen Gua , one of the Ba Gua. “Lei” means thunder . The Source guided me to apply Zhen Lei (pronounced jun lay ) to the throat for practice.

Ba Gua Practice for the Throat, Thyroid, and Vocal Cords: Zhen Lei

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Put your other palm over your throat.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my throat, my thyroid, and my vocal cords ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You can heal yourself.

You can rejuvenate yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Ren Di Tian Tao thunder ,

I love you all.

You have the power to remove all soul mind body blockages from my throat, my thyroid, and my vocal cords.

Please bless me.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Focus your mind on your throat. Visualize bright light shining, radiating, and flashing in your throat.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi :

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow jun lay huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi …

Chant for at least ten minutes at a time, three or more times a day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant for two hours or more a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total at least two hours each day.

Realize the sacred wisdom that everything has yin yang nature. This means that everything has two natures. For example, every human being needs to drink water. A human being cannot survive without water. But, a tsunami can kill people. A big flood can kill people. Therefore, everything has two natures. Everything has yin yang nature.

In the Tao Ba Gua practice we just did together, we are using the power of thunder to heal difficult sicknesses. We are using the positive aspect of thunder to heal the body. Thunder carries great nature power to shrink cysts, tumors, and cancer. Thunder can also break up stones in the body, as well as remove blockages causing pain, inflammation, and more. This Ba Gua practice is to bring the power of nature inside the body to heal chronic and life-threatening conditions and transform blockages in relationships and finances. This is the practice of Tian Ren He Yi, Heaven and human being joining as one . This is the practice of the You World and the Wu World together.

The power of Tao Ba Gua practices cannot be expressed enough by words and cannot be comprehended enough by thoughts. I want to repeat again: it may take time for many people to understand. It may take time for our beloved science to catch up. I am honored to share this sacred spiritual wisdom and practice with humanity. I am the servant of humanity and all souls.

Open your heart and soul to practice. To practice is to experience. To experience is to believe.

I asked the participants in my retreat if anyone had a cyst, a tumor, or cancer.

Dear reader, practice with us now.

Ba Gua Practice for Growths, Pain, and Inflammation: Zhen Lei

Body Power. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Put your other palm over a cyst, tumor, cancer, or stone. If you do not have growths or stones, put your other palm over an area of pain or inflammation, or over any area that needs healing. Thunder has healing power beyond words.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of __________ (name the area that needs healing),

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You have the power to heal yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Tao Ba Gua mantra , Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You have the power to heal my __________ (make your request).

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Ba Gua are the eight elements of human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, as well as of the Wu World, which is Tao. They all have thunder’s nature. Most people do not know how to apply thunder for healing. Very few people have applied thunder power for healing.

In this book, I release and share with humanity the power of Tian Ren He Yi, the big universe and the small universe joined as one. In sickness, the big universe and the small universe are not joined as one. The jing qi shen of Ren Di Tian Tao (human being, Mother Earth, Heaven, Tao) are not joined as one. Ba Gua of Ren Di Tian Tao are not joined as one. Therefore, applying Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei power could create soul healing miracles beyond comprehension.

Over the last eleven years, through the first eleven books of my Soul Power Series and Soul Healing Miracles Series combined, through other books, in my workshops and retreats, and through more than five thousand Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, four hundred Divine Channels in Training, hundreds of Divine Soul Operation Master Healers, and more than thirty certified Divine Channels, approximately one million soul healing miracles have been created on Mother Earth.

This book is the second book in my Soul Healing Miracles Series. Within one year, there will be millions of soul healing miracles. You may ask me, “Master Sha, how do you know?” I am flowing this Divine and Tao book at this moment. Saints, the Divine, and Tao are above my head. They told me that within one year there will be millions of soul healing miracles worldwide.

Thousands of Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers will continue to create more and more soul healing miracles. More and more people will practice soul healing miracle techniques, including the techniques and practices in this book. Then, they could experience many soul healing miracles. What is a soul healing miracle? A miracle soul healing result could be an amazing transformation in a sickness for which there is “no hope,” or from which it is very difficult to heal and recover. In this book, I am releasing new sacred Tao wisdom and practices that can create many soul healing miracles for humanity. We are extremely blessed.

Let us continue to practice.

Mind Power. Put your mind on the area that needs healing. Visualize golden light shining there.

Sound Power. Chant:

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi …

We will do ten minutes of practice. Put your mind on the area that needs healing. Chant nonstop for ten minutes.

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Zhen Lei He Yi …

At the end of every healing practice, always remember to show your gratitude:

Hao! Hao! Hao!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Gong Song. Gong Song. Gong Song.

“Hao” (pronounced how ) means get well or perfect .

“Gong Song” (pronounced gōng sōng is Chinese for respectfully return . This is to return the countless souls who came for the practice.

Some retreat students share their experiences and insights:

I have a cyst in the uterus. I felt pressure inside. When I was chanting, my body was opening. An outer shell or layer was taken away from me. I saw all of my inner organs in front of me. All of a sudden, I felt my Wai Jiao and all of the blockages in the Wai Jiao, as well as my lymphatic system.

Then, with my Third Eye I saw Master Sha’s soul in front of me and everything felt lighter. I felt everything was closed in the body. I am still trembling throughout my whole body. It was an incredible experience.

I am extremely grateful.

—Yasemin Modler, Bad Wörishofen

My name is Ren ée. I am from the Netherlands. In December, I started to have problems with my thyroid. There is a growth there. My mother, aunt, and uncle died of cancer and tumors. There is always a little bit of fear that something like that may happen with me.

When I was thirty-four, I was operated on and I had cysts in my thyroid. It took me five months to recover. Now, after twenty-five years, I am having problems with my thyroid again. Today, when we were chanting, I saw a dark page in my Akashic Record book turn to white.

I felt really sorry for all the mistakes that I have made. I did Forgiveness Practice a lot over these last few days. At the end, I saw much more light in my thyroid. I felt relief of the pressure in my thyroid. I really hope that this mantra will help me to recover totally. I am very grateful. I thank the thunder for helping me. I realized that there is a relationship between the thunder and my story: the Ba Gua for the thunder is the fifth soul house.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

—Renée Cool


I thanked the students for their great stories and sharing. We have just practiced for twenty minutes. Then, we heard about several students’ great energy reactions in the areas where they requested healing.

I want to say that to heal a cyst, tumor, cancer, or stone does take time. With just twenty minutes of practice, some felt trembling, heat, and other reactions. This is a great sign, especially when your Third Eye could see the darkness and mistakes that you made in previous lifetimes. This was extremely significant. For many people on Mother Earth who may not believe in negative karma, these kinds of stories could make them think about it. I do not have any intention to change anyone’s belief system.

Millions of people believe in negative karma. Millions of people do not believe in negative karma. My teaching and practice of the Soul Power Series and the Soul Healing Miracles Series are based on removing negative karma. I honor your belief system. I am honored to share in all of my books and in our scientific research the many good healing results and soul healing miracle results that have already resulted from our teaching and practice.

I am flowing this new book. Instantly, we did a practice. Then, we were so happy to hear the feedback. I do not take credit for anything. I am the servant of humanity and all souls. I am honored to share what I hear from Heaven, including from saints, the Divine, and Tao. I am honored to share ancient sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques and new sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques I am receiving now.

Every time I flow a book, there are always new secrets, new wisdom, new power, new techniques, new “aha!” moments, and new “wow!” moments.

The important words I want to share with the scientific community and humanity is that what I share with you is what I have heard from the Divine and Source for the last ten years. I do not worry whether people believe in my teaching or not. I am totally okay. This is the yin yang world. I have offered Divine Negative Karma Cleansing for hundreds of thousands of people on Mother Earth. I have met hundreds of thousands of people in more than fifty countries who study with me.

When I offer Divine Negative Karma Cleansing, the huge darkness that leaves the recipient always wants to harm me. There is opposition in the spiritual world. There could also be opposition in the physical world. I simply share what I hear from the Divine and Tao. I share the sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques that I learn from my spiritual fathers and mothers in Heaven and from the Divine and Tao.

I have created thousands of Divine Healing Hands Soul Healers, hundreds of Divine Soul Operation Master Healers, more than four hundred Divine Channels in Training, and more than thirty Divine Channels. The Divine Soul Healers that my Divine Channels and I have created are producing soul healing miracles daily.

There is an ancient saying:

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. When the teacher appears, the teacher can only teach ready students.

If you are ready, I am serving you now. If you are not ready, it is totally okay. I am your servant forever. I am very patient for your readiness. I am very patient for the scientific community to recognize the soul. Thousands of years of spiritual study have told us that a human being, Mother Earth, every planet, star, galaxy, and universe is made of jing qi shen—matter, energy, mind, heart, and soul. How can we ignore soul? Our beloved modern medicine and modern science have not recognized the soul, or at least have not recognized the soul enough.

The major purpose of this book is to help more of humanity—especially beloved scientists, healthcare professionals, all kinds of professionals, and billions of people on Mother Earth—to recognize and understand the soul.

As we have explained, from the point of view of the Soul Mind Body Science System, spiritual phenomena are quantum phenomena. Quantum science is the science of soul, heart, mind, and body. It is the science of how soul, heart, mind, and body create “reality.” The greatest contribution of the Soul Mind Body Science System is its discovery of soul and its ability to define soul as a physical quantity. Quantum physics confirms this and provides mathematical tools to define soul. The Soul Mind Body Science System shows us scientifically that everyone and everything has a soul. Soul is the essence of everyone and everything. Our beloved soul determines every aspect of our lives. With the scientific definition of soul, heart, and mind in the Soul Mind Body Science System, we are bridging science and spirituality. We can study spirituality scientifically. We can unify science with spirituality.

Imagine if scientists and medical practitioners understood and applied soul wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. Millions and billions of people could receive much more help for their healing, rejuvenation, and longevity.

The final goal of the soul journey is to reach Tao. To reach Tao is to reach immortality. Immortality is a dream for humanity. How many immortals have we seen? Some people may have seen Mahavatar Babaji in the Himalayas. I have heard from the Divine that Babaji has lived for more than seven thousand years. Many people believe in immortality. Many people do not believe in immortality. Many people may think, if I can see an immortal, I will believe . If I cannot see an immortal, I will never believe. It does not matter.

On Mother Earth, in Heaven, and in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes, how many things do we not know or understand? How many question marks are there? Too many. Countless. This is only in the You World. In the Wu World, there are many more question marks and secrets.

What I want to say is, open your heart and soul . Practice what I share with you here. Give it a try.

What has the Divine told me at this moment? Soul healing will become mainstream in the future. I am flowing the book and I am not afraid to put this in the book. You will witness it later. I am honored to serve.

Heaven and Mother Earth are the You World. The You World can be transformed. Remember our teaching.

“Tian Xian” (pronounced tyen shyen ) means Heaven saints . Why do we need Heaven saints? Mother Earth needs to be transformed. Heaven needs to be transformed also. Now, our task is to help humanity get through this difficult historic period of huge transition and Heaven’s reconstruction. Humanity, Mother Earth, and Heaven will all be transformed heavily.

Who transforms humanity, Mother Earth, and Heaven? Tao transforms. The Wu World transforms the You World. The You World must align with the Wu World. The Wu World and the You World will meld as one. That is the ultimate goal for humanity, Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

We want science, traditional Chinese medicine, all medicine, all healing modalities, all religions, all spiritual groups, all organizations, politics, economics, and every field on Mother Earth to join as one. In fact, we are one. We separate ourselves from each other.

Now is the time to share with humanity, to share with Mother Earth, to share with countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Awaken! We are one. We have forgotten we are one. This is the time for us to join as one. The Love Peace Harmony World Family and Love Peace Harmony Universal Family are in front of us.


I love my heart and soul

I love all humanity

Join hearts and souls together

Love, peace and harmony

Love, peace and harmony

Chanting chanting chanting

Divine chanting is healing

Chanting chanting chanting

Divine chanting is rejuvenating

Singing singing singing

Divine singing is transforming

Singing singing singing

Divine singing is enlightening

Humanity is waiting for divine chanting

All souls are waiting for divine singing

Divine chanting removes all blockages

Divine singing brings inner joy

Divine is chanting and singing

Humanity and all souls are nourishing

Humanity and all souls are chanting and singing

World love, peace and harmony are coming

World love, peace and harmony are coming

World love, peace and harmony are coming


Now, we will study and do the next Tao Ba Gua practice, which is Xun Feng (images ). “Xun” means Xun Gua . “Feng” means wind . Xun Feng (pronounced jwin fung ) is to be applied in the second Soul House, which is located between the genitals and navel.

Ba Gua Practice for the Lower Abdomen: Xun Feng

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put both palms on your lower abdomen, below the navel.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my second Soul House, my second energy chakra ,

Dear soul mind body of my small intestine, large intestine, uterus, ovaries, and more ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You can heal yourself.

You can rejuvenate yourself.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Xun Feng (wind) of Ren Di Tian Tao ,

I love you.

You have the power to remove all soul mind body blockages from my second Soul House or second energy chakra, small intestine, large intestine, uterus, ovaries, and more.

Please bless me.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Put your mind on the second Soul House (in your abdomen between the genitals and navel). Visualize golden light.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra:

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow jwin fung huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Xun Feng He Yi …

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant for two hours or more a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total at least two hours a day.

Let us now study the next Tao Ba Gua practice, which is Gen Shan (images ). “Gen” means Gen Gua . “Shan” means mountain . Gen Shan (pronounced gun shahn ) is to be applied in the head and brain.

Ba Gua Practice for the Brain and Head: Gen Shan

Body Power. Sit up straight. Put one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Place your other palm on your forehead.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my sixth Soul House or sixth energy chakra ,

Dear soul mind body of my brain.

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You can heal yourself.

You can rejuvenate yourself.

You can prolong my life.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Gen Shan (mountain) of Ren Di Tian Tao ,

I love you all.

You have the power to remove all soul mind body blockages from my sixth Soul House or sixth energy chakra, my brain, and more.

Please bless me.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Put your mind on your sixth Soul House in your brain. Visualize golden light.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi :

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow gun shahn huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Gen Shan He Yi …

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant for two hours or more a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total at least two hours each day.

Ba Gua Practice for the Wai Jiao: Dui Ze

Now we will study and do the next Tao Ba Gua practice, which is Dui Ze (images ). “Dui” means Dui Gua . “Ze” means lake . Dui Ze (pronounced dway dzuh ) is to be applied in the Wai Jiao, the space in front of the spinal column. The Wai Jiao is the biggest space in the body.

Body Power. Place one hand on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Place your other hand over the Ming Men acupuncture point, located directly behind the navel on your back.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my Wai Jiao, my Ming Men Area, and my Ming Men acupuncture point ,

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You can heal yourself.

You can rejuvenate yourself.

You can prolong my life.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Dui Ze (lake) of Ren Di Tian Tao ,

I love you.

You have the power to remove all soul mind body blockages in my Wai Jiao, Ming Men Area, kidneys, and more.

Please bless me.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Put your mind on your back in front of the Ming Men acupuncture point, which is in the Wai Jiao, and visualize golden light.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi :

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow dway dzuh huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Dui Ze He Yi …

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions in this area, chant for two hours or more a day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total at least two hours each day.

To end this chapter, let us do an even more special sacred practice of Tao Ba Gua. We have done Ba Gua practices one after another. The final practice is to put all of the Ba Gua together.

Join me!

Ba Gua Practice for All Life: Ba Gua He Yi

Apply the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power. Place one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel. Place your other palm over your Ming Men acupuncture point, located directly behind the navel on your back.

Soul Power. Say hello to inner souls:

Dear soul mind body of my Zhong, 23

I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

You can heal yourself.

You can rejuvenate yourself.

You can prolong my life.

Do a good job!

Thank you.

Say hello to outer souls:

Dear Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua ,

I love you.

You have the power to remove soul mind body blockages in my seven energy chakras, Wai Jiao, and spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

Please bless me.

I am very grateful.

Thank you.

Mind Power. Put your mind in your Zhong and visualize golden light.

Sound Power. Chant the Tao Ba Gua mantra, Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi :

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi (pronounced wren dee tyen dow bah gwah huh yee )

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi

Chant for ten minutes per time, three or more times per day. For chronic and life-threatening conditions, chant for two hours or more per day. You can add all of your chanting time together to total two hours or more each day.

Tao Ba Gua practice is sacred practice for healing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies from head to toe, skin to bone. It can offer healing for all systems, organs, and cells, as well as for the seven energy chakras or Soul Houses and the Wai Jiao. The seven energy chakras or Soul Houses and the Wai Jiao are the most important spaces in the body.

Sacred Tao Ba Gua practice invokes the power of the You World and the Wu World together to heal you, rejuvenate you, prolong your life, and transform every aspect of your life. This is the sacred path to move toward immortality.

Ren Di Tian includes the power of human beings, Mother Earth, and Heaven, as well as of countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. This is to invoke and access the power of jing qi shen from human beings, Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes in the You World.

Tao is to invoke and access the power of the Wu World. These Tao Ba Gua mantras are so simple. Their power cannot be imagined and comprehended enough. You can practice anytime, anywhere. Practice for a few minutes and you could receive great benefits. For chronic and life-threatening conditions, practice for two hours or more every day. In fact, there is no time limit to these practices. The more you practice, the more benefits you could receive for healing, rejuvenation, and life transformation.

I wish that this sacred Tao Ba Gua practice, which is being released for the first time, will benefit billions of people. I wish that this sacred practice will serve the entire Soul Light Era, which started on August 8, 2003, and will last for fifteen thousand years.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Benefit more for all life. Benefit more for all life. Benefit more for all life.

Thank you, The Source.

Thank you, the Divine.

Thank you for Ren Di Tian Tao Ba Gua He Yi.