Driving home after Sam had dropped her off at her car, Nell couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She had had such a good time being with him. She hadn’t felt that way since she and Drew were dating over thirty-five years ago. Her tall, thin, blond Drew—so different physically than Sam.
In those days, she was trying to decide if he was the one she would spend the rest of her life with. Now Nell was wondering whether or not she and Sam could make each other happy in the years to come. She didn’t know when her thoughts had changed from maybe to having a possible future with him.
And the biggest question in her mind was whether Sam felt the same way.
Don’t get ahead of yourself, Nell. You and Sam are a long way from making any sort of commitment to each other. This was all kind of fun to think about anyway. No harm done as long as she stayed realistic.
The boys greeted Nell at the door with the usual barking and jumping. She stepped outside with them and strolled around the yard. They tumbled over each other in their quest to be petted. Actually, she thought, they were probably hungry.
She took them back inside and gave the pups fresh water and food. While they were eating, she checked her blog.
Wouldn’t you know?
Nell, I am new to your blog, but if you are always this right on, I will consult it every time before I go out to eat. I went to Riverfront in Peshtigo last night and had the Wisconsin Beer Cheese Soup and loved it! I’m anxious to read more about places right here in northeast Wisconsin. Thanks for pointing it out!
I have decided that Nell may not be your real name. You don’t have your picture on your blog so why would you use your given name? You are trying to remain anonymous, but I have figured out who you are. We’ll meet soon!
For every good post Nell received there had to be something negative from Northwoodsman. Was he one of those guys at The Hideout after all? She had to remember to get the tech guy over here to change her filter setting.
Instead of dwelling on it too much, Nell went back and sat on the patio to enjoy her backyard. The evening was warm and she felt mellow. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful. She would be so happy and content, if only someone wasn’t out to kill her.