Chapter 37


“What in the world?” Nell exclaimed even though no one was there. It sounded like George and Newman were seriously on patrol the way they were barking up a storm in the house. She went inside to find them both looking out the front windows. She looked outside, too, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

“What is it, George? Did you see a cat in the neighbor’s yard?” Nell chided. “How about you, Newmie? Is there a squirrel out there?”

They were agitated over something.

She didn’t normally do this, but grabbed some magazines, locked the doggie door, and left both of the boys inside the house while she went back to the patio. Tomorrow she’d call Sam and Elena and tell them both about Northwoodsman’s new blog entry. Tonight she just wanted to relax in peace and quiet.

Browsing through her food magazines, Nell thought of how much she wanted to be able to go to some of the eating establishments shown on the pages. Unfortunately, she was sure she couldn’t afford to order any of their elegant dishes as prices in the city were at least triple what they were in northeast Wisconsin. Nell was also reminded of how much she loved the rituals of food. The making of food, the displaying of it, and the wafting of wonderful aromas through the air all made her heart sing.

She truly enjoyed food shopping, especially when it was at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or other trendy markets. She wished she could travel to big cities like Minneapolis more often so she could shop in those places on a regular basis. Was it any wonder that she’d like to be immersed even more deeply in the food culture by working with it every day? She must keep her food dream alive. She wouldn’t let Northwoodsman scare her away from her destiny.

The boys were finally quiet. Whatever it was, it must now be out of their line of vision. Maybe they will lie down and take a nap. Nell was a little sleepy herself. Maybe she would just rest her eyes a bit.