- American Philosophical Society of Philidelphia, xv
- anima, 257
- Babylonians, 194
- Bryant, xii
- Burdett, Osbert, 49
- Butts, 45, 47
- Daiches, David, 170
- Damon, Foster, 25, 34
- Dante drawings, 29
- Davies, xii
- Druid religion, etc., 132, 136, 193249
- Felpham, xi, 38–46, 59, 128, 135, 137, 141
- Field, Joanna, A Life of One’s Own, 104
- Flaxman, 45
- Frazer, The Golden Bough, 196
- Freudian psychology, xii, 187
- Frye, Northrop, Fearful Symmetry, xii
- Gilchrist, 36
- Glastonbury legends, 132
- Gnosticism, xii, 18, 144
- Greek tragedy, 193
- Hayley, Eliza, 146
- Hayley, Wm., xi, 7, 8, 31, 36, 37–48, 59, 127, 129
- Hecate, 97, 193
- Herodotus, 194, 197
- Hesketh, Lady, 42, 47
- hieros gamos,, etc. 194
- Hindu doctrine of the Veil of Maya, 211
- Homer, Iliad, x
- Horney, Karen, Neurosis and Human Growth, 56
- Lao-Tze, 104
- Lawrence, D. H., The Man Who Died, 71
- Lazarus, 81, 82
- Lear, King, 87, 88
- Lindsay, Jack, 23, 24
- Magdalene 11, 81
- Marx, xii
- Maya, the Veil of, 211
- Milton, John, 33, 37, 129
- —, Paradise Lost, x
- Moby Dick, 214
- Murry, J. Middleton, x, xiii, xiv, 3–7, 9, 11, 45
- Paine, Tom, 4
- Palestine, 193
- Paradise Lost, x
- Prometheus, 91, 100
- Raine, Kathleen, 51, 87
- Robinson, Crabb, 134
- Romney, Green, 47–8
- Rossetti, xiii
- Rossiter, A. P., 57
- Sacred Marriage, the,, etc. 194
- St. John of the Cross, 244
- St. Teresa of Avila, 244
- Saurat, Denis, 25, 26, 51
- Scofield, xi
- Song of Solomon, The, 13
- Stream of consciousness writing, 67
- Stukeley, xii
- Swedenborg, 18, 37
- Swift, Jonathan, 18, 25
- Thurber, 226
- Troilus and Cressida, 57
- Tynan, Katharine, xiii