Standards, together with regulation and conformity assessment , have been crucial for the development of mCHP. While our study was initially focussing on the role and management of standards for the innovation, it soon transpired from our interviews that they are inextricably linked to European and national regulation and conformity assessment of mCHP appliances. In Sect. 3.1, we outline which standards have been relevant for the technology’s development. Section 3.2 explores the link between standards and regulation and its effects on mCHP. Following this, we discuss the need for conformity assessment and the role that standards and regulation play in this context (Sect. 3.3). Finally, we shed light on additional effects that standards had on the development of mCHP in Sect. 3.4.
3.1 Relevant Standards for mCHP
Relevant standards for mCHP
Level of the standard | Technical aspects covered | Standard(s) |
Links between mCHP appliance and other systems | Connection to the electricity grid | EN 50438a; standards developed by ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity), national grid codes |
Connection to a building’s internal electrical wiring | National standards for electrical installations (e.g. VDE-AR-N 4105 in Germany, NEN 1010 in the Netherlands) | |
Communication between distributed electricity producing devices (e.g. other mCHP appliances, solar panels ) to ensure grid stability | IEC 61850-7-420, VHPready consortium standard | |
Quality and composition of natural gas used to operate mCHP appliances | EN 16726 | |
mCHP appliance as a whole | Product standards: cover product safety ; energy efficiency; minimum performance requirements | EN 50465 (used for certification of appliances against European regulatory requirements ), IEC 62282-3-400, at early stages of the development also DVGW VP 109 and VP 119 |
Product safety | IEC 62282-3-100 | |
Electrical safety | EN 60335 | |
Quality management standards needed to make the appliance eligible for financial support offered by some national governments | Microgeneration Certification Standard (MCS 2011) | |
Standards describing test methods to be used when assessing the product’s conformity to regulatory requirements | EN 437 and others | |
Components of mCHP applianceb | Burners and burner controls | EN 298, EN 13611 |
Electrical safety of components | EN 60730 | |
Product standards for various components, such as gas valves, pressure controllers, shut-off valves, pressure sensors, etc. |
The standards identified in Table 3.1 broadly fulfilled two main functions for mCHP’s development process: The first function is defining the interfaces to link mCHP to complementary technologies, such as the national electricity grid and electrical and gas installations in buildings. These infrastructures were essential to enable the innovation to deliver the new aspects of its value proposition—generating electricity that can be used by a device’s owner and/or fed into the electricity grid .
The second main function of standards for the innovation is related to support proving the compliance of mCHP appliances and their components with regulatory requirements (e.g. gas and electrical safety , energy efficiency and requirements for connecting devices to the electricity grid ). This function has been key for the development of mCHP, based on the link between standards and regulation in the case, which we outline in detail in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3.
At first you have to deal with the product standard . But at the moment that we did the development, it wasn’t there. We did the development, the basic development, we started by the end of 2005 and at that moment there was no standard.
This initial absence of the key standard had important implications for the technology’s development and made writing this standard a priority for the industry in managing the standards related to the innovation, as we outline in Sect. 5.2.2.
3.2 Regulation for mCHP and Its Relationship with Standards
Relevant regulation for mCHP
Type of regulation | Regulation | Relevance for mCHP |
European Directives | Energy-Related Products Directive (ErP, also referred to as Ecodesign Directive ) | Imposes minimum requirements for energy efficiency of energy-using products |
Energy Labelling Directive | Defines a labelling scheme for energy-related products | |
Cogeneration Directive (CHP), replaced in 2012 by the Energy Efficiency Directive | Defines measures to increase the EU’s energy efficiency targets , including promoting more energy efficient heating systems | |
Gas Appliances Directive (GAD) | Imposes requirements for the safety of gas-powered products | |
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) | Imposes requirements for electrical safety | |
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) | Imposes requirements regarding emitting and accepting electromagnetic interference | |
Machinery Directive (MD) | Imposes safety requirements for machines with moving parts (mainly relevant for Stirling-based mCHP appliances) | |
European Network Code on Requirements for Generators (NC RfG), | Imposes requirements for connecting to the electricity grid | |
National regulation | National electricity laws | Define (financial) conditions under which electricity can be fed into electricity grids |
3.2.1 Harmonised Standards Providing ‘Presumption of Conformity’
Under the European ‘New Approach ’, the high-level requirements formulated in directives are supported by harmonised standards. These standards provide detailed specifications of the essential requirements , such as test methods to be used in assessing whether a product meets the essential requirements. Such harmonised standards are developed by the ESOs following requests by the European Commission. The European Commission then carries out an assessment whether the contents of these standards satisfy the essential requirements. If a standard passes this assessment, it is listed in the Official Journal of the European Union along with the directive against which it is harmonised .
Someone who develops such a product (…) can work with the standards and can then assume that he also fulfils the requirements from the directives in this way. (…) This is called ‘presumption of conformity ’ if a standard is listed under a directive in the Official Journal (…) which helps from a technical point of view. (translated from German)
3.2.2 Fulfilling ‘Essential Requirements’ Without Relying on Harmonised Standards
Although relying on harmonised standards is a straightforward and commonly used way of proving compliance with regulatory requirements , their use remains voluntary (European Commission, 2017). Manufacturers are also permitted to demonstrate in other ways that they reach a performance level that satisfies the regulation’s essential requirements.
A first way of doing so is implementing other standards developed by the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs—CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI), even if they are not harmonised . These standards are assumed to reflect the current state of technological development, meaning that implementing them in an innovation is seen as following good practice. This also applies to the key product standard in the mCHP case (EN 50465). Due to conflicts between the European Commission and the European heating industry regarding the calculation methods for mCHP appliances’ energy efficiency (see Sect. 5.2.2), this standard has not been harmonised yet at the time of writing. Nevertheless, it has emerged as the generally accepted standard detailing the essential requirements from the relevant European Directives for mCHP appliances.
If his [a manufacturer’s] product has a solution that is not covered by the standard (…), this is not forbidden. (…) [But] it has to be written in the development documentation that he (…) fulfils the requirements of the directive. (…) When he, as a manufacturer, prints the CE-mark1 on the device he confirms at this time that all relevant directives are fulfilled (…) and this has been proven through the standard and (…) his own specifications. (translated from German)
The burden of proof that this [the product fulfilling the essential requirements] is actually the case then lies with him [the manufacturer]. (…) When he uses a harmonised standard, the presumption of conformity applies. This means that if he uses the standard, he may assume that he fulfils the essential requirement. If this [fulfilling the essential requirement] is not the case, the burden of proof does then not lie with him but with the European Commission. This is all about who is liable. (translated from German)
[Standards] rather lead to speeding up a development process, because the requirements are clear. Imagine there were no standards and we only had the directives. Because directives are laws and safety -related laws always exist. (…) Then you first would have to translate: What does such a legal requirement mean for materials, for testing, for technology, for time response? So standards, because they are general specifications, are actually accelerating means for the development. (translated from German)
In practice, the interviewed manufacturers therefore based the designs of their mCHP appliances on standards wherever possible and avoided using other technical solutions which would have required them to demonstrate compliance to regulatory requirements in other ways. This further underlines the importance of standards for the innovation and also had implications for the management of standards, where the industry sometimes invested substantial resources in order to influence standards, rather than implementing alternative solutions into their products (see Chapter 4).
3.3 Assessing Conformity to Essential Requirements in the mCHP Case
[For] a gas appliance, a manufacturer cannot simply develop an appliance, produce it, and sell it. He needs third-party certification. This means he must go to an accredited testing laboratory. The product is tested on its conformity, strictly speaking to the directive but in practice to the standard. Then, a notified body issues the certificate. Only once he has this, he can sell it in Europe. (translated from German)
This inspector, who is employed by this institute, decides which basis he brings forward or draws upon to conduct the assessment. And in this, he is relatively free. So, if he says… He could still say today ‘the 50465 is not sufficient for me’. This would not correspond to the facts, but he could always draw on another standard if this was necessary in his opinion. (translated from German)
When we started this process, typically for fuel cell systems, there was no standard. So we had to certify directly on the directive. We have the essential requirements of the directive. So what we did, we created our test plan and said ‘okay if you meet this, then we can certify against the Gas Appliance Directive ’. So there was a lot of freedom for us, but in the end, as a competent notified body, we had to make a decision ‘it’s safe enough’. So, we could handle different technologies which were not addressed by standards. But it also means a very good relation between us and the manufacturer to really understand the technology and for them to understand what our safety requirements are.
3.3.1 Standards Providing Certainty for Conformity Assessment
It is very important for industry that not everybody interprets the directive differently every day and at the end the certification laboratory differently than the manufacturer. (translated from German)
So for them [the manufacturers], it’s easier that there is now a standard pointing clearly what the relevant [requirements] are.
In fulfilling this function in the certification process, standards supported mCHP’s access to the European market and therefore played an essential role in enabling the technology’s diffusion. While using standards remains voluntary and other solutions are acceptable, there was a widespread sentiment among the interviewees that adhering to standards related to the applicable European Directives (see Table 3.2) was almost a necessary condition for bringing mCHP technology to market and that other solutions should only be chosen in exceptional cases.
3.4 Standards’ Additional Effects on mCHP’s Development and Diffusion
Interviewees reported that the standards which were relevant for mCHP (see Table 3.1) had both positive and negative effects for their innovation activities. They emphasised the effects of standards on the certainty regarding regulatory requirements and certification (see Sects. 3.2 and 3.3). These aspects were a major focus of their activities related to managing standards (see Chapters 4 and 5).
In addition, the experts also reported other effects of standards on both the development and diffusion of mCHP. The positive effects named in this context include standards often being useful information sources ; standards supporting access to complementary infrastructures (e.g. the electricity grid ); standards allowing the industry to signal mCHP’s benefits to other actors; and standards helping build economies of scales for the innovation . Negative effects on the innovation usually were perceived when standards were out-of-date or required standards were missing. These perceived effects were the basis for how actors in the industry managed standards in the case (see Chapters 4 and 5). We explain the effects that standards had in the case in detail below.
3.4.1 Support of Standards for mCHP’s Development
For the new functionality, especially for the generation of electricity, of course, they were new aspects for us. (…) For the things which are only new to us but which are self-evident, you have to follow them. So then standards are a good help to show you what you have to do.
When I do not need to ponder every time ‘this material, this screw and this seal – may I or may I not?’ This is definitely helpful. (translated from German)
A second way in which interviewees perceived standards to support the innovation was the role that they played in defining interfaces to link mCHP appliances with other elements, such as the electricity grid ; electrical and gas installations in buildings; and communication between electricity producing devices (see Table 3.1). These standards have not only been providing technical information for the companies’ NPD activities but also have been supporting the innovation’s eventual diffusion by offering certainty for the industry and eventually customers that the appliances would work with other elements as intended and limiting customers’ needed investment in changing elements like the gas installations in their houses. However, interviewees pointed out that, for important interfaces , this support was only available at later stages of mCHP’s development because the needed standards did not exist at all (e.g. communication between electricity producing devices), or needed to be adapted (e.g. standards for internal wiring of buildings, see below), making these interfaces an issue to be considered in the management of standards (see Sect. 5.1).
In addition, standards also were described as supporting mCHP’s diffusion by helping to signal mCHP’s qualities and benefits to other actors, like consumers and governments . This particularly applies to the product standard (EN 50465) which also covers energy efficiency of the appliances and supports the requirements of the Energy Labelling Directive (see Table 3.2). EN 50465 includes a formula that allows calculating the energy efficiency of mCHP devices. This formula is intended to form the basis for determining an mCHP appliance’s energy label , which the directive requires it to carry (although this formula was a major point of contention during the development of EN 50465—see Sect. 5.2.2).
Finally, standardisation supported the heating industry in reaching economies of scales for mCHP technology. By being able to rely on existing components from other products and standardising new key components, such as the Stirling engine, between manufacturers, the industry was able to reach higher production numbers much quicker than would otherwise have been feasible and thus bring the technology’s costs down to make the price-performance ratio more competitive with other heating solutions and enable faster adoption in the market than might otherwise have been possible.
3.4.2 Hurdles to mCHP’s Development from Standards and Related Issues
Standards sometimes also were seen as hindering the development of mCHP. Some standards contained requirements which were based on outdated assumptions and which were difficult to implement in the innovation or would have severely limited its value to users. For example, pre-existing standards for electrical installations within buildings were written under the assumption that there are only devices in a building that consume electricity but no electricity producing devices. These standards would have required substantial changes to a building’s electrical installations to install mCHP appliances in existing buildings, thus adding to the technology’s costs and making it less attractive to consumers in the crucial market for replacement of heating boilers in existing buildings. Another example of outdated assumptions underlying standards concerned test procedures fixed in a standard which may assume a certain device-architecture and specify the assessment of certain components of an appliance which may no longer be part of a new design and have been replaced by other components.
Standards can also be used to hinder technologies. The ‘Network Code Requirements for Generators’ is in many areas… I don’t want to say designed to… but I say it makes it very difficult, in particular for small electricity generators. (translated from German)
Now it wants you to operate things from 47 Hz to 52 Hz or something, so it’s much, much broader than frequency swing, which is very difficult for a tuned Stirling engine, free-piston Stirling engine. In fact, we can’t operate over that wider band.
Standards which imposed hurdles for mCHP in this manner required (sometimes extensive) action during the technology’s development, either by adapting the technology or the standard, in order to avoid negative effects on mCHP’s eventual chances of reaching large-scale diffusion in the market.
So, each country has its own requirements and when you go through them, then Germany has a certain standard which involves some protections that should be in. For instance (…) how to test if you are connected to the grid . (…) So, indeed, in the United Kingdom is forbidden what is required in Germany.
And this feeding into the grid is something which I still do not completely understand. On the European level, a standard exists on this topic. This standard basically consists of a rather large number of national appendices. And it explicitly states that the respective connection requirements in the individual countries, or even regions and network operator environments (…) must be taken into account. And this varies tremendously across Europe. (translated from German)
And then there are the specific parts, in particular for the flue gas evacuation. There, we have a European patchwork which cannot be outdone. (translated from German)
Honi soit qui mal y pense. Of course, the manufacturers do not want movement of goods to be as free as the consumer might think. There are also price differences between countries and they are thereby being blocked a little bit. (translated from German)
3.5 Overall Impact of Standards on mCHP’s Development
The aim of standardisation is very clear. At this moment, at this early stage of the technology, it is to lay a good foundation for this technology, so that this technology can be accepted by the market. (translated from German)
Standards’ potential implications for mCHP
Standard’s link to regulation | ||||
Harmonised | Linked to regulation but not harmonised | No link to regulation | ||
Innovation’s ability to conform to standard | Yes | Type 1: Enabling market access and providing legal certainty | Type 3: Facilitating market access | Type 5: Facilitating product development |
No | Type 2: Effectively locking the product out of the market | Type 4: Complicating market access; affect product’s position in the market | Type 6: Requiring own technological solutions |
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