The findings outlined in Chapter 3 show the importance of standards for developing the technology of mCHP and bringing the appliances to the market in Europe, thus making standards a key issue to manage as part of this development. Processes to manage these standards occurred on two levels: (1) Each of the involved companies had its own internal NPD process, as part of which standards were addressed. (2) In parallel to these company-internal activities, the industry collaborated on developing new and adapting existing standards to allow mCHP’s development, where needed. Both levels interacted throughout the process, i.e. work within the companies reflected the industry-level developments, and the activities to adapt standards were driven by the individual actors in line with their internal activities.
You see differences. Some manufacturers, they – I mean if we have this pre-assessment we push them to really read standards and then you see that some of them, they even haven’t bought one.1 And others, they already read it three times. So there is a difference in experience and seeing the need of using these standards.
Overview over appliance manufacturers’ activities
Company A | Company B | Company C | Company D | Company E | Company F | |
Type of company | Established company | Established company | Established company | Established company | New entrant | New entrant |
Awareness of standards’ and regulation’s importance | High | High | High | High | High, focussing on certification-related issues | Medium on certification-related issues, low on other issues |
Technological expertise | High | High | High | High | High | High |
Standardisation and regulation expertise | High | High | High | High | Low | Low |
Available resources for influencing standards and regulation | Sufficient | Sufficient | Sufficient | Sufficient | Insufficient | Insufficient |
Organisational structures for managing standards and regulation | No dedicated staff, the topic is coordinated by a senior engineer | Dedicated staff; additional company internal database of experts to support activities | Dedicated staff | No dedicated staff, the topic is coordinated by the head of the product certification department | Absent | Absent |
Degree of strategic orientation for managing standards and regulation | High | High | High | Medium | Low | Low |
Core actors in identifying standards and regulation for mCHP | Company’s own engineers | Company’s own engineers | Company’s own engineers | Company’s own engineers | Notified bodies and consultants | Notified bodies and consultants |
Conformity evaluation during development process | Important elements carried out in-house | Important elements carried out in-house | Important elements carried out in-house | Important elements carried out in-house | Heavy reliance on notified bodies | Heavy reliance on notified bodies |
Timing of addressing standards and regulation in NPD process | In initial investment decision and at all subsequent stages of process | In initial investment decision and at all subsequent stages of process | In initial investment decision and at all subsequent stages of process | In initial investment decision and at all subsequent stages of process | Throughout process | Only in late stages of process |
Participation in technology development collaboration | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Participation in standardisation and regulation processes | Yes, in a leading role | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
4.1 Companies’ Approaches to Managing Standards and Regulation
As the quote in the introduction to this chapter shows, companies in the industry differ substantially on their fundamental approaches towards standards and regulation. Their awareness of the topic’s importance varies (Sect. 4.1.1) and they are able to devote different amounts of the required expertise and resources to managing the subject (Sect. 4.1.2). As we outline in Sect. 4.1.3, these different foundations affect the grounding of managing standards and regulation, both in terms of strategic focus and integration into the organisation.
4.1.1 Awareness of Standards’ and Regulation’s Importance
A first factor driving companies’ approaches to managing standards in the context of mCHP were the degrees to which they were aware of the topic’s importance for developing the technology. This differed according to functions of standards and regulation, such as certification and providing market access , or acting as information sources. Awareness of Standards for Certification and Related Issues
Both for the technology and the company – the success and the safety of a company – standardisation is an elementary topic. And companies and start-ups must be aware of this. (translated from German)
Basically, these boiler manufacturers, they already know standards, they know certification processes, so they were from that perspective better prepared. But on the other hand, the start-ups or the Japanese or the Americans are not familiar with the European situation. They were not that focused yet in standards, although some manufacturers were already (…) prepared but some of them were not prepared. Especially the start-ups – for them it’s new to read and understand these standards, seeing the complete picture is difficult for them. And that’s also the case for all parties outside Europe, they don’t understand our system with directives and standards.
While none of the companies that we interviewed lacked awareness to a degree described in this quote, two of the smaller start-up companies explained that their awareness developed throughout the development of mCHP. When these two companies initiated their activities in the field, they did not yet know about the need for considering standards which caused some duplications of effort in the NPD process (see Sect. 4.2). Awareness of Non-certification-related Functions of Standards
On functions which are unrelated to certification that standards can fulfil, such as providing useful information for the technology’s development or defining interfaces , we observed more variation in the awareness among our interviewees. Interviewees at smaller companies mostly focussed their attention completely on standards which are related to certifying the product. They therefore did not seem to have a high degree of awareness of standards’ other functions.
In established companies, interviewees were aware that standards can also fulfil non-certification-related functions. For example, interviewees brought up standards defining interfaces between a heating boiler and a building’s pipework, standards providing information about characteristics of materials for certain applications, and standards reducing variety in components like control electronics. When these functions were mentioned, this was an aspect ‘on the side’, and interviewees saw them as a given when developing new products. They considered them such a basic element of their companies’ internal innovation processes that they did not warrant much attention as part of managing standards and therefore these functions did not play a major role in the interviews.
Nevertheless, the non-certification-related functions of standards were significant for developing mCHP in the collaboration of parts of the industry that we describe in Chapter 5. Examples include reducing variety by standardising the Stirling engine component across different companies’ products, facilitating collaboration in technology development (see Sect. 5.1.1 for both), and defining interfaces with the electricity grid (see Sect. 5.2.1). In addition, developing a standard to provide information about appliances’ energy efficiency was a major focus of the industry’s collaboration (see Sect. 5.2.2).
4.1.2 Expertise and Resources for Managing Standards and Regulation
In addition to a company’s awareness , its available expertise and resources are key to the ability to manage standards and regulation effectively. As outlined below, we found in our interviews that this work requires specific expertise which can only be provided if a company has substantial resources at its disposal. Required Expertise for Managing Standardisation and Regulation
I am responsible for the strategic association work (…). Strategic association work distinguishes itself from operational association work because it is concerned more with which associations we should be part of: Where do we need to represent our interests and, if we have interests there, what are our positions in the respective topics which are covered by the associations? (…) In addition to the strategic association work, the area of political lobbying belongs to association work. (translated from German)
It is equally important that one has the appropriate standing in these committees. Social skills in the widest sense. Because otherwise one leaves these committees with a lot of confusion and little results. (translated from German) Required Resources for Managing Standardisation and Regulation
Providing the required expertise for managing standardisation and regulation is resource intensive. Especially in the early phases of a technology’s development, many issues related to the topic must be resolved. There was consensus among interviewees that new technologies, such as mCHP, require substantial initial effort until the needed standards and regulation are established and all involved parties (manufacturers, notified bodies, regulators, market surveillance authorities etc.) are familiar with the technology. Once a technology has been established, the effort required for managing standards and regulation (e.g. following ongoing developments and contributing to keeping standards and regulation up-to-date) is much smaller.
Accordingly, interviewees reported using substantial resources for managing standards and regulation in mCHP’s development. One interviewee stated that his company invested several man-years of work time into mCHP-related standardisation and regulation questions as part of developing the technology. Another interviewee estimated that the work of one out of approximately 30 full-time-equivalent positions involved in developing mCHP at his company was related to the topic. Overall, all interviewees whose companies participated in standardisation and regulation work estimated the effort to be somewhere between three and ten per cent of the overall time and effort for developing mCHP.
Standardisation—and regulation-related activities therefore comprised a relatively small but still significant share of all work needed to bring mCHP technology to the market. In larger established companies, these resources were usually available as needed, although one interviewee explained that it could sometimes be difficult to convince direct superiors of the required experts to make their staff available for standardisation work because the benefits may be long-term and/or difficult to measure.
This [participation in standardisation], especially for a small enterprise, is very difficult. Such a new product development by itself already needs a great deal of resources and providing them in a company of our size is already, in my opinion, a considerable achievement. (translated from German)
Definitively, this [participation in standardisation] is an enormous advantage, clearly. But, as I already said, there always is a balancing act at our company regarding what personal and financial resources are available. If one wants to participate there, participate really constructively, then one also has to invest quite a bit. And for us, this is always a balancing act what can be used for that or whether our means can better be used in another place for the actual development work. (translated from German)
Unfortunately, they [the company’s clients] didn’t pay you to do that [participating in standardisation] and within [company name] we never had enough people. Again, this is where it’s difficult to do a lot of product development and standards development from within a small company because we don’t have the people, we don’t have the money. Yeah, it would be nice to.
4.1.3 Strategic and Organisational Grounding of Managing Standards and Regulation
The degree of companies’ awareness of standards and regulation and/or the available expertise and resources determined how the topic was grounded in the company’s organisation. This in turn was linked to which degrees the companies could address the topic strategically. Some companies address these issues in an ad hoc manner whereas others have very clear structures and procedures for addressing standards and regulation.
The smaller start-ups we interviewed fall on the ‘ad hoc end’ of this spectrum. Their lack of dedicated resources meant that they were only able to address the most pressing standardisation and regulation issues at the point when they occurred and could rarely address the topic in a very strategic way. Other companies spent substantial resources to put clear structures in place that support managing issues related to the topic in a strategic and coherent manner. In between these two extremes, other companies implemented some elements to steer their standardisation efforts while using fewer resources to do so. We outline these observations in detail below, focusing (1) on the organisational structures for the management of standards and regulation, and (2) the intra-company networks to facilitate these activities. Organisational Structures for Managing Standards and Regulation
It is very important that in meetings where these topics [standardisation and regulation] are discussed, the technical expertise is present to talk about these topics, so that one does not just stop and say ‘I am going to discuss this and come back next time’ but that one is immediately in a position to make the required points. (…) Otherwise (…) one has to rework everything back at the company, [then] goes back [to the committee], but they are already further. This really hinders the process. Especially these technical expertise and social skills of those who work there and their internal network in the development departments is very important. One cannot simply send any – I don’t want to say business economist – who is detached from the technology. (translated from German)
He [the company representative in standardisation] was extremely close to the project team [and] was very, very deeply involved in the development activities. This means it was not like we had a separate department which assumed the standardisation activities. Instead, the people who were very close to the project also did this. (translated from German)
It has always been important that one directly implements this experience which one has gained in [product] development in the standard. This is extremely important. This is also why the employees who have contributed to the standardisation committees – they all were employees from the new product development area. (translated from German)
And it can absolutely go so far that developers come along to, for example, the ministry of economic affairs to present a topic, explain a topic, precisely because these relationships are partly not trivial and are also not immediately accessible to civil servants, even if they have been at home in this subject area for a long period. Using development engineers for such communication tasks in our association work is something that we have been doing relatively often in the last years. (translated from German)
At [company name], we have a division which mainly occupies itself with certification, conformity declaration and so forth. And the head of this department dealt with the coordination [of standardisation activities] in close consultation with the development projects. (translated from German)
I am responsible for the strategic association work (…). And we are embedded in public relations. (translated from German) Intra-company Networks for Supporting Standardisation and Regulation Work
The organisational structures outlined above mean that the subject-specific questions are potentially addressed by many different experts. While some of the necessary alignment of their activities is ensured by the staff who address the strategic level of a company’s standardisation activities, a consistent approach to standardisation also requires communication among the company’s experts. In addition, some of the quotes above also show that there is a need for them to remain connected to other engineers who do not participate in standardisation themselves.
- Interviewee 1:
[We were talking] of the integration and transmission of information from mainly standardisation committees or maybe also associations into our company structure. For standardisation, we have a network where we can approach specific people through a matrix if we have specific topics. (…) And in this network different people are named with different focus topics. And they are simply involved if you have such a topic. They then get the information.
- Interviewee 2:
This is the same for industry associations. (…)
- Interviewer:
This means a product development team can say ‘we now have this problem here, we are now searching the database for the relevant person and approach him’?
- Interviewee 1:
This as well, exactly. [And] you can also share information between, I say, stakeholders who are located in different parts of the company. And they know through this (…) company internal network who has also dealt with this specific topic. (translated from German)
4.2 Incorporating Standards and Regulation into mCHP Development
Following our outline of the general approaches that the companies in the case took towards standards and regulation, we now describe how they incorporated the topic into their development activities related to mCHP. Because most of the interviewees focussed on standards that are relevant for safety and obtaining certification for their mCHP appliances, we also emphasise these areas in our description.
Our interviews reveal four core themes in this context: (1) identifying applicable regulation and standards (Sect. 4.2.1), (2) using them in specifying the company’s product (Sect. 4.2.2), (3) evaluating the product’s conformity to applicable standards and regulation (Sect. 4.2.3), and (4) the degrees of freedom for technology development afforded by standards and regulation (Sect. 4.2.4).
4.2.1 Identifying Applicable Regulation and Standards
In a first step of managing standards and regulation for mCHP, the companies needed to identify which regulatory texts and standards would be applicable to the technology’s development. Doing so was important because companies entered new areas where they were unfamiliar with the requirements for the technology. In addition, regulation and standards are not static, meaning that the companies needed to stay aware of changing requirements. We observed two fundamentally different approaches to identifying applicable standards and regulation: (1) an active approach used by the established companies, and (2) a more passive approach used by the smaller appliance and component manufacturers. Following an outline of these two approaches, we explain how companies in the industry anticipated changing and new requirements for mCHP. Active Approach
At a very early stage when one defines the product specifications, it has to be clear which standards need to be fulfilled. (translated from German)
Before we address standards, one actually has to go a step back. Before one does this at all, one has to say in today’s environment ‘which directive do I even want to comply with?’. (…) And accordingly, I then have to look which standards are available. (translated from German)
For us, it was clear relatively quickly that we want to work according to the Gas Appliance Directive . The Machinery Directive was also being discussed. But since we certify all our other appliances according to the Gas Appliance Directive , it was actually clear quite soon that we want to go in that direction. (translated from German)
It always has been clear that the Gas Appliance Directive plays a role because the appliance will always have a gas connection, that the Low Voltage Directive will play a role because the appliance always will have an electricity connection, that the EMC Directive plays a role because the appliance has electronic components which can emit or receive electro magnetic interference. These three directive are always a given, they are also always a given for our current heat generators, you always have to go by them. (translated from German)
[At the time] we don’t have any experience of or knowledge on electricity generation. So there you’re treading a kind of ‘terra incognita’ and we have to find our way. We’re discovering things – some from the outset and we see already at the beginning… ‘How does that work with the grid ?’, ‘How to connect with the grid ?’, ‘And what are the requirements?’. And some [topics] we are discovering a bit later, for instance domestic wiring. So, it’s a mix in fact of thinking ahead and discovering while you’re going your way. Passive Approach
- Interviewee:
At this point […] it was about standards and which standards we have to comply with. And then we hired two consultants, one in [the country where the company’s R&D department was based] and one consulting company in the Netherlands. This consultancy company is [name of a notified body].
- Interviewer:
And they in essence created a kind of list for you of the standards that were relevant for the topic?
- Interviewee:
Exactly. And at this point they have accompanied us very well. (translated from German)
- Interviewee:
We had to find out for ourselves first which standard – if we wanted to have the mCHP appliance tested as a whole with the aim to obtain a CE-mark – which one would apply there at all.
- Interviewer:
And how did you proceed to determine what applies in this case?
- Interviewee:
On the one hand we got in touch with the test laboratories which are active in this area and discussed with them according to which standards they would conduct the tests or which standards apply according to their opinion. And then, in parallel, we also conducted our own search based on these insights. (translated from German)
The process starts very often with the, we call it pre-assessment meeting, where we (…) discuss (…) the complete overview of relevant standards.
When this specification sheet is created (…) these are on one hand market requirements (…) but of course also legal requirements. Especially for gas and electricity there are clear safety requirements that must be fulfilled. There is no way around this. The thing is that we get this from our cooperation partner – because he is responsible for bringing [the appliance] in circulation – in a relatively nicely condensed way from one source. That makes it easier. (translated from German)
This reliance on appliance manufacturers to provide lists of applicable standards is partly explained by their ultimate responsibility for the entire product’s safety but also by their better knowledge of the application area. For example, one fuel cell manufacturer supplied fuel cells to both mCHP and automotive applications. Our interviewee at that company noted that the standards and regulation in these areas differ to a large extent, making it difficult for suppliers to stay up-to-date and understand the specific requirements without their customers’ support. Anticipating Future and Changing Requirements
If suddenly any new requirements, which impact on our development, come out of the standard, then it is extremely important to know this at an early stage. (translated from German)
Because mCHP’s development took several years and the products needed to be certified according to the requirements in place at the time when they were released to the market, it was essential to already anticipate these requirements during the design process. Participating in standardisation and other working groups is key for learning about—and influencing —these developments (see Chapter 5). In addition to information about upcoming standards and regulation, this participation also provided the companies with further knowledge. In many cases, participation in standardisation committees brought them in contact with stakeholders outside the heating industry. This provided insights into these stakeholders’ needs, their views on mCHP, and implications for the products’ design in order to make the technology acceptable for these external stakeholders and even provide additional value for them (e.g. in the context of electricity grid stability, see Sect. 5.2.1).
At this point we have, for example, a consultant who informs us, for example, about technical standards. Through this pipeline, through this consultant we get tips about which new standards are changing for us now and in the future. And as a second channel, [name of notified body] informs us about changes. (translated from German)
Of course, we always got access to this [information about developments in standardisation] a bit later. This is clear. I would say that there have been tips from time to time in which direction this goes or similar things. But this is, as I already said, a process which you have to accompany continuously if you want to be really close to it. And this does not always work when you also have to deal with every-day problems. (translated from German)
4.2.2 Specifying the Product
We had requirements from the standards but the process [within the appliance], the appliance, the concept must first undergo a risk analysis from which requirement specifications are derived: ‘What do the controls look like? Which sensors are required? What is the performance? Which failure models?’ (translated from German)
You have the product and you have the regulations and finally they have to comply, either by changing the product, adapting the product to the regulations or by adapting the regulations and standards to the product. External Support for Specifying Requirements
Because of the importance and complexity of specifying the requirements, most interviewed companies again called on external support, like they did in identifying the requirements. This support came from (1) notified bodies, (2) external consultants, and (3) using pre-specified components.
We started with this pre-assessment, then the consultancy phase, to assist them in understanding the requirements and the standards.
Our consultancy is really focussing on the standards, on the content of the standards.
Of course, there is a grey area. (…) We cannot do a risk assessment of an appliance because afterwards we have to assess this risk assessment. That’s not allowed, so the consultancy we do is advising them on the requirements in the standards. (…) So, we give them some guidance but we cannot say ‘you have to change this’. That’s not our role.
My development work in many of these projects is writing the safety-related specifications of the requirements. There you write in detail: ‘Which standards, which features and how are they implemented?’ In some cases, I also write the safety-related concept for the software. (…) My consulting goes up to successful certification. (translated from German)
There are certain safety devices. This is, for example, the automatic firing device which we do NOT develop ourselves. This is a purchased part from companies like [company names] which have been established in that area for years. These developments cost a lot of money because they include building failsafe controls and software. They are inspected by a notified body and we then rely on ready-made products. We cannot afford to develop such things ourselves. (translated from German)
4.2.3 Evaluating Conformity to Regulation and Standards
In order to make their final products conform to the regulation and standards, companies also needed to evaluate this conformity at different stages in the development process. Below, we outline what we learned about (1) the initial evaluation at the outset of their development projects, and (2) the review procedures throughout the development process. Initial Evaluation of Regulation and Standards for mCHP
A certification capability analysis, doing this is a standard procedure. Is this product even capable of being certified at all? Are there any hurdles from a standard or regulatory point of view? This is something one does very early. (translated from German)
Such evaluations often did not only consider regulation and standards that were directly relevant for certification but also could be wider in scope. The following example shows how important such analyses can be: One interviewed company first assessed the technology’s potential in 2000 when it was concluded that the regulation for feeding electricity into the electricity grid was unfavourable, only allowing an insufficient return on investment for buyers of mCHP appliances. Because of this insight, the company decided not to invest in developing mCHP technology at that point in time. The company then re-evaluated mCHP technology in 2004. At that time, the requirements had changed and it was deemed feasible to manage remaining issues during the NPD process so that regulation and standards would no longer hinder mCHP when the technology would be ready for market entry. Following this assessment, the company initiated its development activities. Evaluating Conformity Throughout the NPD Process
Following the decision to initiate the NPD process for mCHP, most interviewees stressed the need to assess regularly whether the developed solutions were in line with requirements from regulation and standards. At most interviewed companies, this was incorporated into the project management tools used to manage mCHP’s development, e.g. by including the topic in the progress evaluation at regular milestones or in the companies’ stage-gate processes. Doing so was seen as a way to prevent duplication of effort that would have been caused by not addressing the issue throughout the process and then having to adapt the product in the late stages of development to make it acceptable for certification and market introduction.
We definitely tried to develop the first prototype in 2004 in a standard-compliant way. We also collaborated with a test laboratory which supported us in a consulting manner but we did not really try to get the CE-mark yet for this prototype because it was clear that we still would need fundamental revisions. (translated from German)
And after that [the initial pre-assessment meeting] we dig into the technology itself and we check for what the risks are and where some parts of the system do not meet the standards, so the safety – this is purely focussing on safety. And then what follows is very often a kind of consultancy phase where they are further developing the system.
So they say ‘we have this safety concept’ (…) and then we say ‘OK, it does fit for 90% and this 10% does not fit’.
4.2.4 Degrees of Freedom for mCHP’s Technological Development
Standards usually leave the latitude to get equivalent solutions accepted – this is often the case. (translated from German)
[Name of notified body] in this context paid attention to the content of the standards and not the wording of the standards. So the content – safety – was more important than narrowly [following the standard word-for-word]. Our engineers enjoyed the product-oriented interpretation of standards. (translated from German)
Despite this generally positive view on standards and regulation across all interviewees, we did observe some disagreement on two aspects related to how they should best be handled in the NPD process to provide optimal freedom for the innovation. This disagreement concerned (1) dealing with the missing standards, and (2) the timing of involving standards in the NPD process. Handling Missing Standards in the NPD Process
- Interviewee 1:
To the contrary, we could shape the standards very well based on our experience and the freedoms which we had [when the standard was still missing]. Especially not being regulated, overregulated and restrained too much in the beginning gave us much space to develop our safety concepts and develop ideas that we might not have had if there had been a relatively fixed standardisation frame. And this was very positive. As this point, we started using HAZOP analysis (…) a very interesting tool which we got to know in the USA and then brought to Germany (…). And this is now also anchored in the standard. (…) And this has helped us a lot to be certain that we are on a good way with this new technology.
- Interviewee 2:
In collaborating with the Americans (…) – they had a different safety philosophy. (…) And with the standard as we have it now, there is on one hand clearly the European strategy of prevention but through the risk analysis we now have a bit more free space. (translated from German) Timing of Handling Standards and Regulation in the NPD Process
He [the manager of the development process] attached great importance at this point to avoid restricting the innovation through standards. They [the development team] perceived this as hindering in the early stages. (…) At this point in time standards would have hindered the engineers. (…) And then, at this point [later in the process], there is a bridge when the engineers see the need to be standard-compliant and this is helpful to bring the product to the market. (…) At this point, the company is getting used to standardisation and thinking in standards. When you standardise, when you produce in large numbers then you have certification, then you must [adapt] processes (…) and at this point, the freedom of the engineers is limited anyway. (translated from German)
[The development team] always (…) wanted a development strategy which put the innovation, the innovative element first. This is the fundamental thought which brings the product to life. And in this place, they always [aimed] to first find the technical solution and (…) later adapt it to the standards. Because you don’t get a working system just like that and it can happen that a new development dies on the workbench in the lab if you already restrict it with standards at this stage. (translated from German)
- Interviewee:
It’s really important that with your first step this pre-assessment [involving the notified body] takes place in a very early stage of the development.
- Interviewer:
So, is there already a prototype or even before that?
- Interviewee:
Even before that is better. But in practice, I think, half of the cases, they already have a prototype. And some are very late. But I think about half of the parties, they didn’t have a prototype yet, only paperwork.
- Interviewer:
What would you suggest in general to a company in a similar situation which also develops a product where standards and regulation are relevant?
- Interviewee:
Deal with this topic early on. (…) Not just developing a product or anything and then we’ll see what we have to adhere to. Instead, incorporate this from the outset and say ‘this is what I want to develop, what do I have to take into account?’. Not just having the technical specifications in mind but also looking immediately at what [requirements] are coming from the market and what we have to consider to bring it into the market at a later stage. (translated from German)
The interviewees, who favoured this approach of addressing standards early, reasoned that this avoided duplicate effort in developing the technology. According to this reasoning, the limitations in freedom for innovation imposed by standards only restrict the development of solutions that are not suitable for certification and therefore would need to be replaced by other approaches at later stages anyway (or require changing the standards). This is also reflected in the experience of one interviewee whose start-up encountered substantial rework in its early technology development projects because of not considering standards and regulation early enough and changed its development approach based on this experience.
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