Abstract, 231–233, 303, 307, 384–385
sample of, 335–336
Accountability, 190
Active voice, 127–128
Adequacy of resources, 226
Adjectives, 129–130
Administrative overhead, 209, 307
Advisory board, 307
recruitment of, 175
See also Board of directors
funding streams and, 219
Agency director, 173
AIVF. See Association of Individual Video and Filmmakers
American Psychological Association, 144
Americans with Disabilities Act, 65
Anecdotal information, 307
in grant proposal, 147–148, 245
in needs assessment, 147–148
Annual reports, 307
of foundations, 22–24
on Internet, 123
for foundations, 235–237
funders and, 262–263
for government agencies, 238–240
of grant proposal, 234–240, 262–263, 303, 384–385
Appropriateness, of budget, 200–201, 302
Appropriations bill, 307
Approval, of grant proposal, 286–287, 296–297
Artists, 11
grant proposal for, 75–76
Assessment. See Impact assessment; Needs assessment
Association of Individual Video and Filmmakers (AIVF), 76
Attachments. See Appendix
Auditor’s report, 307–308
organizational capacity for, 223–224
Awards, in grant proposal, 67
Background information, in grant-application packages, 54
Best practices, 308
in economic crisis, xxi, xxiii
Internet and, 31
Bidders’ conference, 308
grant-application packages and, 54–55
Biographies of key staff, 64, 236
of original donors, 95
of staff, 326
of volunteers, 326
See also Résumés
Block grants, 308
Board of directors, 308
commitment of, 63
contributions by, 63
development of, 312
grant proposal and, 63
needs assessment to, 141
for not-for-profit organizations, 62
organizational capacity and, 223
résumés for, 300
sustainability and, 256
Brooklyn Community Foundation, 41, 43–44, 47, 49, 50–51
format for, 55
guidelines of, 40
appropriateness of, 200–201, 260, 302
evaluation plan in, 192
foundations and, 205–206
funders and, 260
in grant proposal, 64, 236, 382
indirect costs in, 209
objectives and, 201
obtaining help for, 209–210
organizational capacity for, 223
OTPS in, 207–208
program and, 203–204
PS in, 206–207
sections of, 206–210
of state government, xx
sustainability and, 257–260
Budget modification, 309
Budget narratives/justification, 205–206, 309
Businesses, as funders, 24–25
of organizations, 196
Calls for Proposals (CFPs), 19
Capacity. See Organizational capacity
Capacity-building grants, 255
Capital expenses, 69
Capital funding, 309
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), 27–29, 309, 362–363
CBO. See Community-based organization
CCD. See Common Core of Data
CERT. See Community Emergency Response Team
Certificate of incorporation, 62, 309–310
CFDA. See Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CFPs. See Calls for Proposals
Challenge grant, xxiv, 247, 310
Checklist, for grant proposal, 302, 305–306
Chicago Community Trust, 36, 341
Coalition building, 218–219
Collaboration, 310
deadlines and, 184–185
difficulties with, 181–182
in economic crisis, xxxiii–xxxiv
with elected officials, 185
with evaluator, 107
501(c)(3) status and, 185
foundations and, 183–184
funders and, 183, 186–187, 251–254
government agencies and, 183–184, 252–254
grant proposal and, xxxiii–xxxiv, 186–188
importance of, 181
incorporation and, 185
with local government, 187–188
not-for-profit organizations and, 183–184
with partners, 179–188, 301, 380
significance of, 251–254
for sustainability, 218–219
Comment period, 46
of board of directors, 63
to communities, 172
conveying, 111
for grants, 16
in-kind contributions and, 90
of organization, 217
to program, 207
See also Memorandum of understanding
Common Core of Data (CCD), 48
Common grant application form, of Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, 40, 41, 44, 310
sample of, 323–327
in economic crisis, xxxiv–xxxv
with funders, 304
with grant proposal, xxxiv–xxxv
commitment to, 172
demographics of, 146–147
government agencies and, 146–147
in grant proposal, 66
grants for, 246–247
needs assessment and, 304
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 30–31
Community foundations, 20–21, 310–311
representative list of, 337–352
websites for, 35
Community trust, Chicago Community Trust, 36, 341
Community trusts, 20, 21, 310–311
Community-based organization (CBO), 8, 310
Competitive grant, 68–70, 73, 187, 311
Conflict of interest, with government agencies, 11–12
Congressional representatives, 28, 279
Context, for needs assessment, 143
Cooperating Collections, of Foundation Center, 22, 33
Corporate giving program, xxviii, 25, 34, 311
Corporate sponsorships, 24, 311
direct, 312
in grant proposal, 90
Cover letter, 230–231, 384–385
sample of, 332
Cultural institutions, 11
businesses and, 24
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), 312
in grant proposal, 62–63
collaboration and, 184–185
with government agencies, 99–100
Decisions on grant proposal, 85
rejections, 277–286, 292–296, 304
Delaware Community Foundation, 35–36
Demographics, 311
of communities, 146–147
for government agencies, 146–147
Demonstration grants, 28
Demonstration project, 196, 220, 311
Department of Agriculture, 363
Department of Commerce, 363
Department of Education, 5, 35, 40, 89, 364
cover page for, 230
Department of Energy, 364
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 40, 364–365
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 364–365
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 366
Department of Interior, 366
Department of Justice, 40, 366–367
Department of Labor, 367–368
Determination letter, 8–9, 311
of board of directors, 312
DHS. See Department of Homeland Security
Dictionary, 126
Direct costs, 312
Disaster plan, 218
in grant proposal, 65
See also Economic crisis
Discretionary grants, 312
for local governments, 69–70
Donor-directed funds, 21
Dosage, in evaluation plan, 195–196
Dropout rates, 151
Drug-Free Workplace, 65
DUNS. See Data Universal Numbering System
Earmarks, 19, 54, 139, 163, 312
collaboration in, xxxiii–xxxiv
communication in, xxxiv–xxxv
funders in, xxiii–xxxi, xxxiii
grant proposal in, xxxi–xxxv
local government in, xxii–xxiii
philanthropy in, xxii
public image in, xxvii–xxviii
state government in, xxii–xxiii
sustainability in, 217
volunteers in, xxviii
e-grants system, 29
EIN. See Employer identification number
Elected officials
collaboration with, 185
as funders, 29–31
grant proposal and, 109–110, 239, 303, 304
grants from, 29–31
in local government, 29–31
in state government, 29–31
Eligibility guidelines, 43–45
Emergency funding, xxi–xxii
website for, 369–370
Employer identification number (EIN), 312
in grant proposal, 62
Endowments, 316
economic crisis and, xix–xx
See also specific endowments
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 364
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 65
Evaluation grants, 29
federal government and, 191
funders and, 260–262
government agencies and, 191
in grant proposal, 194–197, 260–262, 381–382
information for, 370–371
organizational capacity for, 224
for program, 189–197
staff and, 191
Evaluator, 302
collaboration with, 107
recruitment of, 192
Exaggeration, in grant proposal, 124–126
Executive summary, 231–232, 237, 307, 313
Experimental grant, 28
FDO. See Foundation Directory Online
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 364–365, 369
cover page for, 230
evaluation plans and, 191
formula grants and, 68–69
as funders, 25–29
government agencies and, 26
needs assessment for, 143–145
not-for-profit organizations and, 26
sustainability and, 257
websites for, 361–369
Federal Register Online, 27, 33, 34–35, 36, 362
FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency
Filmmakers, grant proposal for, 75–77
Financial institutions, as funders, 21
collaboration and, 185
funders and, 247
government agencies and, 11
significance of, 247
Floor plan, in grant proposal, 64–65
Focus groups, 314
for needs assessment, 148–149
Form 990/990-PF, 318
Formative evaluations, 193, 314
federal government and, 68–69
local governments and, 69
For-profit organizations
CFDA for, 28
publications by, 36–37
social service agencies as, 7
Foundation Center, 21–23
Cooperating Collections of, 22, 33
on Internet, 32–33
Statistical Information Service of, xx
websites for, 354–355
Foundation Center Library, 299
Foundation Directory, 22
grant-application packages and, 47–48
Foundation Directory Online (FDO), 22, 32–33, 354–355
annual reports of, 22–24
appendix for, 235–237
approaching, 22–24
budgets and, 205–206
collaboration and, 183–184
community, 20–21, 35, 310–311, 337–352
economic crisis and, xxi, xxii
with 501(c)(3) status, 23, 247
Form 990/990-PF and, 47–48
as funders, 19–24
grant proposal and, 235–237, 282
guidelines of, 45–47, 265–266, 300, 304
independent private, 19–29, 316, 320
needs assessment for, 141, 143–145, 154
public, 320
in RAGs, 18
rejection by, 282
reviewers’ comments for, 282
trustees of, 19, 33, 53, 107, 257, 322
websites for, 354–356
See also specific foundations
Fulbright Fellowship, 76
appendix and, 262–263
budget and, 260
businesses as, 24–25
collaboration and, 183, 186–187, 251–254
communication with, 304
decisions by, 292
diversification of, xxviii–xxix, 256
in economic crisis, xxiii–xxxi, xxxiii
elected officials as, 29–31
evaluation plan and, 260–262
federal government as, 25–29
federated funds, 20
financial institutions as, 21
501(c)(3) status and, 247
foundations as, 19–24
goals and objectives of, 160–161
government agencies as, 98–100
grant proposal and, xxxiii, 64, 236
of grants, 18–37
grassroots organizations and, 105–107
guidelines of, 85
impact assessment by, xxx–xxxi
innovation with, xxix from Internet, 31–36
likes of, 243
local governments as, 29
mission of, 88–89
needs assessment and, 153, 245–246
for not-for-profit organizations, 8
objectives and, 247–249
organizational capacity and, 254–255
pet peeves of, 244, 258–259, 263–265
program description and, 168, 250–251
public image of, 301
recommendations for other funders from, 295–296
relationships with, xxvi, xxxiv–xxxv, 91
salaries and, 259
staff and, 203
state governments as, 29
sustainability and, 213–220, 255–257
target population of, 161
telephone contact with, 97–98, 100
See also Foundations; Government agencies
Funders roundtable, 95–105, 243–267, 289–299
capital, 309
private funding foundation, 19–29, 316, 320
Funding priorities, 36, 84, 314–315
advocacy groups and, 219
government agencies and, 215
General operating funds, 84, 216, 315
Giving program, corporate, xxviii, 25, 34, 311
of funders, 160–161
performance indicators for, 163–164
Government agencies, 373, 374–375
appendix for, 238–240
collaboration and, 183–184, 252–254
community demographics for, 146–147
conflict of interest with, 11–12
evaluation plans and, 191
evaluators for, 192
federal government and, 26
501(c)(3) status and, 11
as funders, 98–100
funding streams and, 215
grant proposal and, 68–73, 281–282, 301
grant-application packages to, 51–52
on Internet, 35
needs assessment for, 141–142, 146–147, 154
not-for-profit organizations and, 187–188
organizational capacity and, 224–225
personal contact with, 98–100
recruitment in, 175–176
rejection by, 281–282
reviewers’ comments for, 281–282
technical assistance with, 301
See also Federal government; Local government; State government
Government agency guidelines
changes to, 304
grant-application packages and, 45–47
Government Printing Office (GPO), 315
Grammar, 126
Grant, 315
block, 308
capacity-building, 255
commitment for, 16
for communities, 246–247
competitive, 68–70, 73, 187, 311
defined, 15
demonstration, 28
economic crisis and, xx–xxiv, 16–17
e-grants system, 29
from elected officials, 29–31
eligibility for, 43–45
evaluation, 29
experimental, 28
from federal government, 25–29, 289–290
from foundations, xx, xxi, 290–292
funders of, 18–37
goals and objectives of, 158–167
for individual grant-seekers, 16
from Internet, 31–36
by local governments, 29
mission and, 17–18
need for, 16
from newsletters, 36–37
organizational capacity for, 221–227, 383–384
project, 28–29
from publications, 36–37
research, 28
by state governments, 29
sustainability and, 213–220, 302, 383
technical assistance, 29
for training, 28
Grant proposal
abstract of, 231–233, 303, 335–336, 384–385
active voice in, 127–128
adjectives in, 129–130
anecdotal information in, 147–148, 245
appendix for, 234–240, 262–263, 303
appendix of, 384–385
for artists, 75–76
auditor’s report in, 64
awards in, 67
board of directors in, 63
boilerplates for, 71–72
brevity of, 131–132
certificate of incorporation in, 62
collaboration with, xxxiii–xxxiv, 186–188
communication with, xxxiv–xxxv
community in, 66
competition and, xxxiii
costs in, 90
cover letter of, 230–231, 332, 384–385
current programs in, 65
decisions on, 85
details in, xxxii
disaster plan in, 65
DUNS in, 62–63
in economic crisis, xxxi–xxxv
EIN in, 62
elected officials and, 109–110, 303, 304
evaluation plan in, 194–197, 260–262, 381–382
exaggeration in, 124–126
for filmmakers, 75–77
floor plan in, 64–65
focus groups for, 148–149
funders roundtable on, 95–105, 243–267, 289–299
from government agencies, 68–73
government agencies and, 281–282, 301
grammar in, 126
grant-application packages and, 302
guidelines for, 40–42
from individual grant-seekers, 74–77
in-kind contributions in, 90
intangibles in, 79–93, 154, 377
internal politics in, 81
job descriptions in, 63
kickoff meeting for, 85–88
letters of agreement in, 66
long-term strategic plan with, 84
memorandums of understanding in, 66
mission statement in, 62
needs assessment in, 66–67, 137–154, 245–246, 378
newsletters for, 122
newspaper reports for, 150
990s and, 89
for nontraditional programs, 129
from not-for-profit organizations, 50–67
organization chart in, 63
organization history in, 65
organizational skills in, 82–83, 121–122, 300
personnel policies in, 65
planning for, 59–67
police precinct data for, 150–151
prerequisites for, 1–3
procedures in, 66–67
program description in, 168–171
program development for, 86–88
program evaluation reports in, 66–67
proven statements in, 132–133
public image and, 90–91
publicity in, 67
reference information for, 144
rejection of, 277–286, 292–296, 304
repetition in, 301
resubmission of, 284–285
RFPs and, 86
salaries in, 90
samples of, 323–331
school districts and, 68–73, 147
sections of, 302
sheets for, 88
site visit with, 271–275
spell checking in, xxxii, 126, 264
staff in, 63–64
subheads for, 121
support for, 83
surveys for, 147
table of contents of, 233–234, 384–385
technology for, 83–84
timeline for, 82, 88, 300–301, 303
tips for, 299–304
unsolicited, 107–108
word choice in, 123–124
writing, 2–3
writing style of, 119–133, 377–378
Grant-application packages, 39–57
answering all questions for, 49–52
background information in, 54
bidders’ conference and, 54–55
eligibility and, 43–45
format for, 55–57
Foundation Directory and, 47–48
foundation guidelines and, 45–47
funding amount in, 48–49
government agencies and, 45–47, 51–52
grant proposal and, 302
guidelines for, 40–42
Internet for, 42
LOI and, 53–54
with no questions to answer, 52–53
recent fundings and, 47–48
RFPs and, 45–46
Grantmakers. See Funders
The Grantsmanship Center (TGCI), 21–23
on Internet, 33–34
websites for, 355–356
Grassroots organizations, 6–7, 315–316, 373, 374
funders and, 105–107
Guggenheim Fellowship, 76
of Brooklyn Community Foundation, 40
eligibility, 43–45
of foundations, 45–47, 265–266, 300, 304
of funders, 85
of government agencies, 45–47, 304
GuideStar, 23
Health departments, statistics from, 151–152
HHS. See Department of Health and Human Services
businesses and, 24
statistics from, 151–152
HUD. See Department of Housing and Urban Development
by funders, xxx–xxxi
outcome evaluations and, 194
collaboration and, 185
of not-for-profit organizations, 8–9
Incubation funds, xxvi
Independence Community Foundation, 43–44
Independent private foundations, 19–29, 316, 320
in budget, 209
Individual grant-seekers, 11
grant proposal from, 74–77
grants for, 16
needs assessment and, 153
websites for, 356–357
In-kind contributions, 316
in grant proposal, 90
sustainability and, 216
Innovations in American Government, 41, 43, 48, 49–50
background information for, 54
format for, 55
needs assessment and, 141, 154
Institute of Museum and Library Services, 368
Institutionalization, 316
Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs, 371
Internal politics, in grant proposal, 81
Internal Revenue Code, 501(c)(3)
status in, 8–11, 23, 62, 185, 236, 314
Internet, 299
annual reports on, 123
Federal Register on, 34–35
Foundation Center on, 32–33
funders from, 31–36
government agencies on, 35
for grant-application packages, 42
grants from, 31–36
organizational capacity and, 223
TGCI on, 33–34
See also Websites
Job descriptions, 316
for government agencies, 240
in grant proposal, 63
in program plan, 174
Kennedy School of Government, 40
in grant proposal, 236
Kickoff meeting
for grant proposal, 85–88
for program plan, 172
for program description, 168
LEA. See Local education agency
Letter of commitment. See Memorandum of understanding
Letter of inquiry (LOI), 317
grant-application packages and, 53–54
sample of, 333–334
Letter of intent, 54, 265, 317
Letters of agreement, in grant proposal, 66
Literature, in needs assessment, 152
Local education agency (LEA), 11, 43, 46–57, 317
Local government, 374–375
CFDA for, 28
collaboration with, 187–188
in economic crisis, xxii–xxiii
elected officials in, 29–31
as funders, 29
grants by, 29
income streams for, 69–70
organizational capacity and, 224–225
social service agencies of, 7
websites for, 357–361
See also School districts
Logic Model, 50
LOI. See Letter of inquiry
MacArthur Foundation, 141
Magazine articles, 304
Mailing lists, 303
Marketing plan, 176
Memorandum of understanding (MOU), 16, 186, 318, 380
of funders, 88–89
grants and, 17–18
needs assessment and, 154
Mission creep, 84
Mission statement, 318
in grant proposal, 62
MOU. See Memorandum of understanding
Municipal government. See Local government
National Archives and Records Administration, 368
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 48, 370–371
National Endowment for the Arts, 368
format for, 55
needs assessment and, 141
National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship, 40, 41
eligibility for, 44
National Endowment for the Humanities, 368
National Science Foundation, 35, 368–369
NCES. See National Center for Education Statistics
Needs assessment, 318
anecdotal information in, 147–148
to board of directors, 141
community and, 304
context for, 143
for federal government, 143–145
focus groups for, 148–149
for foundations, 141, 143–145, 154
for government agencies, 141–142, 146–147, 154
in grant proposal, 66–67, 137–154, 245–246, 378
individual grant-seekers and, 153
information for, 370–371
literature in, 152
mission and, 154
newspaper reports in, 150
police precinct data for, 150–151
program description and, 168–169
publications in, 152
search engines for, 152
target population for, 142–143, 143 (table)
Needs statement, 193, 200, 247, 318
Negative findings, in evaluation plan, 196
for grant proposal, 122
grants from, 36–37
articles, 304
for grant proposal, 150
in needs assessment, 150
990/990-PF, 318
No More Teams! (Schrage), 180–181
NOFAs. See Notices of funding availability
Nontraditional programs, 129
Not-for-profit organizations, 318–319, 373, 374
board of directors for, 62
CFDA for, 28
collaboration and, 183–184
evaluators for, 192
federal government and, 26
Foundation Center for, 21–23
funders for, 8
government agencies and, 187–188
grant proposal from, 50–67
incorporation of, 8–9
for individuals, 11
social service agencies as, 7
TGCI for, 21–23
See also 501(c)(3) status
Notice of proposed rulemaking, 319
Notices of funding availability (NOFAs), 18, 319
budget and, 201
in grant proposal, 247–249, 302
outcome evaluation for, 193–194
performance indicators for, 163–164
buy-in of, 196
commitment of, 217
grassroots, 6–7, 105–107, 315–316, 373, 374
program description and, 169–170
website for, 299–300
Organization chart, 319
in grant proposal, 63
Organization history, in grant proposal, 65
Organizational capacity, 309
for auditor’s report, 223–224
board of directors and, 223
for budget, 223
for evaluation plan, 224
funders and, 254–255
government agencies and, 224–225
Internet and, 223
local government and, 224–225
school districts and, 224–225
timeline and, 225
Organizational skills, in grant proposal, 82–83, 121–122, 300
Other than personnel services (OTPS), 207–208, 319
Outcome evaluations, 193–194, 319
of funder guidelines, 85
Overhead, 209
recruitment of, 176
sustainability and, 217
collaboration with, 179–188, 301, 380
finding, 179–188
in grant proposal, 236, 238–239
of individual grant-seekers, 75
sharing money with, 182–183
for sustainability, 217
Peer review process, 289
Performance indicators, for goals and objectives, 163–164
Personnel policies, in grant proposal, 65
Personnel services (PS), 319
in budget, 206–207
Pet peeves, of funders, 244, 258–259, 263–265
by businesses, 25
in economic crisis, xxii
Philanthropy News Digest (PND), 32, 36–37
marketing, 176
scenario, xxxi
See also Evaluation plan; Program plan
PND. See Philanthropy News Digest
Police precinct data, 150–151
Portfolio, for individual grant-seekers, 74–75
Private funding foundation, 19–29, 316, 320
Problem statement. See Needs statement
budget and, 203–204
commitment to, 207
corporate giving, xxviii, 25, 34, 311
development of, 86–88, 167–177
evaluation plan for, 189–197
goals and objectives of, 158–167
nontraditional, 129
objectives for, 302
stakeholders in, 255
sustainability of, 213–220
Program description
abstract and, 232–233
consistency in, 169
in grant proposal, 168–171
language for, 168
needs assessment and, 168–169
obstacles in, 170–171
organizations and, 169–170
information for, 370–371
job descriptions in, 174
kickoff meeting for, 172
staff in, 172–176
timeline for, 172–176
Project director, 173–174
Project grants, 28–29
Proofreading, 303
Proposer’s conference, 308
PS. See Personnel services
Public foundations, 320
Public image
in economic crisis, xxvii–xxviii
of funders, 301
grant proposal and, 90–91
grants from, 36–37
in needs assessment, 152
Publicity, in grant proposal, 67
Qualitative methods
for evaluation plan, 196
for outcome evaluation, 194
Quantitative methods
for evaluation plan, 196
for outcome evaluation, 194
RAGs. See Regional association of grantmakers
of advisory board, 175
of evaluator, 192
in government agencies, 175–176
of participants, 176
of staff, 175
Reference information, for grant proposal, 144
Regional association of grantmakers (RAGs), 18, 320–321
by foundations, 282
by government agencies, 281–282
of grant proposal, 277–286, 292–296, 304
with funders, xxvi, xxxiv–xxxv, 91
See also Collaboration; Partners
Repetition, in grant proposal, 301
violent-incident, 151
See also Annual reports; Auditor’s report
Requests for applications (RFAs), 18, 321
Requests for proposal (RFPs), 321
from government agencies, 103–104
to government agencies, 18–19
grant proposal and, 86
grant-application packages and, 45–46
Research grants, 28
Resource mapping, 239–240
for board of directors, 300
for government agencies, 72, 240
for individual grant-seekers, 74
for foundations, 282
for government agencies, 281–282
Reviews, of individual grant-seekers, 75
RFAs. See Requests for applications
RFPs. See Requests for proposal
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 19
Rolling deadlines, 99
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative (SS/HS), 40–41, 43, 46–57
background information for, 54
format for, 55
goals and objectives of, 162–163
funders and, 259
in grant proposal, 90
Scenario planning, xxxi
grant proposal and, 68–73, 147
organizational capacity and, 224–225
Schrage, Michael, 180–181
Search engines, 299
for needs assessment, 152
SEMOs. See State emergency management offices
sheets, for grant proposal, 88
Site visit, 321
by funders, 385
with grant proposal, 271–275
Social service agencies, 7–10
Solicitation of grant applications (SGA). See Requests for proposal
Spell checking, in grant proposal, xxxii, 126, 264
Sponsorships, corporate, 24, 311
SS/HS. See Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative
biographies of, 326
evaluation plan and, 191
funders and, 203
in program plan, 172–176
recruitment of, 175
in social service agencies, 7
See also Key staff
Stakeholders, 321
in program, 255
State emergency management offices (SEMOs), 369–370
budget of, xx
CFDA for, 28
in economic crisis, xxii–xxiii
elected officials in, 29–31
as funders, 29
grants by, 29
websites for, 357–361
Statistical Information Service, of Foundation Center, xx
Subheads, 121
Summary, 233
Summative evaluations, 193–194, 321
Surveys, for grant proposal, 147
Sustainability, 321–322
budget and, 257–260
coalition building for, 218–219
collaboration for, 218–219
in economic crisis, 217
participants and, 217
partners for, 217
training and, 218
Table of contents, of grant proposal, 233–234, 384–385
Target population
of funders, 161
for needs assessment, 142–143, 143 (table)
Tax deductible contributions, 9
advocacy groups and, 10
Technical assistance, 322
conference, 308
grants, 29
Technology, for grant proposal, 83–84
TGCI. See The Grantsmanship Center
Thank-you notes, 285–286
Thesaurus, 126
Timeline, 322
for grant proposal, 82, 88, 300–301, 303
organizational capacity and, 225
for program plan, 172–176
See also Deadlines
Foundation Center and, 22
grants for, 28
independent private foundations and, 20
by social service agencies, 7
sustainability and, 218
TGCI and, 21
Train-the-trainer courses, 218
Transparency, 190
Chicago Community Trust, 36, 341
Trustee, 19, 33, 53, 107, 257, 322
Turnkey training, 218
businesses and, 24
Unrestricted funds. See General operating funds
Unsolicited grant proposal, 107–108
Value judgments, 128–129
Violent-incident reports, 151
biographies of, 326
in economic crisis, xxviii
in grassroots organizations, 7
in social service agencies, 7
Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, common grant application form of, 40, 41, 44, 310, 323–327
Websites, 353–371
for community foundations, 35
for emergency funding, 369–370
for federal government, 361–369
for foundations, 354–356
for individual grant-seekers, 356–357
for local government, 357–361
for organizations, 299
for state government, 357–361
Word choice, 123–124
Writing style
exaggeration in, 124–126
grammar in, 126
of grant proposal, 119–133, 377–378
spell checking in, xxxii, 126, 264
as spoken, 122–123
word choice, 123–124