Page numbers followed by t indicate a table

Abrams, Donald, 204, 206

abuse-deterrent opioids, 172174

AC1 enzyme, 246

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 305

acetaminophen, 94, 162, 164t, 226, 249250, 251

acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR) supplement, 244

action potentials (of nerves), 2728, 48, 113

acupuncture, 270, 283

adenosine release by, 245246

assessment difficulties, 258259

Center for Health Studies study, 259260

Chinese research, 260

Cochrane Collaboration review, 263

cool laser acupuncture, 259

fMRI/PET scan studies, 262

German trials, 260

systematic review data, 256

theory, 257, 259

true believers vs. skeptics, 258

Western neuroscience research, 260262

cute (short-term) pain, 34

in babies, 197

examples, 5, 20

limited massage benefits for, 263

marijuana efficacy for, 215

opioids for surgical patients, 137

protective value of, 246

transition to chronic pain, 16, 3135, 192

women vs. men, 62

ADAPT trial, 293

aerobic exercise. See exercise

Affordable Care Act (ACA/“Obamacare”), 302303

ALCAR (acetyl-l-carnitine) supplement, 244

Alexander technique, 266

Aloisi, Anna Maria, 73

Ambien, 162

American Academy of Family Physicians, 210

American Academy of Pain Management, 131, 181

American Academy of Pain Medicine, 137, 176, 178, 184185

American Association of Medical Colleges, 8

American Chronic Pain Association, 95

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 207

American College of Physicians, 207, 263

American College of Sports Medicine, 295

American Medical Association, 204, 207, 270

American Pain Foundation, 133

American Pain Society, 89, 116, 184, 185, 263, 295

American Pharmacists Association, 157

American Public Health Association, 210

American Society of Addiction Medicine, 140, 207

Ameritox, drug test lab, 178

amitriptyline (Elavil), 103, 104, 249

Anand, K.J.S., 83


EMLA, 84, 89

morphine comparison, 75

postoperative use, 82

surgery without, 7982

use of, in babies, 7981

Annan, Kofi, 130

Anslinger, Harry J., 204

anticonvulsant medication, 29, 103

antidepressant medication

for neuropathic pain, 104

for relief of pain, 249

SNRIs, 103, 249

SSRIs, 103, 104, 249

tricyclics, 103104, 249

Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1986), 205

anti-epileptic drugs, 248249

anti-inflammatory drugs, 4243. See also nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

antipsychotics, 103104, 249

Apkarian, A. Vania, 31, 3637

Armstrong, Ken, 154

arthritis, 11, 16. See also osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis

exercise and, 291293

neck pain exacerbation, 1

assessment of pain, 3944

e-diaries/ecological momentary assessment, 42

facial cues, 4344

fMRI, 3536, 3941

McGill Pain Questionnaire, 4041

numerical scales, 41

observation of patient, 40, 43

pain tracking programs, 42

ratio scale/visual analog scale, 41

Standardized Evaluation of Pain, 42

Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (Germany), 295

astrocytes, 34, 191, 195

ASUs (avocado-soybean unsaponifiables), 278

Ativan, 162, 168

Atkinson, J. H., 209


back pain-bed rest study, 285

back pain-physical activity study, 287288, 291

cannabis studies, 219221

chronic pain, healthcare costs, 11

Cochrane Collaboration pooled research, 104

experimental pain tests, 123

marijuana/fMRI study, 221

peppermint study, 277

spinal manipulation study, 270271

undertreatment of children in pain, 82, 8889

autoimmune diseases

multiple sclerosis, 189, 197, 213216, 275

pemphigus vulgaris, 5, 148149

autonomic nervous system, 114115

parasympathetic division, 25

sympathetic division, 25, 118

Aventyl (nortriptyline), 249

axial back pain, treatment, 4243

back pain, 11. See also low back pain

acute, 271, 291

Alexander technique, 266

assessment, 42, 240, 287

axial back pain, 4243

brain gray matter and, 36

catastrophizing score, 106107

chronic, 3638, 56, 170, 264, 288289

Consumer Reports survey, 285

exercise for, 285, 286

heritability, 53, 56

massage therapy for, 264

opioids for, 151

radicular back pain, 42

spinal manipulation, 270271

surgical options, 240241

transdermal buprenorphine for, 170

tricyclic antidepressants for, 104

in women, 62, 68, 71, 7273

Ballantyne, Jane, 131132

Basbaum, Allan, 24, 253

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 33

Beck, Aaron, 109

Beecher, Henry K., 9192

Belfer, Inna, 62

Bennett, Gary, 243, 248

benzodiazepines, 129, 151, 162, 163t, 168, 184. See also Ativan; Valium; Xanax

Berde, Charles, 7980

Berens, Michael J., 154

Bernstein, Carolyn, 286

Beyer, Judith E., 82

Binkley, Karen, 6

biofeedback, 21, 113115, 201, 256

biofield therapies. See energy healing

biology of marijuana, 211214

Biro, David, 5

Blocker, Ashlyn, 4751, 56

Borsook, David, 39, 100

Boston Children’s Hospital, 22

boswellia (frankincense), 278

Botox (botulinum toxin) injections, 236

Bradshaw, David, 1213

bradykinin, 32

brain. See also nervous system

chronic pain’s influence on, 4

depression/neuroimaging studies, 102

imaging of pain, 31, 3539

regions related to chronic pain, 3839

tissue loss from pain, 3637

women vs. men, pain sensations, 67

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 33

Braz, Joao, 24, 253

Brazil, facial pain studies, 62

Brenner, Gary, 25

Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston), 107

Broad, William J., 290291

Brooks, David, 131

buprenorphine, 162, 163t, 169171

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Firearms, 225

burning man/feet syndrome (erythromelalgia), 47, 4951

burning pain, 47

Burns, David, 109110

Bursztajn, Harold J., 63

Bush, George W., 207208

Bushnell, Catherine, 37, 64

calcium channel gene mutation, 56


McGill University pain center funding, 1112

pain and gender findings, 6870

physician pain education limitations, 7, 8

undertreatment of children in pain, 88

cancer pain, 16, 22, 156, 209, 213, 215, 243, 2553

cannabis. See marijuana

Cannabis sativa. See marijuana

capsaicin, 252

Capsicum frutescens, 278

Carbajal, Ricardo, 88

carbamazepine (sodium-channel blocker), 51

carisoprodol (Soma), 249

Carr, Daniel, 76, 166167, 304

“catastrophizing” response to chronic pain, 38, 92, 105107, 111, 284

celecoxib (Celebrex), 276

Center for Health Studies (Seattle), 259260

Center for Medical Cannabis Research (UC San Diego), 209

Center for Neurosensory Disorders (University of North Carolina), 72

Center for Practical Bioethics (Kansas City), 136, 175

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 134

assessment of PMPs, 181182

naloxone, community-based program, 166

opioid deaths report, 129

opioid patient testing recommendation, 177

on potential drug abuse, 128129

Centers for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), 134

Cervero, Fernando, 74

cervical dystonia, 23, 19, 283

Chapman, Richard, 161

Chatzky, Andrew, 306

chemotherapy drugs, 243

chemotherapy pain, 5, 16, 242244

children in pain, 7989

absence of, in IOM survey, 17

circumcision procedure, 84

Clifford Woolf’s research, 17, 22, 42, 46

“faces” scale for assessment, 41

genetics and, 4750

Little Jeffrey Lawson case, 7981

management, 82, 8587

newborn research, 8284

opioids, safe use, 85

preemies study, 88

Premature Infant Pain Profile, 86

self-controlled analgesia, 85

undertreatment of, 8184, 8788

women’s sensitivity to, 63

Chinese medicine, 95, 116, 203, 265. See also acupuncture; tai chi

chiropractic (spinal manipulation), 240, 255, 269273

chondroitin, 276277

Chou, Roger, 241, 271

Christie, Chris, 130

Christopher, Maya, 175176

chronic pain. See also “flavors” of pain

acupuncture and, 258

acute pain transition to, 16, 3135

brain tissue losses from, 3738

“catastrophizing” response, 38, 92, 105107, 111, 284

from chemotherapy, 5, 16

Cindy Steinberg example, 1516

classification difficulties, 1011

coping (non-drug) techniques, 108124

defined, 34, 31

depression and, 102104

economic costs, 1012

genetic susceptibility to, 46, 5254

IOM report (2011), 8, 1011

Jeffrey Mogil on, 46

from muscle spasms, 45

from pemphigus vulgaris, 5

suicide and, 125

women’s susceptibility to, 62

Cisplatin (chemotherapy drug), 243

clonidine, 168, 253

Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC), 210

Coates, Thomas, 209

coca leaf, 210

Cochrane Collaboration reviews, 86

acupuncture, 263

antidepressants, 104

energy healing, 265266

exercise and fibromyalgia, 295

injection therapy, 235

low back pain, 285

placebo medication, 97

prolotherapy, 237

TMS, 234


-cough syrup, 162

CSA Schedule inclusion, 162

mechanism of action, 46, 75

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 106, 109111

Cohen, Mark, 177

Cohen, Steven P., 235236, 238

Cole, James M., 208

Common Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMPLEX), 304

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), 255281. See also acupuncture

Chinese medicine, 95, 116, 203, 265

criticisms of, 255256

diet, vitamins, herbals, 273278

energy healing, 265270

magnets/pulsed electromagnetic fields, 278281

massage, 94, 256, 263266, 283

placebo effect and, 256257

popularity of, 255, 256257

spinal manipulation, 240, 255, 269273

complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 6, 62

COMT gene research, 57, 72

Consortium to Study Opioid Risks and Trends (CONSORT) study, 151152

controlled substances, federal schedules, 163t

Controlled Substances Act (1970), 161, 162, 204, 208

Controlled Substances by CSA Schedule, 162

Cooper, Mark, 56

coping (non-drug) techniques, 108124

biofeedback, 21, 113115, 201, 256

cognitive behavioral therapy, 106, 109111

distraction, 111114

empathy, 121124, 257

hypnosis, 86, 119121

meditation, 96, 115119, 255, 283

cordotomies, 238

cortisone (steroid) shots, 3, 234236

Costa, Pam, 47, 4950, 56

Costigan, Michael, 196198

Cowan, Penney, 95

Craig, Kenneth, 44

Craker, Lyle, 207210

craniosacral therapy, 267

CRI Lifetree Clinical Research, 137

CRPS. See complex regional pain syndrome

Current Medication Misuse Measure (COMM), 146

Cutler, Michael, 204205

cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), 249

Cymbalta (duloxetine), 43, 104, 249


astrocytes comparison, 191

drugs/potential blocking of, 236

examples of, 32, 34

“good” vs. “bad,” 3435, 191192

healing promoted by, 23

mechanisms of action, 3435, 235

pro-inflammatory, 23, 35, 192

Swedish massage reduction of, 265

Dahl, June, 140, 152

Davidson, Richard, 117

decompression surgical technique, 242

deep brain stimulation (DBS), 232

de Jong, Zuzana, 292

De Leo, Joyce, 194196

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. See tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

deoxycoformycin (Pentostatin), 245

depression. See also antidepressant medication

catastrophizing comparison, 38

catastrophizing response, 38, 92, 105107, 111, 284

chronic pain and, 102104

drug treatment, 103

European data, 100

Oxford/Harvard mood studies, 101102

pain and, 100105

pharmacologic treatment, 103105

placebo use in, 96, 99

SCAMP trial, 104105

somatization theory, 101

desipramine, 103, 249

devices: implantable pumps, 252253

devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), 278

diabetic neuropathy pain, 45

Diatchenko, Luda, 57

diazepam (Valium), 162, 249

diet, vitamins, herbals, 273278

diethylstilbestrol-induced cancer, 296297

disc nucleoplasty surgery, 242

distraction (for diverting attention), 111114

Doblin, Rick, 207

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, 4

drug abuse. See also withdrawal from drugs

genetics of, 144

global war on drugs, 130

pain patients vs. street abusers, 127137

pain reliever overdoses (2008), 129

terminology of, 139141

training for recognition of, 43

using drugs for treatment of, 166171

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 134, 135136, 156157, 205, 207, 210

Drug Misuse Index (DMI), 146

drug poisoning, 128129

drug treatment using drugs, 166171

duloxetine (Cymbalta), 43, 104, 249

dysfunctional pain, 2224, 122


of chronic pain, 1012

NIH research funding limitations, 1214

ectonucleotidase enzyme type, 245

e-diaries/ecological momentary assessment, 42

Edwards, Rob, 107

Effexor (venlafaxine), 103, 249

Eland, Joann, 8182

Elavil (amitriptyline), 103, 104, 249

electrical stimulation, 230232

electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT), 233

empathy, 121124, 257

Endep (amitriptyline), 249

endocannabinoids, 99100, 211

energy healing (“biofield therapies”), 265270

Alexander technique, 266

craniosacral therapy, 267

Feldenkrais method, 267

Healing Touch, 267

Reiki, 267268

Rubenfeld Synergy, 268269

Therapeutic Touch, 269

Engel, George, 9394

ergonomics consultants, 3

Ernst, Edzard, 258, 266, 267, 272

erythromelalgia (“burning man/feet syndrome”), 47, 4951

estrogen. See hormone replacement therapy

“estrogen is bad” theory, 72

evening primrose, 278

Exalgo (by Covidien), 173

exercise, 12, 16, 94, 108, 283298

arthritis and, 291293

fibromyalgia and, 293296

low back pain and, 286291

massage therapy comparison, 264

NSAIDs with, 270

overdoing, 247

spinal manipulation comparison, 270, 271

swimming (inspirational example), 296298

facial cues of pain, 4344

facial pain, 40, 44, 201. See also trigeminal neuralgia

brain tissue losses in, 37

studies, 62

familial hemiplegic migraine, 57

Fanatrex (gabapentin), 248

FAST trial, 293

Federal Narcotics Bureau, 204

Federation of State Medical Boards (US), 136, 176, 185

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (Burns), 109110

Feldenkrais method, 267


mechanism of action, 74

prescriptions data, 133

Fersch, Tom, 158159

feverfew, 277278

fibromyalgia, 38

brain tissue losses in, 37

estrogen cycle pain variability, 74

exercise and, 293296

fMRI/catastrophizing study, 107

marijuana study, 216

in women, 62

Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, 295

Fields, R. Douglas, 190, 198

Fillingim, Roger, 64, 74, 77

Fine, Perry, 171172

Fink, David, 247248

Finland, facial pain studies, 62

Fischl, Bruce, 117

Fishbain, David, 144145

Fishman, Scott, 14, 230, 304

Fitzgerald, Maria, 8687

“flavors” of pain, 2224. See also inflammatory pain; neuropathic pain

dysfunctional pain, 22, 2324, 122

nociceptive pain, 2224

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine), 249

fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Foley, Kathleen, 14

Frank, Barney, 225

Frith, Chris, 123

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 3941. See also real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging

acupuncture studies, 262

Australia marijuana study, 221

brain activity pattern detection, 3536

catastrophizing study, 107

developmental importance of, 35

distraction results measurement, 112

drug action in the brain research, 39

empathy study, 122

meaning and pain experiment, 9293

meditation measurements, 119

placebo vs. pain reliever study, 9798

Stanford University research, 3536

functional pain syndromes, 20

Funk, Janet, 277

gabapentin (Neurontin), 43, 103, 248249, 294

Gabarone (gabapentin), 248

Gaffney, Joanne, 268

gain-of-function genetic mutation, 4951

GAIT study (knee osteoarthritis), 276277

gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

derangement of, 34

drugs for boosting and side effects, 254

influence on pain, 28

mechanisms of action, 253

mice/neuropathic pain trial, 24, 253254

gamma linoleic acid (GLA), 278

Gard, Tim, 119

Garner, Carol, 168

gate control theory, 108, 230

GCH1 gene research, 57

Gear, Robert, 74, 76

gender and pain, 6178. See also men; women

brain scan findings, 67

female headache susceptibility, 63

hormonal influences, 7074

IOM (2001) report, 64

lab experiments and findings, 6467

opioid effectiveness, 7478

pain summation differences, 6667

pain thresholds, tolerances, 66

“secondary messenger” differences, 71

undertreatment of women’s pain, 6870

university studies, 63

women vs. men comparisons, 6263

genetics of drug addiction, 144

genetics of pain, 4559

“burning man/feet syndrome,” 47, 4951

calcium channel gene mutation, 56

chronic pain susceptibility, 46, 5254

COMT gene research, 57, 72

Danish/Finnish heritability studies, 53

DNA mutations, 56

future research, 5859

gain-of-function mutation, 4951

GCH1 gene research, 57

gene mutation (defined), 47

genome-wide association studies, 55

identical twin studies, 5254

knee/hip problems links, 53

knockout/knockdown mice studies, 55

loss-of-function mutation, 4849

low back pain heritability, 52

Mc1R gene, 77

microarray study approach, 55

migraine susceptibility, 53, 5657

opioid-receptor controlling gene research, 58

pain insensitivity example, 4849

PAP gene research, 58

SCN9A gene mutation, 4749, 51, 54

women and kappa opioids, 77

Woolf on, 46

genome-wide association studies (GWAS), 55

Germany, facial pain studies, 62

Gettman, Jon, 210

ginger (Zingiber officinale), 277

glial cells (immune cells)

Einstein’s brain and, 198199

good side/dark side of, 191

mechanisms of action, 191192

research of Watkins and Maier, 190194

role in pain transmission, 3435, 189196

Global Commission on Drug Policy, 130, 210

global war on drugs, 130

glucosamine, 276277

Goldenberg, Don, 294

Gollub, Randy, 98

Gralise (gabapentin), 248

Grant, Igor, 209

Greenspan, Joel, 67

Group Health Research Institute (Seattle), 137138, 264, 290

Gust, Steven, 206

GW Pharmaceuticals, 209

Haldeman, Scott, 272

Harpagophytum procumbens (devil’s claw), 278

Hartigan, Carol, 285

Harvey, Thomas, 198199

headaches. See migraine headaches

Healing Touch, 267

heat pain thresholds study, 5253

Heit, Howard, 45, 144

Helmrich, Susan, 296298

herbal remedies, 277278

herniated disks, 2

Hickey, Paul R., 83

Hoffman, Diane, 136

Hoffman, Hunter, 111112

Holder, Eric, 208

Holick, Michael, 275

Horizant (gabapentin), 248

hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

“estrogen is bad” theory, 72

TMD referrals and, 73

hormones and pain, 7074

“estrogen is bad” theory, 72

testosterone, role in pain, 72

TMD, HRT and menopausal women, 7273

transsexual experiences, 73

Hruby, Victor, 247

Hughes, Sarah, 171

human costs of pain, 1517

“The Human Pincushion” (absence of pain example), 49

Human Rights Watch, 139

Hurwitz, Eric L., 291

Hurwitz, William, 136137

hydrocodone, 133

in combinations, 162, 163t, 183

hydromorphone, prescription data, 133

hypnosis, 86, 119121

Ibudilast (AV-411 and MN-166) asthma medication, 194

ibuprofen, 1

imaging of pain (in the brain). See functional magnetic resonance imaging; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan; positron emission tomography (PET) scan; real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging

immune system and pain

cytokines, 191193

glial cells, 189196

mechanisms of increasing pain, 189199

microglial cells, 20, 24, 196197

P2X4 receptor, 196

pemphigus vulgaris (example), 5, 148149

T cells, 197198

TLR-4 receptors, 34, 155, 191192, 194196

implantable pumps, 252253

IMS Health, drug market research firm, 133

inflammatory pain

chronic inflammatory pain, 75

description, 23

drug treatment, 4243

dysfunctional pain comparison, 23

mechanisms of, 32, 107, 238, 241

neuropathic pain comparison, 24

opioids/young patient caution, 85

Institute of Medicine (IOM)

chronic low back pain report, 286287

costs of chronic pain report, 8, 1011, 14

estimates of chronic pain in US, 17

gender and pain report, 64

hospice pain report, 158

marijuana review, 216

vitamin D intake recommendations, 274

Institute on Global Drug Policy, 225

Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC), 13, 302303

interleukin 1 (IL-1 cytokine), 34, 191192

interleukin 1B (IL-1B; cytokine), 32

interleukin-6 (IL-6 cytokine), 107, 191192

International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), 8, 20, 91, 293

International Narcotics Control Board, 139

investigational new drug (IND) approval process, 205

IPRCC. See Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

brain tissue losses in, 37

as dysfunctional pain example, 23

estrogen cycle pain variability, 74

gender pain studies, 67

placebo vs. no treatment study, 97

women vs. men data, 6263

Israel, fibromyalgia studies, 62

Jain, Shamini, 266

Jamison, Robert, 102, 121, 147, 176, 184

Jeffrey Lawson Award for Advocacy in Children’s Pain Relief, 89

Jensen, Mark, 111112, 120

Johnson, Keosha, 167

Johnston, Celeste, 84, 86, 87

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 305

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 177

Journal of the American Medical Association, 129, 151, 269

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 116117

kappa opioids, 75, 77

Kaptchuk, Ted, 9697, 100

Katz, Michael, 185

Katz, Mitchell, 176177

Katz, Nathaniel, 180

Kauffman, Jan, 146, 169

Keefe, Francis, 93

Kennedy, Edward, 207

Kerlikowske, Gil, 133

knee injections, 237

knockout/knockdown mice studies, 55

Konowitz, Paul, 5, 167

Krane, Elliot, 86, 193

Kroenke, Kurt, 102103

Landis, Story, 303

Lawson, Jeffrey, 7981, 89

Lazar, Sara, 117, 119

Lazarus Project (naloxone program), 165166

Leavitt, Stew, 308

Leonhart, Michele, 207208

LeResche, Linda, 7273

Levine, Jon, 71

lidocaine (sodium-channel blocker), 5152

Lifetree Clinical Research (Utah), 172

Living With Chronic Pain (Schneider), 285

Loeser, John, 9, 230232, 252, 302

loss-of-function genetic mutation, 4849

low back pain

acupuncture treatment, 258, 259, 263

Alexander technique, 266

bed rest contraindication, 285

brain function and, 38

catastrophizing score, 106

chronic, 106, 229230, 235, 259

Dutch study, 287288

exercise for, 284285, 286291

Finnish study, 288

health-related causes, 286

herbal remedies for, 278

heritability of, 52

magnet therapy for, 279

massage therapy for, 263265

PNS/PNFS treatment, 231

spinal manipulation, 270271

steroid injections, 235236

surgical treatment, 240, 241

tai chi success, 295

Lyrica (pregabalin), 162, 248

Mackey, Sean, 3536, 114115

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. See also functional magnetic resonance imaging; real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging

author’s experience with, 2

brain tissue loss measurement, 3637

marijuana/brain studies, 221

meditation measurements, 117118

magnets/pulsed electromagnetic fields, 278281

Maixner, William, 63, 72

MAPs marijuana advocacy group, 207

marijuana, 201227. See also endocannabinoids; tetrahydrocannabinol

absence of deaths from, 202203

AIDS/HIV patient study, 206

anandamide comparison, 26

anxiety/depression risks, 220

biology of, 211214

cancer risks, 218219

cardiac risks, 223224

case studies of success, 201202

cognitive problems and, 220222

CSA schedule inclusion, 162, 163t

dependence and addiction, 217218

efficacy for acute pain, 215

global legalization discussions, 224

government objections to studies, 201210

historical use examples, 203204

legal battles/solution, 224227

medical benefits of, 214216

respiratory problems and, 222223

risk factors, 216224

schizophrenia/other psychoses risks, 219220

vaporizer inhalation, 202

withdrawal from, 210, 217218

Marijuana Tax Act, 204

Martin, Joseph, 7

Massachusetts Pain Initiative, 182

massage, 3, 94, 256, 263266, 283

Mayday Fund, 138

Mc1R (melanocortin-1 receptor) gene, 77

McGill Pain Questionnaire, 40

MDMA, 210

medical marijuana. See marijuana

medical school, lack of pain education at, 78, 79, 68, 149, 303306

medication contracts and tests, for opioid withdrawal, 175179

meditation, 96, 115119, 255, 283

Meier, B., 103, 132, 346, 355

Meier, Diane, 138

Melzack, Ronald, 21, 40, 230

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York), 14, 158159


opioid studies, 7478

pain comparisons with women, 6263

pain summation scores, 6667

pain thresholds, tolerances, 66

response to female researchers, 65

vs. women for CRPS, 62

vs. women for headaches, 63

vs. women for IBS, 63

menopause, 7273


benefits, 169

complexity of, 172

CSA Schedule, 162, 163

deaths from, 153, 154

dosing recommendations, 154, 169, 184

drug abuse study, 157

duration of action, adverse effects, 152153

prescription data, 133

mexiletine (sodium-channel blocker), 51

MGH Acupuncture Sensation Scale, 257

Michna, Edward, 184

microarray (gene chip method) study approach, 55

The Migraine Brain (Bernstein), 286

migraine headaches

Botox injection treatment, 236

cannabis treatment, 201202, 204, 209, 216

depression in women and, 102

exercise and, 286

heritability, 53, 5657

pre-/postpuberty data, 71

suicide risk factor and, 125127

TMS treatment, 234

in women, 6263, 67, 7374, 102

Mills, Paul J., 266

milnacipran (Savella), 249

mind-body in pain, 91124

“catastrophizing,” 38, 92, 105107, 111, 284

depression and pain, 100105

Engel/biopsychosocial model, 9394

negative/positive emotions, influences, 93

opioids vs., 128

Oxford University fMRI experiment, 9293

patient resistance to ideas, 9495

placebos, 95100

somatization theory, 101

mindfulness-based stress reduction, 116119

Miron, Jeffrey A., 226

Mogil, Jeffrey, 45, 5253, 5556, 77

monoclonal antibody technology, 246247

Morley, Stephen, 110111


brain processing of, 75

in combinations, 174

fMRI mapping of action of, 39

gender difference studies, 7576

glial cell interaction, 34

mechanism of action, 7475

rat studies, 71, 75

self-administration by children, 85

Moskowitz, Michael, 5657

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 138

multiple sclerosis, 189, 197, 213216, 275

Murinson, Beth, 910

Murphy, Anne Z., 75, 78

muscle spasms, 3, 45, 6

musculoskeletal pain, 62, 231, 274, 280, 293

Musto, David, 132

My Stroke of Insight (Taylor), 91

naloxone (opioid blocker), 39, 86

CDC, community-based program, 166

in combinations, 174

in distraction study, 113

forms of, 165

Lazarus Project program, 165166

Massachusetts program, 166

placebo effect blocked by, 98

Napadow, Vitaly, 259

Narcan (naloxone), 165166. See also naloxone

Narcotics Anonymous, 126

National Association of [state] Attorneys General, 136, 210

National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities, 185

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), 255256, 267268

National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR), 206

National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), 134, 151

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 303

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 203, 205206, 209, 218

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

endorphin theory acknowledgment, 262

languaging of gender and pain studies, 64

limits of pain research funding, 1214

need for institute on pain at, 302303

Pain Consortium, 13

RePORT research feature, 13

National Institutes of Medicine, 210

National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 156

Native Americans, pain rating scale choice, 94

Nav1.7 channels (voltage-gated sodium channels), 27, 48, 52

neck pain

acupuncture and, 257258, 263

emotional response to, 94

epidural steroid injections for, 235

exercise and, 286

heritability, 52, 53

MRI scans for, 2

from spasmodic torticollis, 56

spinal manipulation for, 270272

Western medicine focus on, 229

in women, 68

worsening at night, 19

Neizer, Hyrum, 125126

neonatal abstinence syndrome, 129

nerve blocks, 236

nerve growth factor (NGF), 32

nerve killing, 237239

nerve transplantation, 253254

nervous system

action potentials (of nerves), 2728, 48, 113

acute pain to chronic pain transition, 3135

autonomic nervous system, 25, 118

male/female, secondary messenger differences, 71

pain transmission role, 2431, 34

peripheral nervous system, 25, 114115

Netherlands, fibromyalgia studies, 62

Neuman, Herbert, 184

neural plasticity, 31

neuromatrix theory of pain (Melzack), 21

Neurontin (gabapentin), 43, 103, 248249, 294

neuropathic pain. See also complex regional pain syndrome

causes, 2324, 42

drug treatment, 103104

effects from, 2324


treatment, 193

inflammatory comparison, 24

mechanism of, 33

mice/neuropathic pain trial, 24, 253

nociceptive comparison, 24

subtype classification, 22

in women, 62

neuropeptide Y, 33

neurotransmitters, 27. See also gamma-aminobutyric acid

New England Journal of Medicine, 138, 235, 247

Nigeria, facial pain studies, 62

Nixon, Richard, 130

NMDA receptors, 32

nocebo effect, 9596

nociceptive pain

in combination, in cancer, 22

description, 2223

neuropathic comparison, 24

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

deaths data, 129130

marijuana comparison, 203

placebo experiment, 1, 99100

risk factors, 250251

with tanezumab: side-effects, 247

variety of, 249250

Norpramin (desipramine), 103, 249

North American Spine Society, 263

nortriptyline, 103, 249

Nubain (nalbuphine hydrochloride), 75, 77

Nucynta ER (by Janssen), 174

numerical scales (for pain assessment), 41

Oaklander, Anne Louise, 68

Obama, Barack, 134135, 208

O’Connor, Mary I., 6970

Ogden, David, 208

olanzapine (Zyprexa), 103104, 249

Opana ER (by Endo), 174

“Operation Pill Nation” (DEA; 2011), 135

opioid abstinence syndrome, 167

opioid conundrum, 127

opioid drugs, 3. See also opioid drugs, withdrawal from; individual opioids

abuse-deterrent opioids, 172174

acupuncture comparison, 261

addiction/dependence risks, 127, 139150

death risk from, 151

difficulties getting, ix

effectiveness, long term, 158162

falling risks in older people, 155

gender and effectiveness, 7478

guidelines for use, 184187

hormonal changes from, 154155

immune system suppression from, 149, 155

increased pain from, 155

kappa opioids, 75, 77

limited effects in depression, 102

mechanisms of action, 169

overdose and death risks, 150154, 165

pain patients vs. street abusers, 127137

Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, 128

risk reduction efforts, 166167

suicide risk factor, 147150

undertreatment of pain and, 137139

use in children, 81, 85, 86

U.S. usage data, 136137

opioid drugs, withdrawal from

in children, 85

drugs for treatment of, 152153, 165, 168171

limited doctor education for, 149

medication contracts and tests, 175179

opioid rotation strategy, 171172

pain control and, 167

prescription monitoring programs, 179182

risk evaluation and mitigation strategy, 182184

symptoms, 147148, 150, 167168

opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH), 155

opioid-receptor controlling gene research, 58

Opioids911-Safety (educational group), 185

Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, 259, 295

osteoarthritis, 22, 38, 46, 53, 62, 105, 151, 237, 276277

The Other Brain (Fields), 198

over-the-counter pain relievers

NSAIDs, 129130, 203, 247, 249251

topical treatments, 251252

oxycodone, 156, 159

in combinations, 174, 183

CSA classification, 162, 163t

extended-release, 172, 182183

Florida problems with, 135

prescription data, 133

withdrawal from, 167168, 172

OxyContin, 126, 127, 132135, 154, 173174

P2X4 receptor, 196

Paclitaxel (chemotherapy drug), 243

pain. See also “flavors” of pain

assessment of, 3944

caring for, 299306

gender and, 6178

genetics of, 4559

hormones and, 7074

immune system and, 189199

marijuana and, 214216

mind-body in, 91124

nervous system transmission of, 2431

phantom limb pain, 3031, 37, 238

Pain Action Alliance to Implement a National Strategy (PAAINS), 303

Pain Catastrophizing Scale, 106

The Pain Chronicles (Thernstrom), 21

Pain Consortium (NIH), 13, 303

pain education of doctors. See medical school, lack of pain education at

Pain Genes Database, 56

Pain Medicine journal, 165166

pain relievers. See also complementary and alternative medicine; Western medicine

drugs originally for other purposes, 248249

over-the-counter, 249251

topical treatments, 251252

pain tracking programs, 42

Palliative Medicine journal, 139

Pamelor (nortriptyline), 103, 249

PAP gene research, 58

parasympathetic nervous system, 25

Parazin, Stephen, 230, 240

paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, 5

Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, 233

Patterson, David, 111112

Paul, Ron, 131, 225

pelvic inflammatory disease, 67

pemphigus vulgaris, 5

pentazocine (Talwin), 75, 77

Pentostatin (deoxycoformycin), 245

peppermint, 277

Percocet, 131, 142, 148, 162, 183, 250

Pereira, John, 275

peripheral nerve field stimulation (PNFS), 231

Pertofrane (desipramine), 249

Pettinati, Pamela, 267

phantom limb pain, 3031, 37, 238

phenotypes, of pain, 22

phenotypes of pain, 22

physical therapy, 3, 15, 94, 240, 270271, 283

Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP), 128, 141, 160, 185187

Pizzo, Philip, 14

“placebo by proxy” effect, 96

placebos (medication/placebo effect), 95100

body part effectiveness variability, 99

buprenorphine vs., 170

in circumcision, 94

in distraction study, 113

endocannabinoid system role, 99100

IBS study, 97

improvement rate data, 96

influences on pain, 97

Kaptchuk on, 100

naloxone blocking of effects, 98

nocebo effect vs., 9596

Oxford/fMRI study, 9798

Sweden/PET scan study, 9899

Pliner, Lisa M., 135

PMPs. See prescription drug monitoring programs

Pomeranz, Bruce, 260262

Portenoy, Russell, 105106, 144, 171

positron emission tomography (PET) scan

acupuncture study, 262

Sweden/placebo study, 9899

Practical Pain Management journal, 159

pregabalin (Lyrica), 162, 248

Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP), 86

prescription drug monitoring programs (PMPs), 179182

prescription drugs. See also opioid drugs; Western medicine

abuse of, 127, 134, 141

data on purchase, 156

Florida “pill mills,” 135

government classification schedule, 162

take-back days/disposal of, 156157

urine testing for medications, 178

Price, Donald, 41

Prkachin, Kenneth, 4344, 121, 123

Program in Pain Research, Education & Policy (Tufts University), 304

pro-inflammatory cytokines, 23, 35, 192

ProPublica, investigative news organization, 133

prostaglandin E2 (cytokine), 32

prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) enzyme, 245246

protein kinase C-epsilon (PKC-epsilon), 247

proteosome inhibitors, 243

Prozac (fluoxetine), 104

puberty, pain, gender, and, 7172

Public Health Service (US), 205, 209

pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, 278281

Purdue Pharma, 173

Quill, Timothy, 138

radicular back pain (sciatica), 4243

radio-frequency ablation, 239

Rainville, James, 284

Ramachandran, V. S., 3031

Reagan, Ronald, 205

real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI), 114

reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 6

Reichbach, Gustin L., 227

Reiki (“palm healing”), 267268

Relieving Pain in America (IOM), 286287

Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS) System, 174

resolvins, 244245

Rheumatic Arthritis Patients in Training (RAPIT) program, 292

rheumatoid arthritis, 32, 109, 237, 273, 275, 291292, 295

Robin, Lisa, 304

Rosa, Emily, 269

Rubenfeld Synergy (somatic therapy), 268269

Russo, Ethan, 209210

Salix alba, 278

Sativex, 209, 216

Sauber, Richard, 137

Savella (milnacipran), 249

SCAMP trial (for pain with depression), 104105

Scarry, Elaine, 21

Schechter, Neil, 79

Schedule I, II, III, IV, V drugs (CSA Schedule), 162

schedule V drugs, 162. See also codeine-cough syrup; Lyrica

Scherr, Greg, 37

Schneider, Jennifer, 285

Scientific American Mind, 190

SCN9A gene mutation, 4749, 51, 54

Screener and Opioid Assessment for Pain Patients (SOAPP), 146147

SDI Vector One National database (prescription, patient tracking service), 129

searing/burning nerve pain, 23

Sebelius, Kathleen, 303

“secondary messengers,” 71

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 103, 104, 249

self-hypnosis, 86, 119120

sensitization (of nerve cells), 3134, 155

Serhan, Charles, 244

serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 103, 249

shingles pain, 4

Shir, Yoram, 1112

short-term pain. See acute (short-term) pain

Shultz, George P., 130

Singer, Tania, 123

Singh, Simon, 258, 266, 267

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (UN), 130, 206, 207

sleep medications, 162. See also Ambien

SNRIs. See serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

sodium-channel blocking drugs, 5152. See also carbamazepine; lidocaine; mexiletine

sodium channels, 2728

message transmission role of, 48

SCN9A gene mutation and, 48, 49, 51

voltage-gated, 48, 52

soldiers, wound management, 92

Soma (carisoprodol), 249

somatic nervous system, 25

somatization theory, 101

soy, 273, 277

spasmodic torticollis, 56

spinal cord stimulation (SCS), 231, 232

spinal fusion surgery, 240242

spinal manipulation, 240, 255, 269273

The Spine Journal, 291

spondylolisthesis, 2

Sprenger, Christian, 113

SSRIs. See selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Stadol (butorphanol tartrate), 75, 77

Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP), 42

Stanford Systems Neuroscience and Pain Lab, 114

Starrels, Joanna, 176

Staud, Roland, 49

Steinberg, Cindy, 1516, 182

steroid injections, 3, 234236

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 134

sucrose, for children’s pain management, 8687


chronic pain risk factor, 4, 47

migraine pain and, 125127

opioid dependence and, 147150

surface electromyography (sEMG), 113

surgery, 239242


facial pain studies, 62

fibromyalgia studies, 62

gender and pain study, 70

placebo-PET scan study, 9899

swimming (inspirational example), 296298

sympathetic nervous system, 25, 118

tai chi, 116, 295296

Talwin (pentazocine), 75, 77

tanezumab, 246247

Tarlov cysts, 68

Tawfik, Vivianna, 212, 222

Taylor, Jill Bolte, 91

temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)

biofeedback treatment, 113

CBT for, 110

estrogen cycle pain variability, 74

pre-/postpuberty data, 71

in women, 62

women, HRT and, 73

testosterone, role in pain, 72

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

absence of lethal dose, 203

biology of marijuana and, 211213

concentration-benefit connection, 215

pharmaceuticals made from, 209

vapor inhalation effectiveness, 223

Therapeutic Touch, 269

Thernstrom, Melanie, 21

TLR-4 receptors (toll-like receptor number 4), 34, 155, 191192, 194196

TMD. See temporomandibular joint disorder

TNF (tumor necrosis factor), 34

TNF-a, 32

topical treatments, 251252

torticollis, 6, 283

Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC), 130

Tracey, Irene, 37, 38

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 203

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 233234

transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS), 231

transmission of pain (by nervous system), 2431

Traub, Richard, 72

Trazodone, 168

Trick or Treatment (Singh and Ernst), 266

tricyclic antidepressants, 103104, 249

trigeminal neuralgia, 37, 73, 201

trigger-point injections, 236237

TRPA1 pain receptor, 26

TRPV1 pain receptor, 26

TRPV2 pain receptor, 26

Tufts University Medical Center Carr, Daniel, 76

Turkey, facial pain studies, 62

turmeric, 277

Twillman, Robert, 131, 181

twins studies, chronic pain susceptibility, 5254

TYO27 peptide, 247248

undertreatment of pain

in children, 8184, 8788

global scale of, 138139

in the United States, 137138

in women, 6870

United Kingdom (UK)

acupuncture recommendation, 263

cannabis use studies, 220

fibromyalgia studies, 62

meditation study, 118

neuropathic pain study, 62

United States (US). See also individual US agencies

adult pain data, 3, 138

Australia, healthcare costs comparison, 11

Controlled Substances Act, 161, 162

economics of pain, 11

facial pain studies, 62

fibromyalgia studies, 62

government’s war on drugs, 130

marijuana use data, 224

medical misconduct court case, 135

methadone death data, 153

opioid usage data, 136137

physician pain education limitations, 78

United States Medical Licensing Examination, 304

UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 130, 206, 207

urine drug tests, 146, 177179

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 133134, 303

US Department of Justice, 208

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

IPRCC participation, 303

methadone warning issuance, 154

naloxone approval, 166

opioids approved by, 134

REMS program idea, 176, 182184

Utah Department of Health, 185

Valium (diazepam), 162, 249

Vanatrip (amitriptyline), 249

Velcade (proteosome inhibitor), 243

venlafaxine (Effexor), 104, 249

Veteran’s Health Administration, 176, 303

Vicodin, 127, 162, 183, 250

vinca alkaloids (chemotherapy drug), 243

visual analog scale (VAS), for pain assessment, 41

vitamin B12 injections, 278

vitamin D, 274276

Volker, Paul, 130

Volkow, Nora, 206

voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav1.7 channels), 27, 48

Von Korff, Michael, 137138, 146, 160

Voth, Eric, 225

Wall, Patrick, 230, 261

Wang, Tongtong, 217

Ware, Mark, 212, 217, 222

Wasan, Ajay, 93, 100

Watkins, Linda, 34, 190191, 193194

Waxman, Stephen, 5152

Wayne, Peter, 259, 295

Webster, Lynn, 137138, 144, 145, 172

Western medicine, 229254

AC1, 246

adenosine, 245246

Botox injections, 236

chemotherapy pain, 5, 16, 242244

devices: implantable pumps, 252253

electrical stimulation, 230232

knee injections, 237

monoclonal antibody technology, 246247

nerve blocks, 236

nerve implantation, 253254

nerve killing, 237239

pain relievers, 248252

protein kinase C-epsilon, 247

resolvins, 244245

steroid injections, 234236

surgery, 239242

transcranial magnetic stimulation, 233234

trigger-point injections, 236237

TYO27 peptide, 247248

withdrawal from drugs. See also opioid drugs, withdrawal from

abstinence syndrome, 152

marijuana, 210, 217218

neonatal abstinence syndrome, 129

oxycodone, 167168

symptoms, 140, 150

Wolfe, Joanne, 89


chronic pain susceptibility, 62

headache susceptibility, 63

hormones and pain, 7074

migraine headaches, 62, 67

opioid studies, 7478

pain comparisons with men, 6263

pain summation scores, 6667

pain thresholds, tolerances, 66

red hair/kappa opioids effectiveness, 77

sensitivity to children’s pain, 63

Tarlov cysts, 68

undertreatment of pain in, 6870

Woolf, Clifford, 17, 22, 42, 46

World Health Organization (WHO), 139

Xanax, 162

yoga, 116117, 256, 265, 289290, 295

Zeltzer, Lonnie, 86, 105

Zero Balancing technique, 268

Zhou, Min, 246

Zohydro (pain reliever), 132

Zolot, Joseph P., 135

Zylka, Mark, 7, 245

Zyprexa (olanzapine), 103104, 249