Level: Middle and upper grades
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: Folding paper: orange (3½" x 3½" or desired size).
Three pieces are required for one crab.
Scrap of paper for the eyes
Paste, scissors, crayons and a pencil
1. Fold the paper into a triangle and then open. Fold parts AC and BD on the dotted lines to the center AB line.
2. Fold the parts AG arid BF on the dotted lines to the center AB line. Your paper will be in the shape of a diamond.
3. Make two more of these diamond shapes. You will need one for the shell and pinchers and two for the body and legs.
4. Take one of the folded diamond-shaped papers and tun it over. Divide it into equal thirds. Mark the thirds with X and Y on the AB line. Cut in on the center line one half the length of AX and YB.
5. Fold point A over Y and crease.
6-7. Fold point B over to X on top of A. Turn the paper over.
8-9. Fold the paper in half from top to bottom.
10. Hold part C with your left hand, and gently pull triangle B up with your other hand into the form of the dotted lines. It will look like a pincher. Do the same with triangle A.
11-12. Draw the eyes on the scrap paper and cut out, then paste them on the head.
13. Take another of your folded diamond-shaped papers, and fold it in half.
14. Divide into fourths and mark X and Y ¼4 from the ends of A and B. Divide sides AC and BC into thirds. E and D are ⅓3 marks from A and B. Draw lines to connect EX and YD.
15-16. Fold the shaded portions of A and B down along the EX and YD lines.
17. Crease the folded parts well, and then open and fold them down on the back side.
18-19. Open parts C and C2, and push down the center crease of point B so it folds in between parts C and C2. Do the same with point A.
20-21. Crease the dotted lines well, and open part D into a kite shape.
22-23. Cut the center line from point B to the O mark. Close part D. Now you have two legs. Do the same with point A. You now have four legs.
24-25. Take the remaining diamond-shaped paper and repeat steps 13-21. Paste the bodies together.
26-27. Take the shell and pinchers and open the bottom C and C2. Put a little paste on the insides. Slip it down on the body. The crab will stand up by itself.
28. Make more crabs using different sized paper to make a crab family. They make a nice aquarium.
Ship A
Level: Lower grades
Time: 50 minutes
Materials: Folding paper: white (7" x 7")
Drawing paper: white or blue (12" x 9")
Color crayons or water paint Paste
1-2. Fold the paper in half.
3-4. Unfold and bring the top and bottom edges to the creased center line.
5-6. Stand the paper on end and fold it in half.
7. Fold the open edge of the front paper to the top.
8-9. Turn the paper over and repeat.
10. Bring A and B to C.
11. Turn over and repeat.
12. Pull the top layer of the folded-in flap out to the right.
13-14. Do the same to the left side.
15. Turn the paper and repeat. It will look like this.
16. Open the bottom of the boat.
17. Bring point A down to B.
18. Bring point C so that it points straight up and the left flap unfolds.
19. Bring point D over to E.
20. Draw the ship's mark on the sail and color the body of the ship. Paint ocean scenery and paste the ship on it.
Ship B
Level: Middle grades
Time: 1 hour
Materials: Folding paper: white (7" x 7")
Drawing paper: white or blue (12" x 9")
Color crayons or water paint
Scissors and paste
Follow diagrams 1-3 for Ship A, page 62.
4. Bring the top and bottom edges to the center line.
5-6. Stand the paper on end and fold it in half.
7-8. Unfold and bring the CD edge up to the AB line.
9-10. Bring C and D, which you folded, down to point O.
11. Pull the top layer of the folded-in flap B out to the right. Repeat with flap A.
12-13. Cut left and right above the hull along the front, cutting only a single layer of paper.
14. Draw the sails, masts and flags. Cut out as necessary. Paint the ocean scenery and paste the ship on it.