
chapter 9

yule circle ritual

Pine Cones of Yuletide
Past, Present, and Future

Though Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is not meant to be a witchy or Pagan book, I often think of it that way. It has spirits (the shade of Jacob Marley) and three figures that have to at least be demigods (how else does one explain the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future?). Out of those three, the Ghost of Christmas Present always seemed like he’d be the most fun. He’s often pictured engaging in a hearty laugh, with a goblet of wine in his hand. For this reason, he’s often reminded me of the wine god Dionysus.

Because of that connection I’ve built a lot of my Yule rituals around Dionysus over the years. The holiday season is the most festive time of year in many parts of the world, and Dionysus is a god who generally wants us to be happy, and usually a bit tipsy. Dionysus has other parallels with Yuletide, though. Although he is usually associated with wine, Dionysus is also the god of ivy and trees, especially pine trees.25 For this reason, the thyrsus (staff) of Dionysus is decorated with holly and topped with a pine cone. The thyrsus is a symbol of joy, fertility, abundance, and a little bit of decadence—perfect for the Yule season!

Though this ritual doesn’t include a thyrsus for every attendee (too complicated!), it does have a pine cone for everyone, and a Yule tree to put them on. It also mentions Yules past, present, and future, connecting it with Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. In my version of the ritual, I’ve chosen to hang the pine cones that will be given out on a Yule tree, which also means that small pieces of string have to be tied onto each pine cone so they’ll hang on the tree. An alternative to this is to simply have the pine cones on an altar. In addition, the pine cones could be decorated with glitter, berries, holly, etc., before or during the ritual, if desired.

In addition to Dionysus, this ritual honors the goddess Diana as Befana, an Italian Christmas Witch who acts like a much cooler Santa Claus. Since gift giving is such an integral part of December celebrations, her inclusion feels especially important. Music plays an important part in this ritual, so have either some recorded music ready to go (I suggest some Yuletide jigs) or a couple of drummers. Know also that whoever is leading your ritual is going to have to be loud to be heard over the music.

Ritual Roles

• High Priestess

• High Priest

• Quarter callers

• Circle caster

Materials Needed

• Altar tools and setup

•Two small bowls of water for ritual cleansing, with one or two drops of essential oil (Frankincense is very cleansing and appropriate for this time of year, but you can use whatever appeals to you. Water can be sprinkled using fingers or whisked out of the bowl with an evergreen branch. Water should be cleansed and consecrated before the ritual begins.)

• One pine cone for every attendee

• Yule tree (can be decorated or just adorned with the pine cones)

• Recorded music or drummers

• Thyrsus (for circle casting: optional)

The Ritual: Pine Cones of Yuletide
Past, Present, and Future

The ritual environment is bright and cheerful and ideally is decorated with holiday lights and other trappings of the season.

Opening, Cleansing, Statement of Intent

High Priestess: Beyond our circle, all lies in darkness. It is the longest night, and the air is cold and the winds harsh. But here in our ritual space, the gods watch over us and we celebrate this longest of nights. For Yule is a time of joy and fellowship, because we know that after this night the days will slowly grow longer and the world will be reborn.

High Priest: On this Yule, we celebrate the goddess Diana, Queen of the Witches, and we celebrate her brother Dionysus, god of wine! For they have always been with us in Yuletides past, are with us now, and will be with us in Yuletides yet to come, spreading joy, gifts, and love!

The quarter callers step forward, two of them taking bowls of water sprinkled with essential oils and two of them the cleansing incense. As the High Priestess speaks and prepares the attendees for the night’s ritual, the quarter callers cense and asperge them.

High Priestess: Before we begin, let us take a moment to prepare ourselves for tonight’s ritual. Close your eyes, relax, and slip inside of yourself for a moment. As you are touched by the cleansing water and incense, imagine all of your cares and worries falling away. Tonight you are among your fellow Witches, free to be yourself and free to celebrate as you will. Allow the sacred smoke to remove the negative energy that often attaches to us, and be cleansed by the waters that take away our troubles, at least for a time.

Think for a moment about the long night, and the peace and comfort that comes only with the quiet of winter. Imagine the cold cleansing the land and preparing it for what is to come. Think of the Lord and Lady and how they love those who are their children. After you’ve been touched by the cleansing incense and purifying water, open your eyes and rejoin us in this place, and prepare to celebrate Yule. Blessed be!

Casting the Circle, Calling the Quarters

The quarter callers return the bowls of water and the incense to the altar. The circle is cast using an athame, sword, or thyrsus.

Circle Caster: Between the worlds we will stand in a time that is not a time and a place that is not a place. In the confines of our magick circle, we shall see worlds past and worlds yet to come. Let the light and spirit of the season shine in this our sacred space! The circle is cast. So mote it be!

Candles at all the quarters are optional here, but if they are used, make sure the quarter callers light them after they have invoked the elements.

East Quarter Caller: We call to the spirits of the east, spirits of inspiration and knowledge. As the sun rises in the east, we thank you for the rebirth of the light that brings us so much joy at Yuletide. May your light and wisdom shine bright in the dark days ahead. Hail and welcome!

South Quarter Caller: We call to the spirits of the south, spirits of passion and desire. We thank you for the gift of the mistletoe, Yuletide symbol of companionship and dalliance. May your longing and intensity warm us in the cold days ahead. Hail and welcome!

West Quarter Caller: We call to the spirits of the west, spirits of love and emotion. We thank you for your gifts of snow and rain. Those gifts blanket the earth, providing sustenance and opportunity for what is to come. May your love wash over us as your power washes over the earth. Hail and welcome!

North Quarter Caller: We call to the spirits of the north, spirits of foundation and place. We thank you for the gift of the evergreen tree, which reminds us that even in the cold of winter life remains. May your watchful gaze keep us close to hearth and home this holiday season. Hail and welcome!

Calling Dionysus and Diana/Befana

High Priest: Tonight we call to the great Dionysus, god of passions, wine, transformation, merriment, and mirth! Through the ages you have taken other forms to stay close to the folk, even when they turned their backs on you. In the Middle Ages you were the Lord of Misrule, upending the social order, promoting a fluid sexuality, and bringing happiness to hearts in the depths of winter. It is your torch that is held high this time of year, inviting all with joy in their hearts to celebrate the winter season. Join us in our ritual and revels, O wine god! Be with us as your people celebrate your season. Hail and welcome!

Light a candle for Dionysus if applicable.

High Priestess: Tonight we call to the powerful Diana, goddess of Witches, hunting, the moon, and the wild places. You have ever stood beside us, changing your form and face so that you might ever be a part of our worship and celebration. Many know you as Artemis, others Aradia, and in many parts of Italy you are known as Befana, the Christmas Witch, who brings gifts to all the good girls, boys, and Witches. Join us in our rituals and revels, great huntress! Be with us as we celebrate your season. Hail and welcome!

The Working

High Priestess: Gifts have been a part of the Yuletide season for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks and Romans passed out gifts as they celebrated Saturnalia. Our Norse ancestors shared presents on the Winter Solstice, as we will tonight.

Despite what our greater society would have you believe, gifts do not have to cost extraordinary amounts of money, or anything at all. Sometimes the greatest present one can give is a helping hand, a kind word, or some other gesture that comes from the heart. As this circle is a welcoming one, tonight we shall all share some small gifts with one another and, in our own individual way, spread joy as Befana would.

We want you to find someone here you don’t know well or at all, and we want you to pay them a compliment. Say something nice to them, make their day, and make all here feel as if they are a part of our community. And it doesn’t have to be just one person either. Spread as much joy as you can in the next few minutes, for all who walk the path of the Witch are worthy of compliments and praise!

Everyone is encouraged to step out of their comfort zone for a little bit and greet and compliment those around them. Those running the ritual should watch over the festivities and make sure no one is ignored or left out. Make everyone feel welcome, but respect people’s space too. Sometimes too much attention can be a bad thing. You can also play some holiday music in the background so there’s no dead air in the ritual space. It can be very unsettling if one voice is suddenly all anyone hears. Once you’re satisfied that everyone has been complimented, get your attendees back into a circle shape.

High Priest: So much of this time of year dates back to the paganisms of times past. Our ancient ancestors decorated their homes with holly and evergreen branches, and an old Roman mosaic shows Dionysus celebrating the winter season with an entire tree! The thyrsus, or staff, of Dionysus was always adorned with a pine cone to represent the fertility of the god and the earth.

Since the days of Rome, Dionysus has continued to be a part of the holiday season. His love of the unconventional could be seen in the era of misrule, and what is a holiday party if not a celebration of the joy and laughter given to us by Dionysus? In the nineteenth century, he could be seen as the Ghost of Christmas Present in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, sharing food and wine while reminding those around him to care for others and watch over them.

Tonight we are going to create a large cone of power and tap into three parts of our lives: the past, present, and future. We are going to charge the pine cones on this Yule tree with our energy and that of the holiday season. Our magick, the magick of Diana and Dionysus, and the magick of the Yuletide will become a part of these pine cones and we’ll all take one home with us! Let these pine cones serve as a reminder of the energy we have created here together, and use that energy when you have need of it, at Yule or whenever it is needed!

Music starts to play. The first song should be mid-tempo, with the songs thereafter getting progressively faster.

High Priest: We need everyone to turn to the right. Your eyes should now be looking at the back of the person in front of you. Raise your right hand and direct it toward the Yule tree in the center of the room, and now step forward in time with the music. As you move, look at our Yule tree and think back on Yuletides past. Imagine yourself as a child opening presents or sitting on the knee of Santa Claus, or imagine yourself delighting in the newborn sun at your friend’s Winter Solstice vigil.

Think good and happy thoughts as we move. Think of cherished memories from this time of year. Imagine New Year’s Eve parties or cities all decorated in lights! Whatever it is that has brought you joy in December, picture it in your mind’s eye. Feel that energy move through you and out of your hand and into our tree and the pine cones on it. As the energy moves inside of you and our cone of power is raised, chant with me:

We charge thee with joy of Yuletides past.

May this festive energy last!

The moving and chanting continues until it crescendos. The ritual leader should shout over the chanters or otherwise indicate when they want the chant to end. I usually yell something like “One final push, last verse!” so everyone ends together. Let the music fade for a little bit, allowing everyone to catch their breath before starting it back up again for the second push. I usually pick a faster song to start with the second time around.

High Priestess: We have now charged our circle with Yuletides past, but what about Yuletide present? Move about the circle once more and this time think of your Yuletide celebrations this year. What will you remember most in a year’s time? Is there someone you’ve met tonight that you think you’ll get to know better in the future? What are your plans at home for this holiday season? Did you get a bonus at work this year?

Think about the vibrant energy currently in this room. Feel it around you, circling up and above us in a great cone of power. Reach out toward our Yule tree again, directing your energy at it and filling it with all the positive energy of this holiday season. As we move our energy toward our Yule tree, join me in this chant:

We celebrate Yule today.

With us may this feeling stay!

Just like before, encourage everyone to push their energy toward the Yule tree, building in intensity as the dance and the chant continue. When a crescendo is reached, indicate the end of this part of the ritual and have everyone really push their energy outward. Again, take the music down a bit and give everyone time to catch their breath before beginning the final part of the working.

High Priest: And now, one last time, think about all the Yules yet to come. Envision us being back here in this space next year celebrating on the longest night, or picture being at home with family and friends appreciating the sun’s rebirth. As we move one last time around our circle, building our power and energy, think of the happy tomorrows we will have celebrating this holiday.

Imagine Diana being beside you as you exchange gifts with loved ones or receiving the blessings of Dionysus as you celebrate Midwinter. Reach out to our tree! Reach out to our futures! Reach out to the Yuletide tomorrows and push those visions of joy and happiness into the pine cones, the gifts of Diana and Dionysus for us this night. Chant together:

Yuletide joy in the future see.

Happiness to our green Yule tree!

Lead everyone in one last push. When the energy is at its peak, everyone should release the energy within them out into the center of the circle toward the tree. With one last “So mote it be!” end the chant and stop the music.

High Priest: Now that our pine cones are charged with the magick of the holiday season, the gods, and those of us in this space, let us all spiral forward and take a gift from our Yule tree. Let us all hold hands and be led toward our tree by our High Priestess. Tonight when you get home, place the pine cone you receive here on your own tree or on your altar as a reminder of this night and all the Yules past, present, and yet to come. So mote it be!

Once everyone is holding hands, the High Priestess should let go of the hand of the person on her left and walk toward the Yule tree, pulling the person on her right forward with her. She should lead a procession up to the Yule tree, letting everyone quickly grab a pine cone before reforming the circle. More music is appropriate here, but choose something a little quieter and less intense. Once everyone has a pine cone and the circle has completely reformed, move on to cakes and ale.

Cakes and Ale

High Priest: Even in the depths of winter, the Lord and Lady bless us.

High Priestess: For life’s abundance continues in the cold and in the dark.

The High Priestess and/or quarter callers pick up the ale to be distributed while the High Priest blesses it with the thyrsus.

High Priest: May our days and nights be merry and bright! In the name of the gods and goddesses of Yule, we bless this drink. May you never thirst!

The High Priest and/or quarter callers pick up the cakes to be distributed while the High Priestess blesses them with the thyrsus.

High Priestess: Let nothing you dismay, remember that the light was reborn on Midwinter’s Day! The light that blesses and grows the grain! In the names of the goddesses and gods of Yule, we bless this food. May you never hunger!

Cakes and ale are passed around. Since it’s Yule, more merriment is welcome if appropriate.

Goodbyes to the Gods

High Priestess: We thank the great Diana for her presence in our rite this night. We thank her for her many gifts and for our fellowship this night of Yule. May the gifts we have received tonight keep us happy and connected in the cold days ahead. Befana, Diana, Yule Witch, we thank you! Hail and farewell!

High Priest: Dionysus, god of joy and the spirit of the Yuletide, we thank you for lending your energies to this rite. God of fertility and wine, stay with us in the Yuletide and throughout the year! We thank you for tonight, what has passed, and what is yet to come. Hail and farewell!

Dismissal of the Quarters/Taking Down the Circle

North Quarter Caller: Spirits of the north, spirits of earth, thank you for joining us in these our rites. We thank you for your gift of the evergreen. May we keep its promise in our hearts in the days ahead. Hail and farewell!

West Quarter Caller: Spirits of the west, spirits of water, thank you for joining us in these our rites. In the days to come, may the snow and the rains fall, renewing our hearts and our lands. Hail and farewell!

South Quarter Caller: Spirits of the south, spirits of fire, thank you for joining us in these our rites. May the connections we have with others in this world keep us warm and content over the cold days ahead. Hail and farewell!

East Quarter Caller: Spirits of the east, spirits of air, thank you for joining us in these our rites. In the days to come, we shall look upon the sparkling lights everywhere in our world knowing that they represent the sun that rises anew upon Midwinter morn and grows stronger every day. Hail and farewell!

Any quarter candles that are lit are blown out at the conclusion of each farewell. And now the circle caster steps forward, picks up the thyrsus, and takes down the circle, beginning in the east and moving counterclockwise.

Circle Caster: I cast this circle as a place of joy, merriment, and mirth. It has served us well, and now we leave this place between the worlds, where Yules past, present, and future have met. We return to our waking world secure in the knowledge that we will carry our joy from this Yule forward. The circle is open but our fellowship never broken. So mote it be!

High Priestess: And now our rite is at an end. To you all, a joyous Yule, and merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again!



25. Otto, Dionysus: Myth & Cult, 157.