
chapter 17

ostara circle ritual

The Gifts of Eostre
and the Green Man

Many sabbats are interchangeable. Depending on where one lives, a sabbat originally designed for Imbolc might make more sense at Ostara. Many of the Lammas rituals I’ve attended over the years feel more appropriate near the fall equinox than in early August. Much of the ritual I’m including here was originally written for Imbolc, which for Northern California is certainly appropriate but for most people probably makes better sense at Ostara.

We know very little about the goddess Eostre from the historical record. She doesn’t appear in any mythology, and we don’t have any statues featuring her face. She features most prominently in the work of the English historian Bede, who wrote in The Reckoning of Time that she’s the source of the word Easter and that the Anglo-Saxons once named an entire month after her. Linguist Philip Shaw, in his work Pagan Goddess in the Early Germanic World, links Eostre to the Germanic matron goddess Austriahenea, and while doing so makes a strong case for the historical existence of Eostre.37

What makes Shaw’s connection of Eostre to a matron goddess interesting is that I’ve never experienced her in such a way. For the Spring Equinox one year, my coven hosted a large open-house type of ritual for friends and family where we called down Eostre. The goddess’s way of speaking and acting was that of a young girl, not an older goddess. She was fairly self-possessed but also unsure of what exactly she should be doing. Despite her confusion, her presence filled our circle with an incredibly joyous energy. It was something all thirty of us felt that night, and ever since I’ve had a desire to fit Eostre into as many rituals as possible in March.

In addition to Eostre, this ritual features the Green Man in a costarring role. Late March and early April often mark the first time many of us see green grass in the new year, so his inclusion here seems appropriate to me. Much like Eostre, the Green Man lacks a mythology, and the name we use for him dates back only to the start of the twentieth century. However, since that time he’s been imagined as the power of the rolling hills, the fertile countryside, and the earth beneath our feet.

Because drawing down deity can lead ritual in all kinds of different directions, the High Priestess and High Priest do not call down Eostre and the Green Man into themselves. Instead, each of those deities has their own Priestess/Priest to serve as their container. The calls to deity in this ritual are also staggered. The Green Man is called to and drawn down and then leads a working. The process is then repeated for Eostre. As an alternative to drawing down, you could have people simply play the roles of Eostre and the Green Man, and even in such scenarios you’ll find that the energy of the deities being “played” will show up. However, there’s something exciting about a real drawing down that adds to the overall energy of a ritual.

One of the main workings in this rite is a spring cleansing of the self, which is why this is one of the few rituals in this book that skips an opening purification of ritual goers. Opening with such a thing and then performing one later in the ritual just feels redundant to me. There are many groups who feel lost without a cleansing. If yours is one of those, you should add one from the many in this book or your personal practice, or set up an area to do a cleansing of individuals before the ritual.

This ritual doesn’t require much in the way of props, but it does require some containers of loose soil, a few small slips of paper (along with accompanying writing instruments), and most likely a couple of containers or small bowls for the cleansing water used at the end of the rite. For those of you who like to be elaborate with the staging, creating costumes for both the Green Man and Eostre adds a great deal to the rite, though it’s not necessary. When I’m calling down the Green Man, I often wear a leather face mask designed to look like leaves, and when Ari calls down Eostre, she often wears a springlike dress.

Ritual Roles

• High Priestess

• High Priest

• Eostre Priestess

• Green Man Priest

• Four quarter callers

• Sweeper

Materials Needed

• Regular altar setup

• Pot of loose soil that can be either comfortably held or placed on a small table in front of the Green Man

• Slips of paper (with pens/pencils)

• Extra bowls/dishes of water for the cleansing

• Besom/broom

• Cakes and ale

The Ritual: The Gifts of Eostre and the Green Man

The rite begins with a ceremonial sweeping of the ritual area. The goal of the sweeping is to get rid of any negative or unwanted energies that might be in the ritual space. Sweeping should be done in a clockwise manner, proceeding in a spiral pattern from the middle of the circle outward. As the area is being swept, the High Priestess opens the ritual.

High Priestess: This night we prepare ourselves for the spring to come. We will cast away that which no longer serves us and be cleansed by the gifts of Eostre. Tonight we celebrate the time of equal light and night and prepare for the mysteries of the spring. So may it be!

Circle Casting/Calling the Quarters

High Priest: Tonight we shall cast our circle using the power of our voices. As we tone together, imagine our energies uniting and creating a sphere. Our circle will be below, above, and all around us. Project clear protective energy from within you and out for all to share in. See it form and shape into our circle this night. Together, “Ehhhh.”

Toning is a way of raising energy using the voice and our will, which exists within. Toning generally utilizes a vowel sound, and whoever is leading the toning to cast the circle can choose whatever vowel sound they wish. The idea here is that the energies projected outward from all in attendance will be used to raise the circle. It’s best that whoever leads the toning has an ear for music, as a flat initial tone is not good for circle building. When the toning has reached a crescendo, the High Priest should signal everyone to stop.

High Priest: Together, our circle is cast! So mote it be!

Call the quarters beginning in the east and moving clockwise. Candles can be lit for each of the quarters, and invoking pentagrams drawn.

East Quarter Caller: We ask this night for the blessings of the east! Spirits of air, join us in our rite and bring to us the breath of life and the power of clarity. Be with us!

South Quarter Caller: We ask this night for the blessings of the south! Spirits of fire, join us in our rite and bring to us the spark of life and the power of transformation. Be with us!

West Quarter Caller: We ask this night for the blessings of the west! Spirits of water, join us in our rite and bring to us the promise of life reborn and the power of new beginnings. Be with us!

North Quarter Caller: We ask this night for the blessings of the north! Spirits of earth, join us in our rite and bring to us the touch of life renewed and the power of your wisdom. Be with us!

For the Green Man

High Priest: We call to the Lord of the Earth, god of the wild places, god of the soil and the green growing things. We call to the Lord who joins with the Lady when the spring rains come. Take away our hurts and fears, and let them be swallowed up by the very earth that is you! Join us in our circle tonight as we purify ourselves and cast away that which we no longer wish to carry with us. Let us feel your presence in our rites! And so that we may truly feel your power, we ask that he who would be your vessel step forward.

The person who will be drawing down the Green Man steps forward and stands next to the High Priest.

High Priest: Are you ready to contain the power of the Green Man this night for our rite?

Green Man: Yes, I am.

High Priest: Then we shall draw him down into you so that we might meet with him and be in his presence!

The High Priest begins the fivefold kiss upon the servant of the Green Man, kissing each part of his body as he moves upward from feet to lips.

Blessed be thy feet, which walk upon the green grasses. (kisses feet)
Blessed be thy knees, which shall kneel upon the sacred earth.
(kisses knees)
Blessed be thy eros,
38 which may bring forth life. (kisses eros)
Blessed be thy heart, which loves this world.
(kisses heart)
Blessed be thy lips, which speak the ancient truth.
(kisses lips)

I invoke and call upon thee, O god of the green growing places! Come down from your perch upon the high church walls and join us in our rite, for you have always loved and cared for us and this earth! We ask that you might descend into this, the body of your Priest and servant, so that we might know you and celebrate your gifts. Speak with his tongue, hear with his ears, touch with his hands, and love with his heart. These things we humbly ask, great god of rebirth and spring!

Anytime a deity is drawn down, a coven or circle is opening itself up to the unknown. Most often the deities will play along with whatever you have scheduled, but sometimes they’ll take control of your rite and lead you into strange pastures. Allow the Green Man to get his bearings for a bit before proceeding with the ritual, and ask him if he has anything specific to say. When all is clarified, ask him to participate in the ritual.

High Priest: My Lord Green Man, will you bless the soil we have gathered tonight for our rite?

The Green Man should be led to the container of soil set aside for the ritual. When we do this ritual publicly, we keep the container on a large table that is not our altar but is still accessible. The Green Man should pick up his athame, or perhaps a trowel, and bless the soil for the ritual.

Green Man: I exorcise thee, O creature of earth, and cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanliness. May you serve those gathered well this night as a place to cast out that which they no longer want. In my sacred soil, may it be transformed into something that serves this world. By my power, I say so mote it be!

The athame (or other tool) is then placed into the container of soil and blessed by the power of the Green Man. The Green Man should then be directed to stand at the end of the table, where he can either hold the small bowl of soil or have it set directly in front of him. The High Priest then explains the rest of this part of the ritual before it proceeds.

High Priest: Tonight you have the opportunity to meet with the Green Man and cast out whatever in your life is negative. We shall form a line, and when you reach the table, write down whatever it is you wish to cast away. Once you’ve decided what it is that you would rid yourself of, focus on it as you draw closer to the dirt of the Green Man. When you approach the earth he has blessed for us, picture him rising up from the soil and swallowing and taking those negative things away, cleansing you as we prepare for the spring. Bury whatever it is you wish to rid yourself of in his fertile soil. Let it be taken into the earth, where the Green Man will carry it far away from you and from us. When you give your burdens up to him, take a moment to verbalize the process. Say “Gone!” or “Be rid of this!” to make the magic stronger.

Ideally, everyone should move through the line rather quickly. It’s probably best to have a few people near the table containing the soil to make sure everyone is moving through quickly. I suggest having music in the background here to cover up any restless energy as people stand in line. (Can I suggest the song “Green Man” by the band XTC?) If you have lots of room for your ritual, you can set up a writing station and a separate station for the Green Man and his soil. Spreading everything out gives people more things to do or at least anticipate.

The Green Man may talk to people, but in my experience he’s not much of a talker. When everyone is done, the High Priest should thank the Green Man and the earth.

High Priest: Hail the Green Man! Hail the earth! Blessed be!

The Cleansing by Eostre

High Priestess: Tonight we call upon Eostre, the goddess of the dawn and new beginnings. We call to her, she who pours out her blessings upon the earth so that life may be renewed and all made sacred. It is your rain that purifies all that it touches, preparing us and this world for the spring and summer ahead. Lady of the Heavens, join us in our circle tonight! Purify your children for the year to come. Great Goddess, smile down upon us and truly join us in our circle tonight! Is there one here tonight who would channel the power of our Lady?

Eostre: I would.

High Priestess: Then we shall draw down the Goddess into you so that we might meet with the Maiden of the springtime.

The High Priestess begins the fivefold kiss, moving up the body of Eostre’s servant.

Blessed be thy feet, which awaken the earth. (kisses feet)
Blessed be thy knees, which help tend to this world. (kisses knees)
Blessed be thy eros,39 from which life emerges. (kisses eros)
Blessed be thy heart, full of love and kindness.
(kisses heart)
Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred truths.
(kisses lips)

I invoke and call upon thee, O mighty Eostre, eternal goddess of the spring! Join us in our rites and renew our bodies and spirits as you renew the earth around us. Descend into this, the body of thy Priestess and servant, so that we might receive your love and blessings. Speak with her lips, touch with her hands, and see with her eyes. These things we most humbly ask of you who brings to us the spring!

As always when a deity is first invoked, be prepared, since they might do just about anything. When Eostre is firmly situated in the body of her servant, she will most likely ask you what you want her to do, or you can ask that she read a blessing (which is below).

High Priestess: My Lady, will you read this blessing for us?

Eostre: Ostara is the dawn of spring, the entryway to summer. At the spring equinox, the earth stands fresh and renewed. Let us all be like the earth. Let us cast away the darkness of winter and embrace the wonder of green growing things. May we find delight in that which blooms around us, and let us never forget our responsibility to this place we call home. This world is a magickal place. May my power and the beauty of nature remind us of that every day we draw breath.

Tonight I shall journey among you so that you might receive my blessings. May my touch stir your heart and remind you of the magick and wonder inside us all. Put away your cynicism and doubt and embrace me, who gives the blessings of the spring. May my presence be a reminder of the power of the earth and of me, who is your Lady.

High Priestess: My Lady, will you bless the salt and water we will use for our cleansing?

Eostre takes her athame and sticks it into the bowls of water and blesses and cleanses them.

Eostre: I exorcise thee, O creature of water, and cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness. By my power, you shall serve us well this night!

Using her athame, Eostre adds a measure of salt to each bowl of water.

Eostre: By my power, I exorcise thee, O creature of salt, and cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness. I now join together water and salt, earth and rain, so that my children can be renewed by my power and that of the spring! So mote it be!

High Priestess: We stand here with past negativity already taken away. We now renew ourselves with the gifts of the Lady. Visualize yourself newly reborn, clean, and whole, made pure by the light and love of our Lady. Let the touch of her gifts and power take away any lingering feelings of doubt or pain and be born anew by her magick.

The quarter callers should walk up and pick up the bowls of salted water, which are then sprinkled upon everyone in attendance. To make this move more quickly, I suggest using four bowls of salted water, one for each quarter caller, so that all can be cleansed in an expedient manner.

High Priestess: Tonight I walk this circle with our Lady so that you might honor her and thank her for her blessings.

The High Priestess leads Eostre around the circle. All present should bow or curtsy (she is a goddess after all!), and they may touch or squeeze her hand. If there aren’t a lot of people there, the goddess could conceivably speak with everyone, but if there are, then not so much unless you want a three-hour ritual.

When all have been cleansed and have met with the Lady, you’ll want to publicly de-voke the gods before moving on to cakes and ale. If your Eostre and Green Man are wearing masks or crowns of some sort, publicly removing them is a great way to indicate that the deity that was once inside of them has left. Start by devoking Eostre and welcoming back the person the goddess inhabited.

High Priestess: And now we must thank those who have served us this night. My Lady, it is time for you to leave us in your current state and return our friend to us. We thank you for your presence and now welcome back our friend and fellow Witch. (Name of person), return! (Name of person), return!

While speaking the name of the person who has drawn down Eostre, grab their hands and push some energy into their body. As you push the energy inward, think of the person you know and imagine their consciousness rising to the surface, with them being in control of themselves. If you’re not quite sure if the deity within has left, a little salt on the tongue will go a long way in restoring a person to their regular state. Once the goddess has left, move on to the Green Man.

High Priest: And now you, my friend, thank you for your service. Great Green Man, it is time for you to leave the body you inhabit and return our friend to us. Great Lord, we are grateful for your presence, but we must welcome our fellow Witch back. (Name of person), return! (Name of person), return!

Once the Green Man has left the body of his servant, escort him and the person who drew down Eostre to a comfortable chair and thank them once again for their service. Drawing down is hard work!

Cakes and Ale

High Priestess: At Ostara, all stands in balance as the world is reborn.

High Priest: We now celebrate that rebirth with the feast of cakes and ale.

The High Priestess holds up a chalice of drink.

High Priestess: The chalice and its contents are symbolic of the potential that exists within all things. In the spring, almost anything feels possible.

The High Priest holds up a plate of cakes.

High Priest: And these cakes represent the abundance that is all around. Even when the world seems bleak, we know that we are blessed.

Both: Through the love of the Lord and Lady, all things are possible. Blessed be!

Cakes and ale are distributed to everyone in the circle.

Goodbyes to the Gods

High Priest: Green Man, lord of the wood, keeper of the wild places, thank you for being with us in our rite this night. As the trees bud and the sun shines stronger, we will feel you close to us and know that you are watching over this world. Hail and farewell!

High Priestess: Eostre, goddess of the spring, Maiden of the equinox, thank you for being with us in our rite this night. Thank you for letting us receive your blessings and feel your magick. You are the power that makes the grass grow green and the flowers blossom. Continue to walk with us in the springtime and beyond. Hail and farewell!

Dismissing the Quarters/Releasing the Circle.

Beginning in the north, dismiss the quarters, moving widdershins. If there are candles lit for any of the quarters, blow them out at the conclusion of each dismissal.

North Quarter Caller: We called for the blessings of the north and received them! Spirits of earth, thank you for joining us in our rite and blessing us with your great wisdom. Go if you must, stay if you will. Blessed be!

West Quarter Caller: We called for the blessings of the west and received them! Spirits of water, thank you for joining us in our rite and blessing us with fresh opportunities. Go if you must, stay if you will. Blessed be!

South Quarter Caller: We asked for the blessings of the south and received them! Spirits of fire, thank you for joining us in our rite and blessing us with your powers of transformation. Go if you must, stay if you will. Blessed be!

East Quarter Caller: We asked for the blessings of the east and received them! Spirits of air, thank you for joining us in our rite and blessing us with your powers of clarity. Go if you must, stay if you will. Blessed be!

High Priest: As we brought our circle into existence together, we shall now release it together. As you tone outward, let the energy flow from within you and out into our circle, dissolving the power that has protected us and provided refuge for our rites.

The High Priest should make a vowel sound different from the one used to build the circle, and instead of letting the energy peak, he should direct it downward, letting it fade out slowly. When satisfied that the circle has been released, he should indicate that the toning should stop.

High Priest: The circle is now open but never broken. Blessed be!

High Priestess: We have been blessed and cleansed by our Lady and Lord. Together we have welcomed in the spring and joined once more in fellowship and community. As we leave this place, take with you this fresh start and put it to good use. Until next we meet, remember that we are Witches all! Blessed be!



37. Shaw, Pagan Goddesses in the Early Germanic World, 61.

38. The term eros is a substitute for phallus, vagina, or reproductive organ.

39. The term eros is a substitute for phallus, vagina, or reproductive organ.