
chapter 21

beltane circle ritual

Hail the Maypole!

When it comes to large Beltane gatherings, the maypole is a must! Luckily, maypoles aren’t all that difficult to build, and the dances that revolve around them are fun and easy to coordinate. Most maypole dances are about nothing more than celebrating the spring, community, and the beauty of the now green earth, and I think that’s great! Sabbats don’t have to be about anything more than having fun, but I’m of the opinion that if a group of Witches is going to go through all the trouble of casting a circle and raising energy, then that energy should be put to good use.

When trying to think of a magickal activity to include with a maypole, my mind kept coming back to what a maypole dance with ribbons most resembles: a binding spell. This particular ritual is about tying up the past and moving forward with life, just as the earth does in the spring and early summer. What’s great about the magick being woven in this ritual is that it doesn’t take away from the joy of a maypole dance and puts all the energy raised during it to work!

While maypoles are thought of as phallic symbols by many people today, that association is a rather recent one, and is only about 150 years old. When the maypole first shows up in the historical record (in about 1300), it’s simply as a place for people to congregate after the long winter.49 Eventually people began to dance around it and decorate it with greenery and flags. In the nineteenth century, people began to tie ribbons to the top of it, and the dances that revolved around it began to resemble the ones most familiar to us today. Maypoles are not meant to be penises, and maypole dances are for everyone.

Maypoles are rather easy to make and can be constructed from PVC pipe (especially useful if you plan to reuse your maypole from year to year), metal pipe, or a wooden pole. At the top of your maypole you’ll want to place a “crown,” or hoop, that has your ribbons attached to it. I generally attach the hoop to the pole by inserting (or securing) a large screw with an eyelet into the top of my pole and attaching the hoop to that. I think thicker, wide ribbon works best for a maypole, and the length of each ribbon should be double that of your maypole. (So if your maypole is ten feet high, each ribbon attached to the hoop should be twenty feet long.) Securing your maypole in the ground almost always requires a bit of substantial digging, but it’s worth the effort.

Before the ritual starts, you’ll want to have each participant write what they wish to bind on the maypole. If you plan on reusing your maypole from year to year and your maypole is made of PVC pipe, erasable markers can be used. If your pole is made of wood or metal and you want to reuse it, simply take some sort of durable tape (like masking tape) and wrap it around one or two feet of the maypole, enough so that everyone participating has enough room to write on the pole. (When reusing your maypole the following year, simply remove the tape, and voilà!)

Maypole dances always require at least a little bit of music. If you have access to drummers or simply people who can keep a steady beat while clapping their hands, that works really well. Recorded music also works and is probably easiest if you don’t know a lot of drummers. I’m a fan of Celtic jigs and reels for my maypole activities, though preferences vary, of course, and you should use whatever works for your group.

The most common maypole dance is one that weaves the ribbons onto the pole and, in the case of this ritual, binds what everyone has written on the pole. When starting the dance, have every participant grab a ribbon and then count off: 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. Be sure there’s an equal amount of 1s and 2s. Once everyone has counted off and has hold of a ribbon, have everyone face inward toward the maypole. The 1s should be instructed to all turn to their left and the 2s to their right. When the dance starts, the 1s will raise their ribbons over the heads of the 2s, walking clockwise, and the 2s will duck under the ribbons of the 1s, moving counterclockwise. This is followed by the 2s going over the 1s with their ribbons: 1 over 2, 2 over 1, 1 over 2, 2 over 1, repeated over and over again.

Instead of trying to chant something complicated when everyone is engaged in the maypole dance, my groups over the years have simply chanted “one, two, one, two” over and over, with one being an indication that the 1s should go over the 2s and two being an indication that the 2s should now be going over the 1s. In large groups, maypole dances can get quite chaotic, and there’s no harm if someone messes up at some point during the dance. When a dancer runs out of ribbon, they are out of the dance and should retreat to the outside of the circle and cheer on the remaining participants. (The instructions for the ritual provide a specific chant at the end of the dance.)

There’s nothing particularly different or complicated about this ritual, minus the maypole. Since Beltane is generally celebrated as a fun sabbat these days, and most large rites are done during the daytime, there’s no reason for an overly protective circle or to call more defensive energies such as the watchtowers. The method of circle casting used in this ritual, “hand to hand we cast this circle,” is one of my favorites for the spring and summer sabbats, especially at public rites.

Materials Needed

• Standard working altar

• Maypole (with ribbons)

• Markers (and possibly tape, depending on what your maypole is made of)

• Cakes and ale

• Music player (optional)

• Floral (naturally) scented essential oil (Be sure to inform everyone what you’re using before the ritual starts in case of allergies.)

• Incense sticks (something earthy)

Ritual Roles

• High Priestess

• High Priest

• Four quarter callers

• Drummers (if possible)

The Ritual: Hail the Maypole!

The maypole should be set up in the middle of the circle. The working altar should either be one that can be easily moved (to get it out of the way for the maypole dance/working) or be situated a fair distance away from the maypole. My Beltane rituals often start in a U shape, with the altar placed near the edge of the circle and no one behind it except for those conducting the rite.

Before the ritual begins, everyone in attendance should be instructed to write “that which they wish to forget about or be rid of” on the maypole in whatever fashion works best for your group. This can be done during the ritual but often results in a rather chaotic scene, so it’s easiest to do it before everything officially starts.

Statement of Intent/Cleansing

High Priestess: Today we celebrate Beltane. In many ways Beltane is the most joyous of all the sabbats. It’s the celebration of high spring and the start of summer. It’s a day designed so that we can be free of care and worry, and it’s an opportunity to set aside the things that have been troubling us. Our rite is about happiness, community, the beauty of the now green earth, and looking forward so that we might embrace the summer with joy in our hearts. Hail Beltane!

The High Priest places a bowl of water upon the altar’s pentacle and places a few drops of essential oil in it.

High Priest: Lord and Lady, lead us into the magick and wonder of summer. May this scented water cleanse and refresh us so that we might truly be ready to celebrate with you. So mote it be!

The High Priestess places a candle upon the altar’s pentacle and lights it, then lights a few sticks of incense with the candle flame. If outdoors, I suggest using a jar candle or other type of candle that won’t be blown out by the spring breeze.

High Priestess: Lord and Lady, blaze a trail and lead us toward the high spring. May this incense smoke bless and consecrate not just us but also this space as we prepare for our Beltane revels. So mote it be!

The High Priestess and High Priest walk around with the scented water and incense, purifying the participants and the space. In the case of a very large group, this should be done quickly. In other words, unless you want the ritual to last for three hours, you can’t realistically spend three minutes cleansing every participant.

Casting the Circle/Calling the Quarters

The method of circle casting being used in this ritual is called “hand to hand we cast this circle,” which means everyone in the rite is casting the circle together. The High Priestess should start with the High Priest on her left and say, “Hand to hand we cast this circle,” while placing her left hand into the right hand of the High Priest. He then repeats this phrase and action, with the person after him repeating it until everyone is holding hands. The idea here is that everyone is sharing energy and creating a magick circle. This sounds far more complicated than it really is, and everyone who has ever participated in a circle casting this way has figured it out pretty quickly.

High Priestess: And now together we shall all raise the magick circle. Looking at the High Priest: Hand to hand we cast this circle.

High Priest: Hand to hand we cast this circle. And so on until returning to the High Priestess.

High Priestess: As one, we have cast this circle and created sacred space. So be it done!

Starting in the east, call the quarters. Candles can be lit at each of the four quarters if you wish, but this can be cumbersome with the maypole dance yet to come.

East Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the east to attend this circle and harken to our call. Powers of air, be present in our ritual and bless us with your gifts of creativity and inspiration this Beltane rite. Hail and welcome!

South Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the south to attend this circle and harken to our call. Powers of fire, be present in our ritual and bless us with your gifts of energy and passion this Beltane rite. Hail and welcome!

West Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the west to attend this circle and harken to our call. Powers of water, be present in our ritual and bless us with your gifts of emotion and compassion this Beltane rite. Hail and welcome!

North Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the north to attend this circle and harken to our call. Powers of earth, be present in our ritual and bless us with your gifts of stability and understanding this Beltane rite. Hail and welcome!

Calls to the Goddess and God

High Priest: We call to the Great Lady to join us in our Beltane rite. Gracious Goddess, bring us your gifts of love and joy as we conjure the summer in. In the spring you walk the world anew, bringing forth life and abundance with every step. In the sky, you are the Mistress of the Moon, bringing us all magick and mystery! You are the beauty of the green earth from which all things grow. Touch our circle as you do our lives. Hail and welcome!

High Priestess: We call to the Great God to join us in our Beltane rite. Shining One, bring us your power and energy as we welcome the summer in and celebrate spring in all its glory and abundance. Come to us as the Horned One who runs wild and free upon the land, bringing joy and merriment to all the folk. Shine down upon us as the Lord of the Sun, awakening the earth and all the green growing things. Hail and welcome!

Maypole Working

High Priest: Beltane is a time for looking forward. Ahead of us are long days full of sunshine and abundance, crops to harvest, and magick to manifest in our lives. With the last vestiges of winter now far behind us, we use this opportunity to set aside and forget the things that are not useful to us. Upon this maypole we have all written down things we would rid from our lives, and from this moment on, those things are in the past. With this pole and our community and the love we share for the earth and one another, we will bind them and remove them from our lives. Let us forget that which troubles us and embrace the wonder of this season. So mote it be!

Getting everyone lined up and ready to start a maypole dance is no mean feat. Whoever is best at managing organized chaos should take the lead here. Instructions are given for organizing a maypole dance in the write-up that proceeds this ritual. Whatever you do, be patient and kind, and be prepared to go over the how-tos needed here slowly. Even the most experienced groups often have trouble getting a maypole dance started. When everyone is clear about how to proceed, the High Priestess should continue.

High Priestess: Today we look forward and not backward. We celebrate Beltane and put behind us those things we would get rid of. Focus not on worries this day but on the joy of this holiday. And now let the dance begin!

Whatever form of music you’re using should start now with the dancing. Many people like to chant while the dance is going on, but that can be a bit distracting. Eventually a group of forty dancers will turn into one of six or eight. When the numbers begin to decline to that extent, you’ll want everyone who is out of the dance to start clapping, chanting, and raising energy. The chant I like to use here is “Look ahead!” since it fits the intent of the rite.

Everyone should continue to chant “Look ahead!” until everyone dancing has run out of ribbon. When that happens, the High Priestess should direct all the energy that’s been raised up and out of the circle, taking everyone’s worries away with it. We usually do this by indicating something like “three more times,” letting everyone know that the chant is almost over and that we will end together after three more refrains. Usually everyone’s energy ratchets up when this happens. After the energy has been released, have everyone take a deep breath before beginning cakes and ale.

High Priestess: And with that, all that no longer serves us has been taken away. Let all be free to start the May with happiness and joy. So mote it be!

The Great Rite/Cakes and Ale

The High Priest holds the ritual cup while the High Priestess picks up her athame or wand. At the conclusion of the Great Rite, the athame is plunged into the chalice. If you need to reset the altar, as in move it back toward the center of the circle, do so before starting this part of the ritual.

High Priest: Life is more than a gift; it is a promise. All that dies in the autumn and winter shall be reborn to us in the spring.

High Priestess: As the sky joins with the earth, we too shall celebrate the joys of union.

High Priest: As the cup is to the earth,

High Priestess: The athame is to the sky.

Both: United in life and abundance. Blessed be!

The cakes and ale are brought forward by the quarter callers, blessed by the High Priestess and High Priest, and then distributed to everyone at the ritual.

High Priest: In the names of the Lord and the Lady, we bless this drink.

High Priestess: In the names of the Lord and the Lady, we bless this bread.

As each item (drink and food) is blessed, it (or the serving platter it might be on) is touched by an athame or wand. When I do this rite, I just have the High Priestess bless everything, since she already has her athame in her hand.

Goodbyes to the Lady and the Lord

High Priest: We thank the Great Lady for being with us in these rites. Gracious Goddess of earth, sea, and sky, continue to watch over us and those we love in the days ahead. May we ever continue to see your beauty in the world around us. Hail and farewell!

High Priestess: We thank the Great God for being with us in these rites. O Horned One, continue to walk with us and be a part of our journey through this life. May we ever feel your power in the world around us. Hail and farewell!

Dismissing the Quarters/Releasing the Circle

Starting in the north, dismiss the quarters, moving widdershins. Be sure to blow out any candles (if used) as each quarter is dismissed.

North Quarter Caller: Spirits of the north, you have attended our circle and blessed us with your gifts. Powers of earth, we thank you for being present in our rites. Hail and farewell!

West Quarter Caller: Spirits of the west, you have attended our circle and blessed us with your gifts. Powers of water, we thank you for being present in our rites. Hail and farewell!

South Quarter Caller: Spirits of the south, you have attended our circle and blessed us with your gifts. Powers of fire, we thank you for being present in our rites. Hail and farewell!

East Quarter Caller: Spirits of the east, you have attended our circle and blessed us with your gifts. Powers of air, we thank you for being present in our rites. Hail and farewell!

To release the circle, indicate that everyone should once again hold hands. This can be done silently (everyone usually picks up on it pretty quickly) or with an announcement. Once everyone is holding hands, the High Priestess should address all of those gathered and then release her hand from the one she is holding on her right. In this way, the circle is taken down counterclockwise. Unlike the casting of the circle, no words need to be said by the ritual’s participants.

High Priestess: Hand to hand we did cast this circle, and now we release that energy, which has served us so well.

Once the circle releasing has gone around and reached the High Priestess, she should indicate once more that the circle has been released.

High Priestess: Our circle is now open, but our fellowship will never be broken. So mote it be!

And now with our Beltane rites having ended, I wish you the joy of the May and the summer season! May the sun ever be at your back and the road ahead be free of obstacles. Until next we gather, I say to you, merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again!



49. Hutton, Stations of the Sun, 233–234.