NOTE.—The numerical references are to sections, with a few exceptions in which the page (p.) is referred to. The letters and some numerals refer to subsections. The letter N. signifies Note; ftn., footnote. Abl. = ablative; acc. = accusative; adj.= adjective; adv. =adverb or adverbial; apod. =apodosis; app.=appositive or apposition; cf. =compare; comp. = compound or composition; compar. = comparative or comparison; conj.=conjugation or conjunction; constr.=construction; dat.=dative; gen. = genitive; gend. = gender; imv. = imperative; ind. disc. = indirect discourse; loc. = locative; nom. = nominative; prep. = preposition; subj. = subject; subjv. = subjunctive; vb. = verb; w. = with. (Other abbreviations present no difficulty.)

A, quantity of final, 604. d.

ă, acc. of Greek nouns in, 81. 2; as nom. ending, decl. III, gend., 8487.

ā, in decl. I, 37; stem-vowel of conj. I, 171, 174, 179. a, 259; in subjunctive, 179; preps, in , adv. use of, 433. 4.

ā-, primary suffix, 234. I. 1.

ā (ab, abs), use, 220. b, 221. 1, 429. b; compounded with vbs., 267. a; w. abl. of agent, 405; w. place from which, 426. 1; w. names of towns, 428. a; expressing position, 429. b; as adv. expressing distance, w. abl. of degree of difference, 433. 3; in comps., w. dat., 381; in comps., w. abl., 402; w. abl. of gerund, 507.

ā parte, 398, 429. b.

ab and au in auferō, 200. a. N.

Abbreviations of prænomens, 108. c.

Ability, verbs of, constr., 456; in apod., 517. c.

ABLATIVE, defined, 35. e; in -ābus, 43. e; in -d, 43. N. 1, 49. e, 80. ftn., 92. f; of i-stems, decl. III, 74. e; rules of form, 76; nouns having abl. in , 76. a, b; of decl. IV, in -ubus, 92. c; abl. used as supine, 94. b; of adjs., decl. III, 121. a. 14; preps, followed by, 220. b; adverbial forms of, 214. e, cf. 215. 4.

ABLATIVE, Syntax, 398420; classification and meaning, 398, 399. Separation, 400; w. vbs. of freedom, 401; w. comps., 402; w. adjs. of freedom etc., 402. a. Source and material, 403; w. participles, id. a; w. cōnstāre etc., id. b; w. facere, id. c; w. nouns, id. d. Cause, 404; causā, grātiā, id. c. Agent, 405; means for agent, 405. b. N. 1. Comparison, 406; opīniōne, spē, etc., id. a; w. alius, 407. d; w. advs., id, e. Means, 409; w. dōnō etc., 364; w. ūtor, fruor, etc., 410; w. opus and ūsus, 411. Manner, 412. Accompaniment, 413. Degree of difference, 414; quō, 414. a. Quality, 415; price, 416; charge or penalty, 353. 1. Specification, 418; w. dīgnus etc., id. b. Abl. Absolute, 419; adverbial use, id. c; replacing subord. clauses, 420; supplying place of perf. act. part., 493. 2. Place, 422, 426. 3; w. vbs. and frētus, 431 and a. Abl. of time, 423; of time w. quam, 434. N.; of place from which, 426. 1; names of towns, domus, rūs, 427. 1; ex urbe Rōmā, 428. b. Locative abl., 426. 3; way by which, 429. a; w. transitive compounds, 395. N. 1; time within which, 424. c; duration of time, id. b. Abl. w. preps., 220. b, 221, 430, 435; w. ex for part. gen., 346. c; w. prō (in defence of), 379. N.; w. palam etc., 432. c; abl. of gerund, 507; equiv. to pres, part., id. ftn.

Ablaut, 17; in decl. II, 45. c.

Abounding, words of, w. abl., 409. a; w. gen., 356.

Absence, vbs. of, w. abl., 401.

Absolute case, see Abl. Absolute.

Absolute use of vb., 273. 2. N. 2, 387. N.

absque etc., in Pl. and Ter., 517. f.

Abstract nouns, gend., 32; in plur., 100. c; endings, 238; w. neut. adj., 287. 4. a, 289; abstract quality denoted by neut. adj., 289. a.

absum, constr., 373. b.

-ābus, in dat. and abl. plur., decl. I, 43. e.

ac, see atque.

ac , w. subj v., 524.

Acatalectic verse, 612. a.

accēdit ut, 569. 2.

Accent, rules of, 12; effect in modifying vowels, p. 27. ftn. 1; in decl. II, 49. b; in comps. of faciō, 204. b; musical, 611.

acceptum, 496. N. 4.

accidit, synopsis, 207; constr., 569. 2.

accingō, constr., 364.

accommodātus, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a.

Accompaniment, abl. of, 413.

Accomplishment, vbs. of, w. subjv., 568.

ACCUSATIVE, defined, 35. d; in -m and -s, 38. c; in -im, decl. III, 75. a, b; in -īs (plur.), 77; in -a, 81. 2; acc. of decl. IV, used as supine, 94. b; neut. acc. used as adv., 214. d, cf. 215. 1; fern. used as adv., id. 2.

ACCUSATIVE, Syntax, 386397 (see 338); w. vbs. of remembering, 350 and a, c, d; and gen. w. vbs. of reminding, 351; w. impersonals, 354. b, 388. c, 455. 2; w. ad with interest and rēfert, 355. b; w. dat., 362; w. compounds of ad, ante, ob, 370. b; vbs. varying between acc. of end of motion and dat., 363; w. ad for dat., 385. a; after propior etc., 432. a; direct object, 274, 387; w. iuvō etc., 367. a; acc. or dat. w. vbs., 367. b, c; acc. w. vbs. of feeling and taste, 388. a, 390. a; w. comps. of circum and trāns, 388. b; cognate acc., 390; adverbial use of, 390. c, d and N. 2, 397. a; two accusatives, 391; pred. acc., 3923; secondary object, 3945; acc. w. pass. of vbs. of asking etc., 396. b. N.; synecdochical acc. (of specification), 397. b; in exclamations, id. d; duration and extent, 423, 425; end of motion, 426. 2; names of towns, domus, rūs, 427. 2; Rōmam ad urbem, 428. b; acc. w. ante diem, 424. g; w. preps., 220. a, c; w. ad or in to denote penalty, 353. 2. N.; w. prīdiē, propius, etc., 342. a; acc. of gerund, 506; of anticipation, 576; subj. of inf., 397. e, 452, 455. 2, 459; as pred. after inf., 455. a; subj. in ind. disc, 579, 581.

Accusing and acquitting, vbs. of, constr., 352.

ācer, decl., 115; compar., 125.

-āceus, adj. ending, 247.

aciēs, decl., 98. a.

acquiēscō, w. abl., 431.

Actions, names of, 237; nouns of action w. gen., 348.

Active voice, 154. a, 156; change to pass., 275.

Acts, nouns denoting, 239.

-acus (-ācus), adj. ending, 249.

acus, gend., 90. Exc.

ad, use, 220. a, 221. 2; incomp., 16, 267. a; w. acc. to denote penalty, 353. 2. N.; in comps., w. dat., 370, 381; in comps., w. acc., 370. b; w. acc. with adjs., 385. a; end of motion, 426. 2, cf. 363; w. names of towns, 428. a; w. names of countries, 428. c; meaning near, 428. d; in expressions of time, 424. e; following its noun, 435; w. gerund, 506.

additur, constr., 568.

adeō (verb), constr., 370. b.

adeō ut, 537. 2. N. 2.

-adēs, patronymic ending, 244.

adiuvō, w. acc., 367. a.

Adjective pronouns, see Pronouns.

ADJECTIVES. Definition, 20. b; formed like nouns, 109; ā- and o-stems, 110112. Declension, 110122; decl. I and II, 110113; decl. III, 114121; decl. III, three terminations, 115; one termination, 117, 118; variable, indeclinable, defective, 122. Comparison, 123131; decl. of comparative, 120. Numeral adjs., 132137; derivative adjs., 242255.

ADJECTIVES, Syntax. Mase adjs., 122. d; adjs. of com. gend., id.; as advs., 214. d, e (cf. 218), 290; adj. as app., 282. b; as nouns, 288, 289; nouns used as adjs., 321. c; advs. used as adjs., 321. d; participles used as adjs., 494. Agreement of adjs., 286, 287; attribute and predicate, 287; use of neut. adjs., 289. Adjs. w. adverbial force, 290. Two comparatives w. quam, 292. Adj. pronouns, 296298. Gen. of adjs. of decl. III instead of nom., 343. c. N. 1. Adjs. w. part. gen., 346. 2; w. dat., 383; w. acc., 388. d. N. 2; w. inf., 461; w. supine in , 510. Position of adjs., 598. a, b. Adjective phrase, 277.

admodum, use, 291. c. N. 1.

admoneō, constr., 351.

Admonishing, vbs. of, constr., 563.

Adonic verse, 625. 3.

adspergō, constr., 364.

adūlor, constr., 367. b.

Adverbial acc., 390. b, c, d, and N. 2, 397. a.

Adverbial conjunctions, 20. g. N.

Adverbial phrases, 216, 277.

ADVERBS, defined, 20. e; formed from adjs., 214 and c, d, e, 218; case-forms or phrases, 215; comparison of advs., 218; numeral advs., 138. Classification of advs., 217; correlative forms of advs. of place., 217. N.

ADVERBS, Syntax, 321. Advs. used as adjs., 321. d; adjs. w. adverbial force, 290; adverbial abl. abs., 419. c. Special uses, 322, 326. Advs. w. nouns, 321. c. N.; correlative advs. used as conjs., 323. f, g; part. gen. w. advs., 346. a. 4; dat. w. advs., 384; compar. of adv. followed by quam, 406; adv. as protasis, 521. a.

Adversative conjunctions, 223. a. 2, 224. I. b.

adversus, 219; w. acc., 220. a; as adv., 433. 2.

ae, diphthong, 2; sound of, 6. N. 3, 8.

aedēs, sing. and plur., 107. a.

aeger, decl., 112. a.

aemulor, constr., 367. b.

Aeneadēs, decl., 44.

Aenēās, decl., 44.

aequālis, decl., 76. a. 2; constr. w. gen., 385. c and 1.

aequē ac, 384. N. 2.

aequō (abl.), w. compar., 406. a.

aequor, decl., 64.

āēr, use of plur., 100. b.

aes, use of plur., 100. b.

aetās, decl., 72.

aethēr, decl., 81.

Affecting, acc. of, 386.

affīnis, decl., 76. b. 2; constr. w. gen., 385. c and 1.

Affirmative, expressed by two negatives, 326; nōnne expecting affirm. answer, 332. b; ways of saying yes, 336 and a.

Agency, nouns of, 236; rel. clause equivalent to, 308. c.

Agent, dat. of, w. gerundives, 374; w. perf. parts., 375; abl. of, 405; agent regarded as means, id. b; animal as agent, id. N. 2.

ager, decl., 47.

aggredior, constr., 370. b.

Āgnōmen, 108. a. N.

agō, forms of, omitted, 319. a.

Agreeing, verbs of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

Agreement, 280; of nouns, 281; in app., 282; in predicate, 283; of adjs., 286; of demonstrative pronouns, 296; of possessive pronouns, 302; of relatives, 305, 306; of verbs, 316, 317.

-āī for -ae, decl. I, 43. a; 603. a. 2. N.

-âia, nouns in, decl., 43. e. N. 2.

āiō, pronounced ai-iō, 6. c.

-âius, names in, decl., 49. f; -âius in Prosody, 603. f. N. 2.

-al, ending, 254. 7; nouns in, 68. ftn. 1.

-al and -ar, neuters in (decl. III), 65. b, 76. a. 3.

alacer, decl., 115. a; compar., 131. b.

albus, not compared, 131. d.

Alcaic verse, 625. 9, 10.

Alcmanian strophe, 617. a.

-āle, noun ending, 254. 7; list of nouns in, 68. ftn. 2.

aliēnus, for possessive gen. of alius, 113. d, 343. a.

aliquis (-quī), decl., 151. e; meaning, 310, 311.

aliquot, indeclinable, 122. b.

-ālis, -āris, adj. endings, 248.

alius, decl., 113; gen., id. c, cf. 343; compounds, 113. e; alius w. abl., ac, nisi, quam, 407. d.

alius … alius, 315. a.

Alphabet, 1; vowels and diphthongs, 1, 2; consonants, 3, 4; early forms of letters, 1. a and N., 6. a, b.

alter, decl., 113. b; gen. and comps., id. c, e; use, 315; reciprocal use, 145. c, 315. a.

alter … alter, 315. a.

altera est rēs ut, 568. ftn. 2.

alteruter, decl., 113. e; use, 315.

Although, how expressed, 527, 535. e.

alvos (alvus), gend., 48. Exc.

am-, see amb-.

-am, adv. ending, 215. 2.

amb- (am-, an-), inseparable prefix, 267. b.

ambāgēs, decl., 78. 1.

ambō, decl., p. 59. ftn.; ō in, p. 427. ftn. 1.

āmēns, decl., 121. a. 3.

amplius, without quam, 407. c.

amussim, acc., 75. a. 3, 103. b. 4.

an-, see amb-.

an, anne, annōn, in double questions, 335.

Anacrūsis, 608. g.

Anapæst, 609. b. 2; anapæstic verse, 613, 628. a.

Anaphora, 598. f.

anceps, decl., 121. a. 3.

Anchīsēs, decl., 44.

Andromachē, decl., 44.

-āneus, adj. ending, 247.

animal, decl., 69.

Animals, gend. of names of, 32, 34 and N.; regarded as means or agent, 405. b. N. 2.

animī (loc), w. adjs., 358; w. vbs., id.

annālis, decl., 76. a. 2.

Annalistic present, 469. a.

Answers, forms of, 336, 337.

ant-, ent-, stem-endings, 83. e.

ante, 220. a; uses, 221. 3; compounded w. vbs., 267. a; in compounds, w. dat., 370, w. acc., id. b; adverbial use of, 433. 1; followed by quam, 434.

ante diem, 424. g.

Antecedent, its use w. relative, 305307; undefined, constr., 535. See Indefinite antecedent.

antecēdō, constr., 370. b.

anteeō, constr., 370. b.

antegredior, constr., 370. b.

Antepenult, defined, 12. ftn.

antequam, 550, 551; in ind. disc, 585. b. N.

Antibacchīus, 609. d. N.

Anticipation, acc. of, 576; becomes nom., id. N.

Antithesis, 598. f.

anus, gend., 90. Exc.

-ānus, adjs. in, 249.

Aorist (= hist. perf.), 161. 2, 473.

apage, 206. g.

apertus, compar. of, 124. a.

Apex, 10. N.

apis, decl., 78. 2.

Apodosis, defined, 512; introduced by correl., id. b; may be subord., id. c; forms of, 514, 515 ff.; potential subjv., 447. 3. N.; subjv. of modesty, 447. 1; vbs. of necessity etc., 522. a; complex apod., 523; apod. omitted, 524; apod. in ind. disc, 589. 2. See Conditional Sentences.

Appointing, vbs. of, constr., 393.

Apposition, see Appositive.

Appositive, defined, 282; agreement of, 281, 282. c; w. loc, id. d; gen. as app. to possessive, 302. e; gen. used for app., 343. d; so dat., 373. a; rel. clause equivalent to app., 308. c; acc. as app. to a clause, 397. f; app. instead of voc., 340. a; app. in connection with inf., 452 and N. 2.

aptus ad, 385. a; aptus w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a. ftn. 2; aptus quī, 535. f.

apud, 220. a; use, 221. 4; in quoting, 428. d. N. 2.

aquālis, decl., 76. a. 2.

-ar, nom. ending, decl. III, 68. a, 65. b, 76. a. 2; 68. ftn. 1; gend., 87.

arbor (-ōs), decl., 62. N. 2.

arceō, constr., 364. N. 2.

Archilochian verse, 622.

arctus, gend., 48. Exc.

ārdeō, w. abl., 404. a.

-āria, suffix, 254. 2.

-āris, adj. ending, 248.

Aristophanic verse, 625. 2.

-ārium, noun ending, 254. 3.

-ārius, adj. ending, 250. a; noun ending, 254. 1.

Arrangement of words, 595–601.

Arsis and thesis, 611 and ftn.

Arts, names of, decl. I, 44.

artus, decl., 92. c.

as, value of, 632; gen. of, 417. a.

-ăs, in acc. plur. of Greek nouns, 81. 5.

-ās, old gen. ending, 43. b; Greek nom, ending, 83. e; patronymic, 244; gend. of nouns in, 86. b; -ās, -ātis, see āt-; adjs. in -ās, 249.

Asclepiadic verse, 625. 5, 6.

Asking, vbs. of, w. two acc., 396; w. abl., 396. a; w. subjunctive clause, 563.

Aspirates, 4 and ftn. 2.

Assertions, direct, in indic, 157. a.

Assimilation of consonants, 15. 6, 10; in prefixes, 16.

-āssō, -āssere, in fut. perf., 183. 5.

ast, 324. d.

-aster, as noun ending, 254, 11.

Asyndeton, 323. b, 601. c.

At, meaning near, 428. d.

āt, use, 324. d; at enim, id.; at vērō, 324. k.

āt-, patrial stem-ending, 71. 5; decl., 78. 3, 121. a. 4.

āter, decl., 112. a; not compared, 131. d and N.

Athematic verbs, 174. 2.

Athōs, decl., 52.

Atlās, decl., 82, 83. e.

atque (ac), use, 324. b, c; after adjs. of likeness, 384. N. 2; after alius, 407. d.

atquī, use, 324. d.

atrōx, decl., 117. a.

Attraction of case of relative, 306. a; of case of antecedent, id. N.; of subject in ind. disc., 581. N. 2.

Attraction, subjunctive of, 591. 2, 593.

Attributive adjective defined, 285. 1; number, 286. a; takes gend. of nearest noun, 287. 1.

-ātus, adj. ending, 246.

audācter, compar., 218.

aula, decl., 44.

aureus, not compared, 131. d.

ausus as pres, part., 491.

aut, use, 324. e, 335. d. N.

autem, use, 324. d, j, 599. b.

Author w. apud, 428. d. N. 2.

Authority in Prosody, 602.

avis, decl., 76. b. 1.

-āx, verbal adj. ending, 251; adjs. in, w. gen., 349. c.

baccar, decl., 76. a. 3.

Bacchiac verse, 628. b.

Bacchīus, 609. d.

Bâiae, decl., 43. e. N. 2.

-bam, tense-ending, 168. b.

Bargaining, vbs. of, constr., 563; gerundive, 500. 4; clause, 563. d.

Base, 27.

basis, decl., 82.

Beginning, vbs. of, constr., 456.

Believing, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

bellī, loc use of, 427. a.

bellum, decl., 46.

bellus, compar., 131. a.

Belonging, adjs. of, w. gen., 385. c.

bene, comparison, 218; in phrase compounds, 12. a. Exc. 1, 266. b; compounds of, constr., 368. 2.

Benefiting, vbs. of, constr., 367.

-ber, names of months in, decl., 115. a.

bicolor, decl., 122. a.

bicorpor, 119. N.

-bilis, verbal adj. ending, 252.

Birds, gend. of names of, 32.

Birth or origin, nouns of, derivation, 244; participles of, w. abl., 403. a.

-bō, tense-ending, 168. c.

Bôī, decl., 49. f.

bonus, decl., 110; compar., 129; w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a. ftn.

bōs, decl., 79 and b.

bri-, stems ending in, 66; adjs. in, 115. a.

-brum, suffix, 240.

-bulum, suffix, 240.

-bundus, verbals in, 253. b; w. acc., 388. d. N. 2.

būris, decl., 75. a. 1.

Buying, vbs. of, constr. with, 417. c

C for g, in early use and as abbreviation, 1. a and N.; for qu, 6. a, b; quantity of final syllables ending in, 604. j.

caedēs, decl., 78. 2.

caelēs, decl., 121. a. 4.

caelum, w. masc. plur., 106. b.

Caere, decl., 76. b. N. 2.

caesius, compar., 131. a.

Cæsura, 611. b; masc. and fem., 615. c. N.; bucolic cæsura, id.

Calendar, Roman, 631.

Calends, 631. a.

calx, decl., 103. g. 2.

campester, decl., 115. a.

Can, how expressed in Lat., 157. b.

canālis, decl., 76. b. 2.

canis, decl. and stem, 62. N. 3, 76. b. N. 3, 78. 1.

CAP, root, 56. a.

Capacity, measures of, 638.

capitis, genitive, w. verbs of accusing, 352. a.

caput, decl., 59.

Capys, decl., 82.

carbasus, gend., 48. Exc.; plur., 106. b.

Cardinal numbers, 132; inflection of, 134. a-c; use of et with, 135. a, b; replaced by distributives, 137. b, d; w. ex or partitive genitive, 346. c.

cārē, compar., 218.

carō, decl., 79.

cārus, compar., 124.

Case-constructions, 338.

Case-endings, 27. a; final vowels in, 38. g; table, 39.

Case-forms, words defective in, 103.

Cases, defined, 35; position of modifying case, 598. 2; agreement in, 281; origin and meaning of, 338; case of rel. pron., 305, 306. a; same case after as before certain conjs., 323. a. Construction of Cases, 338435; Genitive, 342359; Dative, 360380; Accusative, 386397; Vocative, 340; Ablative, 398420; time and place., 423431; cases w. preps., 220, 426. ftn.

cassem, decl., 103. f. 3.

castrum, castra, 107.

Catalectic verse, 612. a.

causā, w. gen., 359. b, 404. c; w. gen. of gerund, 504. b.

Causal clauses, 539, 540; w. indic. or subjv., quod, quia, 540; w. indic., quoniam, quandō, 540. a; w. quī, 535. e; w. cum, 540. d; nōn quia, nōn quod, etc., in the denial of a reason, 540. N. 3; causal clause replaced by part., 496; by abl. abs., 420. 2.

Causal conjunctions, 223. a. 3, b. 7, 224. II. f,· particles, 539, 540.

Cause, abl. of, 404.

Cause, advs. of, 217. c.

Caution and effort, verbs of, constr., 563. e.

cavē, in prohibitions, 450 (2) and N. 2; omitted after, 565. N. 1.

caveō, constr., 563.

-ce, enclitic, 146. N. 1 and a. N. 1.

Ceasing, verbs of, w. complem. inf., 456.

cēdō, constr., 366. N. 2.

celeber, decl., 115. a.

celer, forms, 115. a. N. 2.

cēlō, w. acc., 396. c.

Celtibēr, decl., 50. c.

cēnseō, constr., 563 and d.

certē, certō, use, 322. c; in answers, 336. a.

cētē, Greek plur., 48. a. N.

cētera, 111. b; adverbial use, 390. d. N. 2; -us, use, 293; -ī, use, 315.

ceu, use, 524.

-ceus, adj. ending, 247.

Characteristic, clauses of, 534, 535; proviso, 535. d; cause or concession, id. e; of result or characteristic, 559.

Characteristic, expr. by participle, 496.

Characteristic vowel, 37.

Charge and penalty, gen. of, 352.

Chiasmus, 598. f and N.

Choliambic trimeter, 618. c.

Choosing, vbs. of, w. two accs., 393.

Choriambic verse, 624. N.

Choriambus, 609. c.

ci and ti, interchange of, 6. N. 1.

-cinium, noun ending, 241. c.

-ciō, diminutive ending, 243. a.

cip-, stems in, decl. III, 56. a.

circā, circum, circiter, use, 220. a, 221. 57; as advs., 433. 2.

circā, w. gerund, 506. N. 1.

circum, compounds w. vbs., 267. a; dat. w. such comps., 370; acc., 388. b.

circumdō, constr., 364.

Circumstances of action, 419, 420. 5; participle implying, 496.

cis, citerior, 130. a.

Cities, gend. of names of, 32 and a. See Locative.

citrā, after its noun, 435.

clādēs, decl., 78. 2.

clam, constr., 432. d.

Classes, names of, gend. of, 30. a. N. 3; used in plur., 101. 3.

Clauses, defined, kinds of, 278, 279; replaced by abl. abs., 420; used as nouns, 343. c; dependent, syntax of, 519–593; conditional rel., 279. c, 519; final, 279. d, 529–533; consecutive, 536, 537; causal, 539, 540; temporal, 543–556; substantive, 562–588; infinitive clauses, 452, 562. N.; substantive clauses of purpose, 563; of result, 567, 568; indic. w. quod, 572; indirect questions, 573–575; ind. disc., 578–593.

clāvis, decl., 76. b. 1.

Close syllables, 7. N. 2.

coepī, 205.

Cognate acc., 214. d. N., 390.

Cōgnōmen, 108.

Collective noun with sing. or plur. vb., 317. d.

colus, gend., 90; decl., 105. a.

com- (con-), compounded w. vbs., 16, 267. a; such may take dat., 370.

Combinations of words, 13.

comētēs, decl., 44.

comitium, comitia, 107.

Command, see Imperative; in hortatory subjv., 439.

Commanding, vbs. of, w. dat., 367; w. inf., 563. a; w. subjv., 563 (cf. 580. a).

Commands, expressed by imv., 448; for condition, 521. b; in ind. disc, 588; in informal ind. disc, 592. 1.

commiseror, w. acc., 354. a. N.

committō ut, 568 and N. 1.

Common gender, 34; adjs. of, 122. d.

Common syllables, 11. c, 603. f.

commonefaciō, -fīō, constr., 351.

commoneō, constr., 351.

commūnis, w. gen., 385. c.

commūtō, constr., 417. b.

Comparative conjunctions, 223. b. 2, 224. II. b; in conditions, 524.

Comparative suffix, 124. ftn.; of advs., 214. b. N.

Comparatives, decl., 120; stem, id. b; neut. sing. of compar. adj. used as adv., 218; meaning of, 291; two comparatives, 292; compar. and positive w. quam, id. a. N.; abl. w. compar., 406; quam w. compar., 407. a; compar. w. quam (ut), quam quī, 535. c, 571. a.

Comparison, conjunctions of, 323. a.

Comparison, particles of, tamquam, quasi, etc., constr., 524.

Comparison of adjs., 123 ff.; irregular, 129; defective, 130, 131; w. magis and maximē, 128; of advs., 218; prepositions implying, w. quam, 407. e. N., 434.

Complementary infinitive, 456; has no subject, id. N.; pred. noun or adj. after, 458; inf. partly subject, partly complementary, 454; by analogy, 457. a.

compleō, constr., 356, 409. N.

Completed action, tenses of, 160. b; how formed, 179. f, g; use of, 473 ff.

Complex conditional sentences, 523.

Complex sentence, 278. b.

complūrēs, complūria, 120. c.

compos, decl., 121. a. 4, b. 1.

Composition, all word-formation a process of, 227; comp. to express relations of words, 338, 386. See Comp. words.

Compound sentence, defined, 278. 2.

Compound stems, imaginary, 255. a.

Compound suffixes, 233. 2, 235.

Compound verbs, 267; comps. of faciō, 204. a, b.

Compound words, assimilation in, 15. 6, 16; defined, 264; how formed, 265267.

Compounds of preps., w. dat., 370; of ab, , ex, 381; w. acc., 388. b, 395; quantity of, 606. c.

con-, see com-.

Conative present, 467; imperfect, 471. c.

concēdō, constr., 563 and c.

Concession, hortatory subjv. of, 440 (cf. 526); particles of, 527; quamvīs, ut, 527. a; licet, id. b; etsī etc., id. c; cum, 549; quamquam, 527. d, e; quamvīs, w. indicative, 527. e; vbs. of, w. ut, 527. f; abl. abs. for concessive clause, 420. 3; concession implied in part., 496; qui concessive, 535. e.

Concessive clauses, see Concession.

Concessive conjunctions, 223. b. 3, 224, II. c; particles, use of, 527.

Conclusion, see Apodosis.

Concords, the four, 280.

concors, decl., 119, 121. a. 3.

Condemning, vbs. of, constr., 352.

Conditional clauses, defined, 279. c.

Conditional conjunctions, 223. b. 1, 224. II. a, 525.

Conditional Particles, 524, 525.

Conditional sentences, defined, 279. c; development, 511; protasis and apodosis, 512; classification, 514; Present and Past, nothing implied, 515; Future conditions, 516; fut. more vivid, id. 2. a; fut. less vivid, id. 2. b; perf. indic., in fut. cond., id. e; Contrary to fact, 517; indic., in contrary to fact condition, id. b, cf. c and notes; in old Latin, id. e. N. 2; General condition, 518; condition disguised, 521; as part. etc., id. a; as exhortation or command, id. b.; protasis omitted, 522; Potential Subjv., 446; Subjv. of Modesty, 447. 1; vbs. of necessity etc, 522. a; complex conditions, 523; clauses of Comparison (conclusion omitted), 524; Concessive clauses, 527; Proviso, 528; use of sī and its comps., 525; conditional relative clauses, 519; temporal, 542, 551. c. N. 2; conditional sentences in ind. disc, 589.

cōnfīdō, constr., 431 and N. 1.

Conjugation, defined, 22. Conjugation of verbs, 171193; how distinguished, 171; regular forms of, 173; mixed forms, id.; parallel forms, 189; stem-vowels of conjugations, 171178; stems of the four conjugations, how modified, 179; paradigms of the four regular conjugations, 184212.

Conjunctions, defined, 20. g; classes of, 223; list of, 224. Syntax, 323. a, 324. a-k, 539, 540. notes; correlative use, 323. g; conjs. repeated, id. e; omitted, id. b; used together, 324. k.

Conjunctive adverbs, 20. g, N.

Conjunctive phrases, 224.

Connectives, relatives used as, 308. f.

cōnor, w. inf., 563. e.; cōnor sī, id. N. 1.

Consecutive clauses, defined, 279. e; uses, 536–538; clauses of result or characteristic, 559.

Consecutive conjunctions, 223. b. 5, 224. II. e.

cōnsequor ut, 568.

cōnsistere, w. abl., 403. b. ftn. 2, 431.

Consonant stems of nouns, decl. III, 5664; cons. stems of adjs., 117; case-forms, 121; of verbs, 259. a. 3.

Consonant suffixes (primary), 234. II.

Consonants, classification, 3; changes, 1419; insertion, 15. 11; transposition, 177. a. N.; dissimilation, 15. 6; assimilation, id. 16; pronunciation, 8 and N., 11. b. N.

cōnsors, decl., 121. a. 3.

cōnstāre, w. abl., 403. b.

cōnstituō, constr., 563. d.

Cōnstrūctiō ad sēnsum, see Synesis.

Constructions of cases, 338435 (see under Abl. etc.).

cōnsuēvī, use, 476.

cēnsul, decl., 62.

cōnsulāris, decl., 76. a. 2.

cōnsulō, w. dat. or acc., 367. c.

Contention, words of, constr., 368. a, 413. b.

contentus, w. abl., 431. a; w. perf. inf., 486. f.

continērī, w. abl., 403. b. ftn.

contingit ut, 568.

Continued action, tenses of, 160, 161.

Continuing, vbs. of, w. complementary inf., 456.

contrā, use, 220. a, 221. 8, 321. d; as adv., 433. 4; position, 435.

Contracted forms, vīn’, scīn’, 13. N.; gen. in , dat. and abl. in -īs, 49. a, b.

Contracting, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

Contraction of vowels, 15. 3; quantity, 10. c; in prosody, 603. c; of syllables, 608. d.

Contrary to fact conditions, 517; in ind. disc, 589. b.

conveniō, w. acc., 370. b.

Coördinate conjunctions, 223. a, 224. a-d; coörd, clauses, 278. a; coord. words without conj., 323. b; w. conj., id. c.

Copula, 272, 283; position of, 598. j.

Copulative conjunctions, 223. a. 1, 224. I. a; constr. after, 323; omission of, 323. b.

Copulative verbs, 272, 283.

cor, decl., 59, 60. 6, 103. g. 2.

corpus, decl., 64.

Correlatives, 152, 323. g; rendered by the … the, 414. a; advs. of place, 217. a; conjs., 323. f, g.

cōs, decl., 103. g. 2.

Countries, names of, gend., 32; as end of motion, and place from which, 428. c.

Crāsis, 603. c.

crēber, decl., 112. a.

crēdibilī, w. comparative, 406. a.

crēdō, position of, 599. c.

Cretic foot, 609. d; verse, 628. c.

Crime or charge, gen. of, 352.

-crum, noun ending, 240.

crux, decl., 103. g. 2.

cucumis, decl., 75. a.

cūiās, cūius, 145. b, 151. h.

cuicui modī, 151. b. N.

cûius modī, 345. a.

-culum, noun suffix, 240.

-cuius, dim. ending, 243.

cum, quom (conj.), form, 544; meaning, 544 ff.; cumtum, 323. g, 549. b; sequence, 485. e. N.; w. clause for part., 492, 493. 2; temporal, 545–548; causal or concess., 549; in ind. disc, 585. b. N.; cum (whenever), 545. N. 2, 548.

cum (prep.), 220. b; in comp., see com-; joined as enclitic with pronouns, 143. f, 150. d; use of, 221. 9; w. plur. adj., 286. a. N.; w. plur. verb, 317. N.; w. abl. of manner, 412; w. abl. of accompaniment, 413; w. words of contention, 413. b; w. words of exchange, 417. b. N.

-cumque, added to relatives, 151. a and N.; temporal particles w., 542.

-cundus, verbal adj. ending, 253 and b.

cupiō, constr., 563. b.

cūrō, constr., 563; cūrā (imv.), use, 449. c.

-cus, suffix, 232. N., 249.

Customary action, 470, 518. c.

D changed to s, 15. 5; -d, old abl. ending, decl. I, 43. N. 1; decl. II, 49. e; decl. III, p. 34. ftn.; decl. IV, 92. f; mēd, tēd, 143. a. N.; sēd, 144. b. N. 2; in advs. originally -ēd, 214. a. N.; -d as neut. pron. ending, 113. b; loss of -d, 398.

Dactyl, 609. b; cyclic, id. e.

Dactylic verse, 613; hexameter, 615; elegiac stanza, 616; other forms, 617.

-dam, adverbial ending, 215. 6.

damnās, indecl. adj., 122. b.

daps, defect., 103. h. 2.

Daring, vbs. of, w. compl. inf., 456.

Dates, how expressed, 424. g, 631.

DATIVE defined, 35. c; in -āī, decl. I, 43. a; in -ābus, decl. I, id. e; in -īs for -iīs, decl. II, 49. f; in -ubus, decl. IV, 92. c; in (of ūnus etc.), 113.

DATIVE, Syntax, 360385. Indirect object, 361; w. transitives, 362; w. vbs. implying motion, 363; use of dōnō etc., 364; in pass., 365; w. intransitives, 366; w. phrases, id. a; like gen., id. b; w. intransitives, verbs meaning favor etc., 367; similar vbs. w. acc. id. a; vbs. having dat. or acc., id. b, c; w. verbal nouns, id. d; w. libet and licet, 368. 1; w. comps. of satis, bene, male, id. 2; poetic use, id. a; intrans. vbs. w. acc. and dat., 369; w. comps. of preps. ad, ante, etc., 370; w. passive used impersonally, 372. Of Possession, 373; w. nōmen est, id. a; w. dēsum and absum, id. b. Of the Agent, 374, 375. Of Reference, 376, 377; · of the person judging, 378; used idiomatically, 379; ethical dat., 380. Of Separation, 381. Of Purpose, 382; w. adjs. and advs., 383; w. adjs. of fitness etc., 384, 385; gen. or dat. w. similis, 385. c. 2. With words of contention (poetic), 413. b. N. Of End of Motion, 428. h; w. infin., 455. 1; dat. of gerund, 505. a.

Datīvus commodī aut incommodī, 376.

, use, 220. b, 221. 10; in comp. w. vbs., 267. a; in comp. w. vbs., w. dat., 381; in comp. w. vbs., w. abl., 402; w. abl. instead of part. gen., 346. c; w. vbs. of reminding, 351. N.; w. abl. to denote the crime, 353. 2; w. place from which, 426. 1; position of , 435; w. abl. of gerund, 507.

dea, decl., 43. e.

dēbeō, in apod., 517. c.

dēbuī, w. pres, inf., 486. a; w. perf. inf., id. b.

dēcernō, constr., 563. d and N. 2.

decet, w. acc., 388. c; w. dat., id. N. 3; in apod., 517. c.

Declarative sentence, 269. a; how expressed in ind. disc, 580.

Declension defined, 22; characteristics of, 37; general rules for, 38; terminations, 39. Of Nouns, I. 4044; II, 4552; III, 5387; IV, 8894; V, 9598; decl. V compared with I, 98. c. Of Adjs., decl. I-II, 109113; decl. III, 114122; of comparatives, 120; of participles, 109, 117. b.

Decreeing, vbs. of, 563. d.

dĕdī, quantity of penult, 605. Exc.

Defective adjectives, 111. b, 122. c.

Defective comparison, 130.

Defective nouns, 99103; of decl. IV, 94. c; of decl. V, 98. a.

Defective verbs, 205206.

dēficiō, constr., 367. a.

Definite perfect, 161. 1, 473; sequence of, 485. a.

dēfit, 204. c.

dēgener, 119. N., 121. a. 3.

Degree, adverbs of, 217. c.

Degree of difference, abl. of, 414; distance expressed by, 425. b.

Degrees of Comparison, 123.

deinde, dēnique, in enumerations, 322. d. N.

dēlectat, constr., 388. c.

dēlectō, w. acc., 367. a.

dēlector, w. abl., 431.

Deliberative subjunctive, 443, 444; in indir. questions, 575. b; in ind. disc, 587.

dēlicium, -ia, -iae, 106. b.

Delivering, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

Dēlos, decl., 52.

delphīn, decl., 83. a.

-dem, adverbial ending, 215. 6.

Demanding, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

Demonstrative adverbs, as correlatives, 323. g; equivalent to demonstr. pron. w. prep., 321. a. Position, 598. b.

Demonstrative pronouns, 146; decl., id.; formation, id. N. 1. Syntax, 296298; of 1st person, 297. a; of 2d pers., id. c; of 3d pers., id. b; supply place of pers. prons. of 3d pers., 295. c; in relative clause, 308. d. N. Position, 598. b.

dēnārius, value of, 632.

Denominative verbs, 258262.

Dependent clauses, subjv. used in, 438. b.

Deponent verbs defined, 156. b; how conjugated, 190; paradigms, id.; participles, id. a; fut. inf., id. c; used reflexively, id. e; in passive sense, id. f; list of irregular deponent verbs, 191; defective deponents, id. a; semi-deponents, 192.

Depriving, constr. w. vbs. of, 401.

Derivation of words, 227267.

Derivative forms of nouns, 236241; of adjs., 242255; of vbs., 258263.

Derivative verbs, defined, 257.

Derivatives, quantity of, 606.

-dēs, nouns in, 244.

Description, imperf. used in, 471. a.

Description implied in part., 496.

Descriptive abl., see Abl. of quality.

†dēses, decl., 121. a, 4.

Desiderative verbs (in -uriō), 263. 4.

Desire, adjs. of, w. gen., 349. a.

dēspērō, constr., 367. b.

dēterior, compar. of, 130. a.

Determinative compounds, 265. 2.

Determining, vbs. of, constr., 563. d.

deus, decl., 49. g.

dexter, decl., 111. a; compar., 129.

dī-, see dis-.

Diæresis, 611. c.

Diastole, 612. b.

dīc, imperative, 182.

diciōnis, defect., 103. e.

dīcō, forms of, omitted, 319. a.

dictō, w. comp., 406. a.

-dicus, adjs. in, comparison of, 127.

Dīdō, decl., 82.

diem dīcere, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505.

diēs, decl., 96; gender, 97. a; gen. form diī, 98. N.

Difference, abl. of degree of, 414.

difficilis, comparison, 126; constr., 510. N. 2.

dīgnor, w. abl., 418. b. N. 1.

dīgnus, w. abl., 418. b; w. relative clause, 535. f.

Dimeter, iambic verse, 619. c.

Diminutive endings, w. nouns and adjectives, 243; verbs, 263. 3.

din-, stem-ending, 61. 2.

Diphthongs, 2; sound of, 8; quantity, 10. b, 603. b.

Diptotes, 103. c.

Direct object, 274, 387.

Direct question, defined, 330. 1.

Direct quotation, 578. N.

Direct reflexive, 300. b.

dis- (dī-), inseparable prefix, 267. b.

Disjunctive conjunctions, 224. I. a; case of noun after, 323.

Dissimilation, 15. 6.

dissimilis, comp., 126.

Distance, acc. or abl., 425. b; of time, 424. f.

Distributive numerals, 136; use, 137.

Distributive pronouns, 313. diū, compar., 218. a.

dīves, decl., 119, 121. b.

dīvum (dīvom), for deōrum, 49. g. N.

-dō, adverbial ending, 215. 6.

-dō, nouns in, from st. din-, 61. 2; gend., 86.

, conj., 202; w. inf., 460. a.

doceō, constr., 396 and c. N. 2.

domī, locative, 427. 3.

domum, 427. 2; domō, id. 1.

domus, gend., 90. Exc.; decl., 98; double stem of, id.; locative form, 93. N. 1.

dōnec, w. ind. or subjv., 553 N. 1, 2, 554, 555.

dōnō, double constr. of, 364.

dōs, decl., 71. 6.

Double consonants, 4, 11. b.

Double questions, 334; answers to, 337.

Doubting, vbs. of, constr., 558.

Dual forms, p. 59. ftn.

Dubitative subjv., see Deliberative.

dubitō an, 331. N.; nōn dubitō quīn, 558. a; nōn dubitō, w. inf., id. N. 2; without neg., id. N. 1.

dūc, imperative, 182.

dum, derivation, 215. 6; w. past, id. a; w. clause for pres, and perf. part., 492, 493. 2; introducing a proviso, 528; as adv., 552; until, w. pres. or impf. subjv. denoting intention or expectancy, 553; w. pres. or fut. perf. indic., to state future fact, id. N. 2; w. perf, indic., 554. N. 2; as long as, w. indic., 555 (cf. 556. a); while, w. pres. indic., 556; w. past indic., id. a.

dummodō, 528.

duo, decl., 134. b.

duplī, w. vbs. of condemning, 352. a.

Duration, acc. of, 423; abl. of, 424. b.

-dus, participle in, see Gerundive.

Duty, vbs. of, in apod., 517. c.

dux, decl., 57.

Ě, variant of ŏ as stem-vowel of decl. II, 45. c and N.; in voc., id.; abl. of neuters in, decl. III, 76. a. 3; gend. of neuters in, decl. III, 87; abl. in, of adjs. of two and three terminations, 116. N., 117, 121. a; stem-vowel, conj. III, 171, 174. 1, 179. c; final, quantity of, 604. e.

ē, for ae (oe), 6. N. 3; in Greek voc., 81. 3; in stem of decl. V, 98; in gen. of decl. V, 98. d. N.; in dat., id.; in stem of conj. II, 171, 179. b; as adv. ending, 214. a, c.

ē (preposition), see ex.

eae, old dat. fem. of is, 146. N. 3.

Early forms of alphabet, 1. a and N., 6. a, b; of prosody, 629.

ecce (eccum etc.), 146. a. N. 2.

ecquis, decl., 151. f; use, 310. a.

Ecthlipsis, 612. f.

ēdīcō, constr., 563. d.

edō (eat), conj., 201.

Effecting, vbs. of, w. perf. part., 497. c; w. ut-clause, 580. d.

efficiō ut, 568.

effierī, 204. c.

effigiēs, decl., 98. a.

Effort, vbs. of, w. ut-clause, 563. e.

egēns, decl., 118.

egeō, constr., 356 and N.

ego, decl., 143.

ei, diphthong, 2; sound of, 8.

-eis for -īs in plur. of decl. I, 43. e, N. 2.

-ēis, patronymic, 244.

-êius, adj. ending, 249; in prosody, 11. d, 603. f. N. 2.

-êius, names in, decl., 49. f.

ēiusmodī, 146. b, 345. a.

Ēlectra, decl., 44.

Elegiac stanza, 616.

-ēlis, adj. ending, 248.

Elision, 612. e.

Ellipsis, 640.

ellum etc., 146. a. N. 2.

-ellus, diminutive ending, 243.

ēluviēs, decl., 98. a.

em, combined w. prons. (ellum etc.), 146. a. N. 2.

Emphasis, 597.

en- (on-, ēn-, ōn-), primary suffix, 234. II. 13.

Enclitics, accent, 12. a; quantity, 604. a. 1; cum, 143. f, 150. b, d; -met, -te, -pte, 143. d and N.; -pse, 146. N. 7, 8; -ce, id. a. N. 1; -que, see under that word.

End of motion, acc. of, 426. 2; w. vbs. that also take dat., 363; dat. of, 428. h; two or more places as end of motion, 428. j.

Endings, signification of, 235263; endings of verb, 165. 2, 166. See Personal endings, and Terminations.

English method of pronunciation, 8. N.

English words cognate with Lat., 18, 19.

enim, use, 324. h; position, 324. j, 599. b.

-ēnsimus (or -ēsimus), numeral adj. ending, 133. N. 1.

-ēnsis, gentile ending, 249.

Enumeration, prīmumdeinde, 322. d. N.

-ēnus, adj. ending, 249.

Envy, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

, used w. supine in -um, 428. i, 509. N. 1.

, used w. quō, 414. a; w. compar., id.; approaching abl. of cause, id. N.

eō cōnsiliō ut, 531. 1. N. 1.

Epicene nouns, 34. N.

Epistolary tenses, 479.

epitomē, decl., 44.

epulum, plur. -ae, 106. b.

equester, decl., 115. a.

equidem, 322. f. N.

er- for es-, primary suffix, 234. II. 17.

er-, stem-ending, 63. Exc. 2.

-er, nom. ending, decl. II, 4547; decl. III, 61. 4, 65. a; gend., 85; -er, adjs. in, 111, 112, 115; compar. of these, 125.

ergā, w. acc. after adjs., 385. b.

ergō, use, 324. i; w. gen., 359. b.

-erim, -erō, as tense-ending, 169. c, d.

-ernus, adj. ending, 250.

ero-, noun stems in, decl. II, 50; ēro-, adj. stems in, 111. a. N.

ES, root of esse, 15. 4; 170. b. N.

es- (os-), primary suffix, 234. II. 17.

-ěs, in nom. plur. of Greek nouns, 81. 4; gend. of nouns in, 85.

-ēs, gen. of Greek nouns in, decl. II, 52. a; gen. ending, decl. V, 98. N.

-ēs, list of nouns in, p. 30. ftn. 2; gend., 86; formation, 238. a.

esse, conj., 170; forms of, in other languages, id. b. N.; compounds of, 198; case after, 284; dat. of poss. w., 373; future part. w. (first periph. conj.), 498. a, b; position of forms of, 598. c, j.

est, united with other words, 13. N.; est quī etc., 535. a; est cum, 535. a. N. 3; est ut, 569. 3.

Esteeming, vbs. of, constr., 393.

-ester (-estris), adj. ending, 250; a noun-ending, 254. 11.

ēstur, ēssētur, pass. forms of edō, 201. a.

et, use, 324. a; et … et, 323. e; et repeated or omitted, 323. c.

et, -que, or atque translated but, 324. d. N.

etenim, use, 324. h, k.

Ethical dative, 380.

etiam, use, 322. a; in answers, 336. a. 1.

etiam sī, concessive, 527. c.

etsī, use, 527. c.

-ētum, noun ending, 254. 8.

-eus, Greek names in, 52. e; -eus, patronymic ending, 244; adj. ending, 247, 249, 254. 10.

ēvenit ut, 568. ftn. 2.

ex (ē), 220. b; use, 221. 11; in compounds, 267. a, 402; abl. w., instead of part. gen., 346. c; in vbs. w. dat., 381; w. prons. etc., 403. a. N. l; to express place from which, 426. 1; expressing position, 429. b; after its noun, 435; w. abl. of gerund, 507.

excellō, w. dat., 368. 3.

Exchanging, vbs. of, 417. b.

Exclamation, form of, 333. N.; nom. in, 339. a; acc. in, 397. d; w. infin., 462.

Exclamatory questions, 462. a.

Exclamatory sentences, 269. c; nom. in, 339. a; gen. in, 359. a; acc. in, 397. d.

Existence, general expressions of, 535. a.

exlēx, defect., 122. c.

Expecting, hoping, etc., vbs. of, w. ind. disc, 580. c; w. complem. inf., id. N.

expēnsum, 496. N. 4.

exsiliō, w. abl., 404. a.

exspēs, defect., 122. c.

exsultō, w. abl., 404. a.

exterī, use, 130. b.

exterior, 130. b.

extrēmus, form, 130. a. ftn. 2.

exuō, constr., 364.

F, original sound of, 1. b. N.

faber, decl., 112. a.

fac, imv., 182, 204; fac (ut), w. subjv., 449. c; fac , in prohibition, 450. N. 2.

faciēs, decl., 98. a.

facilis, compar., 126; w. supine, 510. N. 2.

faciō, accent of comps. of, 12. a. Exc.; forms of, omitted, 319. a; w. abl., 403. c; w. names of authors, 497. d. N.; facerē ut, 568. N. 1.

Factitive acc., 386; verbs, 273. N. 1.

-facto, in compounds, 266. a.

faenebris, decl., 115. N. 1.

faex, decl., 103. g. 2.

fallit, w. acc., 388. c.

falsus, compar., 131. a.

famēs, abl. of, 76. b. N. 1, 98, d.

familiāris, decl., 76. b. 2.

familiās, in pater familiās etc., 43. b.

fās, indecl., 103. a; w. supine in -ū, 510.

faux, decl., 101. N. 1, 103. f. 4.

Favor, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

fax, decl., 103. g. 2.

Fearing, vbs. of, w. inf., 456; w. nē, nē non, ut, 564.

febris, decl., 75. b, 76. b. 1.

Feeling, nouns of, w. gen., 348; impersonal vbs. of, 208. b, 354. b; animī w. vbs. and adjs. of, 358; gen. w. vbs. of, 354; acc. w. vbs. of, 388. a; quod-clause w. vbs. of, 572. b.

Feet in Prosody, 608–610.

fēlīx, compar., 124.

Feminine, rule for gend., 32.

femur, decl., 105. g.

-fer, comps. of, 50; decl., 111. a.

fer, imperative, 182.

ferō, conj., 200; acceptum (expēnsum) ferre, 496. N. 4; comps. of, 200. a.

ferre, ferrem, for †ferse etc., p. 110. ftn. 3.

Festivals, plural names of, 101. 2; in -alia, 254. 7.

-ficus, adjs. in, comparison of, 127. a.

fidēs, decl., 96.

fīdō (cōnfīdō), semi-deponent, 192; w. dat., 367; w. abl., 431.

fīdus, compar., 131. a.

fierī, constr. w. abl., 403. c.

Fifth Declension, 9597.

Figūra etymologica, 598. m.

fīlia, decl., 43. e; fīlius, voc., 49. c.

Filling, words of, w. abl., 409. a; w. gen., id. N.

Final Clauses, defined, 279. d; constr. of, 530–532; as subst. clauses, 563.

Final conjunctions, 223. b. 6, 224. II. e.

Final syllables, rules of quantity, 604; vowels, id. a-h.

fīnis, decl., 76. b.

Finite verb, defined, 154. N.; subj. of, 339.

fīō, conj., 204; in compounds, id. b; defective compounds of, id. c; quantity of i in, 603. a. 3.

First Conjugation, prin. parts, 173; pres. stem, how formed, 176. a; formation, 179. a, 259; paradigms, 184; vbs. of, 209; vbs. of, how formed, 259.

First Declension, 4042.

fīsus, as pres. part., 491.

fit ut, 568. ftn. 2, 569. 2.

Fitness, adjs. of, w. dat., 384, 385. a.

flāgitō, constr., 563.

floccī, gen. of value, 417. a.

For, when expressed by pro, 379. ar.

forās, 103. c. 4, 215. 3.

fore, 170. a; perf. part. w., 164. c. N.; fore ut, 569. a.

forem, 170. a.

forēs, plur. only, 101. 4, 103. c. 4.

Forgetting, vbs. of, 350; w. inf., 456.

forīs (locative), 103. c. 4, 215. 4, 427. a.

Formation of words, 227267.

Forms of the verb, 180 ft.

fors, forte, 103. c. 1.

forsan, 447. b. N.

forsitan (fors sit an), 216. N.; w. subjv., 447. a.

fortasse, 447. b.

Fourth Conjugation, prin. parts, 173; pres. stem, how formed, 176. a, 179. d; paradigm, 187; list of vbs., 212; vbs., how formed, 262.

Fourth Declension, 8894.

Fractional expressions, 135. e, 637.

fraus, decl., 71. 6.

Freedom, adjs. of, w. abl., 402. a; vbs. of, 401.

French, derivations through, 19. N. 2.

Frequentative verbs, 263. 2.

frētus, w. abl., 431. a.

Fricatives, 4. 5.

frūgī, defect, noun, 103. f. 1; as adj., 122. b; compar., 129; constr., 382. 1. N. 2.

fruor, fungor, w. abl., 410; w. acc., id. a. N. 1; gerundive, 503. N. 2.

fugit, w. acc., 388. c.

fui, derivation of, 170. b. N.

Fulness, adjs. of, 349. a.

fūnebris, decl., 115. N. 1.

fungor, see fruor.

Future conditions, 516; in ind. disc, 589. a.

Future tense, use, 472; of inf. pass., how formed, 203. a; of imv., 449; ind. for imv., id. b; in indirect questions, 575.

Future Infinitive, how formed, 164. 3. bt c, 193. N.; expressed with fore or futūrum esse, 569. a; (rarely) in contrary to fact conditions in ind. disc, 589. b. N. 3.

Future Participle, use, 158. b, 489, 498, 517. d; fut. pass. part., 500.

Future Perfect tense, suffix of, 169. c; use of, 478; represented in subjv., 484. c; in conditions, 516. c.

futūrum esse ut, see fore ut; futūrum fuisse ut, 589. b. 3 and N. 2.

Futūrum in praeteritō, 511. ftn. 1.

G (the character), 1. a and N.

Games, plur. names of, 101. 2.

gaudeō, conj., 192; w. abl., 431; w. quod or ind. disc, 572. b.

Gems, gend. of, 32 and b, 48. Exc.

Gender, kinds of, 30; general rules for, 3134; common, epicene, 34; change of gend., p. 18. ftn.; nouns, decl. I, gend., 42; decl. II, 48; nouns, decl. III, gend. according to endings, 8487; of nouns, decl. IV, 90, 91; decl. V, 97; Syntax: agreement in gend., 280; of appositives, 282. c; of adjs., 286; adjs. w. nouns of different genders, 287 (cf. 289. c); of rel., 306. b.

General conditions, defined, 513. 2; constr. of, 518; relatives in, 520.

General truths after past tense (in sequence of tenses), 485. d; in pres., 465; in general condition, 518. a.

GENITIVE, defined, 35. 6; terminations of, 37; plur. in -um, 38. f; gen. in -āī and -ās, decl. I, 43. a, b; in -ī for -iī, decl. II, 49. b; in -ī of proper nouns of decl. III, 52. a; gen. plur. in -um (-om), for-ōrum, 49. d; -um for -ium, decl. III, 78; -ŏs for -is, 81. 1; gen. plur. in -um, 92. b; in -ī or -ē for -ēī, decl. V, 98. N.; gen. plur. wanting, 103. g. 2; of adjs. in -ius, 113; gen. plur. in -ium or-um, 121. b.

GENITIVE, Syntax, 342356; general use, 342. Subjective gen., 343. N. 1. Possessive gen., 343; in app. w. poss. pron., 302. e; compared w. dat., 373. N.; gen. in predicate, 343. b, c; gen. of adj. for neut. nom., 343. c. N. 1; gen. of substance or material, 344; for app., 343. d; gen. of quality, 345. Partitive, 346. Objective, 347 ff.; w. adjs., 349, 385. c; w. vbs. of memory, 350; charge and penalty, 352; of feeling, 354; w. impers., miseret etc., 354. b; w. rēfert and interest, 355; of plenty and want, 356; of exclamation, 359. a; w. potior, 357. a; w. other vbs., id. b; w. egeō and indigeō, 356. N.; gen. for abl., id.; gen. replaced by dat., 366. b; of value, 417; gen. of gerundive, 504.

genius, voc. of, 49. c.

Gēns, or family, names, 108.

Gentile adjectives, 244.

gentīlis, 76. a. 2.

genū, decl., 89; gend., 91.

genus, decl., 64.

-ger, compounds of, 50; decl., 111. a.

Gerund, form, 155. b; meaning, 159. a; gerundive used instead, 503. Syntax, 502–507; gen. of, 504; w. direct obj., id. a; pred. use, purpose, id. a. N. 1; w. obj. gen., id. c; dat. of, 505; in law phrases etc., id. b; acc. of, 506 and N. 1; abl. of, 507; gerund coördinated w. nominal constr. and in app., 503. a. N. 2; w. direct obj., 503. a. N. 1.

Gerundive, meaning and form, 155. a and ftn. 3, 158. d; in -endus or -undus, p. 89. ftn. 1; of dep. vb., 190. d; use as part. or adj., 500; of ūtor, id. 3; to denote purpose after certain vbs., id.4; used for gerund, 503. Gerundive constructions in cases, gen., 504; dat., 505; acc., 506; abl., 507. Impersonal w. esse, w. acc., 500. 3.

gibber, decl., 111. a.

gin-, stem-ending, 61. 2.

Giving, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

glaber, decl., 112. a.

glaciēs, decl., 98. a.

glīs, decl., 71. 6.

glōrior, w. abl., 431.

Glyconic verse, 623. 1, 624, 625. 1, 12.

Gnomic perfect, 475.

-gō, nouns in, from stem gin-, 61. 2; gend., 86.

gracilis, decl., 122. a; compar. 126.

Grammar, how developed, 268.

Grammatical gender, 30. b.

grātiā, w. gen., 359. b, 404. c; w. gen. of gerund, 533.

grātificor, w. dat., 368. 3.

grātulor, w. dat., id.

Greek accusative (synecdochical), 397. b.

Greek forms compared w. Latin, pp. 13, 14, 19, 26, 55, 58, 76, 80, 83, 126, 142, 143, 150, 153.

Greek nouns, decl. I, 44; decl. II, 52; decl. III, 81, 82, 83.

Greek proper names, quantity of, 603. 4.

Groups of words, conjunctions w., 323. c.

grūs, decl., 79. a.

Guilt, adjs. of, w. gen., 349. a.

H (breathing), 4; omitted in spelling, 6. d. N. 2; in prosody, 603. a, 612. e.

habeō, w. infinitive, 460. a; w. perfect participle, 497. b; future imperative habētō in sense of consider, 449. a.

habilis, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a. ftn.

hāctenus, 221. 26. N. 1.

Hadria, gen., 42. Exc.

haec for hae, 146. N. 2.

haereō, w. abl., 368. 3. N.

Happening, vbs. of, constr., 569. 2.

Have, perf. w., origin, 497. b. ftn.

havē (avē), defective verb, 206. g.

Having, vbs. of, w. gerund., 500. 4.

hebes, decl., 86. a; compar., 124.

Help, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

Hemiolic measures, 609. d.

Heroic verse, 615.

hērōs, decl., 82.

Hesitation, clauses of, w. quīn, 558, 559; vbs. of, constr., 456.

Heteroclite nouns, 105; adjs., 122. a.

Heterogeneous nouns, 106.

Hexameter verse, 615.

Hiātus, 612. g.

Hibēr, decl., 50. c.

hībus, 146. N. 2.

hīc, 146, N. 1; decl., 146; use, 297. a, e, f; quantity, 604. j, Exc.

Hidden quantity, 11. f and N.

hiemps (for hiems), 15. 11.

hilaris (-us), 122. a.

Himself (ipse, sē), 298. c. N. 2.

Hindering, vbs. of, with nē or quōminus, or inf., 558. b and N.

Hindrance, vbs. of, w. quōminus, 558. b; w. negatives, followed by quīn, 558, 559.

Historical infinitive, 463; takes secondary sequence, 485. f.

Historical perfect, 161. 2, 473.

Historical present, 469; followed by primary or secondary tenses, 485. e.

hodiē, loc. form, 98. b, 215. 5.

honor (-ōs), decl., 62. N. 2.

Hoping, verbs of, with ind. disc, 580. c; w. complem. inf., id. N.

Horace, metres of, 626.

horizōn, decl., 83. d.

Hortatory subjunctive, 439; in concession, 440; in proviso, 528; in obligation, 439. b; w. force of protasis, 521. b.

hortor, constr., 563.

hospes, decl., 121. a. 4.

hospita (fem. of hospes), 121. e.

hûiusmodī, 146. b.

humī, 49. a; locative use of, 427. a.

humilis, compar., 126.

Hundreds, how declined, 134. c.

Hypotaxis, 268.

I, as vowel and as cons., 1, 10; i as transient sound between cons. i and a preceding vowel, 6. c (cf. 11. e).

i-, primary suffix, 234. I. 2.

ǐ, for ē in conj. II, 179. b. 2; for -ě in conj. III, id. c. 1; lost in vbs. in -iō of conj. III, id. and e; inserted in vb. stem, 176. b. 2.

-ǐ in Greek voc., 82.

-ī, (single) in gen. of nouns in -ius (-ium), 49. b; in gen. of nouns in -ēs, 52. a; in abl. of decl. III, 76; in loc. of decl. III, p. 34. ftn, 1; in gen., decl. IV, 92. a; in gen., dat, decl. V. 98. d. N.; in dat. of ūnus etc., 113; in pres. pass. inf., p. 286. ftn. 1; in perfect, 163. ftn. 3.

i-stems, decl. III, 6678; confused, 73; signs of, 74; in adj., 117; cases retaining -i, cf. 74, 76, 114, 116. N.; i-stems in vbs., 179. d.

-ia, ending of abstract nouns, 241.

-ia, nom. and acc. plur. decl. III, 74. b; of adjs., 116, 117.

-ia for -iēs, decl. V, 98. c.

iaciō, comps. of, 6. d, 603. f. N. 3.

iam, derivation, 215. 6; use, 322. b; w. impf., 471. c. N.

Iambic verse, 613; trimeter, 618; other forms, 619. Iambus, 609. a. 2.

iamdiū, w. pres., 466; w. impf., 471. b.

iamdūdum, w. pres., 466; w. impf. 471. b; w. imperative, 466. N. 2.

-ībam for -iēbam, conj. IV, 183. 1.

-ībō for -iam, 183. 1. ībus, 146. N. 3.

-īcius, 247.

Ictus, 608. N., 611. a.

-icus, 249.

id-, stem-ending, 83. b.

id genus, 397. a.

id quod, 307. d.

id temporis, 346. 3, 397. a.

idcircō, as correl., 324. i; w. final clause, 531. 1. N. 1.

īdem, decl. 146; derivation, 146. N. 9; w. dat., 384. N. l; w. atque or rel., id. N. 2; used emphatically, 298. a; equiv. to adv., id. b.

Ides (13th or 15th of month), how reckoned, 631. b.

-idēs (-īdēs), in patronymics, 244.

idōneus, compar., 128; w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a. ftn. 2.

idōneus quī, 535. f.

-idus, verbal adj. ending, 251.

Īdūs, decl. IV, gender, 90. Exc. (See Ides.)

-ie, in voc. of adjs. in -ius, 110. a.

iecur, decl., forms from different stems, 79. c, 105. g.

iēns (part. of eō), decl., 119.

-ier in inf. pass., 183. 4.

-iēs, noun ending, 241; in decl. V = -ia, decl. I, 98. c.

igitur, meaning, 324. i; position, id. j.

īgnis, decl., 76. b. 1.

-iī (or ), in gen., decl. II, 49. b and ftn.; of adjs., 110. a.

. iīs, for ī, īs, from is, 146.

-ile, noun ending, 254. 6.

-īlis, -bilis, verbal adj. ending, 252.

-īlis, nominal adj. ending, 248.

IIIative conjunctions, 223. a. 4, 224. I, d.

ille, forms, 146. N. 4, 6; decl., 146; use, 297. b, e; combined w. -ce, 146. a. N. 1. illic, decl., 146. a.

-illō, vbs. ending in, 263. 3.

illus, diminutive ending, 243.

illūstris, decl., 115. N. 1.

-im, acc. ending, decl. III, 7376.

-im, in pres. subjv., 183. 2.

imber, decl., 66, 67, 76. b.

immāne quantum, 575. d.

immō, how used, 329.

Imperative mood, 154. b; how used, 157. c; terminations, 163. b, 179. e; dīc, dūc, fac, fer, 182; some vbs. used chiefly in, 206. g; w. iam dūdum, 466. N. 2; in commands, 448; 3d pers., 448. a; forms in ind. disc, 588; fut., 449 and a; various periphrases for imv., 449, c; imperative as protasis, 521. b.

Imperative Sentence, 269. d.

Imperfect tense, defined, 160. a, 471; use, 470; in descriptions, id. a; w. iam diū etc., id. b; inceptive and conative, id. c; w. iam, id. N.; of surprise, id. d; in dialogue, id. e; = could, etc., id. f; epistolary, 479 and N.; represented by perf. subjv., 485. b. 3; imperf. subjv., sequence, id. g, h, 584. a and N.

imperō, constr., 563.

Impersonal construction of pass. w. infin. clause, 566. b, 582 and a.

Impersonal verbs, synopsis of, 207; classified, 208; passive of intransitives, id. d, 372; impersonals, miseret etc., w. gen., 354, b; libet, licet, w. dat., 368. 1; acc. w. decet etc., 388. c.

impertiō, constr., 364.

impetrō, constr., 563, 568. ftn. 2.

impetus, defect., 103. d.

impleō, constr., 409. a. N.

implico, constr., 364.

impōnō, constr., 430.

īmus, 130. a. N. 2.

in-, neg. prefix, 267. d. 1.

in-, stem-ending, 61. 2; īn-, 83. a.

in, prep., use, 220. c, 221. 12; comp. w. vbs., 267. a; in, w. acc. or abl., 259. e (cf. 430); w. acc., penalty, 353. 2. N.; vbs. comp. with, w. dat., 370; in w. acc., w. adjs., 385. b; in citations, 428. d. N. 2; place where, 426. 3; in idioms of time, 424. e; w. abl. of gerund, 507.

Inceptive or Inchoative verbs, 263. 1.

Inclination, adjs. of, constr., 384, 385. b.

inclutus, compar., 131. a.

Incomplete action, tenses of. See Continued action.

Indeclinable nouns, gender of, 33; list of, 103. a; adjectives, 122. 5.

Indefinite antecedent, relative with, w. subjv., 535. a and N. 2.

Indefinite pronouns, decl., 148151. Syntax, 309315; indefinite relative may introduce conditional clause, 512. N., 519.

Indefinite subject omitted, 318. b; use of 2d person for, 439. a; in general conditions, 518. a; licet clārum fierī, 455. N.

Indefinite value, 417 and a.

Indicative mood, 154. b; how used, 157. a, 437; for Eng. subjv., id. a; in apod. of conditions contrary to fact, 517. b, c, 522. a; in causal clauses, 540; in clause with quod, 572; in deliberative questions, 444. a. N.

indigeō, w. gen., 356. N.

indīgnus, w. abl., 418. b; w. quī and subjv., 535. f.

INDIRECT DISCOURSE, origin etc., 577; list of verbs that take ind. disc, 579, ftn.; direct and indir. quotation, 578. Moods in ind. disc, 580; verb of saying implied, id. a. Subj. acc., 580. Subord. clause when explanatory, 583; clauses w. rel. which is equivalent to demonstr., id. b. Tenses of inf. in ind. disc, 584; tenses of subjv., 585; subjv. depending on perf. inf., id. a; pres. and perf. after secondary tense (repraesentātiō), id. b. Conditional sentences in ind. disc, 589; questions, 586; deliberative subjv., 587; commands, 588; prohibition, id. N. 2. Informal ind. disc, 591. 1, 592.

Indirect object, 274, 361, 362, 366, 367.

Indirect Questions, defined, 330, 331; Syntax, 331. N., 332. b. N., 573–575; fut. tense in, 575. a; deliberative subjv. in, id. b; indic. in (early Lat.), id. c; num in, 332. b. N.

Indirect quotation, 578.

Indirect reflexive, 300. 2 and b.

Indo-European, 14, 18, 19.

indūcō, w. names of authors, 497. d. N.

induō, double constr. of, 364.

ineō, constr., 370. b.

ineptus, constr., 505. a. ftn.

inermis or -us, 122. a.

īnfera, defect., 111. b, ci. p. 56. ftn. 2; compar., 130. b.

īnferī, meaning in plur., 130. b.

īnferior, comparison, 130. b.

Infinitive Clauses, as subj. or obj., 452; w. pass. vbs., 582 and a. See also Indirect Discourse. Cf. also 459.

INFINITIVE MOOD, 154. b and ftn.; tenses of, 164. 3. b, 486; how used, 157. d; pass. in -ier, 183. 4; fut. inf. of deponents, 190. c; subject in acc., 397. e.

INFINITIVE MOOD, Syntax, 451463; used as subject, 452; complementary inf., 456; vbs. having subjv. or inf., 457 (cf. 563); inf. for obj. clause, 563.· N.; w. subject acc., 459; case of predicate noun, 581 and N. 3; inf. of purpose, 460; w. adjs., in poetry, 461; of result, id. a; as pure noun, id. b; in exclamations, 462 (sequence, 482. N.). Historical inf., 463. Tenses of inf., 486; perf. instead of pres., id. d, e; fore ut etc., for fut. inf., 569. a. Inf. in ind. disc, 579; tenses, 584.

Infinitive used as noun, gender, 33; w. gen., 343. c. (See also Infinitive Mood, Syntax.)

īnfitiās, defect., 103. b. 6; use, 428. i.

Inflection, defined, 21; terminations of, id. b; how modified, 28; of decl. and conj., 22.

Influence, vbs. of, w. ut-clause, 563.

Informal Indirect Discourse, 591, 592.

īnfrā, use, 220. a, 221. 13.

ingēns, decl., 121. a. 3; compar., 131. b.

iniūriā, as abl. of manner, 412. b.

iniussū, defect., 94. c.

inops, decl., 121. a. 3, b. 1.

inquam, inquit, 206. b; position of, 599. c.

Inseparable particles, 267. b.

Insertion of consonants (p in sūmpsī), 15. 11, 639.

īnsidiae, dat. w., 367. d.

īnspergō, constr., 364.

īnstar, indecl., 103. a; w. gen., 359. b.

īnstō, constr., 563.

Instrument, abl. of, 409.

Instrumental case, 35. N. (cf. 338, 398); as adv., 215. 4; source of several abl. constructions, 408.

īnsulam, ad, 428. a.

integer, decl., 112. a.

Integral part, subjv. of, 591, 593.

integrum est ut, 568.

Intensive pronoun, 146. N. 7, 8, 298. c-f.

Intensive vbs., 263. 2 and 6.

inter, use, 220. a, 221. 14; in comp., 267. a; vbs. comp. w., 370; position, 435; inter sē (reciprocal), 145. c, 301. f; inter sicarios, 353. 2; inter, w. gerund, 506 and N. 1.

interclūdō, constr., 364 and N. 2.

interdīcō, constr., 364. N. 1.

interest, constr., 355; w. ad, id. b; how to express degree of interest, id. N, 2.

interior, compar., 130. a.

Interjections, defined, 20; list, 226; w. dat., 379. a.

Interlocked order of words, 598. h.

Intermediate clauses, Syntax of, 591–593.

Interrogative advs., use, 333; position, 598. b.

Interrogative particles, list of, 217. d; use, 331333.

Interrogative pronouns, 148151; use, 333; position, 598. b.

Interrogative sentences, 269. b; forms of, 330336.

intra (interior), 130. a; derivation, 215. 4.

Intransitive verbs, 273. 2, 274. N.; used impersonally in pass., 208. d; dat. w., 366 ff.; used transitively, w. acc. and dat., 369 (cf. 388. a. N.); w. cognate acc., 390; having passive sense, w. ab, 405. a.

-īnus, adj. ending, 249.

inutilis, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a.

invictus, compar., 131. a.

invītus, compar., 131. a.

-iō, noun ending, 238. b; gend., 86.

-iō, vbs. in, conj. III, 176. b. 2; forms of, 179. c, e; paradigm, 188; conj. IV, 179. d; derivation, 262.

iocus, plur. in -ī or -a, 106. b.

Ionic measure, 609. c; verse, 626. 16.

ip-, stem-ending, 56. a.

ipse, formation, 146. N. 7, 8; decl., 146; use, 298. c; used instead of reflexive, 300. b.

īrī, in fut. inf. pass., 203. a.

Ironical statement not different in form from question, 332. a. N.

Irrational measures, 609. e, 623. N.

-is-, -iss-, -sis-, dropped in perf., 181. b. N. 2.

is, decl., 146; use, 152, 297. d. e; used emphatically, 298. a; used instead of reflexive, 300. b.

-ǐs, nom. ending, gend., 86; -is, patronymic, 244.

-īs, for -iīs in decl. I, 43. e. N. 2; nom. and acc. plur., decl. III, 77 (cf. 73); of adjs., 117, 121. c; Greek nom. ending, 83. b.

-īs, nouns in, see it-.

Islands, names of, loc. use, 427. 3, 428. e; from which, 427. 1; to which, id. 2.

-isse, -issem, vb. ending, see 181. b.

-issō, vbs. ending in, 263. b.

iste, shortened to ste, 146. N. 5; decl., 146; use, 297. c.

istic, decl., 146. a.

It, as sign of Impersonate, 207. ftn.

īt-as stem-ending, 58. b; decl., 78, 121. a. 4.

ita, correl. with ut, 323. g; in answers, 336. a; ita ut, 537. 2. N. 2.

itaque, accent, 12. a; compared with ergō, 324. i; used with ergō, id. k; position of, 599. b.

iter, stem of, 79. c.

Iterative subjunctive, 518. c.

Iterative verbs (-tō, -itō, -sō), 263. 2.

-itō, vbs. in, 263. 2.

-ītus, adj. ending, 246.

iubar, decl., 76. a. 3.

iubeō, w. acc., 367. a; w. inf., 563. a; in pass., 566. c.

iucundus, constr., 510. N. 2.

iūgerum, defect. 103. d. 3; decl., 105. 6; measure, 636.

-ium, gen. plur., decl. III, 74. a; of adjs., 114. a, 117, 121. b.

-ium, noun ending, 241. 6.

iungō, w. abl. or dat., 368. 3. N., 413. N.

Iuppiter, stem and decl., 79 and b; plural, 100. a; derivation, 266. c.

-ius, adjs. in, gen., voc. of, 110. a; formation of adjs. in, 247, 252. N.

iūs (broth), decl., 103. g. 1.

-īus, gen. sing. ending, 113; quantity, id. c, 603. a. Exc. 1.

iussū, defect., 94. c, 103. b. 5.

iūstō, w. compar., 406. a.

iuvat, w. acc., 388. c.

iuvenis, decl., 62. N. 3, 78. 1; masc. adj., 122. d; compar., 131. c.

iuvō, w. acc., 367. a.

iūxtā, position, 435.

-īv-, in perf., 211. d.

-īvus, verbal adj. ending, 251. N.

J (the character), 5 N. 1; Eng. sound, id. Julian Calendar, 630, 631. e.

K, supplanted by c, 1. a. N.

kalendae, 631. a.

Kindred forms, Latin and English, 18, 19.

Kindred signification, acc. of, 390.

Knowing, vbs. of, w. acc. and inf., 459.

Knowledge, adjs. of, w. gen., 349. a.

ko-(kā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 12.

L, nouns in -1, gend., 87; adj. stems in 1-, 117. a.

Labials, 4. 2; stems, decl. III, 56 and a.

labōrō, w. abl., 404. a.

lacus, decl., 89; dat. and abl. plur. in -ubus, 92. c.

laedō, w. acc., 367. a.

laetor, laetus, w. abl., 431.

lampas, decl., 82. lateō, w. acc., 396. c.

latet, w. acc., 388. c. N. 1.

lātifundium, 265. 2.

lātus, part., derivation, 200. ftn. 2.

Learning, vbs. of, w. inf., 456.

Length, expressed by gen., 345. b.

-lēns, -lentus, adj. endings, 245.

leō, decl., 62.

Letters, classification of, 15.

levis, decl., 116; compar., 124.

leviter, compar., 218.

līber, adj., decl., 50, 111. a.

Līber, decl., 50.

līberī, noun, 50, 101. 3.

libet, impers., 208. c. N.; w. dat., 368. 1.

licet, impers., synopsis, 207; use, 208. c. N.; w. dat., 368. 1; w. predicate dat., 455. 1; w. subjv., meaning although, 527. b; licet earn, licet mē īre, licet mini īre, 565 and N. 2.

Likeness, adjs. of, w. dat., 384; w. gen., 385. c.

Limiting word, meaning of, 276. b.

Linguals, 4. 3; stems in, decl. III, 58. a.

linter, decl., 66.

Liquids, 3, 4; stems in, decl. III, 6164.

-lis, adjs. in, compar., 126.

Litotes, 326. c.

-lium, noun ending, 241. c.

ll-, as stem ending, 62. N. 1.

lo- (lā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 10.

Locative abl., 426. 3; idiomatic use, 429. 3; adverbial forms, 215. 5.

LOCATIVE, defined, 35. h, p. 34. ftn. (cf. 360); in abl., 398, 421; of decl. I, 43. c; decl. II, 49. a; decl. III, 80; decl. IV (domī), 93. N. 1; decl. V, 98. b; as adv., 215. 5; w. abl. in apposition, 282. d; relative adv. used to refer to, 308. g; animī, 358; loc. used to express where, 426. 3; forms (domī etc.), 427. a.

locō, abl. without prep., 429. 1.

locō, vb., constr., 430.

locum capere, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505.

locus, plur. or -a, 106. b.

Logaœdic Verse, 623–625.

Long and Short, see Quantity.

longius, without quam, 407. c.

lūdicer, decl., 112. a.

lues, defect., 103. d. 1.

lūx, decl., 103. g. 2.

M, final, elision of, 612. d. N., f; inserted in verb root, 176. c. 2.

-m, sign of acc., 338; omitted in inscriptions, 46. N. 1.

macer, decl., 112. a.

macte virtūte, use and constr., 340. c and N.

magis, as sign of compar., 128; comps. of, w. quam, 434.

māgnī, gen. of value, 417.

māgnus, comparison, 129.

mâiestātis, w. words of accusing etc., 352. a.

Main clause, defined, 278. b.

mâior nātū, 131. c.

mâiōrēs, signification of, 101. 3 (cf. 102. 2), 291. c. N. 3.

Making, vbs. of, constr., 393.

male, compar., 218; compounds of, w. dat., 368. 2.

mālō, conj., 199.

malus, compar., 129.

mandō, constr., 563.

māne, defect, noun, 76. N. 1, 103. b. 5.

maneō, w. abl., 431.

Manner, advs. of, 217. c; abl. of, 412 and b; hard to distinguish from abl. of specification, 418. a. N; manner implied in participle, 496.

mānsuētus, 266. c.

manus, decl., 89; gend., 90. Exc.

mare, decl., 76. a. 3, 78.

marī, loc., 427. a.

mās, decl., 71. 6.

Masculine, rule for gender, 31.

Masculine adjs., 122. d.

Masculine cæsura, 615. c. N.

Material, adjectives denoting, 247; gen. of, 344; abl. of, 403 and b, c, d.

maximē, as sign of superl., 128.

May, how expressed in Latin, 157. b.

mē dīus fidius, 397. d. N. 2.

Means, nouns denoting, 239; abl. of, 408, 409; participle implying means, 496.

Measure, gen. of, 345. b (cf. 425. a).

Measures in Prosody, 608–610; names of, 609; contracted or resolved, 610.

Measures of value, 632–635; of length, 636; of weight, 637; of capacity, 638.

medeor, w. dat. or acc., 367. b.

mediocris, decl., 115. a. N. 1.

Meditative verbs, 263. 2. b.

medius (middle part of), 293.

melior, decl., 120.

melius est, w. infin. 486. f.

meminī, conj., 205; in pres. sense, id. b, 476; imperative of, 449. a; meminī w. acc. or gen., 350. a, b; w. pres. inf., 584. a and N.

memor, decl., 121. a. 3.

Memory, adjs. of, constr., 349. a; vbs. of, constr., 350.

men-, primary suffix, 234. II. 14.

-men, -mentum, noun endings, 239.

mēnsis, decl., 78. 2.

merīdiēs, gend., 97.

-met (enclitic), 143. d.

Metathesis, 640 (cf. 177. a. N.).

Metre, see Prosody.

metuō, w. dat. or acc., 367. c; w. subjv., 564.

meus, voc. mi, 110. a. N.; syntax of, 302. a, 343. a.

Middle voice, 397. c, 410. N.

Mile, 636.

mīles, decl., 57.

Military expressions, dat. in, 382. 2; abl. of means instead of agent, 405. b. N. 1; abl. of accomp. without cum, 413. a.

mīlitiae (locative), 427. a.

mille (mīlia), decl. and constr., 134. d.

-minī, as personal ending, p. 76. ftn. 1.

minimē, compar., 218. a; use, 291. c. N. 2; w. neg. force, 392. a; in answer (no), 336. a. 2.

ministrō, w. infin., 460. a.

minor nātū, 131. c.

minōris, gen. of value, 417 and c.

minōrēs, signification, 291. c. N. 3.

-minus, -mnus, verbal adjective endings, 253. c.

minus, compar., 218. a; use, 291. c. N. 2; w. sī and quō, = not, 329. a; constr. without quam, 407. c.

mīror sī, 572. b. N.

mīrum quam (quantum), w. indicative, 575. d.

mīs, tīs, 143. a. N.

misceō, w. abl. or dat., 368. 3. N., 413. a. s.

miser, decl., 111; compar., 125.

miserē, compar., 218.

misereor, w. gen., 354. a.

miserēscō, w. gen., 354. a.

miseret, 208. b; w. gen. and acc., 354. b; other constr., id. N.

miseror, w. acc., 354. a. N.

Mixed i-stems, 7072.

-mnus, see -minus.

mo- (mā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 7.

Modesty, subjunctive of, 447. 1.

Modification of subj. or pred., 276.

Modifiers, position of, 596–599; of negative, 599. a.

modo (modo nē) with subjv. of proviso, 528.

modo … modo, 323. f.

modō as abl. of manner, 412. b.

molāris, decl., 76. a. 2.

moneō, conj., 185; constr., 351, 390. d. N. 1.

-mōnium, -mōnia, noun endings, 239.

Monoptotes, 103. b.

Monosyllables, quantity, 604. a-c.

Months, gend. of names of, 31 and N.; decl. of names of in -ber, 115. a; names of, 630; divisions of in Rōmān Calendar, 631.

Moods, names and uses of, 154, 157; note on origin and nature of, 436; syntax of, 264275, 437463.

Moods in temporal clauses, how distinguished, 545, 546 and notes.

Mora, in Prosody, 608. a.

mōrigerus, decl., 111. a. N.

mōs est ut, 568.

Mother, name of, w. prep., 403. a. N. 1.

Motion, how expressed, 363, 381. a, 402; indicated by compounds, 388. b; implied, 428. j. N.

Motion, end of, see End of Motion.

Motive, how expressed, 404. b.

Mountains, names of, gend., 31 and b.

Mulciber, decl., 50. c.

muliebris, decl., 115. a. N. l.

multā nocte, 293. N.

Multiplication by distributives, 137. c.

Multiplicatives, 139.

multum (-ō), compar., 218. a.

multus, compar., 129.

mūnus, decl., 105. g; mūnus est ut, 568.

mūs, decl., 71. 6.

mūsica (-ē), decl., 44.

Musical accent, 611.

mūtāre, constr., 417. b.

Mutes, 4; mute stems, decl. III, 5664.

mthos, decl., 52.

N, 4; as final letter of stem (leōn-), 61. 1; preceding stem vowel of vb.,176. b. 1; inserted in verb root (tangō), 176. c. 2, 177. b. N.

nāis, deel., 82.

-nam (enclitic), in questions, 333. a.

nam, namque, use, 324. h, k.

Names of men and women, 108.

Naming, vbs. of, w. two accs., 393.

Nasals, 4,6; inserted in verb root, 176. c. 2.

nātālis, decl., 76. b. 2.

nātū (mâior, minor), 131. c.

nātus etc., w. abl. of source, 403. a.

nāvis, decl., 76. b. 1.

-nd, -nt, vowel short before, 10. e.

-ndus, verbal adj. ending, 253. a; gerundive in, 158. d.

-ne (enclitic), use in questions, 332. a-c; w. force of nōnne, 332. c; orig. meaning, id. N. 1; in double questions, 335; in exclamatory questions, 462. a; quantity, 604. a. 1.

nē, neg. of hortatory subjv., 439; in prohibitions, 450. 3; in concessions, 527. a; w. subjv. of proviso, 528. b; in final clauses, 531; = nēdum, 532. N. 1; in substantive clauses, w. vbs. of hindering, 558. b; of fearing, 564; omitted after cavē, 565. N. 1.

nē nōn, w. vbs. of fearing, 564.

nē … quidem, use, 322. f; after nōn, 327. 1; after nōn modo, 217. e; position of, 599. b.

Nearness, adjs. of, w. dat, 384; w. gen., 385. c.

nec enim, 324. a.

necesse, indecl., 103. N. 1; necesse est ut, 568, 569. 2. N. 2.

Necessity, vbs. of, w. perf. pass, inf., 486. d; in apod., 517. c, 522. a; w. ut-clause, 569. 2.

necne in double questions, 335 and N.

nēdum, 532. N. 1, 2.

nefās, indecl., 103. a; w. supine in -ū, 510.

Negation, perfect preferred in, 475. a.

Negative answers, 332. b, 336 and a. 2.

Negative particles, list of, 217. e; use of, 325; two negatives, 326; neg. form different from English, 328; neg. condition, 525. a; neg. proviso, 528; neg. purpose, 531; neg. result, 538, 568; position of, 599. a.

negō, better than dīcō … nōn, 328, 580. b.

negōtium dō ut, 563. ftn. 2.

nēmō, use of, 314; gen. and abl. sing, replaced by nūllīus and nūllō, 314. a; nēmō non, 326. b; nēmō est quī, 535. a. N. 1.

neque (nec), and not, 328. a; neque enim, use, 324. h; neque after a neg., 327. 2, 3.

nēquam, indecl., 122. b; compar. of, 129.

nequeō, conj., 206. d.

nēquis, decl., 310. a.

nesciō an, 575. d.

nesciō quis, as indefinite without subjv., 575. d.

-neus, adj. ending, 247.

Neuter acc. as adv., 214. d, cf. b. N.

Neuter adjs., special uses of, 289.

Neuter gender, general rule for, 33; cases alike in, 38. b; endings of decl. III, 87.

Neuter pron. as cognate acc., 390. c.

Neuter verbs, see Intransitive Verbs.

nēve, connective in prohibitions, 450. N. 5.

nex, decl., 103. g. 2.

ni-, primary suffix, 234. II. 5.

nī, nisi, 512. N; use of, 525. a.

-nia, -nium, noun endings, 241. c.

niger, decl., 112; distinct from āter, 131. d. N.

nihil, indecl., 103. a; contr. to nil, 603. c.

nihilī, gen. of value, 417. a.

nihilī and nihilō, 103. a. N. 2.

nīmīrum quam, as indefinite without subjv., 575. d.

ningit, 208. a.

nisi and sī nōn, 525. a; nisi sī, id. 3; nisi vērō (forte), id. b.

nītor, w. abl., 431.

nix (stem and decl.), 79. d; plur., 100. b.

No, in answers, how expressed, 336. a. 2.

no- (nā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 4.

no-, verb suffix, 176. b. 1.

nōlī, in prohibitions, 450. (1) and N. 1.

nōlō, conj., 199; part. w. dat. of the person judging, 378. N.; w. perf. act. inf. in prohibitions, 486. c.; w. perf. pass. inf. (or part.), id. d and N.

Nōmen, denoting gens, 108.

nōmen, decl., 64.

nōmen est, w. pred. nom. or dat., 373. a; w. gen., id. N.

Nominal adjs., 243254.

NOMINATIVE defined, 35. a; nom. suffix, 338; neut. plur. nom. and acc. alike, 38. b; in decl. II, 45. a; in decl. III, 56, 58, 61, 66, 79; of neuters, i-stems, 68. a; in u-stems, decl. IV, 88; in e-stems, decl. V, 95.

NOMINATIVE, Syntax (see 338): in predicate, 283, 284; verb-agreement with, 316; as subject, 339; in exclamations, 339. a (cf. 397. d); used for vocative, 340. a; w. opus in predicate, 411. b; nom. of gerund supplied by inf., 502. N.

nōn, derivation, 215. 1; compounds of, 326. a, b; in answers, 336. a. 2.

nōn dubitō quīn, 558. a; nōn dubitō w. inf., id. N. 2; w. indir. quest., id. N. 1.

nōn modo, after a negative, 327. 1.

nōn modo … nē … quidem, 217. e.

nōn nēmō, nōn nūllus, etc., 326. a.

nōn quia (quod, quō, quīn) etc., 540. N. 3.

nōn satis, 291. a N. 2.

Nones (nōnae), 631. c.

nōnne, in questions, 332. b.

nōs, decl., 143; for ego, 143. a.

noster, for poss. gen., 302. a.

nostrī, as objective gen., 143. c, 295. b.

nostrum, as partitive gen., 143. b, 295. b; as objective gen., 295. b. N. 1.

Noun and adj. forms of vb., 166.

Noun stem, treated as root, 176. d.

Nouns defined, 20. a; indecl., gend., 33; decl. of, 3795; derivative forms of, 235241; used as adjectives, 321. c; rule of agreement, 281; w. part, gen., 346. a. 1; w. obj. gen., 348; governing acc., 388. d. N. 2; noun as protasis, 521. a.

Nouns of agency, 235; formation, 236.

novendecim, 133. N. 2.

nox, decl., 72.

ns, nf, gn, quantity of preceding vowel, 10. d, 603. d.

-ns, as adjective ending, 118; participles in, decl., 119, 121. b. 2; w. gen., 349. b; w. acc., id. N. 1, 2.

nt- (ont-, ent-), primary suffix, 234. II. 18.

nt-, stems in, decl., 121. a. 4.

nu-, primary suffix, 234. II. 6.

nūbēs, decl., 72.

nūbō, w. dat., 368. 3.

nūllus, decl., 113; use, 314. a; cf. nēmō.

num, force of, 332. b; in indirect questions, id. N.

Number, 35; nouns, defect, in, 99, 100, 101, 103. f, g; variable in, 107; peculiar uses, 101. N. l, 317. d. N. 2; number in vbs., 154. e; agreement in, 280; w. appositives, 282. a; w. adjs., 286 and b; w. vbs., 316, 317. d.

Numeral advs., 138.

Numerals, 132139; cardinals and ordinals, 132,133; distributives, 136; advs., 138; others, 139. Position of numeral adjs., 598. b.

numquis, 149. b, 310. a.

nunc, compared w. iam, 322. b.

nunc … nunc, 323. f.

nurus, gend., 90.

-nus, adj. ending, 250.

O for u after u or v, 6. a, b; in decl. II, 46. N. 1.

o- (ā-), primary suffix, 234. I. 1.

-ō in nom., 61. 1; gend., 86; in fern. abl. of Greek adjs., 111. b. N.

-ō, -ōnis, noun ending, 236. c, 255.

ō sī, w. subjv. of wish, 442. a and N. 1.

o-stems, decl. II, 45; in adjs., 111113; vbs. from o-stems, 259. 2.

ob, use, 220. a, 221. 15; in comp., 267. a; in comp. w. vbs., w. dat., 370; to express canse, 404. b; w. gerund, 506 and N. 1.

obeō, constr., 370. b.

Obeying, vbs. of, 367; w. acc., id. a.

Object cases, 274. a.

Object clauses, infin., 452; subjv., 561–568.

Object defined, 274; becomes subj, of pass., 275, 387. b; acc. of direct w. dat. of indir. obj., 362; secondary obj., 394; obj. of anticipation, 576.

Objective case expressed in Latin by gen., dat., acc., or abl., 274. a.

Objective compounds, 265. 3.

Objective genitive, meī etc., 143. c; defined, 348. N.; w. nouns, 348; w. adjs., 349.

Obligation, unfulfilled, hortatory subjv., 439. b.

Oblique cases, 35. g; origin of names of, 338.

oblīvīscor, w. acc. or gen., 350. a, b.

obvius (obviam), derivation, 216 and N.; obviam as apparent adj., 321. d; w. dat., 370. c.

Occasion, expressed by participle, 496.

ōcior, compar., 130.

octōdecim, 133. N. 2.

ōdī, conj., 205; w. meaning of present, 476.

-oe, for -ī in nom. plur., decl. II, 52. d.

offendō, constr., 370. b.

-ôius, names in, 49. f.

Old forms of pronouns: mīs, tīs, 143. a. N.; mēd, tēd, id.

ollus (ille), 146. N. 4.

-olus, diminutive ending, 243.

Omission, of possessive, 302. c; of antecedent, 307. c.

omnēs; nōs omnēs (instead of omnēs nostrum), 346. e.

ŏn-, stem-ending, 83. c.

-ŏn, Greek ending, decl. II, 52.

ōn-, stem-ending, 61. 1, 234. II. 13.

-ōn, gen. plur., decl. II, 52. c.

-ōn, nom. ending, 83. c, d.

ont-, nom. -ōn, 83. d.

Open syllables, 7. N. 2.

operā, w. gen., 405. b.

operam dō, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505; w. subjv., 563.

Operations of nature, 208. a.

opīniōne, w. compar., 406. a.

opīnor, position of, 599. c.

oportet, 208. c; w. acc., 388. c; in apod., 517. c; imperfect refers to present, plupf. to past, 522. a. N. 1; w. subjv. or inf., 565 and N. 3.

oportuit, w. pres. inf., 486. a; w. perf. inf., id. b.

oppidum, ad, 428. b.

oppūgnō, w. acc., 370. b.

ops, defect., 103. f. 1.

Optative, derivation, and comparison w. subjv., 436.

Optative forms in the vb., 168. e. N. 2, 169. d.

Optative subjv. (wish), 441; w. utinam etc., 442; velim etc. w. subjv., equiv. to, id. b.

optimātēs, 71. 5, 101. 3.

opus, indecl., 103. a; opus and ūsus, w. abl., 411; as pred. nom., id. b; w. participle, 497. a; w. supine in -ū, 510.

or-, stem-ending, decl. III, 63. Exc. 2.

-or, noun ending, 238. a.

-or or -ōs, nom. ending, 62. N. 2; gend., 85.

Ōrātiō obliqua, see Indirect Discourse.

Order of words, 595–601.

Ordinal Numbers, 132135; decl., 134. e; use of et with, 135. a, b.

ōrō, constr., 563. Orpheus, decl., 52. e.

os-, stem of comparatives, 120. b.

-os for -us, in nom. sing., decl. II, 46. N. 1; as Greek ending, 52; as gen. ending in Greek nouns, decl. III, 81. 1.

os, ossis, stem, 79.

-ōs, nom. ending, 62. N. 2; gend., 85.

ōs, ōris, decl., 103. g. 2.

-ōsus, -lens, -lentus, adj. endings, 245.

ovat (defective), 206. f.

ovis, decl., 76. b. 1.

P, parasitic after m (sūmpsī), 15. 11.

pactō, as abl. of manner, 412. b.

paene, in apod., 517. b. N. 2.

paenitet, 208. b; constr., 354. b, c.

Paeon, 609. d.

palam, as apparent adj., 321. d; w. abl., 432. c.

Palatals, 4.

palūster, decl., 115. a.

Panthūs, vocative of, 52. b.

pār, decl., 119, 121. a. 3; w. gen., 385. c; w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. ftn. 2.

Parallel verb forms, 189.

Parataxis, 268.

parātus, w. infin., 460. b.

Pardoning, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

Parisyllabic nouns of decl. III, 65. a.

pariter, use, 384. N. 2.

parte, locative use, without prep., 429. 1.

partem, adverbial use, 397. a.

particeps, decl., 121. a. 4, b.

PARTICIPLES, defined, 20. b. N. 1; comparison of, 124. a; number of, 155. a; how used, 158.

PARTICIPLES, Syntax, 488–500; agreement, 286 and N.; clause equivalent to part., 308. c; parts, in-ns, used as adjs., w. gen., 349. b; parts, in abl. absolute, 419; meaning and form, 488; tenses, 489–493; present in special use, 490; pres. pass. part., how supplied, 492; perf. act., how supplied, 493; parts, of deponent vbs., 190. a, b, 491, 493; adjective use, 494; as nouns, id. a; predicate use, 495, 496; w. opus, 497. a; perf. w. habeō, id. b; present w. faciō, id. c; future part., 498; w. past tenses of esse, 498. b; poetic and late use, 499; gerundive, use as part. or adj., 500; part. as protasis, 521. a.

Particles defined, 23; forms and classification, 213; note on formation, 215, 216; interrogative, 217. d; negative, id. e, 325; in comps., 267. Syntax, 321336; use of interrogative particles, 332. a-c; conditional particles, 512. a and N., 525; particles of comparison, 524.

Particular conditions defined, 513.

partior, conj., 190.

Partitive apposition, 282. a.

Partitive genitive, 346; nostrum etc., 143. b; neut. adjs. with, 346. 3 and N. 1.

Partitive numerals, 139. c.

Parts of Speech, 20.

partus, decl., 92. c.

parum, compar., 218. a; meaning, 291. c. N. 2.

parvī, gen. of value, 417.

parvus, compar., 129.

Passive voice, 154. a; origin, 163. ftn. 2, 208. d. N.; signification, 156; reflexive meaning, id. a; deponents, 156. b; completed tenses, how formed, 179. g; passive used impersonally, 203. a, 208. d, 372 (cf. 566, 582. a).

pater familiās, decl., 43. b.

patiēns, compar., 124. a.

patior, constr., 563. c.

Patrials in -ās, decl., 71. 5, 121. a. 4.

Patronymics (-ades, -īdes, -eus, etc.), 244.

pauper, decl., 121. a. 4.

pāx, decl., 103. g. 2.

pecū, gend., 91; decl., 105. f.

pecūniae, gen., w. vbs. of accusing, 352. a and N.

pedester, decl., 115. a.

pelagus (plur. pelagē), gend. of, 48. a.

pelvis, decl., 76. b. 1.

Penalty, gen. of, 352 and N.; abl. of, 353. 2.

Penātēs, decl., 71. 5 (cf. 101. 3).

penes, following noun, 435.

Pentameter verse, 616.

Penult, defined, 12.

penus, gend., 90. Exc.; decl., 105. c.

per, prep., 220. a; use, 221. 16; w. acc. of agent, 405. b. Adverbial prefix, w. adjs., 267. d. 1 (cf. 291. c. N. 1); w. vbs., 267. d. N.

Perceiving, vbs. of, constr., 459.

perendiē (loc.), 98. b, 215. 5.

Perfect participle, two uses, 158. c. 1, 2; of deponents, 190. b; used as noun, retains adv., 321. b; dat. of agent w., 375; abl. w. opus and ūsus, 411. a, 497. a.

PERFECT TENSE distinguished from imperf., 161, 471; perf. def. and perf. hist., 161, 473; personal endings, 163. a, 169. a; origin of i and s in, 163. ftn. 3; stem, how formed, 177, 179; perf. subjv., suffixes of, 169. d; of conj. I, 179. a. 2; contracted perf., 181. a, b; perf. subjv. in -sim, 183. 3; irreg. forms of conj. I, 209. a; of conj. II, 210. c; various, of conj. III, 211; of conj. IV, 212.

PERFECT TENSE Syntax. Perf Ind., use, 473; in general conditions, id. a, 518. b; gnomic perf., 475; in fut. conditions, 516. e. Perf. Subjv., hortatory, 439 and N. 1; optative, 441. a; potential, 446; in prohibitions, 450 (3); in fut. conditions, 516. c. Perf. Inf., in exclamations, 462 and N. 2; w. dēbeō etc., 486. b; w. nōlō or volō in prohibition, id. c; pass. w. volō etc., id. d; instead of the pres. inf., id. e; w. vbs. of feeling etc., id. f; in ind. disc, 584. a and N. Sequence of Tenses, perf. ind., 485. a; perf. subjv., id. b, c, 585. a.

Periclēs, decl., 82.

Period, 600, 601.

Periphrastic conjugations, 158. b. N., d. N.; paradigms, 195, 196; periphrastic forms in conjugation, 193; use in contrary to fact apodosis, 517. d; in ind. questions, 575. a.

Permission, vbs. of, constr., 563. c.

permūtō, w. abl., 417. b.

pernox, decl., 122. c

perpes, decl., 121. a. 3.

Person, 154. d; agreement, 280; of vbs., 316 and a; w. different persons, 317. a; order of the three persons, id.

Personal constr. of passive w. infinitive, 582.

Personal endings, 163 and ftn. 1.

Personal pronouns, 142, 143, 294, 295; reduplicated forms, 143. e; Syntax, 295; omitted, id. a, 318. a; gen. plur., 295. b; 3d pers., id. c; position of personal and demonstrative, 599. f.

persuādeō, constr., 563.

Persuading, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

pertaesum est, 354. b.

pēs, comps. of, decl., 121. b. 1.

Pet names, gend., 30. a. N. 2.

petō w. ab, 396. a; w. subjv., 563.

ph only in Greek words, 4. 1. ftn. 2; sound of, 8.

Phalæcian verse, 625.11.

Pherecratic verse, 623. 2, 624, 625.2, 4, 12.

Phonetic variations, 1419; phonetic decay, id.; vowels, 15, 17; consonants, 15. 417.

Phrase, defined, 277.

Phrases, neut., 33; phrases and clauses grown into advs., 216; adverbial phrases, 277; phrases limited by gen., 343. c; phrase or clause in abl. abs., 419. b.

Physical qualities, abl., 415. a.

piger, decl., 112. a.

piget, constr., 354. b.

Pity, vbs. of, constr., 354. a.

pius, compar., 128. N., 131. a.

pix, decl., 103. g. 2.

Place., advs. of, 217. a; relations of, require prep., 381. a, 426; place of birth, abl., 403. a. N. 2; place where, 426. 3, 427. 3; place to or from which, 426. 1, 2; prep., when omitted, 426. ftn., 427.1, 2. a, 429. a; locative case, 427. 3. a, 428. k.

Placing, vbs. of, constr., 430.

Plants, gend. of names of, 32 and b; decl. of plant names in -us, 105. a.

plaudō, w. dat., 368. 3.

Plautus, absque mē etc., 517. f; use of quom w. indic., 546. N. 4, 549. N. 3; prosodial forms, 620. a, 628. b, 629.

Pleasing, vbs. of, constr., 367.

plēbēs, decl., 98. d.

Plenty, vbs. of, constr., 356, 409. a.

plēnus, constr., 409. N.

-plex, numeral adjs. in, 139.

pluit (impers.), 208. a; used personally, id. N.

Pluperfect Indicative, suffixes of, 169. b; use of, 477; epistolary, 479; pluperf. indic., in conditions cont. to fact, 517. b; in general conditions, 518. b. Pluperf. Subjv., suffixes of, 169. e; hortatory, 439. b; optative, 441; potential, 446; in conditions, 517 (sequence, 485. g).

Plural, wanting in decl. V, 98. a; used in sense different from sing., 100. a-c, 107; plur. alone used, 101. N. 1; plur. acc. used as advs., 215.3; neut. plur. of adjs., 289. b.

Plūrālia tantum, 101.

plūris, gen. of value, 417 and c.

plūs, decl., 120 and c; compar., 129; without quam, 407. c.

poēma, decl., 60. a.

poenitet, see paenitet.

pondō, defect., 103. b. 5.

pōnō, w. abl., 430.

por-, prefix, 267. b.

porticus, gend., 90. Exc.

portus, decl., 92. c.

Position, expressed by ab, ex, 429. b.

Position in Prosody, 11. b, 603. f; does not affect final vowel, 603. f. N. 1.

posse, as fut. inf., 584. b.

Possession, how expressed, 302. a; dat. of, 373; compared w. gen., id. N.

Possessive compounds, 265. a.

Possessive genitive, 343 and ac; dat. of reference used instead, 377.

Possessive pronouns, 145; agreement, 302; instead of gen., id. a; special meanings, id. b; omission, id. c; used substantively, id. d; w. gen. in app., id. e; used for gen., 343. a; for obj. gen., 348. a.

Possibility, vbs. of, in apodosis, 517. c.

possum, in apodosis, 517. c.

post, adverbial use of, 433. 1; with quam, 434.

post, vbs. comp. w., with dat., 370.

postera, defect., 111. b; compar., 130. b; posterī, id.

posterior, 130. b.

Postpositive conjunctions, 324. j.

postquam. (posteāquam), in temporal clauses, 543.

postrēmō, in enumerations, 322. d. N.

postrīdiē, w. gen., 359. b; w. acc., 432. a; w. quam, 434.

postulō ab, 396. a; postulō ut, 563.

Potential mood, how expressed in Latin, 157. b.

Potential subjunctive, 445447.

potior (adj.), compar., 130.

potior (verb), w. gen., 357. a, 410. a; w. abl., 410; w. acc., id. N. 1; gerundive, 503. N. 2.

potis, pote, 122. b.

potius, compar., 218. a.

potuī, w. pres, infin., 486. a.

Practice, vbs. of, 263. b.

prae, 220. b; use, 221. 17; in comp., 291. c. N. 1; incomps., w.dat., 370; in compar., w. quam, 434; quantity of, in comps., 603. b. Exc.

praecēdō, constr., 370.

praeceps, decl., 119, 121. a. 3.

praecipiō, constr., 563.

Praenōmen, 108; abbreviations, id. c.

praepes, decl., 121. b. 1.

praestōlor, constr., 367. b.

praesum, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505.

praeter, use, 220. a, 221. 18.

praeterit, w. acc., 388. c.

precī, defect., 103. f. 2.

precor, constr., 563.

Predicate, defined, 270; modified, 276; pred. noun or adj., 272, 283; case, 284; pred. noun referring to two or more sing, nouns, id. a; adjective, 285. 2, 286. a; agreement in. 287. 13; in rel. clause, 306; pred. adj. in neut. plur., 287. 4. a; pred. adj. in relative clause, 307. f; pred. gen., 343. b, c; pred. acc., 392, 393; adj. as pred. acc., id. N.; pred. acc. becomes pred. nom. in the pass., id. a; predicate use of participles, 496.

Predicate noun or adj. after inf., 452. N. 2, 455. a and N., 458. 581. N. 3.

Prepositions, assimilation of, 16; defined, 20. f; derivation of, 219; list of preps. w. acc., 220. a; w. abl., id. b; w. either, id. c; idiomatic uses, 221; comp. w. vbs. and adjs., 267. a, c; noun w. prep., instead of obj. gen., 348. c; in comp. w. vbs., w. dat., 370, 381; acc. in comp., 395; w. abl. of separation, 401; prep. omitted in relations of place., 427. 1, 2, 429 and a; use of, 220, 221, 429. b, 430, 432435; preps, following the noun, 435; usual position of, 599. d. (See 338.)

Present participle, decl., 119; use, 158. a.

Present stem, how formed, 168, 174; from root, 176.

Present subjunctive in -im, 183. 2.

Present tense, w. iam diū etc., 466; conative, 467; for fut., 468; historical, 469; annalistic, id. a; w. dum, 556; in quotations, 465. a; sequence, 483, 485. e, i; pres. inf. w. potuī etc., 486. a; participle, 489, 490, 492, 494, 496. Pres. inf. in ind. disc, referring to past time, 584. a and N.

Preteritive verbs, 205. N. 2, 476.

Preventing, vbs. of, constr., 364. N. 2.

Price, abl. or gen., 416.

prīdiē, form, 98. b; w. gen., 359. b; w. acc., 432. a; w. quam, 434.

Primary suffixes, defined, 233.

Primary tenses, 482. 1, 483.

prīmipīlāris, decl., 76. a. 2.

Primitive verbs, 256.

prīmō, prīmum, meanings, 322. d and N.

prīmōris, defect., 122. c.

prīmus, form, 130. ftn. 2.

princeps, decl., 121. a. 4.

Principal parts of verb, 172, 173.

prior, compar., 130. a.

prius, w. quam, 434; priusquam in temporal clause, 550, 551; in ind. disc, 585. b. N.

Privation expressed by abl., 400.

prō, 220. b; use, 221. 19; in comps., w. dat., 370; to express for, 379. N.

probō, w. dat., 368, 375. b. N.

Proceleusmatic, 609. N.

procērus, decl., 111. a. N.

procul, w. abl., 432. c.

prohibeō, constr. of, 364. N. 2.

Prohibitions, 450; in ind. disc, 588. N. 2.

Promising etc., vbs. of, 580. c.

Pronominal roots, 228, 232; as primary suffixes, id.

PRONOUNS defined, 20. c; decl. of, 140151; personal, 142, 143; reflexive, 144; gen., how used, 143. c, 302. a; demonstrative, 146; relative, 147; interrog. and indef., 148151; pron. contained in verb ending, 163. ftn. 1, 271. a.

PRONOUNS, Syntax, 294315; Personal, 295; Demonstrative, 296298; īdem, 298. a, b; ipse, id. cf; Reflexive, 299; Possessive, 302; Relative, 303308; Indefinite, 309314. Prons. w. part, gen., 346. a. 1. Relative in protasis, 519. Position of prons., 598. e, l.

Pronunciation, Roman method, 8; English method, 8. N.

prōnūntiō, constr., 563.

prope, compar., 130; use, 220. a; in apod., 517. b. N. 2.

prope est ut, 568.

Proper names, 108; plur., 99. 1, 101. 1.

Proper nouns, 20. a.

properus, decl., 111. a. N.

propinquus, w. gen., 385. c.

propior (propius), compar., 130. a; constr., 432. a and N.

Proportional numerals, 139. a.

Propriety, vbs. of, in apod., 517. c, 522. a.

proprius, w. gen., 385. c.

propter, use, 220. a, 221. 20; position, 435; denoting motive, 404. b.

PROSODY, 602; rules and definitions, 603–606; early peculiarities, 629.

prosper(-us), decl., 111. a.

prōspiciō, w. dat. or acc., 367. c.

Protasis (see Conditional Sentences), 512 ff.; loose use of tenses in Eng., 514. C. N.; relative in prot., 519; temporal particles in, 542; antequam, priusquam, in, 551. c. N. 2; prot. in ind. disc, 589. 1.

Protecting, vbs. of, constr., 364. N. 2.

Protraction of long syllables, 608. c.

prōvideō, w. dat. or acc., 367. c.

Proviso, subjv. used in, 528. a and b; introduced by modo etc., 528; hortatory subjv. expressing, id. a; subiv. w. ut (or nē), id. b; characteristic clause expressing, 535. d.

proximē, constr., 432. a.

proximus, constr., 432. a.

-pse, -pte (enclitic), 143. d. N., 145. a, 146. N. 7, 8.

pūbēs, decl., 105. e, 121. d.

pudet, 208. b; constr., 354. b, c, and N.

puer, decl. 47 (cf. 50. a).

pulcher, decl., 112. a.

Punishment, abl. of, 353.1.

puppis, decl., 75. b, 76. b. 1.

Purpose, dat. of, 382; infin. of, 460; expressed by gerundive after certain vbs., 500. 4; by gerund or gerundive as predicate gen., 504. a. N. 1; ways of expressing, 533. Clauses of, 279. d; defined and classified, 529 ff.; use of quō in, 531. a; main clause omitted, 532; nēdum, id., N. 1, 2. Substantive clauses of, used after certain vbs., 563; of wishing, id. b; of permitting, id. c; of determining, id. d; of caution etc., id. e; of fearing, 564.

Purpose or end, dat. of, 382.

puter, decl., 115. a.

quā …quā, 323. f.

quadrupēs, decl., 121. b. 1.

quae res (or id quod), 307. d.

quaerō, constr. (ex ordē), 396. a; w. subjv., 563.

quaesō, conj., 206. e.

quālis, 151. i.

Qualities (abstract), gend., 32.

Qualities of an object compared, 292.

Quality, adjs. of, 251; gen. of, 345, 415. a; to denote indef. value, 417 and a; abl. of, 415 (cf. 345. N.).

quam, derivation of, 215. 2; with superlative, 291. c; w. compar. and positive or w. two positives, 292. a. N.; correlative w. tam, 323. g; w. compar., 407. a, e; after alius, id. a; w. compar. of advs., 434; w. ante, post, id.; w. subjv. after compar., 535. c; followed by result clause, 571. a; in indirect questions, 575. d; in ind. disc, 581. N. 2, 583. c.

quam diū, 555. N. 2

quam ob causam, 398.

quam quī, quam ut, w. subjv., 535. c.

quam sī, 524.

quamquam, use, 527. d; introducing a proposition = and yet, id. N.; w. subjv., id. e.

quamvīs, use, 527. a; subjv. or. ind. w., 440. N., 527. a, e.

quandō (interrog.), derivation and meaning, 215.6, 539; causal (since), 540. a and N.; indef., id.; temporal, 542.

quantī, gen. of price, 417.

Quantity, gen. of adjs. of, denoting price, 417.

Quantity in Prosody, marks of, 10. e; nature of, 602; general rules of, 911, 603; final syllables, 604; perf. and perf. parts., 605; derivatives, 606. quantō, w. tantō, 414. a.

quantum (with mīrum), in indirect questions, 575. d.

quantus, 151. i.

quasi, with primary tenses, 524. N. 2.

quassō (intensive), 263. 2.

-que (enclitic), added to indefinites, 151. g; as conj., use, 323. c. 3, 324. a; quantity, 604. a. 1.

queō (defective), 206. d.

quēs, old nom. plur., 150. c.

Questions, direct, in indic., 157. a, 330335; indirect, 330. 2, 331. N.; double questions, 334; question and answer, 336; result clause in exclam. questions, 462. a; mood in indir. question, 574; in ind. disc., 586; in informal ind. disc., 592.1.

quī (adverbial), 150. b.

quī (relative), decl., 147; (interrog. and indef.), 148 and b; in compounds, 151; quī = ut is, w. subjv., 531. 2. N., 537. 2; quī causal and concessive, 535. e.

quia, derivation etc., 539; use, 540. N. 1; causal, id.; w. vbs. of feeling, 572. b; in intermediate clauses, 592. 3.

quīcum, 150. b.

quīcumque, decl., 151. a.

quid, in exclamations, 397. d. N. 1.

quīdam, decl., 151. c; meaning of, 310; w. ex, 346. c.

quidem, use, 322. e; w. is or īdem, 298. a; position of, 599. b.

quīlibet, decl., 151. c; use, 312.

quīn, w. indic., equiv. to command, 449. b; in result clause (= quī nōn), 558, 559; w. vbs. of hindering, 558; nōn dubitō quīn, 558. a.

Quinary or hemiolic measures, 609. d.

quīnquātrūs, gender, 90; plural only, 101. 2.

quippe, w. relative clause, 535. e. N. l; w. cum, 549. N. 1.

Quirītēs, 101. 3.

quis, decl., 148, 149; distinguished from qui in use, id. b and N.; compounds of (aliquis etc.), 151. df, 310 and b; quis w. sī, num, nē, 310. a; indef. use of, 310.

quis est quī, 535. a.

quīs, dat. or abl. plur., 150. c.

quisnam, 148. e.

quispiam, 151. d; use of, 310 and b.

quisquam, decl., 151. d; use, 311, 312.

quisque, form and decl., 151. g; use in general assertions, 313; in dependent clause, id. a; w. superlative, id. b; w. plur. vb., 317. e. quisquis, decl., 151. b.

quīvīs, decl., 151. c; use, 312.

quo-, stems in, 46. N. 2.

quo, approaching abl. of cause, 414. a. N.

quō in final clauses (= ut eō) w. subjv., 531. a; nōn quō, 540. N. 3.

quō … eō, 414. a; to denote deg. of difference, id.

quoad (intention etc.), 553; (fact), 554; (as long as), 555.

quod for id quod, 307. d. N.

quod (conj.), 540. N. 1; mood with, 540; in ind. disc, id. b; subst. clause with, 572; as acc. of specification, id. a; w. vbs. of feeling, id. b; quod in intermediate clauses, 592. 3 and N.

quod sciam (proviso), 535. d.

quod sī, use, 324. d, 397. a.

quom (see cum), 6. b, 539. N.

quōminus (=ut eō minus), w. vbs. of hindering, 558. b.

quoniam, origin, 539; meaning and use, 540. 1. N. 1 and a.

quoque, use, 322. a; position, 599. b.

quot, indeclinable, 122. b; correl., 152.

Quotation, forms of, w. apud and in, 428. d. N. 2; direct and indir., 578.

quotus quisque, 313. b. N. 2.

quu- (cu-), 6. b.

quum (conj.), 6. b (see cum).

R substituted for s between two vowels, 15. 4 and N.; r- in adj. stems, 117. a; rr- in noun stems, 62. N. 1.

rādīx, decl., 57.

rāstrum, plur. in -a and , 106. b.

ratiōne, as abl. of manner, 412. b.

ratus, as pres, part., 491.

rāvis, decl., 75. a. 2.

re- or red- (prefix), 267. b.

reāpse, 146. N. 7.

Receiving, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500. 4.

Reciprocal (each other), how expressed, 145. c, 301. f.

recordor, w. acc., 350. d; w. gen., id. N.; w. d, id. N.

rēctum est ut, 568.

red-, see re-.

Reduplication, 177. c, 231. c; list of vbs., 211. b; lost in fidī etc., id. f. ftn. 3; rule for quantity, 605. a.

Reference, object of, 349.

Reference, pronouns of, 297. f; commonly omitted, id. N; dative of, 376; gen. of specification, 349. d.

rēfert, w. gen. or possessive adj., 355 and a; other constr., id. b.

Reflexive pronouns, 144; Syntax of, 298. c. N. 2, 299301; of 1st and 2d persons, 299. a.

Reflexive verbs (deponent or passive), 190. e, 208. d. N.; use of passive, 156. a; w. object acc., 397. c.

Refusing, vbs. of, w. quōminus, 558. b.

Regular verbs, 171189.

Relationship, nouns of, 244.

Relative adverbs, used correlatively, 152; demon, for rel., 308. b; used to connect independent sentences, id. f; referring to loc, id. g; = pronoun w. prep., 321. a; used in relative clauses of purpose, 531. 2; result, 537. 2.

Relative clauses, defined, 279. a; w. rel. advs., 308. i; conditional, 519; final, 531, 533; characteristic, 535; consecutive, 537; causal, 540. c; temporal, 541, 542; rel. clauses in ind. disc, 591; position of rel. clause, 599. e.

Relative pronouns, decl., 147; forms, how distinguished from interrogative and indef., 148. b and N.; comps. of, 151, 310 and a, b. Syntax, 303308; rules of agreement, 305, 306; w. two antecedents, 305. a; rel. in agreement w. app. etc., 306; use of the antecedent, 307; special uses of rel., 308; never omitted in Lat., id. a; relatives as connectives, id. f; pers. of vb. agreeing w., 316. a; abl. of rel. after compar., 407. a. N. 3; position, 599. e.

relinquitur ut, 568.

reliquum est ut, 568.

reliquus, use, 293; reliquī, use, 315.

-rem, verb ending, 168. f.

Remembering, vbs. of, w. acc. or gen., 350; w. inf., 456.

Reminding, vbs. of, constr., 351.

reminīscor, w. acc. or gen., 350. c.

Removing, vbs. of, w. abl., 401.

Repeated action as general condition, 518. c.

repetundārum, 352. a.

Repraesentātiō, 469. N.; in ind. disc, 585. b and N.

requiēs, decl., 98. d, 105. e.

rēs, decl., 96.

Resisting, vbs. of, constr., 367, 558.

Resolution of syllables in Prosody, 610.

Resolving, vbs. of, constr. (subjv. or inf.), 563. d.

restat, w. ut, 569. 2.

restis, decl., 75. b.

Restriction in subjunctive clause, 535. d.

Result, clauses of, 279. e, 534; sequence of tenses in, 485. c; inf. of, 461. a. Subjunctive w. relatives or ut, 537; negative result w. ut nōn etc., id. a, 538; result clause equivalent to proviso, 537. b; w. quīn, 558; w. quōminus, id. b. Subst. clauses of result after faciō etc., 568; as subject, 569; in app. w. noun, 570; as pred. nom., 571; after quam, id. a; tantum abest ut, id. b; thought as result, id. c.

Result, nouns denoting, 239.

rēte, decl., 76. a. 3.

rēx, decl., 57.

Rhetorical questions in ind. disc, 586.

Rhotacism, 15. 4.

Rhythm, development of, 607; nature of, 608.

Rhythmical reading, 612. d. N.

ri-, adj. stems in, 115. a.

rītū, abl. of manner, 412. b.

rīvālis, decl., 76. b. 2.

Rivers, gender of names of, 31. 1 and a.

ro- (rā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 9.

ro-stems, decl. II, 45. b; adj. stems, 111, 112.

rogō, constr. of, 396 and b. N., c. N. 2; w. subjv., 563.

Roman method of pronunciation, 8.

Root, defined, 25, 228; consciousness of roots lost in Lat., 25. N.; of vbs., 117. 1; noun stem treated as root, 176. d; roots ending in vowel, id. e; root used s stem, id. d. N. 1 and e, 231.

rōs, decl., 103. g. 2.

rr-, as stem ending, 62. N. 1.

rt-, stems in, decl., 121. a. 4.

ruber, decl., 112. a.

rūrī, locative, 80, 427. 3.

rūs, decl., 103. g. 1; constr., 427. 1, 2, 3.

S changed to r, 15. 4 and N., 62. N. 2; substituted for d or t, 15. 5; s- as stem ending, 79. e; of adjs., 119. N.; of compars., 120. b; of perf. stem, 177. b; list of vbs. of conj. III, w. perf. in s, 211. a; s suppressed in verb forms, 181. b N. 2; in early Lat., 629. a.

-s as sign of nom., 45, 46, 56, 95, 117. a 338; -s omitted in inscriptions, 6. N. 1; -s, noun ending, decl. III, gend., 86.

sacer, decl., 112. a; comp., 131. a.

saepe, compar., 218. a.

sāl, decl., 103. g. 2.

Salamis, decl., 83. a.

salūber, decl., 115. a.

salūtem, 397. d. N. 2.

salvē, defect., 206. g.

sānē quam, 575. d.

Sanskrit forms, see 25. ftn. 2, 170. b. N.

sapiēns, decl., 76. b. 2.

Sapphic verse, 625. 7, 8.

satiās, decl., 98. d.

satis, compar., 218. a; compounds of, w. dat, 368. 2; nōn satis, 291. c. N. 2; satis est (satis habeō), w. perf. infin., 486. f.

satur, genitive of, 50. b; decl., 111. a; compar., 131. b.

Saturnian verse, 628. d.

Saying, vbs. of, constr., 459; in passive, 582.

sc preceding stem-vowel of verb, 176. b. 1.

scaber, decl., 112. a.

Scanning, 612. d, 609. e. N.

scilicet, derivation, 216. N.

scīn, contracted form for scīsne, 13. N.

sciō, imperative of, 449. a.

Scīpiadēs, 44. b. N.

scīscō, constr., 563.

scītō, scītōte, imv. forms, 182. a, 449. a.

-scō (inceptive), vbs. ending in, 263.1.

se- or sēd-, inseparable prefix, 267. b.

lsē, reflexive, decl., 144. b; use, 299301; inter sē, 145. c.

Second Conjugation, prin. parts, 173; pres, stem, how formed, 176. a; formation of, 179. b; paradigm, 185; vbs, of, 210; from noun stems, 260.

Second Declension, nouns, 4547; accent of gen. and voc. of nouns in -ius, 12. Exc. 2.

Secondary object, 394.

Secondary suffixes, defined, 232.

Secondary tenses, 482. 2; rule for use of, 483; perf. def. more commonly secondary, 485. a; perf. subjv. in clauses of result used after, id. c; hist, pres., id. e; imperf. and pluperf. subjv., id. g, h; present used as if secondary, by synesis, id. i.

secundum, prep., 220. a; use, 221. 21.

secundus, derivation, 132. ftn.

secūris, decl., 75. b, 76. a. 1.

secus (adv.), compar., 218. a.

secus, indecl. noun, 103. a; use, 397. a.

secūtus (as pres, part.), 491.

sed-, see sē-.

sed compared with vērum etc., 324. d.

sēdēs, decl., 78. 1.

sedīle, decl., 69.

Selling, vbs. of, 417. c.

sēmentis, decl., 75. b, 76. b. 1.

Semi-deponents, 192.

sēminecī, defect., 122. c.

Semi-vowels, i and v (u), 5.

senātī, senātuos, forms of gen. in decl. IV, 92. a, e.

senex, decl., 79 and c; adj. masc. 122. d; comparison, 131. c.

Sentence, development, 268; defined, 269; simple or compound, 278; incomplete, 318, 319.

Separation, dat. of, after comps. of ab, dē, ex, and a few of ad, 381; abl. of, 400; gen. for abl., 356. N., 357. b. 3.

Sequence of tenses, 482–485; in ind. disc, 585; in conditional sentences in ind. disc, 589. b.

sequester, decl., 105. b.

sequitur, w. ut, 569. 2.

sequor, conj., 190.

sērā nocte, 293. N.

seriēs, decl., 98. a.

Service, adjs. of, w. dat., 384.

Service, dat. of, 382. N. 1.

Serving, vbs. of, w. dat., 367.

servus (servos), decl., 46.

sēstertium, sēstertius, 632–634; how written in cipher, 635.

seu (sīve), 324. f, 525. c.

Sharing, adjs. of, w. gen., 349. a.

Should (auxiliary), how expressed in Lat., 157. b. ftn. 2.

Showing, vbs. of, w. two accs., 393.

sī, 511; w. subjv. of wish, 442. a and N. l; sī and its compounds, use, 512. a. N., 525; sī nōn distinguished from nisi, id. a. 1; mīror sī, 572. b. N.; sī = whether, 576. a.

Sibilants, 4.

sīc, correl., w. ut, 323. g, 537. 2. N. 2; w. sī, 512. b.

siem (sim), 170. b. N.

Significant endings, 235253.

Signs of mood and tense, 169. ftn.

silentiō, without preposition, 412. b.

-silis, adj. ending, 252.

Silvester, decl., 115. a.

-sim, old form of perf. subjv., 183. 3.

similis, comparison, 126; w. gen. and dat., 385. c. 2.

similiter, use, 384. N. 2.

Simoīs, decl., 82.

Simple sentences, 278. 1.

simul, simul atque (ac), 543.

simul … simul, 323. f.

simul w. abl., 432. c.

sīn, 512. a. N.

Singular, nouns defect, in, 103. f.

Singulāria tantum, 99.

sinister, decl., 112. a.

sinō, constr., 563. c.

-siō, noun ending, 238. b.

-sis-, dropped in perf., 181. b. N. 2.

sitis, decl., 67 (cf. 75. a. 2).

sīve (seu) … sīve, use, 324. f, 525. c.

Smell, vbs. of, w. acc., 390. a.

-sō, old form of fut. perfect, 183. 3.

-sō, vbs. in, 263. 2.

socrus, gend., 90. Exc.

sōdēs (sī audēs), 13. N., 192. a.

sōl, decl., 103. g. 2.

soleō, semi-dep., 192.

solitō, w. compars., 406. a.

solitus, as pres, part., 491.

sōlus, decl., 113; w. relative clause of characteristic, 535. b.

Sonants, 3.

sōns, as participle of esse, 170. b.

-sor, see -tor.

Sōracte, decl., 76. b. N. 2.

sordem, defect., 103. f. 3.

-sōria, noun ending, 254.4; -sōrium, noun ending, 254. 5; -sōrius, adj. ending, 250. a.

Sōspita, fem. adj. form, 121. e.

Sounds, see Pronunciation.

Source, expressed by abl., 403.

Space., extent of, expressed by acc., 425.

Sparing, vbs. of, with dat., 367.

spē, w. compars., 406. a.

Special verb forms, 181, 182.

speciēs, decl., 98. a.

Specification, gen. of, w. adjs., 349. d; acc. of, 397. b and N.; abl. of, 418. specus, gend., 90. Exc.

Spelling, variations of, 6.

spēs, 98. a and ftn.

Spirants, 4.

Spondaic verse, 615. b.

Spondee, 609. b. 3.

spontis, -e, defect., 103. c. 2.

Stanza or Strophe, 614.

statuō, w. vbs. of placing, 430; w. inf. or subjv., 563. d.

Statutes, fut. imv. in, 449. 2.

ste for iste etc., 146. N. 5.

Stella, decl., 41.

Stem building, 25. N.

Stems, defined, 24; classified, 229; how formed from root, 26, 230232; how found in nouns, 37. a; ā-stems, decl. I, 40; adjs., 110; o-stems, decl. II, 45; adjs. 110; in decl. III, mute stems, 5660; liquid and nasal stems, 6164; i-stems, 6569; mixed i-stems, 7072; u-stems, decl. IV, 88, 89; in tu-, 94; of vb., 165. 1; present, perfect, and supine, 164. Pres, stem, how formed, 175, 176; perf. stem, 177; supine stem, 178. Tenses arranged by stems, synopsis, 180.

stō, w. abl., 431.

strigilis, decl., 76. b. 1.

strix, decl., 71. 6.

Structure of Latin sentences, 600, 601.

struēs, decl., 78. 2.

studeō, w. dat., 368. 3.

suādeō, w. dat., 367.

sub-, in comp., w. adjs., 267. d. 1, 291. c. N. 2; w. vbs., 267. a and d. N.

sub, use, 220. c, 221. 22; in comps., w. dat., 370; of time, 424. e.

subeō, w. acc., 370. b.

Subject, 268; defined, 270; how expressed, 271 and a; modified, 276; vb. agrees w., 316; two or more subjs., 317; subj. omitted, 318; accusative, 459; in ind. disc, 580; position of subject, 596.

Subject clauses (inf.), 452. 1; (subjv.), 566,, 567, 569, 571. b.

Subjective gen., defined, 343. N. 1; use, 343.

Subjunctive mood, 154. b; how used and translated, 157. b. ftn. 2; tenses how used, 162; vowel of pres, subjv., 179. a. 1, b.1, c. 1, d. Classification of uses, 438; hortatory subjv., 439, 440; optative subjv., 441, 442; deliberative, 443, 444; potential subjv., 445, 446; subjv. of modesty, 447.1; tenses of subjv., 480–485; dependent clauses, 481; subjv. in ind. disc, 580; in informal ind. disc, 592; of integral part, 593.

subolēs, decl., 78. 2.

Subordinate clauses, defined, 278. b; use; 519–593; in ind. disc, 579–593.

Subordinate conjs., 223. b, 224. II. af.

Substance, gen. of, 344; abl. of, 403.

Substantive clauses, 560–572; nature and classes of, 560 (cf. 561, 562); clauses of purpose, 563–566; of result, 567–571; indic w. quod, 572; indirect questions, 573–576; adj. w. subst. clauses, 289. d; inf. clauses, 452.

Substantive use of adjs., 288; of possessive prons., 302. d.

Substantive verb (esse), 272, 284. b.

subter, use, 220. c, 221. 23.

suētus, w. inf., 460. b.

Suffixes, 232; primary, list of, 233, 234; significant, 235255.

suī, decl., 144. b; use, 299, 300; w. gen. of gerund, 504. c.

sum, conj., 170; as copula, 284; as substantive verb, id. b; omitted, 319. b; w. dat. of possession, 373; position, 598. c, j.

summus, form, 130. a. ftn. 2; (top of), 293.

sunt quī, 535. a.

suovetaurīlia, 265. 1.

supellēx, decl., 79. c.

super, use, 220. c, 221. 24; in comps., 267. a; in comps., w, dat., 370.

supera, defect., 111. b (cf. 130. a. N. 2); comp., 130. b; superī, id.

superior, compar., 130. b.

Superlative, suffix, 124. ftn.; in -rimus, 125; of adjs. in -lis, 126; w. maximē, 128; takes gend. of partitive, 286. b. N.; of eminence, 291. b; w. quam, vel, or ūnus, id. c; denoting order, succession, 293; w. quisque, 313, b.

superstes, decl., 121. a. 4.

Supine, noun of decl. IV, 94. b, 159. b; stem, 164. 3; formation, 178, 179. a-d (cf. 164. ftn.); irregular forms of, conj. I, 209; conj. II, 210; allied with forms in -tor, 236. a. N. l; Supine in -um, use of, 509; in -ū, 510; as abl. of specification, 510. N. 1.

supplex, decl., 121. b. 1.

supplicō, w. dat., 368. 3.

suprā, use, 220. a, 221. 25.

-sūra, noun ending, 238. b.

Surds, 3.

-suriō, vbs. in, 263. 4.

-sus, phonetic form of -tus, 94; noun ending, 238. b.

sūs, decl., 79 and a.

suus, use, 299.

Swearing, vbs. of, constr., 388. d, 580. c.

Syllables, rules for division of, 7; open etc., id. N. 2; long and short, 603. e, f and notes.

Synæresis, 603. c. N., f. N. 4, 642.

Synalœpha, 612. e. N., 642.

Synchysis, 598. h, 641.

Syncope, 640.

Synecdoche, defined, 641.

Synecdochical acc., 397. b.

Synesis, 280. a; in gend. and number, 286, b; in sequence of tenses, 485. i.

Synizesis, 603. c. N., 642.

Synopsis of tenses (amō), 180; of impersonal vbs., 207.

Syntactic compounds, 267.

SYNTAX, 268–601; historical development of, 268. Important rules of Syntax, 594.

T changed to s, 15. 5, 178; t preceding stem-vowel of vb., 176. b. 1; t- (s-), supine stem-ending, 178, 179. a. 2, b. 2, c. 2, d.

taedet, impersonal, 208. b; constr., 354. b, c and N.

taeter, decl., 112. a.

Taking away, vbs., of, 381.

Talent, value of, 637.

tālis, 151. i, 152.

tālis ut etc., 537. N. 2.

tam, correl. w. quam, 323. g; correl. w. ut, 537. N. 2.

tamen, as correl., 527. c; position of, 324. j.

tametsī, concessive use, 527. c and N. 1.

tamquam, in conditional clauses, 524; w. primary tenses, id. N. l.

tandem, in questions, 333. a and N.

tantī, gen. of value, 417 and c; tantī est ut, 568.

tantō following quantō, 414. a.

tantum, w. subj. of proviso, 528.

tantum abest ut, 571. b.

tantus, 151. i, 152; tantus ut, 537. N. 2.

-tās, -tia, noun endings, 241.

Taste, vbs. of, w. acc., 390. a.

-te (enclitic), 143. d and N.

Teaching, vbs. of (two aces.), 396.

tegō, conj., 186.

Telling, vbs. of, constr., 459.

Temporal clauses, defined, 279. 6, 541–556; as protasis, 542; w. postquam etc., 543; w. cum, 544–549; w. antequam and priusquam, 550, 551; w. dum, dōnec, quoad, 552–556; replaced by abl. abs., 420.

Temporal numerals, 139. b; conjunctions, 224. II. d.

tempus est abīre, 504. N. 2.

Tendency, adjs. denoting, 251.

tener, decl., 111. a.

TENSES, 154. c; of passive voice, 156; of participles, 158; classification, meaning, and use, 160162; of the ind., 160, 161; of the subjv., 162; endings, 166; of completed action, formation of, 179. f, g; synopsis of, 180.

TENSES, Syntax, 464–486; classified, 464; of ind., 465–479; Present tense, 465459; Imperfect, 470, 471; Future, 472; of Completed action, 473–478; Epistolary tenses, 479; of subjv., 480, 481; sequence of, 482–485; tenses of the inf., 486; tense emphatic, 598. d. (3); tenses of inf. in ind. disc, 584; tenses of subjv. in ind. disc, 585; affected by repraesentātiō, id. b and N.; in condition in ind. disc, 589. Notes on origin of syntax, 436, 464.

tenue, constr., w. gen., 359. b; w. abl., 221. 26; position, 435, 599. d.

ter- (tor-, tēr-, tōr-, tr-), primary suffix, 234. II. 15.

-ter, adv. ending, 214. b, c.

Terence, absque mē etc., 517. f; prosodial forms, 628. b, 629.

teres, decl., 121. a. 3; compar., 131. b.

-terior, ending, p. 56. ftn. 2.

Terminations of inflection, meaning of, 21. b; terminations of nouns, 39; of verbs, 166. (See Endings.)

-ternus, as adj. ending, 250.

terrā marīque, 427. a.

terrester, decl., 115. a.

-terus, ending, p. 56. ftn. 2.

Tetrameter, Iambic, 619. a.

Than, how expressed, 406.

That of, not expressed in Lat., 297. f. N.

The, as correlative, 414. a and ftn.

Thematic verbs, 174. 1.

Thematic vowel %, 174. 2. 1.

Thesis and Arsis, 611.

Thinking, vbs. of, constr. w. acc. and inf., 459.

Third conj., of vbs., prin. parts, 173; pres. stem, how formed, 176; formation, id., 179. c; paradigm, 186; in -iō, paradigm, 188; list of vbs., w. principal parts, 211; derivation of vbs. in -uō, 261.

Third declension, of nouns, 5387; mute stems, 5660; liquid stems, 6164; i-stems, 6578; pure i-stems, 6669; mixed i-stems, 7078; peculiar forms, 79; loc, 80; Greek nouns, 8183; rules of gend., 8487.

Though, see Although.

Thought, considered as result, 571. c.

Threatening, vbs. of, 367, 580. c.

ti-, primary suffix, 234. II. 2.

-tia (-tiēs), noun ending, 241.

-ticus, adj. ending, 247.

tigris, decl., 82.

-tilis, adj. ending, 252.

-tim, ad vs. in, 75. a. 3, 215. 2.

Time (see Temporal Clauses), 465 ff., 481, 545, 546.

Time, abl. abs. to denote, 419,420.1; time when, 423; duration of time, 424. b; time during or within which, w, ordinal, id. c; distance of time, id. f; corresponding to Eng. place., id. d.

Time, advs. of, 217. b.

Time, mode of reckoning, 630.

timeō, w. dat. or acc., 367. c; w. subjv., 564.

-timus, adj. ending, 130. a. ftn. 2, 250.

-tiō, noun ending, 233. 2, 238. b.

-tiō (-siō), -tūra, -tūs (-tūtis), noun endings, 238. b.

-tium, noun ending, 241. b. N.

-tīvus, verbal adj. ending, 251.

to- (tā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 1.

-tō, -itō, intensive or iterative vbs. in, 263.2.

Too … to, 535. c. N.

-tor (-sor), -trīx, nouns of agency in, 236. a; used as adjs., 321. c.

-tōria, noun ending, 254. 4.

-tōrium, noun ending, 233. 2, 254. 5.

-tōrius, adj. ending, 233. 2; as noun ending, 250. a.

tot, indeclinable, 122. b; correl., 152.

totidem, indeclinable, 122. b.

tōtus, decl., 113; nouns w., in abl. without prep, (place where), 429.2.

Towns, names of, gend., 32 and a, 48. Exc.; names of towns in -e, decl., 76. N. 2; locative of, 427. 3; as place from which, id. 1; as place to which, id. 2.

tr-, stems in (pater etc.), 61. 4.

trāiciō, constr., 395. N. 1, 3; trāiectus lōra, id. N. 3.

trāns, 220. a; use, 221. 27; comps. of, w. acc., 388. b; w. two accs., 395.

Transitive verbs, 273.1,274; absolute use, 273. N. 2; how translated, 274. b; w. dat., 362.

Transposition of vowels, 177. a. N.

Trees, names of, gend., 32.

trēs, decl., 134. b.

tri-, stem-ending of nouns, 66; of adjs., 115. a.

Tribe, abl. of, 403. a. N. 3.

Tribrach, 609. a. 3.

tribūlis, decl., 76. a. 2.

tribus, gend., 90. Exc; decl., 92. c.

triaēns, decl., 76. b. 2.

Trimeter, Iambic, 618.

Triptotes, 103. d.

trirēmis, decl., 76. b. 2.

-tris, adj. ending, 250.

triumphō, w. abl., 404. a.

-trīx, see -tor.

tro-, primary suffix, 234. 16.

-trō, advs. in, 215. 4.

Trochaic verse, 613, 620.

Trochee, 609. a. 1; irrational, id. e, 623 and N.

-trum, noun ending, 240.

Trusting, vbs. of, constr., 367.

tu-, primary suffix, 234. II. 3.

-tū, -sū, supine endings, 159. b.

, decl., 143 (see tūte, tūtimet).

-tūdō, -tūs, noun endings, 241.

tulī (tetulī), 200; derivation, id. ftn. 2; quantity, 605. Exc.

-turn, -sum, supine endings, 159. b.

turn, tunc, meaning, 217. b; correl. w. cum, 323. g.

tum … tum, 323. f.

-tūra, -tūs, noun ending, 238. b.

-turiō, desiderative vbs. in, 263. 4.

-turnus, adj. ending, 250.

-turris, decl., 67 (cf. 75. b).

-tus, adj. ending, 246; noun ending, 94, 241.

-tus, adv. ending, 215. 6.

tussis, decl., 75. a. 2.

tūte, 143. d; tūtimet, id.

Two accusatives, 391.

Two datives, 382.1.

U (v), as consonant, 5; after g, q, s, id. N. 2; not to follow u or v, 6. a, b; u for e in conj. III, 179. c. 1.

u-, primary suffix, 234. 1. 3.

u-stems, of nouns, decl. III, 79 and a; decl. IV, 88; of vbs., 174, 176. d, 259. 3.

ūber, decl., 119.

ubi, derivation, 215. 5; in temporal clauses, 542, 543.

-ubus, in dat. and abl. plur., decl. IV, 92. c.

-uis (-uos), in gen., decl. IV, 92. e.

-ūlis, adj. ending, 248.

ūllus, decl., 113; use, 311, 312.

ulterior, compar., 130. a.

ultrā, 220. a; use, 221. 28; following noun, 435.

-ulus, diminutive ending, 243; verbal adj. ending, 251.

-um for -ārum, 43. d; for -ōrum, 49. d; -um in gen. plur. of personal prons., 295. b; -um for -ium, decl. III, 78; in gen. plur. of adjs., 121. b; for -uum, decl. IV, 92. b.

Undertaking, vbs. of, w. gerundive, 500.4. ūnt-, stem-ending, 83. e.

ūnus, decl., 113; meaning, 134. a; w. superl., 291. c.

ūnus quī, w. subjv., 535. b.

ūnus quisque, decl., 151. g; use, 313.

uo-, suffix, see vo-.

-uō, vbs. in, 261.

-uos, see -uis.

-ur, nouns in, 87.

urbs, decl., 72; use in relations of place., 428. b.

Urging, vbs. of, with ut, 563.

-uriō, desiderative vbs. in, 263. 4.

-urnus, adj. ending, 250.

-ūrus, fut. part, in, 158. b, 498; w, fuī, 498. b, 517. d; in ind. questions, 575. a; -ūrus fuisse, in ind. disc, 589. b. 3.

-us, nom. ending, in decl. II, 46; -us for-er in Greek nouns, decl. II, 52, b; -us, nom, ending in decl. III, 63. Exc 2; gend., 87; decl. IV, 88; gend., 90; neut. ending, 238. a.

-ūs, Greek nom. ending, 83. e.

Use, adjs. of, constr., 385. a.

ūsque, w. acc., 432. b.

ūsus (need), w. abl., 411.

ut (utī), correlative w. ita, sīc, 323. g; to denote concession, 440, 527. a; ut (as) w. ind. equiv. to concession, 527. f; w. optative subjv., 442. a; used elliptically in exclamations, 462. a; in clauses of purpose, 531; ut nē, id., 563. e. N. 2; ut non, 531. 1. N. 2; of result, 537; ut nōn etc., 538; ut temporal, 542, 543; vbs. foll, by clauses w. ut, 563, 568; omission after certain vbs., 565 and notes, 569.2. N. 2; w. vbs. of fearing, 564 and N.

ut, utpote, quippe, w. relative clause, 535. e. N. l; w. cum, 549. N. 1.

ut prīmum, 543.

ut semel, 543.

ut sī, constr., 524.

ūter, decl., 66.

uterque, form and decl., 151. g; use, 313; constr. in agreement and as partitive, 346. d.

#x016B;tilis, w. dat. of gerund etc., 505. a.

utinam, w. subiv. of wish, 442.

ūtor etc., w. abl., 410; w. acc., id. a. N. l; gerundive use of, 500. 3, 503. N. 2.

utpote quī, 535. e. N. 1.

utruman, 335 and d.

-ūtus, adj. ending, 246.

-uus, verbal adj. ending, 251.

V (u), 1. b, 5 and N. 1; suffix of perf., 177. a, 179. a. 2, b. 2, d; suppressed in perf., 181; list of vbs. in conj. III w. v in perf., 211. c; v often om. in perf. of eō and its comps., 203. b.

vafer, decl., 112. a; compar., 131. a.

valdē, use, 291. c. N. 1; valdē quam, 575. d.

Value, gen. of indefinite, 417.

Value, measures of, 632–638.

vannus, gend., 48. Exc.

vāpulō, neutral passive, 192. b.

Variable nouns, 104106 (cf. 98. c, d); adjs., 122. a.

Variations, see Phonetic Variations.

Variations of spelling, 6.

vas, decl., 103. g. 2.

vas, decl., 79. e, 105. b.

vātēs, decl., 78. 1.

-ve, vel, use, 324. e, 335. d. N.

vel (see -ve), w. superl., 291. c.

Velars, p. 2. ftn. 3.

velim, vellem, subjv. of modesty, 447. 1. N.

velim, vellem, w. subjv. (=opt.), 442. b, (=imv.), 449. c.

velut, velut sī, 524.

vēneō (vēnum eō), 192. b, 428. i.

vēnerat = aderat, 476.

Verba sentiendī et dēclārandī, 397. e; 459, 579; passive use of, 582; in poets and later writers, id. N.

Verbal adjs., 251253; in -āx, w. gen., 349. c.

Verbal nouns w. dat., 367. d.

Verbal nouns and adjs. w. reflexive, 301. d.

Verbal roots, 228. 1.

VERBS, defined, 20. d; inflection, 153, 154; noun and adj. forms of, 155; signification of forms, 156162; personal endings, 163; the three stems, 164; forms of the vb., 164166 (notes on origin and hist, of vb. forms, 164. ftn., 168, 169); table of endings, 166; influence of imitation, 169. ftn.; regular vbs., 171189; the four conjugations, 171173; prin. parts of, 172; mixed vbs., 173. a; deponents, 190, 191; semi-deponents, 192; periphrastic forms, 193196; irregular vbs., 197204; defective, 205, 206; impersonal, 207, 208. Classified lists of vbs., 209212. Derivation of vbs., 256263; comp. vbs., 267; vowels in comp. vbs., id. a. N. 2. Index of vbs., pp. 437 ff.

VERBS, Syntax. Subject implied in ending, 271. a; rules of agreement, 316-319; vb. omitted, 319; rules of syntax, 437–593. Cases w. vbs., see under Accusative etc. Position of vb., 596, 598. d, j. (See under the names of the Moods etc.)

vereor, w. gen., 357. b. 1; w. subjv., 564.

veritus, as pres, part., 491.

vērō, 324. d, j; in answers, 336. a. 1; position of, 599. b.

Verse, 612.

Versification, 612–629; forms of verse, 613.

versus, position of, 599. d.

vertō, constr., 417. b.

verū, gend., 91.

vērum or vērō, use, 324. d, j.

vescor, w. abl., 410; w. acc., id. a. N. 1; gerundive, 500. 3, 503. N. 2.

vesper, decl., 50. b.

vesperī (loc.), 50. b, 427. a.

vester, decl., 112. a, 145.

vestrī as obj. gen., 143. c, 295. b.

vestrum as part, gen., 143. b, 295. b (cf. N. 2).

vetō, w. acc. and inf., 563. a.

vētus, decl., 119,121. d; compar., 125.

viā, abl. of manner, 412. b.

vicem, adverbial use of, 397. a.

vīcīnus, w. gen., 385. c.

vicis, decl., 103. h. 1.

vidēlicet, derivation, 216.

videō ut, 563.

videor, w. dat., 375. b.

vin’ (vīsne), 13. N.

vir, decl., 47, 50. b.

virgō, decl., 62.

virus, gender of, 48. a.

vis, stem, 71. 6; decl., 79.

viscera, 101. N. 1.

vīsō, 263. 4. N.

vo- (vā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 8.

vōcālis, decl., 76. b. 2.

VOCATIVE, defined, 35. f; form, 38. a; in -ī of nouns in -ius, decl. II, 49. c; of Greek nouns, id. c. N.; of adjs. in -ius, 110. a. Syntax, 340.

Voices, 154. a, 156; middle voice, id. a. N., 163. ftn. 2,190. e.

volō and comps., conj., 199; part, of, w. dat. of the person judging, 378. N.; w. inf., 456 and N.; w. perf. act. inf. In prohibitions, 486. c; w. perf. part., 486. d and N., 497. c. N.; w. subjv. or inf., 563. b.

volucer, decl., 115. a.

volucris, decl., 78.

-volus, adj. in, comp., 127.

vos, 143 and a.

voster etc., see vester.

vōtī damnātus, 352. a.

Vowel changes, 15.13; vowel variations, 17.

Vowel roots of verbs, 179. a-c.

Vowel stems of verbs, 259262.

Vowel suffixes (primary), 234. I.

Vowels, 1; pronunciation, 8; long and short, 10; contraction, 15. 3; quantity of final vowels in case-endings, 38. g; vowel modified in noun stems, decl. III, 56. a; lengthened in root, 177. d, 231. b; list of vbs. w. vowel lengthening in perf., conj. III, 211. e.

vulgus (volgus), gend., 48. a.

-vus, verbal adj. ending, 251.

W, not in Latin alphabet, 1; sound of, 1. b. N.

Want, words of, w. abl., 401; w. gen., 356.

Way by which (abl.), 429. a.

Weight, measures of, 637.

Whole, gen. of, 346; numbers expressing the whole, id. e.

Wills, fut. imv. in, 449. 2.

Winds, gender of names of, 31.

Wish, expressed by subjv., 441; as a condition, 521. b; wish in informal ind. disc, 592. 1.

Wishing, vbs. of, w. inf., 486. d (cf. 457); w. subst. clause of purpose, 563. b; w. acc. and inf., id.

Without, w. verbal noun, 496. N. 3.

Women, names of, 108. b and ftn.

Words and Forms, 1267.

Words, formation of, 227267; arrangement of, 595–601.

Would (Eng. auxiliary), how expressed in Lat., 157. b.

X, nom. ending, 56; gend., 86; x from s, in vbs., 211. a.

Y, of Greek origin, 1. N. 1.

Year, 630; months of, 630, 631; date, 424. g.

-y%-, suffix, 174.

Yes, in Latin, 336.

yo- (yā-), primary suffix, 234. II. 11.

-ys, nom. ending, 82; quantity, 604. i.

Z, of Greek origin, 1. a. N.