
      Other books by the Same Author



      Dramatis Personae in Brief

      Glossary and Acronyms

      Officer Ranks


  1  First Contact, October 1943

  2  Elyesa Bazna

  3  Berlin Decides

  4  Second Meeting

  5  They Called Him Cicero

  6  Who is Cicero?

  7  Around Ankara

  8  Andreas to Bernhard

  9  December 1943

10  Churchill’s Folly

11  The Turkish Labyrinth

12  A Transfer of Affections

13  To Catch a Spy

14  Defections

15  Cicero’s Later Period

16  Another Spy

17  Two Spies Bow Out

18  The Fallout

19  The Longest Day

20  War’s End

21  Trial and Revelation

22  Stellar Spy

23  Cicero in Fiction

      Dramatis Personae




