This is an index to all the pictures used in the fourteen e-book volumes of Zondervan Illustrated Bible Background Commentary—Old Testament. This index lists the approximate location of each picture by Bible book and chapter. Each entry should be easy to locate within a page or two of where the comments on each Bible chapter begin.
Altars and High Places
Arad Altar, Josh. 8; 2 Kings 5; 2 Chron. 3
Beersheba Altar, Ex. 29; Jer. 17; Amos 3
Bethsaida High Place, Isa. 15; Amos 7
Boat Shrine, Ps. 132
Cultic Site in Golan, Josh. 4
Dan High Place, Deut. 12; Josh. 22; Ps. 78; Amos 8
Hazor Altar, Judg. 6w
Hazor High Place, Ezek. 6
Hittite Altar, Ex. 32
Horn of Altar, Judg. 2
Incense Altar (model), Ex. 30
Megiddo Altar, 1 Kings 1
Megiddo Circular Stone Altar, Deut. 27; Hos. 12
Megiddo Incense Altar, Lev. 4; Judg. 2
Mt. Ebal Altar, Deut. 11; Josh. 8; 1 Kings 3
Shrine of Tutankhamun, 2 Chron. 3
Taanach Cult Stand, 1 Chron. 13; Ezek. 8; Hos. 1
Taanach Incense Altar, 1 Kings 11
Votive Altar (Astarte), 1 Kings 11
Ketef Hinnom, 1 Chron. 16; Neh. 13
Lamashtu, Job 2; Ezek. 14
Phylacteries (modern), Deut. 6; Prov. 3
Ancient Maps
Babylonian Map of the World, Ps. 24; Ezek. 38; Zeph. 2
Egyptian Map, Job 28
Madaba Map, Gen. 13; 14; Josh. 4
Map of Canals, Prov. 21
Map of the City of Umma, Ezek. 4
Animals, Gen. Introduction; Num. 18; Deut. 4; 5; 1 Kings 20; Isa. 56; Job 1; Ps. 82; Ps. 147
Baboon, Prov. Introduction; Eccl. 3
Bird Hunting, Num. 11; Ezek. 13
Boar, Ps. 80
Bull, Ex. 21; 29; 32; Lev. 1; Num. 25; 33; 1 Sam. 1; 2; 1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 10; Job 36; 39; Ps. 106; Zech. 9
Bull Slaughtering, Ps. 51
Calf, Ex. 23; Judg. 17; 1 Kings 12; 2 Chron. 11; Hos. 1; 8
Camel, Gen. 24; Judg. 5; 1 Sam. 30; 1 Chron. 1; 2 Chron. 21; Isa. 21; 60
Cattle, Ex. 22
Cattle Sacrifice, Ps. 50
Cow, Deut. 22; Isa. 55; Amos 4
Cows Following Calf, 1 Sam. 6
Crocodile, Job 40; Ps. 58; Ezek. 29
Deer, Ps. 42
Dog, Lev. 17; Deut. 23; Ps. 140
Donkey, Gen. 12; Num. 22; 1 Sam. 9; Zech. 9
Duck, Job 31
Eagle, Deut. 32; 2 Kings 2; Job 30
Falcon, Deut. 32
Fish, Jonah 1
Fishing, Isa. 19
Flocks, Num. 31; 1 Sam. 25
Goats, Gen. 32
Hippopotamus, Job 40; Ezek. 29
Horse, 2 Kings 23; Est. 1; 6; Ps. 80; Isa. 1; 22; Mic. 1; Zech. 14
Hunting, Gen. 10; 1 Sam. 17; 2 Sam. 23; 1 Chron. 11; Job 18; 29; Ps. 22; 45; Jer. 22; 27; Nah. 2
Ibex, 1 Sam. 24
Jackal, Judg. 15; Job 30; Jer. 8
Lamb, Ex. 12; 2 Sam. 12
Leopard, Jer. 13
Lion, Gen. 6; Judg. 2; 14; 1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 17; Ezra 7; Ps. 15; Isa. 11; Jer. 2; Ezek. 22; Dan. 6; Amos 3; Zeph. 3
Lion Attack, 1 Kings 13; Isa. 31; Jer. 16; Ezek. 19
Lion Attacking Bull, Isa. 5
Lion Hunting, Gen. 10; 1 Sam. 17; 2 Sam. 23; 1 Chron. 11; Ps. 45; Jer. 22; 27; Nah. 2
Lion Scepter, Gen. 49
Lions after Hunt, 2 Kings 21
Locusts, Ex. 10; Isa. 33; Joel 1
Lord of Animals, Gen. 2
Mollusk, Ex. 25
Monkeys, Jer. 24
Murex Snail, Isa. 1; Ezek. 26
Ostrich, Job 39; Mic. 1
Ostrich Eggs, Lam. 4
Ox Butchering, Gen. 9
Oxen, 2 Kings 6
Pig Remains, Deut. 14; Neh. 10; Isa. 66
Quail, Ex. 16
Ram, Gen. 22; 30; 2 Chron. 32
Sheep, Gen. 12; 30; 1 Sam. 16; Isa. 32; Amos 1; Mic. 2
Snail, Gen. 49
Snake, Serpent, Gen. 3; Ex. 4; Num. 21; 2 Kings 18; Ps. 58; 140; Eccl. 10; Isa. 22; 30; 37; Jer. 7; Jon. 2
Vulture, Ex. 19; Job 15; Ezek. 17; Mic. 1
Anointing of Pharaoh, 1 Sam. 2; 10; 1 Kings 1; 1 Chron. 11; Isa. 45
Anointing Vessel, Lev. 8; 1 Sam. 10; 16
Ashurbanipal Banquet, Est. 5; Ps. 23
Banquet, 1 Sam. 25; Isa. 5; Obad.; Job 21; Ps. 110
Beer Drinking, Prov. 20
Standard of Ur, Gen. Introduction; 1 Kings 10; 2 Chron. 1; Job 1
Boundary Stones
Astral Symbols, Deut. 4
Babylonian Land Grant (Nabu-apla-iddina), Gen. 13; Josh. Introduction; 1 Sam 22
Chaos Creature, Gen. 1; Ps. 75
Eanna-shum-iddina, Prov. 23
Gezer, Ruth 2
Marduk, Isa. 46
Marduk Temple, Deut. 19
Marduk-zakir-shumi, 2 Chron. 24
Melishihu, Dan. 8
Meli-shipak, Num. 28; Ps. 84; Isa. 13
Merodach-baladan, 2 Kings 20; Isa. 39
Michaux Stone, Job 24
Nabu-apla-iddina, 1 Sam. 22
Nature Gods, Isa. 43
Senusret III’s Boundary Marker, Isa. 19
Setting Up Boundary Stone, Hos. 5
Shamash, Judg. 13
Sippar, 2 Kings 9
Unfinished Kudurru, Job 9; Ps. 104; Jonah 2
Bowing/Lifted Hands
Ashkelon relief (Merneptah), Lev. 9; Judg. Introduction; 2 Sam. 1; 2 Kings 3
Bowing backwards, Lev. 9
Bowing before Ruler, 1 Sam. 16; Est. 3
Bowing Captives, Deut. 20
Bowing in Lachish, 2 Sam. 10; Neh. 8; Ps. 95; Isa. 66
Bowing Servant, Isa. 60
Elamite Captive Bowing, Ps. 2
Hands Raised, Isa. 1; Job 11
Hazor Stone, 1 Kings 8
Kneeling Man, Jer. 7
Kneeling Pharaoh, 2 Chron. 6
Lady Taperet, Ps. 28
Praying Priest, 1 Kings 8; Ps. 44
Shalmaneser III’s Black Obelisk, 1 Sam. 24
Worshiper Seal, Amos 5
Abraham’s Tomb, Gen. 25
Absalom’s Tomb, 2 Sam. 18
Achaemenid Tombs, Ezra 4
Ahiram’s Sarcophagus, Gen. 37; 2 Kings 19; Jer. 4
Aspathines’ Tomb, 1 Chron. 18
Burial Cairn, Josh. 7
Cyrus’ Tomb, Neh. 2; Dan. 6
David’s Tomb, Neh. 3
Embalming, Gen. 50
Eshmunazor II Sarcophagus, 1 Sam. 5
Funerary Stela, Josh. 6
Giza Pyramids, Ex. Introduction
Infant, Gen. 22
Ketef Hinnom, Lev. 21; Ruth 1
Kidron Valley Tombs, 1 Kings 2
Rachel’s Tomb, Gen. 35
Roman Sarcophagus, Jonah 4
Sennedjem’s Tomb, Isa. 19
Shaft Tomb, Gen. 23
St. Etienne’s Tombs, 2 Sam. 2; 2 Kings 13
Terracotta Soul House, Job 4
Tomb of the Kings, Judg. 16
Tophet at Carthage, Deut. 12
Tumulus, 2 Chron. 16; Jer. 34
Xerxes’ Tomb, Est. Introduction
Chaos Creature
Apophis, Gen. 3
Boundary Marker, Gen. 1; Ps. 75
Illuyankas, Job 7
Narmer Palette, Num. 23
Slaying of Chaos Creature, Job 7
Two Dogs, Lev. 17
Unfinished Kudurru, Job 9; Jonah 2
City Gate
Balawat Gates, Judg. 16; Isa. 45
Beersheba Gate, Judg. 19
Bench, Arad, Ruth 4; Prov. 8
Bench, Beersheba, Gen. 19; 1 Chron. 11
Bench, Dan, Josh. 20
Bethsaida, Deut. 17; 1 Kings 14
Dan Gate, Num. 22; Josh. 20; Judg. 8; 18; Ruth 1; 2 Sam 18; 19; 1 Kings 20; 1 Chron. 26; Jer. 1; Amos 5
Gate Socket, Judg. 16
Gezer Gate, 1 Kings 9
Hazor Gate, 1 Kings 9
Ishtar Gate Drawing, Dan. 4
Ishtar Gate Model, Jer. 50
Megiddo Gate, 2 Sam. 3; 1 Kings 9
Megiddo Gate Drawing, 2 Sam. 18
Megiddo Gate Model, 2 Chron. 35
Nineveh Gate, Jonah 3
Shechem Gate, Josh. 20
Ugarit Gate, Nah. 3
Antiochus Epiphanes Coin, Dan. 8; 11
Coins, Ex. 30
Daric, Ezra 2
Persian Daric, 1 Chron. 29
Tetradrachma of Lysimachus, Dan. 8
Composite Creatures
Anzu, Deut. 31; Ps. 139; Ezek. 3; Dan. 7
Calah Bull, 2 Kings 8
Cherub, Ex. 25; 1 Kings 6; 7; Ezek. 10; 41
Cherub Throne, 1 Sam. 4; 1 Kings 10; 2 Kings 19; Ps. 99; Isa. 6; 20
Composite Creatures (drawing), Ezek. 1
Composite Creatures Pectoral, Ezek. 1
Eagle Headed Spirit, Ezek. 17
Fish Men, Job 15; Ps. 38
Genie, Gen. 3; 1 Sam. 2; Ezek. 28; Zech. 5
Goat-Fish, Ps. 106
Lamashtu, Ezek. 14
Lion/Hippopotamus/Crocodile Monster, Ezek. 32
Seraph; Winged Serpents, Isa. 6
Seven Headed Beast, Ps. 74; Isa. 11; Amos 9
Snake Dragon, Ps. 104
Sphinx, Gen. 3; Ex. 6; 17; 1 Kings 11; 2 Chron. 3; Ps. 36; Eccl. 1; Isa. 37; Jer. 36; Amos 3
Taanach Cult Stand, 1 Chron. 13; Ezek. 8; Hos. 1
Winged Bull, Num. 3; Isa. 37
Winged Caprid, Dan. 8
Winged Lion, Ps. 18; Dan. 7
Adad, Num. 25
Ahriman, Zech. Introduction
Ahuramazda, Ezr. Introduction; Isa. 45; Ezek. 10; Zech. Introduction; Mal. 4
Amun, Gen. 1; 2 Chron. 32; Isa. 57; Jer. 13; Ezek. 39
Amun-Re, Genesis Introduction; Ex. 10; Job 6; Jer. 46
Anubis, Prov. 16; Hag. 2
Apis, Ex. 9
Apophis, Genesis Introduction; Ex. 7
Asherah, Judg. 2; 1 Sam. 1; Lam. 1; Hos. 4
Ashur, Judg. 4; Job 38; Ps. 7; 18
Astraea, Dan. 2
Aten, Deut. 6; 2 Chron. 9; Ps. 86; Isa. 35
Atum, Gen. 1
Baal, Judg. 2; 6; 1 Sam. 1; 7; 1 Kings 16; 2 Kings 1; Prov. 15; Isa. 43; Jer. 2; Dan. 2; Hos. 2
Chemosh, Judg. 11; Jer. 48
Dagon, 1 Sam. 5
Divine Council, Job 1
Ea, Joel 3; Ps. 139
Egyptian Cosmology, Gen. Introduction; Gen. 1
El, Gen. 14; Judg. 8; 1 Kings Introduction; 1 Chron. 20; Ps. 96; Jer. 2; Dan. 7
Enki, Gen. 2; Ex. 34; Job 26; Ezek. 28; 47
Ennead, Ex. 10
Etana, 2 Kings 2
Four-Faced God, Ezek. 1
Geb, Genesis Introduction; Job 22; Isa. 42
Gula, Deut. 23
Hadad, 1 Kings 12; Job 36
Hapy, Ex. 8
Hathor, Ex. 9; Est. 3; Song 4; Isa. 57
Heket, Ex. 8
Hemen, Isa. 30
Horus, 2 Sam. 14; Job 3; Ps. 36; 58; 104; 110; Isa. 49
Inanna, Jonah 3
Ishtar, Est. 2; Prov. 9; Isa. 6; Jer. 7; 44; Ezek. 16; Joel 3
Ishtar of Arbela, Isa. 11
Isis, Ruth 2; Job 3; Isa. 49; 57
Khnum, Gen. 2; Job 10; Isa. 43
Lama, Gen. 12
Lamashtu, Ex. 22; Ps. 113
Maʿat, Genesis Introduction; Deut. 1; 5; Ps. 89; Prov. 3; Isa. 40
Marduk, Gen. 1; Isa. 46
Meretsteger, Ps. 140
Min, Isa. 65
Mut, Hab. 2
Nabu, 1 Chron. 17
Nanaya, Num. 28; Ps. 84
Nanna, Ezek. 40
Nekhbet, Lam. 4
Nergal, Gen. 49; Ex. 12; Ezek. 11
Ninurta, Isa. 42
Nut, Genesis Introduction; Job 22; Ps. 8; 72; Isa. 24; 42; Ezek. 31
Osiris, Genesis Introduction; Ruth 2; Isa. 1; 24; Ps. 72
Pazazu, Deut. 32; Ps. 91
Ptah, Ezek. 30
Qadesh, Deut. 7; 2 Kings 18
Qaws, Deut. 6; Obad.
Qedesh, Job 6
Ra, Ex. 7; Ps. 28
Re-Horakhty, Deut. 1; Job 11; Isa. 1
Resheph, Deut. 6; Job 6
Sebek-Re, Ex. 20
Sekhmet, Isa. 53
Seshat, Zech. 2
Seth, Genesis Introduction; 2 Sam. 14
Shamash, Gen. 1; Ex. 18; Lev. 19; Judg. 13; 1 Sam. 8; Job 31; Ps. 29; 72; Isa. 1; 8; 66; Joel 1; 3; Mal. 4
Sharruma, 2 Chron. 1; Ps. 84; Isa. 41
Shu, Genesis Introduction; Job 22; Ps. 8
Sin, Num. 28; Job 31
Snake Goddess, Eccl. 10
Storm God, Ex. 9; 25; Judg. 4; 1 Sam. 2; Isa. 29
Tanit, Judg. 11
Thoth, Genesis Introduction; Deut. 1; Prov. Introduction; 16; Eccl. 3
Tiamat, Gen. 1
Utu, Job 26
Wadjet, Ex. 7
Warrior God (Assyrian), Ex. 25
Zeus, Dan. 11
Divination Letter, 1 Kings 14
Diviner Drawing, Dan. 2
Dream Book (Egypt), Gen. 40
Dream omen tablet (Sippar), Dan. 1
Extispicy tablet, 2 Kings 16
Izbu Omens, Dan. 7
Liver Model, Lev. 19; Judg. 1; 2 Kings 16; 1 Chron. 14; Isa. 2; Ezek. 21
Lunar Eclipse Tablet, Jer. 10
Reading Entrails, 1 Chron. 14; Jer. 31
Omens from Sheep’s Stomach, Dan. 1
Sheep Intestines, Judg. 6
Ahuramazda Drawing, Mal. 4
Chariot of Fire, 2 Kings 2
Cosmos, Job 9; Ps. 104; Isa. 40
Dagon Defeated, 1 Sam. 5
Diviner, Lev. 19; Dan. 2
Egyptian Cosmology, Gen. 1
Egyptian Gods, Gen. Introduction
Ezekiel’s Vision, Ezek. 1
House, Deut. 6
Ishtar Gate Drawing, Dan. 4
Jerusalem, 1 Kings 7
Khorsabad, Eccl. 2
Lachish Siege, Ezek. 26
Lampstand, Zech. 4
Leviathan, Job 41
Maltaya Divine Council, Job 1
Megiddo Gate, 2 Sam. 18
Priest’s Clothes, Ex. 29
Siege of Jerusalem, Jer. 21
Solomon’s Temple, Jer. 27
Temple of Dagan, Judg. 16
Ziggurat, Gen. 11
“Stables” Hazor, Deut. 17
“Stables” Megiddo, 1 Kings 4; 2 Chron. 1; Mic. 5
Gibeah Palace, 1 Sam. 10
Samaria Palace (Omri/Ahab), 1 Kings 20; 2 Chron. 18; Mic. 1
Zimri-Lim’s Palace, 2 Kings 3
Excavations, Jerusalem
Gihon Towers, 1 Kings 1
House of Ahiel, Neh. 11
House of Bullae, 2 Chron. 36
Rock Quarry, Isa. 51
Stepped Stone/Millo, 1 Kings 7; 1 Chron. 11; Neh. 2; Mic. 4
David’s Palace, 2 Sam. 11; 1 Chron. 14
Broad Wall, 2 Kings 18; Neh. 3; Lam. 2; Zeph. 1
Wall of Nehemiah, Neh. 6
Flowing Water
Ashurbanipal’s Garden, Gen. 2; Zech. 14
Ea Seal, Joel 3
Enki, Gen. 1; Gen. 2; Job 26; Ezek. 28; 47
Gudea, Ps. 87
Inanna Temple, Gen. 2; Ezek. 47
Mari Fresco, Gen. 2; Ezek. 47
Mari Goddess, Ezek. 47
Nabu temple guardian, 1 Chron. 9
Shamash Plaque, Gen. 1
Stone water basin from temple of Assur, Gen. 4; Job 15
Water by Shrine, Ps. 46
Food and Food Production
Bakery, Lev. 2; Judg. 16; Hos. 7
Beer Jug, Judg. 14
Beer Making, Num. 6
Bread, Gen. 18; 1 Sam. 21; 2 Chron. 2
Bread Making, Gen. 40; Isa. 47
Churn, Job 10; Isa. 7
Cooking Meat, Mic. 3
Fig Gathering, Jer. 24
Fruit Bearing, Num. 13
Gleaning, Ruth 2
Grain, Ex. 21; Jer. 31
Grain Harvesting, Ruth 2; Isa. 17
Grain Mill, Ex. 11
Grain Offering, Lev. 2
Grain Piles, Ruth 3
Grain Threshing, 1 Sam. 23; Mic. 4
Grain Treading, Deut. 25
Grapes, Jer. 31
Iron Plow, Joel 3
Millstone, Deut. 24; Judg. 9; 2 Sam. 11
Oil Press, Josh. 24; Job 24; Hos. 2; 12
Olives, Jer. 31
Oven, Gen. 15
Pomegranates, 2 Chron. 3
Produce, Num. 11; Hos. 2
Threshing Floor, Ruth 3; 2 Sam. 24; 2 Chron. 3
Threshing Sledge, Ruth 3; 2 Sam. 24; Amos 1
Wheat, Judg. 15
Winnowing Grain, Ruth 2; Isa. 41; Jer. 15
Horned Alexander, Dan. 8
Horned Gods and Helmets, Ex. 34; Deut. 5; 20; 1 Sam. 2; Ps. 18; Isa. 14; Dan. 7; Obad.; Zech. 1
Four Room House, Deut. 6; Josh. Introduction; Josh. 7; Judg. 11; 19
Idols and Figurines
Baal, Judg. 2; 6; 1 Sam. 1; Ps. 135; Prov. 15; Jer. 2; Dan. 2
Canaanite Deity, Josh. 23; Isa. 44
Cult Figurine, Job 10
El, Gen. 14; Judg. 8; 1 Kings Introduction; Ps. 96
Fertility Figure, Gen. 11; Judg. 13; 1 Sam. 1
Idol Making, Ex. 20; Isa. 40; Jer. 10
Lama, Gen. 12
Molds for Goddess Images, Judg. 17; Jer. 44
Pillar Figurine, 1 Kings 16; Hos. 4
Qatna Idol, Isa. 2
Sebek-Re, Ex. 20
Sumerian Votive Statues, Lev. 27
Syrian God, Amos 2
Teraphim, Gen. 31
Anointing Horn, 1 Sam. 16
Asherah, Judg. 2; Lam. 1
Cain and Abel, Gen. 4
Calf, Ex. 23
Cherubim, 1 Kings 7
Hazael, 1 Kings 19
Ishtar (“Mona Lisa”), Jer. 44
Lion Attack, 1 Kings 13
Lion Box, Amos 3
Megiddo Ivory, 1 Sam. 4; 1 Kings 10; Isa. 20; Ps. 99
Pomegranate, 1 Kings 7
Samaria Ivory, Ezek. 10
Sphinx, Amos 3
Warrior, Ps. 45
Woman, 1 Kings 22
Woman at the Window, Judg. 5; 1 Kings 6; 2 Kings 9
Ankle Bracelets, Isa. 3
Armband, Neh. 5
Bracelet, Gen. 24
Earring, Judg. 8
Finery, Isa. 3
Hathor Ring, Est. 3
Jewelry, Mic. 6
Necklace of Flies, Gen. 9
Ring, Jer. 22; Dan. 6; Hag. 2
Rings of Silver, Gen. 33
Silver, Isa. 1
Kings and Queens
Adad-nirari III, Jonah 3
Ahkenaten, Ex. 20; Num. 30; 2 Sam. 7; Song 1; Isa. 35
Alexander the Great, Dan. 8; 11
Amenhotep I, Ex. Introduction; Ps. 23
Antiochus Epiphanes IV, Dan. 8; 11
Ashurbanipal, 1 Sam. 8; 30; 2 Kings 21; Est. 5; Ps. 23; Isa. 28; 52; Zech. 3
Ashur-bel-kala, Gen. 9
Ashurnasirpal II, Judg. 4; 1 Sam. 9; 2 Chron. 33; Ps. 7; 45; Isa. 1; Ezek. 23
Bar-Rakib, 2 Kings 14
Bel-harran-bel-usur, 2 Sam. 5
Chephren, Deut. 32
Darius, Hag. 1; Zech. 1
Esarhaddon, 2 Kings 19; 2 Chron. 15; Isa. 37; Ezek. 11
Eshmunazor II, 1 Sam. 5
Etana, Deut. 32; Job 30
Gudea, Gen. 2; 1 Chron. 28; Ps. 87; 132; Zech. introduction
Hadadezer, 1 Kings 11
Hammurabi, Gen. Introduction; 10; 1 Sam. 8; Job 31; Ps. 19; 72; Isa. 1; 10
Hatshepsut, 1 Kings 2; Ps. 144; Jer. 13; Zech. 2
Hazael, 1 Kings 19
Horemheb, Deut. 1; Ps. 110
Idrimi, 1 Sam. 22
Jehu, 2 Kings 9
Khumban-khaltash III, 2 Chron. 33
Marduk-zakir-shumi, 2 Chron. 24
Meli-shipak II, Num. 28; Ps. 84; Isa. 13
Merneptah, Ex. 12
Merodach Baladan, 2 Kings 20; Isa. 39
Nabu-apla-iddina, Gen. 13
Napirasu, Est. 5
Naram Sin, Gen. 37; Deut. 20; Isa. 14
Necho, Jer. Introduction
Ombo, 1 Sam. 2
Osorkon, Deut. 17; Isa. 36
Ptolemy I, Dan. 11
Ptolemy VI, Dan. 11
Ramesses II, Ex. 1; 6; 9; 37; Josh. Introduction; Ps. 2; 82; Isa. 42; Ezek. 34; Hos. 1
Sargon II, 1 Sam. Introduction; 1 Kings Introduction; Isa. 6; 20; Joel 1
Sennacherib, 2 Kings 17; Ps. 51; Isa. 36; 47; Lam. 5; Jonah 3
Senusret III, Gen. 41
Sesostris, Num. 17
Seti I, Ex. 5; 13; Ps. 104
Shabako, Isa. 19
Shalmaneser III, 2 Kings 8; 9; 2 Chron. 21; Isa. 6
Shamshi-Adad V, Jonah Introduction
Taharqa, 2 Kings 19; 2 Chron. 32; Isa. 30; 37
Teumman, 2 Kings 8
Thutmose III, Ex. Introduction; Josh. 10
Tiglath-pileser III, 2 Kings 15; 1 Chron. 5; 2 Chron. 28; Isa. 1; 7; Jer. 23; Hos. Introduction; Jonah Introduction
Tudhaliya IV, 2 Chron. 1; Ps. 84; Isa. 41
Tukulti-Ninurta I, Isa. 46
Tutankhamun, 2 Chron. 9; Song Introduction
Ur-Nammu, Ezek. 40
Ur-Nanshe, Ex. 40; Hag. 1
Xerxes, Est. 4
Yerah Azar, 2 Chron. 27; Jer. 49
Zimri-Lim, Gen. 2; Ezek. 47
Lamp, Job 18; Ps. 119; Jer. 25; Zech. 4
Lampstand, Zech. 4
Menorah, Ex. 25; Num. 8
Eshunna Laws, Ex. 22; 2 Sam. 2
Hammurabi’s Code, Deut. 5; 2 Kings 4; 8; Ps. 19; 72; Prov. 28; Isa. 1; Ezek. 34
Hittite Laws, Gen. 38
Lipit-Ishtar Law Code, Deut. 10; 2 Chron. 10
Middle Assyrian Laws, Ex. 22; Ruth 1; Hos. 2
Ur-Nammu Laws, Ex. 20; Lev. Introduction; Prov. 5
Uru-inimgina/ Urukagina Reforms, Lev. 19; Ezek. 22
Abram’s Travels, Area of, Gen. 11
Ancient Mesopotamia, Gen. 10
Ancient Near East in the Iron Age, 1 Sam. Introduction
Ancient Near East in the Seventh Century, Zeph. Introduction
Ancient Trade Routes, 2 Chron. 9
Aram Naharaim, Gen. 24
Aramean Invasion, 1 Kings 15
Ararat, Location of, Gen. 8
Ark’s Travels, Area of, 1 Chron. 13
Army Routes from Genesis 14, Gen. 14
Arnon to Jabbok Region, Judg. 11
Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires, Jer. Introduction
Assyrian Control in the Ninth and Eighth Centuries BC, Jonah Introduction
Assyrian Invasion, Itinerary for, Isa. 10
Benjamin and Dan, Regions, Josh. 18
Benjamin’s Modest Size, 1 Sam. 9
Bethlehem, Judah and Ancient Routes, 1 Sam. 16
Calneh, Hamath and Gath, Amos 6
Canaan, Gen. 12; Deut. 1
Canaan in the Iron Age, Judg. 3
Canaan, Late Bronze Age, Ex. 6
Canaan, Territorial Boundaries of the Land, Num. 34
Central Campaign, Region, Josh. 8
Cities of Refuge, Josh. 20
Cities of the Plain, Gen. 13
Cities of Zechariah 9, Zech. 9
Cities Subject to Assyria, Isa. 10
Coalition against David, 2 Sam. 10
Cushites, Philistines and Arameans, Amos 9
Dab’a, Tell ed-, Region, Gen. 45
Danite Scouts, Judg. 18
David and Absalom, Movements of, 2 Sam. 15
David and the Ammonites, 1 Chron. 19
David, Ishbosheth and the Philistines, 2 Sam. 2
David’s “Mini-Empire”, 2 Sam. 8
David’s Exile, Region, 1 Sam. 22
David’s Flight, 1 Sam. 23
David’s Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5
David’s Pursuit of the Philistines, 2 Sam. 5
David’s Raids, 1 Sam. 27
David’s Revenge on the Amalekites, 1 Sam. 30
Divided Kingdom, 2 Chron. 10
Division of the Kingdom, 1 Kings 12
Dothan Region, Gen. 37
Edom, Obad. Introduction
Edom, Seir and Arabia, Isa. 21
Egypt around 600 BC, Ezek. 29
Egypt in the Late Bronze Age, Ex. 1
Elijah and Elisha, 2 Kings 2
Elisha’s Area of Activity, 2 Kings 4
Empires at the End of the Seventh Century, Lam. Introduction
Ephraim and Manasseh, Territories, Josh. 16
Exodus, Possible Routes, Ex. 12
Four “Successor Kingdoms”, Dan. 8
Four Corners of the World, Isa. 11
Geography of the Ancient Near East, Gen. Introduction
Geshur, 2 Sam. 13
Gibeah, Bezek and Jabesh Gilead, 1 Sam. 11
Gibeon, Region, Josh. 9
Gideon’s Battles, Judg. 6
Gilead, Judg. 10
Hatti Land, Judg. 1
Hazael’s Campaign, 2 Kings 12
International Boundaries in the Sixth Century, Jer. 51
Iron Age Hill Country Sites, Josh. Introduction
Israel and Moab, Ruth 1
Israel in the Eighth Century BC, 2 Kings 16
Israel under David and Solomon, 1 Kings Introduction
Israel, Expansion of, Obad.
Israel, Land of, Judg. 1
Israelite Itinerary in the Wilderness, Num. 33
Jeremiah’s Cup of Wrath, Areas Experiencing, Jer. 25
Jeroboam II and Uzziah, Kingdoms of, 2 Chron. 26
Jeroboam’s Expansion, 2 Kings 14
Jerusalem at the Time of Nehemiah, Neh. 11
Jerusalem Water Systems, 2 Sam. 5
Journey from Beersheba to Bethel, Gen. 28
Judah and Jerusalem, Isa. Introduction
Judah, Edom and Moab, 2 Kings 3
Judah, Territory, Josh. 15
King’s Highway, Num. 20
Kings of the East, Regions, Gen. 14
Lebanon and the Coastal Regions, Josh. 13
Levant and the Settlement, Josh. 13
Levant in the Early Sixth Century, Jer. 35
Levant in the Second Millennium, Josh. 1
Levitical Cities, Josh. 21
Levitical Cities and Cities of Refuge, Num. 35
Libnah, 2 Kings 8
List of Lands That Remain, Josh. 13
Locations and Movements of People and Groups, Judg. 4
Major Highway Systems of Syria-Palestine, Deut. 2
Major Parties and Cities in the Syro-Ephraimite War, Hos. 5
Manassite Territories, 1 Chron. 7
Midian, Ex. 2
Mitanni and Hittite Kingdoms, Josh. 3
Moab, Judg. 11; Isa. 15
Moabites and Ammonites, Gen. 19
Mount Sinai, Possible Locations, Ex. 19
Nations in Amos, Amos 1
Nations Targeted in Isaiah’s Prophecies, Isa. 13
Near East in the Ninth Century BC, 2 Kings 7
Necho’s Advance, 2 Kings 23
Neo-Assyrian Campaigns in Israel and Judah, 2 Chron. 28
Neo-Babyolonian Empire, Dan. Introduction
Northern Campaign, Region, Josh. 11
Northern Kingdom of Israel under Assyrian Rule, Isa. 9
Northern Tribes, Regions, Josh. 19
Persian Advance on Babylon, Dan. 5
Persian Empire, Dan. 6
Persian Empire in the Time of Darius I, Zech. 1
Persian Empire, Satrapies, Hag. 1
Persian Empire: India to Cush, Est. 1
Persian Provinces, Ezra 5
Philistia, Shephelah and Samson’s Travels, Judg. 14
Philistine Area and Region of Moriah, Gen. 22
Philistine Raiding Parties, 1 Sam. 13
Philistine Territory, 1 Sam. 4
Philistines and Israelites, 1 Sam. 17
Places in Joshua 12, Josh. 12
Pool of Gibeon, Battle at, 2 Sam. 2
Province of Yehud, Ezra 2
Psalm 60, Cities and Regions in, Psa. 60
Ptolemy I and Seleucus I, Realms, Dan. 11
Rainfall in Israel, Deut. 1
Re(e)d Sea, Possible Locations, Ex. 13
Rehoboam, Cities Fortified by, 2 Chron. 11
Rivers of Eden, Gen. 2
Samaria and the Coastal Highway, 2 Kings 1
Samaria, Region, Josh. 17
Samuel’s Circuit, 1 Sam. 7
Saul’s Last Stand, 1 Sam. 28
Shalmaneser III, Area of the Invasion of, 2 Kings 9
Shephelah, Mic. 1
Shephelah, Border Towns, 1 Sam. 23
Sinai Peninsula and the Book of Numbers, Num. Introduction
Solomon’s Districts, 1 Kings 4
Solomon’s Kingdom, 2 Chron. 7
Sorek Valley, Judg. 13
Southern Campaign, Region, Josh. 10
Sumer, Gen. 11
Syro–Ephraimite War, Parties in the, Isa. 7
Table of Nations, Gen. 10
Territories in Ezekiel 38, Ezek. 38
Tiglath-pileser III, Area Absorbed by, 2 Kings 15
Tribal Activities, Areas of, Judg. 1
Ziklag, Possible Sites, 1 Sam. 27
Gold Mining Map, Job 28
Gold Production, Job 28
Gold Weighing, Lev. 19
Metal Shop, Prov. 17
Metalworkers, Prov. 11; Isa. 40
Silver, Isa. 1; Jer. 32; Mic. 6
Silver Refining, Ps. 12; Isa. 48; Mal. 3
Silver Rings, Gen. 33; Prov. 2
Dust on Head, 2 Sam. 13; Est. 4; Job 2
Mourners, 2 Sam. 1; Isa. 15; Lam. 1; Ezek. 24
Mourning Procession, Deut. 26
Mourning Women, Deut. 5; Jer. 2; 9; Lam. Introduction
Sackcloth, Gen. 37; Jer 4
Cymbals, 1 Chron. 15; Ps. 150
Flute, Judg. 5; 1 Kings 1; Dan. 3
Harp, Gen. 4; Ex. 34; 1 Chron. 15; Lam. Introduction; Dan. 3; Amos 6
Harpist, 1 Chron. 25; Ps. 49; 96; 137; 150; Eccl. 9
Lute Player, 1 Sam. 16; Ps. 96
Musical Notation, Ps. Introduction; 150
Musicians, 1 Sam. 4; 10; 2 Sam. 6; 1 Kings 10; Neh. 12; Job 21; Ps. 99; Eccl. 1; Isa. 5; 20; 30; 40
Shofar, Josh. 6; Judg. 3; 7
Tambourine, Ex. 15; Judg. 11; 1 Chron. 15; Jer. 31
Trumpet, Num. 10; 1 Chron. 15; Ps. 98; Dan. 3
Animals and Enemies, Hab. 1
Bird Hunting, Num. 11; Ps. 124; Ezek. 13
Fishing, Isa. 19
Hunting, Job 18
Hunting Nets, Ps. 140
Prisoners in Net, 2 Sam. 22; Job 19; Isa. 8; Ezek. 17
Anthropoidic Terracotta Cult Stand, Mal. 1
Balawat, 1 Chron. 14
Bread, Lev. 24
Bull, Ex. 29; Lev. 1; Num. 6; 1 Sam. 1; 13; Ps. 50; 51
Cult Stand, 2 Chron. 4; Isa. 17
Cult Stand, Ashdod, 1 Sam 10
Cult Stand, Pella, 2 Kings 13
Cult Stand, Snake, Jer. 7
Cult Stand, Taanach, Ex. 25; 1 Chron. 13; Ezek. 8; Hos. 1
Egyptian Priest, Lev. 16
Food Offering, Lev. 3; Isa. 1; Hag. 2; Mal. 1
Goat, Judg. 13
Grain Offering, Lev. 2; Josh. 5
Incense, Isa. 1
Incense censer, Num. 16
Incense Offering, Lev. 10; Num. 16; 2 Kings 3; 2 Chron. 2
Iuny Stele, 2 Chron. 2
King Making Offering, 1 Sam. 13
Libation, 1 Sam. 7; Ps. 20
Libation after Lion Hunt, 2 Kings 21
Libation Stele, Isa. 57
Libation Vessel, 1 Kings 18; Ezra 1
Offering for Osiris, Num. 18
Offering Table, 1 Sam. 28
Offering to the Dead, Isa. 57
Osorkon, Deut. 17
Sebek-Re, Ex. 20
Shovel, 1 Kings 7
Snake Vase, Isa. 27
Stands, Movable, 1 Kings 7; 2 Chron. 4
Thigh Offering, Num. 6
Votive Dog, Deut. 23
Votive Figure, Ps. 23
Votive Rodent, 1 Sam. 6
Votives, Num. 30
War Camp Sacrifice, 1 Sam. 7
Wave Offering, Num. 18; 2 Chron. 6; Isa. 30
Animals, Deut. 5; Job 1; Ps. 82
Bull, Num. 25; 1 Sam. 2; 1 Kings 12; Job 36; Zech. 9
Calf, 2 Chron. 11
Crocodiles, Ps. 58
Eagle, Deut. 32
Lion, Deut. 7; Isa. 11
Winged Sphinx, Gen. 3; Exod. 25; Isa. 6; Ps. 18
Acacia Tree, Ex. 27; Deut. 10
Almond Tree, Jer. 1
Balm, Jer. 8
Broom Tree, 1 Kings 19
Calamus, Isa. 43
Cedars, 1 Kings 5; Ps. 29; Ezek. 17; 26; 27
Fig Tree, Mic. 4
Flax, Josh. 2; Isa. 19
Hyssop, Ex. 12; Lev. 14; Ps. 51
Lotus, Song 5
Lulav, Ezra 3
Mandrake, Gen. 30
Myrtle, Est. 2
Olive Tree, Gen. 8; Jer. 11; Josh. 24
Palm Tree, 1 Chron. 9; 2 Chron. 3; Ps. 92; Song 7
Papyrus, Job 8
Tamarisk Tree, 1 Sam. 22
Thorn Bush, Judg. 9
Tree Stump, Isa. 11
Wheat, Judg. 15
Potter, Jer. 18
Potter Model, Jer. 18
Pottery, Ex. 15; 29; Josh. Introduction; Judg. 7; 14; 1 Sam. 16; 26; 1 Kings 17; Isa. 7; Jer. 19; Jer. 32
Pottery Kiln, Gen. 15
Bakery, Lev. 2; Judg. 16; Isa. 28; Hos. 7
Breastplate of High Priest, Ex. 28
Brewery, Isa. 28
Dan Gate, Judg. 8
Four Room House, Josh. Introduction
Incense Altar, Ex. 30
Ishtar Gate Model, Jer. 50
Jerusalem Model, 2 Kings 11
Livestock Counting, Num. 18; Judg. 3
Megiddo Gate Model, 2 Chron. 35
Menorah, Num. 8
Nineveh Model, Jonah 3
Nineveh Walls, Nah. Introduction
Phoenician Ship Model, 2 Chron. 8
Susa Model, Est. 1
Tabernacle, Ex. 27; Num. 1
Ur, Gen. 11
Weaver’s Workshop, Judg. 16; Isa. 19
Ziggurat Model, Dan. 1
Reliefs, Anatolian
Boghaz-Koy Altar, Ex. 32
Chariot Trampling, Ps. 66
Illuyankas, Job 7
Hittite God protecting King, 2 Chron. 1; Ps. 84; Isa. 41
Hittite Storm God, Ex. 9; Isa. 29
Maltaya Procession of Gods, Deut. 5
Musical Procession, 2 Sam. 6
Shofar, Judg. 7; Ps. 98; Dan. 3
Reliefs/Paintings, Egyptian
Abu Simbel, 1 Kings 20; 2 Chron. 18; Ps. 47; 82; Jer. 5
Abydos King List, Ex. Introduction
Akhenaten, Ex. 20; Song 1
Amenemhet, Eccl. 4
Amenhotep I, Ps. 23
Amenhotep III, Job 19
Amun, Gen. 1
Amun-Re, Ex. 10; Jer. 46
Ankh for Pharaoh, Ps. 72
Ankhmahor Tomb, Gen. 17; Ex. 20; Josh. 5; Ps. 12
Anointing of Pharaoh, 1 Sam. 2; 10; 1 Kings 1; 1 Chron. 11; Isa. 45
Anubis, Hag. 2
Apis, Ex. 9
Apophis, Gen. 3
Aten, Deut. 6
Beer Drinking, Prov. 20
Beer Making, Num. 6
Beni Hassan, Gen. 12; 37; Deut. 22; 1 Sam. 16
Bird Hunting, Ps. 124; Ezek. 13
Birthing Stool, Ex. 1
Boundary Stone, Hos. 5
Breath of Life, Lam. 4
Bull, Lev. 1; 1 Sam. 1
Bull Palette, Ex. 21
Butehamun Sarcophagus, Isa. 42
Cattle Sacrifice, Ps. 50
Chariot, 2 Chron. 1
Clapping Hands, Ps. 47
Cow, Deut. 22
Cows Following Calf, 1 Sam. 6
Cutting Down Trees, Deut. 20
Dancing, 1 Chron. 15; Ps. 149
Decimation of Army, 1 Sam. 14
Defeated Enemies, Gen. 10
Deir el Bahri, Ps. 74; Isa. 2; 62
Deity Conferring Authority, Num. 27
Dendera, Isa. 66
Donkeys, 1 Sam. 9
Ear Tablet, Gen. 35; Isa. 6; Ps. 116
Edfu, Ex. 25; Ezek. 18; Hab. 1
Edfu Birth House, Isa. 49
Egyptian Produce, Num. 11
Enemies as Footstool, Ps. 110
Ennead, Ex. 10
Esna, 2 Sam. 14; Isa. 45
Faience Tiles, Num. 13
Fig Gathering, Jer. 24
Fighting Men, Deut. 25
Food Offering, Lev. 3
Fruit Bearing, Num. 13
Gleaning, Ruth 2
Gods Giving Life, 2 Sam. 7
Gold Production, Job 28
Grain Harvesting, Isa. 17
Grain Treading, Deut. 25
Gua, Job 33
Hapy, Ex. 8
Harpist, 1 Chron. 25
Hathor, Ex. 9
Hathor, Isis, and Amun, Isa. 57
Hatshepsut, Num. 16; 2 Sam. 7; Ps. 20; 132; Zech. 2
Hesire, Ps. 45
Horemheb Stele, Deut. 1
Horemheb Tomb, Lev. 9
Idol Making, Isa. 40
Incense Burner, Lev. 10
Inherka Tomb, Ex. 6
Investiture of Vizier Paser, Gen. 41
Ity Tomb, Gen. 9; Ex. 29
Iuny Stele, Lev. 24
Karnak, 2 Sam. 1; 1 Kings 1; 14; 1 Chron. Introduction; 2 Chron. 12; Ps. 2; 18; Isa. 9; Jer. 13
Khnum, Gen. 2; Job 10
Kom Ombo, Lev. 23; 1 Sam. 2; 1 Chron. 11; Isa. 62
Lady Taperet, Ps. 28
Lamb, Ex. 12
Libation Stele, Isa. 57
Luxor, Gen. 2; 1 Sam. 7; 13; 1 Kings 3; Isa. 5; 28
Maʿat, Deut. 5; Isa. 40
Maya Tomb, Jer. 10
Medinet Habu, Ex. 15; 19; 37; Josh. 3; Judg. 3; 8; 1 Sam. 4; 6; 17; 2 Sam. 2; Job 12; Ps. 84
Memphis, Lam. 1
Menna Tomb, Ex. 2; Ruth 2; 3; 1 Sam. 23; Prov. 29; Song 3; Jer. 15; Mic. 4
Mereruka Mastaba, Isa. 19
Mereruka Tomb, Ex. 10; Prov. 17; Isa. 48; Mal. 3
Merneptah, Judg. Introduction; 2 Kings 3
Meryre Tomb, Deut. 27
Min, Isa. 65
Mourning Procession, Deut. 26
Mourning Woman, 2 Sam. 13; Est. 4; Job 2; Jer. 2
Musicians, Isa. 5
Nakht Tomb, Gen. 9; Judg. 6; Ruth 2; Eccl. 1; Isa. 10; Jer. 25
Narmer Palette, Ex. 17
Nebamun Tomb, Ex. 22; Job 8; 21
Nefertari Tomb, Deut. 4; Ezek. 23
Nefertiabt Stele, Lev. 2
Nekhbet, Lam. 4
Nespawershepi Coffin, Ex. 7; Job 22; Ps. 72; Prov. 16; Isa. 24
Nikaure, Ruth 1
Nubian Warriors, Jer. 46
Nursing Tree, Isa. 57
Nut and Shu, Ps. 8
Offering for Osiris, Num. 18
Offering to the Dead, Isa. 57
Ounsu Tomb, Ex. 21
Panekhmen Tomb, Lev. 19; Prov. 11
Papyrus Boat, Isa. 18
Perfumer’s Workshop, Ps. 133
Petosiris Tomb, Num. 6
Pharaoh before Gods, 1 Sam. 24
Pharaoh Crowned by Gods, Deut. 17
Pharaoh on Chariot, Ex. 14
Pharaoh Selected by Gods, Josh. 1
Pharaoh Smiting, Num. 24; Deut. 2; Neh. 13; Ezek. 30
Ptahhotep, Hos. 14
Qenamun Tomb, Gen. 40
Quail, Ex. 16
Queen of Punt, 2 Chron. 9
Ramesses II, Ex. 9; 26; 2 Sam. 8; 2 Chron. 11; Ps. 2; Isa. 42; Ezek. 8
Ramesses III, Josh. 12
Ramesses VI Tomb, Isa. 26; Job 7; Ps. 147
Ramose Tomb, Ps. 86; Isa. 15; Jer. 9
Re-Horakhty, Job 11
Rekhmere Tomb, Ex. 1
Saqqara, Ex. 15; Num. 11; Deut. 7; Judg. 11; 1 Kings 10; 2 Kings 6; 1 Chron. 15; Job 9; 40; Prov. 3; Isa. 55; Jer. 31; Lam. Introduction; Ezek. 29; Jonah 1
Sebekhotep Tomb, 1 Sam. 16; Jer. 13
Sebek-Re, Ex. 20
Sennedjem Tomb, Gen. 50; Ps. 1; Prov. 1; Isa. 19; 38
Sesostris, Num. 17; Isa. 9
Seti I, Gen. 15; 36; Ex. 13; Ps. 104
Seti I and Ramesses II, Ex. 7
Sickle Sword, Josh. 8
Sidelocks, Lev. 19
Snake Heads, Gen. 3
Snake Standing, Ex. 7
Syrian Prisoner, Judg. 5
Taharqa, 2 Kings 19
Tassels, Num. 15
Telloh, Lev. 16
Thigh Offering, Num. 6
Thutmose III, Num. 33; Josh. 10; Ezek. 37
Trampling of Shasu, Judg. 5
Tutankhamun, Judg. 1; Song Introduction
Unas Tomb, Job 19; Ezek. 5
Userhet Tomb, Jer. 13; Ezek. 5; Hos. 2
Votive Offering, Num. 30
Wadjet, Ex. 7
War Standard, Num. 1
Wave Offering, Num. 18
Wine Offering, 2 Chron. 6
Winged Sun, Num. 9
Women Mourning, Deut. 5
Reliefs, Mesopotamian
Ahuramazda and Ahriman, Zech. Introduction
Archer, Ps. 11
Ashurbanipal, Gen. 2; 1 Sam. 8; 30; 2 Kings 15; 21; 1 Chron. 1; 2 Chron. 21; Est. 5; Job 18; Ps. 23; Isa. 21; 30; Jer. 4; 46; 51; Ezek. 12; Nah. 3; Zech. 14
Ashur-bel-kala, Gen. 9
Ashurnasirpal II, Judg. 3; 4; 1 Kings 18; 20; 1 Chron. 14; Ps. 7; 45; Prov. 3; Isa. 1; 52; Ezek. 29; Amos 3
Assyrian Scribes, Hab. 2
Assyrian Slave Labor, 2 Chron. 2
Balawat, Deut. 20; 21; Judg. 1; 5; 1 Sam. 13; 31; 2 Sam. 4; 1 Chron. 10; 14; 2 Chron. 21; 24; Isa. 2; 23; 45; Jer. 29; Lam. 1; Ezek. 22; 26; Amos 2; Mic. 1; Nah. 1
Bowing Before Ruler, Est. 3
Captured Flocks, Num. 31
Cedar Transport, 2 Sam. 7; 1 Kings 6; 2 Chron. 2
Chariot, 1 Kings 1; 1 Chron. 18
Cupbearer, Neh. 1
Cutting Trees, Isa. 1
Darius, Jer. 2; Dan. 7
Ebla, Ps. 110
Egyptian Fortress, Jer. 46
Elamite King, 2 Kings 8; 2 Chron. 33
Elamite Prisoners, 1 Sam. 17; Ps. 2
Esarhaddon, 2 Chron. 15
Eunuch, Deut. 23; Est. 1; Isa. 39
Garden, Ps. 1
Genie, 1 Sam. 2; Ezek. 17; 28; Zech. 5
Hard Labor, 2 Sam. 3
Harpist, Ps. 137; Eccl. 9
Heads, 1 Sam. 17; 2 Kings 10; Ps. 23; Jer. 34; Nah. 3
Hero and Lion, Gen. 6
Hunting, Job 29
Hunting Tools, Ps. 140
Inanna Temple, Gen. 2
Lachish, Num. 25; 1 Sam. 7; 2 Sam. 10; 20; 21; 1 Kings 16; 2 Kings 6; 18; 1 Chron. 28; 2 Chron. 28; 32; Ezra 9; Neh. 8; Est. 2; Ps. 95; 107; Isa. Introduction; 13; 22; 23; 36; 47; 66; Jer. 6; 8; 38; Nah. 2; Hab. 1
Lion Hunting, 1 Sam. 15; 17; 2 Sam. 23; 1 Chron. 11; Jer. 22; 27; Nah. 2
Mourners, Ezek. 24
Nimrud, Isa. 18; 40; 42; 51; 59; Dan. 6; Zech. 5
Nineveh, Isa. 7
Persepolis, Neh. 2; 12; Job 32; Isa. 5; 13; Zech. 1
Persian Immortals, Est. 9; Jer. 49
Plundering, 2 Chron. 36
Prisoners, 1 Kings 20; Ezra 9; Jer. 13; 39; Lam. Introduction
Reading Entrails, 1 Chron. 14; Jer. 31
Sacred Tree, Ex. 25
Sargon II, 1 Sam. Introduction; 2; Ps. 25; Isa. 6; 20; 36; Joel 1
Scribes, Ezek. 2
Sennacherib, Isa. 36; 47; Jer. 34; Lam. 5; Ezek. 27; Jonah 3
Servants, Deut. 22
Shalmaneser III, Judg. 3; 1 Sam. 24; 2 Sam. 8; 2 Kings 9; Ps. 68; Isa. 31; 60; Lam. 5; Ezek. 16
Shamash, Isa. 66
Shamash Plaque, Gen. 1
Siege, Jer. 21; Ezek. 4
Spinner, Prov. 31
Spoil, Obad.
Stone Basin Reliefs, Gen. 4; Job 15
Susa, 1 Chron. 9; Ezek. 39
Swimming, 1 Chron. 12
Tell Halaf, Gen. 24; Josh. 6; 1 Sam. 17; Isa. 6, Job 41
Tiglath-pileser III, Deut. 1; Josh. 8; 1 Sam. 5; 1 Kings 20; 2 Chron. 25; Job 1; Ps. 48; Isa. 7; 46; Hos. 10
Til Barsip, Isa. 11; Ezek. 23
Til-Tuba, 1 Sam. 4; 22; 2 Sam. 21; Ps. 79; Ezek. 32
Ugallu, Ezek. 13
Ur-Nanshe, Ex. 40
Uruk, Gen. 10
Vulture, Jer. 48; Ezek. 17
Vulture with Intestines, 1 Kings 14
Warrior on Cherub, Ex. 25
Water by Shrine, Ps. 46
Water Supply Cut Off, Jer. 8
Xerxes, Est. 4
Sacred Tree
Cherub and Tree, Gen. 3; 1 Kings 7; Ezek. 41
God as Tree, Dan. 4
Nursing Tree, Isa. 57; Ezek. 31
Sacred Tree, Ex. 25; 1 Sam. 10; 1 Kings 8; 2 Chron. 11; 14; Prov. 3; Isa. 1; Jer. 17; Ezek. 17; 28; Mic. 1; Zech. 5
Stylized Tree (Asherah Pole?), Deut. 7; 2 Chron. 14; Jer. 17
Assyrian Scribes, 1 Chron. 34; Jer. 17; 36; Ezek. 2; Dan. 1; Hab. 2
Baboon and Scribe, Prov. Introduction
Egyptian Scribes, 1 Chron. 2; Ezra 7; Est. 8; Prov. Introduction; Jer. 13; 30; 36; 45
Scribal Kit, Isa. 8
Writing Board, Ezek. 37
Seals and Seal Impressions
Adaniyahu, 1 Kings 18
Ahuramazda, Ezek. 10
Amos, Amos 1
Anzu, Ps. 139
Astral Symbols, Deut. 5; ; Job 9; 38; Amos 5; Zeph. 12
Baalis, Jer. 40
Banquet, Isa. 5; Obad.
Baruch, Jer. 32
Bashmu, Gen. 3
Divine Council, Ps. 82
Ea, Joel 3
Elhanan, Job 14
Enki, Gen. 2; Ex. 34; Job 26; Ezek. 28; 47
Etana, 2 Kings 2; Job 30
Gedaliah, Jer. 40
Genies and Sacred Tree, Gen. 3
Gilgamesh & Bull of Heaven, Gen. 2
Gilgamesh & Huwawa, Jonah Introduction
Glowing Deity, Isa. 2; Hab. 3
Grain Offering, Josh. 5
Hezekiah, 2 Chron. 32; Isa. 6; 10
Hoshayahu, Hos. Introduction
Ishtar, Isa. 6
Jaazaniah, Neh. 5
Jezebel, 1 Kings 16
Lachish Scarabs, Gen. 38
LMLK Seal, 2 Kings 18
Lord of Animals, Gen. 2
Lord of the Ostriches, Job 39
Marduk over Tiamat, Gen. 1
Muršili II, Lev. 26
Mushezib-Ninurta, 1 Sam. 10
Nergal, Ex. 12
Palm Tree, Judg. 4
Pedayah, 1 Chron. 3
Presentation to Deity, Ps. 42
Sacred Tree, Mic. 1
Shema Servant of Jeroboam, Judg. 2; 1 Kings 12
Shepherd, Isa. 40
Shining God, Ex. 40
Sin, Job 31
Storm Deity on Griffin, Ex. 25
Yishmael, Ps. 42
Yohoahaz, Zeph. 1
Ziggurat, Gen. 11
Sea Peoples
Ekron Inscription, 1 Kings 2
Medinet Habu, Ex. 15; Judg. 3; 1 Sam. 4; 6; 17; 2 Sam. 21
Philistine Beer Jug, Judg. 14
Philistine Cult Stand, 1 Sam. 10
Philistine Jug, 1 Sam. 16
Philistine Ship, Jonah 1
Philistine Temple, Judg. 16; 1 Sam. 5
Balawat, Judg. 5; Isa. 23; Ezek. 26; Amos 2
Egyptian Ship, Gen. 6; 1 Kings 10
Floating Cedars, 2 Sam. 5; 1 Kings 6; 2 Chron. 2
Medinet Habu, 2 Sam. 21
Papyrus Boat, Isa. 18; Job 9
Philistine Ship, Jonah 1
Phoenician Ship, 2 Chron. 8; Isa. 33; Ezek. 27
Ramesses VI Tomb, Ps. 147
Sailors, Jonah 1
Sacred Barque, Ex. 7; 25; Ps. 2; 19; 132
Trading Ship, Isa. 2; 5
Abusir, Eccl. 11
Acco, Dan. 11
Adam, Judg. 12; Hos. 6
Adullam, 1 Chron. 11
Ai (et-Tell), Josh. 7
Aijalon, Judg. 1
Aijalon Valley, 1 Sam. 14
Akrabim, Josh. 15
Amman, Plain North of, Num. 21
Anathoth, Jer. 1
Aphek, 1 Sam. 4; 1 Kings 20
Arad, Deut. 3; 1 Sam. 10; 1 Chron. 18; 2 Chron. 3; Prov. 8; Isa. 32
Araq el-Emir, Neh. 2
Ararat, Gen. 8
Arnon, Deut. 2
Arnon, Nahal, 1 Kings 17
Aroer, Jer. 48
Ashdod, 1 Sam. 5; Zech. 9
Ashdod Yam, Neh. 4
Ashkelon, Judg. 1; 14; Jer. 47
Azekah, Josh. 10; Jer. 34
Baal Meon, Ezek. 25
Bab-edh Dhra (Sodom?), Gen. 19
Babylon, 2 Kings 17; Isa. 13
Banias, Ps. 42; Dan. 11
Bashan, Josh. 12; Jer. 50
Beersheba, Gen. 22; Deut. 13; Josh. 2; 7; Judg. 19; 1 Sam. 8; 1 Kings 19; 2 Chron. 26; Neh. 11
Beitin (Bethel), Gen. 12; Josh. 8
Benjamin, 1 Kings Introduction
Besor, Nahal, 1 Sam. 30
Bet Netofa Valley, Josh. 18
Beth Horon, Josh. 10; 1 Chron. 7; 14; 2 Chron. 8
Beth Shean, 1 Sam. 31; 1 Chron. 10
Beth Shemesh, Judg. 1; 14; 1 Sam. 6; 2 Kings 14; 2 Chron. 25
Bethel (see Beitin), Judg. 1; Hos. 4
Bethlehem, 1 Sam. 16; Ruth 1; Mic. 5
Bethsaida, Deut. 17; 1 Kings 14
Bezek Region, 1 Sam. 11
Bornat, Tell (Libnah), Josh. 10
Bozrah, Judg. 5; Isa. 34; Jer. 49
Caesarea, Dan. 9
Carmel, 1 Sam. 25
Chinnereth, Josh. 11
Daba’, Tell ed-, Gen. 47
Dan, Num. 22; Deut. 12; 2 Sam. 18; 1 Kings 6; 12; 20; 1 Chron. 26; Ps. 78; Isa. 2; Jer. 4; Amos 5; 8
Debir, Josh. 10
Deir ʿAlla (Succoth), Gen. 33; Judg. 8
Delta and Nile Valley, Ex. 1
Dothan, Gen. 37; 2 Kings 6
Ebla, 1 Kings 6
Edom, Job 1
Ein Hatzeva, Mal. 1
Ein Musa, Ex. 15
Ekron, Josh. 13
Elah Valley, 1 Sam. 17; 2 Kings 18
Elath, Amos 1
Elephantine, Ezra 10; Jer. 43; Ezek. 30
En Gedi, 1 Sam. 23; Jer. 17
En Rogel, 1 Kings 1
Endor, 1 Sam. 28
Ephraim, Judg. 17
Eshtaol, Judg. 13
Et-Tell (Ai), Josh. 7
Euphrates, Jer. 2
Ezion Geber, 1 Kings 9
Gath, 1 Sam. 5; Mic. 1
Gaza, Judg. 16
Geba, 1 Sam. 10
Gerar, Gen. 20; 2 Chron. 14
Geshur, 1 Chron. 5
Gezer, Josh. 10; 1 Kings 9
Gibeah, Judg. 19; 1 Sam. 10
Gibeon, Josh. 9; 2 Sam. 2; 1 Kings 3; 1 Chron. 16; 2 Chron. 1; Jer. 41; 48
Gilead, Gen. 31; Num. 32; Jer. 22
Haran, Gen. 11
Harod Spring, Judg. 7
Harod Valley, 1 Sam. 29
Hattin, Horns of, Josh. 11
Hazor, Deut. 17; Josh. 11; Judg. 4; 1 Kings 9; Ezek. 20; Dan. 9
Hebron, Gen. 25; Num. 13; Josh. 14; 2 Sam. 2; 1 Chron. 3
Heshbon, Num. 32; Judg. 11; Song 7
Hinnom Valley, 2 Chron. 28; Jer. 7
Huleh Valley, Judg. 18
Jabbok River, Gen. 32; Deut. 2; 1 Kings 12
Jabesh-Gilead, Judg. 21; 1 Sam. 11; 1 Chron. 10
Jalul, Tell el-, Deut. 2
Jarmuth, Josh. 10
Jericho, Deut. 34; Josh. 2; 4; 6; Judg. 3; 2 Kings 2
Jericho Road, 2 Kings 25; Jer. 52
Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 5; 1 Kings 7; 1 Chron. 15; 21; Ps. 48; Lam. 4
Jezreel, 1 Kings 21; 2 Chron. 22; Hos. 1
Jezreel Valley, Josh. 19; 2 Kings 23; Jer. 46
Jokneam, Josh. 12
Joppa, Jonah 1
Jordan near Jericho, Judg. 3
Jordan River, Josh. 3; 1 Kings 12; 2 Kings 2; Jer. 12
Judean Hills, Jer. 5
Kadesh-Barnea, Num. 13; Deut. 1
Karnak, Ps. 84
Keilah, 1 Sam. 23
Kerak (Kir Hareseth), 2 Kings 3
Kidron Valley, 2 Kings 23; Jer. 26
Kir Hareseth (el-Kerak), 2 Kings 3
Kiriath-jearim, Josh. 9; 1 Sam. 6; 1 Chron. 13
Kishon River, Judg. 4
Lachish, 1 Kings 14; 2 Chron. 32; Neh. 2; Jer. 33; 34; Mic. 1
Lebanon Mountains, Ezek. 17
Libnah, (Tell Bornat), Josh. 10
Luxor, Prov. 9
Mahanaim, Gen. 32; 2 Sam. 2
Malhatah, Tel, Num. 21
Mamre, Gen. 13
Maresha, 1 Chron. 4; Jer. 38
Mari, 2 Kings 3
Masada, 1 Sam. 22; Jer. 6
Masos, Tell, Num. 14; 1 Sam. 15
Megiddo, Josh. 12; 1 Kings 4; 9; 2 Kings 9; 23; 2 Chron. 1; 35; Mic. 5
Michmash, 1 Sam. 13
Miryam, Tell, Josh. 7
Mizpah, Judg. 20; 1 Sam. 7; 2 Chron. 16; Jer. 25; 40
Moab Plains, Ruth 1
Moresheth Gath, Mic. 1
Mt. Carmel, 1 Kings 18; Isa. 35
Mt. Ebal, Deut. 27; Josh. 8; Judg. 9; 1 Kings 3
Mt. Gerizim, Deut. 27; Judg. 9
Mt. Gilboa, 1 Sam. 31; 1 Chron. 10
Mt. Hermon, Deut. 3; Judg. 3; Ps. 29; Song 4; Jer. 18
Mt. Moreh, Judg. 7; 1 Sam. 28
Mt. Nebo, Deut. 32
Mt. Olives, Zech. 14
Mt. Tabor, Judg. 4
Mt. Zion, Jer. 31
Nebi Samwil, 1 Kings 3; 1 Chron. 16
Negev, Gen. 12; 1 Sam. 26; Jer. 17
Nile River, Ex. 1; Isa. 19
Nineveh, Jonah 3; Nah. Introduction
Ophrah, Judg. 8
Paran Wilderness, Num. 10
Penuel, Deut. 2; Judg. 8; 1 Kings 12
Perath (Ein Parat), Jer. 13
Persepolis, Est. Introduction; 1; 2
Pisgah, Deut. 3
Pithom (Tell el-Retabeh), Ex. 1
Punon, 2 Chron. 4
Rabbah, 1 Chron. 20
Ramah, 1 Sam. 1
Ramoth Gilead, 1 Kings 22
Rephaim Valley, Josh. 15; Isa. 17
Retabeh, Tell el- (Pithom), Ex. 1
Rogem Hiri, Josh. 7
Sa’idiyeh, Tell es-, (Zarethan), Josh. 3
Samaria, 1 Kings 16; 20; 2 Chron. 18; Isa. 58; Mic. 1
Sela, Isa. 16; 42; Obad.; Mal. 1
Sharon Plain, Isa. 33
Shechem, Gen. 12; Deut. 27; Josh. 20; 24; Judg. 9; 2 Chron. 10
Shiloh, Josh. 18; Judg. 18; 1 Sam. 1; 1 Kings 14; Jer. 7
Shunem, 1 Sam. 28
Sidon Area, Judg. 3
Sinai, Ex. 3; 17; 19; Deut. 4; Isa. 33; Mal. 4
Sinai Wilderness, Lev. Introduction
Sodom(?), Bab-edh Dhra, Gen. 19
Sorek Valley, Judg. 13
Succoth (Deir ‘Alla), Gen. 33; Judg. 8
Susa, Est. 2; 5
Taanach, Josh. 12
Tadmor, 2 Chron. 8; Hos. 2
Tafileh, Deut. 1
Taiyibeh, Tell et-, Mic. 1
Tekoa, Amos 1
Timnah, Num. 31; Deut. 8; Judg. 1; 14; 1 Chron. 16
Tirzah, 1 Kings 14; Hos. Introduction
Tishbe, 1 Kings 17
Tyre, Isa. 23; Amos 1
Ugarit, Deut. 12; Nah. 3
Ur, Gen. 11; 2 Chron. 2
Valley of Kings, Ex. 5
Wadi es-Sir, Num. 25; Judg. 11
Wadi Qilt, Hos. 2
Wadi Rum, Jer. 49
Wadi Swenit, 1 Sam. 14
Wadi Tumilat, Ex. 12
Yarmuk Valley, Josh. 13
Yurza, Ezek. 25
Zaphon, Judg. 12
Zarethan (Tell es-Sa’idiyeh), Josh. 3
Zered, Num. 20; Deut. 2
Ziklag, 1 Sam. 27
Zin Wilderness, Num. 13
Zin, Nahal, Gen. 21
Ziph Wilderness, 1 Sam. 23
Ziz, Ascent of, 2 Chron. 20
Zorah, Judg. 13
Deir el-Bahri, Ps. 74; Isa. 62
Narmer Palette, Ex. 17
Snake Standard, Num. 21
Standard of Mari, Amos 5
Standard of Ur, Gen. Introduction; Lev. 1; Josh. 3; 1 Kings 10; 2 Chron. 1; Job 1; Ps. 96
War Standards, Num. 1
Standing Stones
Arad, 2 Kings 3
Bethsaida, 1 Kings 14; Isa. 15; Amos 7
Dan, Deut. 12; Josh. 22; 1 Kings 22; Ps. 78; Amos 8
Gezer, Gen. 28; Lev. 26; 2 Kings 12
Hazor, 1 Kings 8; 2 Kings 18; Ezek. 16; Mic. 5
Shechem, Gen. 12; Josh. 24; Judg. 9; 2 Chron. 10
Susa Model, Jer. 17
Adad-Nirari III, 2 Kings 10; Jonah 3
Amenhotep III Stele, Ex. 17
Amun Stele, Ezek. 39
Baal, Judg. 3; 1 Sam. 7; 1 Kings 16; 2 Kings 1; Isa. 43; Hos. 2
Balua Stele, Judg. 3
Bel-harran-bel-usur Stele, 2 Sam. 5
Bull, Num. 33
Chemosh, Judg. 11; Jer. 48
Dan, Tel Stele (House of David), 2 Kings 9; Isa. 7; Amos 1
Dream Stele of Thutmose IV, Ex. 6; Eccl. 1
Ear Tablet, Gen. 35; Isa. 6; Ps. 116
Elamite Victory Stele, Ezek. 39
Esarhaddon Stele, 2 Kings 19; Isa. 37; Ezek. 11
Gebel Barkal Stele, Judg. 5
Hadad Inscription, Lev. 24
Hammurabi, Deut. 5; 1 Sam. 8; 2 Kings 4; Ps. 19; 72; Prov. 28; Isa. 1; 10
Horemheb Stele, Deut. 1
Horus Stele, Ps. 58
Iuny Stele, 2 Chron. 2
Kamose Stele, Deut. 17
Kurkh Stele of Shalmaneser III, 2 Kings 1
Lady Taperet, Ps. 28
Libation Stele, Isa. 57
Merneptah Stele, Ex. 12; Josh. 10; Judg. 5
Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone), 1 Sam. 15; 2 Kings 1; Jer. 48; Nah. 1
Naram-Sin, Deut. 20; Isa. 14; Ps. 18
Nefertiabt Grain Offering, Lev. 2
Osorkon, Deut. 17
Qadesh Stele, Deut. 7; Job 6
Remi Stele, Lev. 21; 2 Sam. 4
Sargon Victory Stele, Ps. 25
Sennacherib Stele, 2 Kings 17
Senusret III’s Boundary Marker, Isa. 19
Seti I, Ex. 5; Judg. 3
Shabako Stele, Isa. 19
Shamash-res-usur, Judg. 10
Sheshonq Stele, 2 Chron. 12
Si’gabbar Funerary Stele, Isa. 53
Sin zir Ibni Stele, Josh. 6
Tanit Stele, Judg. 11
Udjahorresnet Stele, Neh. 5
Ugarit Land Stele, Gen. 31
Ur-nammu Stele, Ezek. 40
Vulture Stele, Job 15; Ps. 5; Ezek. 17
Yehimilik (Yehawmilk) Stele, I Kings 7
Ziggurat Stele, Gen. 11
Temples and Sanctuaries
Ain Dara Temple, 1 Kings 6; Ps. 77; Ezek. 40; 43; Mic. 1
Arad, Josh. 8; 2 Kings 5; 3; 2 Chron. 3
Baal Shamin Temple (Tadmor), Hos. 2
Bethshean Temple, 1 Sam. 31
Bethshean Temple (Dagan), Judg. 16
Cosmos, Gen. 1
Dan, Deut. 12; 1 Kings 6; 1 Kings 12; Ps. 26; Amos 8
Ebla Temple, 1 Kings 6
Edfu, Ezek. 18
Ein Hatzeva Shrine, Mal. 1
Herodium Synagogue, Neh. 9
Hibis Temple of Amun, Ezra 6
Inanna Temple, Gen. 2; Ezek. 47
Karnak Temple, Josh. 21
Laver, Ps. 26
Shechem Temple, Judg. 9; 2 Chron. 10
Solomon’s Temple Drawing, Jer. 27
Tel Miqne (Reconstruction), 1 Sam. 5
Tel Qasile, Judg. 16; 1 Sam. 5
Timnah, Ex. 26; 1 Chron. 16
Water by Shrine, Ps. 46
Ziggurat of Ur, Gen. 11; Gen. 28; 2 Chron. 2
Ziggurat Model, Dan. 1
Texts (Anatolia)
Arnuwandas Prayer, Ps. 44
Bronze Treaty Tablet (Tudhaliya IV and Karunta), Josh. 13
Deeds of Anitta, Judg. 9
Hattusili Apology, 1 Sam. 17
Hittite Laws, Gen. 38
Hittite/Egyptian Treaty, Josh. 1; 1 Chron. 19
Laqipum and Hatala Marriage Contract, Gen 16
Letter from Ramsses II to Hattusili III, Judg. 14
Muršili II, (seal on Ugaritic tablet), Lev. 26
Muršili II, Plague Prayer, Josh. 7
Shuppiluliuma Vassal treaty with Hakkuana, Josh. 24
Soldier’s Oath, 2 Chron. 13
Substitute King, Isa. 53
Ullikummi Song, Job 3
Texts (Egyptian)
Amarna Letter, Gen. 33; Ex. 17; Josh. 10; Judg. 8; 1 Sam. 4; 25; 2 Chron. 2
Amenemhet, Wisdom, Prov. Introduction
Amenemope, Instruction of, Lev. 19; Prov. 22
Amenhotep III Stela, Ex. 17
Amennakht, Instruction, Prov. Introduction
Amon-Re, Hymn, Amos 4
Aten Hymn, Ps. 104
Book of the Dead, Gen. 6; Ex. 8; Deut. 5; 1 Sam. 2; Job 3; 30; 31; Ps. 31; Isa. 5; 14; Ezek. 32; Amos 8
Cairo Calendar, Ex. 12; Job 3
Chester Beatty Papyrus, Song 1
Dispute between a Man and His Soul, Ps. 31
Divination Letter, 1 Kings 14
Dream Book, Gen. 40
Dream Stele of Thutmose IV, Ex. 6; Eccl. 1
Ear Tablet, Gen. 35; Ps. 55
Ebers Papyrus Medical Text, Ex. 4
Elephantine Papyri, Ezra 6; Jer. 31; Mal. 3
Eloquent Peasant, Mic. 7
Execration Figurine, Ps. 2; Isa. 1
Execration Text, Gen. 14; Ex. 15; Judg. 1; Jer. 46
Famine Inscription, Gen. 41
Gebel Barkal Stela, Judg. 5
Harris Magical Papyrus, Ex. 3
Hittite/Egyptian Treaty, Deut. 4; 1 Chron. 19
Horemheb Stele, Deut. 1
Ipuwer, Admonition of, Prov. 30; Isa. 19
Kom Ombo Festival List, Lev. 23
London Medical Papyrus, Ex. 4
Love Song (Chester Beatty), Song 1
Magician and Crocodile, Ex. 7
Medical Incantations, Isa. 48
Memphite Theology, Gen. 1; Ps. 33; Isa. 42
Merneptah Stele, Ex. 12; Josh. 10; Judg. 5
Osiris, Hymn, Ps. 95
Osorkon I Inscription, Isa. 36
Papyrus Anastasi, Ex. 1; Josh. 18
Papyrus Leiden, Gen. 1
Prisse Papyrus, Prov. 11
Proto-Sinaitic Inscription, Gen. 21; Ex. 17
Qadesh Victory, Ps. 18
Ramsses II Letter to Hattusili III, Judg. 14
Senusret III’s Boundary Marker, Isa. 19
Seti I Stele, Ex. 5; Judg. 3
Shabako Stone, Memphite Theology, Gen. 1; Ps. 33; Isa. 42
Sheshonq Inscription, 1 Kings 11; 2 Chron. 12
Sinuhe, Gen. Introduction; Isa. 19
Tale of Two Brothers, Gen. 39
Thutmose III’s Annals, Josh. 10; 1 Chron. Introduction
Wayward Son, Prov. 31
Westcar Papyrus, Ex. 7; 14
Texts (Levant)
Abecedary from Tel Zayit, Judg. 8
Amarna Letter, Gen. 33; Ex. 17; Josh. 10; Judg. 8; 1 Sam. 4; 25; 2 Chron. 2
Ammonite Citadel Inscription, 1 Sam. 11
Aqhat Epic, Gen. 17; Judg. 13; 2 Kings 5
Arad Ostraca, Jer. 7; 37; Ezek. 1
Azatiwada Inscription, Zec. 3
Baal Epic, Deut. 14; 1 Kings 16; 2 Kings 1; Job 18; Ps. 29; Isa. 27; Hag. 2
Bar-Rakib, 2 Kings 14; Dan. 2
Birth of the Gracious Gods, Job 38
Chemosh Inscription, 1 Kings 11
Damascus Document, Ezra 10
Dan Inscription (Zoilos), Judg. 18
Dead Sea Scroll, 2 Sam. 17; Ezra 10; Neh. 8; Isa. Introduction; Ezek. 2
Deir ʿAlla Inscription, Num. 22; Josh. 8; Ezek. 7; Mic. 6
Divorce Decree, Deut. 24
Ekron Inscription, 1 Sam. 5; 1 Kings 2
Emar Inscription, 2 Kings 4
Esther Scroll, Est. 9
Gezer Calendar, Deut. 8; Ruth 1; Amos 7
Hadad Inscription, Lev. 24
Idrimi, 1 Sam. 22
Ivory Pomegranate, 1 Kings 7
Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls, Num. 6; 1 Chron. 16; Neh. 13
Khirbet el-Qom Inscription, 2 Kings 13
Kilamuwa Inscription, 2 Kings 8; Isa. 7
Kuntillet ‘Ajrud, Ex. 3; 34; Judg. 3; Hos. 1
Lachish Bulla, 2 Kings 25
Lachish Ewer, Hos. 4
Lachish Ostraca, 2 Kings 24; Jer. 1; 29; 34; Ezek. 33
LMLK Handles, 1 Sam. 23; 2 Kings 18
Marzeah Text, Ezek. 8
Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone), 1 Sam. 15; 2 Kings 1; Jer. 48; Nah. 1
Nash Papyrus, Deut. 6
Ophir Ostracon (Qasile), 2 Chron. 8; Job 22
Osorkon I Inscription, Isa. 36
Proto-Canaanite Inscription, Deut. 1; 5
Proto-Sinaitic Inscription, Gen. 21; Ex. 17
Qasile Ostracon, 2 Chron. 8; Job 22
Qumran War Scroll, 2 Sam. 17
Royal Steward Inscription (Shebna), 2 King 10; Isa. 22
Samaria Ostraca, Josh. 17; Hos. 2; Mic. 1
Shebna Inscription, 2 King 10; Isa. 22
Si’gabbar Funerary Stele, Isa. 53
Siloam Tunnel Inscription, 2 Kings 20; Isa. 36
Silver Scrolls, Ketef Hinnom, Num. 6; 1 Chron. 16; Neh. 13
Sundial Inscription, 2 Kings 20
Tel Dan Stele (House of David), 2 Sam. 8; 2 Kings 9; Isa. 7; Amos 1
Tell Fekheriye, Gen. 1
Tell Siran Inscription, 1 Sam. 11
Three Shekel Ostracon, Neh. 10
Trumpet Inscription, Neh. 13
Ugaritic List of Gods, Jer. 2
Ugaritic List of Temple Officers, Ezra 2
Uzziah Reburial, Isa. 6
Widow’s Plea, 2 Kings 4
Yabneh-Yam Ostracon, Deut. 24; Neh. 5; Amos 2
Yehimilik Stele, 1 Kings 7
Zakkur Inscription, 1 Sam. 3; 1 Kings 22; 2 Kings 5; Ps. 21
Texts (Mesopotamia)
Adad-nirari Inscription, 2 Kings 18
Akitu Tablet, Lev. 16; Joel 2
Almanac, Babylonian, Deut. 5
Ashurbanipal’s Court Scholars, Prov. 25
Assyrian Prophecy, Jonah 3
Atrahasis Epic, Gen. 1; Deut. 12; Ezek. 5
Babylonian Chronicle, 2 Kings 24; Jer. Introduction; Ezek. 33; Nah. 1
Babylonian Land Grant (Nabu-apla-iddina), Gen. 13; Josh. Introduction
Balag Lament, Lam. Introduction
Behistun Inscription, Ezra 4
Calah Bull Inscription, 2 Kings 8
Cuneiform Tablet with Envelope, Isa. 8
Curse of Agade, 1 Chron. 17; Lam. 5; Nah. 1
Cyrus Cylinder, Ezra 1; Isa. 44; Dan. Introduction; Hab. 1
Cyrus Tomb Inscription, Ezra Introduction
Descent of Inanna, 2 Chron. 23; Joel 1
Descent of Ishtar, Ps. 49
Dream Omens, Dan. Introduction
Dumuzi and Enkimdu, Gen. 4
East India House Inscription, 1 Kings 8; Dan. 4
Enki and Ninmah, 1 Kings 18; Ps. 103
Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, Gen. 11
Enuma Elish, Gen. 1; Ps. 89; Dan. 7
Esarhaddon Prism, Ezek. 10
Esarhaddon Restoration of Babylon, 2 Kings 19; Ezek. 11
Esarhaddon and his Mother, Restoration of Babylon, 2 Chron. 15
Esarhaddon Stele, 2 Kings 19; Isa. 37
Esarhaddon Vassal Treaty, Deut. 28
Eshunna Laws, Ex. 22; 2 Sam. 2
Etana, Gen. 5
Extispicy Tablet, 2 Kings 16
Foundation Tablets, Neh. 6; Zech. 4
Gilgamesh Epic, Gen. 6; 41; Judg. 7; 2 Sam. 1; 1 Kings 12; Eccl. Introduction; Ezek. 18
Gudea Cylinders, Gen. 2; 2 Sam. 7; 1 Kings 6; 1 Chron. 17; Jer. 23; Hag. 2
Gudea Map, 1 Chron. 28; Ps. 132; Zech. Introduction
Hammurabi’s Geneaology, Gen. 10; 1 Chron. 1
Hammurabi’s Laws, Deut. 5; 2 Kings 4; 8; Ps. 19; 72; Prov. 28; Isa. 1; 10; Ezek. 34
Iddin-Dagan, Hymn, 2 Chron. 5
Ishtar Hymn, Ps. Introduction
Izbu Omens, Dan. 7
Jehoiachin Ration Tablets, 2 Kings 25; Dan. 1
King List, Antediluvian, Deut. 17; Ps. 90
King List, Assyrian, 1 Chron. 1
King List, Larsa, 1 Kings Introduction
King List, Sumerian, Gen. 5
Kurkh Stele of Shalmaneser III, 2 Kings 1
Lagash/Larsa Calendar, Deut. 16
Lamentation for Ur, 2 Kings 25; Ps. 74; Lam. Introduction
Land Grant (Nabu-apla-iddina), Gen. 13; Josh. Introduction
Land Sale, Ex. 32
Lexical List, 1 Kings 4; 2 Chron. 1
Lipit-Ishtar Law Code, Deut. 10; 2 Chron. 10
Lot of Yahali, Est. 3
Love Song, Song 1
Ludlul bel Nemeqi, Job Introduction
Lunar Eclipse Tablet, Jer. 10
Man and His God, Job Introduction
Map of Canals, Prov. 21
Map of the City of Umma, Ezek. 4
Map of the World, Ps. 24; Ezek. 38; Zeph. 2
Medical Text, Gen. 12; Ps. 38
Middle Assyrian Laws, Ex. 22; Ruth 1; Hos. 2
Musical Notation, Ps. Introduction; 150
Nabonidus Chronicle, Jer. 50
Nabonidus Inscription, 1 Kings Introduction; 1 Chron. Introduction; 2 Chron. 1; Jer. 1; Dan. 5
Nabonidus Sippar Cylinder, Zech. Introduction
Nabonidus Stele, Obad. Introduction
Nabopolassar Brick, Jer. 20
Nebo-sarsekim Tablet, Jer. 39
Nebuchadnezzar Cylinder, Dan. 1
Nebuchadnezzar East India House Inscription, 1 Kings 8; Dan. 4
Nippur Debt Note, Neh. 5
Nungal Hymn, Isa. 42
Nur Adad Ground Plan, Isa. 49
Nuzi Texts, Gen. 25
Omens from Sheep’s Stomach, Dan. 1
Oracle Request, 1 Kings 17
Praise of Pickax, Gen. 1
Sacred Marriage, Ezek. 16; Song 1
Sargon Birth Legend, Ex. 2; Ezek. 16
Sargon II, 1 Kings Introduction; 2 Kings 17; Isa. 20
Satrapies of the Persian Empire List, Est. 1
Sennacherib Stele, 2 Kings 17; Ps. 51
Sennacherib’s Prism, Josh. 12; 2 Kings 18; 2 Chron. 32; Isa. 36
Shalmaneser III’s Foundation Tablet, Neh. 6
Shulgi Hymn, Ps. 110
Shurpu Text, Isa. 6; Mal. 3
Shuruppak Instruction, Ex. 20; Prov. Introduction
Sin-shar-ishkun’s Letter, 2 Chron. 35
Sumerian God List, 1 Chron. 1
Sumerian Proverbs, Prov. Introduction
Sumerian Schooldays, Prov. 13
Synchronistic History, 2 Kings 1
Tammuz Text, Ezek. 8
Teima Inscription, Ezra Introduction
Temple of Ningishzida Measurements, Ezek. 40
Tiglath-pileser I Annals, Judg. 1; 1 Kings 14
Tiglath-pileser III Annals, 2 Kings 15; Ezek. 3
Tobias Inscription, Neh. 2
Tukulti-Ninurta II Annals, Deut. 10; 2 Kings 1
Ur-Nammu Hymn, Zech. 10
Ur-Nammu Laws, Ex. 20; Lev. Introduction; Prov. 5
Ur-Nanshe Temple Plaque, Ex. 40; Hag. 1
Uru-inimgina/ Urukagina Reforms, Lev. 19; Ezek. 22
Venus Tablet, Isa. 14
Xerxes Daiva Text, Neh. 1
Zimri-Lim Ice House, Prov. 25
Ziusudra (Sumerian Flood Story), Gen. 6
Awl, Gen. 4
Axe Head, Deut. 19; 2 Kings 6
Cubit Rod, Ezek. 40
Farm Tools, Isa. 2
Fork, 1 Sam. 2
Iron Plow, Joel 3
Mallet, Judg. 4
Mortal and Pestle, Est. 2
Olive Press, Josh. 24; Job 24; Hos. 2; 12
Ox Goad, Judg. 3
Peg, Judg. 4
Plumb Line, Amos 7
Razor, Judg. 13; Isa. 7
Rope, Eccl. 4
Shovels, 1 Kings 7
Sickle Blades, Ruth 2
Stake, Judg. 4
Threshing Sledge, Ruth 3; 2 Sam. 24; Amos 1
Viticulture and Brewing
Beer Making, Num. 6
Brewery Model, Isa. 28
Vineyard, Gen. 9; Judg. 21; Amos 9
Wine Cellars, Jer. 48
Winepress, Num. 6; Judg. 6; 2 Kings 6; Isa. 5; Jer. 25; Lam. 1
Wineskin, Job 32; Jer. 13
Army of Pharaoh, 2 Chron. 11
Balawat, Deut. 21; Judg. 1; 1 Sam. 31; 2 Sam. 4; 1 Chron. 10; 2 Chron. 24; Ps. 144; Ezek. 22
Camel Warfare, 1 Sam. 30; 1 Chron. 1; 2 Chron. 21; Isa. 21
Capture of Ashkelon, 2 Sam. 1
Corpses in the River, 1 Sam. 18
Corpses impaled, Num. 25; Deut. 21; Josh. 8; 2 Sam. 21; Est. 2; Isa. 1; Jer. 8
Decimation of Army (Karnak), 1 Sam. 14
Flaying, Ezra 9; Isa. 13
Hand to Hand Combat, 2 Sam. 2
Heads Hung, 1 Sam. 31; 1 Chron. 10; Ps. 23
Lachish, 2 Kings 18; Isa. 23
Medinet Habu, Ex. 15; 2 Sam. 21
Mutilation, Judg. 1; 2 Sam 4; 1 Chron. 10; Ezek. 22
Naram Sin Stela, Deut. 20
Nubian Army, 2 Chron. 25
Papyrus Boat, Job 9
Sappers, 1 Kings 20; Ps. 144; Lam. 2
Siege, Lam. 2
Tiglath-pileser III, Josh. 8
Til-Tuba, 1 Sam. 4; 22; 2 Sam. 21; 2 Kings 8; Ps. 79
Warfare: Archers and Slingers
Archer, Josh. 8; Ps. 11
Ashurbanipal, 2 Kings 21; Ps. 7; Nah. 3; Amos 3
Bow Case, 1 Chron. 18
Chariot, 1 Chron. 18; 2 Chron. 1
Chariot Trampling Enemy, Judg. 1
Immortals, Jer. 49
Lachish Relief, 2 Kings 18; Isa. 23; 36; Jer. 6; Hab. 1
Lachish Siege Drawing, Ezek. 26
Lion Hunting, Gen. 10
Pharaoh, Ex. 14
Slinger, 1 Sam. 17; Job 41
Slingstones, Judg. 20
Warfare: Body Parts
Cutting off Head, 1 Sam. 31; 2 Sam. 20
Hands, Judg. 8
Head, 1 Sam. 17; 31; 2 Kings 10; 1 Chron. 10; Ps. 23; Jer. 34; Nah. 3
Phalli, 1 Sam. 18
Warfare: Cavalry
Cavalry, Jer. 46
Lion Hunting, Nah. 2
Scythian Horseman, Zeph. Introduction
Til-Tuba, Ezek. 32
Warfare: Chariot
Ashurbanipal, 1 Sam. 8; Isa. 52; Zech. 14
Ashurnasirpal II, Judg. 4; 1 Kings 18; 1 Chron. 14; Ps. 7; 45
Balawat, Deut. 21; Judg. 1; 5; 1 Sam. 13; 1 Chron. 10; Isa. 2; 23; Ezek. 22; 26; Amos 2
Chariot, 1 Kings 1; 1 Chron. 18; 2 Chron. 1
Chariot of Tutankhamun, 2 Chron. 1
Chariot Trampling Enemy, Judg. 1
Gods in a Chariot, Hab. 3
Lachish, 1 Chron. 28
Lion Hunting, Jer. 27; Nah. 2
Megiddo Ivory, 1 Sam. 4; 1 Kings 10; Ps. 99; Isa. 20
Pharaoh, Ex. 14
Sargon II, 1 Kings Introduction; Isa. 20
Seti I, Ex. 13
Standard of Ur, 2 Chron. 1
Tiglath-pileser III, Isa. 7
Til-Tuba, Ezek. 32
Trampling of Shasu, Judg. 5
Tutankhamun in Chariot, Song 1
Warfare: Enemies under Feet
Abu Simbel, Ps. 47
Darius, Ezra 6
Enemies as Footstool, Ps. 110
Decapitated Enemies Trampled, Nah. 3
Netjerikhet, 1 Kings 5; Ps. 83
Nimrud, Isa. 51
Ramesses III, Josh. 12
Sandals, Lam. 3
Warfare: Exiles and Prisoners
Abu Simbel, 1 Kings 20; Jer. 5
Ashtaroth, Ezra 9
Ashurbanipal, 2 Kings 15; Ezek. 12; Nah. 3
Balawat, Deut. 21; Judg. 1; 1 Chron. 10; Jer. 29; Lam. 1; Ezek. 22; Amos 2; Mic. 1; Nah. 1
Elamite Prisoners, 1 Sam. 17; Ps. 2
Esarhaddon Stele, 2 Kings 19; Isa. 37; Ezek. 11
Exiles, Ps. 147
Khumban-khaltash III, 2 Chron. 33
Lachish, Num. 25; 2 Sam. 21; 2 Kings 6; 18; 2 Chron. 28; Ezra 7; Neh. 8; Est. 2; Ps. 95; 107; Isa. Introduction; 13; 36; 47; Jer. 8; 38; Hab. 1
Lachish Siege Drawing, Ezek. 26
Medinet Habu, Job 12
Megiddo Ivory, 1 Sam. 4; 1 Kings 10; Ps. 99; Isa. 20
Nineveh, Isa. 7
Prisoner with Hook, 2 Kings 19; Isa. 37; Ezek. 11; 19; Amos 4
Prisoners, Num. 13; 2 Chron. 36; Jer. 13; 39; Lam. 5
Prisoners in Net, 2 Sam. 22; Job 19; Isa. 8; Ezek. 17; Hab. 1
Prisoners on Sandals, Lam. 3
Ramesses II, 2 Sam. 8
Sargon II, Ps. 25
Sea People, Ex. 15; Judg. 3; 1 Sam. 4; 6; 17; 2 Sam. 21
Shasu, Gen. 36
Syrian Prisoner, Judg. 5
Thutmose III, Num. 33
Tiglath-pileser III, Josh. 8; 1 Kings 20
Warfare: Mighty Arm
Karnak, Isa. 9
Narmer Palette, Isa. 9
Pharaoh, Ex. 6; Num. 24; Deut. 2; Josh. 8; Neh. 13; Ps. 2; Ezek. 30
Ramesses II, Ezek. 8
Ramesses III, Josh. 12; Judg. 6
Thutmose III, Josh. 10