
1. Heller, Disinherited Mind.

2. Epiphany Philosophers (website), accessed February 17, 2017,

3. Braithwaite, Scientific Explanation.

4. For example, see Griffiths, Return to the Centre and Marriage of East and West.

5. Jill Purce (website), accessed February 1, 2017,

6. Sheldrake, New Science of Life, Presence of the Past.

7. Sheldrake, Seven Experiments.

8. Sheldrake, Dogs That Know.

9. Sheldrake, Sense of Being Stared At

10. Sheldrake and Smart, “Videotaped Experiments on Telephone Telepathy.”


1. Koenig, King, and Carson, Handbook of Religion, chaps. 7, 9.

2. Ibid., chap. 7.

3. Ibid., chap. 26.

4. Ibid., chap. 11.

5. Global Christianity—A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population, The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Pew Research Center, December 19, 2011,

6. Russians Return to Religion, But Not to Church, Pew Research Center, February 10, 2014,

7. For a magisterial and insightful discussion, see Taylor, Secular Age.

8. “Figures,” British Religion in Numbers, University of Manchester, accessed November 8, 2016,

9. “Why ‘No Religion’ Is the New Religion,” News & Blogs, Lancaster University, January 18, 2016,

10. “Religion in France—Past and Present,”, accessed November 8, 2016,

11. Ulf Jonsson SJ, “The Religious Landscape in Sweden,” Pathways to God, November 1, 2016,

12. “Numbers in Ireland’s Catholic Church Continue to Drop—Stigma Attached to Attending Mass,” IrishCentral, March 27, 2013,

13. Donald Snyder, “As Church Attendance Drops, Europe’s Most Catholic Country Seeks Modern Pope,” NBC News, March 5, 2013,

14. Michael Hout and Tom W. Smith, Fewer Americans Affiliate with Organised Religions, Belief and Practice Unchanged: Key Findings from the 2014 General Social Survey, March 10, 2015,

15. U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious: Modest Drop in Overall Rates of Belief and Practice, but Religiously Affiliated Americans Are as Observant as Before, Pew Research Center, November 3, 2015,

16. Theos, Spirit of Things.

17. For some striking examples, see Ross Douthat, “Varieties of Religious Experience,” New York Times, December 24, 2016, Opinion,

18. Jules Evans, “The Spiritual Experiences Survey,” Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, February 5, 2016,

19. Ibid.

20. Woodhead and Catto, Religion and Change.

21. Jules Evans, “The Spiritual Experiences Survey,” Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, February 5, 2016,

22. de Botton, Religion for Atheists, 13.

23. Ibid.,14.

24. Harris, Waking Up, 202–3.

25. “How to Meditate,” Sam Harris (website), May 10, 2011,

26. Sunday Assemby (website), accessed November 9, 2016

27. Jules Evans, “Atheism” (category page), Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, accessed November 9, 2016,

28. Koenig, McCullough, and Larson, Handbook of Religion.

29. Koenig, King, and Carson, Handbook of Religion.

Chapter 1: Meditation and the Nature of Minds

1. Benson and Klipper, Relaxation Response.

2. Ned Simons, “MPs Slow the Westminster Treadmill with Weekly ‘Mindfulness’ Meetings, Huffington Post, November 4, 2013,

3. “Mindfulness,” NHS Choices, 2016,

4. Partridge, Origins, 393.

5. Kenneth Miller, “Archaeologists Find Earliest Evidence of Humans Cooking with Fire,” Discover, May 2013,

6. Taylor, Introduction, Effects of Meditation.

7. Ibid.

8. Deepak Chopra, “The Maharishi Years—The Untold Story: Recollections of a Former Disciple,” Huffington Post, February 13, 2008,

9. For example, see the World Community for Christian Meditation, September 16, 2016,

10. Benson and Klipper, Relaxation Response.

11. Kuyken et al., “Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.”

12. Blackmore, Zen.

13. Harris, Waking Up.

14. “Nationwide Survey Reveals Widespread Use of Mind and Body Practices,” News Releases, National Institutes of Health, February 10, 2015,

15. Benson and Klipper, Relaxation Response.

16. Ibid., 65–82.

17. Ibid., xxi–xxii.

18. Quoted in Fox, Meister Eckhart, 55. 

19. Koenig, McCullough, and Larson. Handbook of Religion; Koenig, King, and Carson. Handbook of Religion.

20. Benson and Klipper, Relaxation Response, xlii.

21. Schwartz, “Meditation.”

22. Rosenthal et al., “Effects of Transcendental Meditation.”

23. David Wood, “Veterans Find Comfort in Meditation Therapy,” Huffington Post, February 20, 2015,

24. Goyal et al., “Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress.”

25. Tomas Rocha, “The Dark Knight of the Soul,” The Atlantic, June 25, 2014:

26. Robert Booth, “Mindfulness Therapy Comes at a High Price for Some, Say Experts,” Guardian, August 25, 2014,

27. James E. Stahl et al., “Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training and Its Effect on Healthcare Resource Utilization,” PLOS One, October 13, 2015,

28. Personal communication by email, September 16, 2016.

29. Lutz et al., “Long-Term Meditators.” 

30. Hölzel et al., “Mindfulness Meditation Practitioners.”

31. Schulte, B., “Harvard Neuroscientist: Meditation Not Only Reduces Stress, Here’s How It Changes Your Brain,” Washington Post, May 26, 2015, Inspired Life,

32. Hölzel et al., “Mindfulness Meditation Practitioners.” 

33. Mascaro, Upanishads, 51.

34. Aquinas, Compendium of Theology, 226.

35. Batchelor, Secular Buddhism

36. Harris, Waking Up, 10. 

37. Ibid., 137.

38. Ibid., 135, 137. 

39. Barclay Powers, “The Nondual Realization of Sam Harris: The Future of an Illusion,” Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything, 2014,

40. Harris, Waking Up, 175–6.

41. “How to Meditate,” Sam Harris (website), May 10, 2011,

42. Wax, Mindfulness Guide.

43. For example, the Awakened Heart Project for Contemplative Judaism (website), accessed October 26, 2016,

44. For example, the World Community for Christian Meditation (website), accessed October 26, 2016,

45. For example, “Islamic Meditation for Relaxation and Spiritual Comfort,”, June 8, 2010,

Chapter 2: The Flow of Gratitude

1. Emmons and Crumpler, “Gratitude as a Human Strength.”

2. McCullough, Emmons, and Jo-Ann Tsang, “The Grateful Disposition.”

3. Emmons and Kneezel, “Giving Thanks.”

4. Watkins, Van Gelder, and Frias, “Science of Gratitude.”

5. Emmons and McCullough, “Counting Blessings.” 

6. Bono, Emmons, and McCullough. “Gratitude in Practice.” 

7. Ibid.

8. Seligman et al., “Positive Psychology Progress.” 

9. Ehrenreich, Smile or Die.

10. Ibid.

11. Mauss, Gift, 20.

12. Partridge, Origins.

13. Sacks, Gratitude

14. Interestingly, Oliver Sacks’s nephew Jonathan Sacks was chief rabbi of Great Britain.

15. A very helpful book on this subject is Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer by my friend Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk. He also founded an inspiring website called 

16. Hart, Experience of God.

17. There are several websites where you can look up graces or learn sung graces. One is

Chapter 3: Reconnecting with the More-Than-Human World

1. Abram, Spell of the Sensuous.

2. Descola, Beyond Nature, 392. 

3. Viveiros de Castro, “Exchanging Perspectives.”

4. Wilson, Biophilia.

5. Howell, “At Home and Astray.”

6. For example, through the U.K.’s Conservation Volunteers (website), accessed February 12, 2017,

7. Reynolds, “Walking in Nature.”

8. Gilbert, “Green Space.”

9. Park et al., “Effects of Shinrin-yoku.”

10. Li, “Effect of Forest Bathing.”

11. Karjalainen, Sarjala, and Raitio, “Human Health through Forests.”

12. Bratman et al., “Benefits of Nature Experience.”

13. Bratman et al., “Nature Experience Reduces Rumination.”

14. Gilbert, “Green Space.”

15. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Natural Choice

16. Louv, Last Child.

17. “Screen Time and Children,” Medline Plus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, last updated April 24, 2017,


19. Hardy, Nature of Man.

20. Ibid., 108.

21. Ibid., 49.

22. Ibid., 33.

23. Paffard, Inglorious Wordsworths, 117. 

24. Ibid., 184.

25. Ibid., 121–2.

26. Sheldrake, Rebirth of Nature.

27. Frazer, Folk-Lore.

28. Bentley, Restless Bones.

29. Berresford, Celtic Inheritance.

30. Bob O’Hearn, “Hildegard of Bingen,” Western Mystics, March 22, 2015,

31. Hart, Experience of God

32. Eire, Against the Idols, 224.

33. Roszak, Wasteland Ends; Berman, Reenchantment.

34. Thomas, Man and the Natural World.

35. Ibid., 257.

36. Ibid., 258.

37. Ibid., 266.

38. Ibid., 267.

39. Emerson, Selected Essays, 38–9.

40. Wroe, Being Shelley

41. Darwin, Zoonomia.  

42. Ibid., 36. 

43. Bowler, Evolution, 134.

44. Darwin, Variation of Animals, 7–8.

45. Darwin, Origin of Species, chap. 3.

46. See discussion in Sheldrake, Science Delusion, chap. 4. 

47. Strawson, “Realistic Monism.”

48. Nagel, Mind and Cosmos.

49. Strawson, “Realistic Monism.” 

50. Ibid., 27.

51. This meeting was generously funded by the Lifebridge Foundation of New York, and I am grateful to it for making this gathering possible.

52. “Space Weather,” SOHO: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, ESA and NASA, accessed September 16, 2016,

53. Anselm, Proslogion, chap. 16. 

54. Young, McGown, and Haas, Coyote’s Guide.

Chapter 4: Relating to Plants

1. Cambridge University Frank Smart Prize in Botany, 1962.

2. “Plant and Cell Biology,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed January 30, 2017,

3. Darwin, Origin of Species, 6th ed., 185.

4. Ibid., 186.

5. Vatican, Catechism, 17. 

6. Hart, Experience of God

7. Anselm, Proslogion, 97. 

8. Deb, Groves of West Bengal.

9. Frazer, Folk-Lore, vol. 3, 62.

10. Anderson and Hicks, Green Man.

11. Quoted at “About Thoreau’s Life and Writings,” the Walden Woods Project, the Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods, accessed January 28, 2016,’s_Life_and_Writings:_The_Research_Collections/Thoreau_and_the_Environment.

12. Williams, God’s Wilds.

13. Giblett, People and Places

14. Ibid.,143.

15. Ibid., 145.

16. “List of Sites of Special Scientific Interest by Area of Search,” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, last modified December 27, 2017,

17. A. Cort Sinnes, “Food Gardening in the U.S. at the Highest Levels in More Than a Decade According to a New Report by the National Gardening Association,” National Gardening Association, accessed March 30, 2016,

18. Data from The Kings Fund Report on “Gardens and Health,” 2016, accessed February 21, 2018,

Chapter 5: Rituals and the Presence of the Past

1. Strehlow, quoted in Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, 235.

2. Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, 236.

3. Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion, 391.

4. Sheldrake and Fox, Natural Grace.

5. van Gennep, Rites of Passage.

6. La Fontaine, Initiation.

7. For example, see Maddisen K. Krown, “Huffington Post: What Is a Vision Quest and Why Do One?” School of Lost Borders, accessed February 17, 2017,

8. Corazza, Near-Death Experiences.

9. “About Near-Death Experiences,” International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc., accessed June 15, 2016,

10. Carter, 2010.

11. P.M.H. Atwater, “Aftereffects of Near-Death States,” International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc., December 14, 2017,

12. van Lommel, Consciousness Beyond Life.

13. William Schweiker, “Torture and Religious Practice,” Dialog: A Journal of Theology 47, no. 3 (Fall 2008): 208–16,

14. Ibid.

15. Freud, Moses and Monotheism, 95.

16. Dan McDougall, “Indian Cult Kills Children for Goddess,” The Observer, March 4, 2006,

17. Jonathan Paye-Layleh, “I Ate Children’s Hearts, Ex-rebel Says,” BBC News, January 22, 2008,

18. Ehrenreich, Blood Rites.

19. Ibid., 40.

20. Ibid., 59.

21. Ibid., 41.

22. Ibid., 54.

23. “Questions and Answers About Biomedical Research,” Humane Society of the United States, accessed June 17, 2016,

24. Megan Cartwright, “Why Do Secular Scientists Keep Talking About Animal Sacrifice?” Slate, July 9, 2015,

25. Alison Christy, “Sacrifice,”, July 6, 2008,

26. Sheldrake, Science Delusion.

27. Sheldrake, Presence of the Past.

28. Sheldrake, New Science of Life; Presence of the Past, 2nd ed.

29. Woodard and McCrone, “Unusual Crystallization Behavior.”

30. Quoted in Woodard and McCrone, “Unusual Crystallization Behavior.”

31. Details are given in Sheldrake, New Science of Life; Presence of the Past, 2nd ed.

32. Ibid.

33. Sheldrake, New Science of Life

34. See the discussion in Sheldrake and Fox, Natural Grace, chap. 6. 

35. Neel Burton, “The History of Kissing,” Psychology Today, February 23, 2014,

Chapter 6: Singing, Chanting, and the Power of Music

1. Jill Purce, The Healing Voice, accessed December 31, 2016,

2. Sacks, Musicophilia, x–xi. 

3. Darwin, Descent of Man, 567. 

4. Ibid., 569.

5. Cross, “Nature of Music.”

6. Ibid., 11.

7. Darwin, Descent of Man, 572. 

8. Ibid., 571.

9. Brown, “Evolutionary Models of Music.” 

10. Cross and Morley, “The Evolution of Music.”

11. Merker, 2000.

12. Geissmann, 2000.

13. Zivotofsky et al., 2012. 

14. Brown, “Evolutionary Models of Music.”

15. Cross and Morley, “The Evolution of Music.”

16. Ibid.

17. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution.

18. Purce, “Sound in Mind and Body.”

19. Ibid.

20. Jill Purce, The Healing Voice, accessed January 13, 2017,

21. For a detailed research study see the work of Guy Hayward (2014):

22. Sheldrake, Presence of the Past, 2nd ed. 

23. Clift et al., Singing and Health

24. Clift et al., “Choral Singing and Psychological Wellbeing.”

25. Chanda and Levitin, “Neurochemistry of Music.”

26. Clift et al., “Choral Singing and Psychological Wellbeing.” 

27. Vella-Burrows, “Singing and People with Dementia.”

28. Clift et al., “Choral Singing and Psychological Wellbeing.”  

29. Chanda and Levitin, “Neurochemistry of Music.”

30. Ibid.

31. Levitin, Your Brain on Music.

32. Chanda and Levitin, “Neurochemistry of Music,” 186.

33. Levitin, Your Brain on Music, 173.

34. Ibid., 191.

35. Feldman et al., “Oxytocin Pathway Genes.” 

36. Chanda and Levitin, “Neurochemistry of Music.”

37. Ibid.

38. Nilsson, “Soothing Music Can Increase Oxytocin.”

39. It was her awareness of a correlation between the degree of apparent development in societies and their lack of group singing and chanting that originally inspired Jill Purce to bring people together to rediscover the power of group chant.

40. Frazer, Folk-Lore

41. Ehrenreich, Dancing in the Streets, 53.

42. Ibid., 65.

43. Ibid., 137.

44. Ibid., 4. 

45. Chris Iliades, “Stats and Facts About Depression in America,” Everyday Health, last updated January 23, 3013,

46. Quoted in Irvin and McLear, Mojo Collection, 20.

47. Quoted in Godwin, Music, Mysticism and Magic, 6.

48. Ibid., 10–11.

49. Titze, “The Human Instrument.”

50. Hazrat Inayat Khan, “Music of the Spheres.”

51. Tolkien, Silmarillion.

Chapter 7: Pilgrimages and Holy Places

1. “The Dance of the Kingfish,” Society X | The Great Universe, February 12, 2013,

2. Hjalmar S. Kühl et al., “Chimpanzee Accumulative Stone Throwing,” Scientific Reports 6 (February 29, 2016),

3. Vitebsky, The Reindeer People.

4. Boyles, “Saving Sacred Sites.”

5. Michell, The Earth Spirit, 10.

6. Ibid.

7. Frazer, Folk-Lore, vol. 2, 76.

8. Coleman and Elsner, Pilgrimage Past and Present.

9. Ibid. 

10. Ibid., 20.

11. Ibid., 25.

12. Brown, Cult of the Saints.

13. Coleman and Elsner, Pilgrimage Past and Present.

14. Quoted in Duffy, 1992, p. 407.

15. Dee Dyas, “Pilgrims and Pilgrimage: The Reformation Onwards,” University of York, accessed June 15, 2016,

16. Nabokov, Where the Lightning Strikes.

17. Albera and Eade, Perspectives on Pilgrimage Studies.

18. Gray, Immortalization Commission.

19. “Lenin’s Mausoleum,” accessed February 23,2018,

20. Davies, Pilgrimage Yesterday and Today, 80.

21. Partridge, Origins, 663–4.

22. “Global Travel and Tourism Industry—Statistics and Facts,” Statista, accessed January 27, 2016,

23. Davies, 1998, p.81.

24. Davidson and Gitlitz, Pilgrimage.

25. Laurie Dennett, “2000 Years of the Pilgrimage,” Confraternity of Saint James, accessed January 27, 2016,

26. Ibid.

27. “Statistics,” Pilgrim’s Reception Office, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, accessed January 15, 2016,

28. St. Olav Ways (website), National Pilgrim Center/NDR, accessed January 27, 2016,

29. The British Pilgrimage Trust (website), accessed January 27, 2016,

30. For example, Morris, “Effect of Pilgrimage on Anxiety.”

31. Des de Moor, Walking Works, Walking for Health, October 2013,

32. Elizabeth Lines, “The Nurture of Nature: Natural Settings and Their Mental Health Benefits,” Minding Our Bodies, Canadian Mental Health Association, March 2013,

33. “Statement—Fundamental Concepts of Occupational Therapy: Occupation, Purposeful Activity, and Function,” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 51, no. 10 (November/December 1997): 864–66,

34. For example, “Exercise Is an All-Natural Treatment to Fight Depression,” Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard University, August 2013,

35. Evans, Placebo.

36. “Lourdes Facts,” accessed February 23, 2018,

37. Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, “Lourdes: Healings and Miracles,” accessed January 30, 2016,

38. Quoted in Michell, The Earth Spirit, 13. 

39. Mountaineering Scotland, “Knowing the Risks: Lightning,” accessed January 26, 2016,

40. Scott et al., “Solar Wind Modulation of Lightning.”

41. “Real-Time Lightning Map,”,, accessed February 3, 2017,

Chapter 8: Conclusions: Spiritual Practices in a Secular Age

1. Taylor, Secular Age, 32.

2. Ibid., 225.

3. For a helpful summary of Taylor’s arguments, see Smith, How (Not) to Be Secular

4. Taylor, Secular Age, 449.

5. Ibid., 56.

6. Spencer, Atheists.

7. Taylor, Secular Age, 2.

8. “League of the Militant Godless,” Encyclopedia of Russian History,, accessed December 31, 2016,

9. However, since 1978, the constitution of the People’s Republic of China has guaranteed freedom of religion.

10. Taylor, Secular Age, 5.

11. Gray, Straw Dogs, 127–8.

12. “Spanish Inquisition,” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, last modified February 1, 2018,

13. Gray, Immortalization Commission, 182.

14. Palash Gosh, “How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?” International Business Times, March 5, 2013,

15. Ibid.

16. “Pol Pot in Cambodia: 1975–1979—2,000,000 Deaths,” The History Place, 1999,

17. Sheldrake, Science Delusion.

18. Koenig, Medicine, Religion, and Health.

19. Ibid., 142.

20. Ibid.

21. Zuckerman, “Atheism.”

22. Field, “Secularising Selfhood.”

23. Theos, Spirit of Things Unseen.

24. Lorimer, “Science and Religion.”


1. Sheldrake, McKenna, and Abraham, Evolutionary Mind; Chaos, Creativity

2. “The Sheldrake–McKenna–Abraham Trialogues,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed February 1, 2017,

3. “The Nature of the Mind: A Discussion Between J. Krishnamurti, David Bohm, John Hidley and Rupert Sheldrake,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed February 1, 2017,

4. Sheldrake and Fox, Natural Grace; Fox and Sheldrake, Physics of Angels.

5. “Discussions Between Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed February 17, 2017,

6. “Dialogues with Bishop Marc Andrus,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed February 1, 2017,

7. “Science Set Free Podcast,” Rupert Sheldrake (website), accessed February 1, 2017,