
Abel, Rudolf, 580

Abernathy, Ralph, 412

ABMs (antiballistic missiles), 447, 450, 493, 522

Acheson, Dean, 14–15, 174, 202

Adams, Sherman, 21–22, 25, 122, 151, 324

Army-McCarthy hearings and, 187

Eisenhower on, 481

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 273, 275, 279

as Eisenhower’s possible successor, 282, 289

Eisenhower’s second term and, 281–82, 288–90

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 437

Goldfine and, 467–69, 481

government land purchases and, 277–78

Little Rock school integration and, 414–16

on Meet the Press, 366

Modern Republicanism and, 391

on Nixon, 273, 285

resignation of, 468–69, 480–82

Suez crisis and, 359, 368, 370

unpopularity of, 467–69

Adenauer, Konrad, 19, 216, 503, 641

disarmament and, 569

Eisenhower’s visit and, 538, 540

German reunification and, 120, 521

Paris summit and, 537, 544

U-2 bases and, 340

agriculture, see farm policy

Agriculture Department, U.S., 299

Agronsky, Martin, 258

Air Force, U.S., 88–89

atomic plane of, 395–96

desegregation of, 126

“weather balloons” of, 309–10, 396, 475–76

see also specific missiles and aircraft

Air Force One, 534–35, 537

Ajax Operation, 111–12, 129–30, 193

Alaska, statehood for, 157–58, 539

Alcorn, Meade, 481

Aldrich, Winthrop, 50, 372, 481

Alert Operation, 256–57, 482

Algeria, 366, 378, 383, 538

Allen, George, 28, 270–71, 303, 366, 529

dependent tax cut and, 252

Eisenhower’s second term and, 287, 289

at Key West, 287

Alsop, Joseph, 563

American Medical Association (AMA), 157, 199

Amman Pact, 356

Anderson, Clinton, 267–68, 530

Anderson, Robert, 126, 221–22, 366, 433, 518, 607, 645

Cuba and, 583, 608–9

disarmament and, 447

Lebanon and, 470

as Middle East mediator, 316–17

as possible 1956 running mate, 320–21

as possible presidential candidate, 254, 282, 289, 545–46, 560

Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 109–10

Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 192–96

Arkansas, school integration in, 414–23

Arkansas National Guard, 414–23

arms control and disarmament, 94, 131–35, 246, 553, 613

Bricker amendment and, 343

conditions for, 246

date set for, 344

dilemma in, 246, 257–58

economy and, 394

Eisenhower on, 123–24, 153, 257–258, 402, 404

five-point program for, 401

Geneva summit discussion of, 262–265

international control for, 401, 403

Khrushchev’s call for, 542–43

manpower cuts and, 394–95

on-site inspection and, 246–47, 257, 311–12

Paris summit and, 567, 569–70

post-Suez offer suggested for, 374

propaganda and, 447–53, 490, 591

Strauss’s proposal for, 448

U.S. revised proposal for, 311–12

see also “Atoms for Peace” proposal; London disarmament talks; Open Skies proposal; test ban

arms race, 131–35, 149–51, 153, 621

“Atoms for Peace” proposal and, 149–50, 153, 311–12

Eisenhower on, 92, 94–95, 132–35, 148, 247, 523

Army, U.S.:

in Little Rock situation, 418–23

McCarthy hearings on, 163–68, 170–71, 186–89

manpower cuts ordered for, 394–95

missiles of, 216–17, 312

Nurses Corps of, 274, 279

Peress case and, 161–63

segregation in, 125–26

Arrowsmith, Marvin, 559

At Ease: Stories 1 Tell to Friends (Eisenhower), 635

Atlas missiles, 312

atomic energy:

information sharing on, 145–51

international control of, 94, 134, 148–51, 310–12

peaceful use of, 131–35, 147–51, 204, 399, 565, 620

private development of, 157, 310

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 123, 157, 342, 345

atomic weapons control relinquished by, 225

Castle nuclear tests and, 168–69

on fallout, 246

on missile delivery systems, 312

new reactor of, 493

Oppenheimer and, 166–67, 170

on Soviet missiles, 314

Strauss’s disarmament proposal and, 448

test ban and, 448, 450–51, 479–80, 492, 541

TVA and, 201

see also specific tests

atomic weapons, 397

bombers and, 313, 342, 427

China as proposed target for, 205–206, 213, 229, 238–39, 243, 245–246, 482–84

clean, 398–400, 403

construction rate of, 93

Eisenhower on, 71, 87, 95, 131–35, 148, 205–6, 224, 239

first strike policy for, 123, 258

Formosa Straits crisis and, 238–39, 243–44, 482–84

Indochina and, 184, 205–6

international disapproval of, 51, 238, 243

Korean War and, 34–35, 51–52

overseas deployment of, 224–25, 259

tactical, 398–99

“Atoms for Peace” proposal, 147–51, 153, 310–11

at Geneva summit, 263

Augusta, Ga., 93–96, 139–40, 228, 551, 604, 639

Australia, 204, 209–10

Austrian peace treaty, 248–49

Autobahn (Germany), 502–4

auto industry, 249–50

Baghdad Pact, 316, 318

Baldwin, Hanson, 480

Bartlett, Charles, 600

Baruch, Bernard, 314

Batista, Fulgencio, 504–5, 545

Battle Monuments Commission, 670–671

Belgium, Congo and, 586–87

Ben-Gurion, David, 316–17, 329, 352–353, 356, 359, 365, 367

Gaza withdrawal and, 370–71, 385–388

Benson, Ezra Taft, 24, 159–60, 496

soil and water conservation and, 277–78, 299–300

Bentley, Elizabeth, 137

Berlin crisis, 502–4, 511, 515–21

activism urged in, 516–20

Eisenhower’s calm in, 517–21

Foreign Ministers meeting and, 504, 524–26

Soviet motives in, 544

withdrawal deadlines for, 502, 525–26, 543–44

Berlin Wall, 643

Bethe, Hans, 452

B-52 bombers, 313, 427, 429, 432, 454

big business, Eisenhower on, 302

Bissell, Richard, 193–94, 340–41, 514–515, 557, 569, 584, 589, 608–9, 615

Bitter Woods, The (J. Eisenhower), 674

Black, Douglas, 592, 611

Black, Eugene, 329–30

blacks, 304–9

Eisenhower’s lack of contact with, 387, 529

in Montgomery bus boycott, 307

see also civil rights; integration; school segregation cases

Boggs, Hale, 301

Bohlen, Charles E. (Chip), 59–61, 96, 577–78, 591

Borden, William, 141

Borman, Frank, 641

Bourguiba, Habib, 383

Bradley, Omar, 15, 26, 30, 51, 71, 86, 663–64

Bravo nuclear test, 168–69

Bricker, John, 60, 66, 68–70, 154–55, 488

Bricker Amendment, 56, 66, 68–70, 151–52, 154–55, 260, 343

Bridges, Styles, 55, 64, 99, 220, 559

foreign aid and, 379–80 1958

budget and, 390

Nixon supported by, 273

on Rhee, 104

on summit meetings, 260

Brown, Rusty, 633–34, 655, 660, 670

Brownell, Herbert, 22–24, 30, 60, 191, 221, 302, 645, 673

on Bricker Amendment, 69

civil-rights bill and, 304, 307–8, 326–27, 406

congressional subpoenas and, 162–163, 165–66, 186–87

Eisenhower on, 124

as Eisenhower’s possible successor, 254, 282, 289

on H. D. White, 137–40

Little Rock school integration and, 414–19

martial law studied by, 256

1956 Republican platform and, 327–28

Oppenheimer and, 142

resignation of, 441

Rosenbergs and, 84

school segregation cases and, 124–126, 142–43, 189–90

second term dinner and, 288–90

on “undesirables” in government, 45–46, 136–42

Brown v. Topeka, 143, 189–92, 303–7, 327–28, 408–9, 620

Eisenhower on, 190–92, 327–28, 337–38, 498

southern reaction to, 305–7

B-70 bomber, 550–51, 560–61

Buckley, William, 536

budget, federal, 47, 115

balancing of, 70–71, 85, 158, 433, 496–97, 549, 607

debt limit and, 91

Eisenhower’s letter campaigns on, 497, 527

Kennedy and, 605–6, 632

national security and, 433–35

budgets, federal:

of 1954, 33, 86–91

of 1955, 151, 223–24

of 1956, 223–24

of 1958, 388–91

of 1959, 549

of 1960, 495–97

of 1961, 605–7

surplus in, 549

taxes and, 85–86, 527

Bulganin, Nicolai, 248, 260, 445–46

at Geneva summit, 262–66

on Hungary, 371

new U.S. arms control proposal and, 311–12

on Open Skies, 265, 276

resignation of, 451

Suez crisis and, 367–68

summit requested by, 445, 447

test ban urged by, 349–50, 447–51

Bullis, Harry, 81–82

Bunche, Ralph, 80–81, 412

Bundy, McGeorge, 656–58

Bundy, William, 121

Burd, Laurence, 391, 567

bureaucracy, federal, 45–46

Civil Service and, 151, 595–96

cutbacks in, 136–37

“leaks” from, 46

national security and, 45–48, 136, 141

“undesirables” in, 55, 63–65, 136–142

unionization and, 200

Burke, Arleigh, 331–32

Burma, 464

Burns, Arthur, 158–59, 345, 460

Bush, Vannevar, 135

Butcher, Harry, 499

Butler, Richard Austen (Rab), 372

Byrnes, James F. (Jimmy), 126–27, 142–43

Cabinet, 69, 78–79, 101–3, 283

appointments to, 20–24

cost control in, 90–91, 396, 433

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 272–73, 275, 279

in elections, 218

evacuation practiced by, 256

McCarthyism discussed in, 83

meetings of, 45, 345, 441, 509

1953 State of the Union speech and, 46–48

patronage and, 151–52

as policy body, 37

preinaugural meetings of, 36–39

Rosenbergs discussed in, 84–85

stockpiling and, 377

Caccia, Sir Harold, 371

Cambodia, 207–10

Camp David, 72, 103, 198, 279

Eisenhower-Kennedy meeting at, 638–39

Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting at, 542–43

Candor Operation, 132–33

Carney, Robert, 232–33, 240–41, 274

Carroll, Paul T., 25, 217

Castillo Armas, Carlos, 193–97

Castle nuclear tests, 168–70

Castro, Fidel, 504–7, 526–27, 555–58, 582–84, 590

anti-Americanism of, 555

assassination attempts against, 557

Communism and, 506, 545, 555–56

Cuban missile crisis and, 642–43

Eisenhower on, 555–57

U.S. embassy and, 609

Catton, Bruce, 81

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 92, 226, 285–86, 328

on Chinese Nationalists, 236

Congo and, 588

covert activity of, 285–86, 395, 506–7

Cuba and, 506–7, 527, 555–57, 582–584, 608–10

Doolittle committee and, 189, 226–227

Eastern Europe and, 285–86, 355, 367

Eisenhower on, 110, 285–86

expenditures of, 113, 395

5412 Committee and, 506–7, 588–89

Hungarian revolt and, 355, 367

intelligence gathering by, 227–28, 395

Iran and, 110–12, 129–30

McCarthy and, 121, 189

MIG defectors and, 112–13

in North Vietnam, 215

Operation Pbsuccess of, 192–97

oversight committee proposed for, 135

Soviet bomber and missile estimates of, 456

Suez crisis and, 353

Swan Island radio station of, 582

on Vietnam, 210

see also U-2 reconnaissance airplanes

Chambers, Whittaker, 137

Chamoun, Camille, 463–67, 469–71

“Chance for Peace” speech, 94–96

Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., 654

Chehab, Faud, 464–66

Chiang Kai-shek, 47, 49, 99, 202, 231, 482–85

compromise accepted by, 485

Formosa Doctrine and, 235–37

Chief Joseph Dam, 77–79

China, Nationalist (Formosa, Taiwan), 581–82

morale in, 236–37

U.S. mutual defense treaty with, 214, 231–32

see also Formosa Doctrine; Formosa Straits crisis

China, People’s Republic of (Communist China), 202

A-bomb attack proposed for, 205–206, 213, 229, 238–39, 243, 245–246, 482–84

blockade urged against, 214

CIA and, 285–86

Greek shipowners and, 62–63

Japanese trade with, 201–2

in Korean War, 34–35

Soviet involvement with, 205–6, 213, 483

U.N. and, 99, 315

U.S. fliers held by, 213–14, 229–30, 244

see also Formosa Straits crisis

Chou En-lai, 207–8, 231, 483–84

on Formosa Doctrine, 235–37

Formosa Straits crisis defused by, 244

Church, Frank, 408

Churchill, Winston, 19, 503, 636–37

EDC and, 207

Eisenhower on, 222, 268, 500–501

Eisenhower’s meetings with, 19, 145–47, 197–98, 501

Formosa Doctrine and, 235–37

French Vietnam War and, 174

health of, 268, 501

Indochina and, 207–8

on J. F. Dulles, 21

retirement of, 248

on Suez crisis, 373

United Action and, 178–79, 181–82

Citizens Committee for Peace and Freedom in Vietnam, 663–64

civil defense program, 591

civil rights, 406–26, 497–99, 625, 652

Eisenhower on, 497–98, 528–29

equal rights amendment and, 412

violent resistance to, 497–98

voting rights as, 406–13, 498–99

see also integration; school segregation cases; segregation

Civil Rights Act (1957), 497–99

Eisenhower’s ignorance of, 407

jury-trial amendment to, 407–13

Civil Rights Commission, 413, 497

Civil Service, 151, 595–96

Clark, Mark, 30–31, 51, 104–5

Clark, Robert, 403, 429

Clay, Lucius, 22–24, 32, 221–22, 645

on highway financing, 251

Stevens and, 162

Clifford, Clark, 615–16

Cochran, Jackie, 647

Cohn, Roy, 81–83, 165

Colby, William, 355

Cold War, 226–27

Eisenhower on, 380

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 274

Eisenhower’s policies and, 520–21

elections during, 554–55

Farewell Address and, 612

Geneva summit and, 266–67

propaganda and, 445

surprise attack feared in, 256–57

Cole, Sterling, 398

Collins, J. Lawton, 215

colonialism, Eisenhower on, 333, 371, 539, 587


CIA and, 285–86

Eisenhower Doctrine and, 381–82

integration and, 307

international “conspiracy” of, 464

Japan and, 582

in Latin America, 555–56

U.S. foreign aid and, 377–81

see also McCarthy, Joseph; McCarthyism

Communist Control Act (1954), 157

Conant, James B., 59, 167

Congo, 581, 586–90

Congress, U.S.:

Brown decision opposed in, 306–7

civil rights bill in, 406–13

Communist China in U.N. and, 99–100

Democratic control of, 219, 252–53, 369, 467, 480–81, 488

DOD reorganization and, 458

education budget cuts and, 115

Eisenhower on, 200, 203

Eisenhower Doctrine and, 382–83, 388

farm bills in, 299–301, 460–61

foreign aid program and, 379–81

Formosa Straits crisis resolution sought from, 232–35

highway financing and, 251

and Israeli occupation of Gaza, 387–88

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of, 403, 567

Latin America and, 504

Lebanon and, 470–71, 473

natural-gas regulation and, 301–3

1958 budget and, 388–91

Nixon vice-presidential candidacy and, 322

presidential news conferences and, 54–55

Republican control of, 218

Rhee supported in, 104–5

RIAA and, 78–79

school construction and, 251–52, 303, 336

subpoenas from, 162–63, 186–89

see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

Conservation Reserve, 299

Constitution, U.S., 56, 68, 124–25, 222, 343, 548, 614

Coulson, J. E., 358

Cousins, Norman, 611

Couve de Murville, Maurice, 479, 502

Craig, May, 54, 343, 411–12, 429, 518

Crawford, Ken, 55

Cronkite, Walter, 631–32, 651, 667

Crusade in Europe (Eisenhower), 610–11, 633–34

Cuba, 477, 504–7, 526–27, 555–58, 582–84, 608–9

Bay of Pigs invasion in, 623, 637–40

CIA and, 506–7, 527, 555–57, 582–584, 608–10

exile brigade and, 584, 608–10, 615–16, 637–38

government-in-exile for, 556–57, 584, 608–10, 615

military action urged for, 583, 615

refugees from, 545

Soviet Union and, 582–84, 641–43

U.S. sugar quota for, 583

Cuban missile crisis, 641–43

Cullen, Roy, 303

Culzean Castle, 540

Cutler, Robert, 25, 67–68, 456, 469

atomic energy policy and, 134

disarmament and, 402

on French Vietnam War, 184, 205

Korean War settlement and, 101

Lebanon and, 470

Oppenheimer and, 142

United Fruit and, 192

Czechoslovakia, Egyptian arms deal with, 315

Davies, John Paton, 56

Davis, John W., 128, 190

D-Day Plus 20, 631–32

Deadline Operation, 480

Defense Department (DOD), U.S., 553

discipline in, 475–76

on effects of nuclear war, 311

election year spending by, 218

interservice rivalry and, 427–29, 457–58

missile programs and, 427–29, 567–568

new projects of, 395–96

1958 budget and, 389, 394–97

nuclear carriers and, 495–96, 549–550

nuclear-weapon “requirements” of, 493–94, 553

reorganization proposed for, 458

test ban and, 449–51, 479, 492, 522–23, 541, 567–68

defense industry:

cost-plus contracts of, 496

Eisenhower on, 612–14, 632

defense policy:

allies in, 90–91

H-bomb in, 171–73

massive overkill capacity as basis for, 123, 172–73

New Look as, 171–72, 174, 224–26

in 1960 campaign, 598–99

nuclear retaliation as, 145

preventive attack as, 206

defense spending, 47, 86–91, 454–56, 591, 625–26

Air Force objections to, 88–89

Berlin crisis and, 515–19

cuts in, 70–71, 86–91, 143–45, 517–519

Democratic attacks on, 299, 560

Eisenhower on, 88–89, 225–26, 454, 476, 560–63

fallout shelters and, 494–95

foreign aid and, 90–91, 381

Gaither Report and, 434–35

after Korean War, 143–45

mutual security funds and, 516–17

national security and, 433–35

in 1955 budget, 223–24

in 1958 budget, 389, 394–97

in 1958 election, 494

in 1960 budget, 495–96

in 1960 election, 594, 597

Taft on, 86–88

technology and, 549–51

deflation, 158–59

de Gaulle, Charles, 19, 478–79, 502, 567, 641

Eisenhower’s relationship with, 538–39

Eisenhower’s visit and, 537–40

Khrushchev and, 577–79

on nuclear war, 552

Paris summit and, 537, 544, 569–70, 577–79

triumvirate proposed by, 538–39, 552, 615

de Guingand, Freddie, 501–2

Democrats, Democratic Party, 157, 201, 301, 396–97, 426, 567

Adams and, 467–69

Congress controlled by, 219, 252–53, 369, 467, 480–81, 488

defense spending attacked by, 299, 560

depression and, 200–201

Eisenhower on, 488

Eisenhower Doctrine and, 382–83

on Eisenhower’s association with millionaires, 113

farm-parity issue and, 300–301

farm policy of, 159

federal bureaucracy controlled by, 45–46

Formosa Straits crisis and, 239

J. F. Dulles criticized by, 442, 523–525

Little Rock and, 425–26

missile gap and, 312–14, 487, 513–15

New Look defense policy and, 225

1956 presidential nomination and, 325

1958 budget and, 388–91

on Republican split, 487–88

southern, 389, 426, 488–89, 497–99, 528

on Yalta agreements, 54

Denver, Colo., vacations in, 122–29, 218, 268, 270

Development Loan Fund, 379

Dewey, John, 81, 106

Dewey, Thomas E., 20, 22, 218, 281, 663

Diem, Ngo Dinh, 210, 214–15, 314–15, 648, 657

Dillon, C. Douglas, 83, 101, 176, 179, 533, 535

Cuba and, 608

Kennedy and, 606

on Lumumba, 586–88

Dirksen, Everett, 55, 60, 161–63, 220, 496, 499, 548–59, 596, 644–45, 650

disarmament, see arms control and disarmament

Divine, Robert, 169–70, 245, 400

Dixon, Pierson, 359

Dodge, Joseph M., 22, 32, 46, 144

Dominican Republic, 556, 582–83

domino theory, 180, 197, 236–37, 482

Donald, David, 653–54

Donovan, Robert, 44

Doolittle, James H., 189, 226, 568

Doud, Mrs. John, 72

Draper, William, 50

Dry, Sergeant, 611

Dulles, Allen, 21, 111, 113, 192, 395, 487, 513, 571

Berlin crisis and, 516

Congo and, 587–88

covert activity as interest of, 395

Cuba and, 505–7, 557, 584, 608–9

on Dien Bien Phu, 176

disarmament and, 449–51

Doolittle on, 226–27

Eisenhower on, 469, 510

5412 Committee and, 506–7, 588

Guatemala and, 192–95

Hungary and, 355

Iran and, 111–12

Kennedy and Johnson briefed by, 598–99

Khrushchev’s anti-Stalin speech and, 328

Lebanon and, 464–66, 469–71

McCarthy rebuffed by, 121

Oppenheimer and, 142

Powers’ U-2. flight and, 574, 576

Quemoy-Matsu situation and, 482

on Rosenbergs, 83

Suez crisis and, 331–32, 357, 360–61, 363, 368, 370

U-2 and, 228, 340–41, 374

Vietnam and, 214

Dulles, Eleanor, 193

Dulles, Foster Rhea, 81

Dulles, John Foster, 16, 20–22, 32, 34–35, 48, 122–24, 192, 297, 405, 469, 507–8, 551

on ABM tests, 477

Air Force “weather balloons” and, 310

Aldrich’s appointment and, 50

anti-Communism of, 64, 442, 444–446, 464

on atomic attack proposed for Korean War, 51

atomic power policy and, 133–34, 147

background of, 20–21

on balancing the budget, 70–71

Berlin crisis and, 502–4

Bohlen’s nomination and, 60

Bricker Amendment and, 69–70

Castle nuclear tests and, 169–70

Chief Joseph Dam and, 78–79

Chief Justice appointment offered to, 128

on Chinese Communists, 240

Churchill’s meeting with, 174

CIA and, 395

Cold War and, 226

on containment, 33

criticism of, 442–44

death of, 525

defense spending and, 90, 144, 394, 454–56

de Gaulle and, 502

disarmament and, 344, 350, 402–4, 443, 447–54, 492

on Eastern Europe, 363

EDC and, 49–50

Eden’s talks with, 314–16

EEC and, 405

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 273, 275–76

Eisenhower’s relationship with, 21–22, 216, 297, 442–47, 508–9, 523–25, 535

on Eisenhower’s second term, 288–290, 295

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 438–39

Eisenhower’s wine imported by, 198–99, 217

European nuclear stockpiles and, 405

Foreign Ministers meeting and, 275–76

in Formosa Straits crisis, 213, 232–234, 237–44, 483–85

Gaza withdrawal and, 386–87

Geneva summit and, 260–63, 267

German rearmament and, 216–17

Guatemala and, 192–95

health of, 508–9, 523–25

Hungarian crisis and, 372

Indochina and, 173, 177–81, 204–211

Iran and, 111

on Korean settlement, 92, 96–97, 101–3, 105–6

Lebanon and, 464–66, 470–71, 474–475

McCarthy and, 60–65

Macmillan and, 524

on massive retaliation, 172–73

Middle East and, 314–19, 328–34, 462–63

on Nasser, 315, 317–18, 329–30, 462–63

Nehru and, 98

Nixon and, 273, 292–93

on nuclear deterrence, 284

nuclear testing and, 399–400

oil import policy and, 446–47

Open Skies and, 259

on Operation Teacup, 246

personality of, 21

postwar Korean aid and, 107–8

on price and wage controls, 51–52

propaganda and, 445

resignation offered by, 443–44, 508, 524

Saud and, 384

on Soviet Union, 92, 283, 445–46

as Stassen’s conflict with, 401

Suez crisis and, 330–34, 339, 351–53, 356–57, 359–60, 362–64, 372–73

on summit meetings, 145, 247, 534

surgery of, 366

Third World and, 110

U-2 flights and, 341

Vietnam and, 214–15

VOA and, 81–83

White case and, 137

Zaroubin and, 309–10

Durkin, Martin, 24, 116–18

Eastern Europe, 263–64, 371–72, 622

anti-Soviet rebellions in, 354–56, 367, 371–73

Eisenhower on U.S. support for, 363, 520

J. F. Dulles on, 363

Khrushchev’s anti-Stalin speech and, 328

Soviet apology to, 361

U-2 flights over, 340

Eastland, James, 327, 420, 528

economy, U.S., 624–25

arms control arid, 394

boom in, 249–50

Eisenhower on, 158–59, 224

highway expenditures and, 250–51, 301

politics and, 200–201

public-works programs and, 460

Eden, Anthony, 50, 146, 197–98, 207, 248

Bulganin’s message to, 367–68

Eisenhower and, 314–16, 359–61, 365

Formosa Doctrine and, 237

at Geneva summit, 262–65

Iran and, 109–10

J. F. Dulles and, 21, 197, 314–16

on Middle East, 315–16, 328, 367, 369–70

Suez nationalization and, 330–34, 338, 360

U-2 flights and, 340

vote of confidence for, 360

education, 459–60

Eisenhower on, 115, 459

federal aid for, 459–60, 496–97


Amman Pact and, 356

Anglo-French invasion of, 362–70

Anglo-French ultimatum to, 360

Aswan Dam and, 318, 323, 329–30

Communist China recognized by, 329

Eisenhower’s support of, 358–65

Israel and, 316–18, 328, 357–70

Soviet arms for, 276, 463

UAR and, 462

U.S. mediation attempted with, 316–17

see also Suez Canal; Suez crisis

Eisenhower, Arthur (brother), 13

Eisenhower, Barbara (daughter-in-law), 43, 72–73, 139, 271, 285, 335, 530, 552, 570, 603, 630, 672–73

Eisenhower, Barbara Anne (granddaughter), 630

Eisenhower, Doud Dwight (Icky) (son), 669–70

Eisenhower, Dwight David:

abdominal surgery of, 322, 674

assessment of, 618–27

on bad years, 486

basic chores done for, 16, 616–17

bridge-playing by, 93–94, 96, 198, 287, 335, 366, 385–86, 417, 461, 604, 646, 655, 670

on campaigning, 297, 347

concentration of, 28

conflicting views sought by, 79–80, 203–4

conversations tape-recorded by, 202–3

cooking by, 551, 629

crisis decisions of, 245, 417, 419, 509–10, 534, 623–26

crusader theme used by, 40–41, 43, 625

daily routine of, 26–28, 291

death of, 675

death anticipated by, 291–92, 322, 508–9, 529–30, 669–75

firing as difficult task for, 298–99, 480

five-star rank regained by, 611

golf and, 72–75, 198, 268, 280, 291, 335, 417, 646, 655, 669–70

on greatness, 222

heart attacks of, 270–81, 669, 672

hobbies of, 28

humor of, 275, 280

hunting and fishing by, 268, 385–86, 461, 617, 646

irritability of, 440–41

leadership of, 19–20, 37, 53, 85, 114, 164–65, 327, 435, 579, 620–27

liberalism of, 115–16

memoirs of, see At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends; Crusade in Europe; Eisenhower diary; White House Years, The

millionaire friends of, 113, 303, 647

name use and, 631

as nation’s steward, 277–78, 295–96, 625

1959 rally of, 511–12, 532

1959 trip of, 551–53

painting by, 275, 279, 437, 467, 629

personal finances and, 74, 610–11

physical condition of, 17, 94–96, 268–69, 289–91, 296–97, 334–35, 384, 435, 439–40, 602, 646, 669–75

as politician, 17–18, 219

post-Presidential briefings of, 641–642

on Presidency, 15–16, 44, 71, 549, 562

private life of, 27

recuperations of, 273–81, 287–88, 439–40

relaxation by, 27–28, 71–75

resignation considered by, 437, 439

on retirement, 278–79, 366, 486, 529–30, 558–59, 592, 628–29

second term decision and, 203, 221–22, 253–55, 268–69, 272, 278, 280–82, 285–96

sleeping habits of, 290–91, 501

as speaker, 52–53, 346

staff and, 344–46

stroke of, 435–40

on successor, 152–53, 276

television commentary of, 631–32, 652–53

time allocations of, 344–46

travel and, 535, 537, 551–53, 631–32

trustworthiness of, 17

women and, 28–30

Eisenhower, Dwight David, II (grandson), 94, 140, 279, 485, 529, 551, 617, 630–31, 671, 673–75

Eisenhower, Edgar (brother), 68, 129, 155, 219, 290, 335, 610

Eisenhower, Ida (mother), 29

Eisenhower, John (son), 26, 42–43, 72–73, 84, 105, 113, 284, 335, 505, 530, 551–52, 570, 589, 591, 603, 630

as adviser, 509

in Augusta, 139

Berlin crisis and, 502–4, 511, 515–516, 519

father’s death and, 672–75

on father’s health, 646

father’s heart attack and, 271–72

father’s memoirs and, 559, 592, 633–34

father’s pride in, 630

father’s second term and, 281, 285, 289

father’s stroke and, 436–37

5412 Committee and, 507

at Geneva summit, 259, 262

Hardtack tests and, 426–27

Kennedy transition and, 606–7, 616

1956 campaign and, 350, 352–53

test ban and, 492–93

U-2 flights and, 340, 569

Eisenhower, Mamie (wife), 29, 72–75, 335, 413, 474, 537, 552, 628–32, 643

in Augusta, 93–94, 551, 604, 639

on auto dealers’ wives, 250

Batista and, 545

at Geneva summit, 259

Gettysburg farm and, 122, 280, 628–29

gregariousness of, 139

husband assisted by, 29, 72

husband’s death and, 672–75

on husband’s health, 441

husband’s heart attack and, 270–71

husband’s relationship with, 29, 72–74, 630

husband’s second term and, 280–81, 287–90

husband’s stroke and, 436–38

on Inauguration Address prayer, 41

National Cultural Center and, 631

1960 campaign and, 602

in post-election transition, 26

P. Slater on, 139–40

at Walter Reed, 671–75

Whitman and, 647

Eisenhower, Mary Jean (granddaughter), 630

Eisenhower, Milton (brother), 24, 41, 57, 80, 128–29, 152–53, 268–69, 275, 277, 335, 345–46

Dwight’s papers and, 653–54

on Dwight’s reputation, 290

on Latin America, 192, 197, 504

in Moscow, 534

as possible vice-presidential and presidential candidate, 282

Scranton nominated by, 652

Eisenhower, Susan (granddaughter), 630, 673

Eisenhower College, 631

Aswan Dam in, 330

Brownell in, 124

“duty” in, 222

Formosa Straits crisis in, 241

Gromyko in, 526

Kennedy in, 607

Knowland in, 118

lobbyists in, 114–15

Middle East in, 317

natural-gas bill in, 302

Nixon in, 319

press in, 161

Taft in, 86–87

Eisenhower Doctrine, 381–83, 397

atomic weapon use and, 397

Congress and, 382–83, 388

Lebanon and, 463–66, 469–75

summarized, 381

Eisenhower gang, 73–75, 93–94, 96, 268, 279, 417, 461, 646, 655

in Augusta, 94, 139–40, 551, 604, 639

Augusta house built by, 94

at Camp David, 198

at Culzean Castle, 540

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 271

“Ike” nickname and, 610

at 1956 Republican Convention, 335

on 1960 election, 668

pre-election weekend with (1956), 366

Eisenhower Library, 558, 636, 656

Eisenhower Museum, 636

Eisenhower the President (Ewald), 618

election of 1952, 14

election of 1954, 199, 202, 217–19, 305

election of 1956, 203, 221–22, 253–55, 268–69, 272, 278, 280–82, 285–96, 347–50, 369–70

Eisenhower on, 326, 347–48, 350

election day in, 368–69

Jewish vote in, 352–53

Middle East in, 364

Republican platform in, 327–28

Stevenson in, 346–50

test-ban issue in, 342–43, 347–50

election of 1958, 480–81, 487–88, 494

election of 1960, 593–604

debates in, 601

defense policy in, 598–99

defense spending in, 594, 597

Eisenhower on, 593, 597–98, 603

Eisenhower as potential candidate in, 548–49

Eisenhower’s activity in, 489, 599–602

Eisenhower’s record in, 593–94, 597–98, 601–4

Nixon-Rockefeller issue and, 545–546, 559–60, 597

Nixon’s decision-making claims in, 593, 600–601

Nixon’s partisanship in, 594

election of 1962, 642

election of 1964, 645, 650–53

election of 1968, 664–68, 671–73


Cold War and, 554–55

defense spending and, 591

Ely, Paul, 176–77, 181

equal rights amendment, 28–29, 412

Europe, United States of, 120

European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), 404–6

European Defense Community (EDC), 49–50, 197

France and, 100, 183, 207, 210–11, 539

Germany and, 119–20, 183

European Economic Community (EEC), 404–5

Evans, Rowland, 410, 561

Ewald, William, 191, 618, 633

executive privilege, 186–89, 619–20

Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC), 125, 127

Faisal, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, 462

Fallon, George, 301

fallout, 168–69, 246, 262–63, 341–43, 350, 397–400

clean bomb and, 398–400, 403

Eisenhower on, 398–400

see also test ban

fallout shelters, 494–95

Far East trip, 581–82

Farewell Address, 611–13

farm-parity issue, 300–301

farm policy, 159–60, 392, 496, 620

1956 bill and, 299–301

1958 bill and, 460–61

Faubus, Orval, 414–17, 421–23

court injunction and, 417

Eisenhower’s meeting with, 415–16

National Guard and, 414–17

Faure, Edgar, 248

fifties decade, 424–26

Flanders, Ralph, 104, 219

Flemming, Arthur, 359, 496–97

Flohr, Richard, 616–17

Folliard, Edward, 519

Folsom, Marion, 459

Food for Peace program, 589

Ford, Henry, 11, 113

Ford, Gerald R., 516–17, 650

Foreign Affairs, 131–32

foreign aid, 47, 86, 379–81

defense spending and, 90–91

Eisenhower’s defense of, 119

Knowland’s opposition to, 118–19

to neutral countries, 379–80

to Third World, 377–81

Foreign Intelligence Activities Consultants Board, 568

Foreign Ministers meeting (1955), 275–76

Foreign Ministers meeting (1959), 504, 524–26, 534–35

foreign policy, 625–26

containment in, 33

deterrence in, 33

German army in, 216

global resistance to Communism as, 102–3

J. F. Dulles and, 21–22

post-Korean War, 122–24

under Truman, 14

see also trade, foreign

Formosa, see China, Nationalist

Formosa Doctrine, 232–45

Asian reaction to, 237–38

congressional resolution and, 232–235, 484

vagueness of, 232–35, 240–42

Formosa Straits crisis, 231–45, 482–85

atomic weapons use considered in, 238–39, 243–44, 482–84

cease-fire in, 485

conflicting advice in, 244–45

domino theory and, 236–37, 482

retreat suggested in, 242–44

Seventh Fleet and, 47, 49, 233, 482

France, 502

Algeria and, 366, 383, 538

Chinese-Vietminh alliance feared by, 205–6

Egypt invaded by, 362–70

Egypt ultimatum of, 360

Eisenhower on, 181–83, 217

Eisenhower’s visit to, 537–40

Germany and, 216–17, 227

Guatemala and, 195–97

Iran and, 129

IRBMs for, 447

Israel and, 356

Middle East and, 315–16, 328, 341, 351–54

NATO and, 100, 538–39

nuclear arsenal of, 401–4, 479

Open Skies proposal and, 265

Operation Vulture and, 177–79, 181

SEATO and, 209–10

Suez Canal and, 315, 330–34, 350–354, 356–73

test ban and, 403–4, 447, 478–79

U.S. aid to, 175–85

see also Vietnam War, French

Fulbright, William, 388, 471, 517

Gaither, H. Rowan, Jr., 434–35

Gaither Report, 434–35

Gates, Thomas S„ 561, 564, 568, 572, 616

Cuba and, 583–84, 608

5412 Committee and, 588

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 574

Geneva conference on Indochina (1954), 179, 181–82, 204–9

agreements signed at, 208–10

U.S. at, 204–9

Vietnam partitioned in, 208–9

Geneva summit (1955), 247–49, 254–255, 259–67

arms control discussed at, 262–65

“Atoms for Peace” proposal at, 263

Cold War and, 266–67

cultural exchanges suggested at, 263–65, 267

Eisenhower’s final statement at, 265–66

Eisenhower’s nationwide speech after, 267

Eisenhower’s nationwide speech before, 260

Eisenhower’s opening statement at, 260, 262–63

German reunification discussed at, 263–64

nuclear war discussed at, 262–66

Open Skies proposal at, 264–65

photographs at, 260

preparation for, 259–61

Soviet leadership at, 262–66

German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 502–1

Germany, Federal Republic of (West), 264

education in, 460

Eisenhower’s visit to, 537–38, 540

in NATO, 215–17, 263–64, 276, 538

rearming of, 119–20, 207, 209–10, 215–17, 228, 264, 276, 503, 538

reunification and, 119–20, 263–64, 276, 521

U.S. troops in, 394–95

U-2 bases in, 340

Gettysburg, battle of, 229, 392, 628

Gettysburg farm, 96, 279, 628–29

cattle herd at, 96, 198, 280, 543, 629, 655

Eisenhower’s recuperations at, 279–81, 437–39

farm policy and, 392

grandchildren at, 530, 543, 630

invitations to, 392

Khrushchev at, 543

Mamie and, 122, 280, 628–29

Nevins’ stewardship of, 279, 366

rebuilding of, 122, 198, 280

weekends at, 391–92

Goldfine, Bernard, 467–69, 481

gold standard, 113–14

Goldwater, Barry, 60, 468, 481, 666

civil rights and, 652

Eisenhower’s endorsement of, 653

1964 election and, 645, 650–53

Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 354

Goodpaster, Andrew, 223–24, 245, 259, 345, 405, 445, 477, 505, 568, 650, 670

Air Force “weather balloons” and, 310

budget and, 605–7

CIA and, 395

Cuba and, 608, 610, 639

disarmament and, 311, 344, 432, 449–51, 493, 522, 565

Eisenhower’s conciliation and, 532–33

Eisenhower’s memoirs and, 559

Eisenhower’s relationship with, 217, 509

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 436–37

5412 Committee and, 507

Formosa Straits crisis and, 238–39, 242–43, 482–84

Guatemala and, 196

Kennedy and, 607–8

Lebanon and, 464–65, 470–71

Little Rock school integration and, 416

on Lumumba assassination, 588–89

Paris summit and, 535–37, 577–78

retaliatory capacity and, 495

Suez crisis and, 331–32, 351, 357–59, 368–70

U-2 flights and, 340–41, 455–56, 569, 571, 575, 585

Vietnam War and, 656–65

Gore, Albert, 490

Graham, Billy, 308, 674

Gray, Gordon, 484, 494

Cuba and, 583, 608, 639–40

on 5412 Committee, 506–7, 588–89

inspection systems and, 492

IRBM deployment and, 533

NSC and, 509–10

retaliatory capacity and, 495

test ban and, 490, 566

Great Britain, 49–50

Communist China and, 62

Egypt invaded by, 362–70

Egypt given ultimatum by, 360

Eisenhower on alliance with, 360, 362

Eisenhower’s visit to, 537–38, 540–541

Guatemala and, 194–97

Iran and, 109–10, 129–30

IRBMs for, 405, 447

Jordan and, 352, 473

Lebanon and, 464, 469, 471

Middle East and, 315–16, 318, 328

military capability of, 478

nuclear arsenal of, 145–46, 401–4

Open Skies proposal and, 265

SEATO and, 205, 209–10

Suez Canal and, 315, 330–34, 338–340, 350–54, 356–73

Suez cease-fire accepted by, 369–70, 372–73

test ban opposed by, 403–4, 447, 478

U-2 bases in, 340

Yalta and, 66

Great Society legislation, 650

Greece, 62–63, 215, 533

Griffith, Robert, 61

Gromyko, Andrei, 525–26

Gruening, Ernest, 665–66

Gruenther, Alfred, 49, 143, 183, 217, 453

Formosa Doctrine and, 235–36

on French anti-Americanism, 206, 209

J. F. Dulles and, 443

at Key West, 287

Lebanon and, 464–65

Little Rock school integration and, 419

1956 campaign and, 347

1960 campaign and, 545, 560

Suez crisis and, 365–66

Guatemala, 192–97

arms shipped to, 193–94

Cuban exile base in, 584, 608–10, 615–16

naval blockade of, 194

radio broadcasts to, 193–94

revolt in, 194–97

U.S. planes in, 195–96

Hagerty, James C., 25, 52, 122, 156, 198, 297, 507, 663

Army-McCarthy hearings and, 187

Bricker Amendment and, 154–55

desegregation and, 190

Eisenhower-McCarthy break and, 220–21

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 272–74

Eisenhower’s observation of atomic bomb test and, 245–46

Eisenhower’s second term and, 281–82, 288–90

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 439

Formosa Straits crisis and, 233–34, 237, 240–41

French EDC vote and, 211

Guatemala and, 194

H-bomb tests and, 168–69

Indochina involvement and, 181–182

Lebanon and, 471

Little Rock situation and, 417

McCarthy and, 162, 170

1960 election and, 603

Nixon and, 273, 298, 321–22

Oppenheimer case and, 166–67

on “undesirables” in government, 136

U-2 flights and, 572

Warren and, 294

White case and, 138

Zaroubin interview and, 309–10

Hall, Len, 294, 321

Halleck, Charles, 79, 181, 221, 254, 496, 529, 548–49, 644–45, 650

Hammarskjold, Dag, 351, 361, 467

Hardtack nuclear tests, 426–27, 431, 449, 452–53, 493–94

Hardtack II nuclear tests, 480

Harkness, Richard, 89

Harlow, Bryce, 596

Harriman, W. Averell, 14–15, 281–82, 325

Harsch, Joseph, 183, 240

Hauge, Gabriel, 25, 75–76, 302, 345

as Eisenhower’s possible successor, 254, 289

Eisenhower’s second term and, 254

highway bill and, 301

1954 elections and, 218

1960 election and, 597–98

Hawaii, statehood for, 157–58, 299, 539

Hays, Brooks, 414

Hazlett, Swede, 116, 152–53, 268, 297

Army-McCarthy hearings and, 167–168

civil rights and, 408–10

Eisenhower’s health and, 435

Eisenhower’s second term and, 296

Eisenhower’s sleeping habits and, 290–91

foreign aid and, 381

McCarthy and, 121

New Look and, 225–26

1956 campaign and, 348

school desegregation and, 191

Suez crisis and, 333, 365

Health, Education and Welfare Department (HEW), 115

health care, 157, 199

Health Reinsurance Bill, 199, 252

Herald Tribune, 281–82

Herling, John, 400–401

Herter, Christian, 323–25, 464–65, 492, 508, 524–26, 538, 553, 570, 579, 590

Congo and, 587

Cuba and, 505, 526–27, 545, 582–83, 609

German reunification and, 521

on Johnson, 582

Paris summit and, 535, 577–78

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 574

RB-47 plane case and, 585–86

Soviets and, 520–21

test ban and, 522, 564–66

highways, see Interstate Highway System

Hiss, Alger, 64, 121

Hobby, Oveta Culp, 24, 115, 423, 560, 595

Ho Chi Minh, 209–10

Hoffman, Paul, 468

Holland, Henry, 194–95, 546

Honduras, 193

Hong Kong, 181–82

Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 221, 254

as Acting Secretary, 366

post-Suez disarmament proposal and, 374

Suez crisis and, 331–32, 351, 357, 359, 368, 370

U-2 flights and, 374

Hoover, J. Edgar, 137, 139, 157, 307, 446

Horner, Garnett, 518

House of Representatives, U.S.:

civil-rights bill and, 327

Formosa Straits resolution and, 234

four-year term proposed for, 548

Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee of, 467–69

Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) of, 55, 81, 137

housing bills, 158, 497

Hughes, Emmet John, 21–22, 25, 32, 79, 154, 203, 595

civil rights and, 413

Inaugural Address and, 36

1956 election and, 369–70

Nixon and, 320

patronage and, 151

peace speech and, 92–93

as Rockefeller aide, 595, 597

Suez crisis and, 356, 360, 362, 368

Humphrey, George M., 23, 32, 39, 80, 254, 433, 644, 650–51, 662

on Aswan Dam, 329

on bureaucratic security, 46

CIA and, 395

on civil-rights bill, 308

on defense spending cuts, 90–91

Eisenhower at plantation of, 385–386, 617

Eisenhower’s letters to, 475, 486

as Eisenhower’s possible successor, 282

Formosa Straits crisis and, 242–43

on full employment, 224

on Inaugural Address, 37–38

Israel-Gaza situation and, 386–87

Korean settlement and, 102

land purchases opposed by, 278

New Look and, 225

on 1953 State of the Union speech, 47

1958 budget and, 389–91

on Nixon, 273

post-Korea defense spending and, 144

resignation of, 433, 441

second term dinner and, 288–90

stockpiling and, 377–78

Suez crisis and, 331–32, 364

Taft and, 87

on Third World, 377–78

Humphrey, Hubert, 157, 448, 563

Hungary, 354–56

refugees from, 371, 374–75

Soviet announcement of withdrawal from, 360–61

Soviet invasion of, 355–56, 367, 371–73

Warsaw Pact and, 363, 368

Hunt, H. L., 303

Hunt, Howard, 193

Hussein, king of Jordan, 469

Hutchins, Robert M., 81

hydrogen bombs (H-bombs), 38, 168–173

Castle tests of, 168–70

as centerpiece of defense policy, 171–73

Eisenhower on, 123–24, 132–33, 168–70, 262–63

Oppenheimer and, 166

radiation from, 168–69

see also nuclear weapons

ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), 259, 283, 495

cost of, 396

as delivery system, 267–68