“hardening” of, 522–23

interservice rivalry and, 283–84

range of, 283–84

satellites and, 429

warheads for, 342–43

Ichiang island, 231

IL-28 bombers, 313

immigration, 48, 115–16

Imperial Presidency, The (Schlesinger), 619

Inaugural Address (1957), 376

Inauguration (1953), 36–43

parade for, 37, 43

Presidential Address at, 36–38, 41–43

Inauguration Day (1961), 616

India, 98, 379–80, 534–35, 552–53

Indochina, 201–2

domino theory in, 180

see also Geneva conference on Indochina; Vietnam War, French

Indonesia, 379, 464


civil-rights bill and, 304, 307–8, 326–27, 406–13

as “Communist plot,” 307

Eisenhower on, 303–9, 327–28, 336–338, 406–13, 422–23

federal enforcement of, 336–38, 407, 409–23

of Little Rock schools, 414–26

school construction bill and, 303, 336

see also civil rights; school segregation cases; segregation

International Atomic Energy Agency, 148–49

Interstate Highway System, 250–51, 295, 299, 301, 326, 527–28, 547–58

advertising along, 391–92

cities and, 547–48

economy and, 250–51

financing of, 251, 301, 527–28

White House study of, 547

Iran, 109–12, 129–30

Ajax plot for, 111–12, 129–30

new oil deal of, 129–30

U.S. aid to, 130

Iraq, 462–63, 469

IRBMs (intermediate range ballistic missiles), 284, 447, 495, 533

Ismay, Lord, 372, 500

Israel, 315–16

Arab nationalism and, 463, 474

Egypt and, 316–18, 328

Egypt attacked by, 357–70

financial aid loss as threat to, 386–387

France and, 356

Gaza withdrawal and, 385–88

mobilization of, 351–54, 356

raiding parties from, 352–54

Suez crisis and, 333, 351–54, 356–70

U.S. mediation attempted with, 316–17

U-2 flights over, 341, 351

Jackson, C. D., 25, 58, 77, 93, 113, 203–4, 537, 611

“Atoms for Peace” speech and, 147

Berlin crisis and, 516–18

on de Gaulle, 478–79

disarmament plan of, 153

on Eisenhower as politician, 154

Hungarian crisis and, 372

J. F. Dulles and, 444

on McCarthy, 140–41

MIG “reward” offer of, 112–13

Operation Candor and, 132–34

on Rosenbergs, 84

on “undesirables” in government, 136

world economic plan of, 204

Jackson, Henry, 314

Japan, 585

Bravo H-bomb test and, 168–69

Communist China and, 201–2

education in, 460

Eisenhower’s visit and, 581–82

imports from, 201

U.S. forces in, 394–95

U.S. mutual defense treaty with, 582

Jenner, William, 55, 61, 106

Jewish community, 352–53, 385–87

Johnson, Andrew, 294

Johnson, Clarence (Kelly), 227–28

Johnson, Lyndon B., 43, 67, 106, 239, 388, 611

civil rights and, 499

on civil-rights bill, 406–8, 413

Eisenhower and, 597, 649–50, 655–665

as Eisenhower’s ally, 489

on Eisenhower’s personal diplomacy, 582

Israel-Gaza situation and, 387

Little Rock situation and, 420

missile program and, 430

in 1960 election, 596–603

on Nixon, 666–67

Presidency sought by, 546–47

as President, 648–50, 655–66, 670–671

Strauss’s confirmation rejected by, 530–31

on Suez crisis, 333

Vietnam War and, 655–65

Johnston, Olin, 420, 528

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 86, 105, 123, 284, 495

arms control and, 312, 541

Berlin crisis and, 502–4, 515–17, 519–20

on British military capability, 478

B-70 bomber and, 550

Cold War and, 226

defense spending cuts and, 144, 455, 560–61

Eisenhower on, 225, 516, 561

on force reductions, 278, 394, 515–516

Formosa Straits crisis and, 213, 232, 483–84

French Vietnam War and, 205–6

interservice rivalry and, 428–29

on New Look, 225–26

1955 budget and, 223–24

1958 budget and, 389

1960 budget and, 495–96

nuclear war plan of, 564

strategic concepts re-examined by, 120–21

U-2 flights and, 515

Vietnam War and, 659–61

Wilson’s lack of control over, 223

Jones, Pete, 28, 109, 198, 366, 604, 610, 646

Jordan, 352–54, 356, 462–63

British and, 352, 473

Judd, Walter, 443

Justice Department, U.S.:

Civil Rights Division in, 413, 498–499

oil imports and, 446

Kadar, Janos, 367

Kasavubu, Joseph, 586

Katanga, 586–87

Kaufman, Burt, 377, 379

Kefauver, Estes, 253, 281–82, 325, 347

Kempton, Murray, 619

Kennan, George, 114

Kennedy, John F., 294, 530

Algeria and, 378

assassination of, 634, 648

Bay of Pigs invasion and, 623, 637640

Cuba and, 615, 623, 637–43

Cuban missile crisis and, 641–43

Eisenhower on, 597

Eisenhower courted by, 637

Eisenhower’s preinaugural meetings with, 606–8, 614–16

Eisenhower’s support of, 641–42

federal budget under, 605–6, 632

missile gap and, 559

in 1960 election, 596–603

press and, 606

space race and, 640–41

test ban and, 563

transition from Eisenhower to, 605–8, 614

Kennedy, Robert F., 62, 660, 665

Key West, 287–88

Khrushchev, Nikita, 248, 427, 447

atmospheric test ban and, 523, 541

Berlin crisis and, 502–4, 517, 519–521, 524, 543–44

on clean bomb, 403

Congo and, 586–88

Cuba and, 582–84, 642–43

Cuban missile crisis and, 642–43

de Gaulle and, 577–79

disarmament urged by, 542–43

Eisenhower on visit of, 535–37

Eisenhower’s test-ban letter to, 453

Eisenhower’s visit canceled by, 577, 579

European troop withdrawal and, 402

at Geneva summit, 262–66

on German unification, 263

on H-bomb, 342, 397

IRBMs and, 533

Lebanon and, 473–74

Nixon’s kitchen debate with, 534, 536

Open Skies rejected by, 265

Paris summit and, 534–37, 544, 570, 576–79

on Powers’ U-2 flight, 572–79

Stalin denounced by, 328

test-ban negotiations accepted by, 480

at U.N., 542, 589–90

unilateral nuclear test halt announced by, 451–52

on U.S. homes and cars, 542–43

U.S. RB-47 plane and, 584–86

U.S. visited by, 541–4

Killian, James R., 227–28, 431, 454, 457–59, 493, 541

ABMs and, 522

on test ban, 452–53, 477, 491–92, 522–23

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 307, 387, 412

Kissinger, Henry, 480

Kistiakowsky, George, 491–92, 560, 562–63, 572, 579

JCS war plan and, 564

Kennedy and, 597

test ban and, 564–68

on underground tests, 541

on U-2 flights, 580

Knighton, William, 559–60, 614

Knowland, William, 55, 100, 105, 207, 209, 220, 343, 468, 481, 488

Army-McCarthy hearings and, 163

China blockade urged by, 214, 216, 226

civil-rights bill and, 408

Eisenhower on, 164

on executive privilege, 187

foreign aid and, 118–19

on Formosa Straits crisis, 240

health insurance and, 199

Israel-Gaza situation and, 387

on natural-gas deregulation veto, 302–3

1958 budget and, 390–91

as possible presidential candidate, 282, 289

on satellites, 456–57

as Senate majority leader, 118

Suez crisis and, 361

Korea, South, 581–82

ground troops withdrawn from, 143–45

postwar aid to, 106–8, 215

Korean trip, 14–15, 30–32

conclusions of, 31

Korean War, 97–107

armistice agreement in, 106, 213–214

armistice talks in, 97–99, 101–2

atomic weapons considered for, 34–35, 51–52

defense spending cuts and, 71

end sought for, 31, 33–35

Indian settlement proposal for, 98

on-site inspection in, 257

Operation Little Switch in, 97, 101

pre-truce hostilities in, 105

taxes and, 85

U.S. support increased in, 47

Kozlov, Frol, 535

Krock, Arthur, 567

labor unions, 116–17, 200, 512–13

Land, Edwin H., 227–28, 431

Laniel, Joseph, 145–47, 206–7

Lansdale, Edward, 214–15

Laos, 207–10, 614–15

Larson, Arthur, 319–20, 323, 366, 488, 663, 667

Latin America, 504

Castro and, 555, 557–58

Communism in, 555–56

Eisenhower’s trip to, 557–58

Herter on, 555–57, 583

Lausche, Frank, 294

Lawrence, David, 281–82

Lawrence, Ernest, 399–400, 403, 432

Lebanon, 383, 463–66, 469–75

crises in, 464–66

U.S. intervention in, 464–66, 469–475

Lee, Robert E., 228, 230

Lehman, Herbert, 234

Lemnitzer, Lyman, 608

Leviero, Anthony, 138, 256

Life, 478, 622–23

Lincoln, Abraham, 291

Lippmann, Walter, 81, 438

Lisagor, Peter, 405, 519, 537, 599

Little Rock, Ark., school integration in, 414–26

lobbyists, Eisenhower on, 114–15

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 22, 39, 79–80, 192, 221, 470, 645

Congo and, 587

disarmament and, 401, 447

Guatemala and, 195

Hungarian crisis and, 371–72

Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and, 386–88

Khrushchev’s visit and, 542–43

Korean settlement and, 102

Lebanon and, 470–73

on 1953 Inaugural Address, 38

in 1960 election, 598, 604

1964 election and, 645, 651

as possible presidential candidate, 289, 645, 651

RB-47 plane and, 586

Saud’s visit and, 384

second term dinner and, 288–90

Suez crisis and, 351, 359, 361–62

London disarmament talks, 401–4

talking paper for, 402–3

Lourie, Donald B., 64

Lovett, Robert, 14–15, 453

Luce, Henry, 233, 591, 611, 622–23

Lucy, Autherine, 306–8

Lumumba, Patrice, 586–89

Eisenhower and, 588–89

Lyon, Peter, 69, 652

MacArthur, Douglas, 31–32, 34–35, 98, 102

McCarran, Pat, 55, 116

McCarran-Walter immigration bill, 115–16

McCarthy, Eugene, 665

McCarthy, Joseph, 14, 48, 55–66, 106, 202

Army hearings and, 163–68, 170–71, 186–89

Bundle and, 80–81

on bureaucratic cutbacks, 136

censure of, 219–20

CIA and, 121, 189

Eisenhower and, 55–63, 80–83, 121–122, 140, 160–68, 204, 220–22, 619–20, 634

Oppenheimer and, 141, 166–67, 187

Peress case and, 161–63, 186–87

as preeminent anti-Communist, 55, 61–62

press coverage of, 160–61, 167–68, 170–71

on Rhee, 104

Senate votes controlled by, 55–61

Smith appointment and, 56–59

subpoenas from, 165, 186–89

Taft, and, 56, 59, 61

on Truman, 140


accusations by ex-Communists in, 136–39

bookburning in, 82–83

Eisenhower on, 82, 136, 162–68

Rosenbergs and, 83–84

Truman on, 139

McClendon, Sarah, 599–600

McCloy, John J., 113, 453, 476

McCone, John, 477, 479, 493, 561–63, 590, 641–43

test ban and, 477, 479–80, 492, 541, 564–67

McElroy, Neil, 447, 449–51

on British military capability, 478

B-70 bomber and, 550

Eisenhower on discipline to, 475–476

Formosa Straits crisis and, 485

IRBM deployment and, 533

nuclear weapon quantities and, 493

retaliatory capacity and, 495

test ban and, 477, 492, 541

U-2 flights and, 513–15

McGill, Ralph, 423, 528, 606

McKay, Douglas, 23, 32

McLeod, Scott, 64

McMahon Act (1946), 145–46, 478

Macmillan, Harold, 372, 489, 641

Berlin crisis and, 502, 524

disarmament and, 569–70

Eisenhower’s meeting with, 538, 540

IRBMs and, 405

J. F. Dulles and, 524

Khrushchev at U.S. and, 590

Lebanon and, 471–73

Paris summit and, 524, 526, 533, 537, 544, 577–79

test ban and, 403, 478, 538, 565–67

McNamara, Robert, 656–58

Malaya, 100

Malenkov, Georgi, 91–92, 248

Mandate for Change (Eisenhower), 634–35

Mann, Woodrow Wilson, 419

Mansfield, Mike, 135, 660

Marine Corps, U.S., Eisenhower on, 456

Markel, Hazel, 430

Marshall, George, 14, 25, 202, 222–223, 237

Martin, Charles, 313

Martin, Jack, 141

Martin, Joseph W., 106, 232, 412–13

Matsu, 212, 231–45, 482–85, 582

Meany, George, 249

Meir, Golda, 388

Mellon, Richard, 113

Mendès-France, Pierre, 207–8

Menshikov, Mikhail, 570

Menzies, Robert, 334, 338

Mercury Project, 591–92

Mexico, 477

Middle East, 315–18, 328–29

Anderson as mediator in, 316–17

arms race in, 463

Eisenhower on, 364, 377

Eisenhower Doctrine for, 381–83, 397

oil supplies from, 464, 470

Soviet influence in, 315–18, 333, 362–63, 473

Tripartite Declaration on, 315–16, 351–52

U-2 flights over, 341, 351, 353, 356, 367–68

see also Suez Canal; Suez crisis

military-industrial complex, Eisenhower’s warning on, 612–14, 632

Miller, Clyde, 84

Miller, William, 152

Millikin, Gene, 155–56, 182, 220

Mills, Mark, 399, 403

missile gap, 312–14, 487, 559

Eisenhower on, 313, 397, 487, 561–563

U-2 flights and, 514–15, 563, 572

missile programs, 427–30, 456–59

as bargaining chips, 533

buildup proposed for, 567–68

Eisenhower on, 457

moon as destination for, 457

spending on, 342–43

see also ICBMs; IRBMs; specific missiles

Mitchell, James P., 118

Moaney, John, 16, 75, 139, 611, 629, 646

Mobutu, Joseph, 588

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 110–12, 129

Mohr, Charles, 600

Mollet, Guy, 360, 367–68

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 261–62, 266

Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott in, 307

Montgomery, Bernard Law, 17, 119120

at Augusta, 228

Eisenhower on, 499–502, 540–41

at Gettysburg, 392–93

memoirs of, 499–501, 540–41

Moos, Malcolm, 611–12

Morrow, Fredric, 304–5

Mossadegh, Mohammed, 109–12, 129–30

motion-picture industry, 114–15

Mundt, Karl, 161–63, 488

Murphy, George, 42

Murphy, Robert, 111, 194, 473

Geneva summit invitation and, 535

Suez nationalization and, 330–31

Muskie, Edmund, 530

Mutual Security appropriation, 650

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 412, 422–23

Nagy, Imre, 354–55, 363, 367, 371

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 315–18, 323, 328–34, 350–54

Anglo-French invasion and, 362

Aswan Dam and, 318, 323, 329–30

Eisenhower on, 331, 339

Lebanon and, 465–66

Pan-Arab movement and, 317, 383–84, 462–63, 469

Suez Canal nationalized by, 330–334, 338–40

Suez conference rejected by, 332

Suez internationalization rejected by, 338

U.S.-Lebanese intervention and, 472

U.S. opposition to, 333–34, 351, 462–63

Nation, 452

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 458–59, 573

National Committee for a Free Asia, 112–13

National Committee for a Free Europe, 113

National Defense Act (1947), 25

National Defense Education Act (1958), 459–60

National Goals Commission, 616

nationalism, Eisenhower on, 378

National Press Club, 500

national security, 433–35

federal bureaucracy and, 45–48

National Security Council (NSC), 25, 68, 86, 105, 469–70

atomic information exchanges and, 145–46

Cold War and, 226

Congo and, 587

Cuba and, 505–7

defense spending and, 454–55

Eisenhower on, 87, 469

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 272–73, 275, 279

5412 Committee of, 506–7

French Vietnam War and, 205–6

Hungarian crisis and, 363

ICBMs and, 283–84

meetings of, 345, 509–10

151/1 document of, 145–46

Planning Board of, 25

Quemoy and Matsu discussed in, 238–39

relocation exercise of, 571–72

science-government relationship and, 400

Suez crisis and, 363–64

natural-gas deregulation, 299, 301–3

Eisenhower’s veto of, 302–3

Navy, U.S.:

desegregation of, 126

Seventh Fleet of, 47, 49, 212, 233

Sixth Fleet of, 464–65, 470, 551

Soviet-downed patrol planes of, 249, 584–86

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 98, 253, 383, 552–53

Netherlands, Iran and, 129

Nevins, Art, 279, 366

New Deal, 160, 277, 624

New Look, 171–72, 174, 224–26, 234, 238

JCS on, 225–26

Newport, R.I., 413–20

New Republic, 24

New Yorker, 273

New York Times, 162, 194, 349, 442–443, 563, 565–66, 615, 651

on Eisenhower’s books, 634–35

Khrushchev’s anti-Stalin speech and, 328

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 574–76

New Zealand, 204, 209–10

Nicaragua, 193

Nielsen, Aksel, 270, 501

Nixon, Julie, 671, 673–74

Nixon, Richard M., 20, 221, 297, 395, 591, 644, 649

Adams and, 468–69, 481

on Bricker Amendment, 155

on bureaucratic security, 46

Cabinet post offered to, 285, 292–293, 297, 321

in CIA-McCarthy dispute, 121

civil rights and, 127, 412

and Communist Chinese seat on U.N. Security Council, 99

Cuba and, 583

Eisenhower on, 254, 297–98, 319, 321, 325–26, 366, 512–13, 545–46, 559–60, 593, 599–601, 645–46, 666–68, 671–73

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 272–73, 275

as Eisenhower’s 1956 running mate, 285, 292–99, 319–26, 335

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 437–40

as Eisenhower’s successor, 254, 440, 512–13, 545–46, 559–60, 593

on French Vietnam War, 180–81, 184

highway program introduced by, 251

Hungarian refugees and, 375

immaturity of, 320

kitchen debate of, 534, 536

Lebanon and, 470

McCarthy and, 58–59, 63

memoirs of, 602

NASA and, 458

on 1953 State of the Union speech, 46

in 1954 election, 218–19

in 1956 election, 273, 276–77, 281, 289, 322–23, 347, 350

1960 campaign planned by, 489, 599

1964 election and, 645–66

in 1968 election, 666–68, 671–73

Oppenheimer case and, 167

partisanship of, 202, 319–20, 594

in polls, 322–23

power base of, 324

at preinaugural cabinet meeting, 38

Rockefeller and, 545–46, 597, 599

on school construction, 252

second term dinner and, 288–90

on Stassen’s opposition, 323–24

on Stevenson, 350

on Taft-Hartley revision, 117

tape-recorded conversations with, 202–3

on “undesirables” in government, 136

in Venezuela, 464

as Vice President, 292

Vietnam War and, 662

see also election of 1960

Nixon, Thelma Catherine (Pat), 602, 673

Nixon, Tricia, 673

Nixon Agonistes (Wills), 619

Norstad, Lauris, 539

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 14, 33, 143–44, 373, 447, 502

Berlin crisis and, 503–4

Eisenhower on U.S.-British collusion in, 538–39

Formosa Straits crisis and, 484

France and, 100, 538–39

German rearmament and, 119–20, 215–17, 503, 538

Germany in, 215–17, 263–64, 276, 538

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 577

SEATO and, 183

U.S. contribution to, 551

nuclear war:

de Gaulle on, 552

Eisenhower on, 295, 313, 491

fallout shelters and, 434–35

Geneva summit discussions of, 262–266

JCS plan for, 564

nuclear weapons, 658, 660, 663

delivery systems for, 427, 429, 550–551

in Europe, 405–6

Gaither Report on, 434–35

international control of, 284

quantities of, 405–6, 432–33, 493–494, 590

test ban proposed for, 342–44, 347–50

testing of, 341–44, 397–400

see also atomic weapons; fallout;

hydrogen bombs; test ban;

specific tests

O’Daniel, John, 175

Odium, Floyd, 647

oil import policy, 446–47

oil industry:

natural-gas deregulation bill and, 301–3

Suez crisis and, 371–73

Old Guard (Republicans), 60, 76, 619–20

Adams and, 467–69, 481

Asia-first attitude in, 144

Cold War and, 226

Communist embargo pushed by, 62–63, 202

Eisenhower on, 219–21, 294

foreign aid and, 118–19

on French Vietnam War agreement, 209

Geneva summit and, 260

health care and, 199

immigration and, 116

Korean settlement and, 99–100

land purchases and, 278

1953 State of the Union speech and, 47–48

1954 elections and, 218–19

Nixon supported by, 324

RTAA and, 156

Third World and, 377

Yalta rejected by, 65–67

O’Mahoney, Joseph, 408

Open Skies proposal, 257–59, 267, 311

at Geneva summit, 264–65

origins of, 258

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 131–32, 141–142, 166–67

accusations of Communism against, 141–42, 166–67, 170, 187–89

Organization of American States (OAS), 193, 555–56, 583, 615

overpopulation, 665–66

Pakistan, 209–10

Paley, Bill, 652

Palm Desert, Calif., 632, 639, 644, 653

Panama, Eisenhower’s trip to, 322–23, 334–35

Panama Canal, 332

Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, The, 653–54

Paris summit (1960), 552, 569–70, 577–579

Berlin crisis and, 504, 524, 570

disarmament at, 567, 569–70

Eisenhower on, 504, 521, 524, 526, 534–37, 544

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 576

preparation for, 569–70

patronage, 20, 151–52

Patton, George Smith, 298–99

Paul, Willard S., 558–59

Pauling, Linus, 398–99

Pbsuccess Operation, 192–97

peace, Eisenhower on, 91–92, 94–95, 229–30, 255, 513, 541, 613, 620–21

Pearson, Drew, 439

Pearson, Lester, 365

Peress, Irving, 161–63, 186–87

Persons, Jerry, 25, 45, 470, 547

civil-rights bill and, 327

Cuba and, 608

East European liberation and, 328

Eisenhower-Kennedy meeting and, 614–15

Eisenhower’s health and, 275, 335, 438–39

McCarthy and, 58–59

on missile program, 430

Nixon vice-presidential candidacy and, 321

southern Democrats and, 389

Pescadores islands, 231–35

Philippines, 100, 209–10, 581–82

Plessy v. Ferguson, 125–26, 143, 190, 306–7, 408–9

Pleven, René, 176

Plowshare program, 565, 568, 591

Plumbob Operation, 397–99, 426

Poland, 354

Polaris submarines, 495


Eisenhower on, 254

test ban and, 567

Post Office, U.S., 116

Powell, Adam Clayton, 303

Powell Amendment, 303–4, 336

Powers, Francis Gary, 569, 571–79, 621

presidential appointments, 39

patronage and, 20, 151–52

security and, 45–46

two-thirds Senate vote proposed for, 548

President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 431

B-70 bombers and, 550

security leaks and, 514

on test ban, 452–53

on underground tests, 492


criticism by, 55

Eisenhower on, 161

Eisenhower’s cultivation of, 53–54

Kennedy and, 606

McCarthy and, 160–61, 167–68, 170–171

“new” Eisenhower in, 511, 532

Sputnik in, 429–30

White case in, 138

press conferences, 52–54

Berlin crisis and, 518–19

briefings for, 345

Eisenhower’s final, 613–14

messages to Congress in, 54–55

Nixon discussed as Eisenhower’s running mate at, 297–98, 321, 325–26

re-election discussed at, 293, 296–97

Prettyman, Virgil, 291

price and wage controls, 33, 47, 51–52

price supports, 159–60, 299–301

productivity, 37, 43

Quarles, Donald, 396, 402, 428, 449, 457, 475, 495

ABMs and, 493

on IRBMs for British, 405

Lebanon and, 466–67, 470–71

test ban and, 477, 479, 522

U-2 flights and, 513–14

Quemoy, 212, 231–45, 482–85, 582

Rabb, Maxwell, 80–81, 126, 305

Rabi, Isidor, 344, 421–32, 452

Radford, Arthur, 30, 33, 90, 538

atomic energy policy and, 133–34

atomic weapon deployment and, 259

CIA and, 395

disarmament and, 344, 402

Formosa Straits crisis and, 213, 235, 239, 242–44

Geneva summit and, 261

Middle East and, 317–18

on Soviet reliability, 402

Suez crisis and, 357, 369

on trade with Communist China, 284

U-2 flights and, 340–41, 374

Vietnam involvement and, 177, 181

Radio Free Europe, 113, 355, 367

Randall, Clarence, 79

Randall Commission, 155–56

Randolph, A. Philip, 412

Rayburn, Sam, 388, 471, 546–47, 611

civil-rights bill and, 413

dependent tax cut and, 252–53

Eisenhower Doctrine and, 382–83

as Eisenhower’s ally, 489

Formosa Straits crisis and, 232, 241

RB-47 patrol plane incident, 584–86

reactionaries, 199

Reader’s Digest, 647, 664

Reagan, Ronald, 667


of 1954, 158–59

of 1958, 460

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (RTAA), 48, 78–79, 155–56, 252

Redstone rocket, 427–29

Redwing Operation, 342–43

Reed, Daniel, 85, 156

regulatory commissions, 199

religion, Eisenhower on, 38

Republican Citizens, 644–45

Republican Looks at His Party, A (Larson), 390–91

Republican National Committee, 334–35

Republicans, Republican Party, 201, 345

blacks and, 304–5, 326

Congress controlled by, 218

defense spending and, 91, 561

Democrats on split within, 487–88

Eisenhower and, 55–60, 152–53, 156, 619–20

Eisenhower as elder statesman in, 643–46, 650–53

Eisenhower’s fund-raising for, 643–644

European policy of, 49–50

federal bureaucracy and, 45–46

health care and, 157

McCarthy’s revolt and, 220–22

1954 elections and, 218–19

1956 convention of, 296–97

1956 platform of, 327–28

1958 budget and, 390–91

1958 farm bill and, 460–61

1964 convention of, 619–20

Nixon supported by, 324, 335

patronage and, 151–52

political rhetoric of, 202

reform of, 76, 220–22, 390–91, 653

struggle in, after Eisenhower’s heart attack, 272–73

Vietnam War and, 173

on Yalta agreements, 54

see also Old Guard

Reston, James, 63, 140, 208, 257, 273, 325, 398, 407, 442, 459, 524, 566, 634

on Powers’ U-2 flight, 574–76

Rhee, Syngman, 30, 206

American aid sought by, 106

cooperation pledged by, 105

Eisenhower’s warning to, 103–5

POWs released by, 101–2

on proposed armistice, 97–99, 101–2

Richards, Robert, 179–80

Richardson, Sid, 109, 122, 303, 446

Ridder, Walter, 489

Ridgway, Matthew, 171–72, 223–24, 234, 274

Rivers and Harbors Bill, 460

Roberts, Chalmers, 518

Roberts, Cliff, 28, 73–74, 139, 220, 325, 481

Robertson, Walter, 103–5, 243–44

Robinson, Bill, 28, 57, 73–74, 153, 160–61, 203, 366, 546

on David Eisenhower, 140

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 271–272

at Key West, 287

McCarthy and, 121, 163–64

1960 election and, 596–97

on Wilson’s conflict of interest, 40–41

Robinson, Jackie, 412

Rockefeller, Nelson, 258–59, 264, 457, 488, 563, 591, 645, 666

on defense spending, 595

Eisenhower on, 559–60, 595

Geneva summit and, 261, 264

1960 campaign and, 545–46, 559

1964 election and, 645, 651

Nixon joint statement with, 597, 599

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 415

Rogers, William, 221, 327, 499, 673

Romney, George, 666

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 19, 25, 218, 295, 503

Roosevelt, Kermit (Kim), 110–12, 129

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 65, 83–85

Rovere, Richard, 81, 273

Russell, Richard, 383, 388, 407, 499, 517

Eisenhower’s meeting with, 408–9

Little Rock situation and, 421–22

Russia, see Soviet Union

St. Lawrence Seaway, 80, 158

Saltonstall, Leverett, 175, 220, 233–34, 456

satellites, 427–30, 456–57

reconnaissance, 258, 513, 580

see also Sputnik

Saturday Evening Post, 611, 647

Saud, king of Saudi Arabia, 317–18, 328–29, 351, 383–85, 462, 472

Eisenhower and, 384–85, 466

Eisenhower Doctrine and, 385

U.S. troops requested by, 469

U.S. visited by, 383–85

Saudi Arabia, 317–18, 328–29, 383–85

UAR and, 462

U.S. arms for, 384–85, 463

U.S. Dhahran base in, 384–85

Scali, John, 442, 518

Schine, G. David, 81–83, 165

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 188, 619

school construction, 251–52, 299, 303, 335–36

school lunch program, 336

school segregation cases, 124–26, 142–143, 189–92, 303–7, 327–28, 336–338, 408

Schulz, Colonel, 611, 637

scientists, sciences, 400–401, 430–432, 613

Scranton, William, 645, 651–53

segregation, 294

Eisenhower on, 125–27, 142–43, 190–92

in schools, 124–26, 142–43, 189–92, 336–38, 408, 414–22

Senate, U.S.:

appointees and, 548

Appropriations Committee of, 99

Armed Services Committee of, 40

Foreign Relations Committee of, 64, 67, 80

Formosa Straits resolution and, 234

Government Operations Committee of, 61

Government Operations Select Committee (Church Committee) of, 588–89

Judiciary Committee of, 327

McCarthy and, 55–61, 219–20

southerners in, 489, 499, 528

separate but equal doctrine, 125–26, 143, 189–90

Shah of Iran, 110–12, 129

Shanley, Bernard, 25, 60, 117–18, 122

Shivers, Allan, 337

Shutt, Charles, 562

sixties decade, Eisenhower on, 665–66

Slater, Ellis, 28, 73–74, 94, 96, 161, 303, 468, 485–86, 498, 639, 644, 653

on Churchill, 501

on Eisenhower-Humphrey relationship, 385–86

on Eisenhower’s bridge-playing, 417

on Eisenhower’s equanimity, 366

Eisenhower’s health and, 279–80, 441, 474, 646

Eisenhower’s retirement and, 529–530

Eisenhower’s second term and, 280–281, 287

J. F. Dulles and, 444

at Key West, 287

1960 election and, 597, 604, 668

Slater, Priscilla, 94, 139–40, 198, 280

Sloan, George, 78–79

Smith, H. Alexander, 333–34, 381

Smith, Merriman, 82, 104, 169, 219, 325, 410, 429, 489, 518, 561, 617

Smith, Walter B. (Beetle), 20, 113, 211, 217, 453

atomic energy policy and, 133–34

French Vietnam War and, 174, 181, 204–9

Guatemala and, 192

Iran and, 111

McCarthy opposition to, 56–59

Snyder, Howard, 26, 75, 95–96, 221, 474, 529, 602

on annoyances to Eisenhower, 288

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 271–272

on Eisenhower’s second term, 281

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 436–37

Social Security, 48, 115, 158, 160

Soil Bank, 277–78, 283, 295, 299–301, 392, 496, 620

price supports and, 299–301

soil conservation, 277–78, 283, 299–301

Somoza, Anastasio, 195

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 183–84, 196–97, 204–5, 209–10, 614–15

Soviet Union, 276, 533

atomic weapons of, 93, 131–34

“Atoms for Peace” speech and, 149–150, 153

Austrian peace treaty and, 248–49

Berlin and, 502–4

bomber and missile production of, 314, 456

CIA and, 285–86

Congo and, 587–88

crusade against, 41, 43

Cuba and, 582–84

economic competition from, 283

Eisenhower on, 224, 248, 520

Eisenhower’s conciliatory approach toward, 513, 520–21, 532–33

Eisenhower’s mistrust of, 491, 585

European troop withdrawal and, 402

Formosa Straits crisis and, 236

four-power talks sought by, 145, 148

friendship treaty proposed by, 310

Geneva conference and, 179, 181–82

German reunification and, 119–20, 521

Guatemalan aid from, 194

H-bomb developed by, 121, 131

H-bomb tests of, 267, 342–43, 397, 499

Hungarian withdrawal announced by, 360–61

Hungary invaded by, 355–56, 367, 371–73

Iran and, 112

leadership in, 248, 262–66

in Middle East, 315–18, 333, 462–463, 473

missile gap and, 312–14, 522–23

on-site inspection of atomic weapons and, 246–47, 257, 452–453, 477–80, 490–94, 521–22, 564–567

peace offensive of, 91–92

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 571–79

proposed student exchange with, 445–46

as source of Communist rebellions, 100

Suez crisis and, 360, 367–70, 373

targets in, 493–94

test ban and, 267, 343–44, 349–50, 401–4, 447–54, 564

unilateral nuclear test half of, 451–452

USAF “weather balloons” and, 309–310, 476

U.S. commercial flights to and from, 276

U.S. patrol planes shot down by, 249, 584–86

U.S. scientists on, 430–31

U.S. trade policy and, 39, 277

U-2 flights and, 227–28, 340–41, 374, 455, 568–69, 571–79

see also Sputnik

Spaatz, Carl (Tooey), 90

space race, 640–41

Sparkman, John, 60

Spivak, Robert, 62–63, 307, 614

Sputnik, 423–26

Eisenhower on, 430

nuclear weapon delivery systems and, 427

reaction to, 423–24, 428–30

Stalin, Joseph, 18, 68

Stans, Maurice, 547

Stassen, Harold, 38–39, 311

arms control and, 246, 311, 402–4

on Communist Chinese trade, 63

EDC and, 49–50

EEC opposed by, 404

on Eisenhower’s candidacy, 322

Geneva summit and, 261, 264

Herter supported by, 323–25

on Indochina, 184

J. F. Dulles conflict with, 401

leave of absence of, 323

at London disarmament talks, 401–404

on Nixon’s vice-presidential candidacy, 322–25, 335

Open Skies and, 258–59, 264

postwar Korean aid and, 107–8

resignation of, 447–18

test-ban issue and, 344, 401–4, 447

State Department, U.S.:

Air Force “weather balloons” and, 310

“Communists” purged from, 64–65

Cuba and, 505, 545, 608

Egyptian arms deal and, 315

Eisenhower and, 507–8

Hungarian refugees and, 375

Powers’ U-2 flight and, 574–75

Suez crisis and, 353

test ban and, 541

Vietnam War and, 205

State of the Union messages:

of 1953, 45–49, 125–26

of 1954, 157

of 1956, 406

Stephens, Tom, 25

Stevens, Robert T., 161–63

Stevenson, Adlai, 74, 219, 239, 325

Eisenhower on, 347, 366

in 1956 campaign, 346–50, 370

nuclear testing and, 342–43, 347–50

as potential presidential candidate, 281–82, 285

on Republicans, 164

on Suez crisis, 364

Stewart, Potter, 673

Stimson, Henry, 223

stockpiling, 377–78

Strauss, Lewis, 132–34, 345, 405, 480, 543, 553, 616

atomic weapons deployment and, 224–25, 259

Commerce Secretary confirmation hearings of, 530–31

commercial atomic energy and, 310

disarmament and, 402, 447–53

fallout and, 398–99

H-bomb and, 168–69

on nuclear testing, 342–44, 350, 426–27, 431–32

Operation Teacup and, 245

Oppenheimer and, 142, 166–67, 170

test ban and, 431–32

Suez Canal, 315, 330–34, 338–40, 350–354, 356

Egyptian operation of, 339, 350

international operation of, 333–34

nationalization of, 330–34, 350

Users’ Association proposed for, 339, 350–51

Suez crisis:

Anglo-French withdrawal in, 373

Bulganin’s messages in, 367–68

Eisenhower’s position in, 358–59, 363

London Conference for, 331–34

military action planned for, 331–33, 338–39, 350–54, 356–57

oil supplies and, 358–59, 366–67, 371–73

proposed conference on, 370

U.N. peacekeeping force and, 369–373

U.S. blackout in, 353–54

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 406

Sulzberger, Cy, 443

Summerfield, Arthur, 23–24, 136, 288–290

Summersby, Kay, 30

Supreme Court, 253, 409

school segregation cases and, 124–126, 142–43, 189–92, 303–7, 327–328, 408

Symington, Stuart, 70, 73, 476, 495, 513, 607

on defense spending, 88–89, 562

missile gap and, 312–14, 397, 430, 477, 514

Syria, 356, 366–67, 462–63

Tachen Islands, 231–33, 235

Taft, Robert, 20, 24, 43, 59, 94, 158

Bohlen’s nomination and, 60

death of, 117–18

on defense spending, 86–88

Eisenhower on, 74

McCarthy and, 56, 59, 61

on 1954 budget, 86–87

taxes and, 85–86

Yalta agreement and, 66–67

Taft-Hartley Act, 24, 48, 116–18

revision of, 116–18, 158

tariffs, 48, 78–79, 155–56, 201, 252

taxes, 85–86, 158, 527

Taylor, Maxwell, 107–8, 274, 279, 418–20, 428–29

Teacup Operation, 245–46

Teller, Edward, 399–400, 403, 430, 432, 480, 567–68

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 116, 160, 201, 253

test ban, 267, 399, 401–4, 477–80, 489–494, 521–23, 538

arguments against, 449–51, 564–65

congressional hearings on, 567

disarmament linked to, 401–2

Eisenhower as loner on, 563

Eisenhower’s treaty proposal on, 564

Geneva talks on, 453–54, 477–78, 489–92, 521–22, 590

inspection system for, 246–47, 257, 452–53, 477–78, 490–94, 521–22, 564–67

negotiations for, 477–80, 489–92, 521–22

in 1956 election, 342–43, 347–50

propaganda and, 447–53, 490, 492

temporary moratorium in, 403–4, 447–52, 565–67

test rush before, 480

underground tests and, 490–92, 522–23, 541, 564–67

U.S. advantage frozen by, 431–32

U.S. agreement to, 479

Thailand, 209–10

Third World, 110, 621–22

Eisenhower on, 376–78, 553

Eisenhower’s personal diplomacy and, 383–85, 582

raw materials from, 377

U.S. foreign aid to, 377–81

Thompson, Llewellyn, 544–45

Thurmond, Strom, 388, 528

Till, Emmett, 305

Time, 490

Times (London), 52–53

Titan missiles, 312, 454

Tito, Marshal (Josip Broz), 380

trade, foreign, 39, 284, 379

Tripartite Declaration (1950), 315–16, 351–52

British on, 359–60

Eisenhower’s support of, 358–60

Trujillo, Rafael, 556, 582–83

Truman, Harry S, 15, 47, 157, 202, 287, 663–64

A-bomb construction under, 93

on assuming Presidency, 16

ballistic missile program under, 312

defense spending under, 88

on Eisenhower as President, 17–18, 45, 475–76

Eisenhower’s dislike of, 13, 41–42, 636

Eisenhower’s Inauguration and, 41–42

Eisenhower’s working relationship with, 13–14

H. D. White and, 137–40

HUAC subpoena of, 137

on Korean trip, 15, 32

on MacArthur, 32

McCarthy and, 140

on McCarthyism, 139

in 1952 election, 14

in off-year elections, 218

power projects under, 201

White House staff under, 25

Truscott, Lucian, 395

Tshombe, Moise, 586

Tully, Andrew, 54

Twining, Nathan, 310, 428–29, 483–484, 571–72

Berlin crisis and, 515–18

B-70 bombers and, 550

disarmament and, 447, 449–51, 477, 492, 522

Lebanon and, 464–66, 470–71

nuclear weapons and, 432–33

retaliatory capacity and, 495

on SAC capabilities, 495

U-2 flights and, 340, 513–14

unemployment, 158–59, 224

United Action, 178–83

United Arab Republic (UAR), 462

United Fruit, 192, 197

United Nations, 94, 134

“Atoms for Peace” speech at, 147–151, 153

Berlin and, 503

Communist China in, 99, 315

Congo and, 586–87, 589–90

disarmament program presented to, 401

Eisenhower’s speeches to, 147–51, 153, 254–55, 589

Hungarian crisis and, 371–72

and Israeli occupation of Gaza, 385–88

Khrushchev at, 542, 589–90

Korean War armistice talks and, 213–14

Suez crisis and, 351, 361–65, 369–73

United Nations Security Council, 197, 284

Chinese seat on, 99

Guatemala and, 195–97

Lebanon and, 465–67, 470–73

RB-47 plane incident and, 586

Suez crisis and, 358–60, 367

U-2 reconnaisance airplanes, 227–28, 258, 340–41, 476, 557, 634

Eisenhower’s control of, 340–41, 374, 455–56, 513–15, 568–69, 572–573, 580, 585

in Middle East, 341, 351, 353, 356, 367–68

missile gap and, 514–15, 563, 572

Powers’ flight of, 569, 571–79, 621

Van Fleet, James, 239–40

Vanguard Project, 312–13, 397, 427–428, 456–57

Vaughan, Samuel S., 633–35

Venezuela, 464

Vietnam, South, 210, 215

Vietnam War, 648, 655–65

Eisenhower and, 655–65

gradualism in, 661–64

nuclear weapons and, 658, 660, 663

protests against, 661–65

Rolling Thunder Operation in, 658

Tet offensive in, 664–65

Tonkin Gulf Resolution and, 656–657

Vietnam War, French, 100–101, 173–185, 204–9

Chinese intervention threatened in, 205–6

Dien Bien Phu in, 176–84

elections promised during, 314–15

Operation Vulture and, 177–79, 181

“United Action” proposed for, 178–183

U.S. aid to French in, 175–85

U.S.-British intervention suggested for, 174

U.S. ground involvement considered in, 174–76, 182, 184–85

see also Geneva conference on Indochina

Vincent, John Carter, 64

Vinson, Fred, 42, 73, 129

Voice of America, 355

McCarthy’s investigation of, 61–62, 81–83

von Fremd, Charles, 239

Waging Peace (Eisenhower), 634–35

Wagner, Robert, 384

Wainwright, Stuyvesant, II, 135

Wallace, Henry, 393

Wall Street Journal, 117

Walters, Vernon, 264, 578–79

Warren, Earl, 22–23, 143, 190, 252, 616, 625, 673

appointment of, 128–29

Eisenhower on, 190–91, 254, 282, 293–95

as Eisenhower’s possible successor, 254, 282, 293–95

as possible vice-presidential candidate, 293

Warsaw Pact, 363, 368

Washington, George, 455

Eisenhower compared to, 393

on Presidency, 291

Washington Declaration, 316

Watkins, Arthur, 219–20

Weeks, Sinclair, 23, 33, 117, 192, 284, 301

Welch, Joseph, 189

Wenzell, Adolphe H., 253

Westmoreland, William, 592–93, 658–659, 661, 672

Wheaties Operation,see “Atoms for Peace” proposal

Wheeler, Earle G., 656–58

Whigs, Eisenhower and, 250–51

White, Harry Dexter, 137–40

White, Paul Dudley, 271–72

White, Thomas D., 550, 560

White House staff, 24–26

White House Years, The (Eisenhower), 244, 315, 323, 330, 332, 367, 464, 483, 530, 634–35

documents for, 558–59, 636

omissions from, 633–35

publishing agreement for, 592, 611

tone of, 633–34

writing of, 633–34

Whitman, Ann, 30, 71, 73, 75, 147, 192, 198, 226, 240–41, 366, 430, 435, 466–67, 575, 595, 611, 615

civil rights and, 327, 337, 408, 416, 418, 422

Eisenhower’s complaints to, 259–60, 369, 475, 481, 512

Eisenhower’s crisis decisions and, 474

Eisenhower’s dictation and, 647

Eisenhower’s heart attack and, 270–274, 278

Eisenhower’s retirement and, 558

Eisenhower’s second term and, 288–289

Eisenhower’s speech habits and, 531

Eisenhower’s stroke and, 436–37

on Herter, 525

on J.F.Dulles, 508–9

Khrushchev’s visit and, 536

Montgomery and, 393, 540–41

on “new” Eisenhower, 532

1960 campaign and, 544, 601–4

Republican Citizens and, 644–45

Rockefeller and, 647–68

staff problems and, 345–46

on State Department, 507–8

Strauss’s confirmation and, 530–31

Suez crisis and, 356

Whitney, George, 113–14

Wiley, Alexander, 80, 193, 239

Wills, Garry, 619

Wilson, Charles E., 23, 30, 33, 70, 113, 120, 299, 345, 374

Army-McCarthy hearings and, 186

atomic weapon deployment and, 224–25, 259

on auto workers, 223

Chief Joseph Dam and, 77–79

CIA and, 395

on civil-rights bill, 308

conflict of interest of, 40–41, 43

on defense spending cuts, 90, 143–145

disarmament and, 344

Eisenhower’s dissatisfaction with, 223

Eisenhower’s memos to, 122

force reductions and, 278, 394–95

formosa Straits crisis and, 232, 240–243

ICBMs and, 259, 283, 428

Iran and, 111

Korean War and, 97, 102, 105

Middle East and, 317–18

on 1953 Inaugural Address, 36–38

1958 budget and, 389, 394–96

on Oppenheimer, 141–42

postwar Korean aid and, 107–8

resignation of, 441

Suez crisis and, 357

U-2 flights and, 341

Wilson, Don, 640

Wilson, Harold, 657

Wilson, Richard, 172–73

Wilson, Woodrow, 218, 272, 275–76

World War II, 256–57

Eisenhower on, 499–501, 654

Wriston, Henry, 616

Yalta agreements, 54, 66–67, 263

repudiation of, 47, 49, 54, 56, 65–67

Ydígoras Fuentes, Miguel, 584

Yeh, George, 214, 243^4

Young, Phil, 151–52

Yugoslavia, 379–80

Zaroubin, Ambassador, 309–10

Zhukov, Georgi K., 248, 375, 543

at Geneva summit, 262–63, 266

J. Eisenhower and, 262

Zorin, Valerin, 403–4

Zwicker, Ralph, 161–65, 167