The Key to abbreviations in these citations will be found on page 718.
1. DDE to Lovett, 11/8/52, AWAS.
2. Acheson, Present at the Creation, 706.
3. Ferrell, Off the Record, 274–75.
4. DDE, Mandate, 85.
5. DDE Diary, 1/21/53.
6. Truman, Year of Decisions, 19.
7. Milton Eisenhower interview; Merriman Smith interview, EL.
8. Cabinet meeting, 1/12/53, CMS.
9. Montgomery, Memoirs, 484.
10. Neustadt, Presidential Power, 9.
11. Quoted in Richardson, Presidency of Eisenhower, 25.
12. DDE Diary, 1/6/53.
13. Milton Eisenhower, The President Is Calling, 273.
14. DDE Diary, 1/5/53.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid., 2/7/53.
17. Adams, Firsthand Report, 89.
18. Hughes, Ordeal, 251.
19. Eden, Full Circle, 64.
20. Winthrop Aldrich interview, COHP.
21. Immerman, “Eisenhower and Dulles.”
22. Adams, Firsthand Report, 89.
23. DDE, Mandate, 84.
24. Smith, Dewey, 604–5.
25. Warren, Memoirs, 260.
26. Lyon, Eisenhower, 466–67; Geelhoed, Charles E. Wilson, 19.
27. DDE Diary, 2/7/53.
28. DDE, Mandate, 91–92.
29. Ibid.,92.
30. Parmet, Eisenhower, 168.
31. New York Times, 12/31/52.
32. New Republic, 12/15/52.
33. DDE interview.
34. DDE, Mandate, 87.
35. Hatch, Red Carpet for Mamie, 255–59; Brandon, Mamie Doud Eisenhower, 304.
36. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 153.
37. Merriman Smith interview, EL.
38. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 39.
39. Minnich notes, Cabinet meeting, 5/17/54, CMS.
40. West, Upstairs at the White House, 130
41. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 100–125.
42. Parmet, Eisenhower, 154; Clark, From the Danube to the Yalu, 233; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 149–50.
43. DDE, Mandate, 95.
44. New York Times, 12/6/52; Donovan, Eisenhower, 19.
45. Ibid., 12/10/52; ibid., 20.
46. Ibid., 12/11 and 12/12/52.
47. Ibid.
48. DDE to Weeks, 12/9/52, WHCF; Donovan, Eisenhower, 18–19; Parmet, Eisenhower, 156–57.
49. New York Times, 12/15/52.
50. MacArthur’s memo, dated 12/14/52, is in JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
51. DDE interview.
52. DDE interview, Dulles Oral History Project, Princeton.
53. Lyon, Eisenhower, 472.
1. Hughes, Ordeal, 53; DDE Diary, 1/16/53.
2. Minutes, Cabinet meeting, 1/12/53, CMS.
3. Ibid., 1/13/53; Parmet, Eisenhower, 159; Donovan, Eisenhower, 11.
4. New York Times, 1/17/53.
5. Robinson memo, 1/24/53, WRP.
6. Ibid., 1/5/55, WRP.
7. DDE to HST, 1/15/53, AWNS.
8. Ferrell, Off the Record, 287.
9. DDE, Mandate, 101; Truman, Mr. Citizen, 15.
10. DDE to HST, 1/23/53, AWNS.
11. Murphy to DDE, 12/30/52, Preinaugural Papers.
12. PP (1953), 1–8.
13. Parmet, Eisenhower, 166.
14. DDE, Mandate, 102.
15. Robinson memo, 1/24/53, WRP.
1. PP (1953), 67.
2. DDE, Mandate, 267.
3. Minnich notes, Cabinet meeting, 1/23/53.
4. Ibid., 1/30/53; for Eisenhower’s State of the Union message as delivered, see PP (1953), 12–34.
5. DDE Diary, 2/2/53.
6. Parmet, Eisenhower, 195.
7. DDE Diary, 2/2/53.
8. PP (1953), 15.
9. DDE, Mandate, 141.
10. DDE to Gruenther, 2/10/53, AWAS.
11. DDE Diary, 2/13/53.
12. Lyman Lemnitzer interview.
13. DDE to Draper, 3/16/53, DDE:DS.
14. NSC meeting notes, 2/11/53, NSC series.
15. Minnich notes, Cabinet, 2/12/53.
16. DDE, Mandate, 181.
17. PP (1953), 42–55.
18. Ken Crawford interview, EL.
19. DDE Diary, 2/7/53.
20. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 85.
21. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 198.
22. Milton Eisenhower interview.
23. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 87.
24. DDE to Robinson, 3/12/54, WRP.
25. DDE Diary, 4/1/53.
26. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 200.
27. Ibid.
28. PP (1953), 63.
29. See Greenstein, Hidden-Hand Presidency.
30. DDE interview.
31. Minnich notes, Cabinet, 2/6/53.
32. Hughes, Ordeal, 94.
33. Shanley Diary, 3/20/53.
34. PP (1953), 130.
35. Bischof, “Before the Break,” III.
36. Ibid., 120.
37. New York Times, 3/28/53; White, Taft, 240.
38. DDE Diary, 4/1/53.
39. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 209.
40. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 84.
41. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 213; Reeves, McCarthy, 477; Bischof, “Before the Break,” 102–5.
42. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 103.
43. Reeves, McCarthy, 480.
44. PP (1953), 62.
45. Ibid., 88.
46. Ibid., 64.
47. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 129.
48. New York Times, 3/31/53.
49. PP (1953), 155.
50. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 100.
51. Ibid., 101.
52. Reeves, McCarthy, 461–69.
53. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 100–101.
54. DDE to Dulles, 3/18/53, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
55. PP (1953), 81–83; Minnich notes, LLM, 3/9/53.
56. PP (1953), 56–57.
57. Ibid., 81–83; Minnich, LLM, 3/9/53.
58. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/6/53.
59. DDE Diary, 4/1/53.
60. DDE interview.
61. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/3/53.
62. Ibid., 3/20/53.
63. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/3 and 7/17/53.
64. PP (1953), 116–17.
65. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/20/53; Hughes, Ordeal, 101.
66. DDE, Mandate, 113.
67. West, Upstairs at the White House, 155.
68. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 32.
69. West, Upstairs at the White House, 175.
70. Ellis Slater interview.
71. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 33.
72. Lyon, Eisenhower, 512.
73. DDE, Mandate, 271–72.
74. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 37–38.
75. Robinson Diary, 2/15/53, WRP.
76. Ibid.
77. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 19.
78. DDE, Mandate, 271.
79. Whitman Diary, 2/7/53.
80. West, Upstairs at the White House, 157–58.
81. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 18.
82. DDE Diary, 2/7/53.
83. PP (1953), 94–95.
84. DDE to Hauge, 2/4/53, AWNS.
85. DDE Diary, 4/1/53.
1. Jackson memo, 8/7/54, C. D. Jackson Papers.
2. Eli Ginzburg interview, EL.
3. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/6/53.
4. Ibid., 4/3/53.
5. Ibid., 4/10/53.
6. DDE to Sloan, 5/6/53, AWNS.
7. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/22 and 12/9/53.
8. Hughes, Ordeal, 140–42.
9. Minnich, LLM, 5/25/53.
10. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/29/53.
11. DDE to Milton, 4/29/53, AWNS.
12. DDE, Mandate, 301.
13. Parmet, Eisenhower, 254–55.
14. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 141–48; Parmet, Eisenhower, 260–61.
15. DDE to Wm. Phillips, 6/5/53, AWNS.
16. Bullis to DDE, 5/9/53, and DDE to Bullis, 5/18/53, DDE:DS.
17. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 144.
18. PP (1953), 413–15.
19. Dulles memo, 6/15/53, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
20. PP (1953), 427–37.
21. Ibid., 467.
22. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/26/53.
23. Cook, Declassified Eisenhower, 242.
24. Dillon to Dulles, 5/15/53 (passed on to DDE by Beetle Smith), WFIS.
25. Jackson memo, 5/27/53, CDJ Records ’53–’54.
26. DDE to Miller, 6/10/53, DDE:DS.
27. DDE to John Eisenhower, 6/16/53, DDE:DS.
28. Hughes, Ordeal, 80; Minnich, Cabinet, 6/19/53.
29. PP (1953), 446.
30. DDE interview.
31. DDE, Mandate, 202.
32. DDE Diary, 5/1/53.
33. Minnich, LLM, 4/30/53.
34. DDE Diary, 5/1/53.
35. Minnich, LLM, 4/30/53.
36. Ibid., 5/12/53.
37. Ibid., 5/19/53.
38. Ibid.
39. PP (1953), 209–10.
40. Ibid., 337.
41. Hughes, Ordeal, 73.
42. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/22/53; Hughes, Ordeal, 138–39.
43. DDE to Spaatz, 5/19/53, SWAS.
44. DDE to Radford, 5/18/53, DDE:DS.
45. Minnich, LLM, 5/25/53.
46. Ibid.
46. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/22/53.
47. DDE to Dulles, 4/1/53, DDE:DS.
48. Hughes, Ordeal, 103–5.
49. Brookings Institution, Force Without War, 128; for Eisenhower’s personal authorization on the production of atomic weapons, see Strauss to DE, 5/14/53, AWAS. In that message, Strauss gave Eisenhower a rundown on his powers with regard to the Atomic Energy Commission.
50. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 42–44.
51. PP (1953), 179–88; DDE, Mandate, 147.
52. Parmet, Eisenhower, 279.
53. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 45–46.
54. Minutes, NSC, 4/8/53, NSC series.
55. DDE to Dulles, 4/2/53, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
56. DDE to Rhee, 4/23/53, WFIS.
57. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 30.
58. Dulles to DDE, 5/22/53, AWF Dulles-Herter.
59. Minutes, NSC, 4/28/53, NSC series.
60. DDE, Mandate, 183.
61. DDE to Rhee, 6/6/53, WFIS.
62. DDE interview.
63. DDE to Nixon, 6/1/53, WFIS.
64. Minnich, LLM, 6/2/53; Eisenhower, Mandate, 215.
65. Minutes, NSC, 4/28/53, NSC series.
66. DDE to Dillon, 5/6/53, WFIS.
67. Parmet, Eisenhower, 300–301.
68. DDE, Mandate, 185.
69. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/19/53.
70. DDE to Rhee, 6/18/53, WFIS.
71. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/26/53.
72. PP (1953), 463.
1. PP (1953), 464.
2. Parmet, Eisenhower, 314.
3. DDE to Wilson, 7/17/53, WFIS.
4. NSC minutes, 7/23/53, NSC series.
5. Memo of conversation, 7/24/53, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
6. PP (1953), 520–22; New York Times, 7/28/53.
7. DDE, Mandate, 190.
8. DDE Diary, 1/18/54.
9. PP (1953), 522–24.
10. Memo, 7/31/53, AWNS.
11. Ibid., 9/30/53.
12. DDE, Mandate, 160–61.
13. Loy Henderson interview, COHP.
14. Eden, Full Circle, 211–26, 256.
15. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 197.
16. DDE to Mossadegh, 6/30/53, WFIS.
17. Roosevelt, Countercoup, 1–8.
18. Goodpaster interview; on the general subject, see Cook, Declassified Eisenhower.
19. DDE, Mandate, 163; Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 199–200.
20. See DDE to W. B. Smith, 9/21/53, DDE.DS.
21. Smith to DDE, 9/23/53, D/H.
22. See Jackson to Carroll, 9/30/53, CDJ Records ’53–’54.
23. Dinner list, 9/23/53, DDE:DS.
24. DDE to Whitney, 6/24/53, SWNS.
25. DDE Diary, 7/24/53.
26. Goodpaster interview, EL.
27. DDE Diary, 7/2/53.
28. Ibid., 7/31/53; PP (1953), 544–46.
29. PP (1953), 534–35.
30. Minnich, Cabinet, 7/3/53.
31. Minnich, LLM, 7/20/53; DDE, Mandate, 216–18.
32. Minnich, LLM, 7/20/53; Cabinet, 5/29/53.
33. DDE to Hazlett, 7/21/53, AWNS.
34. Parmet, Eisenhower, 326–27.
35. Ibid., 327–29; DDE, Mandate, 197–99.
36. DDE to Shanley, 9/26/53, AWAS.
37. PP (1953), 624.
38. New York Times, 8/1/53.
39. Parmet, Eisenhower, 315.
40. DDE Diary, 1/10/55.
41. Minnich, LLM, 7/7/53; DDE interview.
42. DDE to Montgomery, 7/14/53, DDE:DS.
43. DDE to Adenauer, 7/23/53, DDE Con. SS.
44. DDE to Laniel, 9/21/53, DDE Con. SS.
45. DDE memo for Wilson, 7/1/53, AW AS.
46. New York Times, 7/11/53.
47. Bischof, “Before the Break,” 155–57.
48. Robinson to DDE, 7/22/53, WRP.
49. DDE to Swede Hazlett, 7/21/53, AWNS.
50. Shanley Diary, 7/9/53.
51. DDE to Wm. Pawley, 8/3/53, AWNS.
52. DDE to Richardson, 8/8/53, AWNS.
53. DDE to Wilson, 8/15/53, DDE:DS.
54. Shanley Diary, 7/9/53.
55. DDE to Dulles, 9/8/53, DDE:DS.
56. JFD to DDE, 9/10/53, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
57. DDE Diary, 5/14/53.
58. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 63.
59. Memo, 8/19/53, DDE:DS.
60. John Eisenhower interview.
61. PP (1953), 30.
62. Ibid., 108.
63. DDE, Mandate, 235.
64. DDE Diary, 7/24/53.
65. DDE to Byrnes, 8/14/53, AWNS.
66. DDE to Nixon, 9/4/53, DDE:DS.
67. DDE, Mandate, 227.
68. Brownell interview, COHP; DDE to Edgar, 10/1/53, AWNS.
69. DDE to Dean Smith, 9/14/53, DDE:DS.
70. DDE to MSE, 10/9/53, AWNS.
71. Quoted in Ewald, Eisenhower, 81.
72. DDE, Mandate, 164.
73. DDE Diary, 10/8/53.
74. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 213–14; DDE Diary, 10/8/53.
1. PP (1953), 645–46.
2. Oppenheimer, “Atomic Weapons and American Policy,” 528–31.
3. Strauss, Men and Decisions, 356; Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 11.
4. Lear, “Ike and the Peaceful Atom,” 11–12.
5. See Jackson to Strauss, 9/25/53, CDJ Papers.
6. See Dulles memo for Bowie, 9/8/53, and Dulles memo of 9/23/53, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
7. Jackson to DDE, 10/2/53, CDJ Papers.
8. DDE Diary, 10/10/53.
9. DDE, Mandate, 252; Strauss, Men and Decisions, 357.
10. Robinson Diary, 11/6/53, WRP Papers.
11. Stuyvesant Wainwright interview.
12. Minnich, Cabinet, 10/2/53.
13. DDE to Brownell, 11/4/53, DDE:DS.
14. Lyon, Eisenhower, 565–66.
15. Ferrell, Off the Record, 300–301.
16. Adams, Firsthand Report, 137.
17. New York Times, 11/7/53.
18. Memo of call, DDE to Brownell, 11/11/53, DDE:DS.
19. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/11/53.
20. PP (1953), 758–65.
21. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/12/53.
22. New York Times, 11/17 and 11/18/53; Ferrell, Off the Record, 301.
23. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 57–58; Roberts, Augusta National, 165.
24. Telephone calls, 11/16/53, DDE:DS.
25. Ann Whitman Diary, 11/27/53, ACWD; New York Times, 11/26/53.
26. Quoted in Ewald, Eisenhower, 123–26.
27. PP (1953), 802.
28. DDE Diary, 12/2/53 and 12/3/53.
29. Ewald, Eisenhower, 82–83; telephone calls, 11/16/53, DDE:DS.
30. DDE to Byrnes, 12/1/53, AWNS.
31. Telephone calls, 12/2/53, DDE:DS.
32. DDE to Gruenther, 10/27/53, DDE:DS.
33. Ibid., 11/23/53.
34. Memo, 11/11/53, AWAS.
35. DDE Diary, 11/11/53.
36. DDE to Dodge, 12/1/53, DDE:DS.
37. Minnich, LLM, 12/17/53.
38. PP (1953), 860.
39. Conference, 12/2/53, ACWD.
40. NSC 151/1, 12/4/53, WH Pres. SS.
41. Minnich, Cabinet, 10/23/53.
42. Memo of conference, 12/4/53, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
43. PP (1953), 813–22.
44. DDE to Dodge, 11/5/53, AWAS.
45. DDE to Hughes, 12/10/53, AWAS.
46. Minnich, Cabinet, 12/11 and 12/12/53.
47. Ibid., 12/15/53.
48. Minnich, LLM, 12/18 and 12/19/53; DDE Diary, 12/19/53.
49. Robinson Diary, 11/7/53, WRP.
50. DDE to MSE, 12/11/53, AWNS.
51. DDE to Hazlett, 12/24/53, AWNS.
52. DDE to Jackson, 12/31/53, DDE:DS.
1. Jackson, “Notes on Ike,” 1/4/54, CDJ Papers.
2. Minnich, LLM, 1/11/54.
3. HD, 1/14/54.
4. DDE to Edgar, 1/27/54, AWNS.
5. Telephone calls, 3/19/54, DDE:DS.
6. HD, 1/25/54.
7. Ibid., 2/2/54.
8. DDE to Edgar, 1/12/54, AWNS.
9. Minnich, LLM, 3/29/54; HD, 3/29/54.
10. HD, 1/20 and 3/2/54; for a full discussion, see Kaufman, Trade and Aid, Chap. 2.
11. PP (1954), 6–23.
12. Ibid.; DDE, Mandate, 294. For a detailed discussion, see Adams and Gray, Monopoly in America, 142–63.
13. PP (1954), 69–76.
14. DDE, Mandate, 303.
15. PP (1954), 193–200.
16. Ibid., 62–68.
17. DDE, Mandate, 303.
18. Ibid.
19. DDE to Burns, 2/2/54, DDE:DS.
20. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/2/54.
21. DDE, Mandate, 287–89.
22. Ibid., 306.
23. See Reichard, Reaffirmation of Republicanism, for a detailed discussion.
24. DDE to Robinson, 3/23/54, AWNS.
25. DDE Diary, 1/18/54.
26. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 69.
27. Greenstein, Hidden-Hand Presidency, 184–85.
28. New York Times, 2/24/54.
29. HD, 2/25/54.
30. Telephone calls, 2/25/54, DDE:DS.
31. Ibid., 3/2/54.
32. PP (1954), 288–91.
33. Greenstein, Hidden-Hand Presidency, 191–92.
34. DDE memo, 3/5/54, DDE:DS.
35. DDE to Robinson, 3/12/54, WRP; DDE to Helms, 3/9/54, AWNS.
36. PP (1954), 300.
37. DDE to Robinson, 3/12/54, WRP.
38. DDE to Helms, 3/9/54, AWNS.
39. DDE Diary, 1/18/54.
40. HD, 3/24/54.
41. PP (1954), 339.
42. DDE to Brownell, 3/29/54, along with Hoffman to DDE, 3/25/54, AWAS.
43. HD, 4/7/54.
44. Ibid., 4/9/54.
45. Ibid., 4/10/54.
46. Ibid., 4/9/54.
47. PP (1954), 382.
48. DDE, Mandate, 312.
49. DDE to Conant, 4/26/54, DDE:DS.
50. DDE to Hazlett, 4/27/54, AWAS.
51. PP (1954), 346.
52. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 13.
53. HD, 3/31/54.
54. PP (1954), 381–82.
55. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 25.
56. Memo of conversation, 4/19/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
57. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 25.
58. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 186.
59. DDE to Strauss, 6/14/54, AWAS.
60. PP (1954), 435.
61. Ibid., 329–31.
62. Ibid., 58.
63. Ibid., 324–25.
64. Notes, Helena meeting, 12/10/52, Preinaugural Papers.
65. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/26/54.
66. Smith to DDE, 1/18/54, HD.
67. DDE to Churchill, 2/9/54, WFIS.
68. Dulles memo, 4/12/54, D/H.
69. Quoted in Immerman, “Anatomy of the Decision Not to Fight.”
70. HD, 2/8/54.
71. NSC minutes, 1/8/54, NSC series.
72. Ewald, Eisenhower, 119.
73. Memo for Smith, 3/15/54, WFDS.
74. Dulles memo for DDE, 3/23/54, D/H; various Dulles telephone conversations, 3/24 and 3/25/54, JFDP.
75. Ewald, Eisenhower, 119–20.
76. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/26/54.
77. Dulles memo, 3/24/54, JFDP.
78. See Dulles to DDE, 4/2/54, JFDP.
79. Memo, Dulles to DDE, 4/24/54, JFDP.
80. DDE to Churchill, 4/4/54, WFIS.
81. Telephone conversation, 4/5/54, AWDS.
82. PP (1954), 382–83.
83. Nixon, Memoirs, 152–53.
84. HD, 4/16/54.
85. Minnich, LLM, 4/26/54.
86. Dulles to DDE, 4/23/54, D/H.
87. Ibid.
88. DDE to Dulles, 4/23/54, D/H.
89. Dulles to DDE, 4/25/54, D/H.
90. HD, 4/26/54; Minnich, LLM, 4/26/54.
91. DDE to Gruenther, 4/26/54, DDE:DS.
92. PP (1954), 428.
93. Nixon, Memoirs, 153–54.
94. NSC minutes, 4/29/54, NSC series.
95. DDE interview.
96. NSC notes, 5/6/54, NSC series.
1. DDE, Mandate, 357.
2. Telephone call, 3/2/54, WF-DDE.
3. DDE Diary, 5/11/54.
4. HD, 5/13/54.
5. Ibid., 5/14/54.
6. Ibid., 5/17/54.
7. PP (1954), 483–84. (Italics added.)
8. Schlesinger, Imperial Presidency, 156.
9. PP (1954), 489–90.
10. HD, 3/28/54.
11. Ibid., 4/11 and 5/l/54.
12. PP (1954), 526.
13. HD, 6/8/54.
14. See DDE to Doolittle, 7/26/54, AWAS.
15. HD, 6/18/54.
16. Ibid., 1/25/54.
17. Warren, Memoirs, 291.
18. HD, 5/18/54.
19. Warren, Memoirs, 291–92.
20. DDE interview.
21. Warren, Memoirs, 5–6.
22. PP (1954), 491.
23. DDE to Hazlett, 10/23/54, AWAS.
24. Quoted in Ewald, Eisenhower, 84.
25. Brownell interview.
26. Ewald, Eisenhower, 85.
27. I am indebted to former Congressman Frank E. Smith of Mississippi for pointing this out to me in a private letter.
28. DDE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, DDE:DS.
29. Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, 133; Smith to DDE, 1/15/54, WFIS.
30. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 223.
31. Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, 133–34.
32. Ibid., 162.
33. New York Times, 5/19/54; Eisenhower, Mandate, 424.
34. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 216.
35. Richard Bissell interview; PP (1954), 573.
36. New York Times, 6/15 and 6/19/54.
37. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 229–30.
38. PP (1954), 573.
39. HD, 6/18/54.
40. Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, 168; Eisenhower, Mandate, 425–26.
41. HD, 6/24/54.
42. Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, 170–72.
43. See Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, and Cook, Declassified Eisenhower.
44. Andrew Goodpaster interview.
45. PP (1954), 605.
46. DDE, Mandate, 426–27.
47. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/27/54.
48. HD, 6/26/54; Immerman, CIA in Guatemala, 172.
49. HD, 6/26/54.
50. Ibid., 6/25/54.
51. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 76–79.
52. DDE to Dulles, 8/9/54, DDE:DS.
53. HD, 7/14 and 7/19/54.
54. DDE to Chynoweth, 7/13 and 7/30/54, AWNS.
55. HD, 7/19/54.
56. Ibid., 5/24/54.
57. Minnich, Cabinet, 7/23/54.
58. HD, 5/24/54.
59. Ibid.
60. DDE to Adams, 5/11/54, DDE:DS.
61. Minnich, Cabinet, 7/9/54.
62. DDE to Brownell, 8/17/54, AWAS.
63. Benedict memo, 6/8/54, ACWD.
64. HD, 8/6/54.
65. DDE to Gruenther, 7/2/54, DDE:DS.
66. HD, 6/23 and 8/6/54.
67. Ann Whitman Diary, 6/29/54.
68. PP (1954), 680.
69. Ann Whitman Diary, 6/29/54.
70. HD, 7/16/54.
71. Ibid., 7/27/54.
72. DDE to Robinson, 8/4/54, AWNS.
73. Ann Whitman Diary, 8/11/54.
74. DDE memo for Scott, 5/1/54, DDE:DS.
75. DDE to Dulles, 5/7/54, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
76. Dulles memo, 5/19/54, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
77. Dulles memo, 5/25/54, JFD Papers, ’51–’59 subseries.
78. Dulles memo, 7/7/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
79. Cutler notes, 6/2/54, AWAS.
80. HD, 6/19/54.
81. PP (1954), 698, 701.
82. American-Korean talks, 7/27/54, DDE:DS.
83. DDE to Gruenther, 6/8/54, DDE:DS.
84. DDE, Mandate, 366.
85. HD, 6/23/54.
86. Ibid., 6/24/54.
87. DDE, Mandate, 401.
88. Ibid., 368.
89. PP (1954), 605.
90. Minnich, Cabinet, 7/9/54; HD, 7/9/54.
91. PP (1954), 642.
92. Ibid., 647.
93. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 260.
94. PP (1954), 948–49; the draft of 9/25/54 is in D/H.
95. DDE, Mandate, 372.
96. PP (1954), 661.
97. DDE, Mandate, 404.
1. DDE, Mandate, 461–63.
2. Ibid., 464.
3. Memo of conversation, 10/30/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
4. PP (1954), 1076–77.
5. Memo of conference, 12/20/54, ACWD.
6. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 245–46.
7. Memo of conversation, 10/30/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
8. DDE to Collins, 11/3/54, DDE:D.
9. Memo of conference, 11/3/54, ACWD.
10. HD, 11/29/54.
11. Telephone calls, 10/4/54, DDE:D.
12. PP (1954), 889.
13. DDE to Hazlett, 10/23/54, AWNS.
14. Memo of conversation, 10/30/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
15. HD, 12/23/54.
16. DDE to Adams, 9/25/54, DDE:D.
17. Telephone calls, 10/7/54, DDE:D.
18. DDE to Dewey, 10/8/54, AWAS.
19. DDE to Hauge, 9/30/54, DDE:D.
20. DDE, Mandate, 436–38.
21. DDE to Edgar, 11/8/54, AWNS.
22. Smith interview, 11/23/54, DDE:D.
23. ACWD, 12/4/54.
24. DDE to Roberts, 12/7/54, AWNS.
25. HD, 12/7/54.
26. Conversation with Roy Roberts, 12/54, and with Clay, 11/18/54, ACWD.
27. DDE Diary, 11/20/54.
28. DDE to Hazlett, 12/8/54, AWNS.
29. Memo of conference, 12/22/54, ACWD.
30. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/5 and 12/13/54.
31. PP (1954), 1110.
32. Notes on meeting, 12/1/54, AWAS, and attachments.
33. DDE to Hazlett, 8/20/56, AWNS.
34. Conference with Knowland, 11/23/54, AWAS.
35. Conference, 10/19/54, AWAS.
36. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 188.
37. Memo, 11/24/54, ACWD.
38. Memo, 10/30/54, JFD Papers, WH memo series.
39. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 82–83.
40. ACWD, 11/24/54.
41. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 90.
42. PP (1954), 1074–77.
1. New York Times, 1/2/55.
2. DDE, Mandate, 466.
3. Ibid., 467; Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 57.
4. Telephone calls, 1/20/55, DDE.DS.
5. JCS meeting, 1/21/55, WFIS.
6. HD, 1/22/55.
7. PP (1955), 207–11.
8. DDE to Luce, 1/24/55, JFD Papers, WHMS.
9. HD, 1/25/55.
10. Telephone calls, 1/25/55, DDE:DS.
11. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 59–60.
12. Memo of conference, 1/31/55, WFIS.
13. Memo for record, 1/29/55, DDE:D.
14. DDE, Mandate, 472.
15. DDE to Gruenther, 2/1/55, SWAS.
16. DDE to Churchill, 1/19/55, D/H.
17. DDE, Mandate, 473.
18. HD, 2/16/55.
19. Telephone calls, 2/16/55, DDE.DS.
20. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 6.
21. DDE to Churchill, 2/19/55, D/H.
22. DDE, Mandate, 475.
23. Memo on NSC meeting, 3/10/55 (dated 3/11), WFIS.
24. DDE, Mandate, 477.
25. Notes, NSC meeting, 3/11/55, WFIS.
26. Goodpaster memo, 3/16/55, WFIS.
27. Goodpaster memo to DDE, 3/15/55, WFIS.
28. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 62.
29. HD, 3/16/55.
30. PP (1955), 332–33.
31. Ibid., 338; Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 62–63.
32. Ambrose, Rise to Globalism, 239.
33. DDE, Mandate, 477–78.
34. DDE interview.
35. PP (1955), 358.
36. Telephone calls, 3/28/55, DDE:DS.
37. HD, 3/28/55.
38. DDE Diary, 3/26/55.
39. Minnich, LLM, 3/30/55; DDE, Mandate, 480.
40. Goodpaster memo, 3/18/55, WFIS.
41. Goodpaster memo of meeting of 4/1/55 (dated 4/4), WFIS; memo for Dulles, 4/1/55, JFD Papers, Meetings w/President.
42. DDE to Dulles, 4/5/55, D/H.
43. DDE conversation with Under Sec. of State, 4/21/55, WFIS.
44. The Radford/Robertson reports are in WFIS.
45. DDE to Dulles, 4/26/55, WFIS.
46. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 64; DDE, Mandate, 482–83.
47. DDE, Mandate, 483.
48. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 65–66.
49. Telephone calls, 2/23/55, DDE-.DS.
50. HD, 3/4/55.
51. DDE to Dulles, 3/7/55, DDE:DS.
52. HD, 2/24/55.
53. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 60–61.
54. PP (1955), 676–77.
55. PP (1954), 1110.
56. Ibid., 1061–62.
57. HD, 2/8/55.
58. DDE, Mandate, 508; PP (1955), 661; phone calls, 5/25/55, ACWD.
59. DDE, Mandate, 484.
60. Ibid., 491.
61. Telephone calls, 1/31/56, DDE:D.
62. Schwartz, “Urban Freeways,” 419.
63. Ibid., 428; Davies, Age of Asphalt, 17–18.
64. Memo of conference, 1/11/55, ACWD; HD, 2/16/55.
65. HD, 2/21/55.
66. PP (1955), 275–80.
67. Davies, Age of Asphalt, 22; Rose, Interstate, 69–84.
68. HD, 1/14/55.
69. DDE, Mandate, 498.
70. DDE to Allen, 2/22/55, DDE:DS; HD, 2/22/55.
71. PP (1955), 653.
72. HD, 1/18/55.
73. DDE, Mandate, 384; Wildavsky, Dixon-Yates.
74. ACWD, 5/19/55.
75. Ibid., 5/25/55.
76. PP (1955), 606.
1. PP (1955), 672.
2. Ibid., 671–72.
3. Minnich, LLM, 5/25/55.
4. PP (1955), 678–79.
5. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 178.
6. Donovan, Eisenhower, 345–46.
7. Telephone calls, 7/6/55, DDE:D.
8. Memo of conference, 7/7/55, ACWD.
9. ACWD, 7/10/55.
10. Parmet, Eisenhower, 404; Minnich, LLM, 7/12/55.
11. Ambrose, Rise to Globalism, 243.
12. State Department briefing, 7/11/55, DDE : DS.
13. Memo of conference, 8/5/55, JFD Papers, WHMS.
14. PP (1955), 702–5.
15. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 175.
16. DDE, Mandate, 525; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 175–76.
17. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 176.
18. PP (1955), 707–12.
19. DDE, Mandate, 517, 523.
20. PP (1955), 713–16.
21. Walters, Silent Missions, 289; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 178.
22. DDE, Mandate, 521.
23. PP (1955), 718, 722–23.
24. See DDE to Bulganin, 7/27/55, DE:DS.
25. Minnich, LLM, 7/25/55.
26. Ibid.
27. PP (1955), 728–30.
28. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 65–67.
29. DDE to Anderson, 9/13/55, AWAS.
30. DDE to MSE, 9/12/55, AWNS.
31. DDE to Hazlett, 8/15/55, AWNS.
32. DDE to MSE, 9/12/55, AWNS.
1. ACWD, 9/29/55; DDE, Mandate, 535–36.
2. Nixon, Memoirs, 166.
3. See Snyder to Robinson, 10/5/55, WRP.
4. ACWD, 9/29/55.
5. Snyder to Robinson, 10/5/55, WRP; ACWD, 9/29/55.
6. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 181.
7. ACWD, 9/29/55; Slater, The Ike I Knew, 106–8.
8. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 182.
9. DDE, Mandate, 538.
10. New York Times, 9/29 and 9/30/55.
11. Minnich, Cabinet, 9/30/55; Parmet, Eisenhower, 416.
12. New York Times, 9/26/55.
13. Rovere, “Letter from Washington”; Parmet, Eisenhower, 417.
14. HD, 12/12/55.
15. DDE to Taylor, 11/5/55, AWAS.
16. DDE, Mandate, 539.
17. Ibid., 539–41.
18. Quoted in Parmet, Eisenhower, 417–18.
19. Adams, Firsthand Report, 189.
20. Dulles memo, 10/11/55, JFD Papers, WHMS.
21. Notes on conversation, 10/12/55, ACWD.
22. Memo, 10/29/55, DDE:D.
23. Whitman notes, conference, 12/5/55, DDE:DS.
24. Adams, Firsthand Report, 213.
25. ACWD, 10/18/55.
26. Ibid., 10/26/55.
27. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 110.
28. PP (1955), 841.
29. ACWD, 11/12/55.
30. DDE to Roberts, 11/28/55, AWNS.
31. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 113–14.
32. PP (1956), 191.
33. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 115.
34. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 183–84.
35. HD, 12/10 and 12/12/55.
36. Ibid., 12/11 and 12/13/55.
37. Ibid., 12/14/55.
38. DDE to Dulles, 12/5/55, D/H.
39. DDE to Wilson, 12/21/55, AWNS.
40. Minutes, NSC, 12/23/55, NSC series.
41. Memo of conversation, 12/26/55, JFD Papers, WHMS.
42. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 184.
43. Nixon, Memoirs, 167–68; Parmet, Eisenhower, 424.
44. Note to NSC, 12/28/55, WH Pres. SS.
1. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 121–24.
2. Ibid., 123.
3. PP (1956), 32–33.
4. ACWD, 1/11/56.
5. Ibid., 1/10/56.
6. Ibid., 1/11/56.
7. DDE, Mandate, 571.
8. Dulles memo, 1/15/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
9. See MSE to DDE, 1/16/55, AWNS, summing up the arguments.
10. Dulles memo, 1/15/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
11. MSE to DDE, 1/16/56, AWNS.
12. DDE to Pollock, 1/20/56, DDE:D.
13. DDE to Edgar Eisenhower, 1/18/56, AWNS.
14. DDE to Hazlett, 1/23/56, AWNS.
15. Prettyman to DDE, 1/26/56, WFPCS.
16. DDE to Prettyman, 2/1/56, WFPCS.
17. DDE to Emanuel, 2/7/56, WFPCS.
18. Undated DDE note, AWNS (February ’56 folder).
19. HD, 1/25/56.
20. Dulles memo, 2/9/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
21. PP (1956), 182.
22. DDE Diary, 1/30/56; HD, 1/23/56.
23. PP (1956), 231.
24. Telephone calls, 2/10/56, DDE:D.
25. ACWD, 2/9/56.
26. DDE Diary, 1/23/56.
27. Dulles memo, 2/29/56, JFD Papers, WHMS; DDE Diary, 1/10/56.
28. DDE to Hazlett, 3/2/56, AWNS.
29. DDE, Mandate, 572.
30. PP (1956), 266–67.
31. DDE, Waging Peace, 4.
32. Dulles memo, 2/29/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
33. DDE to Hazlett, 3/2/56, AWNS.
34. PP (1956), 287, 295. (Italics added.)
35. ACWD, 2/9/56.
36. Ibid., 3/13/56.
37. Ibid., 3/19/56.
38. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 175.
39. Benson, Cross Fire, 294.
40. ACWD, 2/7/56; Minnich, LLM, 1/10/56.
41. ACWD, 3/20/56.
42. DDE, Mandate, 560–61.
43. Rose, Interstate, 87–89.
44. DDE Diary, 2/11/56.
45. ACWD, 2/13/56.
46. Minnich, LLM, 2/14/56.
47. DDE, Mandate, 555.
48. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 121.
49. Minnich, LLM, 1/10/56.
50. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 131.
51. PP (1956), 186–87.
52. Morrow, Black Man in the White House, 28–29.
53. Ibid., 47–48.
54. Ibid., 37.
55. PP (1956), 269–70.
56. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 123.
57. PP (1956), 304–5.
58. Ibid., 340.
59. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/9 and 3/23/56.
60. PP (1956), 335.
61. DDE, Waging Peace, 152; Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 124.
62. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/9/56.
63. Ibid., 3/23/56.
64. DDE to Graham, 3/22/56, AWNS.
65. Graham to DDE, 3/29/56, AWNS.
66. DDE, Waging Peace, 149.
67. HD, 1/24/56.
68. Ibid., 1/25/56.
69. Dulles memo, 2/6/56, JFD Papers, WHMS: Dulles to ambassador, Moscow, 2/7/56, WHO SS.
70. Goodpaster memo, 3/13/56, WHO SS Alpha.
71. Memo of conference, 1/13/56, DDE:D.
72. DDE to Dulles, 1/23/56, DDE-.D; Dulles memo, 2/6/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
73. ACWD, 2/6/56.
74. DDE to Bulganin, 3/2/56, WFIS.
75. Memo of conference, 3/1/56, DDE:D.
76. DDE, Waging Peace, 207–9; Minnich, Cabinet, 2/14/56.
77. Minnich, Cabinet, 2/14/56.
78. PP (1956), 235–36.
79. Minnich, LLM, 2/14/56.
80. Ibid., 2/28/56.
81. Briefing, 2/29/56, DDE-.D.
82. PP (1956), 298.
83. DDE Diary, 3/30/56.
84. Eden talks, memo of conversation, 2/7/56, WFIS.
85. DDE, Waging Peace, 20.
86. Eden talks, memo of conversation, 2/7/56, WFIS.
87. DDE, Waging Peace, 24–25.
88. Eden talks, note, WFIS; Neff, Warriors at Suez, 149–55.
89. Ewald, Eisenhower, 194.
90. Ibid., 196; Neff, Warriors at Suez, 134–36.
91. DDE Diary, 3/8/56.
92. Dulles memo, 3/28/56, D/H.
93. Memo of conference, 3/28/56, DDE:D.
1. Larson, Eisenhower, 10.
2. Ibid., 10.
3. Hughes, Ordeal, 173.
4. Ewald, Eisenhower, 197–99.
5. Nixon, Memoirs, 170–71.
6. ACWD, 4/9/56.
7. Nixon, Memoirs, 172–73.
8. PP (1956), 360–61.
9. DDE, Waging Peace, 10.
10. Ibid.
11. Larson, Eisenhower, 9.
12. DDE, Waging Peace, 10.
13. Nixon, Memoirs, 174.
14. Parmet, Eisenhower, 452.
15. Nixon, Memoirs, 174–75; Adams, Firsthand Report, 240–41.
16. PP (1956), 633.
17. Ibid., 625.
18. Telephone calls, 7/27/56, DDE:D.
19. PP (1956), 624.
20. Minnich, LLM, 4/17/56.
21. Persons memo, 8/1/56, DDE:D.
22. ACWD, 8/14/56.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid., 8/19/56.
25. Persons memo, 8/1/56, DDE:D.
26. Telephone calls, 4/7/56, DDE:D.
27. ACWD, 4/10/56.
28. DDE to Ben-Gurion, 4/30/56, WFIS.
29. Dulles memo, 5/1/56, JFD Papers, WHMF; Dulles memo, 5/9/56, WHMF.
30. DDE, Waging Peace, 30–32.
31. DDE Diary, 8/8/56; DDE, Waging Peace, 32.
32. Dulles to DDE, 9/15/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
33. DDE, Waging Peace, 34.
34. Ibid., 36–37.
35. Neff, Warriors at Suez, 280.
36. DDE, Waging Peace, 37–38; memo of conference, 7/28/56, DDE:D.
37. Memo of conference, 7/31/56, DDE:D.
38. DDE, Waging Peace, 41, 664–65.
39. Ibid., 42–44.
40. DDE to Hazlett, 8/3/56, AWNS.
41. Memo for record, 8/12/56, DDE:D.
42. Minnich, LLM, 8/12/56.
43. DDE to Dulles, 8/19/56, DDE:D.
44. DDE, Waging Peace, 46–47.
45. Hughes, Ordeal, 176.
46. Parmet, Eisenhower, 457.
47. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 135–38.
48. PP (1956), 735.
49. ACWD, 11/14/56.
50. PP (1956), 758–59.
51. Ibid., 736–37.
52. DDE, Waging Peace, 666–67.
53. Neff, Warriors at Suez, 301.
54. Telephone calls, 9/7/56, DDE:D.
55. DDE, Waging Peace, 669–70.
56. Ibid., 50–51.
57. Memo of conference, 5/28/56, DDE:D.
58. Goodpaster interview; Goodpaster memo, 6/21/56, WHO SS Alpha.
59. Goodpaster, Bissell, and John Eisenhower interviews; Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 271–73; memo of conference, 5/18/56, DDE:D.
60. DDE Diary, 10/15/56.
61. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 65.
62. Press-conference briefing, 4/25/56, ACWD.
63. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 77.
64. Ibid., 72–73.
65. PP (1956), 434–35.
66. Minnich, LLM, 5/18/56.
67. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 85.
68. DDE to Strauss, 8/30/56, DDE:D.
69. Memo of conference, 9/14/56, DDE.D.
70. Whitman to MSE, 8/28/56, AWNS.
71. DDE to Roberts, 9/6/56, AWNS.
72. Telephone calls, 9/25/56, DDE:D.
1. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 88.
2. DDE to Gruenther, 11/2/56, DDE.D.
3. DDE to Hazlett, 11/2/56, AWNS.
4. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 88.
5. PP (1956), 858, 863–66.
6. Ibid., 82–88.
7. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 93–95.
8. PP (1956), 938–39, 944, 959.
9. DDE to Bulganin, 10/21/56, D/H.
10. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 100.
11. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 189.
12. Telephone calls, 10/23/56, DDE:D.
13. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 101.
14. Memo of conference, 10/8/56, DDE:D.
15. DDE to Hoover, 10/8/56, D/H.
16. DDE, Waging Peace, 51–54.
17. DDE memo, 10/15/56, DDE:D.
18. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 189.
19. Dulles memo on conversation, 10/15/56, JFD Papers, WHMS.
20. Colby, Honorable Men, 134–35.
21. DDE, Waging Peace, 67–68.
22. Ibid., 70.
23. Telephone calls, 10/28/56, DDE:D.
24. Hughes, Ordeal, 212.
25. Telephone calls, 10/28/56, D/H.
26. DDE, Waging Peace, 71–73.
27. NSC minutes, 10/4/56, NSC series.
28. Memo of conversation, 10/29/56, DDE:D.
29. Memo of conference, 10/30/56, DDE:D.
30. Ibid.
31. Telephone calls, 10/30/56, DDE:D.
32. DDE to Mollet and Eden, 10/30/56, WFIS.
33. Hughes, Ordeal, 216–17.
34. Telephone calls, 10/30/56, DDE:D.
35. DDE, Waging Peace, 78–79.
36. Telephone calls, 10/31/56, DDE:D.
37. Ibid.
38. Hughes, Ordeal, 219–21; DDE, Waging Peace, 80.
39. DDE, Waging Peace, 80–81.
40. Memo, NSC meeting, 11/1/56, NSC series; DDE to Dulles, 11/1/56, D/H.
41. Hughes, Ordeal, 41.
42. DDE to Gruenther, 11/2/56, DDE:D.
43. DDE to Hazlett, 11/2/56, AWNS.
44. DDE to Gruenther, 11/2/56, DDE:D.
45. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 140–43.
46. DDE, Waging Peace, 86–88.
47. Ibid., 89, 95.
48. Ibid., 89.
49. Hughes, Ordeal, 222–23.
50. Memo of conference, 11/6/56, DDE:D.
51. DDE, Waging Peace, 91.
52. Telephone calls, 11/6/56, WFIS.
53. Hughes, Ordeal, 228.
54. Telephone calls, 11/7/56, WFIS.
55. Memo for record, 11/7/56, DDE:D.
56. DDE, Waging Peace, 94–95.
57. Minutes, NSC, 11/9/56, NSC series.
58. Memo of conference, 11/9/56, DDE:D.
59. Telephone calls, 11/9/56, DDE:D.
60. Telephone calls, 11/9/56, D/H; DDE to Jackson, 11/19/56, DDE:D.
61. Telephone calls, 11/20/56, WFIS.
62. Telephone calls, 11/27/56, DDE:D.
63. DDE to Churchill, 11/27/56, WFIS.
64. DDE to Tedder, 12/5/56, AWNS.
65. DDE to de Guingand, 12/23/56, AWNS.
66. Minnich, LLM, 12/31/56.
67. Telephone calls, 11/9/56, DDE:D.
68. Handwritten notes on meeting, 11/15/56, WHO SS Alpha.
69. Telephone calls, 12/18/56, DDE:D.
70. Notes, 11/26/56, WFIS.
71. Notes on meeting, 12/26/56, ACWD.
1. PP (1957), 60–65.
2. Kaufman, Trade and Aid, 99.
3. Minnich, LLM, 2/5/57.
4. Ibid., 7/2/57.
5. DDE to Humphrey, 3/27/57, AWNS.
6. Minnich, LLM, 7/2/57.
7. DDE to Humphrey, 5/7/57, AWAS.
8. Kaufman, Trade and Aid, 103.
9. See, for example, Minnich, LLM, 5/9/57, and Slater, The Ike I Knew, 121.
10. Conversation, 5/21/57, DDE:D; Minnich, Cabinet, 4/1/55.
11. Kaufman, Trade and Aid, 109–10; Minnich, Cabinet, 4/1/55.
12. DDE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, AWNS.
13. Minnich, LLM, 1/1/57.
14. PP (1957), 6–16.
15. DDE to Knowland, 2/28/57, AWAS; telephone calls, 1/9/57, DDE:DS.
16. DDE, Waging Peace, 180.
17. Memo of conversation, 2/6/57, WFIS.
18. See, for example, DDE to Saud, 12/24/56, WFIS.
19. Telephone calls, 12/18/56, DDE:D.
20. Telephone calls, 1/9/57, DDE:DS.
21. Lyon, Eisenhower, 730–31.
22. Minnich, LLM, 2/5/57.
23. Ibid.; DDE, Waging Peace, 116.
24. DDE to Ben-Gurion, 2/3/57, WFIS.
25. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 148–50.
26. Dulles memo of conversation, 2/16/57, JFD Papers, WHMS.
27. Minnich, LLM, 2/20/57.
28. DDE, Waging Peace, 187–89.
29. ACWD, 11/13/56.
30. Minnich, LLM, 1/1/57.
31. Telephone calls, 12/7/56, DDE:D; Minnich, Cabinet, 1/9/57.
32. Undated entry in Jan. ’57 folder, ACWD.
33. PP (1957), 273.
34. Minnich, Cabinet, 12/14/56.
35. New York Times, 1/17/57; Lyon, Eisenhower, 735.
36. PP (1957), 73, 85.
37. Ibid., 99.
38. Press-conference briefing, 5/15/57, DDE:DS.
39. PP (1957), 354–55.
40. Ibid., 400; Lyon, Eisenhower, 738.
41. Adams, Firsthand Report, 380.
42. Minnich, LLM, 3/12/57.
43. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/12/57.
44. DDE to Gerow, 11/15/58, AWNS.
45. PP (1957), 356.
46. ACWD, 7/15/57.
47. DDE to Henry Wallace, 2/22/57, DDE:DS.
1. Telephone calls, 12/18/56, DDE : D.
2. Minnich, LLM, 3/29/55.
3. Memo of conference, 6/28/57, DDE:DS.
4. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 239, 243; memo of conference, 1/17/57, DDE:DS.
5. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/11/57.
6. Meeting, 6/26/57, DDE:DS.
7. Memo of conference, 12/20/56, DDE:D.
8. PP (1957), 125–26, 130.
9. Minnich, LLM, 3/26/57.
10. PP (1957), 82–83.
11. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 119–20.
12. DDE to Cole, 5/27/57, DDE:DS.
13. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/3/57.
14. PP (1957), 429, 434.
15. Memo of conference, 6/24/57, DDE:DS.
16. Telephone calls, 6/25/57, DDE:DS.
17. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 152.
18. PP (1957), 498–99, 505.
19. NSC, 10/4/56, NSC series.
20. Minnich, LLM, 3/26/57.
21. PP (1957), 551.
22. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 113.
23. Ibid., 115; telephone calls, 2/4/57, DDE:DS.
24. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 143–44.
25. PP (1957), 405.
26. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 144–45.
27. PP (1957), 431, 435.
28. DDE to Macmillan, 6/4/57, D/H.
29. Dulles memo, 6/12/57, D/H.
30. PP (1957), 476–79.
31. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 146–53.
32. Ibid., 155–57.
33. NSC, 10/4/56, NSC series.
34. Memo of conference, 2/6/57, DDE-.DS.
35. Ibid., 3/23/57.
36. DDE Diary,1l/21/56.
37. PP (1957), 550.
38. Telephone calls, 7/3/57, DDE:DS.
39. Minnich, LLM, 7/30/57.
40. PP (1957), 127–28.
41. ACWD, 1/3/57.
42. Telephone calls, 6/15/57, DDE:DS.
43. PP (1957), 520–21.
44. DDE, Waging Peace, 157–58.
45. ACWD, 7/10/57.
46. DDE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, AWNS.
47. DDE to Byrnes, 7/23/57, DDE:DS.
48. PP (1957), 546–47, 555.
49. DDE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, AWNS.
1. Minnich, Cabinet, 8/2/57; PP (1957), 587.
2. PP (1957), 594.
3. DDE, Waging Peace, 160.
4. Minnich, LLM, 8/13/57.
5. Press-conference briefing, 8/7/57, DDE:DS.
6. Minnich, LLM, 8/13/57.
7. ACWD, 8/17/57.
8. DDE, Waging Peace, 160–61.
9. Hughes, Ordeal, 242.
10. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 145; press-conference briefing, 9/3/57, ACWD.
11. Press-conference briefing, 9/3/57, ACWD.
12. PP (1957), 659.
13. Telephone calls, 9/11/57, DDE:DS.
14. Ibid.
15. PP (1957), 673–74.
16. ACWD, 10/8/57; DDE, Waging Peace, 166.
17. ACWD, 9/14/57.
18. Goodpaster memo for Hagerty, 9/19/57, ACWD.
19. Telephone calls, 9/20/57, DDE:DS.
20. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 160–62.
21. Adams, Firsthand Report, 353.
22. Ibid., 354; DDE, Waging Peace, 169.
23. Telephone calls, 9/24/57, DDE:DS.
24. DDE to Gruenther, 9/24/57, DDE:DS.
25. DDE, Waging Peace, 170.
26. Telephone calls, 9/24/57, DDE:DS.
27. Undated note, AWAS.
28. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 157–58; DDE, Waging Peace, 172.
29. PP (1957), 704.
30. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 159–60.
31. DDE to Russell, 9/27/57, AWAS.
32. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 164–65; ACWD, 10/3/57.
33. PP (1957), 708–11.
34. Duram, Moderate Among Extremists, 167.
35. DDE to Reid, 9/28/57, AWNS.
36. DDE, Waging Peace, 205–6.
37. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 159.
38. Memo of conference, 8/9/57, DDE.DS.
39. Ibid., 10/8/57.
40. Ibid.
41. Memo for record, 11/6/57, DDE:DS.
42. PP (1957), 719–30.
43. ACWD, 11/6/57.
44. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 170; ACWD, 10/10/57.
45. Memo of conference, 10/15/57, DDE:DS.
46. DDE Diary, 10/29/57.
47. Memo of conference, 10/29/57, DDE:DS.
48. Ibid., 10/31/57.
49. DDE to Humphrey, 11/22/57, AWAS.
50. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/1/57.
51. DDE to Altschul, 10/25/57, DDE:DS; memo, 12/5/57, DDE:DS.
52. Memo of conference, 11/4 and 11/7/57, DDE:DS; ACWD, 11/9/57; DDE Diary, 12/30/57.
53. DDE to Hazlett, 11/18/57, AWNS.
54. ACWD, 11/25/57.
1. DDE, Waging Peace, 227–28; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 195–96.
2. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 196; Adams, Firsthand Report, 196–97.
3. Adams, Firsthand Report, 197–98; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 196–97.
4. DDE, Waging Peace, 229.
5. Telephone calls, 12/1/57, JFD Papers, WHMS.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Dulles memo, 12/2/57, JFD Papers, WHMS.
10. ACWD, 1/3/58.
11. DDE to Nixon, 2/5/58, AWNS.
12. PP (1958), 93, 355.
13. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 171.
14. DDE, Waging Peace, 365.
15. Dulles memo, 12/26/56, JFD Papers, ’52–59 subseries.
16. PP (1958), 100–101.
17. Dulles memo, 12/26/56, JFD Papers, ’52–59 subseries.
18. DDE to Judd, 1/4/58, D/H.
19. DDE to Gruenther, 1/15/58, DDE:D.
20. PP (1958), 97.
21. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 171.
22. ACWD, 1/14/58.
23. Jackson to DDE, 1/17/58, C. D. Jackson Papers.
24. DDE to Jackson, 1/28/58, C. D. Jackson Papers.
25. ACWD, 1/24/58.
26. DDE to Dulles, 3/7/58, D/H.
27. Draft, 2/24/58, AWNS.
28. Telephone calls, 3/4/58, DDE:D.
29. DDE to Dulles, 3/21/58, D/H.
30. Minnich, LLM, 3/4/58; Kaufman, Trade and Aid, 88–91.
31. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/21/58.
32. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 174–77.
33. Memo of conversation, 1/22/58, DDE:D.
34. Telephone calls, 2/5/58, DDE:D.
35. “Draft #1,” 3/23/58, JFD Papers, WHMS.
36. Memo of conference, 3/24/58, DDE:D.
37. DDE to Dulles, 3/26/58, DDE.DS.
38. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 200.
39. PP (1958), 262.
40. Quoted in Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 202.
41. Ibid., 206–7.
42. Memo of conversation, 4/17/58, DDE:DS.
43. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 210–12.
44. Ibid., 215–17, 221
45. Minnich, LLM, 1/28/58.
46. Memo of conference, 3/20/58, DDE:D.
47. NSC, 4/25/58, NSC series.
48. Memo for record, 3/7/58, WHO SS Alpha.
49. ACWD, 3/13/58.
50. The CIA report is summarized in “Staff Notes,” 6/9/58, DDE:DS.
51. Memo of conference, 6/18/58, DDE:DS.
52. Minnich, LLM, 6/24/58.
53. Ibid., 1/7/58.
54. ACWD, 1/16/58.
55. Minnich, LLM, 2/4/58.
56. Memo of conference, 2/25/58, DDE:D.
57. Minnich, LLM, 3/18/58.
58. Memo of conference, 2/6/58, DDE:D.
59. Minnich, LLM, 2/4/58.
60. DDE, Waging Peace, 251.
61. PP (1958), 311.
62. Minnich, LLM, 12/4/57.
63. ACWD, 12/30/57.
64. DDE, Waging Peace, 243.
65. DDE to Burns, 3/12/58, DDE:D.
66. DDE:Waging Peace, 306.
67. Memo for Whitman, 2/27/58, DDE:D.
68. Ibid., 3/28/58.
69. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 174–75.
1. DDE to Dulles, 11/13/57, D/H.
2. DDE to Chamoun, 4/25/57, WFIS.
3. DDE, Waging Peace, 266.
4. Memo for record, 5/13/58, DDE.DS; ACWD, 5/8/58.
5. ACWD, 6/15/58.
6. Memo of conference, 6/15/58, DDE:DS.
7. ACWD, 1/22/58; Slater, The Ike I Knew, 187.
8. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 178.
9. PP (1958), 479.
10. DDE to Hoffman, 6/23/58, AWAS.
11. Notes by RMN, 7/15/58, ACWD.
12. Cutler memo, 8/26/58, WH Pres SS.
13. Cutler, No Time for Rest, 363.
14. DDE, Waging Peace, 270.
15. Staff notes, 7/15/58, WFIS.
16. Cutler, No Time for Rest, 363–64.
17. Minnich, LLM, 7/14/58.
18. Memo of conference, 7/14/58, DDE:DS.
19. DDE, Waging Peace, 273.
20. Ibid., 290–91.
21. Minnich, LLM, 7/14/58.
22. Memo of conference, 7/15/58, DDE:DS.
23. DDE, Waging Peace, 290.
24. Ibid., 519; ACWD, 5/13/58.
25. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 177–78.
26. Minnich, LLM, 7/18 and 7/22/58.
27. Memo of conference, 7/24/58, DDE:DS.
28. DDE to Humphrey, 7/22/58, DDE:DS.
29. Goodpaster notes, 7/29/58, Christian Herter Papers.
30. Telephone calls, 7/31/58, DDE:DS.
31. Memo for Secretary of Defense, 7/31/58, DDE:DS.
32. Memo of conference, 8/4/58, WFIS.
33. DDE to McCloy, 5/10/58, DDE:DS.
34. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/27/58.
35. Minnich, LLM, 8/12/58.
36. Symington to DDE, 8/29/58, AWAS.
37. Memo of conference, 8/30/58, DDE:DS.
38. Ibid., 7/24/58.
39. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 226–28.
40. Memo of conference, 9/11/58, and DDE to Macmillan, 7/30/58, DDE:DS.
41. Memo of conferences, 8/20 and 8/23/58, DDE:DS.
42. Whitman to Jackson, 6/5/58, DDE:DS.
43. Minnich, LLM, 5/19/58.
44. Memo of conversation, 8/21/58, DDE:DS.
45. Memo of conference, 8/18/58, DDE:DS.
46. Ibid., 8/19/58.
47. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 228, 231.
48. Gray memo for record, 8/27/58, WH Pres SS.
49. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 229–33.
50. DDE to Roberts, 9/4/58, AWNS.
51. Telephone calls, 9/4/58, ACWD.
52. Nixon, Memoirs, 196.
53. ACWD, 9/16/58.
54. Ibid., 9/17/58.
55. Memo of conference, 8/25/58, DDE:DS.
56. DDE, Waging Peace, 294.
57. Memo of conference, 8/29/58, DDE:DS.
58. Memo of conversation, 9/4/58, JFD Papers, WHMS; memo of conference, 9/4/58, WFIS; DDE, Waging Peace, 293.
59. Memo of conference, 9/8/58, WFIS; Gray memo, 9/12/58, WH Pres SS.
60. Memo of conference, 9/6/58, WFIS.
61. Memo of conversation, 9/11/58, JFD Papers, WHMS.
62. Gray memo, 9/12/58, WH Pres SS.
63. DDE, Waging Peace, 301.
64. Memo of conversation, 9/23/58, JFD Papers, WHMS.
65. Ibid., 9/11/58.
66. Memo of conference, 9/15/58, DDE:DS.
67. Ibid., 9/30/58.
68. DDE to Dulles, 10/7/58, DDE:DS.
69. DDE, Waging Peace, 304.
70. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 179–80.
71. DDE to Humphrey, 7/22/58, DDE:DS.
1. DDE, Waging Peace, 377.
2. DDE to McElroy, 10/7/58, AWAS.
3. DDE, Waging Peace, 380–81.
4. Larson, Eisenhower, 35.
5. ACWD, 2/2/59.
6. PP (1958), 827–29, 836.
7. Memo for record by DDE, 12/6/58, AWNS.
8. DDE to Macmillan, 11/11/58, WFIS.
9. Memo of conference, 10/25/58, WP Pres SS.
10. Time, 11/10/58, 30.
11. Memo for record, 11/18/58, DDE:DS.
12. Conversation with Frederika of Greece, 12/9/58, DDE:DS.
13. Memo of conference, 1/12/59, DDE:DS.
14. Ibid.
15. Memo of conversation, 1/12/59, DDE:DS.
16. Memo of conference, 1/16/59, DDE:DS.
17. Ibid., 2/12/59.
18. Memo of meeting, 2/18/59, WH Pres SS.
19. Minnich, Cabinet, 10/9/58; memo of conference, 2/9/59, DDE:DS.
20. Memo of conference, 11/28/58, DDE:DS.
21. Minnich, LLM, 1/13/59.
22. DDE to Benson, 11/15/58, DDE:DS.
23. Minnich, Cabinet, 1/16/59.
24. Minnich, LLM, 1/30/59; memo of conference, 1/15/59, DDE:DS.
25. DDE, Waging Peace, 387–88.
26. PP (1958), 742.
27. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 183.
28. PP (1959), 123.
29. Ibid., 133–34.
30. ACWD, 2/3/59.
31. DDE to Butcher, 3/14/59, AWNS.
32. DDE to Clay (and others), 1/1/59, AWNS.
33. DDE to Ismay, 1/14/59, DDE:DS.
34. PP (1959), 29–31.
35. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 195–96.
36. DDE to Nielsen, 1/8/59, AWNS.
37. DDE to de Guingand, 6/29/59, AWNS.
38. Memo of conference, 12/15/58, DDE:DS.
39. DDE to Dulles, 12/16/58, D/H.
40. Telephone calls, 11/27/58, DDE:DS.
41. Memo of conference, 12/15/58, DDE:DS.
42. DDE, Waging Peace, 340–41.
43. Status of supplies memo, 2/3/59, DDE.DS.
44. Memo of conference, 2/3/59, DDE:DS.
45. Memo, Herter to DDE, 12/23/58, AWAS.
46. Gray memo, 12/24/58, WH Press SS.
47. DDE, Waging Peace, 522–23.
48. Memo of conference, 12/30/58, WH Pres SS.
49. Gray memo for 5412, 1/19/59, WHO SS Alpha; Howard Hunt interview.
50. Memo of meeting, 1/29/59, WHO Alpha SS.
51. ACWD, 11/10/58.
52. Memo of conversation, 11/10/58, WFIS.
53. ACWD, 12/6/58.
54. Dulles to DDE, 2/9/59, D/H.
55. PP (1959), 168–69.
56. ACWD, 2/14/59.
57. Memo of meeting, 2/18/59, WH Pres SS.
1. PP (1959), 218.
2. Memo of conference, 3/6/59, DDE:DS.
3. ACWD, 6/11/59.
4. Minnich, LLM, 3/8/59.
5. PP (1959), 428.
6. Telephone calls, 3/4/59, CAHP.
7. Memo for record, 2/12/59, WHO SS Alpha.
8. Memo of conference, 2/13/59, WHO SS Intelligence Briefing Notes.
9. Memo of conference, 4/11/59, WHO SS Alpha.
10. Minnich, LLM, 6/30/59.
11. Memo of conference, 3/9/59, DDE:DS.
12. Jackson to Dulles, 2/24/59, CDJ Papers (see entire file for the period).
13. Minnich, LLM, 6/2/59.
14. Memo of conference, 3/8/59, DDE:DS.
15. PP (1959), 226–28.
16. Ibid., 242–52.
17. Memo of conference, 3/9/59, DDE:DS.
18. Minnich, LLM, 3/10/59.
19. Memo of conference, 3/8/59, DDE:DS.
20. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/13/59.
21. Memo of telephone conversation, 3/5/59, CAHP.
22. DDE, Waging Peace, 351.
23. Memo of telephone conversation, 4/4/59, CAHP.
24. Memo of conference, 2/18/59, DDE:DS.
25. Ibid., 2/28/59.
26. Ibid., 3/17/59.
27. Ibid., 3/20/59.
28. DDE to Khrushchev, 4/13/59, WFIS.
29. Telephone calls, 4/7/59, DDE:DS.
30. Minnich, LLM, 2/24/59.
31. DDE, Waging Peace, 352–55.
32. Memo of conversation, 4/13/59, JFD: WHMS.
33. Telephone calls, 11/4/59, DDE:DS.
34. Memo of conference, 5/28/59, DDE:DS.
35. DDE Diary, 5/28/59.
36. DDE, Waging Peace, 402–3.
37. Ibid., 523.
38. Memo of conference, 4/22/59, DDE:DS.
39. Report, 4/23/59, WFIS.
40. Minnich, LLM, 3/3/59.
41. Ibid., 4/28 and 5/26/59, and others.
42. DDE to McGill, 2/26/59, AWNS.
43. PP (1959), 388.
44. Minnich, LLM, 2/17/59.
45. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 197–99.
46. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 209.
47. DDE, Waging Peace, 396.
48. ACWD, 6/19/59.
49. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 193.
50. ACWD, 6/27/59.
1. ACWD, week of August 7–15, 1959.
2. Memo of conference, 6/15/59, DDE:DS.
3. Ibid., 6/17/59.
4. Press-conference briefing, 7/22/59, DDE:DS.
5. Memo of conference, 7/10/59, DDE:DS.
6. Ibid., 7/22/59.
7. PP (1959), 576, 582. (Italics added.)
8. Memo of conference, 8/25/59, DDE:DS.
9. PP (1959), 593.
10. DDE, Waging Peace, 415.
11. Ibid., 417.
12. Memo of conference, 7/15/59, DDE:DS.
13. DDE, Waging Peace, 418.
14. Minnich, LLM, 3/24/59.
15. Memo of conference, 6/9/59, DDE:DS.
16. Ibid., 8/24/59.
17. Memo of conversation with Spaak, 11/24/59, DDE:DS.
18. DE, Waging Peace, 419; Lyon, Eisenhower, 798.
19. DDE to Gault, 8/9/59, DDE Confidential SS.
20. ACWD, 9/10/59.
21. PP (1959), 625.
22. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 17.
23. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 284–86.
24. DDE, Waging Peace, 435.
25. Ibid., 432.
26. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/6/59.
27. New York Times, 9/20/59.
28. Memo of conferences, 9/28 and 9/29/59, DDE:DS.
29. DDE, Waging Peace, 442–44, 446–47.
30. Memo of conference, 10/21/59, DDE:DS.
31. Press-conference briefing, 7/22/59, DDE:DS.
32. Memo of conference, 10/27/59, DDE:DS.
33. ACWD, 7/20/59.
34. See Wm. Robinson papers for 1959.
35. DDE to Nixon, 8/18/59, DDE.-DS.
36. Telephone calls, 8/4/59, DDE:DS.
37. Schwartz, “Urban Freeways,” 444–45. I am indebted to this careful study for my understanding of the politics of the Interstate program.
38. Memo for record, 7/13/59, DDE:DS.
39. Schwartz, “Urban Freeways,” 446–47; memo for record, 4/8/60, DDE:DS.
40. Memo for record, 9/15/59, DDE:DS.
41. Minnich, LLM, 2/24/59.
42. DDE, Waging Peace, 459–60.
43. Memo of conference, 6/24/59, DDE:DS.
44. Ibid., 11/16/59.
45. Ibid., 11/18/59.
46. Ibid., 11/16/59.
47. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 203–4, 209.
48. PP (1959), 786–87.
49. DDE to de Gaulle, 11/17/59, WFIS.
50. DDE, Waging Peace, 485–513 describes the trip in some detail.
51. Memo of conference, 12/31/59, DDE:DS.
1. Memo for President, 4/23/60, D/H; see also memo of conference, 4/26 and 5/16/60, DDE:DS.
2. Memo of conference, 1/25/60, DDE:DS.
3. Memo for President, 3/17/60, D/H.
4. Ibid., 4/14/60.
5. Memo of conference, 1/25/60, DDE:DS.
6. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 309.
7. Ibid., 309–10.
8. DDE, Waging Peace, 525–33.
9. ACWD, 1/20/60.
10. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 281–84.
11. Minnich, LLM, 4/26/60.
12. DDE to Rockefeller, 5/5/60, AWAS.
13. PP (1960), 144, 147.
14. DDE to Hobby, 5/9/60, AWNS.
15. PP (1960), 26.
16. Minnich, LLM, 2/9/60.
17. Memo for President, 2/12/60, DDE : DS.
18. Telephone calls, 1/12/60, DDE:DS.
19. Minnich, LLM, 2/9/60.
20. PP (I960), 126.
21. Ibid., 145.
22. Ibid., 198–99.
23. White to Stepherson, 3/18/60, AWAS.
24. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 243.
25. Ibid., 250, 252.
26. DDE, Waging Peace, 480.
27. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 289.
28. PP (1960), 166.
29. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 253; memo of conference, 4/27/60, DDE:DS.
30. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 257–58.
31. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 299.
32. New York Times, 3/23/60.
33. Quoted in Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 300.
34. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 282.
35. Memo of conference, 3/24/60, DDE:DS.
36. Memo of meeting, 3/25/60, WH: Pres SS.
37. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 286, 288.
38. PP (1960), 323–29.
39. Ibid., 362–63.
40. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 290–91; Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 310.
41. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 293.
42. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/26/60; memo of conference, 3/10/60, DDE:DS; Teller to DDE, 5/11/60, DDE Confi. SS.
43. Memo for record, 2/8/60, and memo of conference, 2/5/60, WHO SS Alpha.
44. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 328; interviews with Bissell and Goodpaster.
45. Goodpaster memo, 4/25/60, WHO SS Alpha; Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 283.
46. Memo of conversation, 1/14/60, WFIS; DDE to Macmillan, 3/18/60, WFIS.
47. Memo of conversation, 1/14/60, WFIS; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 262.
48. DDE to de Gaulle and Macmillan (draft, undated), May 1960 file, WFIS.
49. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 283–84.
50. DDE, Waging Peace, 543.
51. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 317; ACWD, 5/5/60.
52. New York Times, 5/6/60.
53. See Dulles to Goodpaster, 12/23/60, WHO SS Alpha.
54. Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 285.
55. New York Times, 5/8/60.
56. Telephone calls, 5/7/60, CAHP.
57. New York Times, 5/8/60.
58. Telephone calls, 5/9/60, CAHP.
59. Ibid.
60. New York Times, 5/9/60.
61. ACWD, 5/9/60.
62. DDE, Waging Peace, 552.
63. New York Times, 5/13/60.
64. PP (1960), 403–7.
65. DDE, Waging Peace, 552–53.
66. Walters, Silent Missions, 341.
67. New York Times, 5/8/60.
68. DDE, Waging Peace, 558–59; Lyon, Eisenhower, 811–14.
69. Memo of conference, 5/15/60, WFIS.
70. Walters, Silent Missions, 341.
71. Memo of conference, 5/16/60, WFIS.
72. This account is based on Walters, Silent Missions, 343–47; DDE, Waging Peace, 555–56; memo of conference, 5/16/60, WFIS.
73. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 335–36.
74. Memo of conference, 5/23/60, DDE:DS.
75. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 375.
1. DDE, Waging Peace, 563.
2. Telephone calls, 6/21/60, CAHP.
3. Memo of meeting, 6/29/60, WH: Pres SS.
4. DDE, Waging Peace, 535.
5. Memo of conference, 7/21/60, DDE:DS.
6. DDE, Waging Peace, 535.
7. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 363.
8. Minnich, LLM, 8/16/60.
9. Memo of meeting (Gray), 8/22/60, WH: Pres SS; Bissell interview; Ambrose, Ike’s Spies, 309–11.
10. Bissell interview.
11. Telephone calls, 7/11/60, CAHP.
12. DDE, Waging Peace, 570; telephone calls, 7/12/60, CAHP.
13. Memo of conference, 7/13/60, DDE:DS.
14. DDE, Waging Peace, 570; memo of conference, 7/19/60, DDE:DS.
15. Church Committee, 53.
16. Memo of conference, 7/19/60, DDE:DS.
17. Church Committee, 58.
18. Ibid., 15.
19. Ibid., 51.
20. Ibid., 64; Goodpaster interview.
21. Bissell interview.
22. See telephone calls, 8/8 and 9/8/60, CAHP.
23. Telephone calls, 10/4/60, CAHP; memo of conference, 10/1/60, DDE:DS.
24. Memo of conference, 8/15/60, DDE:DS.
25. Ibid., 7/11/60.
26. Ibid., 7/19/60.
27. Memo of conference, 7/7/60, WH: Pres SS.
28. DDE to Luce, 7/6/60, AWNS; memo of meeting, 9/14/60, WH: Pres SS;
29. Memo of conference, 10/13/60, DDE:DS.
30. See DDE to Black, 8/22/60, AWNS.
31. Memo of conference, 6/30/60, DDE:DS.
32. Westmoreland interview.
33. Minnich, LLM, 6/9/60.
34. Telephone calls, 6/11/60, DDE:DS.
35. Ibid., 6/11/60, and DDE to Nixon, 6/11/60, DDE:DS.
36. Memo for Record, 7/1/60, DDE:DS.
37. ACWD, 7/1/60.
38. Wm. Robinson Diary, 7/18–25/60, WRP Papers.
39. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 229.
40. Telephone calls (Ben Fairless), 8/19/60, DDE:DS.
41. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 402.
42. DDE, Waging Peace, 595; Wm. Robinson Diary, 7/18–25/60, WRP Papers.
43. DDE, Waging Peace, 596–97.
44. Memo for the President, 8/3/60, AWAS.
45. Telephone calls, 8/8/60, DDE:DS.
46. PP (1960), 622–27. (Italics added.)
47. Ibid., 651, 653, 657–58.
48. Nixon, Memoirs, 219; memo of conference, 10/18/60, DDE:DS.
49. ACWD, 10/4/60.
50. Ibid., 8/30/60.
51. Telephone calls, 9/25/60, DDE:DS; ACWD, 10/14/60.
52. PP (1960), 815–16.
53. Nixon, Memoirs, 222.
54. ACWD, 11/5/60.
55. Ibid., 11/8/60.
56. Ibid., 11/9/60.
57. Ibid.
58. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 230–31.
59. Telephone calls, 11/30/60, DDE:DS.
1. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 231.
2. Memo of conference, 12/30/60, DDE:DS.
3. Ibid., 12/5/60.
4. DDE to Dillon, 12/15/60, AWAS; telephone calls, 12/31/60, DDE:DS.
5. DDE to “Bob,” 1/3/61, DDE:DS.
6. DDE Diary, 12/6/60.
7. Memo of meeting, 11/29/60, DDE:DS.
8. DDE, Waging Peace, 613–14.
9. Memo of meeting, 1/3/61, DDE:DS; Goodpaster interview.
10. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 239.
11. DDE to Slater, Robinson, Jones, and others, 12/26/60, WRP Papers.
12. DDE to Edgar Eisenhower, 1/7/61, AWNS.
13. DDE to C. D. Jackson, 12/31/60, DDE:DS.
14. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 280–81.
15. Whitman to DDE, 12/14/60, ACWD.
16. PP (1960), 1035–40.
17. Ibid., 1040–45.
18. DDE, Waging Peace, 617.
19. Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 88; Persons memorandum, 1/19/61, DDE:DS; Malcolm Moos interview with DDE, 11/8/66, Eisenhower Library.
20. Lyon, Eisenhower, 825.
21. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 287.
22. DDE, Waging Peace, 618.
23. Merriman Smith interview; Slater, The Ike I Knew, 241.
1. DDE to Luce, 8/8/60, AWNS.
2. Quoted in Lyon, Eisenhower, 851.
1. Ewald, Eisenhower, 6–10; Parade Magazine, 6/26/66.
2. John Eisenhower, memo for record, 3/7/62, DDE ‘61–69.
3. See McGrath to DDE, 1/8/63, and DDE to McGrath, 1/17/63, DDE ‘61–69.
4. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 243.
5. Ewald, Eisenhower, 310.
6. This account of the writing of the memoirs is based on John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 302–12; Ewald, Eisenhower, 1–9; and interview with John Eisenhower.
7. New York Times Book Review, 6/17/67.
8. DDE to Truman, 11/13/61, DDE ’61–69.
9. DDE to Nixon, 5/2/62, DDE ’61–’69.
10. DDE to Churchill, 4/22/61, DDE ’61–69.
11. Lyon, Eisenhower, 833.
12. JFK to DDE, 1/21/61, DDE ’61–’69.
13. See DDE to JFK, 5/8/62, DDE ’61–’69.
14. Notes by DDE, 4/22/61, DDE ’61–’69.
15. Moos interview with DDE, EL.
16. Burg interview with Gray, EL.
17. Gray to Don Wilson, 12/3/74, GGP.
18. DDE to Borman, 6/18/65, DDE ’61–69.
19. DDE to JFK, 1/15/62, DDE ’61–’69.
20. Ibid., 6/14/63.
21. See, for example, ibid., 8/31/62.
22. See DDE to Gray, 6/14/61, DDE ’61–’69.
23. DDE memo of conversation, 10/22/62, DDE ’61–’69.
24. Ibid., 10/29/62.
25. Moos interview with DDE, EL.
26. DDE memo, 11/5/62, DDE ’61–’69.
27. Moos interview with DDE, EL.
28. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 246–47.
29. Ibid., 248.
30. DDE to Humphrey, 7/5/62, DDE ’61–’69.
31. DDE to Gruenther, 7/5/62, and to Sheffield, 8/31/62, DDE ’61–69.
32. DDE to White, 7/11/62, DDE ’61–’69.
33. DDE to Nixon, 9/25/63, DDE ’61–69.
34. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 293.
35. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 246.
36. Ibid., 251–53.
37. Jackie Cochran interview, EL; Slater, The Ike I Knew, 259.
38. DDE to Nixon, 11/11/63, DDE ’61–’69.
39. Hagerty Diary, 4/23/54.
40. Daily Log, 11/23/63, DDE ’61–’69.
1. Nixon, Memoirs, 377–78.
2. Notes for the President, 11/23/63, DDE ’61–’69.
3. See DDE to LBJ, 12/20/63, DDE ’61–’69.
4. Daily Log, 6/24/64, and DDE to Halleck and Dirksen, same date, DDE ’61–’69.
5. Daily Log, 9/4 and 9/10/64, DDE ’61–’69.
6. Lyon, Eisenhower, 839.
7. Daily Log, 5/15 and 5/19/64, DDE ’61–’69.
8. Lyon, Eisenhower, 839.
9. Daily Log, 8/3/64, DDE ’61–’69.
10. Lyon, Eisenhower, 840.
11. Ibid., 841.
12. Milton Eisenhower interview.
13. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 258; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 329.
14. Daily Log, 12/14/64, DDE ’61–’69.
15. Memo of meeting, 2/17/65, DDE ’61–’69.
16. DDE to LBJ, 3/12/65, and LBJ to DDE, 3/16/65, DDE ’61–’69.
17. Memo for Record, 4/9/65, DDE ’61–69.
18. Ibid., 5/13/65.
19. Ibid., 6/16/65.
20. Telephone calls, 7/2/65, DDE ’61–’69.
21. Memo for record, 8/3/65, DDE ’61–’69.
22. Ibid., 8/20/65.
23. LBJ to DDE, 8/19/65, DDE ’61–’69.
24. Memo for record, 10/11/65, DDE ’61–’69.
25. Ibid., 10/25/65.
26. Ibid., 1/4/66.
27. Ibid., 1/25/66.
28. LBJ to DDE, 3/10/66, DDE’61–’69.
29. Ibid., 3/25/66.
30. Memo for record, 9/19/66, DDE ’61–’69.
31. DDE to Nixon, 10/7/66, DDE ’61–’69.
32. DDE to Anderson, 10/23/66, DDE ’61–’69.
33. DDE to Humphrey, 2/14/67, DDE ’61–’69.
34. Memo for record, 4/7/67, DDE ’61–’69.
35. Daily Log, 7/14/67, DDE ’61–’69.
36. New York Times, 7/12/67.
37. Ibid., 10/4/67.
38. Lyon, Eisenhower, 846; Larson, Eisenhower, 191.
39. LBJ to DDE, 10/14/67, DDE ’61–’69.
40. CBS News Special, 11/28/67.
41. Memo for record, 10/18 and 11/9/67, DDE ’61–’69.
42. Lyon, Eisenhower, 847–48.
43. Ibid., 848; Reader’s Digest, April 1968, 49–53.
44. LBJ to DDE, 2/22/68, DDE ’61–69.
45. DDE interview.
46. DDE to Ormerod, 10/25/65, DDE ’61–’69.
47. DDE to Gruening, 6/18/65, DDE ’61–69.
48. Lyon, Eisenhower, 836.
49. Nixon, Memoirs, 275–76.
50. Statement, 11/5/66, DDE’61–69.
51. Memo for record, 3/14/67, DDE ’61–’69; Larson, Eisenhower, 191–92.
52. DDE to Seaton, 1/31/67, DDE ’61–’69.
53. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 269.
1. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 328. Except where otherwise noted, this chapter is based on Strictly Personal, pages 328–337. I have also stolen the chapter title from John Eisenhower’s work.
2. DDE to Pat, 2/14/68, DDE ’61–’69.
3. Daily Log, 4/1/67, DDE ’61–’69.
4. DDE to LBJ, 4/3/68, DDE ’61–’69.
5. Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Special People, 192.
6. Nixon to DDE, 7/15/68, DDE ’61–’69.
7. Nixon, Memoirs, 307.
8. DDE to Nixon, 10/24/68, DDE ’61–’69.
9. Ibid., 12/13/68.
10. DDE to Kahili, 11/29/68, DDE ’61–’69.
11. Julie Eisenhower, Special People, 193.
12. Nixon, Memoirs, 361.